12 B- THE- OMAHA buii OA bind : DECaMBbK 1, 1U18. i S AUTO DEALERS P WTO I0LD, ' BIG SPNNG SHOW Plans Being Made for Best Exhibition Ever Staged hrCmaha,C:.ys Clarke -Powell. The Omaha Automobile Dealers association decided unanimously at a meeting in the Chamber of Com merce yesterday to hold an Auto-' mobile show the coming spring s in years past and to make it a "big jer and better and broader show thai ever before." In fact, such magnificent plans are being made that, in the words of President Clarke' Powell, "it will bring to Omah the greatest crowd the city has ever had over a period of days, not even excepting the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities." 'The unanimous opinion was that i - V this year an automobile snow is needed even more than in any past year for the reason that the people "need to be awakened out of their trance. v "For many months now the gov ernment has' been drilling into the people that they must buy only the necessities of life," said Mr. Powell. "This has been right and proper. We all did it to help win the war. Novtf the necessity has passed, but the habit still remains. The people need to be educated to begin buving again..- This will be accomplished by the automobile show. This, the third greatest industry in the coun try is in a position to lead the way to greater activity in all other lines of merchandising as well." Date Not Decided. Tjie date has not been decided on. It will be some time iif February or March. There is a difference of opinion as to the best time to hold it. Decision on this will await the fixing of dates by Kansas TCity and some other cities; also it will not be decided until Washington has de cided definitely when the next Lib erty loan drive will take place as it will not be heldwhile the drive is goihg on. As to ways in which it will be really made, by all odds the biggest Fords start in zero weather as freely and easily as in 'sum mer, if equipped with the U & J CARBURETOR Also gt at least 50 More Mileage From tire Gasoline. j Money Back Guarantee You can install a U & J without special tools. Or, drive here and weHl put one on for you in an hour. f v Nebraska Representatives Wanted. t ' U & J CARBURETOR. COl 311 N.i 18th St. (Davenport Garage) ' Omaha, Neb. :f anct finest show Omaha has even seen, these, points were mentioned and will be discussed and decided on at a later meeting:'' Increase advertising expenditure by 50 to 100 per cent over that speat in the past. , , Make the show a combined, pas senger car, truck and tractor show. Longer Show. T . 1. - . i 1- . - - f il. . 1 y i-ciiguicii inc. nine 01 me snow to eight or ten days, rossibly the time will be divided, devoting per haps four days to passenger cars, and three days each to trucks and to tractors. In this event the Audi torium would be large enough be cause the passenger cars would all be rhoved out before the trucks were put on display. ' Another, way suggested to get room for the greatly enlarged show of 1919 was mentioned, namely, to rent as much space in buildings ad joining flie Auditorium and to build a temporary structure in Fourteenth street adjoining the Auditorium. It was also suggested to have the Auto show dovetail into the spring style shows and the Merchants' Market week so as to bring even greater crowds to the city and have greatej attractions for them in all lines xi merchandise. s Changes Suggested. Mr. Powell made tentative sug gestions of changes in the show, re arranging it "from the ground up." "I think at this show, dealers should display less cars, but use the same or greater space as hereto fore,' he said. "A merchant doesn't throw all his stock into the show trtndow, but displays a few articles in attractive setting. We should do the same. "It might be advisable to mix trucks and pleasure cars. Nearly every dealer handles both and it might provide pleasant diversion to have both standing together. V'lt might be a good idea to have each display partitioned off by a solid wall from the fiext display in stead of merely by a fence. And this year a good feature would be to let each dealer decorate his own display booth according to- his own ideas." Conventions Proposed. Another big departure from past practice is proposed at the coming show, namely, to call conventions of , all the distributors of each and every car in this territory to meet in Oma-' ha during the Auto show. Speakers are to be brought here from the fac tories to talk to the men. Dis tributors for each car iwill Aold meetings of their own where sales methods will be discussed and cam paigns mapped out and- optimism "shot" into them. A suggestion by John McDer mott met with support also. This is for a big banquet to be given rn Omaha for the dealers in this terri tory sometime within a month. This is intended to "bridge over" the time between now and the Auto show and to prepare the dealers for the show and for the big business that is look ed for in the spring. Prominent, en thusiastic and optimistic , speakers are to be brought here tar iddress the dealers. Advertising Continued. The matter of advertising was brought up and Mr. Powell de clared in favor of doing more ad vertising In the newspapers than heretofore, but to "spread it out" oyer the week preceding and ' the week of the $how instead of putting .the Bulk of it into special Auto show editions of the newspapers the Sun day before the show. It is pro posed to spend from SO to 100 per cent; more on advertising than in the past. ' ' Lee Huff reported on the Vigalance committee's operations in stopping auto thefts. The insur ance companies, he said, have threatened to cancel all existing au tomobile insurance and refuse to take any more unless automobile stealing is checked. "It may be," te" said, "that by spring no one. will be able .to get automobile insurance." He reported that there have been many arrests and prosecutions and that at present 20 persons are either in jail or out on bond awaiting trial for automobile thievery. The association voted $500 toward the expenses of the committee. J. Cole Sales Manager Visits , Omaha; Says Outlook Fine J. . Roberts, general salesman-v ager of the Cole Motor Car com pany ,of Indianapolis, spent Friday and Saturday in Omaha, going over the Nebraska situation with the De Brown Auto Sales company and the Traynor Automobile company, Cole representatives in Nebraska and Iow. Roberts is very optimistic regard ing the outlook for the coming year. His optimism is evidenced by the decision of the Cole Motor Car company to increase production 50 per cen. 4- -r 1 Announcement Government restrictions removed: Prices reduced $300: Production increasedl00 dL Effective at once the prices of all Cole Aero-Eight models, will -be reduced s300. (jWe nave been able to double our production and can make im mediate deliveries at the restored prices.. While our production was curtailed by Government order," we were able to supply less than 50 of the con stantly increasing-demand for our cars. (The readjustment in our sales arid production program for 1918-1919 will make it possible to meet the re auirements of our patrons with greater certainty. v DeBrown Auto Sales Co. - Traynor Automobile Co. Wholetala Distributors in Nebraska and Iowa Omaha, Des Moines, Lincoln. . Retail Distributors. 1210 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 5268 COLE MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Indianipolis, U.&A. i - Price of Franklin Cars Fixed for Year Now That War Is Over A Franklin dealers this week feel as though the burden of war had been lifted from their business and would like to celebrate all over again. Their new prices are termed peace time prices and are practically guar anteed for' a year. The factory correspondent sim-" ply states they expect no more price changes for at least . year and prob ably not then. : This would -give both dealer and customer a feeltng of security in purchasing and the fact that Frank lin cars arevnot made in yearly models makes ownership as well as dealership a desirable -asset. H. Peltoa, Omaha's , distributor" announces local prices elsewhere in this issue. . Don't- Forget Your SWrage Battery During the Winter "Don't forget your storage battery this winter," says Elmer Rosengrer of the Nebraska.. Storage" Battery company. "If you , use ydur car the battery must be full of 'pep, otherwise it will freeze. This gen erally means ruination. "If you store your car and pay no attention to the battery it will grad ually become. discharged, the water evaporate, the plates harden, and you'll find it either maimed for life or dead pa;t all hope of resurrec tion." manufacturers to obtain permits to purchase materials of any kind; Mark Your Battery. One -of the tricks practiced by dis nonest garage men is to install a run-down battery in place of a per fectly good one on snj'ne transient's car. The rundown battery has been livened a little and does pretty well fnr a Hav fr cn imfi! . io c T'ar away from the place where the substitution was made that the car owner cannot afford to go back and fight for his rights. It is t very good plan to mark your battery with your initianls in such a way that they can not b,e got off and then keep an eye on it when you are touring. g...H JM.W.' 1 OLD WORN TIRE ORIGINAL CAEC.4S JRE GUM BREAKER STRlPfTER BEING REBUILT Removal of Priorities Gives Auto Men a Chance Mr. Rhodes F. Baker, assistan' priorities commissioner, announce; the removal of all priorities!" on ma terials except for navy, emergenc fleet, railroad, telephone and tele graph, which will not appreciable -handicap you in getting your order: filled. The priorities division alsc eliminated the -preference list. There will be no further necessity for NEW LIVE RUBBER' 8 LAYERS SEW FABftlt i The Saving Is Enormous Our system of rebuilding tires is about the same as they use in thefactory making new tires. We do not over-cure the bead, as inthe old method of pot curing, because the bead is exposed,; in other words, the bead does not go into the mold. Over-curing the bead causes 90 of the blow-outs. ! ' Most of the tread separation with the old method is caused on accolfrit of insufficient pressure in the wrapping before. going into the pot. With our method this is almost entirely eliminated, because Ave get 3,000 pounds foot pressure on the tread when in the mold. We relinc all casings with three plys of fabric, an extra precaution that is of the utmost importance, because, no matter how care fully the inspector examines an old casing, there are times when a weak spot cannot-be seen, and the xtra' fabric protects yoa against any such possibility. Our shop is open to the public at all times. You are invited to" Investigate just how it is done. t AGENTS WANTED We have'' i few real good used tire3, Ford sizes, at $4.00 and $5.00. We maintain an Expert Auto Repair Department. Good-wear Tire & Garage Co. 27th and Leavenworth Streets Phone Douglas 4700 J. SCHONBERGER SAMUEL L. ZIMMERMAN 'lilllllllSilif 111 iiininininnHiiiM ... mmmmmmmmmmmmm mm h ii warn i : , : Why So Many Experienced Motorists x Turn Eventually to the HUDSON Super-Six r v - v- v. ; When a man buysTiis first car he is susceptible to a variety of in fluences that often affect the wis . dom of his choice. When avman has owned and driven cars over period of years, he' makes his choice on the basis of known performance only. He buys a car f qr what it will do as shown by what it has done.' - That's Why such a large percent-' age of Hudson owners are men who have had a long experience with motor cars. They know what the Hudson will do. They've seen it perform day in and day 'put. They realize that back of this porformance is a three year record, for power and endurance won by achievements yet to be paralleled: It'is because we believe that this is the basis upon which you prefer to make your .choice that we em-, phasize' Hudson' performance' and often pass over other Hudson feature with bare mention. Some indeed have told its that the , attractiveness of Hudson models is so distinctive as, to merit more advertising emphasis than we give it. That, however, we will leave to you, knowing that if you choose a Super-Six on the basis of per formance, it will not detract from . your satisfaction to also get a car of distinctive beauty in body de sign. In spite of the increasing demand ' -the natural accompaniment of victory and peacethe line of models on our floor is still fairly complete. Better make your choice now. If you have followed the develop ment of the Super-Six, you know the quality that the White Tri angle assures you. If you are , buying your first car there is no safer guide to follow than the experience of the thousands of motorists who have turned to Hudson for real satisfaction. GUY L; SMIJH "Service First" Farnam at 26th Phone Douglas 1970 m v: mm 31 3i . .- ..; ... , . i,!.4!.:,u!::iniq!m mwamim Vs-