Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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    ? DECEMBER 1. 1918.
9 A
t mas Cheer and Service
Ji i
'"...1 1 1 llll II It I tin.!!! 'Sir
It I 1 I X.
To Mothers
WHO have to bring their
little ones with them
while they are doing their
Chrietmas shopping, our chil
dren's play room in the Pom
peian Room is a great com
fort. They can feel assured that
the children are amused and
given the best of care by
competent attendants, while
they are shopping in peace.
liter Coats in This Sale
n Regular Prices
sti advantageous purchase and unexpected transaction
y lyears. The "Value" in each coat is accentuated by its
iffll From Two Large Assortments
y Li vivv a. M. ana continues
knjil lots are depleted.
kfciroup 2
; wonaerjui coats, ordinarily sola up to
$15, Monday
At 2812
GOATS fashioned of Plush, Ve-
lours, Pom Pom, Broadcloth,
i Kersey, and lined m satin, peau de
; cygne and fancy silks. Wide range
of desirable shades.
pi Fur trimmings of Nutria, Near
Seal, Opossum, Coney and Fancy
?A Special Purchase and Sale
! ; of New Winter Coats for Girls
I -r
r riH 1 1 1 1 i
Li ,
Sizes 6 to 16 years.
SMART, girlish models, some are fur trim
med, lined throughout, cozy and warm,
and ideal for school and dress-up wear. You'll
have choice of all; the new shades and such de
sirable materials as Velour, Pom Pom, Velour
Plush, Velvet and Cheviot, and the values
really range up to 22.50.
ard Colored
;h Goods
Dec ai rnces
Monday ;..
itton? crepe de chine,
Wily, dainty evening
.blouses, ;. :
iopL85c a yard
Suaiicy, highly mercer
f or .street, and house
svery -wanted dark
ide, 48c a yard
k arid cotton mater-
floral designs, stripes
t;:lJght.'and dark
idej 69c a yard
ies lor aprons and in-
in small checks and
idei 29c a vard
yf ure white Bel-
idej 65c a yard .
Buy Your
Victrola Early .
There should be music in every
home on Christmas morning.
A Victrola puts it there
But you must not delay.
A style for every purse.
Useful Gift
pp: '"'7 pP
A Sewing Machine?
An excellent opportunity to
make wife or daughter a nice Xmas
gift. Buy her the "Free" Sewing
Machine. We have a, few more
that are marred from being used
here on the floor, that are selling
at greatly reduced prices.
Useful Gift
News of Hosiery
At the top of the page because first, in great de
mand as gifts and for holiday wear; second, because
our stocks are unusually large and values exceedingly
interesting due to early purchases.
v . , I . . ., (
Women's Silk
In all colors, styles and
sizes, thread silk, good
colors and good dye. Lisle
tops, spliced soles, heels
and toes. Black and
white, at 1.50
Women's Silk Hose
In black, white and all
shades. Extra special value,
all thread silk, at 1.00
Women's Hose
Lisle and Fiber Hose,
. in colors, also white
and black, fashioned
and seamless, as
sorted qualities, 59c
Misses' Thread Silk
In black only, fine ribbed,
sizes 6 12 to 8 12, at 50c
ONCE more it may be merry, at
thought of all refugee peoples
returning to their lands, and fami
lies receiving again the boys who
have been so long away. Never,
perhaps, has the human heart had
so much for which to be happy, and
never has it realized how dear
friends are, and how precious are
the little expressions of love which
people are wont to exchange at
Christmas time.
Do your shoppiny early that we
may serve you best and packages to
go away should be sent NOW to be
afely delivered in time for Christmas
Women's Hosiery in Pure Thread Silk
Some are plain, others have embroidered clocks, butterflies and floral
designs, have lisle tops, double heels and toes. Colors, black, Cordovan
and brown, all the wanted shades, at 2.00
A Column of
New and Attractive
Floor and Table Lamps, mahogany
and gold sticks for Table Lamps,
6.50 to 20.00
SILK SHADES for Floor and
Table Lamps, fancy and plain col
ored silks; 12.50 to 40.00
large variety of colors, ribbon
trimmed, 1.75
AVERY large and attractive
collection of Wallace-Nutting
Hand-Colored Platinum Pictures,
50c, 75c, 1.25, 2.50 and 5.00
Brassiers and
IN dainty flesh colored satins,
beautifully trimmed in ribbon
and fine laces. An unusually at
tractive gift, from 1.00 up to 5.00
Children's Bath
COMFY Quilted Bath Robes, in
dainty pinks, blues, and reds,
with touches of hand embroidery
and ribbon trimmed. Materials
are satin, silk and crepe de chine.
Prices are very reasonable, 5.98
to 12.50
Silk Teddy Bears
Satin Teddy Bears, in the
strap or high-pointed shoulder ef
fects. Polka-dotted Georgette
yokes, beautiful lace insets, dainty
rosebud trimmings; ranging in
price, from 3.98 to 10.00
Fancy Kimonos
FIGURED Satin with accordion
pleated Skirts and jacket ef
fects. Crepe de Chine with
Georgette trimmings, beautiful
lacy effects. From 19.00 to 35.00
AVERY useful as well as ac
ceptable Xmas gift. Come
in plain pinks, blues, light-figured
percales, checked or plaid ging
hams, also dark blue with small
white figures. Rick-rack or bias
fold trimming. Large patch pock
ets, fancy belts, Both regular and
extra sizes. Prices, 1.50 to 3.98
Tub Silk Petti
coats DARK Persian patterns, with
deep tucked flounce; special
at 1.95
Very Pretty and Comfortable Union Suits
are probably on the Christmas gift list of a great many women and
whichever quality or sort it may be, the gift will be appreciated most if
purchased here we wish to call attention to the following:
Women's Italian Silk Vest
and Bloomers
Tailored band or bodice top, embroidered fronts
in pink or white, regular 3.50. On sale at 2.95
Women's Italian Silk Union Suits
and Envelope Chemise, 3.95
Daintily trimmed with touches of embroidery
and lace, pink or white; regularly 5.95, on sale
Monday only.
Women's Italian Silk Camisoles
Daintily trimmed with lace or ribbons. Pink.
Regularly 1.50, at 69c
Women's Union Suits
Silk and lisle, mercerized lisle, heavy cotton and
fleece lined Union Suits, pink or white; low neck,
sleeveless or Dutch neck, elbow sleeve, ankle
length; regular and extra sizes. Regular 2.95
values, at 1.95
Women's Silk and Wool or Wool
Union Suits, low neck, sleevless or Dutch neck,
elbow sleeve, ankle length; regular and extra sizes,
on sale, 3.95
Boys' and Girls' Union Suits Two Special Values Monday
Boys' and Girls' fleece lined Union Suits, white or
gray; high neck, long sleeves, ankle length; regu
lar 1.25 values, Sizes, 2 to 12 Years. 98c
Boys' and Girls' Wool Union Suits, natural or
white; high neck, long sleeve, ankle length; sizes
10 to 18 years. Regular 3.50 to 3.75, on sale, 2.95
Perfectly Lovely
New Gift
Just Arrived
They are of splendid quality
Georgette Crepe, Crepe de
Chine and Satin, at
4.95 to 10.95
in pretty white, flesh and suit shades.
A host of lovely styles available at
these prices. Hand-beaded models,
tucked frills and fichus and hand
embroidered models.
The Art Dept. '
Velour, silk and tapestry,
pillows, round, oblong, and
fancy shapes, variety of
4.00 to 32.50 Each
Lace trimmed, stamped Scarfs, all
white, dainty easy designs. Special
price, each, 98c
Distinctive gifts for the Kiddies.
Made up dresses and rompers,
attractive little designs to embroider.
Each, 1.00 to 2.75
Economy Parcel Bags
of Cretonne, 75c each
Blue Print Scarfs and Squares, Japa
nese designs, fast colors, each 75c
Horses that rock like piif IViill. Sk4
7.50 to 15.00 If Vm .
it m. rrj 1 u n r i i j"
Toys Galore in Spite of Everything-and
Our big Toyland is running full blast. Drums jare beating, trains are running and wheels are turning everything
is on the go and Dear Old Santa Claus is here, too, and wants to meet every little girl and boy from miles around.
He's jollier than ever. Come and whisper in his ear of the things you want.
Automobiles "just like Dad's." There are Euicks and Willys-
Knights, Cadillacs and Marmmons and Fords. The prices
are 6.50 to 25.00
Red Cross Ambulances and Delivery Trucks, Wagons and
Autos i.oo to 3.00
Our Dolls were, never more beautiful.
Horsman, Art and Gold Metal, 75c to 15.00
Alphabet Blocks.
girl likes blocks.
Every little boy and
Our blocks are the
finest grade embossed blocks. Prices
from 10c to 1.50
Games, all the new soldier and card
games, board games, and, in fact, every
kind of game you ever heard of,
from 10c to 3.50
a M
'"L 7 jus
Every little girl wants a Piano. You will find every kind,
Upright and Baby Grand, the prices 50c to 25.00
White Enamel Beds and Mahogany and Oak Beds,
at 1.25 to 5.00
China Dishes are hard to get, but we have them, at
from 15c to 2.50
The great naval game, Blowing Up the
German Navy, battle with two submarines
and big battleship, 1.25
One Sub and Battleship, 65c
Velocipede, with iron wheels, 2.50
With rubber tires 3.50
Eall Bearing 15.00 to 18.00
Children's Dming Reins will make
all the noise you want, 25c to 1.50
rrn n n
i tllS OlOTt IS OdUla Rub. a Dub, Dub Drums, Drums, Drums and drums that
are hard to beat, 25e to 7.50
Flexible Flyer Sleds, the kinds with the grooved fhrome
We have them in
2.50 to 10.00
flnnic1 U nn A nut fiwinvn F'exile Flyer Sleds, the kinds with t
KjWLlio nKUliqUllTieTo. steel runners. They are self-steering.
an sizes