Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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Dance to Be Given by Young
Men's Hebrew Association
There will be a joint celebration
by the Young Men's Hebrew assoc
iation and the Jewish Welfare
board of Chanuka, the Feast of
IJghU, by a program and dance
Saturday night, November 30. at 8
o'clock, in the Lyric building, Nine
teenth and Farnam. Ralbi Morris
Taxon will kindle the festival lights
and Rabbj Freduick Cohn will
speak on the significance of the
festival. This will be followed by
a dance for the soldiers, to which
all are cordially invited.
"Gels-It," a Liberty
Bottlejor Corns!
There' Only One Genuine "Corn
Peeler" That'. "Gets-lt."
Ever. reel banana? That's the way
Gets-It ' peels off eorni. It's tha only
eorn treatment that will. "Gets-It" is a
guarantee that you won't finally hav to
Ilk J y
No Mora Excuse for Coras or Cora-Pains Now I
Be pick. Jerk or cut out your corns.
If yyu want the pleasure of getting rid
of a torn, be sure to Rat "Gets-lt." It ia its
wonderful formula that haa made "Geta
It" the corn marvel that it la, used by
more millions than any other corn treat,
ment on earth. A few drops on any corn
or callus, that's all. It can't stick. It ia
painless, eases pain. You can kick your
"corny" feet around, oven in tiitht shoes,
and your corns won't crucify you. You
can so ahead and work, dnnce, live, love
and laugh as though without corns.
"Gets. It," tha guaranteed, money-back
corn-remover, the only sure way, coats but
trifle at any drui; store. M'f'd by K,
Lawrence & Co., Chicago, III, Sold In
Omaha and recommended as the world's
best corn remedy by Sherman & McCon
nell. Adv.
Use Soothing Musterole
When those sharp pains go shooting
through your head, when your skull
teems as if it would split, just rub a little
Musterole on your temples and neck.
It ditws out the inflammation, soothes
awaj the pain.usuallygivingquick relief.
Musterole is a clean, white ointment,
made with oil of mustard. Better than
B mustard plaster and does not blister.
Many doctors and nurse3 frankly
recommend Musterole for sore throat,
bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma,
neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheuma
tism, lumbago, pains and aches of the
back or joints, sprains, sore muscles,
bruises, chilblains, frosted feet colds
of the chest (it often prevents pneu
monia). It Is always dependable.
30c and 60c Jars; hospital size $2.50,
Tanlac Restores His Health
After Everything Else Fail
ed; Gains 25 Pounds.
"Well, Sir, Tanlac has pot only
relieved me of my awful trouble,
but I have regained twenty-five
pounds' of my lost weight and never
felt stronger and better in my life,"
said Harry R. Wheeler, who is em
ployed at tha Pacific Coast Steel
Plant and lives at 4741 Forty
Eighth Ave., South Seattle, the
other day.
"About a year afro," he contin
ued, "I began to suffer with intesti
nal indigestion that, in spite of all
I could do, got worse and worse till
I was in a terrible condition. Every
thing I would eat fermented and, I
would be in' such agony, that it was
like a sharp knife cutting clean
across my stomach. I got so weak
that I could hardly do a thing,' and
it was only my will power that kept
me going at all. When I would get
home at night I would be so weak
and in so much pain that my wife
was always ready with a hot water
bottle to put right on me, and even
then I would be in such agony at
times I thought it would drive me
distracted. My hips ached with
rheumatism, and the muscles of my
rght arm and leg would get an
drawn into knots, and at times I
couldn't raise my arm halfway to
my head. I went down in weight
from two hundred pounds to a hun
dred and fifty-two a loss of forty
eight pounds, and my condition wa3
so serious that my family actually
thought I was going to die.
"Itried everything I could hear
of toget relief, but nothing did me
any good. Then my sister-in-law,
who had been suffering with rheu
matism, got me to try Tanlac, as it
had done her so much good. I got a
'bottle and when I found it was help
ing me, I just kept it up till now I
- .' V. ..WMlt ma
naven t a. pain or an uum mc.
I have alsplendid appetite,' and can
eat anything I want without it hurt
ing me in the least. I used to lay
awake night after night suffering
terribly, but now I go to sleep as
soon as my head hits the pillow, and
sleep like a log all night. I am pick
ing up in weight every day ana am
feeling so fine and well that I am
glad to tell everybody how much
this wonderful medicine has bene
fited me."
Tanlac is sold in Omaha by all
Sherman & McConnell Drug Com
pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy,
West fcna rnarmacy, in eouw
frmstia bv Meanv Drue Co.. in Ben
son by Chas. H. Sprague, and the
leading druggiit in every town.
Glad Spirit is Manifested as
City Gives Thanks for
Prosperity and War's
Omaha enjoyed a regular old
fashioned white Thanksgiving.
Throughout the city the holiday
spirit was manifest and reunions of
families and friends were marked by
an added feeling or joy and thank
fulness due to the ending of the
Many soldiers have returned from
various cams to spend the day at
home, and scores of students from
University of Nebraska and other
colleges having a students army
training corps were given furloughs
over the week-end.
Union Services Held.
Union services were held in many
churches of the city beginning at
1():.W o'clock this morning. There
was a record-breaking attendance at
these services. Many other churches
j lam .special individual services for
men uwii congregations.
Hundreds of baskets of food
were delivered to needy families.
Preceding the Thanksgiving feast
the kiddies of Omaha had the time
of their lives playing in the snow
and many a staid stiff hat went
careening under the force of a well
aimed snowball.
Snow Men On Guard.
Snow "men" stood watch on
lawns of the residence section until
their grotesque countenances melt
ed and they settled in cold, watery
heaps forgotten by the youthful
sculptors who were trying to break
the long-distance turkey-cranberry-sauce
Incidentally, many such records
were smashed.
At Fort Omaha and Fort Crook
the soldiers partook of a Thanks
giving dinner that held true to the
most cherished tradition of the
army. Great juicy roasted turkeys,
Hanked by mashed potatoes, dress
ing and cranberry sauce; mince and
pumpkin pies; jams and jellies and
puddings kept the soldiers busy for
an hour after they Had attended the
special Thanksgiving services.
The following is the menu of the
dinner at Fort Omaha:
Turkey with Oyster Dressing;.
Mashed Potatoes.
Candied Sweet l'otatoes.
Lima Reims. ('reamed Peas.
Cold Slaw. Celery.
Cranberry Sauce,
Mince and Pumpkin Pie.
Hut Chocolate. Bread and Butter.
Apples. Oranges. Nuts.
Foot Ball Cancelled.
Both the Creighton foot ball
games were called off. The game
scheduled with the Colorado School
of Mines was cancelled because of
the flu epidemic in that state and
the other, game arranged with Fort
Omaha was cancelled because of in
juries to the army squad.
Theaters were crowded yesterday
with holiday througs seeking enter
tainment and everywhere good fel
lowship was invariably the rule.
Soldiers in Homes.
Homes throughout the city were
opened to hundreds of soldiers and
the men in uniform enjoyed a taste
of Omaha hospitality at its best.
The War Camp Community serv
ice gave a game party on the
firit floor of Jacobs hall, A dinner
was given for 150 men at First
Methodist church. The D. T. A.
club also gave a dinner at St.
John's church. The Army and Navy
club held open house all day.
Needy are Remembered.
Flu patients and convalescents
were visited by nurses of the Visit
ing Nurses' association and others
given baskets of food. Major
McCormick of the Volunteers, dis
tributed SO baskets. Twenty relief
organizations also distributed bas
kets to the needy.
At St. James' , orphanage there
was a dinner for more Jhan 160 chil
dren with appropriate services.
; Services at the churches empha
sized the glory of peace brought to
the world and Omaha's observance
of the day generally reflected this
Briet City Arews
Juarez, Cut Off, Faces
Attack by Villa Followers
El Paso, Nov. 28. Juarez, across
the Rio Grande from here is appar
ently cut off from the interior of
Mexico and rebel bands under com
mand of Francisco Villa and other
leaders are reported at various
points within striking distance of the
town. Military officials in Juarez last
night still were without information
concerning the result of the attack
on Villa Ahumeda, 80 miles to the
south which occurred early Sunday
morning. A heavily guarded train
sent out reached Rancheria,
60 miles to the south where a num
ber of bridges were found burned
and further progress was found impossible.
Juarez military officers persist in
the assertion that there is no danger
of an attack on the town, which is
amply garrisoned.
I hey point to the burned bridge j
as proof that Juarez is not the object
of the attack which they say if made
a all will be against Ojinaga.
Thanksgiving Service by
Jewish Festival Friday
A Thanksgiving service will be
held Friday evening, November 29,
at Temple Israel, in celebration of
Thanksgiving, Chanuka, the Jew
ish Festival of Lights, and the vic
tory of America and the allies.
Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak
on "Pilgrim and Maccabee, or Mak
ing the World Safe for Civiliza
tion." Miss Laura Goetz will sing
"When the Boys Come Home," and
V. C. Bennet will play the "Song
of the Allies." - ' ' ,
Japan's Delegates Chosen.
Tokio, Nov. 28. The Marquis
Kinmochie Sainoji, former premier;
Baron Nobuaki Makino, member of
the privy council and former foreign
minister; Viscount Sutemi Chinda,
ambassador to England, and Baron
Keishiro Matsui, ambassador to
France, have been selected as Ja
can's plenipotentiaries to the peace
Lighting futures Burgesa-Granden
Hae Root Print It Beacon Press.
Would Marry Negress W. K.
Evans, 1646 North Sixteenth street,
was arrested In his room In company
with Alice Moore, colored, Wednes
day night, and is being held on dis
orderly house charges. H told
officers at tha station that he would
marry the woman if given a chance.
Organ Recital Postponed. The
organ recital which was to have been
given by Mrs. E. K. Zabriskle at the
First Presbyterian church next Sun
day afternoon has been postponed.
.Mrs. Zabrlskie has been taken ill
with the Spanish influenza and she,
Mr. Zabrlskie and small daughter,
Helen, are all at the Clarkson hos
pital with the same disease.
Edward Elected President. Al
bert Edward waa chosen president of
the February graduating class of the
Central High school Tuesday. Other
omcers are: Blanche Timberlake,
vice-president; Muriel Weber secre
tary; Bruechart Reue!. treasurer:
Tom Matthews and Patti Atkinson.
sergeants-at-arms. Miss Jessie Towne
and Miss Louise Stegner were chosen
class teachers. The class haB about
35 members.
Fine fireplace goods at Sunderland's,
Nation Thankful for
New Dignity and Power,
Says Rev. Fr. Robinson
"America has reason to be thank
ful this year for a gift greater than
the gift of peace the gift of a new
dignity and power, won by nobility
ot sacrifice, high and lofty purpose
and an altruism that approaches
the ideal," said Rev. Father W. S.
Robinson, S. J., a member of the
faculty of the University of. St.
Louis, who delivered the Thanks
giving day sermon at St. Cecilia's
"We have reason to be thankful
for the bravery of the allies and for
the opportunities we had to help
make the world safe for democ
racy. We should be thankful for
the gift ot citizenship in a republic
that has been raised to the lofty
station of respect and gratitude by
hjmanity that the United States
has achieved because of its loyalty
to the ideals of the fathers ot the
"To make our thankfulness a con
crete fact every citizen should, by
word and action, strive to live up
U the lofty ideals of the country,
exemplifying in daily life every vir
tue of good citizenship.
"Now that America is on the eve
of making the world safe for de
mocracy it should be the future
task of the republic and its citizens
to make democracy safe for the
Federal Trade Board
to Be Represented at
Coming Peace Meet
Washington, Nov. 28. The fed
eral trade commission probably will
be represented among the advisers
of the American delegates to the
coming peace conference, it was
learned today. Such a representa
tive is desirable, officials say, in or
der that the conferees may have
the benefit of the committee's in
formation on foreign trade.
John Walsh, attorney for the
commission, has been mentioned as
the probable selection of the com
mission to handle this work.
Batthyanyi Quits Cabinet.
Berlin, Nov. 28. Count Theo
dore Batthyanyi, minister of the in
terior in the Hungarian cabinet, has
resigned. His withdrawal from the
ministry, it is stated, was the result
of conflicts with the socialists.
Miss Lulu Teats and Charles M.
Poffenberger, both of Savannah,
111., were married by Rev. Charles W.
Savidge at his residence Wednesday
morning at 9 o'clock.
Eases Stiff Joints,
Pain in Muscles
"Ulypto Ointment" From the Euca
lyptus Tiee Stops Inflamma
tion ana fain &i usee.
You folks with muscle pains, aching
Joints, cold in th shoulders or back, stiff
reck one touch of wonderful "Ulypto
Ointment" will give you soothing, insUnt
relief. There s no mustard.oil or militarily
odor. It contains the magic essence of th
eucalyptus tree.
It 'produces remarkable results also on
stiff joints, rheumatic pains, neuralgia.
chest cold, catarrh, nose stoppace, pile,
earache, and on any inflammation and con
gestion. Hunt th wide world over t here's
nothing known as quick, glorious and
soothing as "Ulypto Ointment." Sold at all
drug stores up-to-date, in 25c and 50c
jars, or sent on receipt of price by th
MacMillan Chemical Co., rails uity, Neb.
Get th drop on that cough take "Uiyp-
to Cough Drops," 6c everywhere. For sale
and recommended in Omaha by Sherman &
McConnell 6 Stores, Merritt Dru Stores,
Beaton Drue Co.. Dundee Pharmacy,
Green's Pharmacy. Adv.
There is only one medicine that
really stands out pre-eminent as a
medicine for curable ailments of the
kidneys liver and bladder.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands
the highest for the reason that it
has proven to 'be just the remedy
needed in thousands upon thousands
of distressing cases, Swamp-Root,
a physician's prescription for special
diseases, makes friends quickly be
cause its mild and immediate effect
is soon realized in mos1; casts. It is
a 'gentle, healing vegetable com
pound. Start treatment at once. Sold at
all drug stores in bottles of two
sizes, medium and large.
However, if you wish first to test
this great preparation send ten
cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing
hampton, N. Y., for a sample bottle.
When writing be sure and mention
tt Offls JDaJy JgeeAjij.
s-ta Got
Uie QArhtntas Store for SvetyBody
Fori Omaha vs.
St. Paul
Rourke Park.
Thursday, November 28, 1918.-
-Telephone Douglas 2100.
Large Assortments
From the Art
Embroidery Section
YOU will find in this assort
ment many articles that
are usually priced a great deal
Th lot includes i Photo
frames, crochet cotton,
Royal Society embroidery
floss. Peri Lust knitting
cotton Nos. S and R, black;
Odd Nos. D. M. C, In ecru:
knitting needles, : rochet
and knitting books, paper
weights, pillow cords,
beads, bag trimmings,
pin cushions, crochet hooks.
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstairs Store.
Women's Sample
Hose Special
A large lot of
sample hose
and broken assort
ments. Seamless
double top. Cot
ton, lisle and mer
cerized at a very
,low price.
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstairs Stor
A Sale the Housewife
Cannot Afford to Miss
House Dresses
THERE is scarcely a woman that does not need
several pretty dainty house dresses, for prac
tically every woman is doing all or part of the
work around the house.
In this lot you will find an extremely large assortment
from which to select, and when you see them you will
want several of them, we are certain.
Made of madras, gingnam, percale and
chambray, in light and dark shades.
Some have slight imperfections, but the
values are extreme. f
There are many patterns, stripe, check, plaid and belt
of contrasting colored material or self material. All
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstairs Stor
Laces, Braids
and Insertions
A large assortment
of fancy silk
braids, black and col
ors. Val laces, em
broidery, insertion and
headings. Your choice,
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstair &tor
WOMEN'S and chil
dren's fancy silk
handkerchiefs of em
broidery Swiss and odd
initials, at
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstair Stor
Clearance of Jewelry
and Silverware
T NCLUDES gold-filled
bracelets, watch
fobs, hat pins, tie
clasps, brooches, ash
trays and many other
articles, at loss than
cost to manufacture.
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstair Stor
Women's Cotton
Union Suits
"CUNE quality
white cotton
union suits in
Dutch neck, el
bow sleeves,
ankle length.
Sizes 34, 36, 38.
Very special. .. .
Burgsss-Nash Co.-Downstair Stor.
Bleached Seamless
Sheet s, Special
71x90 or 72x
99 bleached
sheets of fine
quality. Extra
heavy weight,
seamless, with
two - inch hem.
Splendid values
for Friday
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstair Stor.
An Extraordinary
Sale of Smartly
Trimmed Hats
t AST week our sale of hats at $100 proved so extreme
lar that when we received the news that an
other large assortment of beautifully trimmed hats were A
t j J J . J J. -.simmm Anf nr a A r' a DA n
being snipped to us, we aecmeu iu repeat iadi. ween. o oj .
and price them at $1.00. " .
The assortment is large, although it seems im
possible, and offers a wider selection than the
former sale, and includes
Large Hats Small Hats Medium Hats
Made of velvet and silk velvet, in a variety of colors, as well
as black. Wide range of styles and shapes and new trimming effects.
Women's White
Cotton Waists
FRIDAY a large
clearance sale
of fresh, clean
white cottonwaists.
As there is but a
limited quantity of
these waists,' we
advise you to be
on hand early to
make your selection.
Burgeae-Nash Co. Downstair Stor.
Boys' Pants
On Sale Friday
pOYS' knicker
bockers, neat
stripes, good
strong worsteds,
taped -jteams, in
sizes 6 to 16. These
are splendid
Burgesa-Nash Co. Downstair Store.
Short Lengths of Ginghams, etc.
A SPLENDID assortment of wash
materials that are taken from
regular stock. Ginghams, percales,
poplins, cheviots, etc., in short
lengths and priced at about half
regular price.
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstair Store.
JL U Yard.
Two Friday Specials or Men
Men sSweater Coat
MADE of firm woven cotton,
shawl collar, two taped
pockets, strong button holes. A
very desirable garment for $1.98
Men's Underwear
Two-piece, "sanitary" and high
rno.k shirts and drawers: eood.
warm, soft fleecing. Splendid fit
ting garments.
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstairs Stor
A Sale of Housefurnishings that
Will Interest You Greatly
White japanned flour bins, gold lettered and trimmed, 48-pound
size; $1.95. ...
White japrrnned bread or cake box, hinged cover, gold trimmed;
White enameled bath .stools; legs are protected
with rubber; $1.69.
Sponge Holder, 29c
Nickel-plated brass sponge holder; fits on bath
tub; 29c.
Cedar Oil Mops, 37c.
Cedar oil mop, triangle shape; oiled, ready for
use; complete with handle, 37c.
Oil Heater, $6.48
Perfection oil heaters, nickel plated, trimmed,
smokeless and odorless; $6.48.
Wash Boilers, $1.93
Extra heavy galvanized
iron wash boilers, with sta
tionary wood handles; $1.95,
Electric Irons, $6.00
Hot point electric irons,
6-lb. size; complete with
cord, $6.00.
Burgess-Nash Co. Dowa Stairs Stor,
From the
Downstairs Store
Bath Mats, 79c
l Bath mats of excellent
quality, in sizes 23x37
inches. They come in sev
eral good colors, much less
than regular; each, 79e.
Bath Towels, $1j69
Bleached bath towels, a
splendid quality of terry
cloth with neatly hemmed
ends; size 16x32 inches;
$1.69 dozen.
Luncheon Sets, 69c
Luncheon set of 13 pieces,
dozen each two size
doilies and one centrepiece.
These come in handsome
colored designs and much
below regular price. Set,
Long Cloth, $2J
36-inch long cloth, a qual
ity without dressing or fill
ing of any kind and of fine
even weave. 12 yard lengths,
for $2.59 bolt
Trimmed Scarfs, 98c
Lace trimmed scarfs, size
17x50 inches, much below
I regular price; 98e each.
BEAUTIFUL silks including canton
crepe, costume velvet, foulard, silk
and cotton. Crepe de chine, messaline,
also plain and fancy silks and corduroy
on sale Friday.
Burgess-Nash Co Downstair Stor.
Big Lot of Sample Blankets
ONE big table of sample wool
nap blankets. Blue, grey or
tan plaids; also plain tan or
gray bound with ribbon. 66x80
and 70x80.' These are slightly
soiled from display, but are
wonderful values at $4.98 pair.
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstair Stor.
Two Special
Soap Values
Pearl white or
white borax
naphtha soap,
very specially
priced for Friday
in the Downstairs
Store at 10 cakes
Golden rod
washing s powder
for sale Friday at
the very special
pricje of 6 pack
ages for' ......
Burgsss-Nash Co.DowBtairs Stor.
10 cake
6 pack
' age
A Sale' of Women's
igh Shoes
ON account of there being only
small sizes in this assortment
we have reduced them to an ex
tremely low price:
They are the season's best sell
ers and are in all leather, button
and lace styles, Turn and Good
year welt soles.
The sizes are 2, 3, 3 and
4. If your size is included in
this lot you should not fail to
take advantage of the sale.
NOTE: We are displaying
a beautiful line of holiday slippers.
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstair Stor.