Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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Bavarians Turned Against
Government by Loss of
War and Resistance of
King to Reforms.
Tarls, Nov. 27.The revolution in
Bavaria has not brought about much
change in Munich, according to a
special dispatch from that city to
the Fetit Parisien, and the state ma
.chinery continues to run almost nor
Everyone in Bavaria is discussing
the revolution but it is a calm dis
cussion of an unforeseen comnlica
tion which has to be settled in the
best way. The movement in Ba
varia, the correspondent declares, is
completely independent of the other
movements in Germany. His resist
ance to democratic and social re
forms lost King Ludwig all the pop
ularity he enjoyed when he was re
gent of Bavaria and before he be
came king. The conviction that the
war was lost completely, turned
the people against the government
and for some time before the revolt
the situation in Bavaria had been
An election to replace Deputy
Woolmar, who resigned from the
Reichstag, then came up. The ma
jority socialists brought forward
Herr Auer and the minority social
ists Kurt Eisner. The political cam
paign was the spark which set off
the mine. Added to this the ques
tion of demobilization became urg
ent and the government measures to
deal with it were ineffective.
Eisner, the Petit Parisien corres
pondent continues, feared that the
demobilized masses of Germans and
Austro-Hungarians in the neighbor
ing countries would bring about a
chaotic situation in Bavaria. He de
cided on quick action and organized
resistance against dangers likely to
favor the development of bolshe
vism. There are several versions of
the beginning of the decisive phase
of the crisis, says the correspondent,
but the most reliable seems to show
that it came from a carefully elab
orated plan prepared by Eisner.
Louis Gandorfer, a blind peasant
with great influence, undertook to
raise the peasantry against the king,
but to induce them to continue feed
ing the capital.
At present the majority socialists
and bourgeoisie parties are prepar
ing for the elections to the national
assembly, which will be held soon.
The result of the elections, the cor
respondent declares, will have a de
cisive influence, which will not be
confined to Bavaria.
Road-Building to Be
Vital Part of Plans in
1 Reconstruction Times
Washington, Nov. 27. Recon
struction plans in the opinion of
Secretary of. Agriculture Houston
should include resumption of high
way construction under the federal
aid road act, creation of a system
of personal credit unions for farm
ers, systematic supervision of land
settlement, provisions for safeguard
ing the rights of tenants and en
couragement of farm ownership,
continuation of government super
vision of stock yards and related in
dustries, and extension of the bene
fits of modern medicine and sanita
tion to rural districts.
These views of the secretary ex
pressed in confidence to agricultural
'editors of the country at a meeting
here several days ago were author-
izea ior puDiicauon louay.
For Lathe and
Tired Feet
WHEN you've
walked and
walked all day and
your feet are tired and
burning, rest them
The -cooling, spothing,
healing and refreshing ef
fect of this famous French
Baume takes away the
soreness and gives prompt
relief to your suffering.
For twenty -five years
doctors have prescribed it
''for rheumatism, gout,'
sciatica and neuralgia.
Originated by Dr. Jules
Bengue of Paris, and now
for sale at most drug stores
here, in spite of war con
ditions. Avoid substitutes and
Get a tube today.
Amtrictn Afcoti Nw York
You Will Find It
A Blessed Relief
Aliens With Bank Rolls
Must Pay Up Before Going
Officials of the internal revenue
department Tuesday rounded up 35
Japanese aliens from the Jap colony
in South Omaha who were prepar
ing tosgo back to Japan and are
compelling them to file income tax
statements. The revenue officials
say also that a large number of Rus
sians, Slavs, Lithuanians, Greeks
and Austrians, who have been em
ployed as laborers in the packing
nouses, are preparing to return to
Russia and other European coun
tries. -
All of these people, who are aliens,
have no exemption in filing income
tax statements, but must rile for the
entire amount of their earnings.
Very few of them have done so, and
officials find that most of them have
anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000
saved up with which to start life in
the country from which they came.
Several of them at first refused to
file statements, and the Japanese
aliens have hired a lawyer to look
after their interests. The revenue
department intends to hold all aliens'
railroad tickets and passports until
statements covering the entire five
years' period have beeen filed.
Revenue officers say that this same
condition prevails in other large
cities where alien laborers who have
been receiving high wages during
the war are now going back,, to
their native lands.
Communications at Armistice
Conference Never Tem
pered by Friendly Word,
Says Hun Delegate.
Amsterdam, Nov. 27. The armis
tice conferences httween the German
delegates and Marsha! Foch and his
associates early this month were
carried out in the most business-like
manner possible and apparently
without notable incidents, accord
ing to a long account of the confer
ence given the Berlin Vossische Zei
tung by a member of the German
After the French met the Ger
man commissioners they were
driven for 10 hours in automobiles
to an appointed rendezvous. "It
seemed' to me," says the narrator,
"that the drive was intentionally
prolonged in order to carry us
through the devastated provinces
and prepare us for the hardest con
ditions which hatred and revenge
might demand. One of the French
men pointed to a heap of ruins, say
ing, "Behold St. Quentin."
"We entered a train with blinds
drawn in the evening and awoke in
the morning in the midst of the
forest of Compeigne, surrounded by
Enmity Shown.
"There were two trains, one oc
cupied by Marshal Foch and his
staff and the other by the Germans.
In these we lived, worked and ne
gotiated for three days. We had
everything in abundance. There
was nothing to find fault with. The
great enmity and hatred that ap
parently prevailed against us were
shown, however, in the negotiations
and in tHe terms imposed."
The narrator remarks that the
French officers and Vice Admiral
Wemyss, British representative,
maintained a cold attitude, "never
tempered by a friendly word."
"Marshal Foch, whom we only
saw twice, at the beginning and at
the end of the conference, is a stern,
plain man. He did not speak a sin
gle word to us in the tone which
fromerly distinguished the-chival
rous French nation.
Foch Not Rough.
."It is not-true that Fpch told us
there could not be any question of
negotiations, only the imposition of
conditions, and whatever coldness
he displayed was never ill-mannered
or rough.
Really there was nothing to ne
gotiate. We pointed out the tech
nical impossibility of some condi
tions. . . . Finally we were
obliged to sign."
During the discussion the French
handed the Germans the Paris
newspapers announcing the abdica
tion of Emperor William.
"We observed no smile of tri
umph on their faces," adds the writ
er, "but could discern their hatred."
Chamber of Commerce Will
Help Finance Fort Road
At an executive meeting of the
flirertnre of the Chamber of Com
merce Tuesday evening it was voted
that $1,200 be appropriated out ot
the treasury of the organization and
donated to Sarpy county as an aid
to the completion of the stretch ot
cinder road being built between the
end of the Albright car line and
Fort Crook.
The undertaking is an expensive
one and the work is being done by
the officials of Sarpy county. The
grading and surfacing is being done
by soldiers from Fort Omaha, and it
is .hoped to have the project com-,
pleted in a tew weeks.
Engine Collides With Car
of Cattle; Nobody Hurt
A Northwestern and a Missouri
Pacific freight train collided -en the
crossing near Twenty-fifth and Ban
croft streets early Wednesday morn
ing. The Missouri Pacific engine
struck a car loaded with cattle,
crippling several of the animals. A
number of others were burned by
bers of the train crews was injured,
escaping steam. None of the mem-
A divorce decree hag been entered In
favor of Edgar A. Rothery, who charged
Cora Clark Rothery with Infidelity.
Charles C. Borne, in an answer and
cross-pctltlon to hit wife's petition for
separate maintenance charges extreme
cruelty for a period of three years. Alice
A. Borne resides at 290 North Twenty
sixth street, with three children, Marion,
Harold and Mildred (, 4 and I years old.
The husband asks for a decree of divorce
and custody of the children.' They were
married in Dennison, la., April 10, 1912.
Susie Kirby, 1(19 Ik street, has been
granted a decree of divorce from Bert
Kir by, auto truck driver. The wife was
allowed custody of Vivian. 12-year-old
adopted child and (22.50 per month for
support of the daughter. Mrs. Kirby's
father, John W. Bacon of Ravenna. Neb.,
will care for the child. He la also caring
for Mrs, Kirby's boy by a former mar
riage. The court allowed Vivian the fam
ily piano. The Klrbys were married in
Lexington, Neb., September 23, 190.
Elian Hubbard charges F. David Hub
bard, switchman with being addicted to
Intoxicants and an abusive disposition.
She applied for a decree ot divorce and
alimony. The Hubbards were married in
Alma, Neb.. August 29, 19S7. ,
Hattle J. Miller alleges In a divorce petl.
tloa that her husband, George, compelled
her to live with his people, who refused to
speak to her for "days at a time. ' She
Wkt tor ft decree, alimony and. Diane
Some of Hardest Fighting is
Met on Northern Front;
Reds Try Oratory on
Archangel, Nov. 27. (By Asso
ciated Press.) In log huts and
wind shelters made of birch
boughs, American troops are hold
ing the line against 'the bolsheviki
on the middle sector of the north
ern front in the region of Kadish.
After 10 weeks of fighting in swamps
and thick undergrowth, the Amer
icans now are snowed in and have
bivouacked along an ice filled
stream on the outside of which are
the camp fires of the enemy.
Under British command and with
British forces aiding them, the
American infantrymen on this sec-!
tor probably have had more fighting
and more hardships than other
American units in Russia. The force
has been operating between he
Dvina river and the Vologda rail
road. The roads have been in bad
condition and the only means of
transporting supplies to a greater
part of the front has been wheelbarrow-shaped
carts drawn by Rus
sian ponies.
"Oratorical Artillery."
The bolsheviki at times try the
force of their "oratorical artillery"
on the Americans. On two nights
during the last week English speak
ing bolsheviki appeared in No
Man's land, made speeches urging
the Americans not to fight. Great
red banners printed in English also
are strung along the enemy bank
of the river.
American troops also are operat
ing on the Mehrenga river, 50 miles
south of Seletskoe and in a more
thickly populated Country.- The vil
lage? there are strongly anti-bol-sheviki
and Russian detachments are
aiding the allies. On Wednesday a
Russian detachment surprised and
defeated an enemy force, killing
nearly 100.
Arbitrator Fixes Date
For Hearing on Packing
House Workers' Demand
Chicago, Nov. 27. The demand
of rrearly 75,000 employes at the Chi
cago Union Stock Yards packing
planfs for a 25 cents an hour wage
increase was set for hearing Decem
ber 4 by Judge Samuel Alschuler, ar
bitrator under the "war working
agreement" entered into last Decem
ber by the packers and employes.
The new demand, which means an
increase ranging from 10 to 50 per
cent a day varying according - to
class of employment, not only af
fects the employes in Chicago but
also those in plants operated by the
"Big Five" packers in other cities.
"The principle grounds fc the re
quest for a general increase in wages
is the increase in the cost of liv
ing since the war working agree
ment under which the employes were
given a $1.45 a day advance was en
tered into," said Francis J. Heney,
counsel representing the 15 em
ployes' unions operating in the pack
ing plants and in the , stock yards
The question of women workers
receiving the same pay as men for
the same work will also come up at
the hearing.
Uncle Robert Pays Costs
and Takes Nephew Home
"He's mah half brother's son," ex
plained Robert Jones, negro, "so I
jes got to take care of him."
Earl Jones, negro, just brought
from Chicago on a petit larceny
charge, was the unfortunate nephew.
It is alleged that he stole $75 from
an Omaha man.
"I've squandered over a $1,000 get
ing that boy out of scrapes," contin
ned Uncle Robert, wrathfully. "Jest
look at him; isn't he a fine speci
men?" .
Earl was now crying profusely.
Then uncle relented and paid the
costs of bringing Earl back to
Omaha. .
"It's moneywasted," he muttered,
as he escorted his nephew home
ward, after charges had been dismissed.
Situation Fraught With Peril
Described in Report Pre
pared by Agent of Slo
vene Government.
Paris, Nov. 27. A detailed account
of conditions in southeastern Eu
rope, where the presence of 1,000,000
Austrian army deserters who have
established themselves in fortified
camps in various districts, as well as
of hordes of released prisoners, has
created a dangerous situation, is giv
en in the report recently prepared
for Col. E. M. House by William J
Rose, an asrent of the Slovene gov
ernment, now in Laibach, the new
capital of Slovakia. He suggests va
rious measures to avert bolshevism
which, he affirms, is the danger
threatened by the condition he de
"When I say that the enemy is
bolshevism, I use the term loosely
to describe what is the perfection of
anarchy and the negation of law
and order," says the report. "Mili
tarism is as dead as a gravestone.
There is no shadow of danger that
it will rise again, but a fearful men
ace has come in its place that has be
come a matter of life and death.
"Three special factors have arisen
in the last six months, two of them
in the last month, which have
brought on a condition of things
comparable only with the terror of
the French revolution.
Deserters Organize.
"First, the forming of deserters
from the Austrian armies into what
seems, to be known as German
guards. This began in the spring,
and had reached by September such
dimensions that their numbers were
reckoned at a round 1,000,000. They
wear Austrian uniforms. They
maintain a sort of discipline among
themselves, and by their attitude to
the existing government found
enough sympathy among the peas
antry to be able to get food. Every
kind of pillage of military supplies
helped them maintain their position.
"The people as a whole suffered
little and even welcomed them into
their cottages. Those men were
simply waiting for the general dis
ruption which has aldready came.
"Second, the disaster to the Aus
trian armies on the Italian front set
upward of 1,500,000 disgusted,
demoralized and debauched as well
as hungry, troops free from the dis
cipline of four and a half years.
These men carried their rifles, but
on being loaded into the cattle trains
waiting for them at either Kiagen
furt or Laibach they have to leave
their arms behind and, ipso facto,
threw off restraint. On the way
from, Vienna to Laibach we saw per
haps 20 such trains, each one looking
like a crawling snake covered with
ants, the soldiers lying on the tops
of cars crowding the platforms,
clinging to the windows and even
riding on the axles themselves, al!
beset with one idea to get' home
They have to pass through one, two,
three or four belts of hostile terri
tory, according to whether they are
Germans, Czechs, Poles or Ruthen
ians. Long before they reach home
they take to plundering.
Poland Overwhelmed.
'"Thirdly, when the central em
pires concluded with Russia the
treaty of Brest-Litovsk they at once
began to get prisoners home from
all parts of Russia with which they
had railroad communications. But
not a single train of Russian pris
oners was allowed to return from
Austria or Germany. At least 2,
000,000 Russians were forced to re
main under hard conditions with
little food and no kind of Christian
" As soon as the crash cau.e Aus
tria began to let loose untold thou
sands upon her easter.i boundaries.
Where they were not let loose they
broke out themselves and began to
march to the nearest main line sta
tions for Russia. Germany soon
followed her example, which means
that for the third time in this war
unhappy Poland is overwhelmed
an army of invasion.''
Mr. Rose suggests, among other
things, that the American govern
ment establish consulate or missions
in numerous centers and also advis
ory or relief committees, as well as
to undertake a general campaign
of enlightenment to be carried on
indefinitely by the press and on
the platform to prepare the peoples
for the drastic changes the war has
brought about.
Yankees from Prison
Camps Return to Line
Paris, Nov. 27. American prison
ers from German camps are follow
ing on the heels of the British and
Canadians who have been pouring
into Metz, Nancy, Luneville and
other French frontier towns. The
American Y. M. C. A. is caring for
these men and providing them with
every possible comfort. Among the
American wounded prisoners who
have returned the following are re
ported safely lodged in sleeping
quarters established by the red trian
gle: Privates William Lummus, Can
ton, Tex.; Demas C. Ferreira, Hay
ward, Cal.; Carl D. Kelsey, San Pe
dro, Cal.; Floyd Edcock, Elgin, Tex.;
Eddie J. Hoffman, Llano county,
Mayor Admits He is Shark
at Playing Cards and Pool
Mayor Smith, in the midst of the
controversy over cards and dancing
in school buildings, declared Wed
nesday morning that he is not only
not ferninst cards, but in favor of
"I play pinochle, pitch, cribbane,
five hundred, high five, bzique. Yes,
and I'm a fiend at duplicate whist,"
he said. "People who won't play
cards because cards are used for
gambling might as well say they
won't ride in an automobile because
automobiles are sometimes used for
joy riding." v
"How does the church stand on
the question of card playing?" the
miyor was asked.
"iVtil." j ai& "I aog jfetf ,
some of the stiffest games of whist
I ever ran up against, gentlemen of
the clergy were sitting on the op
posite side of the table.
"We had a whist club for eight
years, played twice a week. Oh, I
got to be a rattling good player, I
can tell you."
'What else do you play?" asked
someone, apparently appalled at the
extent of the mayor's knowledge.
"Well, I play pool," the mayor ad
mitted. "Io, not in pool rooms, but
in my own home. ' Why, when the
boys were home we used to have
to drive the neighbors out many a
night so we could 'go to sleep. I
still play pool there when i caa get
Friends, Neutrals, Foes,
is Order in Which Food
is to Be Distributei
Paris, Nov. ?7. (Havas.)
Herbert C. Hoover, American food
administrator, is here and is tak
ing up with the allies the re-partition
of disposable foodstuffs. The
plan under consideration would
give food first to the allies, then
to neutrals and then to enemies.
Mr. Hoover desires that a com
mission meet at Brussels to ex
amine the merits of German re
quests for food.
One Hundred Thousand Pack'
ages Daily Arrive at Pier
for Shipment to Sol
diers at Front.
New York, Nov. 27. Packages
by the carload are arriving at Pier
86, Last river, and l,4l)U mail clerks,
assisted by 150 soldiers, are busy
sorting the parcels that will mean
a Merry Christmas for every Amer
ican fighting man in France.
Every package destined for France
must go through this mail station.
The packages are arriving now at
an average of about 100,000 a day.
The first ship to carry Christmas
packages was the Manchuria,
which sailed November 22.
No Empty Stockings.
Next Saturday is the last 1 day
Christmas packages for overseas
will be received.
A number of the packages are ad
dressed: "To some American sol
dies who otherwise would not re
ceive a Christmas present."
These packages are being sent to
the Red Cross and it is believed
that there will not be a single
empty stocking "over there."
Indian Princess Wins
Adoration of Small
London Town Boys
London, Nov. 27. Princess
Tsianina, a real American Indian
princess, has arrived in London,
and all the little boys in the neigh
borhood of her hotel are tremen
dously excited. They form an
awe-gripped retinue for her
whenever she takes a walk, follow
ing at a respectful distance with
worshipful eyes. They have found
oat that she is the daughter of a
Cherokee mother and that her
father is a member of the Muskogee
Being more familiar, as are their
American cousins, with wild west
stories' than with geographies, their
imaginations are fired by the prin
cess' buffalo robe, her moccasins
of soft cherry colored skin, her
necklace of buffalo bone, which was
presented to her by Indians as a
token of affection, and her filet of
Indian beadwork. Far from resent
ing this youthful homage the prin
cess seems to enjoy it thoroughly.
Her mission in Europe is to sing
Indian songs to Indian troops, of
whom there are about 20,000 in
France, ranging from privates to
Brought up by white people, the
possessor of a fine voice which has
been well trained, Princess Tsian
ina is regarded by the British press
as an interesting product of twen
tieth century America.
The princess deprecates wild west
shows and wild west movies, which
she says have given Europeans an
entirely wrong idea of her people.
Ex-Kaiser Receives
Flowers and Dainties
From Friends Daily
Amerongen, Holland, Nov. 27.
The former emperor went for a
drive this afternoon with his host,
Count von Bentuirk, accompanied
by his usuai police guard.
He daily receives flowers and
dainties from friends, but as often
letters or postcards are delivered
at the castle addressed William
I hei. llern," in the send
ers express hatred or contempt
The missives probably are carefully
withhe.d from the one-time emper
or. German inmates of thj Wolfhazen
internment camp recently came to
blows over the former emperor's
pc trait.
Because of French and British'
newspaper criticism the Handels-
blad demands that the Dutch govern
ment define exactly the former em
peror s position and the extent of
his liberty of movement here, as
nothing official so far has been made
public, except that Count von Ben
tinck, at the government's request,
extended his hospitality to the
As regards Frederick Hohenzol
lern, the former crown prince, the
paper says he undoubtedly h a
military person and has been intern
ed as such.
Kolchak, Siberian Dictator,
Assassinated, Report in Japan
Honolulu, Nov. 27. Cable advices
received here today by the Nippu
Jigi, a Japanese daily newspaper,
stated it was reported in Japan that
Admiral Kolchak, the dictator of
Siberia, has been assassinated at
Omsk. No details were given
(By J. W. P.)
No. 8.
There's BIG IDEA in Harry James
Smith's brilliant ' American comedy, "A
TAILOR-MADE MAN," which Cohan and
Harris will offer to local playgoers at the
Brandeis Theatre for four days beginning
next Sunday, December 1st.
The big idea is SHIPBUILDING I
The late Harry James Smith, author ot
the play, must have been a prophet. Even
before America entered the war, he foresaw
that tha United States was to achieve a
dominant place among the nations ot the
world by building ships and ships and
mora ships. 1
See how the big idea is worked out In
"A TAILOR-MADE M"AN." Styled the
"funniest American comedy in years." it's
mora than that. It's great ply out of
the ordinary.
Better order your aeata early.
And then read Jnttmatalalk lio. 4 U
awatfsf '
Post May Be Declined on the
Ground That Wealth Might
Prove Embarrassing
to Official.
Washington, Nov. 27. Bernard
M. Baruch, chairman -of the war in
dustries board, it was understood
today, has been offered the post of
secretary of the treasury to succeed
Secretary McAdoo.
Whether he will be nominated is
an open question. Without actually
declining to serve, it is said, Mr.
Baruch has urged upon the presi
dent strongly his belief that he
should not enter the cabinet, on the
ground that his wealth, largely in
government and other securities,
would be seriously embarrassing.
The ill health of Carter Glass,
chairman of the' house banking and
currency committee, who also has
been mentioned for the office, is
said to have been influential in de
termining the president to ask Mr.
Baruch to put aside his known ob
jections. For director general of railroads
to succeed Mr. McAdoo, Charles A.
Prouty, now director of the rail
road administration's division of
public service and accounts, is be
lieved to be one of the men under
Camp Zachary Taylor
Set Aside for Military
Training of Civilians
Chicago, Nov. 27. A step to
wards universal training has been
taken by the government, accord
ing to Wharton Clay, executive sec
retary of the Military Training
Camps association, with the au-
l.nrWatinn tnnav of Camn ZacharV
Taylor near Louisville, Ky., as a
training camp tor civilians.
Th rnmn uliirri will lie in com
mand of Capt. C. L. Ceals, U.S.A,
will start January o, and a limited
number of civilians will be enrolled
for two weeks' training.
Ukrainians Are in Full
Accord With Entente
Amsterdam, 'Nov. 27. Premier
Hprhel nf Ukraine has declared in
an interview that Ukraine is already
in full accord with the entente,
whose representatives are expected
at Kiev soon, according to a Kiev
Hisnateh to the Rhenish Westphalian
Gazette of Essen. He added that
Ukraine will belong to the new Kus
sian federal state.
Hartwell Sues News for
$25,000 Damages for Libel
Thomas Hartwell has filed an
amended petition in district court
in connection with his $25,000 dam
age suit against the Omaha Daily
News. . .
Hartwell alleges that an article
printed in the News on August 7,
1912, was malicious ana aeiama-
And Will Be at The
Union Outfitting Co.,
16th and Jackson Sts.
Saturday, Nov. 30,
The Opening Day
" of Our
Big Toyland
And Remember We
Positively Guarantee
to Save You
From 25 to 50 on
Your Toy Purchases.
Our BigToyland opens Sat
urday, Nov. 30, and is conven
iently located on our big Main
Floor. Come and see the
mammoth stocks of toys, dolls
and games. Come and see the
electric and mechanical trains
in operation. Come and see
the big assortments of Hobby
and Rocking Horses, Automo
biles, Express Wagons, Veloci
pedes, Dolls Beds, Doll Go
Carts, Sleds, Etc., Etc. We
invite every little girl to bring
her dollie to our big toyland
and whether it be large or
small we will fit it FREE with
a handsome pair of Dqll Slip
pers. We advise an early selec
tion. Purchases held and de
livered later if so desired, and
as' always you make your own
Interesting Display of
Old Guns Shown in
Jones-Hanson Window
The Jones-Hansen-Cadillac com
pany, Twenty-sixth and Farnam
streets, has arranged in a corner
of its showroom a very interesting
exhibit of firearms. Some of these
models date back 300 years and the
display includes almost every type
of pistol manufactured. The collec
tion is the property of A. T. Hill
of Hastings, Neb., who has made
this collection a lifetime hobby.
A Chinese matcjilock rifle said to
be over 300 years old is probably the
oldest of thte collection. This
unique design was picked up some
where on the Chinese wall.
'Another interesting object is a
German helmet of the type used by
the kaiser's bodyguard. It is said
that this helmet belongs to an Omaj
ha man, but that he ceased to be
proud of this possession some time
ago. '
Another interesting type of fire
arms is a "double-barreled muzzle
shot." The barrel of this weapon is
as thin as u sheet of paper. Among
the other exhibits are a .22 caliber
nickel duster; also a palm pistol
with a wheel type shooting cylin
der. The cylinder of this palm
pistol is of a design smilar to the
Lewis machine gun. There are
numerous styles of powder horns,
such as our forefathers used as far
back as revolutionary war times.
To add a touch of modernism to
this display the Townsend Gun
company has furnished a modern
Remington rifle and a perfectly
good grenade of the type used in
One Governor Objects to
Another on Peace Board
Charleston. W. ' Va.. Nov. 27.
Governor McCall of Massachusetts
is charged by Governor Cornwell of
West Virginia with fostering ill will
toward the south, in a telegram sent
by the latter to President Wilson,
protesting against the appointment
of Mr. McCall on the peace commis
sion in Paris. Governor McCall sev
eral months ago refused to honor
Governor Cornwell's requisition for
a negro wanted here for a serious
crime and this is made the basis of
the West Virginia executive's pro
test. Sherley to Try to Save
Money for U. S. Treasury
Washington, Nov. 27. Cabinet
members and heads of all war agen
cies were asked today by Chairman
Sherley of the house appropriations
committee to attend hearings begin
ning Monday, at which it will be de
termined what part of war appro
priations may be returned to the
treasury. Committee members be
lieve several billion dollars can be
returned to the treasury by the inquiry.
Plans Laid for Having Christ-,
mas Celebration Extend
Over Greater Portion
of Holiday Week.
Omaha's Christmas celebration as
outlined at a meeting in the city
council chamber Wednesday after
noon will continue for a week and
will be the biggest observance of its
kind ever given by the city. It will
Monday Night, December 23 En
tertainment in the Auditorium for
the soldiers
Tuesday Night, Christinas Eve
Christmas tree and gifts for the
poor children of the city in the Au- j
ditorium. ! I
Thursday, Friday and Saturdaj j
Nights Visits to all the hospital i s
old people's homes, shut-ins. etc.Vp1
by bands of Christmas cheer bear- x
ers. Thty will sing carols and give
niusicalntertainments to the sick
and old and orphans, besides giving
little remembrances.
This entertainment is being
planned by the city authorities,
working with 13 war organizations
and various churches.
The meeting Wednesday was held
by a committee of IS, appointed by
the mayor. The following executivt
committee was appointed:
Fred C. Williams and Frances
Range, War Camp Community serv
ice; Randall Brown. Major Van Os
trand, C. F. Bossie, Mrs. C. T.
Kojntze and Richard Grotte.
This committee will appoint sub
committees, and thus carry out the
plans, which will take shape at the
meeting Friday. Another fecture
of this year's celebration is to be a
candle burning in the window in
every home in Omaha Christmas eve
Russian Railroad Heads
Here and Inspect the
Industries of This City
G. B. Lebedeff, engineer in charge
of the Russian railroads, and S. A.
Pautiloff, his assistant; are in Oma
ha. T-hey will remain several days,
when they will be joined by five
other members of the Russian rail
way commission, after which they
will continue their journey east
ward. The Russian railroad men are ,
here for the purpose of studying
the railway and highway problems,
with a view to applying American
Heas to the transportation lines in '
T takes a pretty well-built suit to
withstand the activities of the
average business man. -
t Nicoll suits are tailored with un
usual care in order that they may re
tain that air of distinction which is
soon lost in less perfect clothes.
A large and splendid array of
Tweeds, Serges, Worsteds, Cheviots ,
awaits your choosing here.
Specially priced this week
$30, $35, $40
Nicoll's fabrics are priced in
plain figures.
NICOLL The Tailor
WS Jeivems' Sons
209-211 So. 15th Street Karbach Block
VJalnut Block Coal
$8.70 Per Ton
This flaming, blocky coal, quick to kindle, long
lasting ancLa strong heat producer, was once the
favorite in Omaha.
We sell the same old-fashioned honest Walnut
Block that has made "warm friends" for thirty-odd
Third Floor Keeline Bldg. Phone Tyler 2700.
Good Coal Good Service.