1 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 1, 1918. 1S-B AUTO BUILDERS TO HASTEN BACK TO PEACE BASIS Manufacturers to Get Back into Pflssennpp Car and Truck Production as Rapjdly as Possible. ' i ' Washington, Nof. 30. Cessation of-bostilites came s suddenly that neither the autombbile industry nor the government agencies controlling all industries were,, prepared with a aennite plan for reconverting the automobile and truck factories from war work to their regular work. The whole situation, was dicussed at meetings of both branches of the in dustry, held by the National Auto mobile Chamber of Commerce in Washington. The manufacturers are all anxious to resume the production of passen ger cars and trucks for civilian use as quickly as possible, but necessar ily it will take some time to accom plish this, especially for the larger manufacturers whose facilities were practically engaged wholly in war work, much of it entirely foreign to motor vehicle lines, such as Eaele V. . . : i . uun, mints, nunc ancnors, gun re coils, etc. ' All at War Work. Work had been suspended on much of the regular products of the factories and materials for the reg ular models of cars and trucks were cleaned up. Under the instructions of the War Industries board, the passenger car manufacturers have striven during the last four months to liquidate their stocks of materials on hand in order to get on a 100 per cent war basis. The truck makers have been working at high pressure on certain sizes of trucks for the United States government and allied governments. Time to Get Material. From three to four months will be required to (secure deliveries of parts and materials for the construc tion of the regular models, and dur ing this period there must be read justment not only of materials but of machinery, finance and Lbor. This will necessarily restrict produc tion to approximately the present r .enty-five er cent basis during the coming winter. When it is real ized that the industry whic'.. did a ' of SUSO.C"1) om- in auto mobiles and trucks in 1917, took on $1,000,003,000, of a. cont ?. : Gas Mask Worn in Battle by ConneU Is Shown at Auto Show The gas mask used by Lt. Bob Connell in overseas service and particularly in the engagement at Chateau Thierry, a French helmet, as well as a German helmet secured by Lieutenant Connell in this en gagement, are now on exhibition in the Jones-Cadillac company's win dow, with the display of guns and weapons formerly described in this paper. Lieutenant Connell was a personal friend of Mr. Hansen, as well as Max Cubbage, who is now connected with the Jones-Hansen Cadillac company. The three boys formerly worked together sell ing the same automobilein the city of Omaha before Bob entered the service. stupendous task of reconversion will be realized. Production' of automobiles for 1918 is only about 1,000,000 as com pared with 1,718,000 in 1917. The output' of trucks for civilian use shows a large increase, amounting to 182,000 this year as against 109, 600 last year. Restrictions Removed. The War Industries board has announced that all priority re strictions, with the exception of continuing war orders; have been re moved, but the high prices at which parts and materials have been and will be purchased and the high wages paid to labor will necessi tate the maintenance of present prices of cars and trucks until the manufacturers are able to get back into large volume production and prices of materials are lowered. It is not expected that wages wiil be decreased materially for a long time and the world shortage of foodstuffs and clothing may continue to be felt for several years and no large influx of immigration is anticipated. To Increase Exportation. As rapidly as shipping is avail able the exportation of automobiles and trucks will be largely increased. Although the War Industries board announced removal of the ban against holding of industrial exhibits, the N. A. C. C. voted not to hold the national exhibitions in New York and Chicago this year, as it would be impossible to prepare by the usual dates such displays as would do justice to the jndustry. The time that ordinarily is spent by the factories and their selling organizations preparing for the shows will this winter be employed in completing the readjustment and reorganizing the dealer organiza tions. Opinion of leaders of the indus try is that the trucks sjiipped to France for the army will all be needed there and will never be brought back: also that the Post Office department should and will require large numbers of trucks for rural parcel post service, that rural motor lines will absorb additional large numbers and that states and local communities should use many more for improvement of highways. War Has Taught Many Great Uses of Auto in All Lines of Activity "The adaptability and utility of the automobile enabled us as a na tion to speed up the work that helped win the war," says Case Changstrom of the Standard Motor Car company, "This wartime per formance is bound to create a de sire to be owners among those people who formerly failed to re alize how much dependence could be placed on the automobile. "And in the same way, through the operating economy which we have had to practice, we have learned that the automobile is far from being expensive to run, but on the Contrary can be operated very economiclly. "Now, that the days of recon struction "over there" have ar rived, it will be necessary for us "over here" to continue economy, and to be efficient in our respective business and war relief activities, so that the services which Europe expects the United States to render in the matter of furnishing supplies, equipment, etc., will be met fully and completely. The automobile will be one of the foremost means of our meeting these increased de mands." Auto Firm in New Quarters Ready for Increased Trade Announcement of the new loca tion of the Crumbliss-Van Doren Auto company at 2204-06 Farnam street, brings home the fact that automobile men are looking forward to a good business. Both Mr. Crumbliss and Mr. Van Doren are satisfied that the automo bile business will assume its former proportions almost immediately, and arrangements are being made to render semce on a larger and more comprehensive scale. Auto to Help Solve Peace 4 Problems Now War Is Over "Just as the motor truck was first called upon to meet the "wartime" transportation demands made upon industrial America, so it will be first to help solve the extraordinary problems of "peace times," says C. J. Dutton, local Kissel distributor. "The adaptability of the motor truck during the work of destruc tion, will prove just as effective in the work of reconstruction." NEW FRANKLIN PEACE TIME PRICES BIG GOOD ROADS MEETING TO BE HELD NEXT WEEK Washington to Be Repre sented in the Sessions, Which Are. to Be Held in Chicago. Washington, D. C, Nov. 30. The Highway Industries association, which is calling together, with the co-operation of the American Asso ciation of State Highway Officials, one of the greatest conventions ever held, at the Congress hotel, Chi cago, 111., December 11 and 12, an nounces that a 'war service and re construction committee of the high way industries has been formed with the co-operation of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. This new war service and recon struction committee will take part in the general conference of war service and reconstruction commit tees of American industry, to be held at Atlantic City, N. J., beginning December 2, under the auspices of the National Chamber, the week preceding' the great highway con vention in Chicago. Official Washington has for many years closed both eyes and ears to the public highway and today their importance is ignored and buried In one of the branches of our govern ment from which they must be res cued if our country is to retain its place among the other civilized na tions. The neglect in allowing our highways to take their proper place in our general system of transporta tion is today penalizing the country many times the cost of highway im provement. The economic values of improved highways were ignored by the fed eral government in its plans for winning the war. We have been pleading for greater production and efficiency on the farm and the farm er is responding through improved methods and equipment, but what are we doing toid the farmer in marketing his product? Saving Gear Changes. If drivers would only learr it, the easiest way to avoid many gear changes is to make the necessary ones quickb. By slowing, down the engine to about 500 revolutions at the beginning of a hill it is so often possible to save making an" addition al change later on, in addition to which, one also makes a quicker climb anyway. Also the early change saves strain on the engine and transmitting parts. Oil Consumption. When the car owner is confronted with the condition of excessive oil consumption and no reasonable ex planation is forthcoming it is well to suspect the rear crank shaft bearing. Looseness in the fit of the bearing permits the oil to work out and ma terially increases the consumption. vo o i if 11 1 I II ujniir i i IIIIUM III NO Copyright roirtntd. 1H Battery Tonic There's only one real battery tonic only one kind of stimulant that helps keep your battery in trim. That's pure water. Just pure water no acid. Add a little every week or so and you'll sidestep a lot of battery troubles. Or bring your car in and well add it. Be sure to drop in at regular intervals and let us test the battery. Ask while you're in about Threaded Rubber Insulation. Don't forget to mention that you want a copy of the booklet, "A Mark with a Meaning for You," Nebraska Storage Battery Go. Twentieth and Harney. Effective Today Delivered in Omaha. 2-Passenger Roadster $2600 4-Passenger Roadster $2650 Touring Car "- - $2650 Brougham - - - - - $3550 Sedan -------- $3ot)0 Town Car - - $3600 Unlets you have been in close touch with Franklin prices you may never know how much these cars might have cost you during a war time trade policy, but these are Peace-Time Prices and you are to re ceive the benefit. ' . Never before have Franklin buyers been offered a product so near perfection as the present series 9B Franklin available in Six Body styles. Never before have prices been so reasonable, considering quality, cost of production, and cost of business maintenance. These are your 1919 Franklin Peace-Time Prices which, together with Franklin Economy of operation, offers you the best Automobile purchase on the American market today bar none. . I J Won't you give us a chance to prove this last statement? Franklin prices will then compare and talk for themselves. V All models now on display at .our new1 salesroom. Complete catalog mailed upon request , ' '' 2019 Farnam St 2025. . ' ; ::v .'. : " - .-. -.. ' v, . -, Back to The Old Speed Allen Roadsters are just the thing to make your business' calls. Thousands of professional men and salesmen beat their competition by getting about quickly. Then, too, for the returning soldier. What would please him more? What would help him more in his business. Standard Motor Car Co. Distributors y Carl Cbangitrom, Fret. ,2020 Farnam 'St. Omaha. Factory KASntm Tl Alba MotorCo. FortorU, OUa Why Not a New Cadillac For This Christmas? , The best reason for buying a Cadillac is what everyone thinks and says and knows about the Cadillac. ' PRESTIGE It is the character of the Cadillac 'car which sheds lustre on the Cadillac name not the name which confers lustre on the car. 1 The prestige of a motor car no longer depends upon a mere name, surrounded by a fictitious atmosphere of aristocracy. The only aris tocracy in motor cars, now, is an aristocracy of merit of constant per formance. Neither a man, nor a motor car, can live on a name alone, FACTS Cadillac prices are established. They are already restored to figures prevailing before the Government restricted production. Cadillac was adopted by the U. S. Army as its standard seven passenger car, and its performance in France has been marvelous. ' Cadillac announced five months ago that the present Type 57 would be continued as it is now designed and constructed. Cadillac cars are now in such demand that it doesn't seem possible to build during 1919, all the Cadillacs the world will want. Fortunately, we are now making deliveries oh practically all modeW. Select your Christmas tar now from our exhibit. j Buy a Cadillac, and secure well-known, permanent value. JONES-HANSEN-CADILLAC CO. Omaha Lincoln a J ANNOUNCING the NEW LOCATION of the Crumbliss-Van D6reh Auto Co. ' - f - : 2204-06 Farnam Street We have secured the splendid location at 2204-06 Farnam St. and are now moved, ready for business. , This location affords us a much better show room and-f ar greater space for serv ice work. . We feel that our new location is a fit ting home for Velie products which are known the world over as quality products. We are now able to render all manner of service and will carry a complete stock of parts. Automobiles- --Trucks Phone Douglas 8554 Visit our new location and inspect our line