Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1918, Page 2, Image 2
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1918. J. DEAN RINGER NAMED HEAD OF STATE Y.M.C.A. . State Organization in Excel; - lent Financial Shape to " ' Handle Reconstruction v Problems Next Year. , J. Dean Ringer, police commis sioner of Omaha, was chosen pres ident of the Y. M. C. A. workers of Nebraska at a meeting in Lincoln Sunday. In addition to the annual election of officers, a conferenc on reconstruction problems was held. The state organization is in excel- lent financial condition and well , equipped to handle the problems of the coming year, according to the report of the treasurer. I he following othcers were elected: . President J. Dean Rlnfer. Omaha. '' Vict Prealdent Qaorga W. 8c h reck, York, v Treaaurer O. C Elf erly, Omaha. .' Recordlnt Secretary Hugh E. Wallace. Omaha. Committeemen W. J. Hill, Lincoln; A. I. Johnson, University Place; R. M Campbell Columbus; S. D. Ayers, Central City; C. L. Richards, Hebron; J. H. Knowlea, Fremont; Nathan Wilson, Stroma burt; A. P. Tyler, A. W. Bowman, Hugh K Wallace, Omaha: Qlen Johnson, Orand Island; Oeorge Marshall, Arlington; John Llchty, Falls City. The following secretaries, to work tinder the direction of 'the state committee, were chosen: State Secretary Charles A. Musselman. Btata Boys' Secretary Paul H. McKee. Stat High School Work O. M. Adams. , Stat County Work Harvey T. Smith. Stat Colleges C. '8. Holcombs. ' War Work Recruiting f. Merle Adams SOUTH SIDE SOLDIER DIES OP WOUNDS IN FRANCE. ESTIMATE FOR ARMY 01500,000 (Continued from Page One.) estimates its needs at $1,922,000,000 in 1920, as compared with the $12,- ?74,UUU,UUU appropriated for this year. Before the armistice it had Men figured that the army alone would need more than $19,000,000, 000 for 1920. The navy's estimates for 1920 are $2,595,000,000, as compared with $1, 591,000,000 appropriated for the cur rent year, an increase of $1,000,000, 000, despite the closing of the war. There is nothing to show what it was estimated the navy would have needed had the war continued, v ' May Be Further Cut. These estimates may be pared down considerably when the actual heeds of the government in closing out war contracts become clearer. Including $574,237,000 estimated for fortifications, the total contem plated outlay on the army amounts to, $2,497,000,000. A striking figure in the army estimates is the $144, 943,000 for air service production. The appropriations last year under this head were $760,000,000. It is evident that the War department is proposing to continue construction and manufacture of aircraft on a fairly large scale. ! ' -The Urgest single reduction from rite appropriations for this year for the army is in pay; travel .and gen eral expenses, the new estimate for next year being $327,678,000 as against ,jo,wu,uuu appropriated for this year. Similarly large re duction is made in quartermaster's estimates for supplies, clothing, quarters, including cantonments and ajmilar expenses, the new figure be ing $911,789,000, as compare! to $5, 451,000,000 appropriated for this year. ' : Poitofficet Get Ax. The shipping board asks $500,000, 000 for building ships already au thorized by congress, $60,000,000 for operation of vessels, $17,451,000 for recruiting and training officers and crews and $1,453,000 for incidental administration expense. ' The item of $893,000,000 as inter est on public debt includes provision for meeting the semi-annual pay ments on Liberty bonds already out standing and those to tje issued in the near future. There is small provision for post offices and other public buildings and for river and harbor improve ments. Only $1,567,000 is included in th? estimates for buldings, mostly for continuing construction already iMittvr w9v Ahnnr half rtf th $19.- 870,000 for rivers and harbors is for maintenance or continuation of ex isting projects; $5,000,000 is asked as a general fund for use by the secre tary of war and $4,000,000 for flood control on the Mississippi river. "' Establish Sinking Fund. There is provision in the esti mate for $287,000,000 for the estab lishment of a sinking fund, reported perfunctorily in previous years. In the face of tremendous public debt, however, it is regarded as probable that congress now will provide for .redemption fund with which to pay bonds when they fall due in future years. The estimated total of ; $7,443,000,000 does not include this item nor $358,307,000 for postal service, the needs of which are covered automatically by appropria tions, but are met directly from postal revenues. Keep Up Insurance. ' That officials count on the con tinued functioning of the war risk insurance bureau to administer soldiers' and sailors' insurance and J compensation payment is indicated by the request for $12,367,000 for ad ministration expense. Payments to soldiers and sailors, V their dependents, on account of compensation, or government al lowances, are expected to run to nearly $120,000,000. Ten millions is the estimated cost of collecting customs and administering customs regulations. Goodfellowship Dinner Held V in the Westminster Church - A Good Fellowship dinner will be given in tne Westminster rresDy terian church this evening at .4A 4 .1. i U -It am Mt knwe mt.. w Hiitvu u uivii u wwj uiw 14 of the congregation are invited. Mrs. Whistler's circle will serve the dinner. The male quartet of the church will sing and Dr. E. H. Jenks will speak. A charge of 50 centa a olate will be made for the dinner. A reemxratW diet Id faflnensa. Hor lickfH Hilt JtUk. yy $lbli.Adv- LESTER FOGLE Lester ogle is an Omaha boy who died of wounds in France. He was born in the South Side 22 years ago and attended the Corrigan school. At the time he was drafted into the army, Private Fogle was farming in Winside. Neb. He was sent to Camp Funston in January of last year and was a member of Com pany G, Fourth infantry. 89th di vision. Private Fogle went to France with that division m May of this year. In August he was gassed and was in a base hospital a " month. October 2 he died of wounds re ceived in action. Private Fogle is survived by three brothers, Lee Fogle in training at the Great Lakes naval training station, Everett Fogle and Clifford Fogle ' and one sister. Thelma Fogle. The Fogies reside at 2649 X street. OVERSEAS MEN ARRH PORT (Continued from Pag One.) than one wound, but few would talk of the incidents of battle that had sent them on stretchers from Euro pean trenches. Red Cross Serves Lunch. At the pier military discipline succeeded the freedom that had brought officers and men side by side to the rails for the first view of "Little Old New York." Units were quickly formed and after hot refreshments had been served by Red Cross workers the contingents marched aboard ferry boats, which conveyed them to Long Island trains. Notwithstanding the announce ment that no parade would be held, thousands of persons lined the streets leading to the East river ferry, but they were disappointed in the hope even of seeing the troops in procession across the city. With the exception of a few hun dred men the troops from the Mau- retama were in aviation squadrons. They were greeted by a committee from the Aero Club of America, which chartered a tug and met the Mauretania down the bay. To shouts of youngsters in khaki that they were "looking for a square meal," officers of the club invited the airmen to dine at the organiza tion's headquarters. Indeed to every passing craft and to officials at the pier the soldiers voiced their longing for "some real eats." No Parade Allowed. In a letter informing Mayor Hy lan that a parade of the homecom ing soldiers would not be permitted Major-General Bell, commanding the department of the east, declared that "on the unanimous recommen dation of the federal health authori ties" the government had decided to keep returning troops from contact with the public "until they have un dergone a sanitation process." The senior army officer aboard the Mauretania was Col. H. C. Pratt of the air service. Wounded men brought home on the Northern Pacific, it was an nounced, included members of the Fifty-fourth infantry, 10 engineer, sjx field artillery, two machine gun, two marine, one cavalry and one quarter master units. Passengers on the Northern Pa cific included Frederick R. Keppel, third assistant secretary of war, in charge of army morale, and 37 army officers, among them Brig.-Gen. Thomas H. Rees and Charles I Martin. German Radicals Fail to Get Control of Big Wireless Berlin, Dec. 2. (By Associated Press.) Radical socialists have not yet obtained control of the greater German wireless stations at Nauen and Konigswusterhausen, hut inde pendent socialists in connection with the Sparatacus group have secured control of all home stations with a restricted radius. Only the refusal of Philip Scheidemann to approve an order transferring the entire wire less system to the, jurisdiction of the soldiers' and Workmen's council temporarily halted a raid on the larger overseas stations. McAdoo Files Answer to Petition by Farmers' Union William G. McAdoo, director gen eral of railroads, has filed in district court answers to petitions recently filed by the Farmers' Educational and Co-operative union and J. B. Alexander. The petitioners alleged that deaths of hogs enroute from Win ner, S. D., and Plainview, Neb., to South Omaha, were due to the care lessness of Mr. McAdoo's employes, while Mr. McAdoo contends that the hogs died from natural causes. Arthur Embree Wounded in France hy Shell Shot Atlantic, la., Dec. 2. (Special.) Arthur Embree, Company M man, was badly shot by a bursting shell on October. 18 . while acting as a "runner." He received seven wounds. Two of the fragments of shell are still in his body. His wrist was broken and the cords and arteries severed. He is in a hos pital, according to a letter received by his parents, who are farmers liv ing' near Elliott " ' " " HUN SOLDIERS SEEK TRIAL OF KAISER ATHOME Number of Councils Ask Gov ernment to Hale Former Ruler Before Ger man Tribunal. Amsterdam, Dec. V A number of the Soldiers' and workmen's councils in Germany have request ed the German government to have former Emperor William tried by a German tribunal, ac cording to a news agency tele gram from Berlin. The govern ment, it is stated, will submit the question to the national assembly. Discover Plot London, Dec. i. a plot to re store imperialism and secure the re turn of Emperor William has been discovered in Berlin, according to a dispatch from Amsterdam to the Ex press. According to the dispatch, which was filed at Amsterdam on Friday, the chief men behind the plot were Field Marshal von Mackensen, Gen eral von Born and General Count Sixt von Arnim. Large sums of money are said to have been placed at the disposal of the leaders by munition makers. The plot collapsed owing to the fact that a secret service agent over heard a telephone conversation. Many arrests have been made in Berlin and other cities, while the government has long lists of sus pects, who had planned to seize members of the present govern ment. No direct evidence of William Ho henzollern's connection with the plot has been found, it is said, but it is believed that the outline of the plan was brought to Berlin by two of his suite who recently went to the German capital for the ostens ible purpose of taking the wife of the former emperor to Amerongen, Holland. Lt. Dr. Gustav Krupp von Bohlen is said- to have been in control of the financial arrangements. Field Marshal von Mackensen is reported to have attempted to induce Field Marshal von Hindenburg to join, but the latter refused, saying that he intended to retire after the de mobilization of the army. The whole Prussian court, it is stated, was in sympathy with the plotters, and it is said that Prince von Buelow and Dr. George Michae- hs, former imperial chancellor, had promised to help. The plan was to organize a provisional government under Field Marshal Mackensen, or some other military leader and then urge William Hohenzollern to re turn. Austrians Get Supply of Food from Hungarians Vienna, Deec. 2. (By Associated Press.) Vienna has been saved from famine for another month by arrangement with the Hungarian government whereby . there will be delivered to the municipal authori ties 500 carloads of potatoes, 40,000 sheep, 5,000 head of cattle and other foodstuffs. The arrangements were made by Baron Knoblich, who rep resents the republic at Budapest through the help of Count Karolyi, president of the Hungarian National council. Edmond Rostand, French Poet, Victim of Grippe Paris, Dec. 2. Edmond Rostand, the poet and playwright, died this afternoon. He had ben ill from grippe. When M. Rostand passed away Madame Rostand, his sons and several other relatives were at the bedside. Qommenting on the death of the playwright the Temps says his loss will be grievously felt by Franc and her allies as he was "Worthy to celebrate in odes triumphal right and magnificent victory." OBITUARY. William Hohenzollern May Face Murder Charge Filed by Chicago Girl Chicago, Dec. 2. Mrs. Cather ine Callan Hayden, daughter of Patrick Callan, who lost his life when the Lusitania was sunk by a German submarine off the coast of Ireland, today appeared at the United States district attorney's office and asked that a warrant be issued for William Hohenzollern, charging him with murder. , Francis Borrelli, assistant dis trict attorney, said that he would look up the treaty rights of the United States and Holland to as certain whether the former kaiser can be extradited to this country. "If our treaty rights permit ex tradition and we can show an overt act by the former kaiser," he said, "we certainly will issue a warrant asking for his removal from Holland to the United States." MRS. SEBASTANO SCUITO, 25 years of age, 1131 North Seventeenth street, died in a local hospital Sun day morning. She Is survived by her husband and three small children. WILLIAM B. DENIS, aged 38 years, of Clyde, Mo., died at the Nicholas Senn hospital Sunday morning. His body was taken back to Clyde at 5:45 Sunday afternoon for burial. CLARENCE A. KUHLMAN, for merly of Nebraska City, died here Monday of pneumonia following an attack of influenza. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kuhlman, 6010 Chicago street, and by a sister, Mrs. J. Franklin Anson. ANTON SW ANSON, 42 years of age, died in St. Joseph's hospital Sat urday of pneumonia following Span ish influenza. He is survived by his mother, who lives at 2016 Poppleton avenue, and three brothers. The funeral will be held in Taggart's un dertaking parlors at 2 o'clock Mon day, with interment at Valley, Neb. MRS. JULIA A. FRANCISCO 76 years of age, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Martin, 3153 Farnam street. Monday morn ing after a long illness. She is sur vived by four daughters, Mrs. W. R. Kyle, Mrs. W. F. Clay, Mrs. C. H. Russil and Mrs. Martin; and three sons, Jason Francisco, Jessie P. Francisco and 'Willie Guy Francisco. Funeral arrangements have not been made, but will be announced later. MRS. MAY TERPEMNING, 44 years of age, died in a local hospital November 29 of paralysis. The fu neral was held Monday morning at 11 o'clock in Larkin's chapel. Rev. R. L. Wheeler read the services. In terment was in Graceland Park cem etery. Mrs. Terpenmning is sur vived by her husband, Edward Ter pemning; her father. William Ham lin; her children, Grant Terpemn ing, Burt Jensen, Goldie Jensen. Olie Coy, and Roily Coy, and her broth ers, Harry, Guy, John and Jacob Hamlin. PHILIP W. LETENDECKER. 1423 G street, Lincoln, Neb., died Saturday following an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Leyendecker was formerly manager of the wall paper department in Brandeis stores. He was 34 years old, and is survive) by his widow, one daughter 5 years old, hia father and sister of Philadelphia, one brother In Chicago, and one brother in the service in France. The funeral will be held in Castle, Roper and Mathews undertaking parlors at ii p. m. today with in terment in Wyuka cemetery, Lincoln, Neb. Mr. Leyendecker was a mem ber of St John's Masonic lodge, thirty-second degree, Scottish Right and Shriuera. w-- , Renresentative Mann Recovers From Illness Washington. D. C, Dec. 2. Representative Mann of Illinois, to day resumed active floor leadership of the republicans in the house, af ter an absence of several months on account of illness. He said he would make no announcement as to can didacy for speaker of the next house until he had consulted with the re publican membership. Indict Rumely for Failure to Report Alien property Washington, Dec. 2. Edward A. Rumely of New York, who bought the New York Evening Mail with money said to have been furnished by the German government, was in dicted by a federal grand jury here today for failing to report German ownership of property to the alien property custodian. Orduna Slightly Damaged in Collision With Tanker London, Dec. 2. The Cunard liner Orduna, inward bound, was in collision today with the British tanker Konakry, near Galley head. The Orduna proceeded to Liver pool and the extent of the damage done to her has not been determined. Reavis Looks After Potash. Washington, Dec. 2. (Special Telegram.) Congressman Reavis, who has been asked by W. E. Sharp of Lincoln and C. L. Lee of Omaha to look after the potash situation while ' they are in Nebraska, said today he is urging upon Chairman Vance McCormick of the War In dustries board the prime importance of refusing licenses to any fertilizer company using German potash. If this is done it will prevent the importation of the German article and save the American market until legislation can be got through put ting an import duty on potash to protect the local situation. This legislation, Mr. Reavis said, he would endeavor to get through in the next congress. Florida "Bone Dry." Tallahassee, Fla., Dec. 2. The house today unanimously adopted the senate "bone dry" bill. Women Found Dead. Viola Oliver, negress, was found dead in her home at 2327J4 South Sixteenth street last night. Shi. had been dead four days. COOL RECEPTION FOR PRESIDENT AS GIVES TALK (Continued from face One.) delegation were present when the two houses assembled. Congress man Lobeck having arrived just as Speaker Clark's gavel fell. Repre sentative Stephens and Shallenber- ger reached Washington Sunday, Congressman-elect Andrews of the Fifth district was on the floor receiving the congratulations of old friends who had served with him in the Fifty-fourth congress. Criticism of Message. Views on the message are neces sarily varied, individual members seeing it from many angles. Messrs Lobeck, Shallenberger and Steph ens were of the opinion that it was "masterful" and let it go at that. but Representative Sloan had a dif ferent impression of its importance as a state paper. Mr. Sloan said of the message: "The president's narrative of the war's progress and conclusion was one of his most ambitious rhetorical efforts, but he delivered it to an audience December in temperament as well as time. "The paper was marked with un certainty and lack of determination except in one particular, and that was that he was going to Europe to participate in the peace negotia tions. He made a strong plea for approval, which he failed to receive. Evidently congress neither approves the president's going, nor mmends the personnel of the comi..;ssion. Commission Not Satisfactory. "Our best blood and manhood vere demanded by this government to tight the war. We are entitled to the highest statesmanship to meet the most exalted statesman ship of Europe to settle it. No democrat or republican, claims that we have it on the commission. "Upon the public ownership ques tion the president simply pointed out several ways that might be fol lowed in disposing of it, recom mending none. The message had too little deci sion where the public wanted de cision, and too much on the one point where sober reconsideration would have been welcomed." Representative Reavis said: "The message consisted largely of a re view of troop shipments and pro ceeded to pass the buck on the rail road question with no recommenda tion to congress. In the present condition of the world's affairs the message is lamentable and disap pointingly weak." Judge Kinkaid said the message was disappointing in that the presi dent failed to take the congress and the country into his confidence on the peace proposition. Mrs. Glibert H. Barnes Dies in Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Gilbert H. Barnes, died of pneumonia in Pittsburgh, Pa., Wed nesday. She made a host of friends in Omaha during her visits at the home of her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Barnes. Her hus band is head of the department of social science in Carnegie Technical institute, and also head of the war aims of the same school. Purdue Uni Captures Grand Championship at Chicago Stock Show Chicago, Dec. 2. Fyvie Knight, a junior yearling pure-bred Angus, entered by Furdue university, cap tured the grand championship at the International Live Stock expo sition today. In the blue ribbon senior yearling Hereford steer event, Kansas Agricultural college won the prize with "Victor Hessler 182." "California Marvel," a steer from the far west, entered by the Uni versity of California, won the senior shorthorn championship. Purdue's 'Surprise" was second in this event; Kansas A. C.'s "Golden Dale 2d, third; Purdue's "Good Sort." fourth, and Iowa State college's "Hercules," fifth. University of Missouri scored a first with "Decoration" in the graded and cross-breds steer or heifer class Missouri's "Dedication" was- third and "Monte," entered by the Uni versity of Minnesota, fourth. "Fancy Rupert," a Kansas A. C, nomination among the senior Hereford calf steers, was first, with Iowa State's "Lucy's Lust" second. Mrs. Ella Whitney, Pioneer, Celebrates 80th Birthday Atlantic, la.. Dec. 2. (Special) Mrs. Ella Whitney, widow of Frank H. Whitney, pioneer of Cass county and founder of Atlantic, has just celebrated her 80th birthday. She makes her home with her son, Thomas. Mrs. Whitney is still active and enjoying good health. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney settled in the county in 1861. For a time they ived in Lewis, then the county seat. In 1869 Mr. Whitney laid out the town of Atlantic. He had assisted in the survey of the Rock Island west from Des Moines. , The first train over the new road reached Atlantic that fall. Nonpartisan League Will Hold Mect;;:g in St. Paul St. Paul, Dec. 2. The National Nonpartisan league will begin its annual convention here tomorrow. The sessions will continue for five days. Forty-one delegates, repre senting 13 states, mostly in the northwest, were here tonight to at tend the gathering. The states rep resented are Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Montana, Idaho Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa. Kansas Oklahoma, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin. Plans for extending the member ship of the league into territory will be one of the principal sub jeets for discussion. Principals Waive Jury Right in Railway Case The principals in the case of Yiser. and Conaway against the Minneapolis and St. Louis railroad waived the right of jury trial in fed eral court Monday morning, and the hearing is being held before Judge oodrough. Yiser and Conaway are suing for $25,000 damages growing out of a former suit in which they were at torneys for a Mrs. Titus in the state of Iowa wherein she was suing the company lor persona, injuries. They claim the company settled with Mrs. Titus for $7,000, and that they received no compensation for their interest in her suit. r ?'tnJWW!''i' The public is wise in its food select ions. Recent demand for ihe well known ready-cooked food Grape-Wilt shows how "the first use of a full -worth food js followed by continued repeat orders. Nothing made of wheat and barley has so much of attractive taste and. stand-by nourishment as Grape -Nuts food. "There's d Reason" 2fZ d i V. it 1 iir ---' fL'"",,.,F Thompson-Beldeit &Ch J Sstublished 18 S 6 ? The Fur Shop Featuring for Gifts: Coatees, Capes, Coats, Scarfs, Muffs. . These are of special interest. Hudson seal muffs $19.50 Muffs of fine marten $29.50 Taupe nutria muffs $19.50 Hudson seal scarfs $35.00 Taupe fox scarfs $49.50 Compare these values Silk Lingerie for Women Gowns of silk crepe de chine and wash satin. Plain styles, or with beautiful trimmings, as you may prefer, $6.25 to $12.50 and more. Two-piece silk pa jamas, "Billie Burke" suit, satin or crepe de chine bloomers, en velope chemise. Lovely silk lingerie need not be expensive, as a viewing of these garments quickly show. will A splendid selection of. hand-sewn Phillipine gowns, daintily em" 'f broidered by hand,: $2.50 to $6 and more. 1f A great variety of . boudoir caps of lace, net i and ribbon combina tions, as well as black, v 65c to $2.50 and more. Lingerie Section Third Floor. . i there'll be a bright spot at the breakfast table and a pleasant smile when you are served with a nice, hot and crisp slice of toast which will melt in your mouth, making your morning's cup of cof-.. fee seem twice as fragrant and delicious. surprise wife or mother this Christmas with an electric toaster It's one of the many electric household utilities that go for the making of pleasant homes. Nebraska Power Co. Your Electric Service Company J 15 and Farnam Sty. PhoneTylerThreeone-Iiuiidred ft i gym ii wit t rr Phone-South Three 2314 M. Street Jl inn Ttfl - When writing to adverbs ers mention seems it ur ,w the columns of The Bee;: