THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER ZS, 19T8. U.S. TO SEEK ANOTHER LARGE LOANJN APRIL Secretary McAdoo Notifies Bankers Treasury Begin Issuing Certifi cates December 5. Washington. Nov. 27. Notice that .the country must prepare for another intensive war loan cam paign probably in the latter part of April, was gien today by Secretary McAdoo in a letter to bankers ex plaining the treasury's program for floating-certificates of indebtedness and bonds during the next six months. The secretary stated that plans for continuous sale- of government bonds, recently discussed as a strong possibility, had been abandoned and that plans should be made for "one more great popular campaign." Previously he had announced that the bonds to be offered then would be of short maturity, less than 10 years, and it has been indicated that the amount would be around five bil lions. Although Mr. McAdoo did not state the time of the campaign, it was learned the treasury plans tentatively to hold it the last three weeks in April. , Blocks of treasury certificates of indebtedness ranging in mounts be tween $500,000,000 and $750,000,000 will be marketed every two weeks, beginning December 5, to provide funds for running the government until payments from the Fifth war loan begin to come in and these payments then will be used to pay oil the certificates. Every bank will be expected to subscribe 5 per cent of its gross resources monthly to these certificates. The first issue of $600,000,0(10 minimum, announced to day, may be subscribed between De cember 5 and December 10, will ma ture next May 6. and will bear 4'2 per cent. This rate is not consider ed as affording any indication of the interest to be borne by the Fifth war loan bonds Mr. McAdoo also disclosed today that the government's expenses this month probably will run to a new high record of $2,000,000,000 and that "the wise policy of prompt liqui dation of contracts" may increase rather than lower the government's outlays. Exercise Tried as Cure 1 , ; in Case of Shell Shock . Chicago. Nov. 27. Physical training as a means of restoring men affected by shell shock is being tried at the new reconstruction hos pital at Fort Sheridan, under direc tion of the head of the hospital. The reconstruction problem is being worked out on 40 cases received from France, each patient in some stage of temporary insanity as a re sult of shell shock. The theory on which the work is being done is that nhvsical development first and men tal development later will, bring , about recovery. i Rope skipping, band ball, basket ball, boxing and the like are gone "through in the order named, the amount of work gradually increased, and in some cases recovery is ef fected in a short time. Only a small percentage of the cases are violent and these are given work under guard. In some cases the patients will work only when music is played. Officers at the fort expect the hos pital to be equipped for 1,500 men by December 1. The final capacity is to be 5.000. AUTOMOBILES. iBRINGING UP FATHER Copyright. HIT International SerYtce. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus VtLL- ,OO0 NKHT JI ' WB MAO A RANO NIHT- trr mt Tunt.NTS-L wr:ri ar ar. YOU A)D IT SUT NOW YE CAN ENJOY PEACE AND ? QUIET- JTTT YOU EvE COM INC in A V'? A TUP uri . Yes- v 9 6fOU.V VJCCXKHT fcj VFD P TO ALL BE HAWiY NOV THAT F 1 E I VVE HAVE JL) THAN i i rv c.t i l nccc i "v. peace LTrr: -a- w. 1 i v i ' (7 -,5-W 3' &!v Market and Industrial News of the Day OMAHA PRODUCE LIVE STOCK Omaha, November 27, 1918. Receipts were Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 10,818 10.448 14,145 Official Tuesday 15,547 23,365 14,491 Estimate Wednesday. 6,000 16,000 9.200 Three days this week. 31, 365 49,813 37,838 Same days last week. 42,290 31,869 62,102 Same days 2 wks. ago. 40,47 33,381 23,627 Same days 3 wks. ago. 42,890 22,680 32,882 Same days year ago. .32,376 27,193 36,102 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, for 24 hours, ending at 3 o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS. Cattle Hogs Sheep C. M. & St. P 10 15 3 Wabash 4 3 Missouri Pacific 4 ., Union Pacific 60 42 C. & N. V., east 10 6 C. & N. W., west 63 75 C, St. P., M. & 0 10 8 C 11. & Q.. east 8 1:! C, B. & y.. west 41 29 C. R. I. P., east 8 30 C, R. I. & P., west 3 Illinois Central 2 1 Chicago Great Western.. 6 4 214 50 Service Stations. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service - station for Riyfleld carburetors and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. ' 1 N 19th. Webster 1102. 1 Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines' Victor H Roos. the Motoryels Mao. 7tb and Leavenworth. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial Horns ollclts your old clothing, furniture, -magaslnes We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new horn 1110-1112-1114 Podge St. MEDICAL. RUPTURE successfully treated without a ' aura-leal operation. Call or write Dr. ank H vvray. sub neeoioi, Fran POULTRY AND PET STOCK FOR SALE 7S high grade slngla comb white lcKhorn hens. Colfax 797. MONEY TO LOA; Organized by the Buelriesa Me of Omaha ' FURNITURE, planoe and notes as aecur. Ity. 640. I ma.. H goods, total. S3 60. PROVIDENT LOAN 60CIETY. 413 8eeurlty BldK . 16th ft Farnam Ty- 666 LOANSTON DIAMONDS. XEWELRT AND I 1 CI LIBERTY BONDS. O QT lyoPw C Fl.ATAU. EST Ull iTH FLIt 8ECURITY BLDG TY. 6. , Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry ' Maleshock. 1514 Dodge D. 6611 Est. 181 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS SKINNER PACKING MPANY KUULIKY BUTTER EGGS THADI MAIVlf 1116-1118 Douglas St: Tel-Douglas 1521 Total receipts 212 DISPOSITION. Cattle" Hogs Sheep Morris & Co 928 3.209 1,174 Swift & Co 1,181 4,744 2,381 Cudahy Packing Co. 2,766 7.089 2,053 Armour & Co 1.970 3.774 1,701 SchwarU & Co rf 295 .... J. W. Murphy 1,164 .... Lincoln Packing Co. 63 So. Om. Packing Co. 9 v St. Clair Pack. Co... 88 IllKKlns Packing Co. 4 Hoffman Bros 25 .... .... John Roth & Sons. . 4 Jlayerowtrh & Vail 12 .... S. & S P S, 033 .... W. B. VanSant & Co. 121 Benton A Van Sant 73 W. W. Hill & Co... 118 .... " .... F. P. Lewis 226 Muntzinger ft Oliver 33 J. B. Root & Co... 271 J. H. Bulla 38 Rosenstock Bros 309 F. O. Kellogg 186 Werthelmer & Degen 107 Ellis & Co 98 Sullivan Bros 123 A. Rothschild 131 Mo. K. C. & C. Co.. 269 E. G.Xhrlstle 22 Baker 12 .... Banner Bros 63 .... .... John Harvey 679 Jensen A Lundgren 88 Dennis Francis.. 102 Cheek & Krebs 35 Other Buyers 2,734 .... 4,044 Total 16.934 22,29 7,381 Cattle There was a light run of cattle today, 6,000 head or 10S cars. Good na tive and western beef was scarce and prices fully steady on anythlnr with weight and In the about the same nottches as a week ago. Best grades sold up to 115.00 16.25. Butcher stock was active and string this morning, prices averaging around 60c higher than a week ago. Good to choice kinds sold at 19.0012.00, medium grades at ST.EOS9.00. Feeders ruled strong and 1525c higher than a week ago on the weighty grades and about steady for the others. Quotations on Cattle Choice to prime beeves, 17.2518.50; good to choice beeves 15.6017.00: fair to good beeves, $13.26 15.00; common to fair beeves. 19.00 12.75; good to choice yearlings I18.0017.50; fair to good yearlings, I12.0015.50; com mon to fair yearlings, $8.6011.60; choice to prime grass steers, $15 17; fair to good grass beeves, $1315; common to fair grass beeves, $9.0012.$0; Mexican beeves, fS 10; good to choice heifers, $9 0012.60; good to choice cows, $8.60 11.00; fair to good cows. $8.607.60; com mon to fair cows, $4.506.60; prime feed ers. $12.50016.00; good to cholcs feeders, I10.0012.60; fair to good feeders, $8.60 9 60; common to fair feeders. $6.606.60; good to choice stockers, $9.2510.26; stock heifers $6.O07.26; stock cows, $5 00 6.5; stock calves, $6.509.60; veal calves, $7.5013.60; bulls, stags, etc.. "Hogs Receipts today were estimated at 16,000 head, but did not quits come up to expectation. The market was fairly active gradually becoming better as sup plies changed hands. Few of the early sales looked possibly steady with yes terday's extreme close, but gradually strengthened. Bulk of sales was $17.10 17.30 with a top of $17.50, possibly lOo to 16o lower than yesterdays general mar ket. gheep Receipts today were estimated at 9,200 head, the smallest run tor the week. Trad opened at an early hour with a string of fat lambs selling early at $14.86 and a string of feeders at $14.00, both sales looked steady with yesterday. Quotations on Sheep Lambs, good to choice, $14.761J.00; lambs, fair to good, $110014.75; lamb feeders, $13.50 14.00 ; yearlings, good to choice, $10.0011.00; yearlings, fair to good, $9.00 10.00; year ling feeders. $10.0010.60; wethers, fat, $9.0t10.00; weather feeders, $8.5010.50; ewes, good to choice, $8.60 9.00; ewes, fair to good. $7.00S.50; ewe feeders, $7.008.00. ' Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Nor. $7. Cattle Receipts, 9,000, including 100 southerns, steady to 10c higher. Prims fed steers, $17.60 14.60; dressed beef steers. 1 2. 00 18. 00 ; western steers, $10.00 U.00; southern steers. $6.00 12.00; cows, $5.0013.50; heifers. $7.0013.60; stockers and feedere. $6 60 M 00; bulls, $6.50.00; calves, J6. 5013. 60. ' Hogs Receipts. 29,000; steady to I cents lower. Bulk, $17.1017.65; heavy, $17.00 017.60; packers and butchers, $17.25 17.65; lights, $1T.001T.!5; pigs, $10.00 14 00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,000. steady; lambs. $11.0015.00; yearlings, $10.50 11.75; wethers, $9.0010.60; wes. IS. 00g9. 00; stockers and feeders, $6.00 17.00. . St. Louis L1t Stock. St. Louis. Nov. $7. Cattle Receipts, 4.100; 1025c lower. Native beef steers. $11.50 18.15; yearling atsers and heifers. $9.60015.50; cows, $7.50012.50; stockers and feeders, $S.6012.00; fair to prime southern beef steers. $10.0018.00; cows and heifers, $7.5016.00; native calves. $7.7517.26. Hogs Receipts, 18,600; 15 25c lower on STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD - i. - '""'-v. . '" . Corporations financed. 'We buy Liberty Bonds. We deal in local securities. ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW & CO. 860 Omaha National Bank Building. Telephone Douglas 3565. T I II ' LJ1WSW, MAXIMUM FOOD PRICES. The price fixing committee of Douglas county has named the following prices. Retailers are not permitted to charge more than these prices: Brown sugar, per lb $ .11 Sugar, per lb 11 Flour (Nebraska) 24 lbs., No. 1 1.S0 4S lbs., No. 1 t 2.90 Bulk, per lb 07 Hominy 0514 Oswego cornstarch 12Vs Cornstarch 10 Ctirnmeal, per lb. White 05 Yellow 06 Corn flour 05 Potatoes, per lb. No. 1 red 02 No. 1 white 02 No. 2 potatoes ,0214 flutter, per lb Creamery, No. 1 eg Creamery, No. 2 '50 Eggs Splects, storage 54 No. 1, storage "50 Bread (U. S. standard loaf wrapped) 12-ounce single loaf 08 12-ounce loaf (2) 15 16-ounce loaf 10 24-ounce loaf 15 Crackers (Victory) Oatmeal 20 Graham 20 Corn 20 Soda 20 Rice (in bulk) per lb. No. 1 15 No. 3 12 14 Barley flour 06 Rye graham flour, 24-lb. sack.... 1.60 Rye flour. 24-lb. sack 1.60 In bulk, per lb 07 Oatmeal (in bulk) per lb 07 Beans, per lb. Navy, No. 1 14 Pinto, best No. 1 1214 Bacon, per lb. No. 1, whole pieces, wrapped 67 No. 1, whole pieces, unwrapped.. .55 No. 1, sliced 66 No. 2, whole pieces, wrapped 54 No. 2, whole pieces, unwrapped. -.63 No. 2, sliced 60 Horn (whole) No. 1, skinned 42 No. 1, regular 42 Shoulder 28 Lard, per lb. No. 1. purs 35 Compound 30 Oleomargarine (in cartons) per lb. No 1 42 No. 2 35 Nut butterine (in cartons) 38 New cabbage, best quality, per lb.. .03 Corn Syrup (in cans) lVs lbs .16 3 lbs 20 S lbs 45 10 lbs 86 Not 1 These prices an for cash ter the counter. Note 2 An additional charge may be made for delivery or credit to customer. Same price for rys or graham. Bread prices ars for cash and carry or credit and delivery. GRAIN MARKET best; others steady; light, $13.7517.60: pigs, $13.00316.00; mixed and butchers; $17.3517.70; good heavy, $17.6017.75; bulk, $17.36617.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,300; steady. Lambs, $16.6016.76; ewes, $11.00 13.00; canners and choppers, $5.00 9.00. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Nov. 27. Cattle Receipts, 11,000; good and better native and west ern steers, steady; others alow, 16 to 25 cents lower; canners and good feeders, steady; fat cows and heifers, mostly 25 cents lower, closed 25 to 60 cents lower; calves, steady to strong. Beef cattle: Good, choice and prime. $,15.0019.76; common and medium, $9.26 15. 00. Butch er stock: Cows and heifers, $6.25 14.00. Canners and cutters, $5.506.25. Stock ers and feeders: Good, choice and fancy, $10.0013.00; inferior, common and med ium, $7.0010.00. Veal calves: Good and choice, $17.0017.50. Western range: Beef-steers, $14.0018.00; cows and heifers, $3.0012.60. Hogs Receipts, 28,000; early sales 10 to 15 cents higher, closed dull with ad vance lost; butchers, $17.85 18.40; light, $17.1018.15; packing, $17.00 17.75; throwouts, $18.0016.75; pigs, good to choice, $13.60 15.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 10,000; market closed less active than early: most sales, steady to strong, compared with ' yesterday's. Lambs: Choice and prime, $16.1515.35; medium and good. 114.uoraiD.1s; cuns, t.tooii.zo. twe: Choice and prime, $9.009.60; medium and good, $8.00 S 9.00 ; culls, $3.256.50. Stonz City Live Stock. Sloui City, la.. Nov. 27. Cattle Re ceipts, 7,600 head; market weak; beef steers, $S.0014.50; canners, $5. 00 8.00 : stockers and feeders, $6.00 12.00; cowb and heifers, $6. 00 9. 26. Hogs Receipts, 10.000 head; market steady; light, $16.75 17.2 5 : mixed ,$17.20 17.40; heavy, $17.10017.35; bulk of sales, $17.0017.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,600 head; market steady. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Nov. 37. Cattle Receipts, 4,000 head: market steady; steers, $9.00 18.00; cows and heifers, $5.50 15.00 ; calves, $6.60 15.60. Hogs Receipts, 3,000 head; market low er; top, $17.60; bulk of sales, $16.90 17.35. Sheen and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 bead; market steady; lambs, $12.0017.25; ewes, $7.60$ 00. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New Tork, Nov. 27. Evaporated Apples Quiet; state, 15c. , Prunes strong; caurornias, i ivc. Apricots Firm; choice, 21c; extra cholcs, 23c; fancy, 25c. Peaches Nominal. Raisins Firm; loose muscatels, 9140 llttc: choice to fancy seeded, 101114c; seedless, ll4121ic; London layers, $2.00. New York Coffee. New Tork. Nov. 27. No fresh feature was reported In the coffee situation to day, and with tomorrow a holiday the trade seemed to bs cnieliy interested In discussing the probable results of Fri day's meeting between the various coffee committees and representatives 01 me 100a administration. The official cable report ed no change In the Braillian market except In the case of Santos futures, which were 26 to 50 rels higher. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., Nov. 27. Turpentine- Dull. 7c: sales, none; receipts, none; shipments, 206 bbls.: stock, 30,261 bbls. Hosia Firm; sales, 7ia odis.; receipts, 893 bbls.: shipments, 1,056 bbls.; stock, 69,329 bbls. Quotations: B, D. E, F, G and H. $15.10; I. $15.86; K, $16.25; M. $16.50; N. $16.70; WO, $16.80; WW, $16 00. New Tork Cotton Futures. ' New Tork. Nov. 27. Cotton futures opened steady; December, 28.25c; Janu ary, 27.30c March, 26.60c; May, 26.25c; July, 25.90c Kansas City Produce. , Kansas City. Mo.. Nov. 27. Butter Unchanged, except packing, 40c. F.fl .Flrata t&i" Bftconda. 42a. Omaha, November 27, 1918. Moderate arrivals of grain were on hand today, with 33 cars of wheat, 35 cars of corn, 27 cars of oats, 10 cars of rye and 7 cars of barley. There was generally a very slow de mand for corn, prices ranging generally from unchanged to 4c or 6c lower, though some of the No. 5 mixed sold up 3c. A number of cars were reported held over. Oats prices were unchanged to Ho lower, with the bulk unchanged. Wheat was unchanged to some higher and rye unchanged. There was no barley sold up to near the close. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Week Year Receipts Today. Ago. Ago Wheat 33 6 25 Corn 35 19 20 Oats 27 41 34 Rye 10 1 6 Barley 7 10 2 Shipments Wheat 42 24 25 Corn 25 20 10 Oats 21 30 63 Rye 15 .. 2 Earley , 2 16 2 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 124 Kansas City 18 St. Louis 61 Minneapolis 290 Duluth 690 Winnipeg 691 45 41 42 FINANCIAL r.aultlTUaebAnff Corn No. 3 white: 1 car, $1.43 (new); 1 car, $1.40. No. 4 white: 3 cars, $1.40. No. 6 white: 1 car, $1.36. No. 3 yellow: 4 cars. $1.46 (new); 1 car, $1.46 (two line haul). No. 4 yellow: 1 car, $1.44; 1 car, $1.42: 1 car. $1.40. No. 6 yellow: 1 car. $1.44 (new); 1 car, $1.42 (new). No. 6 J yellow: 1 car, $1.34. Sample yellow: 1 car, $1.32. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $1.43 (new). No. 4 mixed- 1 car, $1.41. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, $1.43. Sample mixed: 2 cars, $1.35. Oats Standard: 2 cars, 69c; 1 car, 68c. No. 3 white: 7 cars, 69c; 1 car, 69c (shipper's weights); 1 caf, 69c (spe cial bidding); 2 cars, 68,4c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 6814c. Sample white: 1 car, 68c. Rye No. 2: 2 cars, $1.62; No. 3: 8 cars, $1 61. Sample: 1 car, $1.46. Wheat No. 2 hard: 1 car, $2.16; 1 car, $2.1614; 1 car, $2.15; 1 car, $2.13 (smutty). No. 3 hard: 1 car, $2.13; 3 cars, $2.13; 2 cars, $2.10 (smutty). No. 4 hard: 1 car, $2.09; 1 car, $2.08; 2 cars, $2.06 (smutty); 2-5 car, $2.03 (durum). No. 3 northern spring: 1 car, $2.12. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $2.13; 1 car, $2.11. No. 8 mixed: 1 car, $2.07, 8-5 car, $2.02 (smutty). Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, Nov. 27. Corn tended down ward In price today, despite frequent rallies due to pre-hollday evenlng-up. The market lacked aggressive support, ad closed unsettled at 4Ho net decline, with December $1.24 and January $1.26 1.25K. Oats finished c off to He up. In provisions the outcome was an advance of 10c to $1.00. It was a choppy market throughout the day in corn, but sales on the bulges were too heavy for the demand. Eastern houses took a conspicuous part in the selling, and It was said that shipping inquiry from the east was slow. Orders to purchase cams almost entirely from the shorts. Favorable weather conditions for husking and shelling gave an advantage to the bears, and led to continued predictions of larger receipts Feeders were reported, however, to be after cash grain at interior points. Besides, gossip Was current that farmers aa a rule showed but little disposition as yet to let go of their holdings. Receipts meanwhile continued small and ' country offerings light. Oats followed corn except that proposed liberal shipments from here next week strengthened to November delivery. Provisions averaged higher with hogs. Some of the buying of ribs was attributed to packers, and lard movement remained tree. Corn No. 2 yellow, old, $1,48; No. 3 yellow, new, $1.42; No. 4 yellow, new, $1.3614 1.38. Oats No. 3 white, 721i74c; standard 7414 75 lie Rye No. 2, $1.631.6414. Barley 90c$l.O2. ' Timothy $7. 0010.25. Clover Nominal. . Pork $46.40. Lard $26.75. Ribs Nominal. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan & Bryan, stock and grain brokers 315 South Sixteenth street, Art. Open. High. Low. Close. jTes'y Corn Nov 1.30 Dec. 1.2614 112614 1.23 1.24 1-25 Jan. 1.27 1.27 1.24 1.26 1.2614 Feb. 127 1.28 1.25 1.2614 1.27 Oats Nov. .74 .74 .74 .74 .74 Dec. .72 .7214 .71 .74 .71 Jan. .71 .72 70 .70 .71 Feb. .72 .72 .70 .70 .71 Tork Nov 44.75 43.76 Jan 46.25 46.65 46.25 45.50 46.40 Lard Nov 26.75 26.65 Jan. 26.00 26.10 23.95 26.10 26.07 Ribs Nov 25.90 25.75 Jan. 24.70 24.77 24. fa 24.75 24 65 Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Nov. 27. Barley $7 96c. Rye No. 2, $1.621.62. Bran $27.73. Corn $1.41 1.46. Oats 6814 ?69c. Flax $3. 65 3.67. St. Louis Grain. St, Louis, Nov. 27. Corn December, $1.29 bid; January, $1.29 bid. Oats December, 7014c bid; January, 71 c asked. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 27. Corn De cember, $1.31; January, $1.31; Febru ary, $1.31. New York Money. New York, Nov. 27. Mercantile Paper Unchanged. Sterling Day bills, unchanged; demand, $4.7560; cables, $4 76 7-16. Francs Demand, $5.46; cables, $5.45, GuildersUnchanged. " Lire Unchanged. Mexican Loans Strong; unchanged. Call Money Easy; high, 6 per cent; low, 5 per cent; ruling rate, 5 per cent; closing bid, 5 per cent; offered at 6 per cent; last loan. 6 per cent. ' Liberty Bonds. New Tork, Nov. 27. Final prices on Lib erty bonds today were: 3s, 99.20. First convertible 4s, 96.20. Second 4s, (5.20. First convertible 414s, $8.00 Second convertible 4s, 97.02. Third 414 s. $7.10. Fourth 4s 97.04. New York Metals. New Tork. Nov. 27. Lesd Unchanged. Spelter Steady; East St Louts delivery, spot, 8.3568. 46c. Duluth, Linseed. fta. IJ. Llnsesd- New Tork, Nov. 27. Shipping shares monopolized the bulk of speculative atten tlon In today's stock market, their activity ana strengtn far outstripping all other is sues in which irregular or reactionary ten dencies most orten prevailed. Anounced that the Washington govern ment had made a. tentative offer for the huge tonnage of the Mercantile Marine company, thereby halting the negotiations with British Interests, resulted in highly spectacular movements. Marine preferred made an extreme ad vance of almost 16 points, forfeiting one third of Its advantage in the heavy real izing of the last hour; the 6 per cent bondi showed a gross gain of 6 points and the common shares 4 points, with substan tial gains in associated Issues. Other speculative favorites were hesitant, again denoting the adverse Influence en gendered by further reports of cancella tions of war contracts and diminished pro duction in many lines of Industry. United States Steel and independent in dustrials also leading and secondary equipments reacted 1 to 3 points with coppers Motors were heavy In conse quence of the greater pressure directed against Studebaker and oils reversed their upward course of the previous session, Mexican Petroleum declining almost 6 points. Ralls developed an erratic trend at the outset, yielding 1 to 2 points later, but some of the gas Issues and other utilities remained steady to firm until carried un der by the broader selling which marked the final dealings. Trading in bonds was rontracted and the tone irregular, foreign and domestic Is sues easing fractionally. Liberty fourth 4Vs established a new minimum at 97, 3 per cent under the subscription price. To tal sales, par value, aggregated $9,750, 000,000. Old United States bonds were un changed on call. Number of sales and range of prices of the leading stocks: Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Am. Beet Sugar. 2,400 62 49 51 American Can .. 4,400 42 41 41 Am. Car & Fdy. 1,000 81 8014 80 Am. Locomotive. 2,600 61 69 69 Am. , Smelt. & Ret. 10,600 82 80 80 Am. Sugar Ref.. 900 111 109 109 Am. Tel. & Tel.. 700 104 103 103 Anaconda Copper 7,600 65 64 64 Atchison 1,100 93 92 92 A G. & W.I.S.S.L. 4.300 108 106 107 Baltimore & Ohio 2,100 52 62 62 Butte & Sup. Cop. 200 19 19 19 Cal. Petroleum .. 300 19 19 19 Canadian Pacific. 1,300 160 157 158 Central Leather.. 6,000 61 67 67 800 68 700 46 300 100 2.800 26 600 38 600 36 47 65 Ches. & Ohio C, M. & St. P... C. & N. W..... C. R .1. & P. cts. Chlno Copper . . . Colo. Fuel & Iron Corn Prod. Ref.. 10,400 Crucible Steel ... 6,000 Cuba Cane Sugar 6,200 30 Distillers' Sec. .. 1,100 46 Erie General Electric General Motors. Gt. No. pfd Gt. No. Ore Ctfs Illinois Central... Inspiration Cop.. 67 45 99 25 37 45 64 2814 45 18 67 45 99 25 37 36 45 64 29 45 18 2,700 19 300 149 148 149 1,700 128 124 124 1,200 97 96 96 2.100 33 33 33 1,500 48' 47" 47 Int. M. M. pfd.. 172,100 119 108 111 Inter. Nickel .... 800 31 30 31 Inter. Paper .... 400 30 30 80 K. C. Southern.. 1,900 19 19 19 Kennecott Copper 200 36 35 35 Maxwell Motors.. 3,200 27 25 26 Mex. Petroleum.. 20,400 161 155 166 Miami Copper .. 600 26 25 26 Missouri Pacific. 3,400 26 25 25 Nevada Copper .. 600 18 17 17 N. T. Central 2,700 78 76 76 N. T., N. H. & H. 2,600 35 34 34 Norfolk & West. 1,000 106 106 106 Northern Pacific. 2,300 95 93 93 Pacific Mall 34 Pennsylvania ... 600 46 46 46 Ray Con. Copper 900 21 21 21 Readnig 3,000- 84 82 82 Rep. Iron A Steel 1,200 76 74 74 Shattuck, Ariz. C 15 Southern Pacific. 26,100 100 98 98 Southern Railway 4,700 28 27 28 Studebaker Corp. 60,600 65 49 60 Texas Co 1,800 184 180 180 Union Pacific .... 5,200130 128 128 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 1,200 102 101 101 U. S. Steel 140,000 100 98 98 U. S Steel pfd.. 300 111 111 111 Utah Copper .... 4,400 78 76 76 Western Union .. 600 89 87 89 West. Electric .. 1,100 43 42 42 Bethlehem 6,900 64 62 62 Bid. New York Bonds. IT. 8. 2s, reg.. 98 Gt. N. 1st 414s 92 U. S. 2s, coup. 98 I. C. ref. 4s 84 U S. 3s, reg.. 83 Int. M. M. 6s.. 102 U. S Ss, coup. 83 K. C S. ref. 5s 84 U S Lib. 3s 99.20L. & N. un. 4s.. 88 U S. 4s reg.. 106 M K & T 1st 4s 72 U S. 4s,' coup. 106 M. P. gen. 4s.. 64 Am. F. Sec. 6s.; 99 Mont. Power 6s 91 Am T & T c 6s 94N. Y. C deb 6s 100 Anglo-French 6s 96 Northern Pac. 4s 90 Arm. & Co. 4s 87Northern Pac. 3s 62 Atchison gen. 4s 860. S. L. ref. 4s 85 B. A O. c. 4s 85 Pac. T & T 6s 96 Beth Steel r 6s 88'Penn. con. 4s 99 Cen. Leather 5s 96 "Penn. gen. 4s 82 Cen Pac. 1st.. 84Readlng gen. 4s 88 C & O. cv. 6s.. 86 S L & S F a 6s 72 C B & Q Joint 4s 95 S. Pac. cv. 6s 100 CM&SPc4 84 Southern Ry 6s 96 C R I & P r 4s 74T. & P. 1st.... 90 C & S ref. 4s 80 Union Pacific 4s 88 D. & R. O. T 6s 69 U. S. Rubber 6s 86 D of C 5s 1931 97 U. S Steel 6s 100 Erie geri. 4s 69 Wabash 1st .. 96 Gen. Electric 5s 101Frenrh gvt 6s 103 Bid. 60 125 47 LOCAL STOCKS AND BONDS. Quotations furnished by Burns. Brinker & Company, 449-52 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Stocks Bid. Asked. Hursress-Nash Co. 7 pet. pfd. 100 Cudahv Packing Co. common 129 131 Deere & Co. pfd 3 Gooch Milling & Elevator Co. 7 pet. pfd. "B" 7 Harding Cream Co. 7 pet. pfd 98 Orchard & Wllhelm Co. 7 pet. pfd Omaha & Council Blutrs Street Ry. pfd '. ... Swift & Co Swift & Co. International.... Union Power & Light Co. 7 pet. pfd Bonds Cudahy Packing Co. 7c, 1923. 100 101 Dominion of Canad; 6s, 1926 - 96 97 Des Moines. City of, Iowa, 4s, 11-1-28 9 Denver, Colorado, Waters 4s 1948 Federal Farm Loan 4s 101 Interborough Rapid Transit 8-Tr. 7s. 1921 Kansas City Ry. 7s, 1921 Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. 6s, 1921 Puget Sound Traction Light & Power 7s. 1921 Seaboard Air Line 6s, 1919... Swift A Co. 6s. 1944 Standard Gas & Elec. 7s, 1921 97 97 Union Pacific 6s, 1928 103 104 Russian 6s. 1926. per 1M. roubles 197 204 98 93 96 100 100 63 126 48 100 100 98 10H4 99 97 98 99 97 98 96 97 96 97 Dry Goods. New York, Nov. 2". Cotton goods to day were quiet with an easing and un settled tendency. Tarns were unsettled. Wool goods were quiet. Burlap were itealr m4 tultt. Fruits Oranges: 126s. 160s. 176s 200s. $7.50; 216s. 250s. $6 60- 5SS 3249. Ifi nil- California navels, 17s, 200s, 216s, $9.00; 160s. $8.60; 126s. $8.00. Lemons: Sun klst, 300s, 360s. $6.60; Red Ball, 300s, 860s, $6.00. Crape fruit: Dr. Phillips. 64s, 64s. $6.00; 80s, $5.60; 96s, $5.00; other grape iruit, ail sixes, 7o to 7c lb. Pears: d'AnJous, $4.50 box; half baxes, $2.50. Ap. pies (box): Extra fancy Staymen Wine saps, $3.00; fancy, $2.75; choice, $2.50; extra fancy Old Fashioned Wlnesaps, $3.00; fancy, $2.75; choice, $2.50. Grapes: Emperors. $6.50 to $7.00 keg. Cranber ries: Bell and Bugle. $11.00 barrel: Bell ana Cherry, $10.00 barrel; Jerseys, $10.00 barrel; Jerseys, $4.00 box. Figs, 24 -ounce I'kgs, $3.25; layer figs, $3.00. Bananas, 7c to 7o lb. Vegetables Onions, 2o lb. Potatoes No. 1, Red River Ohlos, 2c lb.; No. 1 stock, 2!4c lb. Sweet potatoes: Califor nia Sweets, $5.00 crate; hampers, $2.60. Iceberg head lettuce, $1.00 doz. or $3.60 crate; leaf lettuce, 60o doz. Tomatoes, $3.00 lug. Cauliflower, crates, $2.50; Colo rado, 12c lb. Beets, carrots, turnips, 76c doz. Shallots, radishes and parsley, 75c doz. Artichokes, $1.60 doz. Brussels sprouts, 15c lb. Spinach, 10a lb. Hot house cucumbers, extra fancy, $2.00 doz. Peppers, $1.00 basket. California Jumbo celery, $1.00 doz. Michigan celery, 45c doz. Squash, 2c lb. Cabbage, 2c lb. Nuts Diamond branded walnuts. No. 1, S. S. sack lots, 34c less, 37c lb. i fancy budded, Back lots, 38c less, 41c lb.; Brazil washed, large, sack lots, 30c lb.; medium. 52c lb.; almonds,! Taragonan, 30o lb.; fil berts, 20c lb.; pecans, 2830c. Cider Michigan cider, 14-gal. keg, $7.00. Oysters King Cole Northern Standards, gal., $2.80; full qts., 75c; full pts., 45c. King Cole Northern Selects, gal.. $3.00; full qts., 85c; full pts., 50c. King Cole North ern Counts, gal., $3.25, full qts., 92c; full pts., 40c. King Cola Chesapeake Stan dards, gal., $2.30; full qts., 70c; full pts.. 40c. King Cole Chesapeake Selects, $2.66; full qts., 75c; full pts., 45c. Blue Points, per hundred, $1.50. Celery Per doz., $1.00. Whalemeat Per lb., 20c. Fresh Fish Catfish, O. S. large, per lb., 30c; catiflsh. small medium, per lb., 26c; halibut, very scarce, market; salmon red, market; salmon, pink, market; bull heads, per lb.. 21c: trout, per lb.. 23c: hlac.k cod, per lb., 16c; white, dressed, per lb.. oc; reo, per id., zee; pine, per lb., 25c; black bass, O. 8., per lb., 35; medium, per lb., 30c; crapples, per lb., 20-22c. Frozen Fish Halibut, per lb.. 24c: talsclt cad, per lb., 16c; salmon, red, per lb., 22c, pink, 20c; catfish, large, per lb., 27c, small.and medium, 23c; whitefish, rd. or dresseM, per lb., 20c, small 15c; yellow pike, 20c; Spanish mackerel, per lb., 16c; silver smelts, per lb., 14c; pickerel, dressed, per id., at, ra., uc; wnue perch, per lb., 12c. Kippered salmon, per lb.. 35c: smoked white, per lb., 22c; Finnan haddle, market. fancy pan frozen B. F. dressed herring, box lots, per lb., 8c; less than box lots, per lb., lOo. Delicacies Shrimps, peeled, ner !.. $2.50, headless, $1.75 ; blue points, per hun dred, $1.50; little neck clams, per hun dred, $1.60; large clams, per hundred, $2.60; hard shell crabs, per doz., $2.75; Jumbo frogs, large black bull, per doz.. .uu; grass rrogs, per doz., 35c; roe shad, per lb., 35c; shad roe. per pair. 76c: sea scallops, gal., market; crabmeat, lump, flake, market. Miscellaneous: Cracker jacks, checkers ahd chums, case, $5.50; case, $2.85; ear popcorn, 8c to 11c per lb; shelled pop. corn, 4 doz. 10-ounce pkgs., $8.70; bulk, 12 c. Comb honey: 2 doz. 14-ounce Jars. ss.(u; z aoz. 5-ounce Jars, $4.00; per lb., 30c; Three B honey, 2 doz. 5-ounce Jars. $4.30; 1 doz. 16-ounce Jars, $5.40. ' Salted peanuts, $3.00; peanuts, 17c to 20c lb. Chicago Produce. t Chicagd, Nov. 27. Butter: higher: creamery, 5465c. Eggs Higher; receipts, 4,869 cases; firsts, 6465c; ordinary firsts, 6458c; at marks, cases Included, 56 63c. Potatoes Receipts, 61 cars; unchanged. Poultry Alive, market lower1; fowls, 18 23c; springs, 23c; turkeys, 28c, New York Produce. New Tork Nov. 27. Butter Market higher; creamery higher than extras. 67 68c; creamery extras, 66 67c; nrsts, Birflititio Eggs Market steady; unchanged. Cheese Firm; unchanged. Live Poultry Market steady: chickens. 28 29c; turkeys, 40c. Others unchanged. New York General. New Tork, Nov. 27. Wheat Spot. steady; No. 2 red, $2.34 track New Tork. Corn Spot steady; No. 3 yellow, $1.61 and No. 3 white, $1.56, cost and freight, New Tork. Oats Spot firm; standard, 8383c. Lard Steady; mlddlewest, $26.9027.00. Other Articles Unchanged. New York Cotton. New York Nov. 27. Cotton ClnaeH steady, net 10 points higher to 15 points lower. New York Sugar. New Tork, Nov. 27. Sugar Unchanged. House-Cleaning Necessary Says President Heydler New York, Nov. 27. The way to start base ball house cleaning is for the National and American leagues to hold a joint session 'of two days or more and consider the various proposed reforms, John Heydler, acting president of the National league, said here today. I here is altogether too much aloofness, suspicion and lack oi confidence between the club owners of the two leagues," Mr Heydler said in explaining his proposal. It is all right to fight each other on the ball field during the playing sea son, but at other times there should be at least the ordinary business co-operation that exists in othei competitive lines. To attempt to carry on a so- called reconstruction program with out the sincere aid of the 16 club Cjwners, as well as of authorized representation of the minor leagues, would result in absolute failure." OMAHA MEETS ST. JOSEPH ON GRIDIRON HERE Central High Boys Feeling Pretty Certain of Defeat ing Rivals from Missouri. Open Ticket Sale for Fort Omaha and St. Paul Game Tickets for the Fort Omaha-St. Paul Aviation Mechanics foot ball game at Rourke park Saturday were placed on sale Wednesday after noon. J. lie toiiowmg places win have charge of the advance seat sale: Beaton and Unitt-Docekal drug stores and Fontenelle and Conant hotels. 1 Today's Calendar of Sports. Rnclnr Antnmn meetlnr of Marvland Fair assorUtlon at rtowie, Md. Winter meetlnr at Jefferson park. New Orleans. Opening of winter meeting of Cuba American Jockey club at Havana, Golf Annual Carolina tournament at rinehurst, X. Q. Omaha Central High school against St. Joseph High will Je played at Rourke park today start ing at 3 o'clock. The teams are evenly matched, although St. Joseph has the edge on the locals, who have had a season of bad luck: Omaha has a season of fjur de feats to atone for and intends to even up the total by repeatedly crossing St. Joseph's goal line. The Fort Omaha band will furnish music, clunts will be staged between halves. Coach Tommy Mills of Creighton will referee and Brcnnan of Ohio, will also officiate if he comes. Then Central High lineup is sub ject to change. Shafer will be un able to play and Ayers will take his place at right tackle. Since Konecky may not be sufficiently re covered from the flu, Swoboda may have to play right end and .Viimarth captain of the second team will play left half. Anderson will play guard for Chris Crowell, who was injured in the Beatrice game last week. This is Central's last game season. Creighton Now Tries for Post-Season Game to Wind Up the Year Calling off the Creighton-Colorado Miners' game set for this aftnrnoon on Creighton field has cast a gloom over the Creighton camp. , The management and Coach Mills left no stone unturned in their last frantic efforts to book a "big iime" contest for Omaha's turkey day pro gram. Unusual offers were made to Ames. Iowa, Morningside, Missouri, Fort Omaha and Northwestern, but none of these could see their wav clear to complete the schedule which was wrecked by the Miners' elev enth hour cancellation. However, officials promise that one of the best teams in the west will be brought to Omaha for a post season game. Rough-and-Tumble Fight Follows Brock-Britt Bout Cleveland, Nov. 27. After out classing Matt Brock of Cleveland all the way in their 10-round bout here tonight, Frankie Britt of Bedford, Mass., was given the newspaper de cision. As Britt was going to his corner, Brock struck him with such force that he was unable to arise. For several minutes the ring was the scene of a rough-and-tumble en counter between the adherents of the boxers. The principals weighed 130 pounds. Plainview Plays Norfolk. Norfolk, Neb., Nov. 27. (Special Telegram.) Plainview and Nor folk high school teams will end the foot ball season here Thursday afternoon. Shotwell Has. Much Material from Which to Select Deputies Abel V. Shotwell, county-attorney-elect, will not lack material from which to select his appointees. In the list of those who have ap plied, recommended by friends, or otherwise mentioned or considered. are: J. C. Kinsler, W. W. Slabaugh, Stanley Rosewater, V. C. Fraser, H. B. Ready. John G. Kuhn, C. H. Marley, E. R. Leigh, Henry Beal, C. S. Elgutter, W. R. King, George Meacham, Arthur C. Crossmtn, Thomas Lynch, C. H. Kubat and Arthur Rosenblum. Those -who will be selected as deputies will be required to main tain their ffioces in the county at torney's office. Three Hundred Flying Cadets Are Released About 300 flying cadets, who have been working for a commission at the Fort Omaha Balloon school, have been released and are return ing to their homes. The cadets were given their choice of continuing their work and receiv ing cotxiniissions as lieutenants in the reserve corps of the army or of returning to civil life. Most of them chose the latter. FORT OMAHA ALL SET FOR CLASH WITHJVIATORS Balloon Men in Fine Fettle and Feeling Certain of Carrying Off Grid iron Honors, The Fort Omaha eleven will bt put through its final stiff practice this morning before the game with the St. Paul Aviators at Rourke park Saturday afternoon. First Lieut. John G. McKay, coach, is sure his team will win. He said last night the men could not be in better shape. All ar 'rarin" to get into the game ano they are as optimistic as the coach. Yesterday several loads of straw were spread around the Rourke park ,gridiron to keep it dry. I Despite the snow flurries lat night every company in the posU U 1 I it ...J. 1 aasciiiuicu un inc paiauc giuuuu auu practiced cheering under the direc tion of Captain Whitney. Several new songs, written this week, were rehearsed. A section of the grand stand has been reserved for the trained root ers who will attend as guests of the team. It is expected that 1,000 men will attend the formation in this section. ' Tomorrow night the men of the post will parade the principal streets of Omaha to advertise the game. Following the parade, the post band will give a concert at the court house. Another parade and concert will be held Saturday noon. Visitors in Fine Trim. St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 27. Warner, varsity end on the University ol Michigan 1916 foot ball team; Shep ard, a varsity Dartmouth man; Mar shall, who played on the Brown eleven that defeated Harvard and Yale, and Chicken-, captain, one of the fastest semi-professionals in the game, are among the stars the St. Paul Aviation Mechanics' team that will oppose the Fort Omaha eleven Saturday at Rourke park. Besides these men are many fast high school, college and semi-professional players. ' V Lieutenant Halliday, Cornell back for four years, is coach. The team is in excellent shape and expects to gain the right to paint Omaha red Saturday night.. Special rates were arranged for, a special train chartered and it is ex pected that many rooters will ac company the team. Hamilton Divorce Suit Reaches Stormy Climax Before Judge A contested divorce case between William H. and Viola May Hamil ton of 413 North Eighteenth street, reached a stormy climax Wednes day afternoon before Judge Day in district court when Hamilton ac cused Peter Salestrom of being a disturbing element in his home. . Mrs. Hamilton manages a rooming house. Her husband is a night ma chinist, and Salestrom is a roomer with the, Hamiltons. Salestrom had testified in behalf of Mrs. Hamilton, and the Court announced that the case would be resumed Friday morning, when Hamilton pointed an accusing finger in Salestrom face, and called to heaven to bear witness that he was telling the truth. Attor neys rushed toward the disputants, and the court ordered that the affair should be stopped. Mrs. Hamilton brought suit for di vorce, and the huband filed a cross petition. Both alleged misconduct) the husband's evidence already of fered charging the wife with having been addicted to the practice oi corresponding with strange men through information obtained . in matrimonial papers. Landing Field Here for Aerial Mails Will Have to Be. Made A landing field in Omaha for the New York-San Francisco aerial mail route will be selected soon. It is 1 not probable that the field will be located at any of the army forts here, for one requirement is that it must be as close as possible to the postoffice. umciais at fort Umaha stated Wednesday that it is likely that a landing field will have to be made, as there is no suitable place for it at present. Abundance of Thanksgiving for Boys at Fort Omaha The men 'at Fort Omaha will not have the pleasure of eating Thanks giving dinner with the folks back home, but nevertheless Mess Ser geant Orval E. Hedges of the Eighty-first Balloon company has prepared a spread for the boys of his company that is a winner in every respect. The following is the menu: Roast turkey, cranberry sauce, cyster dressing and gravy, cream mash potatoes, creamed string beans, oyster cocktail, wilted lettuce, green onions, celery, olives, cran berry pie, pumpkin pie, bread butter, hot cocoa, grape juice punch, ba nanas, grapes, nuts and candies. The mess hall has not been ne glected in the way of decorations. Besides being the' most efficient mess sergeant at the fort, Sergeant Hedges also qualified as an interior decorator. , South Hlh Plajri Blaffi. South Illch'i ichool eleven will con clude lt aion thii afternoon when It encounter! the Council Bluffa hluh thi afternoon. Although the Bluffi eleven Ins the edvantaje of playlnt on the home field, the Pecker are elated ai winner! because of the clanay brand of ball play ed during the aeaeon. South High haj been defeated but one thla year. FOOT BALL! CENTRAL HIGH VS. ST. JOSEPH ONLY GAME IN TOWN 3 o'clock- -Rourke Park- Seat! on Sal at Beaton Drug Co. Fort Omaha. Band. -3 o'clock