Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1918, Page 14, Image 14
- i 14 iTHE BEE: OAiAHA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1918. Want Ad Rates (Cssh With Order I 44 per word rr insertion flo per word for 1 consecutive Insertions 0 per word for each additional Insertion No ad taken for (h than a lo'al ot or lea than lor per day. i CUAKUE. lo par Una (count 6 words to line) 1 time Ic per Una each time. 3 conaecullve times fa per line each tlim. So consecutive lltnea I HTIATIOM HA.NTEU. (So per line n,r week CARDS OK THANK AXU , KINtKAL NOTICES. ,ta per Una . each inacrtlon ! t'ontrart Kitten on Application. ' For convenience of advertiaera want ads 111 ha accepted at the followliiK offices: 4AIN OFFICE ....Bee Building ames Office 4410 North 20th St. Lake Office ..251 North 24th SL irtntOB Offlra 2(67 South 16th St larlt Office 2615 Leavenworth,, St. tl'alnul Office Kit North 40th St louth Bide 23IS N St Council Bluffs '. 14 Main St. THE BEE will 'not be responsible for hors than one Incorrect Insertion of an dvertlsement ordered for mere than one jlraa. ' Use THE TELEPHONE If you cannot jonvenlently bring r aend your tills to ny of tha above officii. Ask for a Want id Taker and you will receive the same ood aervlca aa when delivering your ad ii person. , rilONK TYLER HIOO. Itrenlng Kditlona 12:00 M lornlng Kditlona 10:00 P. M Sunday Kditlona 10 P. M. Hiitnrday FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Furniture & Household Goods. YOUR HOMB SHOULD BE COZY AND COM PORTABLE The cold daya In November ahouid find your borne furnished coally ar.d comfortably warm. A ' new rug on the floor, a duofold Bed added to your fur nishings, a good aoft roal heater to combat Jack Frost and the terror of hta sting can be supplied by ua at a great saving to you. We make a spe clalty of complete home outflta, alao hotels and rooming houses. Railroad fares rt'funde.1 to out-of-town buyers within CO mill's of Omaha on purchase of $2C or more. , STATE FURNITURE CO.. 14th and Dodge Sts Opp. U. Bldg " h . b o flint f ' F-jrnlltira. s'oves. ruga, linoleum. Vlc trolas, t-unks and suitcases, bedding and linen Better good for h?sa money Credit If you wish. Open evenings -1839-47 N. 24th St Phones: Web. 1607. Web. ('L'S. , BARGAIN Just a few heating stoves left; also house furnishings of all ktnda Loyal Furniture Co.. 223 N 16th St. MISCELLANEOUS Tot "of furniture for sale at Omaha Van Rnd Storage. Pianos snd Musical Instruments DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES RF.AKEY Jonathan (!., aged 67 years 11 mo., 24 days. Survived by widow and , two daughters, Miss Freda and Mrs." Alex Morsden of Fremont. Has resided In Omaha for 30 yeara. Employ d by Nebraska Power Co.. for the past 24 years. Services from Slack & Fal coner'a new funeral horn", '3X and Farnam, 2 o'clock Saturday. Remains Will be cremated. Forest LawiO ceme tery. TONE Alfred R., aged 78 years, at the resilience or nis son, M. p. stone, 3:l-4 Lincoln Boulevard. Ho Is survived by lila daughters, Mrs. F. J. Becker of At lantic, la.; Mrs. Carl Stewart of Grimes, llfTa,! 3 ions,. Herbert of Texarkanar Tex,, J George of Lakeside, Cal., and Mark of tJmana. interment at Jvansas city, ivto Kanaaa City and Atlantic, la. papers J please opy. SWISS Miss Florence M., December 4 ISIS, age 38 years. Funeral services will bs held at 3 Bralley A Dorrnnce Chapel, 19th and i-Cuming Sts., Sunday II p. m. cemetery. Interment Private. December 8, at at Forest Lawn lARNA Nicholas, aged 27 years, of pneumonia. Funeral Saturday, Decem ber 7, at J p. in., from the 'family resi dence, 1110 Izard St. Burlnl In Holy Bepulc.her cemetery. U. P. employes take notice. ALLS Pearl May., died Thursday, De cember 5; aged 24 years. Funeral iervlces at Hulae & Rlepen Chapel, 701 South 16th St., Saturday, December 7, at 10:30 a. m. Interment West Lawn cemetery. Friends wel come. LLISON Frank E., December 8, 1918, at family residence, 1903 8. 28th, St. Funeral Saturday at 2 p. m. from Im mnnuel Lutheran church. Nineteenth and Cass streets. Intc?ment Forest Lawn cemetery. RETZER John C, aged 28 years, 7 mo., 26 daya. Funeral from Stack & Fal coner new funeral home. 33d nnd Far- Barn, 2 o'clock Sunday. Interment For est Lawn cemetery. Friends are Welcome. .OOD Clarence, age 33, at local hospi tal, December 5. - Funeral Saturday afternoon from the Jdhn A. Gentleman Mortuary at 2 p. m. Interment, West Lawn cemetery. K 1 ELDS Mrs. Permelia K., 2:30 p. m. December 7, 191", rrom desinence, zizi gxunney sireei. iiiieiiiiein ruuai j-.,,,, i cemetery. HE funeral of Mrs. Rrigham T. Cannon will be held from St. Cecellas cathedral at i p. m., Sunday. Interment Holy 4Sepuleher remetery. 'FLORISTS. bntenelie Florist! LEE L. LARMON 1814 Douglas St. LDONAGHUE Douglas 8244 Est. 1S66. 1623 Harney. Flowers : snipped, everywhere. Henderson. Ex. paid. 161 Farnam D. 1248 THE BEST PLACE TO BUY GOOD USED PIANOS AND PLAYER , PIANOS. All used fnstruments are thoroughly overhauled In our completely equipped repair department, making it possible for us to gunrantce used players, pianos and orKans the same as new high grade ;nsttuments A partial list of bargains on hand today. This list changes constantly. Write or phone us for the one vou prefer Will make comfortable terms. List of used pianos and players. Camp & Co., piano, ebony $165 Hamilton piano, mahogany 200 Milton player, mahogany. .. y 375 Karn player, mahogany 450 Whitney player, mahogany 350 PIANOS FOR RENT At lowest prices. Special rates to those who rent for the season. Six months rent allowed If purchased PIANO TUNING Done by experts and guaranteed by us. Charges reasonable. Special jrtce for yearly contract. Call or phone for particulars. A. HOSPE CO., Established 1874. 1513 Douglas St ANNOUNCEMENTS. Bronze Memorial Tablets. Bronze Tablets and BankTsigns. All classes of cast bronze work. Design and estimates furnished. P. R. McCONNELL 427 Railway Exchange, Omaha HELP WANTED-MALE. Chiropractors. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D.' 8461. SPINOGRAPH. Dr Edward.24th. Farnam Pet tists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. "ff-W.O.W. Bldg Taft's Dental ftms.. SOft Roee-Bldg1 r 5mV j Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville-Rlk" EvL denee secured In all caaea Tyler 1136 Dancing Academies. AT KEEP'S HOTEL KEEP DANCING ROME Monday, Thursday, Saturday nights. Instructions. 8 to 9; dancing. I to 12. Admission. 50c a person. Private lessons by appointment. Phone Doug las 25S1 or Hamev 2792 1 KEL-PINE Academy. 2424 Farnam. Class and private lessons Learn to dance for $". where 1. arnitu: Is pleasure. Dancing Monday and Thursday. D. 7R58. KEEP Hotel Rome class and dancing every Monday. Thursday and Saturday. Private lessons by appointment. Call Douglas 2581 or Harney 2792 Film Developing. FILM developed, rolls 1"c; packs, 18c; one-day service Kase Studio. Neville Blk Fixtures and Wiring. TV T TT T7T TEIectric washing machines J tj i.VXVi.lepc(ri0 ron, and r lamps 2223 Cuming St reading Douglas 2511. 3' Jewelry. T) T A M fl WrC;v' f "oe rprle Uin.lXjn LCjtith privilege to buy hack at small profit. CROSS JEWELRY Co.. 403 N 16th Red 60S! Medical. Salesmen and Solicitors. STOCKSALESMAN Call (17 Be Building. Tho. Young. HIGH -CLANS' SS salesmen to soli proposi tion earning 2 per cent monthly from present production, with 100 per cent yearly dividends reasonably certain within six months. No limit to earn, lugs for the right men. See Mr. Gas kill, 740 First National Bank Bldg. SALESMEN M ANTED Men or women to present business proposition to banker and imarchants You can niake 120 per day. Others are doing It. Wire or write. Shumac Mfg. Co., Pawnee, Okl. A GOOD specialty salesman, must be a producer and furnish good references; call 2 to 4 p in. Mile Standl.ih Mfg. Co. Igth and Howard Sts. Boys. BOYS to work das at boda fountain. Merrltt Drug Store. No. 1, 311 South ICth street. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED 25IGIRLS FOR PACKING AND LABELING. APPPfY TO MANAGER. Skinner Macaroni Co., 14TH AND JACKSON STS. Household and Domestic. WANTED Women for laundry work and cooks; register with the employment bureau. Y. V. C. A., no charges. WANTED An experienced white cook, family of three; references. Mr. W. J. dynes, Harney. 4760. Miscellaneous. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. WANTED. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON. '614 Brandels Bldg. T 2960 H 4741. Printing Supplies. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co.. 414 S. 13th 8t, Sates. HOME OP THE Gulbransen PLAYER PIANO Lumber arid Building Materials. TEN cars used lumber. $25 and up per M. New roofing. $1 25 to 11.75 Door, 12 up. Electrical motors and machinery. II, proas Lumber nnd Wrecking Co 21st and Paul streets, Omaha. Typewriters and Supplies. ; TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. NEW AND REBUILT The most complete line of Typewrit ers and Adding Machines west of Chi cago. Can furnish any make at most any price you desire to pay We rent and repair all makes and will buy rr trade for youi old machine. Every machine guaranteed. See us before vou buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE (Established over 15 years ) Douglas 4121. 1905 Farnam St TYPFWRITERS all makes, sold, rented and repaired. THE W. N LONG COMPANY. 1915 Farnam Tel. D.. 3961 RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three month for MOD. Oliver Agency. 1905 Farnam Street. City. A TYPEWRITER will make an ideal Xinas gift We have them at $10 up. Write for list. Midland Typ. Co., 1404 DoilRe, BURROUGHS nine adding machine Tit bargain. IV. D. Whitaker, Bancroft, Neb. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STEAFEY & HEAFEY, I Undertakers and embalmers. Tel. H. uv, v.i-17 fcva. t ai nam. HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME Hoffman quality service costs lei. p4th and Dodge. Douglas 3901, JSTACK & EALCONFR dependent TJndertaTcers. S3d-Far. H. 400 L. , DODDER CO., Funeral Director. IF. L. Fero, Mr., 33d and Cuming St. Phon Douglas 877 Auto ambulance. )HN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker ard mhalmer. 8411 Fjirnum J3t Har. 392 IONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. HUSE & RIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Director 1 So. ,16th St. Thone Doug. 122 WEST LAWN CEMETERY. fc Family lots on easy payments; thoughtful service; perpetual care; treet car to entrance. Phone Walnut 820 or Doug! 129, and our auto will call for you. ' IB largest display of monuments Tii the United States. FRANK 8WOBODA, 121S S. 13th Phone Douglas 1S72-6216. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Thomas and ElsU Cannn, 4131 rant itreet, girl; Samuel and Bernice lawman, Athione apartments, girl; meon and Anna Bates, 5310 South Twen- lghth treet, boy; Leonard and Oeor- !a Patton. S124 Young. street, boy: Mich- 11 and Anna Sullivan, 2S14 Buggies reet. girl; Salvatore and Rosa Lungo. 18 Center street, girl; Hector and Mary lack, 2029 Elm street, girl. Deaths Mrs. Maude Reed. 35, 1307 frcher avenue; Walter C. Tetcrson, 2, 14 Mapla street; William F. Beckmeyer, , 037 Blnney streot; John Robert Dwyer, ., 2 hours, 5012 Florence boulevard; bey B. Richardson. 25. 2811 Cuming reet; Sarah Taylor, "0, 2611 North Thlr enth avenue; William Boggln, 36, KU2 iouglaa stret; Jtihn Woodruff, 65, 6616 Snney stret; Clarence Holt, 41, 1 j 14 illlam treet: Frank Slunecka, 80, 14 IS kuth Thirteenth street; draco M. King. hospital; James Krajlcek. 59, 6629 puth Twenty-second treet; Peter Pano. Twenty-ninth and R streets; Mary B. ce. 30. 3841 Wirt street; Ruth E, Nel- n. 12. 3023 Hamilton street; Hllma M. mpeney, is dvxj win cucw, f.uun Walker. 1. S4r5 Charles street; Jose nley, 22, 128 North Eighth street; Carl Johnson, 53, 1724 Lake street; m. aic lald. $5. hospital: Minnie iSfSnnan, 18. ispltal; George Lang, 26. Tenth and imam; josepn moiouuk, ii, ooum iird tret: Velma Jones, 2. :su las- lar tret; Gloe Ethel Jones, 6 months, :2 South Twenty-scventn street; Lena finer. 27. 1215 North Thirty-fourth street ; aterlna Katdras, 56, Florence, R. F. D. o. 1. . Store and Office Fixtures. FOR SALE CHEAP Grocery and meat fixtures, almost new; Toledo scales, elec tric eofjee anil meat grinder, one L ehape mint counter, one glass pickle rack, holdinK 12 jars, ono McCasky charge account register, one meat ice box, two display counters. 2911 Popple ton Ave, Telephone Harney 5785. WE buy. sell and make desks, afe. show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. 11th and Douglas. D .11 1 4 KjfrSALEFine oak office desk; flat top: six drawers; $20. Phone D. 5469. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES . We rent, repair, sell needles and part ot all sewing machines. MICK EL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. 15th and Harney Sts. Doug. 1662. Miscellaneous. HARDWARE. HEATING AND PLUMB ING FOR KALE. One of the best towns on the main line of the Rock Island, between Des Moines and Omaha. About $9,000 atomic, clean and up to date. Can show a big money maker. Other Interests demand attention. Charles Snyder, Adair, la. FOR BALE 2 double cells from old Dodge county jail, 12x28x7 ft. high; In perfect condition. Mercer Auto Fart Co., Fre montr Neb. .MAHA PILLOW CO Feather steamed, renovatea ana maae up in new isain proof ticking, 1907 Cuming, Doug. 2467. SPECIAL NOTICES. MARRIAGE LICENSES. I Permit to wed have been Issued to the allowing: Nam nd Residence. Age. fartln Forret. Boonville, la 22 illllo Harrelson, Boonevllle. Ia 19 lernla A. Brooks, Council Bluffs. Ia... 19 ha Henderson. Council Bluffs, la H The following building' permit has been sued: ', Mrs. Minnie Marcy. 1301 North Twenty- kurth treet, cement block laundry. ,00. N BUILDING PERMITS. LOST FOUND REWARDS iiAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having lost om article would do well to call at the offices of the Omaha A Council Bluris street nail way company to ascertain whether they left It In tha treet cr. - Many article each dy ar turned In and th company 1 arxtou to retor them to th rightful owner. "STOLEN Palmers. ltU6 model, light six touring car, factory number 66.437, mo tor number S5-A-11.034, South Dakota license number 4J.7J0; 150 Teward for Information leading to recovery of car. Arrest prty In possession and notify T. C. Wycoff. Sheriff. Aberdeen. 8. D. lOST Near Seventeenth aud Lake, ladle blacfc hand Bag containing money, ejr Call Webster 6756. 3ROWN leather bill btmk with threo $5 I bill and two il bills. Reward. Call Tyler 2237. ' , ' InsT On 16th St., about Nov. 7. pony kin muff; .reward. Webster Jilt. NOTICE OF SALE. Notice Is hareby given that upon the order of the referee, Walter V. Hoag land; North Platte, Neb., I will ell at public auction at the office of the County Judge, Scottsbluff, Neb., at 10 a. m., December 17, 1918, the stock of merchandtse formerly owned by Morris Meyer, bankiupt, consisting of men's caps, shoes, shirts and gents' furnish ings; appraised by-the appraisers, ap pointed by the court at $1,961.21. to the highest bidder for cash, all bids subject to tho approval of the court. Bidders required to post 15 per cent of their bid as a guarantee ot good faith. E. K. CLOSSON, Trustee, "20 Bee Bldg.. Omaha WANTED TO BUY. WANTED TO BUY. STOCK x WANTED Sammies Oil. Hull Copper. Hoffman Oil, Afterthought Cop per, Harroun Motors. Globe Oil, Liberty Bonds and other stocks. Will pay cash. A. L. DEIBEL. Boatmen's Bank Bldg.. St. Louis, Mo JENKINS, 705 So. 16tl. St will pay the best prices for old clothes, shoes, rugs, trunk, tools and Job lots of all kd. Write or phone today and tell me what you have Phone Douglas 8092. Residence. Dovglas 8033 DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks: used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 6146. WE buy waste paper and pay good prices. Phone or write Omaha Paper Stock Co. Douglas 159 . ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. lde, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered button all size and styles; hemstitching, picot tdglng, eye let cut work, button bole, pennant IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 300-308 Brown Bldg., Phona D. 1936. H E M SlrTT C H I SOTP L EAT 1 N G. BUTTONS. G. U. VanArnam Pleating Co., -J36-7 Paxton Bloc:.. Phon Doug. $10. BARGAINS 1212 Farnam J. J. Derlght Safe Co. SAFES PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co., 683 Brandel D 6691 STURGES & STURGES. U S. and foreign patents and trademark. 330 Bee Bldg Tailors. Dledrlck. P L.. 216 S 20th. Tailor. D. 2432 Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 207 S 11th. D. 682. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Doutrlaa Printing Co Tel Douglas 644 BUSINESP CHANCES. FOR SALE In live town of Curtis, Neb. (seat of State Agricultural school, general merchandise store, stock and fixtures In A-l condition; good paying proposi tion for live merchant. For particulars write H. O. WILLSON, Curtis. Neb. FOR SALE An established news, ta tlonery, cigar and confectionery busi ness.. Good location In Grand Island, Neb. Address Ralph Neumayer. Rooming Houses. ONE of 71io finest restaurants In county. Soda Fountain and rooming house In connection; seating capacity for 80 people, on main line: am going back to farm. Box Y-237, Omaha Bee SITIATIONS WANTED. Male. EXPERT efficiency man wants position as auditor; will give complete financial statements or Install system. Omaha Bee, Box 6125. Femaie. COLLEGE graduate wants clerical posi tion either for half days at office or work which can be done at her home. Phono Harney 2712. Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLES carefully laundered. deliver. Web. i283. Call and COLORED lady wishes day work. 3382. Web. A COLORED woman wishes day work. Call Red 8156. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and offices. Soldiers and Sailors, Attention ! x The Mid-West .Employ ment Bureau, Located at 215 South 14th Street, will put ypu In touch with the waiting positions. No charges whatsoever. Call on us. Office hour 9:30 to 4:30. ZAIDA J. DIAMOND, ' Director. Able-bodied ' men who can operatefltreet car for position a conductor and motormen. Returning soldier will ba given preference. Wages, 41 to 45 cent per hour and BONUS OF $5.00 PER DAY during present emergency. Steady positions. Apply at Sup erintendent of Transportation. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS' STREET RAILWAY CO. Merchants National Bank Bldg. WANTED White man for general work. Must understand running steam furnace. Telephone Walnut 99. References re ft ulred. WANTED Men 19 to 50 years for gen eral yard work; steady work for goood men. Apply timekeeper Union Stock Yards Co., South Omaha. HORKESHOER wanted. One that can do floor work. W R. Polk. Pender. Neb. EXP ERIE NCED "ail t o radiator nianTwrTte or call at 709 Pearl St., Sioux City, Ia. WANTED Experienced second girl. White. Good references. Telephone Walnut 99. SCHOOL girl, may go home nights. Web 49i. WHITE girl for general housework, mo washing. Douglas 4816. Trade Schools. WANTED Ladies to learn barber trade Special rates and Inducements. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1402 Douglas St. Miscellaneous). WANTED. COLORED GIRLS. OMAHA PAPER STOCK, 1STH AND MARCY. DOUGLAS 159. WANTED A middle-aged lady to keep house on farm. I have no children. Harry Weaver, Howard, S. D. WHITE women wanted for janltreas work. Also women for scrubbing. Very good pay. 540 First Nat. Bank. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladle and boy to learn barber trade; big demand: wage while learning, strictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St Tri-Clty Barber College. Phone D. 2147. ' MOLER Barber College want young men and ladle to learn the barber trade Call or write for free catalogue 110 S. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. VELVET coats cleaned and steamed, $2.60 Carey Cleaning Co., 24th and Lake Sts t Webster 392. EDUCATIONAL. BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Intensive training for office worker. Course In Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Stenotypy, Typewriting. Railroad and Wireless Telegraphy. Comptometry, Ma chine Bookkeeping and all English -ranches. Student admitted any day Catalogue free. Telephone Douglas 15C5. 18th and Harney Sts Omaha, Neb. RELIABLE AUTO SCHOOL. Best electrical and self-starter course. Easily learned. No books Fue catalog National Auto School, 2814 North 20th St. Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 68(10 MOVING AND STORAGE. FIR EPRonK u A R EHOUSK. Separate locked rooms for household good and pianos; moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 8. 16th. Douglas 416$ Globe Van and Storage Co. For real ervlce in moving' packing and atorlng call Tyler no or Douglas 433S. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED. West. "' $4,(500" 5-room, tile bath, practically new, finely located in Leavenworth Heights: term. Benson &. Carmichael, Dougla 1722. fit; Taxton Blk. North. WHAT IS ' YOUR OFFER ON 2721 Caldwell st.? 5 rooi..s, modern but furnace; spl;--did condition; lot 50x150 ft.; shade from and rear; worth $2,;.00: will take less and sell $200 cash, balance monthly. IIASTIMiS & HKYDEN 1614 HARNEY ST. l'HtfNK TYL ,ER 60. 3920 N. 44TH STRHF.T. Four-room house, with city water, electric light; arranged so that two ad ditional rooms can be finished upstairs; full cement collar under entire house: nice level lot, east front, just two blocks north of Fontenelle Park. Price, $2,100; $200 cash, balance $J0 per month C. G. CARLBERG, REALTOR. 312 Brandels Theater Tildg. FOR sale or rent, ti-rnom bouse, modern except heat. Paved street, near car line Good buy as home for person In moder ate circumstances Phone Tyler 620 or Walnut 3559. NEW. 7-room. oak finish. large lot. double garage; price $6,750; terms. 6137 North 2Uh St. NORR1S A NOR RIS Douglas 4270 MINNE l.l'SA homes and lots offer th best oppottunlty to Invest vour money Phone Tyle, 187 YOUNG & DOII ERTY, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. S22 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 1511 South. NEW STUCCO BUNGALOW WELL LOCATED CLOSE TO CAR. Paved street, paving paid; five large light rooms; attic and fine basement; beautifully finished In oak nnd enamel; fireplace In living room; well worth the price, $5.0(10: for further Information or appointment ''all Walnut i;s0. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Two lot south of Elmwood park, In Overlook addition, Jull alzi, 60x150. for ale cheap, or will exchange, with om cash a first payment on bunga low In th outh part of town Ad dress BOX YX Ii6. OMAHA BEE. CHOICE one-acre tract well Improved for sale or exchange. E. M. Morgan. Col fax 3668-180- Sahler. REAL ESTATF-SUBURBAN Dundee. High Class Dundee Home, $7,500 An extra well Imilt home." stuc co finish over tile, in fxcellent shape throughout; large living room arrangement, with brick tire place; comfortable dining room, with French doors connecting; complete kitchen; four nice bed rooms on the second floor and one Urge room finished in the at--tic ; hot water heating plant; Jarge lot with cement drive way and garage; a desirable home in every way; well located am! priced right. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas .?. 918-20 City Nat'l. DUNDEE APARTMENT SITE 3 LOTS CORNER 7-R.'HOUSE-$7,500 7-room modern house and 3 corner lots on car line; this properly has a south frontage of 1 ;.u feet and 135-foot frontage on car line; house Is not new but in fine repair; furnace hent; garage; house Is located on the third lot, leav ing lOTixl.lj on the corner vacant; Im provement and 1 lot are worth $3,750 and the double corner $5, 000; owner is mak ing a change nnd has cut price to $7.51)0 for entire property on very easy terms; If interested In a snap, call J. L. HIATT COMPANY, nnfl FIRST NATIONAL T1IONE Q JVV RANK HLDG TYLER UO Benson. AUTOMOBILES. . Exceptional bargains in Thoroughly Rebuilt Dodge Bros.' Car's AND FORD DELIVERY CARS with open express canopy top and enclosed panel bodies. Murphy-O'Brien Auto Co. 1S1 1 I-'armim Street. TeK phone Tyler 123. SAVE 40 PER CENT ON VOI R TIRES II WE THEM RLBI'lLT. 3.(100 MILES Ol'ARANTEE. 3ox:;i 3.1x1 Plain. Skid . $ H.o.0 $0.(ili . in.on l'J.5" . 15.00 17.5H 4-ROOM cottage flot modern; water InM house; large barn; on South 1-th, near Vinton; baragin at $1,300 cash. Call Pouglas 5:iii. Miscellaneous. LEARN Morher shorthand and typewrit lng. Day and night classes Omaha Shorthand College. Hee Bldg., D 6528 FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. STEAM heated sanitary rooms ot the Sun shine Apartments. $2.50 per week and up. For men only. Office 608 N 17th St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED You nit ladles' to learn how to operate Comptometers and Burroughs Calculating and bookkeeping machines A good position absolutely guaranteed to every graduate Time required to complete course. 6 weeks to 3 months Day apd evening classes. Call and aee us or telephone Douglas 7415 for par ticulars. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING. Second Floor Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sta YOUNG. lady for stenographic position with sma,ll insurance office. Excep tionally good position. Salary $75 to $(15. "Western Refereneee & Bond Ass'n. STENOGRAPHER and bkpr., $100. General office clerk, $6s. ' THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS and dictaphone opr., $90; stenographer and bookkeeper. $75. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bk. A BRANCH manager with proven sales ability for organization dealing in staple line. Established. Must be man of energy and force. Excellent oppor tunity for one desirous of local position. Salary depends on ability, approximately $1,800 per annum. Western Reference B. 1 1 A bo' GENERAL office clerk, $150. Assistant crcditman, $125. Shipping clerk. $100. THE MARTI COMPANY. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKEEPER or accountant for per manent position with firm of public ac countants. Salary to start about $1,800 per annum. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. OMAHA railway mail clerk examinations coining; men, women: $93 jnonth; sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute, DepJ. 2.11 J.-Roehester. N. Y. OFFICE clerk, good penman. $100, WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bk. high EXPERIENCED cashier .with a - class reference. Call Tyler 2847. Professions and Trades. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FWINITDRE Auto touring tents and camping supplies SCOTT-OMAHA TENT A AWNING CO. Billiard Tables. PRIVATE table for parties at Holmea", Baggage and Express. THE ONLY WAY ' THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Brass and ron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. J7th and Martha Sts.. Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze aluminum and machine gry(iron rastings. - Cos tuny 5. FULL dress suits for rent 101 N. 16th Sl opposits Postofflce. John Feldrnaq, WANTED 30 CARPENTERS at the New Skinner Pkg. Plant at Y Street. Apply Collins Bros. Office at the Plant. WANTED Automobile mechanics; must ba experts in all lines of automobile work; do not apply unless good; send references; also state wages. Box (14. Grand Island, Neb.' - WAITED A first class mechanic No other need apply. Mellor & -Co., Ford Oarage. O'Neill. Neb. ; WANTED Upholsterer for furottuta de-partment- Box 41406, Bee. EXPERIENCED housemen. Apply .House keeper, Omsha Athletic Club. WANTED Good country printer at cnce-J 'Wont I tor, Manning, Ia. Professions and Trades. NEWLY furnished, modern rooms from $2 up 659 S. 26th Ave. FOR RENT Attractive room In modern home. Walnut 3255. Housekeeping Rooms. 312H4 CALIFORNIA 2 and 3 rooms, fur nished, modern, 1st floor, with heat. Harney 40or. ONE large front room. 2013 Harney. Board and Rooms. 2124 DOUGLAS, front room, sjeam heat, convenient to bath, board if desired. Hotels. HEATED rooms, $2.50 week. Apartments with kltphenette Ogden hotel Coun. B FOR RENT HOUSES. North. $16 6-room, mod. ex. lit., garage, paved street, 2733 Fowler Ave. $20 6-r, mod. ex ht., walking dis tance. 20:12 N. 18th St. TEBBENS & CO. PHONE D. 2182. 1539 N. 19th St., mod. ex. heat, 4 bed , rooms, shades, nice lawn, shade and garden, close In. Key 1537. $20.00. Phonn D. 1636. TWENTY-FIVE GIRLS WANTED FOR ' STEADY WORK In various departments of the Snow White Bakery. This is a modern, sani tary, fireproof building, with plenty of good light and good air, where the con ditions surrounding the work are made as pleasant as possible. Snow White Cafeteria serves good, hot lunches every noon for as little as 12c. Good girls and women Who are able and willing to work always make good money here. Beginners start at $10.00 per week and are paid more Just as rapidly as they learn and earn more. Our week's work ends at 12:30 Satur day noon. Apply to Mrs. Emory In the Employ ment Office second floor, middle of block. ITEN BISCUIT CO., SNOW WHITE BAKERIES. Capitol Ave., 12th to 13th Sis. During suspension of street car service our big trucks will take employes to and from work. i , NOW A WAR INDUSTRY. . LEARN LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE , OPERATING. Good salary paid while learning. Per manent positions open: excellent oppor tunity for advancement; get Into cssen tlat war winning work. ' APPLY Tp C F. LAMBERT. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. 1807 DOUGLAS ST. MODERN 9-room i brick residence, close in, oak finish. Rent moderate. 2601 Capitol Ave. Call Harney 6564. $22.50-6-room modern house, 1807 Loth rop. Key next door. South. $-ROOM, strietly modern flat newly dec orated, $32 50; 1506 South 29th SL Red TEN-ROOM house, modern, 2210 Harney St. Harney 647. 5-ROOM heated house, 816 S. 22d. Tyler 2248. APARTMENT HOUSES At prices much less than you will be nble to build for a number of years to come. Prices of m;tteri:il and labor will have to drop about 50 per cent before you will be able to build at the price wo built for three and four years apro. .lust think how lors that will be. We offering some good bargains: Income $4,170. 8 apartments, half block from Farnam St. Price $35,000. Income $5,016. 13 aparments, within a few blocks of Omaha's best retail and wholesale dis trict. Frice $45,000. ' Income $6700. . ' 14 apartments In West Farnam dis trict; good location; corner lot. l'rico $65,000. Income. $9,125. II apartments in good residence dis trict; corner lot, south and east exposure, l'rico $85,000. Income S&9.35. 20 apartments withiji a few Mocits of Omaha's best retail and wholesale dis trict. Corner lot. South and east ex posure. Price $S5t000. These apartments are all new up-to-date buildings in good locations, all fin ished in hard wood; best of -idumblng and hrating plants. Always rented to desirable tenants on yearly leases. On some, owner will take good clear farm Jand as part payjnent. We have several smaller investments on our liit. You wjjl never be able to buy Omaha prop erty for loss than you can now because ' Omaha is bound to nuike a rapid growth In the near future HASTINGS & HEYDEN, HERE'S A GOOD BENSON HOME. For a very reasonable price; 6 rooms and bath; modern except heat; new par age; fine lot; good nelghborho-nl A snap at $2,200; $:'i)0 cash is all that U required, balance $20 monthly. COLFAX 719 FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loans & Mortgages. secured ii PER CENT mortgages, Omaha residences. E. H. I.OUGER. INC 5M Keellne Rid by CITY AND FARM LOANS 5l and 6 per cent; loans for March 1. 5 per cent Dumnnt & Co.. Keellne llil 12 PKK CKNT for vour money, tlllt Kdge Security AltllOTT 4 Patterson H!k.. Omaha. No Delav Closing Loans. W T GRAHAM. 604 Mee Bldg Doug. 15S3. OMA HA1 10.l i'isEASf NKTl FA RMsT O'KEKF'U REAL ESTATE CO.. lnifi Omaha Nat. Rk Bldg Doug. 2715 Sfn'lf to $ 1 ih00oM A "DE "promptly. ' KV Wead, Wead Hldg.. IKth nnd Farnam L0ANS"T)NCITY" property W. H. Thomas & Son.. Recline Bldg. Private Mmiey. SHOPFJ Sc COMPANY. Dour. 3 Stocks and Bonds. WB HUV and sell Liberty Bonds. Mack's Bond House. 1421 First Nat Bank Bldg. AGENTS WANTED. TIRE AND TUBE REPAIRING. DOUGLAS TIRE & T LCA N 17.1 NG CO. New Locution. 2.'t.'7 Enruam THEY'RE GOING HIGHER IVreiiiltpr Is tho p clinloglcal tlm to buy UMcd riys. l-r the last threp years used caV have been cheaper In Oecember that) any othr lime. We hav. a nice line to choose from at prices less than you expected to pay. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 10111 FARNAM. 'USEbCAKSANnTRl'C'KS AT BARGAIN PRirES STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 20211 Farnam St Omnha. Neb AUTOMOBILE "olc-Vtrlraf repottsT service station fur Ita field carburetors anil Columbia stortiBi! latteries. Edwards. 2811! N. lflth. Webster 11 '12. l-'UR SALE due Overland l20 delivery "Bran new:", will make, big sacrifice this week, leaving city; phone Black IT.'.I, Council Bluffs, la. OAKLAND. SVnsi!iipsi ' MARSH OAKLAND CO., 23'" Farnam fit.. BARGAINS IN IS ED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co., 15th nnr. Jackson Ford Acents D J0 WANTED FOR SPOT C.AP1I. 100 USED CARS, quick action; tin delay Atuo Exchange Co.. Farnam St D ti03i CHANDLER:'' tun i Iiik car, moi-hanii-ally perfect. Kood as new. lcavlttK city. W. E. Levey, Foutenelle hotl. QUALITY I'SED "TARS, VAN IIIU'.-S Al'To.MOP.l I.E CO.. 24i!fi LEAVENWORTH ST. ' GOOD rSED' i'ARS GUY I. SMITH. 20th nnd Farntim Sis Douglas 1970 WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO, 1910 Farnam Harney H BRAND new wire wheel roadster; cost $;;; will sell for $9i0. Box &21'i omaha Bee. FORD tuurine, ISIS model, nearly new, must sell. Johnson. Davenport Si. KoRD, 1!U7 coupe; excellent conditio. Dotiirbri :i'12. Tires and Supplies. TIRES ONE-liA I.F PRICK. GUARANTEED 3,'HiO MILKS. 3lv3. .. . .$ .mi : l.x.i . .$ 9 2.V 11 7f 12 01 FARM'AND RANCH LANDS. Arkansas Lands. DECEMBER 3 Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark. :W. S FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK Colorado Lands. 1 SECTIONS ciisteni Culoiado land. IK miles south of Flaulcr. 12 miles north of Aroya. GenHy rolliiiR, food soil. All tillable. $3.75 per acre. Separate sec tions 50 cents higher. One-fourth cash, balance 5 equal annual installments 0 per cent. V. L. Klnc, Hastings, Neb. IMPROVED ttUHiters. half sections or larger, Lincoln county. Colorado. Bar gains. Easy terms, flood crops. "Write .lolin L. Maurer, Arriba. Colo. :i2x3'2 I". 25 ,V-'xl 32x4 11.50 34x4 We furrflsh the old tires. Api nts want. l 2 IN 1 VULCANIZING COMPANY. IF. n; Davenport Street. BARGAINS IN USED TIRES 30x3 $i;..(i 3l'x:iV $ 7 0" 32x4 $9 00 34x4 $11 (Ml Shipped subject to examination on deposit of $1 Save 15 to 60 per cent on te- built and new tires. Write for prices. OMAHA RADIATOR & TIRE WORKS. 1SI9 Cumins. 2'i04 Farnam NEW Tl RKSONSAl.E. FIRESTONE, CONGRESS, M'GRA W, , LEE. F1SK. WRITE FOR PRICES. MENTION SUCK.' KRAMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 2"H'. Farna:r GAIN more miles for lens money R- treail vour tread-worn tires by G an' G Tire Co.. 2415 Leavenworth Tyle 1201-W BUY i.eo puncture-proof pneumatic tire and eliminate your tire troubles Powel Supply Co. 2H51 Farnam Kt 'E section, Lincoln Co., perfectly level land; no sanil. no gravel: no better land In Colorado; $10 per acre. Terms. Box 4GP, Omnha Bee. 1614 Harney St. Thone Tyler 50. FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES, COTTAGES & APARTMENTS AMERICAN SECURITY CO., 202 S. 17th St. Douglas Celt. Miscellaneous. 2129 Wirt St., 8 room $35.00 2408 St. Marys Ave., 8. rooms ... 35.00 3216 Burt St., 8 rooms 40.00 ARMSTRONG WALSH CO., Tyler l'536 333, Securities Bldg. $352022 ST. MARfS yiVE., 8 rooms; furnace. $10 109 South 28th, 5 rooms. Ringwalt Bros., Brandels Thea. Bldg, 2631 HARNEY St., 8-r,. all mod., $32.50. 4736 N. 36th St., 5-r., mod. ex. lit., $17.50 HASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. LIST your property for rent or sale" with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 72$ HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIGH SONS & CO.. Bee. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY. Omaha's Rental Agents. 416 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bide D. 10H. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management 2568 Douglas St., 9 rooms, $33; 4119 and 4128 N. 38th, $12 and $14. . JOHN N. FRENZER Douglas 554. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. North. NEWLY decorated 5-room apartment with two real bedrooms and tiled bath. Heat and janitor service furnished. On car lines. Doug. 1016. 4-ROOM apt., heated modern; semi-base ment; 25 Maple Court, 1816 Mapie si Tyler 1812-J. , WE SELL, rent, insure and make loans on city property, north. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO.. 24th and Ames Ave. Col. 217. BARGAINS In homes. Investments, prop erties and acreage near Omaha. Harri son A Morton, 916 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg F D WEAD SELLS REAL ESTATE Omaha. Neb REAL ESTATE-Business Property LOT 60x161, business block, for erection of fine public garage or business houses. Terms and big bargain. Owner, phone Douglas 708. WE NEED small homes or small Invest ment property. H. A. WOLF CO., Electric Bldg. Tyler 85. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO. Income. Business and Trackage Specialists 15th and Dodge Sts. Douglas 416. BUSINESS property and Investments. A. P TUKEY & SON. 420 First National Bank Bldg REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT Nebraska Lands. ; WHEAT FARM IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA 160 Acres with fair improvements, 80 acres in winter wheat, 15 acres pasture, balance reserved for spring planting rented for one-half of the small grain and one-third of the corn; all level land with good soil; 5 miles from rail road town on the Lincoln highway: price $130 per acre; terms one-fifth cash or Liberty bonds; balance easy payments at ;Vi per cent. WILL' TRADE FOR A FARM NEAR OMAHA OR A GOOD MORTGAGE. Owner would buy a farm within 25 miles of. Omaha or a good real estate mortgage, deed the wheat farm clear and pay the difference In cash. J. H. DUMONT & CO., - 416-418 Keellne Bldg. Phono Douglas 690 FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. 1 Ti ii' . a i . . ii r nee v ant us are me cebi ubi-I ness Boosters. ... - . ; J ..... ' v . - ; ' -1 WANTED A good millinery maker. First-class position for tin right party. 1522 Douglas. WANTED Young woman as nuraa helper, - Phone South 68. . 203 S. 13TH ST. Store. 22x44, all modern. 1305i Doug. St. store, 11x66, pt. snod. BIRKETT & COMPANY, 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. FOR RENT A steam-heated Btore room. 22x46; full basement: $25 a month. 10th and Douglas. MODERN store, 16th St., near postofflce; low rent. O. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago Office and Desk Room. TWO completely furnished office rooms, wfth use of phone, typewriter and pri vate office with roll, top desks; reason able rent to the rlghl party for about six months. Box 3697, Omaha Bee. LAWYERS It is essential for you to office In The Bee Building. Keystone Inv. Co., Tyler 131. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE CO. 1TH AND JACKSON DOUO. 18$. STORAGE MOVING. PACKING, REASONABLE. RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. T n Xf?VT Express Co. tf..V. xvajui- picking and Moving. Btorage. 1207 Farnam St Web, 1741. Doug. 14l. CLOSE-IN i INVESTMENT RENT $720 PRICE $6,000 Duplex or St. Louis flt, brick con struction; downstairs has 5 rooms, up stairs 6 rooms; each apartment strictly niodern; pressed brick construction; al ways rented; let us show you this prop erty. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 HARNEY ST. PHONE TYLER 60. OUR special offer for few lays only. $150 buys 10 lots, pay for 5 lots now. and for 5 lots out of the dividend. Struck oil at 450 feet. These lots may soon be worth $100 apiece; you can't loose much, buy 10 lots. Send check for warranty deed to Don De Bow, 522 Paxton Blk., Omaha. Nab. WANT MERCHANDISE. Have some good Omaha Income prop erty and good mortgage paper; also good farms. Address 213 City Nat'l Bank Bldg, REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVE... West. WEST Farnam building -tats as low as $395; $10 down, $5 per month: all Im provements. Douglas 6074. North. MINNE-LUSA; nice lot on Titus Ave., can be bought at a bargain: this lot must be sold. Call owner evenings. Walnut 70. South. ACREAGE tracts. $1 down, $1 weekly. S. W Field club; blgb and sightly: rich soil; $296 and ups'-new add . Introductory offer: no taxes; no Interest till Jan. 1, 1120 The Byron Reed Co. D. 217. K12 Farnam Miscellaneous. 110 ACRES choice feeding and farming lot. Nllsson, 423 Securities Bldg. FARMS AND . RANCHES. We have several very attractive prop erties for sale In Dawes. Keya Paha and Brown counties. Theso are places that we have personally Inspected, and are recommended as being good buys. Send for list ind photos stating as lo your wants. Iloke Inv., Co.. Omsha. 440 ACRESTlvh lch is a dandy fine little ranch, all Improved, ready to move onto. Probably K'O acres farmnble, balance heavily grassed. Some nice timber, only seven miles out. Finest kind of Pine Ridge soil. You couldn't beat It in, 100 years. Oniy $25 per acre. This is just a sample of my many offerings. Hungcrford of Crawford. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE -120 -acre farm; well Improved, 3!-i miles from Blair Neb. E. JI. Morgan, 1808 Sahler. Colfax MM. WRITE ine for pictures and prices of my farms and ranches In good old Dawes county. Arab L Hungerford. Crawford. Neb USED tires, first-class condition. $0-1 $15. Sent on approval. Duplex Tlra Co. 110 S. 17th St FORD- light-delivery,- good sunning or dor; will sell cheap. H. 57S5. Repairing and Painting; RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repalrn and rvbuilt; large stock used radiators New Fvrd honeicomb radiators. OMAHA RADIATOR A TIRE WORKS. 1819 Cuming 2"64 Farnam. EXPERT radiators, fendeis and a"t bodies, repairing at reasonable pricen Prompt attention given lo garag work; ship vour radiators direct to us NEBRASKA SERVICE GARAGE, 1104 North 18th. 18 S. 1 nth St. Motorcycles aridjBicycles. H A R LE Y -T) A V IDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains in used machines. Victor H Rous, the Molorycle Man. 27th ant Leavenworth. GOOD Omaha Income property for clear western land or eastern Nebraska farm Mr Pease. 211 Brandels Theater Bldg ALFALFA whfat and corn irrigated farms and ranches, $15 to $170. Send for list Cover & Co . Cozad. Neb MERRICK COUNTY. Improved corn and alfalfa farms at the right price M. A LARSON. Central City, Neb CHOICE 120-acre level farm, near Blair, Neb for sale or exchange. E. M. Mor gan, 1S0S Sahler. Call Colfax 366R. Oregon Land. Irrigation "In the ireart of the Range'' The Jordan Valley Project. . An empire In the making, land $1.00 per acre plhs the cost of the water. You can file on grazing homestead entries nearby Llerature and particulars on request. Next excursion Deeember 7. HARLEY J HOOKER 940 First Natl. BH. Bldg Omaha. Neb PERSONAL. YHE8 AL V A T I O 51 Army Industrial Hnnn solicits our old clothing, furnltuie, magazines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new hom 1110-1112-1114 Dodne St FURNACES cleaned, $1.25. All repairs. CENTRAL TIN SHOP (Night-Day) Walnut 3532. MEDICAL. RUPTURE successfully treated without i surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Frank II Wray. 3(t Bee Bldg HORSES. LIVE STOCK. FOR SALE A good milk cow. 5109 houtfc 1!th St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK FOR SALE Canary birds, singers, guar anteed first-class. Address Oscar Wil son. Plnttsmouth, Nelt. THOROUGHBRED Plymouth Hoik cock erels, $:; and $.".. 3015 Bedford Ave. MONEY TOLOa1. Organized by the Business Men of Omaha FUR.i'lTURE. pianos and notes as secur ity. $40. 6 mo., H goods, total, $3 60. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 432 Security Bldg. 16th Psrnam Ty 6 LOANS bN'DlAMONDS. JEWELRY AND ii t LIBERTY BONDS. O U7 iy 10 w C FLATAU. EST 1893 fO 6TH FLR SECURITY BLDG 'i'Y 50. Lowest rates. Private loan booths Harry Maleshock. 1514 Dodge D 6619 Est 11 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $50 per a.. Including paid up water rights. Henry Levi ft C M Rylander 854 Omaha Na AUTOMOBILES. STEARNS-KNIGHT Seven-passenger STEARNS-KNIGHT with touring body and beautiful limou sine body made by Kimball. The entire outfit will bs sold lor one-half tht cost of the limousine body. Apply Fay Rogers. Supply Department, Woodmen rj the World Phone Douglas 4570. uuiior. SbOAN; am leaving for the win ter and will sell my Dodge Sedan at less than value. Fine condition. Just like new. Address for particulars. Box Y 252, .Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Bemhard I'li'tig and wife to Christ Si-hlnstock, Vinton St.. 60 ft. e. of 24th St., 60x12 $20, ' ' i Niels Peter Jensen to Peter Peter sen, n. e. cor. 6S'h and Corby sts., 163x194 1 Peter Petersen and wife to Jnhann K. B. Madsen, n. e. cor. 6Sth and Corby sts., 163x194 , 1 David B. Mentiply and wife to Sam uel E. Huges et al., Krsklni st., 190 ft. w. of f.8th St., . s., 100x130 1,000 John F. Flack and wife to Old Peo ple's Home, 45th St., 117 ft. s. of Buggies St., c. s , 40x112.9 Cond Real Estate Co. to Beads O. Espcrson, n. e. cor. 36th ave. and Davenport sts., 57.5x145 John F. Wuerth and wife to Kmllte iienbo, 20th St., 22 ft. s. of Dor cas St., w. s., 38x90 Carl A. Johnson and wife to Win. field J. Taylor, Lafayette ave., 150 ft. w. of 60th St., n. s. Mxli Fred Kahl and wife to Linn P. Campbell, 2d St., 112 ft, s. of I"lercxst., 40x80 Henry l2 Dana and wife to Edna G. Walworth, 36th ave., 92 ft. s. of Fowler ave., w. a., 47x133 Agatha II. Hotiun and husband to Clifford R. Weller, n. w. cor. 48th and Douglas its., 59x95 MM $46 .1,201 100 100 151 1,900 I