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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1918)
v ia v THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3,1918. S Want Ad Rates ' (Can With Order.) 1 H Per word each Insertion. Is per ward for 3 consecutive Insertions . lo per word for each addition! insertion No ad taken for in than a total oi Nor lea than 10c par day. . I'll. A ROE. Jo par Una (count wrtd to line) 1 time o par Una each tiros, I consecutive time So par Una each time, JO consecutive time SITUATIONS WASTED. tie par Una per week CAR 1)9 Or THANKS ANO IXNEKAL NOTICES. '10o par Una sr...tch insertion . Contract Rntea on Application. Pot convenience of advertlaera want ad will be accepted at tb following office MAIN OFFICE , Bee Building Atnea Office ..'..a.... 4410 Norib Zutbt. Lake Office 2&1S North 14th St Vinton Office 1467 8outb 16th St Park Office ISIS teavenworth St Walnut Office alt North 40th St. TSouth Side , .....2318 N St .Council Bluffa 14 Main St THE BEE will not be responsible for mora than on Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered tot mora than one - tlma. . v ; Us THE TELEPHONE) It you cannot conveniently bring or aend your ada to any of the above offlcea. Ask for a Want Ad Taker and you will receive tha aame good aervlca aa when delivering your ad ,.lo person. V PHONE TYLER1 1000. .Evening Editlona 12:00 M. Horning Editlona 10:00 P. M Sunday Fdlttons 10 P M. Saturday ADEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. W1DDICO.MBE Kthel M., December 2, AIMS, anted 6 years, beloved daughter of ' granddaughter of lira. E. O. Furen. r Funeral services will be held from Bralley & Dorrance chapel Tuesday, December , at 2 o'clock p. m. Inter ment Foreat Lawn cemetery. 13URK.K Marietta, aired 27 years. Decern. ber 2, 1918, beloved wife of Charles 3. ' Burke, at residence, 2908 Webster street, ; Survived by husband, father and mother, Mr. and Mrs, James Waaton; aiater, Nell,- all of Omaha, and brother, Frank, now in me service in r ranee, i Funeral notice larer. JIARRA Pete, aged 36 years, Nov. 30. Servlcea from .Hoffmann Funeral Home Tueaday, 1 p. m. Interment Holy Senulcher cemetery. Deceased la survived by his wife, Del- (la, and three children. ,'EUHLMAN Clarence A., formerly of Ne braska City, of pneumonia, following in- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kuhlmarr, and aiater. Mra. J. Franklin Anson'. LANE Francis E.. November 80, 19U. Aied 26 years, 11 months. Funeral First M. B. church Tuesday, December I. I n. m. Interment Foreat Lawn cemetery. V " CARD OF THANKS. VB wish to thank our many friends and ; neighbors, also the Hotel Fontenelle . omployea for7 their kindness and aym pathy shown ua during tha death of ' our beloved wife and mother; also for tha beautiful floral offerings. Edward -Terpenlng and Family. . - i'ontenelie , . Florist ' 1814 Dougiaa St FLORISTS. ' LEE L. I. ARM ON Dougiaa 8244 A. D0NAGHUE ltftr. Flower shipped everywhere. Ex. paid. ..BATH,- ''Careful Floriat, 1804 Farnam St. h. Henderson. 1619 Farnam. D. 1248 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. , heafeyXheafey, Undertakers and ambalmera, Tel. H. 266. Office 2611 Farnam. HUESE & KIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Director i 101 Bo. 16th St. Phone DouayTJJ HOFFMAN FUNERAL' HOME Hoffman. Quality aervlca coat lesa. .' 24th and Dodge. Dougiaa 3901. STACK & FALCONFR Independent Undertakers. Sid-Far. H. 400 Lv DODDER CO., Funeral Dtrectora. F. U Feru. Mr., 83d and Cuming 8ta Phone Dougiaa 677 VAuto ambulance. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker ard emhnlaner. S411 Farnum ITC " Har. 392 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Furniture and Houshold Goods. YOLK HOME SHOULD BE C02T AND COMFORTABLE. Tha cold day In November should find your bom furnished cotlly and comfortably warm. A new rug on the floor, a duof.'ld bed aaaed to ynur fur nlahlnga, a good sort coal heater to combat Jacjt Frost and tha terror of hi atlng an be supplied by us at i great saving to you. W make a apt elalty of complete home outfits, alad hotel afcd rooming house. Railroad farts refunded to out-or-town Buyers witnin (0 miles of Orr.oba on purchase f $2C or more. STATE FURNITURE CO.,' 14th and podg Sta Opp. U. Bldg. H. DOLOOKe. ' trolas. trunk and suitcases, bedding and linen Better ' goods-- for leaa money Credit If you wlah. Open venlnK 1839-47 N. 24th St. Phone: Web. 1607 Web. 2S. BARGAIN Just a few beating stove left: also house furnishings of all kinda Loyal Furniture Co.. 22.1 N. 16th St. Pianos and Musical Instruments thebest place jo buy good used pianos and player 'pianos. - - All nsed kurtruments ara thoroughly overhauled In our completely equipped repair department, making It possible for us to guarantee used players, planis ' and organs the same as new high grade jnstiumenla A partial list pt bargain on hand ' today. This list changes laonstantly. Writs or phone us for the one you prefer. Will make, comfortable terms. List of used piano and player. , Tamp & Co., piano, ebony...., $1! Hamilton piano, mahogany.. .-JOO Milton player, mahoganjt P$ Karn player, mahogany..'... 450 Whitney player, mahogany $50 TIANOS FOR RENT At loweat price. Special rate to those - who rent for the Reason. Six months rent allowed If purchased. PIANO TUNING v -Cone by experts and guaranteed by 'U. Charges reasonable. Special price 1 for yearly contract Call or phone for par ticulars. I A. H0SPE CO.,' Established 1874. 1513 Douglas St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. KhiV DANCING AT KEEP'S HOTEL P.O.ME Monday, Thursday, Saturday nights. Instructions, 3 to : dsncing, t to 12. Admission, 60c person. Private lesson by appointment. Phone Doug ' las 2581 or Hamey 2792. TV KEL-PINB Keep Dancing Academy. 2424 Farnam. Class and private lessons Learn to dance for 1 5. where learning I pleasure. Dancing Monday and Tbura H a v. nAiiDl.. Tern VeEP Hotel Rome clasa and dancing very Monday. Thursday and Saturday. Private lessons by appointment Call Douglas 2581 or Harney 2793. Film Developing. FILM developed, rolls' 10c: packs, 15c; one-day aervlca. Kasa Studio, Nevle rTTpTT1Eleclrlo washing machine HELP WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. "WANTEt) .7 50 . LABORERS 3-HOUR DAY lamp back Co. . 50c per hour, time and one-half for overtime, . X J-.-ui. a: c J Fixtures and Wiring. .f uuuuie uxue xur ounuay work. Apply . .LYNCH-CANNON ENGINEERING CO. electric irons and reading z;zs cumtng sr. iouriaa 2519 Jewelry. fiT A MnMnSV" the" beat prica v.niuuii tn privilege to buy at small prnflt-'GROSS JEWELRY 403 N. 16th. ' Red 6081 Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monials. ' DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON. ' 614 Brandels Bldg. T. 2960. H 4741. Printing Supplies. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co.. 414 S. 13th St'. Sates. Bargains Lm Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. - SAFES HOME OF THE Gulbransen PLATER PIANO PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co.. 583 Brandels , D 6691.. v STURGES & STURGES. U. S. and foreign patents and trademarks. 330 Bea BUg. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 2i7 S 11th. D. 682. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcement and printing. Dougiaa Printing Co Tel Dougiaa 644. r New Rrmnrl TTnnsp. Phone 583. WANTED Men 19 to 50 years for gen eral yard work; steady work for xoood men. Apply timekeeper Union f-tock Yards Co., South Omaha. FOR RENTROOMS. Housekeeping Rooms. 3121 H CALIFORNIA 3 and i roonia. fur nished,, modern, 1st floor, wita neat Harne 4001. . ' Hotels. HEATED rooma, 32.50 week. Apartments with kitchenette Ogden hotel. Coun. B FOR RENT FURNISHED. Apartments. 1813 Capitol apartment. Ave., modern. Steam heat. south front FCK- RENT HOUSES. West. MODERN 8-room house. 212 South 34th St. C. L. Saunders, 560 Saundera-Ken-nedy Bldg. Douglas 17. North, s , V SACRIFICE SALE PRICE 32,650. Seven-room, all modern House, hard wood finish, cistern, cemented basement, on paved s' cut, -good neighborhood, close to car and stores. Might consider Ford car ann cash In trade. Phone Wal. 2197 FIVE rooms for rent, 1st floor f i f. gmry nome, very reaaonanie. uougy 4ut. South. 8-ROOM, atrlctly modern flat newly dec orated. 332 601 1506 South 29th St Red 683 - . Miscellaneous. 2129 Wirt St.. rooms $35.00 2408 St Marys Ave., 8 .rooms a. 85.00 3216 Burt St., 8 rooms 40.00 Tyler 1536 333 Securities Bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper. $100. stenographer and clerk, 365. y. HE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 Wi O. W. Bldg STENOGRAPHER and dictaphone oper ator, $90: bookkeeper and atenographer, $75. Watts Ref. Co., 1138. First Nat. Bk. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, some ex- perlence, $75. Western Reference S Bond Ass'n. 1 Professions and Trades. BUSINESS CHANCES. Machinery and Engines.. FOR SALE No. 2 Arctio refrigerating plant 2V tons dally melting capacity, consisting of compressor, condenser, am. monla receiver, oil separator; brine tank colls, etc., together with ona, five-horse power motor. Including oaa 8x8x11 Lumber and. Building Materials. TEN car used lumber. $25 and up per M. New roofing. $1 2S to $1.75 Doors, II up. Electrical motor and machinery. H. Gross Lumber and Wrecking Co. 21st and Paul streets, Omaha.. cooler. B. L. Allen, owner. Laurens. Ia. Typewriters and Supplies. AND ADDING TYPEWRITERS MACHINES. NEW AND REBUILT y Th most complete line of Typewrit er and Adding Machine west of Chi cago. Can furnish any make at most any price you desire to pay. We rent and repair all makes and will buy fr trade for your old machine. Every machine guaranteed. See us before you buy. . CENTRAL TYPEWKlTliK isjLnAnuo (Established over J ywrrs.i Douelns 4121. 1905 Farnam St TYPEWRITERS all makes, sold, rented and repaired. THE W. N. .LONG COMPANT. 1915 Farnam. Tel. D. 8969. Gilt edged business for sale, confection ery, soft drinks land tobacco, elegant lo cation, money maker reason, sickness $1,250 cash, balance easy terms, clears $3,000 yearly. Write F. A. McPhersorf, 306 Neb. St. Sioux City, la. WANTED TO INVEST Few thousand dollars In some good going business. Give ful 1 particulars. Confidential. Omaha Bee, Box 5147. Rooming Houses. One of the finest restaurants In county Soda Fountain and rooming house in connection; seating capacity for 80 people on main line; ara going back to farm ox Y 237 Omaha Bee. SITLATIONS WANTED. y Male. EXPERT efficiency man wants position as auditor; will give complete financial statements or Install system. Omata Bee, Box 6125. P R I N T E R Foreman, superintendent years in charge, desires a change. Box 4291!, Omaha Bee. WANTED Janitor 6690. work, i Call Harney Femaie. COLLEGE graduate wants clerical posi tlon either for half days at office or work which can be done at her home, Phone Harney 2712. REFINED young widow would like posi tion as housekeeper, for couple who worn or a wiaower. Tyier isyvv. ' WE BUY. eetl yor exchange typewriters: guar, typewritera $10 and up. write tor list. Midland Typewriter Co.. 4U4 uooge. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES, WEST LAWNCEMETERY. v Family lots on easy payments; thoughtful service; perpetual care; street , caraaato entrance. Phone. Walnut 820 or Dougiaa 829, and our auto will call for you. 1'HE largest display of monuments In k the United States. FRANK SWOBODA, 12H H 13th. Phone Dougiaa H72-5216 BIRTHS AND DEATHS Births Vlnceno and Marie Mucha, 6621 South Twenty-second street, girl; Mike and Johanna, Schae fferv 1716 Cass streret, boy; Samuel and Marian Howell, 4114 Izard street, boy; Frank and Natta Bussle, 2322 J street, girl: Sebastiano and Maria Bel flora, 1234 South Seventh street, girl; ! I'hoIo and Cologera Curreri, 2207 South Twelfth atreet, girl; Floyd and Myrtle linker. Sixtieth and P streets, girl; Ed vard and' Eluja Black, Lake View club, sin.:. ,. i Deaths Charles Pink' S6, 911 South Twenty-fifth street; Mrs. Grace R. Greist, 25, 2312 I street; George Klrtla, jr., 1 Inonths, 6313 South Twenty-eighth street; Mae Kudrna. 22, 2C01 Q street; Ada S. Ar nall, 30, 420 Park avenuS; Margaret Rice, 69, hospital; Mrs. Fredoma Brown, 30, 2821 California atreet; Edward Lund-, 62, 602 South Thirteenth streets Mary Barna, 7 month, 1024 orth Eleventh street; Louis Kolfes 28, hospital; Emll Theo Skoglund, 33, hospital, Fort Omaha; George R. Buck, ' 24, hospital, Fort Omaha; ' Henry Rep chlager, 34, hospital, Fort Omaha; Henry Cook, 74, hospital; Jacob A. Bartlett 62, Twenty-second Snd Y streets; Mrs. Lett Bmead, 87, 4819 South Twenty-second treet; Joseph Korlnek, 27, 3816 Polk street; Baby Brlnkman, 3--' days, 2713 R street; Emma Bana, 11, 6029 North Six teenth street; Baby Plksa, S days, .1315 ; Washington street; Olga Drobens, 1, 12481 . South 'Fourteenth atreet; Anna Drobens, 25, 1248 South Fourteenth street; John Subrt, li 6242 South Eighteenth street; John V. Evans, 71, Old People' Home; William J. Wilson, 63, hospital; Robert E. Lamoreaux, 72, 817 South Thirty-sixth street; Mulligan J. Clark, 67, 4 miles northwest of Benson; Mrs. Barabara Swo- ""Jiorta, 35. hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits to wed have been issued to the following: v Name.artid Residence. Age. Henry J. McKlnnon, Clarlnda, Ia 26 Uoxie V. Wagner, Clarlnda, Ia v..v23 Robert J. Cook,' Omaha over 21 Lola M.'-Hunter,. Kansas City, Mo.. over 18 : Duy H. 'Griffith. Omaha .... 19 Anna Manning, Sioux City, Ia 19 Antonio Sesto, Omalui 21 Marguerite Thorp, Omaha. 19 Julius Chow, Omaha 29 Louisa Jahvda, Omaha . 23 Loyal A. Drew. Omaha 22 Ruth Livingston, Omaha 22 John W. South. Omaha..'...,. 41 Katie Washington, Omaha ............ 29 Charlca V. Wilson, Mitchell, S. D. ..... 60 May" S. Meeker, St. Paul, Minn 46 LOST FOUND REWARDS OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET . RAILWAY COMPANY. . " Person having loat some articles' would do well to call at the offices of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Rail way company to ascertain whether they Jeft It In the atreet car. ' j Many article each day arc turned In and the company I anxious to reitnr them to the rightful owners LtST at the Union Station Purse con- talnlng bills, change and also check Igned by -me. Finder pleas mall to given address. Reward. Mrs. L. P. Stone, Islington. Neb. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three monthe for $0.00. Oliver Agency, lsos rarnaro Street, City. . " ' BURROUGHS nine adding machine at a bargain. W. D. Whitaker, Bancroft, Neb. Store and Office Fixtures. WE buy, sell and make desks, safe. how caaea, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 11th and Dougiaa D. 1724. Sewing Mach'nes. SEWING MACHINES. We rent, repair, sell needles and part of all sewing machines. . MICHEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. 16th snd- Harn.ey Sta. Doug.T662. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED colored lady wanta bundle washing or day wo'rk. Call Harney 6168. BUNDLES carefully laundered, deliver. Web. 423. Call and COLORED lady wishes day work. 3382. Web. HELP WANTED-MALE. MODERN room for tending furnace eve. nlngs to elderly, refined man. Omaha Bee, Box 6128, Stores and Offices. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE cheao grocery and meat fix tures, almost new; Toledo wales, elec tric coffee and mSat grinder, one L sbffpe meat (counter, one glass pickle rack holding' 12 Jars, one McCaskey charge account register,, one meat Ice box, two display counters. 2911 Popple- ton Ave. Telephone Harney 6785 FOR SALE 2 double cells from old Dodge county Jail, 12x28x7 ft. high; In perfect condition. Mercer Auto Parts Co., Tre mont, Neb. OMAHA PILLOW CO Feathers steamed. renovated and made up In new fea th ereof ticking. 1907 Cuming. Doug. 346T. FOR SALE Encyclopedia Brlttanica. Lat est edition, run leatner, -penect con dition. $50. Box 6206. umana nee LISTING addUi machine for ale or will exenange ror unaerwooa typewriter. Nourse Oil Co., Telephone Doug. 3191. WANTED TO BUY. JENKINS. . 70S So. 16tL St., will pay th beat ' price for old clothe, shoes, rugs, trunk, tools and job lot tf all kinds. Writ or phone today and tell me what you have. Phone Douglas 8091 Residence, Douglas 8031 DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks .bought, sold and traded. J C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 6146. SECOND-HAN.P house-moving trucks. complete, in good condition; give de scription and price. Frank Ludlngton, s St Paul. Neb. WE buy waste papet and pay good piTcea. Phone or write Omaha Paper Stock Co. Douglas 159. - ' ANNOUNCEMENTS. THE NATIONAL clean anything. CLEANING, CO. Harney 6012. We Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons all sixes and styles; hehistttchlng. plcot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO 300-308 Brown Bldg., Phone D. 1936. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING. BUTTONS 336-7 Paxton Bloc:.. Phone Doug. $109. Awnings. LOST A gold bar pin Sunday morning on the boulevard between Twentieth and , ,'hlo and Twenty-first and Blnney. v Re ward. 2024 Blnney. , LOST Black)' sal grip on Farnam or v Harney car oi at Burlington depot on - Thanksgiving night Call Colfax 2575. Reward. - ' " LOST A brown leather purse In Burling ton depot Simday mornlnr, containtng neads and' other valuables. Reward. Call ' 'Harney 3576. - T.OST Small package containing chain and cross and breast pin. Liberal re- ?warl. - Call South 8592. - "'f , LLl'8 Georgette dress lo suit bojt. Call Webster 4550. Reward, $5.00. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Furniture & Household Goods. . fTR SALE Exceptionally good -roll top oak desk, swivel chair and XUo cases. fcU Seo BIdjt,- ' AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE Auto touring tents and camping suppliea SCOTT-OMAH TENT & AWNING CO. Billiard Tables. PRIVATE table for parties at Holme'. Baggage and Express. THE ONLYlVAY .f THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCH ELL CO.. 27th and Martha St.. Omaha, Neb. .j Brass, bronze aluminum and machine array Iron castings Bronze Memorial Tablets. Bronxe Tablets and Bank Signs. All classes of cast bronze work. Designs and estimates furnished. F. R. McCONNELL 427 Railwsy Exchange, Omaha Chiropractors. ' Dr. J. C. Lawrence. BairO Bldg. p. 8461 SP1NOGRAPH. Dr. Edwarda.24h. Farnam Costumes. FULL dross suits for rent 1)9 N. ltth St. opposite Postoffica. John Feldman Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. NoVpaln. 21 W O W. Bldg Taft's Dental rtm.. Snti Rose Bldg rtxixs Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In. all cae. x Tylr 113$. Tailor, Dledrlck, P. L Hi V tU. lailor. IA Ml. OMAHA railway 'mall clerk examinations coming; men. women; $92 month sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 231 J. Rochester. N. Y. CREDIT manager, mercantile firm. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. 12. BOOKKEEPER, good future, $150. Ref. Co., 1138 First Nat. Bank. Watts WANTED First class floor maajvho can make up forms and da Job work. Write or wire the State Publishing Co., Pierre, 8. D. Professions and Trades. . A WANTED 30 CARPENTERS at the New Skinner Pkg. Plant at V Street. Apply Collin Bros. Office at the Plant. WANTED Younfc ladles to learn how to sperat Comometer and Burroughs Calculating and bookkeeping machine. 'A good posTJlon absolutely guaranteed to every graduate. . Tim required to . te , i course. C-weeks to 3 months Day and evening classes Call and t us or telephone Douglas T416 for particular.-' i' . DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING. Second Floor Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam St WANTED Automobile' mechanics; must be experts In all lines of automobile work; do not pply unless good; send references; also state wages. Box 614. Grand Island, Neb. ' BRAKEMEN, firemen, J150-$200 monthly, experience unnecessary. Send addressed stamped envelope. Hallway. Address Box 249,. Omaha Bee. ' WANTED An able, honest counter waiter for night work. , Permanent work, good wages Brunswick Restaurant, Fre ( mont. Neb. , WANTED Window trimmer . and card writer by Ladies' Ready-to-Wear store. Address The Famous, Lincoln, Nel. WANTED An experienced grocery clerk. Apply Washington Market, 1407 Douglas. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture de- partment. Box 41405. Bee. ' Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED High-class capable stove and furnace salesmen for Iowa territory with headquarters In or near Ottumwa, Cedar Rapids and Atlantic; state age. experience, reference and aalary. All correspondence confidential. - Address Box Y 244, care Omaha Bee. Omaha. . A GOOD specialty salesman, must be a producer and furnish good references; rag 2 to 4 p. m. Miles Standish Mfg. Co,., Kth and Howard Stg. ' Agents and Canvassers. "WORLD WAR HISTORY" Complete, authentic,, attractive book, well written. Big profit. Act quick. Outfit. 25c R. L. Phillip Publtahing Co., Omaha, Nebrr Atlanta, Ga. t Chica go. HI.; Philadelphia, Pa.;. Waco, Tex. Address nearest office. AGENTS! Don't wait longer. Start now taking orders for our "COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE WAR." Best term. Write today for frea outfit Nichols Co I Napervilla III. Miscellaneous, WANTED Men to work1 A. B. Alplrn, In Iron yard. 7th and Tiougla. WANTED A yard man; Jennie Edmuad- (wm ttosDltai, CuimU Wolfs, ia, - , NOW A WAR INDUSTRY. LEARN LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE OPERATING. - y Good salary paid while learning. Per manent poaitlons open: excellent oppor tunlty for advancement; ret Into essen tlal war winning work. APPLY TO C. F. LAMBERT. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. 1807 DOUGLAS ST. WANTED 20 GIRLS for- packing and labeling. Apply to manager SKINNER MACARONI CO.. 14th and Jackson Sts. GIRLS on power machines for general automobile top sewing. English Ten Co., 2S18 Harney St. 2631 HARNEY. 1-r. all mod. house, newly repaired, $33.60. 4,73 N. 36tn 6-r. mod. ex. hti $17.5u. RASP BROS , Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721 LIbT your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors.. Tyler 72$. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CRE1GH SONS A CO.. Bee. PAYNB & SLATER. COMPANY. Omaha's Rental Agenla 416 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg D. 1016. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists lrf Apartment management REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. YOUNG ft DOHERTY, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. - $22 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 16T1. " " . Miscelianeo SAl FOR RENT AND HOUSES, COTTAGES APARTMENTS. AM r.i It A N SECURITY CO.. , 202 8. 17th 8t. Douglas' 491a. WE SELL, rent, Insure and make loan on city properly, north. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO.. 24th and Ames Ave. JCc. $1T. BARGAINS In hemes. Investment, prop- rtles and acreage near Omaha. Harrl- son A Morton. 915 Omaha Nst Bk Bldg F D WEAD SELLS REAL ESTATE Omaha. Nl REALESTATE-Buslness Property WE NEED small homes or small Invest ment property. 1 li. A. WOLF CO., Eleytrlc Bldg. Tyler 5. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO. Inc'ome. Business and Trackage Specialist 15th and Dodge 8ts Doug! 416. BUSINESS property and Investment. A. P TUKEY A SON. 420 First Nations I Bank llldg. " REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT". WANT MERCHANDISE. Have some good Omaha Income prop erty and good mortgage paper; also good farms. Address 213 City Nat'l Bank Kldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE FOR SAKE OR EXCHANGE Two lots south of Elmwood park, In Overlook addition, full slza, 50x150. for sals 'cheap, or will exchange, with some cash as first payment on a bunga low In the south part of town. Ad dress . . BOX YX 25. OMAHA BEE. nd 2568 Douglas St., 9 rooms, $33; 4119 4128 N. 3th, $12 and $14. JOHN N. FRENZER Douglas 654 BIRKETT & Co. Care of property and Insurance, Bee Bldg. Douglas 632. 250 FOR RENT APARTMENTS. North. 4-ROOM apt., heated modern ; semi-basement; 25 Maple Court, 1815 Maple St. Tyler 18r2-J. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. FOR RENT A steam-heated store room. 22x46; full basement; $25 a month. 10th and DouKlas. MODERN store, 16th St., near postofflce; low rent. G. P. Stebblns, lf.10 Chicago. Office and Desk Roonj. LIKE TO SMILE? Office in the Bee Building and smile with satisfaction. Keystone Investment Co., Tyler 131. BUSINESS men demand the best office lo cation. The Bee Building supplies this demand. Keystone lnv. Co. Tyler- 131. Garages and Barns. FOR RENT Basrment for automobile re pairing and storage. Inquire 2525 Leavenworth St. i MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE CO. 1TH AND JACKSON ' DOUG 28$. STORAGE MOVING. PACKING, REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES ANDI APARTMENTS. FIKKPROOFVVAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos: moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 800 8. 16th. Douglas 4163 Household and Domestic. WANTED Experienced white woman cook; wages, $70 per month, room and board. Also woman dishwasher; wages $8.00 per week, board and room. Hotel Stevens, Bonesteel, S.- D. whlti WANTED An experienced family of three; references. Hynes, Harney 4760. Mrs. cook, W. J. WANTED Girl for generol housework, no laundry. Mrs P. T. McGrath, 3311 Har ney street. 1 COMPETENT girl for general housework, good wages, small family. Call Harney 2263. GIRL for general housework. family. Harney 4355. Two in WANTED A housemaid, white girl pre ferred. Call Harney 69. WANTED Girl forhmisework; no wash ing or cooking. Call Walnut 1176. ' GIRL for general housework. Red 6475. 2033 Dodge. GIRL for general housework. 2523 Capitol Ave., Doug. 3797. . - Hotels and Restaurants. Globe Van and Storage Co. ror real service in moving packing and storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. JP Rtfim Express Co., 1 Moving. . j. XVIiCiU packing anS Storage 1207 Farnam St. Web J74J Doug HI 46 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. BEST BUY CLOSE IN. Dandy full two-story, six rooms, bath and sleeping porch. Oak finish, oak floors throughout; floored attice, full press brick foundation, new guaranteed furnace Just like new. Located easy walking distance where values are In creasing rapidly. Just south of Harney. 605 South 3st St. Price only $74,800, $1,000 down. OSBORNE REALTY CO., "01 Om. NatTBank Bldg. Tyler 496. FINE 5-acre highly improved chicken ranch; fine stock business, everything going; a good business established. Ex change for nice clean modern cottage In Omaba.s Call Mr. Browne. INTER-STATE REALTY CO. 1516 City Nat'l Doug. 6236 REAL ESTATE UNIMPR West. WEST Farnam building lots as loW aa $395; $10 down, $5 per month; all Im provements. Douglas 6074. North. MINNE-LUSA; nice lot on Titus Ave., can be bought at a bargain; this lot must be sold. Call owner evenings. Walnut 70 South. FARM AND RANCH LANDS ' " T . sT New Mexico Lands. 80 ACRES good Irrigated land, with water right attached; almost new tram house, T rooms, 5 closet bullt-ln cupboard, bathroom, porch to cast and south, also on to west; good cement basement barn for S head horses; cow shed for 16 head cows; all fenced. Also 24 head cat tlo, 11 head cowaS heifers to freshen In spring and summer; on yearling bull, I calves from 1 to S month old; also span mule harness, wagon and farm ing machinery sold together or not, as wanted, $5,000 down, bal. mortgage at I per cent. - ' Also $9,000 stock of merchandise fr sale. Ad. Boy 86. French, New Mex. A VTOMOBILES. ' J. . Exceptional Bargains in Thoroughly Rebuilt . Dodge Bros.' Cars' ' 'and " . ford delivery cars with open express canopy top and enclosed panel bodies. Murphy-O'Brien Auto Co. 1 1814 Farnam Street' Telephone Tyler 123. SAVE 40 PER CENT ON YOUR TIRES. H4.VE THEM REBUILT. 3,000 MILES GUARANTEE. Non , Plain. Skid. 30x3 $ 8.00 $10.00 30x3Vs 10.00 12.50 33x4 ,.. 16.00 17.50 AGENTS WANTED. TIRE AND TUBE REPAIRING. DOUGLAS TIRE & VULCANIZING CO. New Location, 2557 Farnam St. STEARNS-KNTGHT Seven-passenger STEARNS-KNIGHT with touring body and beautiful limou sine body made by Kimball. The entire outfit will be sold lor one-hslf the cost of the limousine body. Apply Fay Rogers, Supply Department, Woodmen of the World. Phone Douglas 4570. ACREAGE tract. $1 down. $1 weekly. S. W Field club; high and sightly; rich soil; $296 and up; new add .Introductory offer: no taxea: to Interest till Jan. 1, 1920 The Byron Reed Co D. 297, 1812 Farnam Miscellaneous. 120 ACRES choice feeding and farming Int. Nllssnn, 422 Securities Rldg. REAL ESTATF SUBURBAN. CAR SUIT YOU? If not, why not tracfe for one that does? Eighteen to choose from. Trawver Auto Co. 1910 Farnam. Benson. 11 HERE'S A GOOD BENSON HOME. For a very reasonable price; 6 room and bath; modern except heat; new gar age; fine lot; good nelghbnrhood. A snap at $2,200: $200 cash Is all that Is required, balance $20 monthly. . COLFAX 719 Dundee. Dundee, $6,500; Near 50th and Chicago Sts. 7 rooms well arranged with a large living room, with fireplace and book cases; dining room, den and kitchen first floor. 5nree large bedrooms, sleep ing porch and tile bath second floor. Can be handled on reasonable terms. GLOVER &, SPAIN, Doug. 3962. 91S-20 City National. FOR propertyrin Dundee, Happy Hollow and Fairacres call GEORGE & COM PANY, 902-12 City Nat. Bk. Doug. 768, FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loans & Mortgages 6 PER CENT . mortgages.- secured by Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEB, INC. 638 Keellne Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS. ii and (I per cent; loans for March 1. 5H per cent. Dumont & Co., Keelin" Bd EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted; Woodrow Cafe, 214 South 14th St. y Miscellaneous.. 4- DO YOU WANT :T0 EARN SOME n CHRISTMAS MONEY f-BY WORKING EVEN INGS? Wa need 50 mors girl and women , for our evening shift from ( to 1:30 o'clock Monday to Fridays, Inclusive. This work I in our Icing room, where fancy cakes and cookies are finished and packed. - ' We do not employ girls under 16 years of age. We want' girls and women wbo are ready and willing to work a whole week at a time. Call on our employment department (second floor, middle of block) any time between 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. Mon day to make arrangements. Iten Biscuit Co., i iSnow AVhite Bakeries, ' Capitol' Ave.. 12th to 13th Sts. WANTED Young woman, as nurse helper. Phone South 68. ' ' 14- HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladle and boy to learn barber trade; big demand: wage while learning, strictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St Trl-Ctty Barber College Phona D. 2147. MOLER Barber College want young men and ladle to learn tb barber trade. Call or writ for free catalogue. 110 S. 14th 8t. Omaha, Neb. VELVET coats cleaned and steamed, $2.60. Carey Cleaning Co., 24th and Lake Sts. Webster 392. EDUCATIONAL.. nnvi.vs th 7 irni,' ' DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Intensive training for office worker. Course In Bookkeeping. Shorthand. ' Stenotypy, Typewriting. Railroad and wireless Telegraphy. Comptometry. Ma chine Bookkeeping and all Engllab ..ranches. Students admitted any day Catalogue free.' . Telephone Dougiaa 1666. r' 18th and Harney Sta Omaha. Neb. RELIABLE AUTO SCHOOL. Beat electrical and self-starter . courtea, i Easily learnea. wo dooks. rree Catalog ' National Auto School. tS14 North 20th St. Omaha. Neh. f Van Sant SchAl of Business. v Day and Evening Schools, $20 Omaha National Bank Bldg - Douglas 589" LEARN Moaber shorthand and typewrit. Ing. - Day and night classes nmahk Shorthand Cotlege.xBee Bldg.. D 6528 PRIVATE LESSONS given In bookkeeping. shorthand and penmanship by an ex perlencecf Instructor. Call Harney 4692. FOR RENT ROOMS. X Furnished Rooms. STEAM heated sanitary rooms st the'Bun- shine Apartment $2.60 per week and up. For men only. Office 10$ N. 17th St. ' ' FURNISHED ROOM, private family, walk ing distance, breakfast If desired, gentle man preferred. Harney 6407. 1 NEWLY furnished, modem w hi a, uu a $3,500.00 Nice . 6-roont bungaldw. oak flnlah south 'front block from car:'. 46th and Marcy Sts. Terms, $600 cash, balance $35 per month. Benson & Carmichael, REALTORS. 642 Paxton Block. Douglas 1722. S. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY WH. Thomas & Son.. Keeline Bldg. FOR SALE Six-room house, good condi tion, Clalrmont neighborhood, only $400 cash. Phone oug. 419. South. BUNGALOW, BRAND - NEW, 33D AND IMSON. k 6-room trlctlj modern bungalow, oak floor throughout, oak finish In living room and dining room; bedrooms and bath finished In white enamel and oak floors; combination sun room and sleep ing room; bullt-ln features. Including buffet with mirrored glass, bookcases " and colonade openings; full cement basement furnace heat; fronts on beau- tiful boulevard and drive, across from , small city. park. Can be handled on t easy terms or discounted for cash. It . looking for something new and nifty, we have it to show you. Payne Investment Co., 637 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Dong 1781 ""frorth. ' Walking Distance ,6-Room Modern- $3,150' ' 6-room, modern home on Caldwell St., near 29th. Large 60xl37-foot lot. Paving paid. This is a well constructed home in fine repair and a bargain at this price. Reasonable terms. - J J. L." HI ATT CO., PHONE Q TYLER (Ml FIRST NATIONAL W BANK BUIL.DL5Q. 2825 N. 24TH STREET $3,000. . Modern 6-room house on corner lot. Three sleeping rooma and bath on sec ond floor; full basement with fruit and coal bins. Small garage on Tear.' Miut have $1,000 cash. If you can hadle this call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Lawler. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. BEMIS PARK BARGAIN. 1220 North 34th Street. Full two-story, six-room, itricOy mod ern home. ,Oak finish full brick founda tion, choice east front lot 40x167, pav ing and all specials paid. Owru?r asking $4,200 but wants offer. If yoAwant a y snap call i OSBORNE KEAlLX 701 Om. Nat Bank Bldg. . Tyler 496. ELEGANT new 7-room. 2-atory frame and arucco ready for occupancy, located ' 2566 Laurel Ave.. 2 blocka south of Miller park This excellent, well-built home has fireplace, bullt-ln buffet, bookcases and aeata Tile bath, cloth chute, toilet In basement and Is up to th minute throughout. Terms to re sponsible parties. Inquire Joseph Pick. 2219 Evsns St., Webster 4!5B EOR sale or rent. 6-room house, modern except heat. Paved street, near car line Good buy as home for person In moder ate circumstance Phon Tyler 620 pr Wolnut yrs ' - JTINE LOT BARGAIN . On Ames Ave. near 33d. Paved street , water, sewer, gas snd walk all paid tor. Owner Will take $625. Phone D. 2182. NEW. -7-room. oak finish, large lot double grag; price $6,760; term. 4 1ST North 24th St NORR1S A NOR Rlfl Douglas 4270 , $2,500. STORE building. 8 living rooms in rear, all modern, good location. Cv-A. Orlmmet Phone D 1615.- MINNE I. USA bomes and lota offer th best opportunity to tovei your money ftkon Tylejr 187 - , . 'v - No Delay Closing Loans. W. T GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg Doug. 1633. OMAHA HOMES EAST, NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2716 $100 to tlO.000 MADE promptly, F. D Wead. Wead Bldg., 1811) and Farnam Private Money. SHOPEN & COMPANY. Doug. 422J. .Stocks and Bonds. WE BUY and sell Liberty Bonds Mack'a Bond House. 1421 First Nat Bank Bldg. FORD SEDAN. Nearly new, with electric starter, lights and extras; will sacrifice to Bell this week: $075 car at OT27 Farnam or phone Harney 3276. ONE 8-clylnder demonstrator. One 6-cyllnder demonstrator. One 4-cyllnder demonstrator. Investigate, they will goat bargain prices and (re guaranteed. Hanson & Tyler Auto Co., 2514 Farnam, phone Tyler 1368. FOR SALE 1917 D. 40 Mitchell five passenger: lot of extra equipments; At shape. A bargain if sold at once. Party leaving city. Can be seen at Service garage, 15th and Leavenworth. Phone room 610 Castle Hotel. USED CARS AJD TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 2020 Farnam St Omaha. Neb FOR SALE One Overland 1800 delivery "Bran new;" will make big sacrifice . this week, leaving city; phone Black 1753. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND. CO., 2301 Farnam- Sfly AUTOMOBILES. Senrice Stations. - AUTOMOBILE "electrical repair) Mrvlcl tation for Rtfleld carburetor ant Columbia storage batteries. Bdwrds 261 N. 19th. Webtr 1108-V ' . . : . Repairing and fainting. RADIATURS -Wrecked and leaky radiators npatrto and rebuilt; larg stock used radiator. New Ford onycom -radiators. OMAHA RADIATOR A TIRE WORKS. 1819 Cumtng v 8044 farnam. EXPERT radiators, fender and auto bodies; repairing at reasonable prices Prompt attention given to garage work; ahlp your radiator direct to us, NEBRASKA SERVICE GARAGE, 1104 North 18th. 218 S. 19th St' Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE Bargain In uaed machlsfea - Victor H Roos. th Motorvcl Man. 27th snd . LeavenwortH. - V i ' PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial Home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magaslne. We collect W distribute. Phon Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and lnapect our new horn 1110-1112-1114 Dodga St. , JUDGE'8AMUEL T. JEFFREYS, Formerly United States Special Coun sel, Reno, Nev.;' correspondence solicit ed. - FURNACES cleaned, $1.25. All repair. CENTRAL TIN SHOP (Night-Day) Walnut 3582. - , MEDICAL. RUPTURE successfully treated without I surgical operation. Call or writ Di Frank H. Wrny? 3041 Be Bldg. WORSES, LIVE STOCK. FOR SALE 19th St. -A good milk cow. 510$ Koutl MONEY TO LOAL Organized by the Business Men of Oraahl -FURNITURE, pianos and not a erur-' ity. $40. 6 mo., H foods, total. $3 60. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 132 Security Bldg.. 16th 4 Farnam Ty 666. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY ANE t 1 CJ LIBERTY BONDS. O Cf i-72 'W. C FI.ATAU, F.8T 1892. tO 6TH FLR. SECURITY BI.pG TT 15 Loweat rates. Private loan booth Hsrrj Maieshnrk, 1514 Dodge D. 6619 Est 1881 PIAMf'ND AND JEWELRY r-OANP REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Theodore G. Bernhardt and wife to Anna Inda, 40th street, south of ' Francis street, west Bide, (0x127. . .$ 861 David L. Bell to Mlckel Broa. Co., . Ohio street, 230 feet west of 27th Rlre.'t. north side, 60x120 V. . $01' John F. Baker and wife to Charlea V. Bonlby, southwest corner 24th In1 h annas avenue, 66x96.5 $,766 Esther C. Watenpaugh and husband t Catherine R. Doran, 32nd street, ., Ill ful north of Lincoln boule vard, west side, 43x120... 1,650 Eelyn Louise Traver and husband to Neile Viola Sample, Ixard atreet, 150 f(t west of 61st atreet, north side. 50x135 7,800- George f. Flack to T. Bryc Camp bell, 2"th strcet&J4 feet south ' of Saratoga street; Tweat side, 61x106 626 i BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co., '15th ano-Jackson Ford Agents. D. 8600. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS, quick action; 'no delay Auto Exchange Co.. 2i59 Farnam St. D 6035. SCRIPPS-BOOTH 4 pass, roadster with winter top. Phone for demonstration. Bargain. Tyler 1368. QUALITY USED CARS, VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO., 2406 LEAVENWORTH ST. , GOOD USED CARS. GUY L SMITH. 26th and Farnam Sis Douglas 1970. WE ARE THE USED CAR TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1910 Farnam. Harney AR MEN, Co., . Harney 414 BRAND new wlra. wheel roadster; cost $1,165; will sell for $950. Box 5216 Omaha Bee. FORD touring 1918 model, nearly new; must sell Immediately. 3131 Davenport street. . FOR SALE 1918 Ford sedan. Harney 6677. FARM AND RANCH LANDS: FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 120-acre farm, well Improved ZVt miles from Blair, Neb. Phone evenings, Colfax 3668. Arkansas Lands. DECEMBER 3 Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark. W. 8. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. v Colorado Lands. ONE section, Lincoln Co., perfectly level - land; no sand, no gravel; no better land In Colorado; $10 per acre. Terms. Box 4869, Omaha Bee. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $60 :per a.. Including paid up water right Henry Levi A C M. Rylander 854 Omaha Nat Nebraska Lands. FARMS AND S RANCHES. We have several very attractive prop erties for sale In Dawes, Keya Paha and Brown counties. These are placea that we have personally Inspected, and art recommended a being good buy. Send for list nnd photo stating as tn your wants. Zloke lnv., Co.,' Omaha. "n NORTH OF BUSH NELL One section of Banner county land, level to gently rolling, 25 acres alfalfa, 400 acres under cultivation, all easily tillable, fence4 and good substantial Im provements. $15,000 crop this year. 100 acres winter wheat. Bargain at $56 per sere. Address Owner Box 6194, Omaha Bee 640 ACRES ohly five miles out from rail road town;' even-roomed house, large " frame barn, all fenced and cross fenced, 70 acre under cultivation, 480 acres can be- farmed. No sand good hard soil. Only $24 per acre. This is Just a sam ple of my many offerings. Hungerford of Crawford. - l(i0-ACRE farm, Sherman county, Ne braska, well Improved, m miles from town. 120 acres under cultivation; price $65 per acre; would consider cheap on Improved land In exchange. E. M, Morgan;- 1808 Kahler St. RANCH. 1,280 acres deeded, $10 per acre; 1,280 lease, ail fenced. Fine lake, plenty hay. Telephone R. F.. D. Write owner, John W. Lhotak, Burwell. Neb. viviDltr. r'OIINTV VRR Two sections finely Improved wheat land. Bfa owner. Room 716, Hensbaw jIotel, 6 lo' 8 p. m. WUTE-in for pictures and prlcea of my farms and ranchea tngood old Dawe . county. Arab L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb liriiiL) Omaha Income property for clear western land or eastern Nebraska farm Mr Pease. 211 Brandels Thester Bldg ALFALFA whtst siTd corn Irrlgsted farms and ranchea, $16 to $1'0. Send for list Cover Co . Cossd. Neb Tires and Supplies. TIRES ONE-HALFM'RICE. GUARANTEED 3.000 .MILES. $0x3 $ 7.603lx3V :..,....$ 9.26 32x3 i 10.2583x4 11.75 32x4 11. 6084x4 12.00 We furnish the old tires. ' Agents wanted, i 1 IN 1 VULCANIZING COMPANY. 1516 Davenport Street BARGAINS IN USED TIRES 30x3 f. 16.60 30x3 f T.00 32x4 $9.00 34x4 $11.00 Shipped subject to examination on deposit of $1 Save 16 to 60 per cent ton re built and new tires. Write for prlcea. OMAHA RADIATOR A TIRE WORKS. 1819 Cuming. 2064 Farnam NEW TIRES"ONmLE WRITE FOR PRTCFJt VKNTTflS FIRESTONE, MoGRAW LEE, PULL- flBtt.. K AIM A.N TIKE JOB BERS, 2016-FARNAM. GAIN mora miles tor less money. Re tread your tread-worn tires by G. and O Tire Co.. 2416 Leavenworth Tyler 1261-W ' BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tire and eliminate your tire troubles Powell Supply Co., 2061 Farnam St. ' USED tires, first-class condition, - $6 to $16. Senfonapprtnal. Duplex Tlr Co. 116 S. 17th Sf- good funning FORD light delivery. der; will sell cheap. H. 6785. or- Troup Tries to Fix Differences Between ' Two Workmen Lodges Judge Troup on Monday after noon made another effort to recon cile the differences which have ex isted for nearly a year between Washington lodge. Degree of Hon or, Ancient Order of United Work men, and a new lodge which was . started by members who have with- drawn. . ' "Both sides are guilty of wrong doing and vet both sides clainv in- nocence,",the court stated to a gath-1 ering of present and prospective members of the new' lodge which ; is known as No. 14. . Mrs. M. H. Cleawr of Lincoln grand chief of honor of the Degree of Honor, attended the hearing and was represented by Attowiey Cor ing of Plattsmouth. When some of the women started to air their grievances the court ab jured, them in these words: "Don't - ., try to-disclose too much of what j'ou call the truth." J The court ordered that all mem bers of .Washington lodge should be granted transfers to No. 14 upon ap plication and payment of dues to the former lodge up to uctooer i.' , Several members of Washington lodge complained that they had ap plied several times for transfers but that their applications have been ignored. 1 ' ' ' ' Mrs. Laura Miller is chief of hon- ' or of Washington lodge and Mrs. . Harriett Olander is chief ot No.' 14 Meeting Held by American Merchants' Syndicate Heri The American Merchants' syndi cate held a business . meeting and luncheon at the -Rome hotel today to discuss business condition! thrpughout the country and to study conditions as tfhey will affect the syndicate. The organization is a Nebraska institution, incorporated in 1910. Its headquarters are in Chicago. , Former Bee Employe III in Cleveland Navy Hospital Samuel Slotsky, formerly a mem ber of The.Bee editorial staff, bul, -now serving in the navy, is in the marine hospital at Cleveland. O., ac- " cording lo information received bj,.. friends in this city. He is ill witl- ' pneumonia. MERRICK COrjNTY. Improved corn and alfalfa farms at the right prlc. , B, 4.. LARSON. Central Cy. Neb Oregon Land. Irrigation "In th Heart of the Rang1 v Th Jdrdan Valley. Project An empire In th making, land $1.00 per acr plus th cost of the water. Too can file on grazing homestead entries nearby. Lleratur and particular on request Next excursion December 7. HARI.ET J. HOOKER ' 140 First NatL Bk. Bldg. Omaha, Nefc MURRAY HILL A New Sub-Division BeingPpQneof or SALE TODAY ' This 13 a close-in-tract of land that has been platted into 164 large lots. It is only a few blocks to car line. Ymi may buy any lot in the tract on terms of $1.00 down and $1.00 a week, with 'privilege to pay as much more as you like. This land is being sold at acreage prices 7 Large tots $30 to$295 . ' Only a'Few Slightly Higher Why not buy your poultry ranch or garden land close m Go at once to the sale, salesmen will be at the end of the car line to meet you. , They will take you to see the lots. How to reacli the sale: Take a Hanscora Park West Side car and get off at the end of the car line on 32d Avenue and Grover Street. i Sale will continue until all lots are sold. If you cannot ' come today, come tomorrow. , , 7. H. H, HARPER & COMPANY . AGENTS : ;Phone Douglas 2596 : ' -