Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Bee
Tht AnociaM) Piw at nirti Th He it nan tier. uoluam;
eatiUed U (a use fur publicttloo of til im diiuatcbet cradllad
lo II at aoc etlwntlM credited la tins paper, tod also Uw local
umt pobUshed txrrin. 411 rights of vublicalloa of out special
dispatches are alas neemd.
Chicago Ptople'a Oil Balldiea, Oaiah Tbs b Rld(.
K lark tM flfta An. Boun Onihi Ul N 81
at. Leuie-Nw B's of Conmane, Uouarll Blurfs-lt N. Main St
WMhlOftoft 1111 O 8k Uneoia Utm Building.
Daily 68,570 Sunday 60,405
Ararat circulation for tt nontli subscribed and sworn to bj
K. B. Baaan. Clrculatloo Manager.
Subscriber leaving tb city ahould have Tha Bm malted
to then Addraaa chant to) olttn requested.
! 1
Eon voyage, Mr. President, and good luck.
; ' Mac ten sen is said to have stripped Rou
mania ai completely as Bissing did Belgium.
Tbat'is what he went there to do. '
Mrs. Wilson proposes to visit the graves of
Eitf ight,, Gresham and Hay while in France.
These should be a shrine for all Americans for
all time.
Whatever else happens to it, the peace con
ference will not suffer for lack of press correspondents.
It's a cinch a commission, plan of county
government would be at least as efficient and
no more expensive than our pVesent county
board bunch. .
, If there is anything in omer.s, it ought to be
in favor of the trip made by the president of the
United States in a vessel named for the first
president, and taken from the last of the kaisers.
One cannot help recalling that the first
thing the democrats did when they got control
of the house under President Taft was to cut
the naval program in half.
-If India is facing famine danger, there can
be no prospect of India, wheat supplying the
demand that otherwise must be met by the
American farmer. Stick a pin there.
How about municipal home rule? Our peo
pie certainly should have the same right to
make their own charter here in Omaha that Lin-
coin folks have to make their own charter.
. Selling the wooden ships to private owners
to determine if they are of commercial value is
one way of finding out. And the probabilities
are somebody will get a real bargain in the deal.
Now watch the democrats try to drive all
their political legislation through the remaining
short season of this congress to get away from
the, republican majorities entrusted at the elec
tion with the control of the next congress.
nl . I J i A Tl'-U. .
wine orunance ucuai uiicm ui vv asiiiiiKiuu
cotnp'laWd a little while ago fhat Pershing was
wasting shells by firing too many in battle. That
bureau evidently clung to the idea that he could
vin the war by talking. -
A naval airplane carrying fifty men and
cruising at a speed of 80 miles per hour is One
of the triumphs of Yankee aviation. If the war
had held out long enough, we might have"
handed Fritr several surprises. -
Vhy wouldn't the railroad owners be willing
to unload on the government at war-time valu-.
at ions? And which of the security holders
would not prefer a certificate from Uncle Sam to
any ever issued by a private corporation?
' NewYork is having i rather turbulent time
because irresponsible "red " and equally irre
sponsible boys, but recently liberated from army
or navy discipline cannot control, themselves.
Each of these groups will yet learn that liberty
is not license. ,
General Leonard Wood comes out of the af
fair as strongly as ever in favor of universal
military training. Had he been listened to sev
eral years ago, our share in the war might have
been different. At any rate, we would have
been ready when called on to come irf.
. ..'Albert's entry into Liege ought to give. Wil
helm another shock." It was there the German
machine received the setback that eventually led
to its overflow. Also, so long as history is writ
ten and read the tale of Liege, Louvain and the
Lusitania will stand to haunt the German con
science. - v ,
Now that for all practical purposes the war
is over, perhaps Postmaster General Burleson
may find time to relieve business a bit by tuning
up bis mail transmission and delivery to a little
higher pitch Of efficiency. , It can be done, how
everf without hiring more men ' to handle the
increased business.
Official Recipe for Peace
"If there are quarrels and tears, play some
thing pretty on the piano and think the word
ljirmony," advises a government bulletin which
aims to establish amity between parents and
tad little boys. The case is recounted of a
motrrer wno, airecuysne ncara me nrsi nowi,
rushed to the piano and sang gently over and
over, in soft contralto, the word Peace, where
upon her children we quote from the 'Official
document "easily yielded," There are , unfor
tunately parents whose singing voices lack the
melting sweetness required, and these are ad-
" vised to have someone come in at twilight and
, sing with the squirming heirs and heiresses, the
words of the sang being "constructive." If
these wonders can be worked Vith children,
. why jtiight not an unsympathetic dentist be
made tender if the patient should sing "Pale
lianas 1,1-Over J janitor wno naa prema-
. tnr1v mirlltd the furnace could lvricallv in-J
rorm his angry tenants, "The spring, the spring
has come again I" Or in the cold autumn he
might answer, "Forgotten you? Well, if for-
getting" Indutiably a gentleman seeking his
house door in the dark night set himself right
by crooning. "I want no stars in heaven, to1
guide me." Perhaps the cats that make Roman
: arenas of many a back yard would "yield" to
Oh Silent Night " determinedly rendered. Any-war-
the bulletin pleads, "Pass th:s on." and
one can bat do his best. New York Post ,
N Parting injunctions and advice, as delivered
by the president in his address to the congress,
are not so numerous nor so weighty as had been
anticipated. Aside from an endorsement of, the
big navy program, a suggestion that some
means be found for continuing control of ex
ports, and that the return of, the railroads to
private ownership be considered, the' executive
had little to offer. Of his own purpose in going
abroad he said he sought only to make certain
that American soldiers have not died in vain.
This may be interpreted in several ways, but
will very probably be accepted as referring tb
the fourteen points and the subsequent utter
ances supposed to contain our purpose in the
war. That, of course, was understood.
On domestic affairs the president touched
very lightly. His reference to the revenue
merely amounts to a repetition of what Mr.
McAdoo had already said. On the railroad
question a glimmer of light may be had in the
statement that the president is not willing that
the properties be returned to their owners un
der conditions that pertained prior to their seiz
ure a year ago. How this will be construed
may be determined if congress undertakes to
carry out his expressed wish that it find some
plan for accomplishing the transfer.
To the nation he gives words of highest
praise for all who have helped in the war. In
this he will be joined without demur. For the
women he asks that the suffrage be extended
to them. Whether his request in this respect
will be more effective than when he. urged it as
a war measure a few weeks ago is not clear.
In general the address lacks something of
the incisive quality that hitherto has character
ized his communications to congress. He out
lines neither plan nor policy, save as sugges
tions subject to congressional action. This sign
of recognition of the body as a responsible part
of the government is too noticeable a departure
from his recent attitude to go withoucomment.
It may be accepted as looking forward to the
next session, when laws will be passed because
they are agreed upon and not because they
emanate from the White House. If this is cor
rect, it will be welcomed as a sign that we in
America are getting back to a democratic form
of government.
Right in the Spotlights .
Today is the 47th birthday of
Newton D. Baker, secretary of war
in the Wilson cabinet, who will be
left largely in control of the execu
tive branch of the government at
Washington during the absence- of
the president abroad. Mr. Baker has
cften been described as more -like
President Wilson than any other
man in the country. He has held
the war portfolio since March, 1916.
As a democrat he was for many
years active in politics in his home
state, Ohio.. As a protege of Tom
L. Johnson he was elected director
of public safety and subsequently
served two terms as mayor of Cleve
land. Mr. Baker is a native of Mar
tinsburg, W. Va.. and was educated
at Johns Hopkins and Washington
and Lee universities. During the
war just ended he paid several visits
of inspection to the French and Ital
ian fronts.
One Year Ago Today in the War1.
Inter-allied war conference in
Paris closed with an address by Col.
E. M. House.
United States government is
sued war savings stamps for the
first time.
British occupied all of German
East Africa, making' loss of Ger
many's colonial empire complete.
In Omaha 30 years Ago Today.
R. C. Mudge, of the American
Paper company, of Detroit, has es
tablished an agency in this city.
The Gibson school was opened by
Miss 'Nagl, the newly appointed
Old Rural France No More,
Old Glory Over the Rhine.
American troops have crossed the Rhine.
The historic significance of this fact cannot for
the moment be grasped, but it will be accepted
as one of the great events in the career of the
United States. Its flag today floats over the
soil of a' proud empire, whose boast through
four years of desperate warfare had been that
its armies fought on conquered soil, and that
never would they permit an invader to press the
ground behind the sacred Rhine. The utter col
lapse of that pride is evinced in the cool recep
tion given our troops. Never again will "The
Watch on the Rhine" sound the same; its words
are hollow now. But the German people will
learn in their present humiliation a lesson that
must be of great service to them. They will
come to know that the power of the American
people is put forth to preserve and not to de
stroy. That under Old Glory marches a nation
devoted to ideals of service and of humanitarian
purpose. It is so at variance with all they have
believed andWvoted themselves to for genera
tions that they will not easily grasp its mean
ing, but in years to come they may appreciate
just what the crossing of the Rhine by General
Pershing and his forces really holds for the
future of Germany. , '
Economic Aspects of Peace.
Prince Windisch-Graetz, former Hungarian
.minister of finance and an economist of wide
knowledge, says permanent peace in Europe
will come only when the several nations are or
ganized on a basis of free trade. He is not sure
if the sought-for stability will be arrived at on
the basis of the fourteen points, or whether
Leninism will dominate. In either event one
conclusion is inexcapable.
The future, of Europe depends solely upon
the industrious application of its inhabitants.
If they spend their time in futile mass meetings,,
adopting vain resolutions or in heedless de
struction of life and property, they can expect
only continuation of the misery they now en
dure. Hard work is their one way to salvation.
They already have thrown away a wonderful
chance, but yet have the time to recover if they
will only exert themselves. It is not materially
possible that the economic life of Europe can
be resumed at the point where it was inter
rupted in 1914. The start will have to be made
much farther back.
'Industries have not only languished there,
but have been nearly destroyed. Manufactories
have disappeared, demolished in the course of
war or through the insanity of bloshevism, and
not this alone, but sources of raw material have
vanished. Agriculture, mining, all forms of
human activity have been reduced to the lowest
standard where not wholly suspended. The
restoration will not be accomplished as speedily
as was the interruption. ,
v Europeans turn their eyes to America, and
will here find help for the present, but for the
future will be required to show a more definite
determination to help themselves than appears
just at this moment. Actions will be far more
impressive and convincing than words, no mat
ter how earnest or eloquent.
Needed: Syntactical Accuracy.
Let us not be mistaken at the outset. 'Noth
ing is to be said against the health department's
efforts to warn the people against the "flu" with
out unduly alarming them. But Lindley Mur
ray might wonder which is the-greater inflic
tion, the disease or the form of the language in
which the warnings are couched. We scarcely
may demand, much less expect, sanitary syntax,
but somewhere in' the city hall ought to be
found one whose knowledge of words and their
uses might serve to give living force t the ad
monitions of the health commissioner and yet
avoid the uncouth quality that now distinguishes
them. Simple language is nfost forcible, and
'in our lexicon may be found words whose ac
cepted meaning will convey the thought desired
to be imparted and at the same time, permit of
arrangement mcfre in -accord with decent usage
and quite as effective as "Cover up each cough
and sneeze," which certainly does not mean
what it says. A blue pencil, or a censor, or
some similar agency might be added to the city's
official equipment. ,
vBradstreet's professes to note a recession in
prices, but it takes a genuine expert to note any
difference hereabouts.' v'
principal. There are accommoda
tions for about one hundred scholars
who will be transferred from Ban
croft school.
R. A. Craig, formerly connected
with the business department of the
Pioneer Press, of St. Paul, has pur
chased a controlling interest in the
Herald of this city.
The president of the board of
trade has appointed the following
gentlemen to act as a committee
upon legislation: John Evans G. W.
Lininger, C. H. Brown, John B.
Furay, F. W. Gray, W. J. Connell
and John A. Horbach.
Clark Woodman, F. E. Ritchie
and G. M. Nattinger have formed a
partnership for the conduct of a
grain and seed business with a capi
tal of $100,000.
Mrs. F. D. Mead spent Thanks
giving with her daughter, Mrs. E.
N. Bullock of West Point, Neb., and
has just returned.
Tht Day We Celebrate.
W. M. McKay of the Cole-McKay
company, funeral directors, born
Newton D. Baker, United States
secretary of war, born at Martins
burg, W. Va., 47 years ago.
.Rev. Dr. Frank Mason North,
president of the Federal Council of
Churches in America, born in New
York 68 years ago.
John H. Morehead, former gov
ernor of Nebraska and democratic
senatorial candidate in the recent
election, born in Lucas county, la.,
57 years ago.
This Day in History. '
1806 Henry A. Wise, governor
of Virginia, who signed the death
warrant of John Brown, born at
Drummondtown, Va. Died in Rich
mond, Sept. 12, 1876. '
1818 Wisconsin was attached to
Michigan territory upon the admis
sion of Illinois into the Union.
1870 The imperial crown of Ger
many was offered to the king of
1897 Belgian government decid
ed that in future Americans resid
ing in Belgium should be exempt
from military service. '
1915 United States asked recall
of Captain Boy-Ed and Captain von
Papen, attaches of the German em
bassy at Washington. J
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
Birthday greetings to the state of
Illinois, 100 years old today.
. Atter-the-war problems affecting
the lumber industry will be Jdis
cussed at the annual meeting of the
Northwestern Hardwood- Lumber
men's association, opening today at
AH ,New York state youths be
tween the ages of 16 and 18, in
clusive, have been summoned by
formal proclamation - of Governor
Whitman to enroll today for mili
tary training under the new state
military law The enrollment will be
carried out with the co-operation
of the state educational department.
Storyette of the Day.
Australian Soldier (to American)
"You Yanks think you've done a
lot, but you forget we Australians
have been at the game for four
years." v
"Well, what have you done, any
way?", "Done? We've .been at Gallipoli,
Mesopotamia, the plains of Bethle
hem, and"
"The plains of Bethlehem?"
"Yes; I slept a week there my
self." "Well, I guess that was a busy
week for. the shepherds watching
their flocks" London Tit-Bits!
Minneapolis Tribune: A penny
apiece for German Iron Crosses!
That's too much for junk.
Brooklyn Eagle: The German
seem only to fear that others may
do unto them what they have done
unto others. i .
Washington Post: If a'.few gov
ernment officials will kindly remain
on this side of the Atlantic to look
after routine business while the
president is away the public may or
may not be grateful.
Kansas City Star: The kaiser
fled t Holland, Ludendorff to Swe
den.Von Tirpitz to Switzerland
strange, Isn't it, that none fled to
Russia, to enjoy the "new freedom"
their agents, Trotaky and Lenine, es
tablished there for them?
New York World: One 'of the
reasons that may account for the
rumor that the ex-kalser may return
to Germany Is the fact that Great
Britain is talking of extraditing him
in order to try him j for murder, for
which he has been Indicted by an
Enfllsh Jury; ; .
Irvin S. Cobb in Saturday Evening Post.
The France to which tourists will come
after the war will not be the France that peace
time visitors knew. I am not speaking so much
of the ruined cities and the razed towns, each a
mute witnests now to thoroughness, as exempli
fied by the orthodox tenets of Kultur. For the
most part, these can never be restored to their
former semblance. Here Hunnish efficiency did
its damned work too well for it ever to be undone.
Indeed. I was told no loneer ago than yes
terday, when I went through Arras, dodging for.
shelter from ruin heap to ruin heap between
gusts of shelling from the German batteries,
that it is the intention of the French government
to leave untouched and untidied certain areas of
wanton devastation, so that future generations
of men, looking upon these hell's quarter sec
tions, shall have before their eyes fit samples
of the- finished handicraft of the Hun.
I am sure this must! W true of Arras, be
cause in the vicinity of the cathedral I mean
the place where the cathedral once was signs
are stuck up in rubble piles or fastened to up
standing bits of splintered walls forbidding visi
tors to remove souvenirs or to alter the present
appearance of things in any way whatsoever. I
sincerely trust the French will carry out this
purpose. Then, in the years to come, when
Americans come here and behold this place
once one of the most beautiful in all Europe
and now one of the foulest and most hideous in
all the earth they may be cured of any linger
ing inclination to trust "a people in whose veins
there may linger a single trace of the taints of
kaiserism and militarism. When I say that the
France of t future will never be the France
which once upon a time was a shrine for lovers
of beauty to worship at was one great altar
dedicated to all loveliness I am thinking par
ticularly of the rural .districts and not of the
communities. '
I base my belief in this assertion upon the
very reasonable supposition that after the
armies Ire withdrawn or disbanded or, as in
the case of our foes, killed off or captured, or
driven back, as they are now being driven back
the peasants, in their task of making the
devastated regions once more fit for human
habitation, will turn to the material most
plentifully at hand and that of which the
quickest use may be made.
This means, then, that, instead of rebuilding
with masonry and cement and plaster, after
the ancient modes, they will employ the sal
vage of military constructions. And, by that
same token, it means that ugly, characterless
wooden buildings, with roofs of corrugated
iron, all slab-sided and angular and hopelessly
plain, will replace the quaint gabled houses that
.are gone, and gone forever; and that where the
picturesque stone fences ran zigzagging across
the face of the meadows, and the centuries-old
plastered walls rose about byre- and midden and
stable yard, will, instead, be stretched lines of
barbed wire nailed to wooden posts. The stuff
will be there in incredible quantities and it
will be cheap; and it will be available for imme
diate use, once the forces pf the allies have
scattered. It is only natural to assume, there
fore, that the thrifty country folk and the citi
zens of the villages will take it over.
For a fact, in certain instances they are al
ready doing so. Last week up near the Flanders
border, in British-held territory, I saw a half
grown boy wiggling through a maze of rUsted
barbed wire along an abandoned defense line,
like Brer Rabbit through the historic briei
patch; and when I drew nearer, curious to
know what sort of game he played all alone,
here in a land where every game except the
great game of war is out of fashion, I saw that
he was tearing down strands- of the wire. And
he told me he was going to inclose his mother's
garden with the stuff.
i Think of a French garden fenced in after the
style of a Nebraska ranch yard! Also, I have
taken note that the peasants are removing the
plank shoring from the sides of old disused
trenches, and, with the boards thus secured, are
knocking up barns and chicken sheds, and even
make-shift dwellings.
Assuredly it will never be the old France
physically. But spiritually the new France,
wearing the scars of her sacrifice as the Re
deemer of mankind wore the nail marks of His
crucifixion, will be a vision of glory before the
eyes. of men forevermore. I like this simile as
I set it down in my notes. And I mean no ir
reverence as I liken the barbed wire to the
Crbwn of Thorns and think of crosspieces of
ugly wood taken out of a barrack or a rest billet
and erected into the shape of the Cross.
Pershing and the Presidency
Republicans of Summit county, Ohio, of
which Akron is the seat of government, haye
snatched General Pershing's chapeau from his
head and tossed it into the presidential ring for
the 1920 contest.
; This is the first formal foretokening that ad
mirers of the brilliant American military leader
may seek to "heroize" him to his hurt, as was
done in the case of Rear Admiral Dewey.
far be it from us to say that General Persh
ing hasn't it in him to be an excellent president.
IT n .. U t .... 1, . U A l. ,1,- .-,
1UI auiil w c miuw nvn, uic mnj uc luc man
of the hour" as a civilian leader in the days of
the world s reconstruction and regeneration.
just as he has proved y be "a man of the hour"
in the big war drama in Europe.
At least, it might be a good and courteous
thing to consult General Pershing before under
taking to conjure with his name in this way.
The presidency might not be to his liking, great
as is the honor involved in .holding it.. Very
easily we can conceive of his preferring to keep
his distinctive place in the American army, to
whose honorable traditions he has contributed
so great a chapter. Also, we bear it in mind
that the valuable services of the American com
mander may be singularly useful in war-torn
Europe for two or three years to come.
A mere effort to add to"the honors already
won by General Pershing would be somewhat
analagous to the business of carrying coals to
Newcastle. He has made a place in American
and world history that cannot be enhanced by
arbitrary tributes any more than the fragrance
of a rose can be bettered by the addition of a
mart-made perfume.
For the gaiety of the nation we may begin
now to groom candidates for the presidency,
willy nilly; but for the nation's serious purposes
we can well afford to wait a while and see what
happens. National party conventions to chooso
standard bearers are still about 19 months off.
Within that' period are to be crowded many
momentous events. Minneapolis Tribune.
Berlin s Secret Archives
It is interesting to know that some recently
awakened Germans are clamoring to have the
secret archives of the late Berlin government
exposed to the white light of publicity.
The defeated nation can render no greater
service1 to the world than this. The mere
thought of the secrets that lie hidden in the
kaiser's charnel house of bribery, corruption
and treachery is enough, to blanch the faces
of many men of power and reputation in this
country as well as in others. For those ar
chives contain the records of bargains with un
scrupulous statesmen, with professional agita
tors and conscienceless newspaper editors, and
proprietors, and with princes witling to sacrifice
their subjects to make safe their own thrones.
Among those records are the accounts kept by
the Berlin government with the various disloyal
elements in England and Ireland which the
kaiser firmly believed were undermining, Great
Britain's power. Here, too, may be found a
list of -the bribes that tempted Frenchmen to
dim the glory of their nation's .splendid fame.
But it is safe to say that not One of these secret
covenants will prove of greater interest to our
country than those that linked brutal autocracy
with-American treachery of the kind known ty
the synonymous terms of pacifism and pro-Germanism-
Into whose hands went the millions dis
bursed by Germany's huge corruption fund for
propaganda, for arson and for wholesale mur
der in America? How many of these hands are
still clutching their ill-gotten gains? The sol
dier's task is finished. That of the hangman
has not begun New York Herald. '
Health Department's Slogan.
Omaha, Dec. 1. To the Editor of
The Bee: Recently the Philadelphia
Inquirer said editorially:
"Panic is the worst thine that can
happen to an individual or a com
munity. Panic is exaggerated fear,
and fear is the most deadly word in
any language. The fear of Influenza
is creating a panic, an unreasonable
panic that will be promoted, we sus
pect, by the drastic commands of
the authorities. Let a person be
come excited over the dally reports
of new cases; let him brood over
them; let him shake his head in dis
may and with every little ache or
pain that may be harmless In itself
give himself over to dismal imagina
tions, and he is providing a fertile
field for attack. His mind fears it,
becomes receptive to it, invites It."
While the above is. In my opinion,
quite true, yet the slogan adopted
by the local health department and
the carrying out of the request there
in made is much more preferable
than placing a ban on public schools,
places of amusement, churches and
other points of public congregation.
, So far as advising the covering (of
the mouth with a handkerchief when
coughing or sneezing is concerned,
the advice ought to be heeded for
other reasons than the scattering of
germs, for it is not to that person's
credit who Joes not so cover that he
has no more regard for the rights of
others than to spray with saliva his
neighbor in a congested public place.
Common decency ought to be
sufficient incentive for covering the
mouth with a handkerchief in such
an event, and if by so doing the
necessity for placing a ban on public
gatherings is obviated we will be
considerably ahead both in health
and finance. Covering is by far the
lesser hardship of the two.
Railroad Eating Prices.
Sidney, Neb., Nov. 29. To the
Editor of The Bee: Quite a lot has
been published recently in reference
to railroad men and their passes. I
say let them have their passes. It
isn't nurtmg anybody.
But while we are on the subject
of railroad men and their privileges
I wish you would give another mat
ter an "airing" which strikes me as
being anything but a square deal. I
refer to the railroad lunch counter
prices. I am a traveling man and
have to eat quite, often at railroad
lunch counters. This evening I had
supper at the Union Pacific counter
here. I sat next to an engineer. We
had exactly the same meal. His
check was 35 cents. Mine was 65
cents. If the company made a profit
on his meal at 35 cents, what kind of
a profit do they make off me, at 65
On the other hand, if they break
even on putting out this meal at 35
cents, then I am compelled to pay
not only my own proportion of
profit, but I pay the railroad man's
as well. The traveling public has
paid double price for years at rail
road eating houses. It is an Imposi
tion, to say the least, and now that
Uncle Sam has charge, why wouldn't
it be an opportune time to stop this
"crnft'" v n nrn enw
State Press Comment
Albion News: Let's see, election
was November 5, and the Germans
cried "quits" on the 11th. Just
about time for the news to reach
them. Didn't Arthur Mullen tell
you what the effect would be?
Columbus News: Pershing neith
er writes nor talks. He doesn't
know how to get the publicity. That
makes him ineligible to public office.
It Is our prediction that the nomina
tion will -go to some hero who talked
his way through the war.
Harvard Courier: The Omaha
Bee takes time by the forelock and
Is already boosting for a new state
house. Nebraska needs a new state
house bad enough, but It may take
some time to convince the voters
that now Is the time to build it.
Taxes are going to be plenty high
enough the next few years without
any1 expenditures that can be gotten
along without.
Beatrice Express: Now . is the
time when the wheat farmers can
well appreciate the positive virtue
of a fixed price on wheat, and the
southern planters will wonder
whether his intense opposition to
a fixed price was good policy, after
all. Only a short time ago the cot
ton market dropped $10 a bale In one
day and it was found necessary to
forbid speculative skies. Meanwhile
the wheat farmer who optimistically
looks forward to cheaper machinery
and more plentiful labor is sure of
$2.20 a bushel for his grain.
Gothenburg Independent: Peo
ple holding high positions . in this
world do not worry over reports of
their doings while on larks away
from home. Tom Edison and Hen
Ford amused themselves one slow
afternoon during the last summer
by trying to kick a cigar from a slx-
Ship after ahlp, and avery on wttlt a high
roaoundlng nama,
From tha robbar-nr-at of Heligoland tha
Not victory or'drath they aought, but a
rendeavoua of ahame!
Sing out, aing out,
A Joyful ahout,
Ya loveri of the aea!
Tha "Kalaor" and tha "Kalaerln,"
Tha Konlg" and the Prim."
The potrntatea of piracy.
Are coming to aurrendar
And tha ocean ahall ba Tree.
They never dared tha final fata of tht
battla on the blue; t
Their aea-wolvea murdered merchantman
and mocked the drowning crew,
They etalned the wave with martyr-blood
but wa lent our tranaporta through!
What flaga are theae that dumbly droni
from tha gaff o' tha mainmast tall'
The black of tha kalser'a Iron croaa, tht
red of tha emplre'a fall?
Come down, come down, ya plrata tlagi
yea. atrlka your colon all I
Tha Union Jack and the Tricolor and thi
Starry Flag o' the Wt
Shall guard the fruit of Freedom'! wai
and the victory confeat,
The flaga of the brave and just and fret
shall rule on the ocean's breast.
Sing out alng out.
A mighty ahoul,
Ya lovers of the ea!
The "Kaiser" and the "Kulaerln,"
Tha "Konlg" and the "Prlna,"
The robber lords of death and aln,
Have come to their surrender,
And the ocean shall be free!
Boston. HENRY VAN DYKE. V. S. N.
foot mantelpiece In a hotel at a
"fashionable" resort. Now, if a
staid GothenburgeW were to get so
gay as that at an Omaha hotel It
might be said that he had ben
standing; In with bootleggers, and
acted just awful. .
"This bolshevlkl business in Europe Is
iipsetting all the rules of the game."
"How so?"
"The kings are being trumped by the
knaves." Baltimore American.
"Why Is Wombat hustling so strenuous
ly? I thought he retired with enough
to live on."
"It looked like enoujgh to llva on 10
yeara ago." Judge.
The Poet Yea atmosphere, after all.
Is everything.
She You don't mean to aay that you
have actually been In a gas attack?
"Do you believe In heredity?"
"Of course I do," replied the gentla
egotist. "Why, I've got one of the bright
est boys you ever saw." Washington Star.
"You say It was a marriage of con
venience?" "In one way."
"How so?"
"I undestand the bride's father finds
It a great convenience to have a mil
lionaire for a son-in-law." Birmingham
Stomachs Put in Order Insiahtiy!
No' Indigestion, Gas or Heartburn
Lumps of pain that's indiges
tion 1
, Belching sour food, acids and
gases that's dyspepsia.
Instant relief awaits you I -
The moment Pape's Diapepsin
reaches your sick, upset stomach
all distress stops. No waiting!
Stops at once 1
Costs so little at drug stores.
Put an end to stomach misery 1
Faues Oiapepsin on your feet
irst for
skin troubles
Delay in the 57Wtreatment
of skin troubles is dangerous.
Every day spent in trying un
proved remedies may only let
t'.ie disorder spread and become
more and more deeply seated.
The value ol.Resinol Ointment,
is known. For over twenty
years it has been used as a sooth
ing, healing remedy for the skin.
If applied in time, it usually.,
checks the itching and reduces
the eruption right away. Cut ,
even in stubborn, long-standing
cases, it is surprising, how
quickly this gentle, yet effective
ointment brings results,
AH druggists sell Ruinol Ointment.
Ml with tender factt t'.t rirk
lather tf KesiMtl Shaving SlicM dilieht
fulif tootkiat.
Ml a LAC a
Life Miserable
IF ir
Dentists tell us that acid mouth
causes the eating away of enamel on the
teeth, , a substance much harder than
bone. "Keep the mouth free from acid,"
they say, "and there will be little or no
danger of decayed teeth."
Think of this you can 'at once see
what an excess amount of acid in the
. stomach acid-stomach means in the
way of undermining one's health and,
Many people make the awful mistake
. of thinking that acid-stomach super
acidity as the doctors call it merely
causes an occasional attack of indiges
tion, bloat, heartburn, belching, sour,
gassy stomach and similar troubles that
can quickly be remedied and leave no
serious after effects. As a matter of fact
superacidity is responsible for a long
train sA serious ailments. It sometimes
creates conditions which baffle the best
medical skill. It is a well established
fact that most cases of chronic stomach
- trouble, anemia, stomatitis, gastritis,
rheumatism, gout, lumbago, intestinal
ulcer, many cases of cancer of the sto
mach, valvular heart trouble and heart
failure find their start in acid-stomach.
-The excel acid mutt he removed. The
stomach mutt be kept pure, tweet and strong,
free to digest food properly.. That it the only
ture way to avoid the evil contequence of acid
stomach and to enjoy vigorout, robutt health.
A wonderful preparation now makes it pos
sible to quickly remove acid-stomach. It is
called EATONIC a pleasant tasting compound
that you eat like candy.
EATONIC literally wipes out the hurtful ex
cess acid and drives the bloat out of the body,
i You can fairly feel it work. It is' absolutely
harmless and no matter how weak or delicate the
stomach may be, EATONIC will not cause dis
tress. ' i '
The immediate effects of EATONIC
are nothing short of marvelous. Almost '
instantly it relieves that miserable,
puffed up feeling , after eating, sour,
gassy stomach, heartburn, stops food
repeating, etc. 'Makes the stomach feel
sweet, cool and comfortable. Enables -you
to eat what you like and digest your food
, in comfort. Aids digestion, and helps the di
gestive organs to get full strength out of every
mouthful of food you eat. And that is what
you must have in order to be well and strong
full strength from your food.
So we say don't let an acid-stomach hold
you back and wreck your health. Don't drag
out your days feeling all in, down and out, -weak
and ailing, lacking in physical power and en
ergy; listless, nervous, irritable and taking only
a half-hearted interest in your work. .Keep
the vital apark flashing. Let every organ,
muscle and nerve of your body function in per
fect harmony with a strong, healthy stomach.
Eat the things you like but make every mouth
ful count. Then you'll feel fine be fit
mentally alert have pep and punch the
power and will to do things. ' That's the kind
of health that makes life worth living!
x Take EATONIC. Then see how much better
(you feel instantly! You need this help. And you
'can get it easily. Your druggist has EATONIC.
Get a big box today. It is guaranteed to please
you in every way. You have faith in your drug
gist and you can trust him to make this guaran
tee good. If EATONIC doesn't please you just
take it back and the druggist will refund your
money. That is our guarantee.
Within the short space of a year tens of thou
sands of people all over the United States have
used EATONIC. Everywhere they testify to
its marvelous power to bring quick relief.
If you are sick and ailing and have tried pills
and medicines in, vain, don't give up hope of
getting'well until you have gone directly to the
seat of the trouble the acid-stomach. Don't
let another day go by. Get EATONIC at once.
If your druggist does not keep EATONIC, write
to us and we will send you a big 50c box. You
can send us the 50c after you receive it. Ad
' dress H. L. Kramer, President, Eatonic Remedy
Company, Cor. Wabash Ave. and 11th St., ,
Chicago, 111. , '