Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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Few Yearly Memberships Are
Left and All Rooms Rent
ed; Waiting List
Is Large.
Officials of the Omaha Athletic
club announced yesterday that all
life memberships had been sold. The
number of life memberships is lim
ited to 300 and for 10 years they are
transferable, or in case of death
can be willed.
' One of the prominent officials of
the club said: 'These memberships
are not only valuable for the club
privileges their owners will enjoy,
but they are valuable as an invest
ment. I do not believe that by the
opening night it would be possi
ble to induce the holder of a life
membership to part with it for
Life Cards Valuable.
In this connection he said that re
cently a life membership in the
Chicago Athletic club was trans
ferred for a consideration of $9,700
and that there are 2,800 men on the
waiting list of that club. He said
there was no reason why life mem
berships in the Omaha club should
not advance rapidly in value.
. The yearly memberships, which
ire .limited to 1,500, are being check
rd up today. A close tab is being
kept on the applications as they
:ome in, as to their order, as it is
thought the limit is about reached.
All Rooms Rented.
Of the 68 living rooms in the
club, 32 are rented to club members
for permanent quarters. There are
32 applicants on the waiting list for
permanent rooms. There will be 34
rooms left for transient members
and guests.
Pete Wendell, prominent Omaha
swimmer and athlete, has been en
gaged as athletic director. He will
have other instructors under his
charge! The head employes in the
other departments of the building
have also been engaged.
Appoint Eight Directors
of Muny Golf Association
Eight directors of the Omaha
Municipal Golf association have
been appointed by City Commis
sioner Falconer, president of the
organization. The membership is
made up of three directors from
each municipal park and two from
the city at large. They are:
Henry Baltzer and R. S. Johnson
representing the city at large. J.
M. Crawford, S. Sanford and Hen
ry Christensen represent Elmwood
paVk and A. N. Featherstone, Ed
Tracy and W. J. Hislop represent
Miller park.
President Falconer announced
that his policy would be to give the
directors full power to make all
rules and regulations. Everybody
Interested in the game is eligible
and invited to become members.
During the winter several meetings
of tlie directors and special commit
tees are planned as well as several
meetings of the entire membership.
Copyrnht, HIT
International "sws Ssrvloa.
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
MONTH -AN" THE HBWF l-"- & X"? I ' krV X OF OUR ,
Market and Industrial News of the Day
Omaha, Deo. I, 1911.
Recelpta were Cattle. Hoes. Sheep
Official Monday ....10.818 10,448 14,145
Official Tuesday 15,547 23,365 14,491
Official Wednesday $.972 17,182 11,656
Thursday Holiday
Official Friday .... 5,464 11,788 6,721
Official Saturday . 440 6,595 64
Total last week ... 38,241
This week last year 61,008
Estimate Monday . 13,600
Monday, week ago. 10,818
Monday, 2 wks ago 14,562
Monday, 3 wks ago 16,942
Monday a year ago 17,676
Receipts and disposition of live stock
at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb.,
for 24 hours ending a S o'clock p. m.,
December 2, 118:
88.378 46.977
51,889 72,882
10,700 13.100
10,448 14,146
6,482 9,518
11,489 7.918
11,847 17,814
C. M. St. P... 25
Wabash 8
Missouri Pacific.. 1 1
Union Pacific 27 ' 19
C. & N. W., east. 26 16
C. A N. W., west. 194 43
C, St. P.. M. & O 30 6
C, B. & Q., east. . 16 1
C B. & Q , west. 186 30
C, R. & P., east. . 19 9
C, R. & P., west .. 1
Illinois Central... 9 14
Chicago Ot West 11 4
Cattle. Hogs. Shtep. Mules.
Hons. Sheep.
1,686 1,218
1,900 1,783
2,8.10 8.950
3,338 2,030
614 ....
'942 ....
" "VVe Buy Liberty Bonds.
4Ve .Deal in Local Securities.
860 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.
IH6-1118 --Douglas -.St:
; Tel-Douglas 1521
Total receipts.. 553 140 67
Morris & Co 652
Swift A Co 1,578
Cudahy Packing Co 1,440
Armour aV Co 1,261
Schwarts A Co
J. W. Murphy
Lincoln Packing Co 93
HlgKlns Packing Co 7
Hoffman Bros 36
John Roth & Sons. 14
Mayerowlch & Vail. 4
Olassberg 2
Morris Sioux Falls
Benton & Van Sant 66 .... ....
W. B. Van Sant Oo 66
V. P. Lewis 714
Hunts'ger & Oliver 94
J. B. Root & Co... 126
H. Bulla 248
Roaenstock Bros.. 133 . ... ....
P. O. KellogK 329
Werth'mer & Degen 320
Ellis & Co 136
Sullivan Bros tifi
A. Rothschild 94
Mo.-Kan. C. & C Co 291
E. O. Christie 27
Baker J 43
Banner Bros 112 .... ....
John Harvey 615 .... ....
Jensen A I.undgren 32 . ... . ...
Dennis A Francis. . 89
Cheek & Krebs..,. 27
Other buyers 1,842 3.884
Total 10,722 11,198 12.866
Cattle Thers was a fair run of cattle
In today eatlmated at 13,600 head. Bulk
of the offerings was made up of butcher
stock. There were quite a few lots of
corn-feds which sold at about steady prices
ranging from 813.50016.(0. Western
rangers were selling fully steady with
last week where they carried any weigni.
On the whole the market was fairly ac
tive. Butcher stock was steady on beet
grades and 15025c higher on canners.
Good heavy feeders continued strong and
In good demand. Light stockers were dull
but about steady.
Quotations on Cattle Choice to prime
beeves. 817.2618.50; good to choice beeves
I15.6017.00; fair to good beeves, 113.25
15.00; common to fair beeves. J9.001I.76;
good to choice yearlings S16.0017.60;
fair to good yearlings. 812.00015. 60; com
mon to fair yearlings, I8.60O11.60; choice
to prime grass steers, 115017; fair to
good grass beeves, 313016; common to
fair grass beeves, 19.00013.60: Mexican
beeves, 88 10; good to choice belters,
S9 0012.50; good to oholce cowl. S8.60O
11.00; fair to good cows. 36.607;60; com
mon to fair cows, S4.60O6.50; plme feed
ers. 111. 60 16.00 ; good to choice feeders,
I10.00O11.60; talr to good feeders, 88. 60
9.(0; common to fair -feeders, S6.506.60;
good to choice stockers, S9.2610.25;
stock heifers 6.007.2(; stock cows, S5 00
06.25; stock calves. 36.50 09.60; veal
calves, 87.6013.60; H bulls, stags, etc.,
S709. 1
Hogs Today's run ot hogs was estimat
ed at 10,700 head. Quality on the whole
was fairly good and trad active until
Investments for the
adjustment Period
DURING the present epochal readjustment
- of the world's industry and commerce
from a war to a peace basis, it behooves the
investor to place his funds in securities that
are strongly bulwarked against shifting con
ditions, t
Such securities comprise the bonds of govern
ments and municipalities and of strong corpo
rations whose products or services are indis
pensable to the public
Securities of this character can now be bought
at prices affording a relatively high income
over a long or short period, and we shall be
pleased to furnish for your consideration our
current list of 73 attractive bonds and short
term notes. These include Government issues
yielding up to 4.55; municipals, 4.90;
railroads, 7; public utilities, 7; indus
trials,, 6.83.
Ask for Circular OB-I98.
The National City Company
, New York
CotTMpoadeiit Offices ta Thirty - Citie.
Omaha 1136 First National Bank Bldg.
Telephone Tyler 17M.
Bonds Short Term Notes Acceptances
The Price Fixing committee of Douglas
county has named the following prices.
Retailers are not permitted to charge
more than these prices.
Brown sugar, per pound $0.11
Sugar, per pound j 11
Flour (Nebraska)
24 pounds No. 1 1.50
48 pounds No. 1 2.90
Bulk, per pound 07
Hominy I6H
Oswego cornstarch 12 V,
Cornstarch 10
Corn Meal, per pound
White 05
Yellow 05
Corn Flour .05
Potatoes, per pound:
No. 1 Bed 02 K
No. 1 White 02 V
No. 2 potatoes 02
Butter, per pound:
Creamery, No. 1 68
Creamery, No. 2 60
Selects, storage 54
No. 1, storage 50
Bread (U. S. standard loaf wrapped):
12-ounce single loaf 08
12-ounce loaf (2) 15
16-ounce loaf 10
24-ounce load 16
Crackers (Victory):
Oatmeal 20
Graham 20
Corn 20
Soda 20
Rice (in bulk) per pound:
No. 1 15
No. 12 tt
Barley flour 06 H
Rye Graham flour. 24-pound sack. 1.50
Rye flour, 24-pound sack 1.60
In bulk, per pound 07
Oatmeal (In bulk) per pound 07
Beans, per pound:
Navy best No. 1 14
Pinto, best No. 1 t .12
Bacon, per pound:
No. 1 whole pieces wrapped 67
No. 1 whole pieces unwrapped . . .66
No. 1 sliced 66
No 2 whole pieces wrapped 64
No. 2 whole pieces unwrapped .. .63
No. 2 sliced 60
Ham (whole):
No. 1 skinned 42
No. 1 regular 42
Shoulder 28
Lard, per pound:
No. 1 pure 35
Compound 30
Oleomargarine (In cartons) per pound:
No. 1 42
No. 2 35
Nut Butterlne (In cartons) 38
New cabbage, best quality, per pound 03
Corn Syrup (In cans):
1V4 pounds 15
2 pounds 20
6 pounds 45
10 pounds 86
' Note 1. These prices are for cash over
the counter.
Note 2. An additional charge may be
made for delivery or credit to customer.
Same price for rye or graham. Bread
prices are for cash and carry or credit
and delivery.
Omaha, December 3, 1918.
Recelpta of grain were liberal for wheat
moderate for corn and light for oats. Ar
rivals were 140 cars of wheat, 63 cars of
corn, 11 cars of oats, S cars of rye and 8
cars of barley.
Corn prices ranged from unchanged to
2c up for the few sales made. A large
number of offerings reported In did not
show up on the tables and as a conse
quence sales were light.
Oats were He to lo up. Rye prices
were lc lower and barley unchanged to
2c up. Wheat was unchanged.
bulk of the supply had sold, with a tend-,
ency to ease up toward the extreme close.1
Bulk of today's sales was $17.80317 60
with a few up to 817.60 and a top of
S17.70, generally steady to 10c higher than
Sheep Today's sheep receipts were esti
mated at 13,100 head, consisting mostly of
fat stuff. A few sales were reported
early from 814.00 to (14.60. prices that
looked close to steady with last week's
close several of the best loads still being
In first hands at the time of writing
this report. Trade was not overly active
however at these prices. Feeders were
generally steady all around. Early Indi
cations were for a steady to easier mar
ket all around.
Quotations on Sheep Lambs, good to
choice, $14.50114.85; lambs fair to good,
$11 0014.50; lamb feeders, $13.60014.00;
yearlings, good to choice. $10.7514.00;
yearlings, fair to good. $9.00 10.00; year
ling feeders. (10.00 10.50: wethers, fat.
$9.0010.25; weather teeders, $8.5001060;
ewes, good to choice, $8.508.(0; ewes,
fair to good, $7.00 8.60; ewes leeaers,
Chicago Live Stock.
Chlcaao. Dec. $. Cattle Recelpta 28,-
000; native seen unevenly strong to 50
cents higher, most advance on In-between
kinds; several loads culled from snow
stock at $20.00, a few head at $21.(0;
western steers and all butcher cattle
closing big 26o higher: calvea steady;
common light stockers steady; others and
feeder! strong to 25o higher. Beer cattle:
Good, choice and prime, $16.40020.00;
eommon and medium $9.60015.40. Butch
er stock: Cows and heifers, $6.50014.00;
canners and cutters, $5.(008.50. Stockers
and feeders: Good, choice and fancy, $10.
25018.25; Inferior common and medium,
$7.00010.25. Veal calves, good and
choice, $17.00017 (0. western range:
Beef steers, (14.25018 00; cows and heif
ers, $8.2(012.76.
Hogs Receipts. 45,000; market strong
to 6o higher than Saturday's average.
Butchers. $17.50017.86; light, IILUO
17.(5; packing, $1(.75017.45; throw outs
$16.25016.60; pigs, good to choice, $11.75
Sheep Receipts. 44.000; market gener
ally steady; some prime yearlings higher
at $12.60. Lambs: Choice and prima,
$18 00O15.15; medium and good $14,000
1(00; culls. (9.60O12.26. Ewes: Choice
and prime, (1.00 0 9,(0; medium and good
$8.0009.00; culls, $3.3506.50.
Kansas City Live Stock.
Kansas City Dec. 2. Cattle Receipts,
27,000, Including 200 southerns; steady to
lOo higher: prim fed steers (17.60019.50;
dressed beef steers. $12.00017.60; wettern
steers, $10.0016.00; southern steers, $6.00 ,
012.00; cows, $5.25012 50; neirers, 17. uu
013.60; stockers and feeders. $6.60014.00;
calves, $6.00011.50; bulls, $6,600( 00.
Hogs Receipts, 21,000; nigner; duik,
$17.25017.(5; heavy, (17.10017.70; packers
and butchers $17.3517.7C; lights, $17.00
017.(5; pigs, $12.00014 00.
Sheep Receipts, ls.ouu; steaay 10 10c
higher; feeding lambs, 2550c lower.
Lambs, $11.0015.00; yearlings, $10.509
12.00: wethers. 9.00010.(0; ewes, $8,000
9.25; stockers and feeders, $(.00017.60.
Week year
Receipts Today. Ago. Ago
Wheat 140 29 79
Corn 63 ,13 (0
Oats 11 72 82
Rye ,, 9 13 17
Barley 8 6 18
Wheat 4 4 4
Corn 41 17 27
Oat 46 25 ' 55
Rye 19
Barley ( 4 10
Wheat. Corn. Oats
Chicago 254 96 225
Kansas City 88 73 6
St. Louis 133 105 10
Minneapolis 867
Duluth 524
Winnipeg 712
Corn No. 4 white: 1 car (new), $1.37.
Sample white 2 cars, $1.31. No. 3 yellow:
2 cars, $2.41. No. 4 yellow. 1 car (new),
$1.42; 2 cars (new), $1.40; 1 car, $1.38.
Sample mixed 1 car, $1.82; 1 car, $1.31.
Oats No. 3 white: 1 car, 6914c. No. 4
white 1 car. 69Hc
Barley No. 2 1 car, $1.02. No. S: 1
car, $1.00. No. 1 feed: 1 car 96c.
Wheat No. 2 hard: 1 4-4 cars, $2.17;
2 cars. $2.16; 4 cars, $2.1514; 4 cars (smut
ty), $2.13; 1 car (smutty), $2.1214. No. 8
hard: 6 cars, $2.14; 1 1-5 cars, $2.13; . 1
car, $2,124; 1 car, $2.12; 2 cars (smutty)
$2.12; 8 cars (smutty), $2 11. No. 4 hard:
1 car, $2.12; 1 car. $2.10; 2 cars (smutty).
$2.09; 1 car (smutty) $2.06. No. ( hard:
1 car (smutty), $2.06; 1 car (smutty),
$2.05. No, 2 northern spring: 1 car (smut
ty), $2.11. No. 2 durum: 2 cars, $2.15
No. 2 mixed: 9 cars, $2.11; 1 car (smutty),
$3.06. No. S mixed: 1 car (smutty), 12.10
1 car (smutty), $2.06. No. 4 mixed: 1
car (smutty), $2.11; 1 car, (smutty), $2.08;
1 car, $2.07. No. ( mixed: 1 car (smutty).
New York, Nov. 2. President Wilson's
address before congress was the one out
standing feature of today's stock market,
trading evincing no pronounced trend prior
to the publication ot the message on the
news tickers.
Interest centered mainly In the presi
dent's earnest plea for a modification of
ante-war conditions respecting the rail
roads and that group made immediate re
sponse, secondary as well as standard
shares advancing 1 to 214 points after an
early period of hesitation.
Wall Street chose to Interpret this anil
other features of the president's message
as a strong Indication that the admlnistra
lton Is In no degree committed to govern
ment owenrshlp of transportation and
utilities. Bankers expressed themselves In
complete accord with the chief executive's
views regarding the Importance of deter
mining without delay the amount of the
tax levies for the next two years so as ta
facilitate the country's domestic foreign
Apart from the rails, the market regis
tered few changes of Interest. United
States Steel and kindred Issues were steady
to firm, motors and oils denoted conflicting
speculative sentiment and coppers, leathers
and specialties ended at mixed gains and
losses. Shippings were active and strong
at the beginning, but lost ground later to
the accompaniment of reports that the
proposed sale of Mercantile Marine tonnage
to this government might encounter serious
opposition from British Interests. Sales
amounted to 476,000 shares.
The only feature to bonds was the ac
tivity of a few industrial Issues, the gen
eral list easing. Liberty fourth 414s con
tinued to sag, breaking to 96.60. Total
sales (par value) aggregated $11,950,000.
United States bonds were unchanged on
Chicago Grain and Provisions.
Chicago, Dec. 2. Official estimates that
300,000,000 people in trans-Atlantic coun
tries were depending largely on food con
servation In the United States to avert
hunger had a bullish effect here today on
grain and provisions. Corn closed firm
l!4c to 214o net higher, with December
and January both $1.2814 to $1.28. Oats
finished lie off to lo up, and provisions
at an advance of 10c to 60c.
Throughout the day, the dominating
factor In the corn market was the food
administration statement as to the need
of huge supplies to meet the food shortage
In Europe. In this connection, traders took
particular notice of the avowal that 200,
000,000 persons had been added to the
foreign bread line which the United States
was begged to serve. A bullish construc
tion was also placed on a statement by the
secretary of agriculture that he could see
no good reason for a drop In prices. Pre
dictions that the coming United States
wheat crop would be a record breaker
failed to exert any lasting contrary Influ
ence on the trade.
Oats averaged higher In sympathy with
corn. Receipts were not heavy, and coun
try offerings to arrive were light.
Firmness In the hog market together
with the strength of corn lifted provisions.
Packing interests appeared to lead the
Cash prices: Corn No. 1 yellow, new
$1.38; No. S yellow, new, $1.3701.40; No.
4 yellow, new, $1.3201.37.
Oats No. 3 white, 7J74c; standard,
Rye No. 2, $1.621.6214.
Barley 90c$l. 00.
Seeds Timothy, $8.00010.00; clover,
Provisions Pork Nominal; lard, $28.(0;
ribs, nominal.
Chicago closing prices, furnished The
Bee by Logan & Bryan, stock and grain
brokers (15 South Sixteenth street,
Art. I Open. High, Low. Close. Sat'y
Deo. 1.26 1.2914 1.26 1.2(H 17
Jan. 1.26 1.2914 1.26 1.2814 1.1614
Feb. 1.2714 1.29.14 1.2614 12814 1.27
Mar. 1.27 1.294 1.2714 1.29
Deo. .7214 .7114 .72 .7$ .7214
Jan. .71 .7314 ' .714 .714 .7114
Feb. .73 .78H .71 .7214 .7114
Mar. .7214 .7314 .72 .7214
Jan. 48.80 47.(5 46.80 47.80 46.(5
Jan. 26.17 26.17 26.10 26.K 26.05
Ribs j
Jan. 24.90 25.10 24.(0 26.10 14.82
May 24.17 24.46 84 35 24.40 24.40
Minneapolis Grain,
Minneapolis. Dec. 2. Flour, unchanged.
Barley (4093c. No. S rye, $1.(0141.(1.
Bran. $26.7$.
Corn No. 3 yellow, $1.1901.44.
Oats No. 3 white, 691470o.
Flax, $3.613.64.
St. Louis Live Stock. !
Ht T.oul Mo.. Dec. I. Cattle, market
higher; receipts, 9,600; native beef steers
$9.50016 (0; cows, (7.50O12.50; atockers
and feeders, $8.5012.00; fair to prime
southern beef steers, $10.00318.00; beet
cows and heifers, $7.60016,00; native
calves, $7.75017.26.
' Hogs Receipts, 12,000; higher; lights,
(17.60017.65: pics. (13.00S16.0O; mixed
and butchers, $17.60 18.00; ' good heavy,
$17.85018.00; bulk $17.60 17. S5.
Sheen Market steady; receipts, 1,700;
lambs, $16.(001( 75; ewes, (11.0011.00;
canners, and choppers, S5.oovi.oo.
St. Paul live Stock.
South St Paul, Minn.. Dec 2. Cattle
Receipts, 10.000; steady; steers, (5.000
16.25; cows and heifers, $6.00010.00; veal
calves, steady, $5.0016.00.
Hogs Receipts 10,000; steady; range
$15.8(017.05; bulk. $17.0017.05. ,
Sheep Recelpta, S.700: steady; lambs,
$10.60014.60; wethers, $7.00010.(0; ewes,
8tonx City Lire Stosk.
Sloujs City, Dec. 1. Cattle Receipts,
7,6 head; market strong.
Hogs Receipts, 9,000 hesd; market
steady; light, $16.6017.15; mixed, $17.00
aales, $17.1017.10.
Mew Tork General.
New Tork, Dee. . Flour, firm; springs
and Kansas, $10.86011.10; winters, $10.40
Wheat Spot steady; No. 1 red, $2.8414,
track New Tork.
Corn Spot, unsettled; No. S yellow
$1.6014. and No. ( white, $1.61, cost and
freight New Tork.
Oats Spot tlrmer; standard, 8414085c.
Hay Steady; No. 2, $1.851.90; No. 3,
Hops Steady: stats medium to choice.
1918, 27032c; 1917, 1820c; Pacific coast,
1918, 2831c; 1917, 18 20c.
Pork Firm; mess, $48.50049.00; family
Lard Barely steady; middle west, $26.76
Tallow Dull; city special loose, 1614e.
Rice Steady; tancy head, 1014 1014c;
blue rose, 814 0914c.
Sioux City live Stock
Sioux City, la., Dec. 2. Cattle Re
ceipts 7,600; market strong; beef steers,
$8.001(.76; canners. (5.00(.00; stockers
and feeders, $6.76 12. 60; cows and heifers
$5.50 0 10.00.
Hogs Receipts, 9,000; market steady;
light, $16.5017.26; mixed, $17.00017.45;
heavy. $17.0017.30; bulk of sales, $17.10
Sheep Receipts, 3,000; market steady.
Number of sales and quotations on lead
ing stocks: Closing
Sales. High. Low. Bid.
Am. Beet Sugar. . 1,400 5114 5014 6014
American Can 1,700 4314 4214 43
Am. Car & F'dry 1.200 6314 8214 8314
Am. Locomotive. . 2.200 61 60 61
Am. Smelt & Ref (.400 82T4 814 8214
Am. Sugar Ref.. 600 112 111 111
Am. Tel. & Tel. 2,700 10314 101 102
Am. Z, L. & S 1514
Anaconda Copper 6,900 ti 64 66
Atchison 11,200 94 93 94
AG&WISSL 1,500 10914 10814 10914
Bait, ft Ohio 56
B. & S. Copper.. 300 20 20 20
Cal. Petroleum 19
Canadian Pacific. 1,700 161 159 160
Central Leather.. 1,600 5914 58 68
Ches. & Ohio 1,900 6914 58 59
C, M. S. P.... 2,100 4814 46 47
C. & N. W 300 9814 9814 98
C, R. I. ft P. ctfs 4,000 2814 26 28
Chlno Copper .... 1,900 37 37 3714
Colo. Fuel ft Iron 3714
Corn Prod. Ref.. 1,900 47 46 4714
Crucible Steel .. 2.10J 55 6514 5514
Cuba Cane Sugar 1,000 3014 30 30
Distiller's Seo 2 000 4614 46 46
Erie 5,300 20 1814 1914
General Electric. 1,000 154 163 163
General Motors 125
Gt. Northern pfd. 2,600 99 97 97
Gt. N. Ore ctfs.. 1,600 32 31 32
Illinois Central 99
Insp. Copper .... 3,600 47 47 47
Int. M. M. pfd... 23.500 117 115 116
Int. Nickel 1,200 32 31 32
Int. Paper 400 30 30 30
K. C. Southern.. 800 20 20 20
Kennecott Copper 1,300 35 34 36
Louisville ft Nash 116
Maxwell Motors 28
Mex. Petroleum... 9,900 158 156 157
Miami Copper .. . 400 25 24 25
Missouri Pacific... 12,100 27 26 27
N. T. Central.... 4,000 79 77 70
N. T N. H. ft H. 7,700 32 32 32
Norfolk ft West.. 200 106 106 106
Northern Pacific. 3,100 97 9514 97
Pennsylvania .... 1,200 47 46 47
Pittsburgh Coal.. 9H0 46 45 46
Ray Con. Copper.. 1,700 22 21 22
Reading 14 800 85 83 85
Rep. Iron ft Steel 1,400 74 74 74
Shattuck Ariz Cop 200 15 16 15
Southern Pacific. (9,900 104 101 103
Southern Ry 16,800 32 32 32
Studebaker Corp. 22,500 51 49 51
Texas Co 200 182 182 182
U. P. Ex. D ,600 131 128 130
U. S. I. A. Ex. D. 1,000 96 96 96
U. 9. Steel (1,100 96 95 95
U. 8. Steal pfd.. 300 111 111 111
Utah Copper .... 100 77 78 77
Western Union .. 1,100 89 8T 87
West. Elec 300 43 42 48
Beth. B 6,600 (4 63 (4
Fruits Oranges: Dr. Phillips, 126. 160,
176, 200, $6.00; 250, 288, (24, $6.60; Navel,
176, 200, 216, 250, $3.00; 160, $7.60; 126,
288, $7 00; 100, 96, $6.00. Lemons: Sun
klst 30O, 360, $6.60; Red Ball, 800, (60,
$6.00. Orare Fruit: Dr. Phllllps,64, 60.
80. $6.00; Dr. Phillips, (6. $6.50; other
grape fruit, all sites, $5.00. Bananas:
7a lb. Pears: D'AnJous, $4.76;
boxes, $2.80. Apples: Extra fancy Stay
men Wlnesaps, $3.00; tancy Staymen
Wlnesaps, $2.76: extra fancy Old Fash.
ioned Wlnesaps, $3 00; fancy Old Fash
I ioned Wlnesaps, $8.75; chlce Old Fash
ioned Wlnesaps, $2.60. Grapes: New
man Red, kegs, $7.00. Cranberries:
ltarrels $10.00 to $14.00. Figs: 24 8-oz.,
Vegetables Potatoes. No. 1 Ohlos,
2e; No. 1 White, 2o Sweet Potatoes:
California, crates for arrival, $5.60; Ham
pers. $2.60. Iceberg head lettuce, 75c to
$1.60 dox., crate $3.60, leaf lettuce, 60c
dog.; tomatoes, $3.00 lug.; cauliflower,
$2.50 crate; cauliflower, Colo, 12c lb.;
beets, carrots, turnips, 75c aW ; shallots,
radishes, parsley, 76o dos.; artichokes,
spinach, lOo lb.; hot house cukes, $2.00
to $5.00 dos.; peppers, $1.00 basket; Cali
fornia Jumbo celery, $1.16 to $1.25 dos.;
squash, 2c lb.; cabbage, 2o lb.; beets,
turnips, carrots, 2o lb.; parsnips, 3c lb.;
j rutabagoes, 2o lb.; onions, red, 2o
white, 4c.
' Nuts Diamond brand walnuts. No 1
S. S., sack lots, 33c less 37c lb.; Fay
budded, sack lots, 33c less 41c lb.;
Medium Brazils sack lots, 38c lb.; Fil
berts, 20c lb.; Almonds, 30c lb.; Pecans,
!8c to 30c lb.; Black Walnuts, 6c lb.
Cocoanuts: Sack, $10.00; dosen, $1.25.
Wholesale prices of beef cuts: Loins,
So. 2, 33 c; No. 3, 17 c. Ribs, No. 2,
.'5c; No. 3. 16c. Rounds, No. 2, 21c;
.N'o. 3, 1614c. Chucks, No. 2, 20c; No. (.
i 14c. Plates, No. 2, 14c; No. 3, 13c,
Cider 14 gallon, Mlchlgian, $7.00 to
$7.50 keg
Oysters Northern Standards, gal.,
$2.95, full quarts, 80c, full pints, 45c;
Northern 8elects, gal., $3.25, full qts. 88c.
full pts., 60c; Northern Counts, gal, $3.60,
full qts., 95c, full pts., 65c; Chesapeake
Standards, gal., $2.35, full qts., 70c, full
Pts., 40c; Chesapeake Selects, gal. $2.70,
full qts., 75c, full pts., 45c; Blue Points,
per hundred, $1.50.
Celery Mammoth, per doz., $1.16
W'halemeat Per lb., 20c.
Fresh Fish Catfish, O. S. large, per
lb., 28c; catflBh, small and medium, 24c;,
halibut, very scarce, 28c; trout 2Sc; black
cod, 16c; white, dressed, 30c, red, 28c;
pike, 25c; black bass, O. S 35c, medium,
30c; cra'pples, 20c-22c.
Frozen Fish Catfish, large, per lb., 26c,
small and medium 21c; halibut, 24c;
black cod, 16c; salmon, red, 22c, pink, 20c;
whiteflsh, rd. or dressed, 20o, small, 15o,
yellow pike, 20c, pickerel dressed, 14c, rd.,
lie, box lots, lc per lb. less; 8panlsh
mackerel 16c; silver smelts, 10c; white
perch, 12c
Kippered salmon, per lb., 35c; smoked
white per lb., 22c.
Fancy, pan frozen, B. F. dressed her
ring, box lots, per lb., (c; less than box
lots per lb 10c.
Delicacies Shrimps, peeled, gal., (2.50,
headless, $1.76; Blue Points, per hundred,
$1.60; Little Neck Clams per hundred,
$1.60; large clams, per hundred, $2.50;
hard shell crabs, per doz., $2 76; Jumbo
frogs, large black bull, per doz., $4.00;
grass frogs per dox., 15c; roe shad, per
lb., 25c; shad roe, per pair, 76c; sea
scallops, gal., market; crabmeat, lump,
flake market.
Miscellaneous Cracker Jack, Checkers
and Chums, case, $5.60; case, $2.86.
Shelled pop corn, 4 doz. 10-oz. pkgs.,
$8.70; bulk, 12c lb. Three B Honey,
2 dox. 6-oz. Jars, $4.30; 1 doz. 16-oz. Jars
$5 40. Peanuts: Jumbo raw, 20c lb.;
roasted 23c lb.; No. 1 raw, 17c lb.; roasted,
20a lb.
New Tork Bonds.
U. 8. 2s, reg....9S Gt. N, lse 4s (2
U. 8. 2s, coupon. (8 I. C. ref. 4s.. 85
U. 8. Is reg.. 88 Int. M. M. 6s... 102
U. S. 3s coup. 81 K. C. S. ref. 6s. (4
U. S. Liberty ls.98.96L. ft N. un. 4s 88
U. 8. 4s reg ofd.106 M K ft T 1st 4 72
U. 8. 4s coup. 106 M. P. gen. 4s.. 66
Am. F. sec. 6s. 99 Mont. Power 6s 92
Am. T. T. c 6s 94 N. T. Cen. d 6s 101
Anglo-French 6s.96N. Pac. 4a 87
Arm. ft Co. 4s.87 N. Pas. 2s 62
Atchison gen 4s.870. S. L. ret 4s.. 86
B. ft O. cv. 4s 84P. T. ft T. 6s.. 96
Beth St'l ref 6s 87 Penn con 4s 102
Cen. Leather (s 96 Penn. gen, 4s. 93
Cen. Pao 1st... 84Readlng gen, 4s 87
C. ft O cv 5s.. 88S L ft 3 F a (s 71
C, B. ft Q., 4s 95 8. Pac. cv 5s.. 105
CM ft 8P 0 4 83S. Ry. 5s 96
C R I ft P r 4s 75 'Tex. ft Pac 1st 88
C. ft 8., ref 4s 80 'Union Pac 4a. 88
D. ft R. O. 1 5s 61 U. S. Rubber 6s 86
D. of C. (s 1931 98 U. 8. Steel 6s.. 100
Erie gen. 4s.... (0 'Wabash 1st 93
Gen. Elec. 6s. .101 French gvt 6 s 103
Congressman-Elect Jefferis
Returns From Eastern Trip
Congressman-elect A. W. Jeferies
has returned from an extensive busi
ness trip to eastern cities. While
in New York he visited with Chair
man Hays of the republican central
committee. Mr. Hay expressed
himself as highly gratified with the
republican gains in Nebraska.
New Tork Coffee.
New Tork, Dec. 2. No material change
was reported In the coffee situation here
today with the trade waiting for a final
decision from Washington on the petitions
for a removal of war time restrictions.
Nothing definite had been learned regard
ing the prospects for such action up to the
usual closing hour, and the local spot
market remained entirely nominal so far
as any general range of quotations was
concerned. It was rumored that a few
smaU lots of Rio 7s might possibly be pur
chased at 14 c, but other holders were
said to be asking 16c. Sales of Santos 4s
were reported in the cost and freight
market at 20,76c, London credits, steamer
shipments and the official cables showed
well maintained prices In Brazil, Rio be
ing 200 rels higher, while Santos spots
were 100 rets higher, and futures 25 rels
lower to 60 rels higher.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruit.
New Tork Dec. 2. Evaporated Apples
Dull;, state, 1516c.
Prunes Strong, Callfornlas, 710c.
Apricots Firm; choice, 21c; extra
choice, 23c; fancy, 25o.
Peaches Nominal.
Raisins Firm; loose Muscatels, 9
llc; choice to fancy seeded, 1014
llc; seedless, ll12c; London lay
ers, $2.00
Liberty Bonds.
New Tork, Dec. 2. Final prices on Lib
erty1 bonds were:
8s 98.90.
First convertible 4s. (5.70.
Second 4s, 94.36.
First convertible 4s, 97.70.
Second convertible 4s, 96.76.
Third 4s, 96.88.
Fourth 4s, 96.64.
Metal Market.
New Tork Dec. 2. Lead Spot, T.05c,
1 cent lower; East St. Louis delivery,
Spelter Steady; East St. Louis delivery,
spot, offered at 8.46c.
New York Money.
New Tork, Dec, 2. Time Loans Strong
6 per cent bid.
Call Money Firmer; high, ( per cent;
low, ( per cent; ruling rate, ( per cent;
closing bid, 6 per cent; offered at ( per
cent; last loan, ( per cent.
New Tork Cotton Futures.
New Tork, Dec. 2. Cotton Futures
opened firm; December, 2727.15c; Jan
uary, 25.7525.95c; March, 24.9525.10c;
May, 24,65 24.65c; July, 24.2524 15a
Dry Goods.
New Tork, Dec. 2. Cotton and yarns
continued generally quiet today with an
easing tendency in prices.
Watch the Little Pimples;
They are Nature's Warning
Unsightly and Disfiguring Sig
nals, of Bad Blood.
Oils and Turpentine.
Savannah, Ga Dec. 2. Turpentine
Nominal, 76c; sales, none; receipts, 276
bbls.; shipments, 486 bbls. ; stocks, 30,652
Rosin Dull; sales, none; receipts, 1 708
bbls.; shipments, 51 bbls.; stock, 69,(86
bbls. Quote: B, D, E, F. G. (15.00; H,
(15.10; I, (15.35; K, $16.25; M, $16.50; N,
$16.70; WG, $16.80; WW, $16.90.
Linseed. )
Dultuh, Minn., Dec. I. Linseed on track,
$3.(6; to arrive $3.61
Don't close your eyes to the warn
ing which nature gives, when un
sightly pimples appear on your face
and other parts of the body.
Not only are these pimples and
splotches disfiguring, but they lead
to serious skin diseases, that spread
and cause the most discomforting
irritation and pain. Sometimes they
foretell Eczema, boils, blisters, scaly
eruptions and other annoyances that
burn like flames of fire, and make
you feel that your skin is ablaze.
When these symptoms appear on
any part of the body, take prompt
steps to rid the blood of these dis
orders. And the one remedy which
has no equal as a purifier is S. S. S.,
the purely vegetable blood medi
cine, which has been on the market
for more than fifty years. It is sold
by druggists everywhere.
If you are afflicted with any
form of skin disease, do not expect
to be cured by lotions, ointments,
salves and other local remedies, as
they can not possibly reach the
source of the trouble, which is in
the blood. Begin taking S. S. S. to-
j day, and write a complete history of
your case to our chief medical ad
1 viser who will give you special in
structions, without charge, write at
once to Swift Specific Co., 441
Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.
Commerce High Cripples
Win from Atlantic 7 to 0
After the shutout handed the Ma
roon Squad by South High in their
annual grid meet, November 22,
Coach Evans took his squad to At
lantic to meet the fast team there.
In the opening minutes of the sec
ond period, the locals took the ball,
a delayed pass from South to Snygg
with interference by Nicotero, en
abled the runner to place the oval
behind the opponents' goal. Kline
kicked goal. Score 7-0.
Atlantic came back in the second
half with a rush, but could not over
come the Commerce stone-wall.
Commerce was in possession of the
ball for the most of the remainder
of the game. Only once did Atlan
tic come near scoring, when by a
series of off-tackle plunges they had
come under the shadow of the Com
merce goal, only to be held for
downs. Commerce took the ball
and began her march.
Omaha to Have New Plant
to Reclaim Old Rubber
Omaha will soon have the first
rubber reclaiming plant west of the
Mississippi and will be the pioneer
western city in this class of salvage
The Sprague Tire and Rubber
company is planning to equip -its
new plant with a rubber reclama
tion department. In this branch the
rubber content of old tires, rubber
shoes, and other discarded rubber
goods will be treated chemically
and the crude rubber separated
from valueless elements by a pro
cess of chemical destruction of for
eign substances.
Sports Calendar.
Racinr Winter meetlnr at Jefferson
park. New Orleans. Winter meeting- of
Cuba-American Jockey club, at Havana.
Cycling Second day of International
six-day race In New York City.
Boring Johnny Dundee against Jo
Welling, It rounds, at Boston.
Three Suspected of Being
Lookouts for Booze Cars
Henry Keating, St. Joseph, Mo.,
Tom Kelley, 1606 Laird street and
William Solley, were arrested Sun
day night at the bridge going to
Council Bluffs and held for investi
gation. The police think that while these
men were engaging Officer Sanka
in conversation, two cars contain
ing whisky got away. It is thought
that these three men were the look
outs for the "booze" cars.
D. 494
n . i (.. I.IK. U Ink ft I ftThl WMk
Margusrlte Farrsll; Thrss O'Gormas Qlrli; R.
Frank W. 6erman; GeorgalU Trie; Wmkly Allied
Review: Orpluum Travel Weekly. Prleee Matl.
neei, lOo, 26c and 50e. Boxee and Stalls. SOe
and 75c. Nighta 10c, 23c, 60c, 75o and $1.00.
a tss-tjAvy Mat- 8-2S-50e
XZXiy&iy Evg... 2Sc-50c-75c-tl
Those Two Cheerful Idiots,
Al. K. Hair&r & Bobby Barry
American Made Beauty Chorus of Maids.
Sat. Mat. h Wk: Max Spiegel's "Cheer Up. America
Cohan and Harris Present the Comedy
Classic of Recent Years
A Tailor-Made Man
Direct From a Year in New York
Nights, 2Sc to $2. Mat., 25c to $1,SC
Hearts of the World
The World's Greatest Entertainment
Mat. Wed. Best Seats, $1.00
in the Best "A CURE FOR
Comedy-of His Career CURABLES"
Tfeurs., Frl Sat., Mat.
Sat. Beit Seate. $1.00
Prtcea-SOo, 75e, $1.00, $1.50
In the Character Revue
Misses Dusenbury, Baldwlnrand Cook
William Fox
1 t
Care to Cover Coughs and
Sneezes by Individuals Ex-
pected to Prevent Plac- v
ing Another Ban. ;i;
"Most of the cases of influenro
now being reported are nothing
more than bad colds," said Health
Commissioner Manning. "Every
body is thinking of the 'flu' and the
minute they get a headache or lit
tle fever they decide they have the ;
'flu.' This is the season of the year
when colds are most prevalent
People shouldn't get scared as soon
as they get a cold and imagine they
have the 'flu.' Of course, it is wise
to take care even of a cold."
Reports of a number of cases of
influenza at several of the Omaha
schools are being canvassed under ;
direction of Dr. Manning with a
view to closing these schools.
"We are making a thorough can
vass," he said, "and if the number '
of children ill is above a certain per
centage in any one school that
school will be ordered closed. We
believe, however, that many children
are being kept out by their parents
through fear that they may catch
the influenza."
Dr. Manning notes a "flare-up" of
the "flu" in Omaha and says that
the same condition prevails over a
large part of the state. He has great
hopes of the efficacy of the individ
ual campaign by which an effort is
being made to get each person tft
be his own preventative by cover
ing up coughs and sneezes and by
keeping in the open air and keeping
houses well ventilated. i
Liquor Hid in Piano Bench,
but Owner is Discharged
A piano bench containing seven
points of whisky was brought into
police court Monday morning as
evidence against George Simon, 1114
South Thirteenth street, charged
with unlawful possession of intoxi
cating liquor.
Simon was discharged when he
proved that the whisky had been
purchased before the dry law went
into effect, and his liquor returned.
Memorial Services for ; ,
Omaha Boy Held Sunday
Memorial services of Guy Ernest
Elder, formerly of Omaha, who died
of Spanish influenza in France re
cently, were held in the Dieta
Memorial Methodist church Sunday
morning. Rev. S. G. Dorey
preached the sermon. '
Man Held for U. S. Agents
Dies in the County Jail
John Brown died Sunday after
noon in the county jail, where he
was being held for the federal au
thorities. The jailer stated that he
was addicted to drugs. Brown'i
home was at 1211 Cass street .
Now Showing
and charming as ever
First Time in the City for
This Double-Star Program.
Even IO
the Wbfk Greatest Tonor
eouldht sbganoto. hod
make nama and (fartima
by his picture playing.
Ywill saytha sama
aftar seeing him tiv
ny Cousin
fuararr, tuiimem eaatn
frandepom aaaonai
CVm oomponvti pant.
How On Display tA th
Hear Him on th Victrola and S
Him Hre Today
1 1 iii j ii i
I I I I I II (I ' II M It 1 rsT J