Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1918, Page 15, Image 15
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1918. 15 BOTH CITY AND COUNTY READY FOR JROUBLE Sheriff and Police Commis sioner Prepare Forces in Case of Violence in Strike Situation. Police Commissioner Ringer, Chief of Police Lberstfin and Sher iff Clark held a conference Friday morning on the strike situation and rranged for united work in case violence should occur. Both the tity and county police authorities nave the power to swear in any number of civilians as officers dur in? an emergency. Mr. Ringer said he did not be lieve the strikers would resort to Violence. "In case they do, however, we are prepared to give all the protection rccessary to those on the cars," he said. "It is inconceivable to me" Raid Chief Kberste.n. Vthat the strikers will persist in defiance of the gov ernment war board statement. This board was created by the president of the United States. Its chairmen have stated that the Strikers are making a scrap of paper of the agreement which they signed last summer. They can't expect public sympathy when they line themselves up that way." i Itnidstrrrl's Trade Review. New York. Pec. 6 Bradstrect's tomor row will say: I'ncertalnty. savored, however, with op tlmlim, nrcompnnled by a manifestly lower gait In actual movements and, ad ditional cancellations of war order, epi tomises trade conditions. Oroplng for tsnrlble tendencies, speculating- aa to the trend of prices, shifting from war to peaca work and year-end stock taldnn occupy most attention In the larger lines. Underneath the pause, prepara tions to aend salesmen on the road after the turn of the year are going on. 1m meitlala demand, light as It Is, over shadows overbuying In future accounts, thus Indicating a disposition to await de velopments while covering current needs. On the other hand, retail trade at a number of centers Is of large volume, thanks chiefly to holiday purchases, these being stimulated by cheerful feeling aris ing out of the termination of the war, and to a lesser estent to reduced prices in other thim holiday goods. Weekly bank clearings, 17,410,1)30,000. BRINGING UP FATHER Copyright, 191T International ! Berries. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus I'LL HAsME -SOME MORE CeKEj TrtANk5 FO Dr CONPLINIENT- I'SE AONNAv WMT OtS THE TM5LE TOO I- I THAT VOL A BUM T" (V j VELL HOV WAt ) 1 ZTTTI 1 I -j i i . -s. l . ... i i i , - i -v - r jrri W 1 Market and Industrial News of the Day Boston M ont. Iloston. Dec. (I. the Commercial Bul letin tomorrow will say: , 'The transition from government con trol to private trading Is Imminent tn the wool mark;t. but the market has bean dull, waiting announcement from Wash ington of the terms under which that transition will be effected. That the gov ernment will not takt any 1919 wools Is the conclusion drawn from the announce ment that wools pulled after December 31 will not ba taken by the government and are then released for private sale. "The goods market Is very unsettled at the moment. "Foreign primary markets are stag nant and tending downward, especially at the rlvsr riate and in South Africa. Eng land's manufacturers nre rapidly turn ing machinery on to civilian fabrics." Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New York, Dec. 6. Kvaporated Apples Firm; state, 16c. Prunes Strong; Callfornlas, 'H, 1014c. Apricots Firm; choice, 2lc; extra iholos, 23c; fancy, 25o. Peaches Nominal. Raisins Firm; loose Muscatels, IHi 11 Ho; choice to fancy seeded, 1014 .lc; seedless, 1141iUc; London lay irs, 12.00. New York Produce. New York, Dec. t. Butter Market, lteady; unchanged. Eggs Market, higher; fresh gathered tttras. 754f76c: fresh gathered, regular packed, extra firsts, 73 7 4c ; do, firsts, iOf 7Jc. Cheese Market, strong; unchanged. Poultry Live, market. Irregular; fowls, tl018ct turkey (stale), 15911c; others, inclanged. Kansas City Produce Market. Kansas City, Mo.. Deo. 6. Butter and Poultry Market unchanged. Eggs One cent lower; firsts, 64c; seconds, 11c. . Liberty Itonds. 1 New York, Dec. 6. Final prices on Liberty bonds today were: 3'4s, 97.60; first convertible 4s, 84.00; second 4s, 9J.K4; first convertible 4is, 97.60; second convertible 4Vji. 95.96; third 4s, 96.04; fourth 43, 95.93. iota Holiday Suggestions1 MEERSCHAUM PIPES , Th largest stock, greatest a- ri.ty, SJS.OO to $2.50. I BRIAR PIPES a Amber mouthpieces, genuine . leather cases, $5.00 to 1 $1.50. 1 J CIGARS in boxes of ten,' twenty-five and 1 fifty, 50 P. . 1 Ws Are Wholesale Distributors tor Te-Be-Ce 7c Cigars and the Famous Wellington Pipes. Swift & Company Colon Stock Tarda. Chicago, Dividend No. 132 Dividend of TWO DOLLARS ($2.00) per share on the capital stock of Swift & Company, will be paid on Jan. 1st, 1919, to stockholders of record. Dee. 7th. 1918. as shown on the books of the Company. On account of annual meeting, transfer books will be closed from Deo, 7th, 1918, Jan. 9. U-t, Inclusive. V. S. HAYWAsU). secretary- SKIINNCR PACKING COMPANY &i.-DAIIITnV vuai its BUTTER EGGS IH6 -1118 -Douglas St: : TelDuc$lasl52l LIVE STOCK Omaha. December , 19U. rtetalpls were- Cattle. Hogs. Sheen . . 14.ST.4 10.020 14, 4M .12.497 17.711 1 1,128 .10.040 22,035 11,058 . 7.H3 14.520 3.954 . 2.700 11,300 4.400 l.rriclal Monday official Tuesday . official Wednesday official Thursday. Estimate Friday.. Total i days 47.1H4 75,56 45.521 fame 5 days wk ago37.R01 02.7H3 47, 913 Sa'a 5 d's i wks ago 51. KM 5 4 . 4 1 1 3 t!8.603 KVe ! dys 3 whs ago 53,209 M.975 36.491 Hams t dys yr. ogi 60..361 47,554 73.8S2 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards. RECEIPTS, C, M. 4 Bt. P 7 abash .., 1 Missouri Paoirio .... 3 Union Pacific 8 C. & N. W east .... 9 C. 4 N. W., west 30 C. St. P., M. O C, B. & 0 , st IT C, n. & Q.. west 11 C, R. I. & P, eaet. . . . 6 C. H. t. ft P., west .... Illinois Central 4 Chicago Ot. AVestern 1 Cattle Hogs Sheep H s 17 2 '22 10 61 II 3 13 IS 1 2 1C2 Total Receipts. ... 10fi DlftPOHITIoy. Cattle Hogs Morris Co 310 Hwift ft Co 1.279 Cudahy Parking Co. 1,031 Armour Co 22 Lincoln Packing Co. 6B fioi. Dm. Packing Co. 11 flt Clnir Tack. Co.. . IB P. O'l lea 0 Cudy Bros W. B. Van Sant ft Co, 40 V. P. Lewis 112 Jluntalnger ft Oliver 19 J. II Boot ft Co 2H2 J. It. nulla 7 Rosonetock Bros. . . 20 r. (I. Kellogg .... 75 Wertheler ft Degen 50 Kills ft Co M Sullivan Bros 40 M.-K. C. ft C. Co... 29 K. O. Christie 2fi Palter 77 John Harvey 13 Jensen ft Lundgren 14 Hennls ft Francis.. 8 Other Buyers .... . .1,435 1.S50 3.4O0 S.2S2 4.090 143 h 2. GRAIN MARKET Omaha,, December 6, 1918. Receipts of grain today showed a liberal run of wheat and fairly good for corn. Ouis anhala were llpht. Receipts were 10(1 ears of wheat, 70 cars of corn. 25 cars of oats, 1 car of rye and no larley . The corn market lacked snap, althout-.'i the demand was sufficient to absorb .he 01 lei logs at prices raiiKing from 2c 'iff to 2c up. Taken generally, the old brought an advance and the new went at a decline. Oats prices were ijc off. Rye was lc lower. Wheat was unchanged. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Week Tear Receipts Today Ago. Ago Wheat 100 7S 28 Corn 70 70 71 Oats 25 26 42 Rye 1 7 1 Barley 12 Shipments Wheat 81 42 ! Corn 30 32 17 Oats 24 33 43 Rye 4 Barley 6 J 10 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat. Chicago 163. Kansas City 6(1 Rt. Louis 4f Minneapolis 407 Puluth 658 Winnipeg 839 Corn. 60 49 41 Cats 141 S 19 127 Total ,38 11,856 3,460 Cattle There were only 107 cars of cattle In the yffrds today estimated at 2.700 head making supplies for the week 47,164 head. There was a reaction In de mand for beef today and early packer trade Was slow and steady on the good to choice kinds to 10c to 15o lower on the general run of natives and westerns. Choice corn feds sold yesterday up to 110.00, and the beat steers were slow to day. Oood handywelght steers are araund 26o higher than a week ago. Butcher stock closed bad yesterday and was Weak to 26o lower this morning. Outside of the best feeders trade was slow with a lower tendency. Quotations on Cattte Choice to prime beeves, $17. 25 18. CO; good to choice beeves 115. 60 17.01); fair to good beeves, J13.25W 15.001 common to fair beeves. 39 000 12.75 1 good to choice yearlings 116.00 17.50; fair to good yearlings. I12.00915.50: com mon to fair yearlings. IS.60igill.50: choice to prime grass steers, I15ifl7 fair to good grass beeves, 113015; common to fair grass beeves, 19.00012.50; Mexican beeves, tS10; good to choice heifers. $9 00012.50; good to choice cows, $8.50 11.00; fair to good cows, f 6.(0 7.50; com mon to fair cows, S4.S0 Q S.I!: prime feed ers, $11.50015.00; good to choice feeders, $10 00012.60; fair to good feeders, $8. 50 9.60; common to fair feeders, $5.50(0)6.50; good to choice Blockers, 9.2510.25; stock heifers $6.007.25: stock cows, $5 00 8.25; stock calves. $6.50$f.60; veal calves. $7.5013.50: bulls, stags, etc.. $7.0010.00. Hogs Today s hog run was estimated at 11,300 head, making the total for the week 75,600 head, about 13,000 more than last week. The early niafket was active St steady to stronger prices than yester day, then broke about 1015c lower than the early niardket. Light hogs were ex tremely difficult to Sell and sold generally below the hulk. Bulk ot today's sales was $17.16(917.40 with tops at $17.50. Gen erally steady to 10c lower than yester day's general market. Hheep There was a light Sheep run here today estimated at 4.400 head, mak ing the total for tho week very little dif ferent than a week ago. Today's market was fairly active at steady to possibly stronger prices, most or the tat lantDs ling from $14.50 to $15.15. Ewes are selling St $8.009.00; wethers, $10.00 10.80, and yearlings, lB.60n.uo. f eeder market Is generally steady and possibly a trifle stronger than a week ago, Quotations on Shep--Lambs, good to choice. $t4.50flS,15: lambs, fair to good, $11 00f 14.50! lamb feeders. $13.50 14.00; yearlings, good to choice, $10.00U.OO; yearlings, fair to good $9.00 10.00; year ling feeders, $10.00t0 60; wethers, fat, t9.00CW-!5i weather Meders, $8.D010.60; ewes, good to choice, $8.609.00; ewes, fair to good. $7.008.FO; ewes feeders, $0.5047. &0; cull ewes. $4.506.50. Chicago Lire Stork. Chicago, til., Dec. . Cattlo Receipts, 11.000 head; a few choics steers steady; others 26c to 50c lower; butcher stock steady to 25c lower; calves closing 6c lower. Beef cattle: Good, choice and prime, $15.4020.0O; common and medlutn, 19. 50(U 14,50. Butcher stock: Cows and heifers, $6.85014.00; canners and cutters. $6.156.85. Stockers and feeders: Oood, choice and fancy. $10.0n13 25; Inferior, common and medium, $7.0010.00. Veal calves: Oood and choice, $17.15017.50. Western range: Beef steers, $14. 60S 18.25; cows and heifers, IS. 50 Sr 13.25. loss Receipts. $0,000 head; market sterdy to 5 cents lower than yesterday's avemge. Butchers. $17.5017.75; light, $16..;ei7.25; packing, $17.0017.60; throwoutB, $16 0016.75; pigs, good to choice, $14.!S( 1S 50. Sheep and , Lambs Receipts, 11,000 head; market Btrong, higer In spots; med ium and good, $14.0015.25; culls, $9.50 13. $0; ewes, choice and prims, $9.259.60; medium and good, $8.00e$.2t; culls, $3.75 Q6.75. PL Louts Lire Stock. St. Louis, Mo., Dee. $ Cattle Receipts. 2,9X0 head; market steady; native beef steers. $11.50618.26; yearling steers and heifers, $9,50115.50; cows, $7.6012.60; stockers and feeders, $8.6012.00; fair to jrlme southern beef steers, $10.00 8' 18.00; beef cows and heifers, $7.50 15.00 ; native cslves. $7.76917.50. Hogs Receipts, 25.200 head; market Steady: lights. $17,36017.50; pigs, $12.00 4? 14.00; mixed and butchers, $17.40 17.55; good heavy, $17.50 17.70; bulk, $17.40917.(0. Sheep -and Lambs Receipts, 750 head; market steady: lambs. $15.26015.60; ewes. $9.00Q.00; canners and choppers, $3.0081.00, .Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City. Dec. 6. Cattle Receipts, I.. 000 head; market steady; beef steers. $8.0015.00; canners, $5.00g6.60; stockers and feeders, $. 00 11.60; cows and heif ers, IS.tO0lO.5O. Hogs Receipts, 1,800 head; market $0 to. 10c lower: I18M. tllO011!5; mixed, $17.I917.40) heavy, T17.0017.$0 kulk of sales, 17.OO017.3O. . Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head; market stronc. Corn No. 2 white: 1 car (old), $1.46. No. 3 white: 2 cars (new), $1.45; 2 cars (fnw), $1.44. No. 4 white: 1 car, $1.44; 1 car (old and new), $1.43. Sample white: 1 car, $1.34. No. 3 yellow: 1 car (old). $1.46; 2 cars. $144. No. 4 yellow: 1 car (old). $1.46; 1 cur. $1.44 ; 8 cars, $1.43; 1 car (shippers weights), $1.4,1; 1 car. $1.42. No. 5 yellow: 1 car (olcf). $1.45; 1 car (old), $1.44; 1 car, $1.43; 1 car, $1,411. No. 6 yellow: 1 car (old), $1.42; 1 car (old), $1.41. Sample yellow: 1 car (old), $1.39; 1 car, $1.36. No. 3 mixed: 2 ears (durum), $1.44. No. 5 mixed: 2 cars (new), $1.41. No. ,6 mixed: 1 car, $1.42; 1 car, $1.41. Sample mixed: 3 cars (old), $1.38; 1 car, $1.36. Oats No. 2 white: 1 car, 71c. No. S white: 5 cars, 7014c. No. 4 white: 1 ear. 70 He. Rye No. 2: 1 car, $1.51. Wheat No. 2 hard: 1 car, $2.17H; 1 car. $2.17; 2 cars. $2.16; 1 car (smutty), $2.15; 2 cars (smuttyV $2.14. No. 3 hard: 3 cars, $2.14: 1 car, $2.13; 2 cars (snut, ty) $2.12 No. 4 hard: 1 car, $2.10. Sam ple hard: 1 car. $2.07. No. 1 northern spring: 1 car. $2.19; 1 car (smutty), $2.16 No. 2 norther nspring: 1 car, $2.15. No. 3 norther nspring: 2 cars (smutty), $2.10: 2 cars (smutty), $2 09. No. 2 mixed: 2 cars. $2.11. Sample mixed: 1 car, $2.08; 1 car (barley), $1.97; 1 car (rye), $1.9i. Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, Dec. 6 Assertions that an increased movement of corn from rural sources was now assured weakened the corn market today after an early ad vance. The close was heavy. jjc to lriic net lower, with January $1.30 to $1.31. and February $1.3054 to $1.80. Oats finished unchanged to Ho off, and pro visions unchanged to a decline of 50 cents. Shelling of corn was represented as be Ins pushed In all directions, and it was said farmers In central Illinois were haul ing rorn at every station. Consequent gossip that free marketing would result gave an evident advantage to the bears, especially as In general good weather pre vailed. Slowness of eastern demand was also a handicap to the bulls, who during the first half of the session had been able to lift prices in the temporary ab sence of any aggressive selling, and bear side Later, however, conditions wre reversed, and In the last hour especially sellers had the whiphand. Oats displayed relative strength. Sea board demand was fair, "and country of ferings light. Provisions reached with corn and hogs. Pork was neglected as government pur chases were said to take most of the meat which would be made Into that prod uct. ' Cash quotations: Corn No. 2 yellow, $1.601.64: No. 8 yellow, ll.4901.B8; No. 4 yellow. $1.471.49. Oats No. 3, white, 73i 74Vc; stand ard. 74U74'. RyeNo. 2. $161. Barley 90c $1.03. Sef ds Timothy $8.00 11.00 ; clover, nominal. , ,, Provisions Nominal; lard, $26. 2d; ribs. nominal. Chicago oloslng prices, furnished The Bee by Logan & Bryan, stock and grain brokers '315 South Sixteenth street. Art. I Onen. I HlghTLow. J Close. Yest'y Corn 1 Dec. Jan. Feb. Meh. Oats Dec. Jan. Feb. Meh. Pork Jan. May Lard Jan. May Ribs Jan. May 1.33! 1.35 I 1.33 1.32 I 1.33 ! 1.30 1.31V L32 1.32 I 1.32il I I I .73! .73 .72 .73 1.30 1.30 .73 .72 .72 .73 I 73 .72 .72 72 1.33! 1.34 1.31! 1.31 1.30 1.31 1.30 132 .73 .734 73 .72 .72 72 .72 72 48.50 46.00 126.35 125.60 125.87 124.75 48.50 146.00 l:.37 25.60 I 125.67 124.80 Its. 50 48.50 I48.65 (46.00 46.00 46.50 26.17 26.22 la!. 60 125.40 25.40 125.65 1 25.47 25.62 25.62 24.67 24,76 2 92 Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis. Dec. . Corn $1.4001.49. Oats 69 070. Flax $3.46 3.48. Kansas City drain. Kansas City, Dec. 6. Cofn December. $1.37: January, $1.36 9 1.36 ; Febru ary. $1.35. St. Louis Grain. St. Louis. Dee. 6. Corn $1.37 ssked; January, $1.34 'asked. Oats December, 71c; January, 72c. New York Coffee. New York, Dec. 6. No change was re ported In the coffee situation here today, with the spot market entirely nominal owing to fhe scarcity and Irregularity of offerings, while the only cost and freight business was reported tn Santos 5s, well described Bourbons at 20.60 steamer shipment, American credits. The official cables reported an advance of 75 rets In the Rio market. Santos spots were 200 reis lower, however, and special cables showed a decline of 250 to 300 rets In Santos futures during the day. FINANCIAL New York, Dec. 6. Trading iln the stock market today, I he dullest session of several weeks, was again limited to specialties. notably tobaccos, at extreme advances of 1 to 5 points. The movement in that quarter was traceable to professional Intercuts and de rived its impetus from a revival of rumors .sucsesting a combination or merger of the better known manufacturers and produc ers. Irrrgular advances were regarded by other specialties, such as beet sugar. American Linseed, common and preferred, Studebaker and American Woolen, the lat ter scoring a material gain prior to pub lication of ths declaration of ths extra dividend. Ralls were a negligible quantity throughout apart from the strength ot Canadian Pacific and several of the low priced western and southern Issues. Steels, coppers and oils fluctuated within Ir regular limits. Shippings favored the long account, al though marines reacted towards ths close In connection with rumors of unforeseen obstacles to the proposed sale of the com pany's British tonnsge to ths United Btates government. Aside from the retention of regular divi dends by the metal producers and a slight easing of call money, there was little In the day's news to stlmualto public or out side interest. The investment market was further un settiid Tiy a continuance of the heavy selling of Liberty bonds, the tax exempt 3s falling to 97.60. a decline of 5 per cent from the year's best, while the fourth 4 1 i a established yet another minimum at 95. Total sales (par value)) aggregated $11,700,000. Old United States bonds were unaltered on call Number of sales leading stocks: and quotations on Closing Am. Beet Sugar.. American On. . . . Am. Car ft Fdy. . . Am. Locomotive . Am. S. & Rfg Am. Sugar Rfg... Am. Tel. ft Tel.. . Anaconda Cop. . . . Atchison A O & W S S... Baltimore & O Cal. Petroleum... Canadian Pacific . Central Leather . Chesapeake & O. . Chi., Mil. ft St. P. Chi. ft North'n... C, R. I. & P., ctfs Chlno Copper Colo, Fuel ft Iron Corn Prad. Rfg... Crucible Steel .... Cuba Cane Sugar. Erie General Klcctrio . Oeneral Motors . . Great North'n. pfd Ot. N. Ore, ctfs. . . Illinois Central . . . Insplr. Copper ... I. M. Marine pfd.; Inter. Nickel Inter. Paper K. C. Southern . . . Kennecott Copper. Louis, ft Nash. . . . Maxwell Motors . . Mexican Pet Miami Copper .... Mo. Pacific Nevada Copper . . . N. Y." Central .... N. Y., N. If. A H. Norfolk & Western Northern Pacific. . Pacific Mall Pennsylvania .... Pittsburg Coal . . . Ray .Con. Copper. . Reading Rep. Iron & Steel. Southern Pacific. South. Railway Studebaker Corp Texas Co 500 186 Sales. High. Low. Bid. 1.300 59 58 57 1,500 45 44 45 300 84 83 83 200 63 63 63 5,200 84 83 83 Ill 1,500 103 103 103 4,100 66 65 65 300 94 94 94 2,000 111 109 110 600 65 65 55 5,700 23 21 21 900 160 159 160 700 60 59 60 57 300 47 47 47 300 99 99 99 21 1.200 88 37 38 37 2,900 43?, 48 48 700 67 66 56 1,100 31 30 30 600 19 .18 18 400 182 162 152 1,400 127 123 137 400 $8 97 97 1,000 31 31 31 98 2.400 48 47 48 12,800 112 110 111 1,400 32 82 32 200 32 31 31 20 2,900 36 36 36 119 600 29 28 29 6.900 161 169 159 25 300 27 27 27 1.000 18 18 18 78 '300 36 36 36 106 200 97 96 96 200 82 32 32 1,000 47 47 47 46 2,000 22 81 22 , 84 800 76 75 75 8,300 102 101 102 900 31 31 81 15,500 69 Union Pacific. IT. S. Ind. Al U. 8. Steel V. S. Steel, pfd. Utah Copper . , . Western Union . Westlnghouse El. 1,100 130 . 400 100 .35,600 96 60 .52 185 185 129 129 99 99 95 96 300 111H 111 Ht 4,900 79 77 78 200 300 Bethlehem !,800 87 43 64 87 43 64 87 43 64 New York Bonds. S 2s reg.. 98 Gt. N. 1st 4s 92 U. S. r. s. S. 2s, coup. s 1. l. rei. es.. S. 3s, reg.. 83 Int. M. M. es io S. 3s. coup. 83 K C. W. ret os s V S Lib. 3s 97.50'!.. & N. un s s V. S. 4s. reg.. 106 M K ft T 1st 4 70 U. S. 4s, coup. 106 M. Pac. gen. 4s 64 Am F. S. 5s 99 11-UMont. Power 6S 12 Am T ft T 0 6s 95N. T. C. d 6s 100 Anglo-French 6s 96'N. Pao. 4S.... 89 Arm. ft Co. 4 86 N. Psclflo 3s 68 Atchison g. 4s 86 0. 8. '.L. ref 4s 87 B. ft O. cv. 4s 84 P. T. ft T. 6s 96 Beth Steel r 6s 88'Penh con 4s 98 Cen Leath. 6s 96 Penn. gen 4s 3 Cen. Pac. 1st 83Reading gen 4s 89 C. ft O. cv. 6s 87S L ft 8 F ft s 72 C B ft Q Jdlnt 4 96 HS. Pac. cv 5s 103 CMftSP cv 4s 81S. Pac. 6s.... 96 C R I ft P r 4 75"f. & P. 1st.... 88 C ft S. r. 4s 79 Union Pac. 4s 89 D ft R. O. r 6s 69 U. 8. Rubber 6s 86 P. of C. 5S 1931 98 U. 8, Steel 5s 100 Erie gen. 4s... 69 'Wabash 1st .. 98 Oen. Elec. 6s 100 F'h g. 6s 10$ 11-1$) Bid. Kansas tty Live Stock. Kansas City. Mo Deo. 6. Cattle Re ceipts, 3.000 head; no Southerns; market slow, steady; prime fed steers, $18.00 20.00; dressed beef steers, $13.0018.,00; western steers. $11.0016.00; southern steers. $6 0012.00; cows, $5.1513.60; heifers, $7.00 13.50; Stockers and feeders, $6.60013.50; bulls, $6.50ffi$.00 calves, $5.001018.60. Hogs Receipts, 13,000 hesd; market steadvi bulk, $17.15917.60; heavy, $17.00 17.70: packers and butchers, $17.26(5) 17.70; lights, $17.0017.66; pigs, $12,009 14,60. Sheep ahd Lambs Receipts. 1,000 hesd; market steady; Iambs, $18.0018.60: year tines, $10.00JJ13.00; wethers, $9.00lO.00 ewes, $6. 00f9.25; stockers and feeders, $6,0017.50. St. Joseph Lira Stock, St. Joseph, Mo., Dec. 6. Cattle Re celpts, 2,600 head; market slow and steady; steers, $9.001$.0Q; cows and heifers, $5.2615.00l calves, $.0014.00. Hogs Receipts. 8,000 hesd: market lower; top, $17.60: bulk. $18.$017.80. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 800 head; market steady; lambs, $14.7516.$0i SWes, $4.00 6 9 50. THOTO PIAY- OFFERINGS FOR.' TODAY ir, 1 Ws ALTER HIERS, who appear- d with Jack Picktord in c . - 1 ...:.u 11:11:. OCVCIllCCU dllU Willi .DI1I1C Burke in The Mysterious Miss Terry" has been added to Dorothy Dalton's company. Mr, Hiers will play comedy parts, V. S. Mason, better known to scree fans as "Smiling" Billy Mason will appear with Dorothy Dalton in her picture, "Extravagance." William Rtissel is working in "Little Boy Blue," written -by Ste phen Fox. Russell'i part is that of the policeman in the story. Margarita Fisher and her com pany leave for the Mojave desert next month to make scenes for her newest story. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Stanley have returned to Los Angeles and New YorV Money. New York, Dee. 6. Mercantile Paper Unchanged. Sterling Day hills, unchanged; de mand, $4 7570; cables, $4.76 7-16. Francs Unchanged. Mexican Dollars Unchanged. Line Unchanged. Time Loans Strong; unchanged. , Call Money Easier; high, 6 per cent; low, 6 per cent; ruling rate, t per cent; closing bid, 5 per cent; offered at 5 per cent; last loan, 5 per cent On The Screen Today SIN J. WARREN KERRIGAN In "Til REE X CORDON. " RIAl.TO WILLIAM PARNUM In "HIDKRS OF THE PURPLE SAUK.' STKAM) SHIRLEY MASON and K Ft NEST TRUKX In "COME ON IN." EMPRESS EMILY STEVENS In "K1LDARE OF STORM." Mt'SF. tlEOKOE WALSH in "ON THE .1UMIV' nitWDKIS I). W. GRIFFITHS "HEARTS OF THE WORLD." LOTH ltOK 24th and Lothrop U. S. Government Film, "AMERICA'S ANSWER." V1TAGRAPH COMEDY and MUTT AND JEFF. BOULEVARD 33d and Leavenworth EDITH STOREY In "THE CLAIM." ORI'HF.IM South Side, 24th and M JACK RICHARDSON In "DESERT LAW." LEAH BAIRD In "WOLVES OP KULTUR," No. 3. GRAND 16th and Blnney HARRY MOREY In "THE GREEN GOD.' "FIGHT FOR MILLIONS," No. 7. MARYLAND 13th and Pine EDITH STOREY In "THE DEMON." expect to re-enter the motion pic tures soon. Mr. Stanley has been in the east with the Morosco people. Today's Calendar of Sports. Racing Winter meeting at Jefferson park, New Orleans. Winter meeting of Cuba-American Jockey club, at Havana. Cycling End of the international nix day race In New York City, Hockey Annual meeting of the Ontario Hockey association, at Toronto. PHOTO-FLAYS. wTrTiricrry 1 riujuajMJHQ offers- er WILLIAM FU "Riders of the Purple Sage" 933 &jjrJ' WARREN'J jpEnniGAiiYt 1 in "Three X Jin Dorothy Dalton will be seen the latter part of January in "Hard Boil ed" a story written by John Lynch. William Duncan,strong man hero of the films broke into professional stage work as a member of a black face comedian sketch. PHOTO-PLAYS. NOW Twice Daily, 2ilS and 8:18 World's Greatest Entertainment Over 20,009 Enthusiastic Patrons Have Seen it Have You? Symphony Orchestra Wonderful Effects Daily Mats.. 25c, SOc, 75c and $1 Every Evening. 25c to $1.50 Turpentine and Rosin, Savannah, Ga., Dec. 3. Turpentine Steady, 6c; sales, none; receipts, 30 bbls.i Shipments, S97 bbls.; stock, 30.470 bbls. Rosin Nothing doing; sales, none; re ceipts, 14 bbls.; shipments, 1,070 bbls ; stock, S8.S07 bbls. Quotations: B, D, K, F and G. $15.00! H, $110; I. $15.35; K, I1H.86; M. $14.(0; N, $11.71); WO, $1.8; WW, $1 o. I 1 " New York Metals, New York. Dee. (. Jad Unchanged. - Spelter Spot, steady; ast St. Louis soot offered at I.ISe. Chicago Produce. Chicsgo. 111., Dec. $. ButtSf Market unchanged. Esgs Receipts, 2,t4 cases; tnsrkSt un changed. Potatoes Market higher; receipts, $$ rs Minnesota and Dakota white, bulk, $1.5(9 1.65; Minnesota and Dakota white, sacks, $1.70175; Wisconsin, bulk, 11.6561.701 Wisconsin, sacks, $1.7501.80. Poultry Alive, market lower; fowls, 17 fi21Vsc; springs, iJVic; turkeys, 24c, . ' New York General, New ' Tork. Dec. i. Whest Steady; spot No. t red. $2,344, track New York. -Corn Spot, firm; No. 3 yellow, $1.66, and No. 8 white, $ 1.8441, December ship ment, c. I. t. :( York. Oats Spot, steady; standard, l36S3Vte Other articles unchanged. Xmas Week Photoplay It Is Our Pleasure to Announce That "ARIZONA" Will Be Here December 25, 26, 27, 2o. The Take the shell off Dad Take him to see eft in his latest ARTCBAFT Picture "Arizona" itsastss' Am teiu TseHMi'f slay "itrinm." rniwcttV) JMag tea "nrtewb Fiituru Corporation. Other Artcraft Pictures starring Douglas Fairbanks are "He Comes s Up Smiling", "Bound in Morocco", , "Say, Young Fellowl","Mr. Fix-It", "Headin' South", "Reaching for the Moon". z Consult the Amusement Advertisements for the theatres showing Paramount and Artcraft Pictures. FAMOUS PLAYERS -LASKY CORP. Time Limitations Removed From Trading In Future Deliveries Washington, Dec. 6. All time limitations on trading in future de liveries of corn, oats, rye and barley, were removed today by the food ad ministration. Present conditions, the announcement said, do not war rant abrogation or modification of present limits on speculative ec cotin The New York coffee exchange may reopen when it so desires, it was announced today by the food administration. The food administra tion will continue its control over the distribution of coffee, it was announced. New York Cotton, New York, Deo. . Cotton closed easy at a net advance of 11 to 10 points. Duluth, Minn. Linseed. Dec. 6. Linseed 11.41. PHOtO-PLAYS. LOTHROP -s- U. S. Government War Film "AMERICA'S ANSWER Vitatraph Comedy end Mutt and Jsff. LAST TIMES TODAY An all comedy attraction worth walk in( tsn miles to see. SHIRLEY MASON In her bl( success "COME ON IN" Also showing, same bill, CHARLIE CHAPLIN in his second million dollar comedy, "SHOULDER ARMS" NORMA TALMADGE. SUNDAY AMI SBMKNTU. "OMAHVS FUN CENTER" tGttlAvZElt Dally Mats. 15-29-S0e Tfie Triumph of the Year MAX bPlttilL "Cheer Up, America!". Musical Burlesque A Patriotic Mllltsry Rdvus, with FrseMS Nlbte. Eddie Lambert. L Hum., ate. Scenery an ooi tssiaa et utrnoit aslindor. Yankee Dsedle Btauty Cnorut. LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS. Phone) D. 494 SUPERIOR VAUDEVILLE LAST TWO TIMES "Where) Things Happen;" Mrs. Thomas Whiffen and Current Bill. Matinee Today, 2:15 EARLY CURTAIN TONIGHT at 8 Neat Week Julius Tannen; Mme. Dofee't Celebrities tad Excellent Bill. TONITI LAST TIME MAT. TODAY BEST SEATS, 11.00 OLIVER MOROSCO Prsstnts The Bird? Paradise With FLORENCE ROCKWELL Prlcw 50o. 75o. (100. SI. Ml 4 Nites, Beginning Sunday. Dally Msts. What Are We Goinf to Do With Our 7AR BABIES? SEE A LITTLE MOTHER TO BE A Drama of Justice to UN WEDDED MOTHERS. Solvlm the Problem ofChildren BORN OUT OF WEDLOCK Not Moving Picture I . LADIES' MATINEE DAILY, 2Se VAUDEVILLE AND PHOTOPLAYS TWO SHOWS IN ONE CAESER RIVOLI A SCANDAL IN A RESTAURANT WANZER & PALMER COMEDY ODDITY MALCOLM & LAMAR SONGS AND PIANO CHOY HENWA TROUPE u - EMILY STEVENS in "KILDARE OF THE STORM" Bee Want Ads Produce Results. PlllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl I Men s and Young Men s $20, $22s.9. and $25 1 Suits and Overcoats SATURDAY 00 These Suits and Overcoats are in all sizes for men and young men. All the latest styles and most wanted weaves, so every one will be enabled to choose a suit or overcoat to ,thelr individual liking. STROUSE A BROS. $35 and $40 SUITS and OVERCOATS osna;;rdy,.a!.... $25.00 Serges, Cassimeres, worsteds and blues are in this lot. Every one an extremely good bargain. Saturday's Big Values in Men's Trousers Lot No. 1 Here are striped worsteds, cassimeres, cheviots, in all sizes for men and youths; you'll find many $5 tfJQ AT and $6 values to wsJD choose from, at. . . Also at $4.95 are about 60 pairs of blue and black serge trousers in sizes 34 to 56 waist measure; they are values, on sale at, Lot No. 2 Here are many of the finest trousers in our store ; broken lots from lines regularly , priced at $7 and $8; striped worsteds, cheviots and blue, all wool serge, guaran teed fast colors, in all sizes, at EXTRA We've reduced sever al big lots of corduroy pants irom our ?5 lines for Saturday's sale: all sizes, at t$4.95 e many of our store ; s regularly 8; striped d blue, all $5.95 iced sever iroy pants $3.95 UNDERWEAR for MEN Men's cotton ribbed shirts and drawers; regular $1.60 AQ values; Saturday of- uOC fered, at Men's heavy and medium weight union suits, an sizes; well worth $4.00; Sat urday priced at. . . . Men's heavy ribbed cotton fleeced union suits; AQ regular $3.00 values, J, 7Q Saturday priced at. . Boys' All-Wool Overcoats A late shipment of these Over coats finds us way overstocked, necessitating a price reduction unparalleled before. They can be had in all sizes up to 18 years -r-values up to $12.50 and $15. Saturday, one large Q1 in group is offered -n df! at m ClCiTr-i iNjfi rniupANT I H N7 COReija I DOUGLAS diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii immniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiQ HOTEL FONTENELLE TEA DANCES Saturday Afternoons, 4 to 6 SUPPER DANCES s) Monday and Saturday Evenings, 11 to 12:30