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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1918)
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1918. jl BIG TURK HOLDS STAGE AT OMAHA nmii mv am aim ruuLini anuw t: - o - -1 .1 ia n i i Rivals Famous White -i House Birds; Hold Dinner Tonight. . An exhibit at the poultry show, which will be of peculiar interest Thanksgiving day, is a turkey gob bler which tips the scales at 40 pounds. It is the equal size of any of the- famous birds that are shipped from Rhode Island. vear after vear grace the Thanksgiving banquet t the White House. Members of the Omaha Poultry association, exhibitors and visitors last evening enjoyed a smoker. There was a good attendance at the show and the demonstration of can ning chicken by the cold pack pro- cess, given by Miss Chamberlain, home demonstrator of Omaha, and Miss Esther Ord of the Home Economics Extension bureau of the University of Nebraska, attracted great attention. Model City Poultry Plant. An exhibit of peculiar interest to the city dwellers' is xa model back yard poultry plant, designed for the - rear of the city lot. It consists of an ideal poultry house and an exer cise yard. The plant is about 14x14 and is capabteof housing and giving yard space to a flock of a dozen fowl. With this economic arrangement it is possible for most city dwellers to maintain a small flock of chickens , without irritation to the neighbors. It is estimated that one fowl will . consume a bushel of grain in a year and drink 10 gallons of water. A hen should lay in that period 12 dozen eggs, valued at $5. Automatic Food Devices. It is recommended that every city dweller with a suitable back yard keep two laying hens for each mem ber ot the tamily m a plant of this kind and it would go a long way toward . helping to solve the high :ost of living. Exhibits which re attracting a great deal of intetest to breeders and others are the automatic sani tary feeding ands. watering devices, cal brooders anct exercisers for v the sanitary trapnests, the mcchani young chicks, the various insectides, germicides and patent foods. All of these are conservation,, de vices of th'e most approved kind "and of themselves almost solve the prob lem of successfully raising fowl. A great amount of educational literature is being distributed by the firms making these exhibits and this v will have a far-reaching effect in stimulating poultry raising by no vices. Turkey Supper Tonight. Tonight a turkey supper will be given by the members of the asso ciation to exhibitors and invited guests. The awarding of premiums will v be made on Friday when the scor ing of the birds in competition will have been completed. Poultry canning demonstrations will also be given on Friday. Daily lectures on poultry breeding and the care of fowl will also be fea tures, these talks being made by fedeVal jfnd state experts. Railroads to Observe ; Thanksgiving Day at Suggestion of McAdoo Thanksgiving day is to be ob served by the railroad people as never before. Following a sugges tion of Director General McAdoo, all headquarters offices . will be closed during the entire day. The freight offices. The consolidated ticket office will remain open until noon. After that hour travelers will ' buy their tickets at the depbts. Regardless of Thanksgiving day, passenger trains will run as usual. , Whenever possible, freight trains will be annulled. , Stolen Car is Recovered , When Automobiles Collide C. E. Smith, Irvington, was driv ing west on Hamilton street Tues day night when a Ford car collided with him , at the intersection of Hamilton and Thirty-first streets. Before Smith could extricate himself from his car the two men driving the Ford fled. Smith, at ente suspicious, noti fied the police, who discovered that Peterson, who had reported the theft about 15 minutes before. None of the occupants was in ,jured. Modern Sherlock Holmes Pays $3.50 for Adam's Ale A federal booze hound, while scouting around the South Side Tuesday night accosted a large "cul lud gemm'an" on the dark side, of a telephone post and quickly consum mated a business transaction, the dark business man receiving $3.50 and Jthe federal sleuth a pint bottle of suspicious liquid. The federal official then displayed a gun and a badge and retrieved his $3.50, bring ing his prisoner to headquarters, along with the pint bottle of per fetfty innocent hydrant water. The prisoner was released. AH' South Slav Parties k Form Union at Agram Copenhagen, ftov. 27. An assem bly of representatives of all south Slav parties at Agram Saturday pro claimed a union of all the south Slave districts of Austria-Hungary and Serbia and Montenegrq. w I Violates Armistice. Rome, Nov. 26.-i-Austria-Hungary is violating the armistice by releas ing Italian prisoners without food """ and poorly clothed, says an official note - issued through the Stefani agency. The Italians also are "being set free all at once instead of in - successive sections. Thd Bee is the best papeWn Ne braska. Ask the person who cads it, Briel City News Lighting Fixtures Burgess-Granden Have Root Print It Beacon Press. Omaha Man Weds In Chicago A marriage license was Issued Wednes day In Chicago to Martin Horning of Omaha and Mrs. Martha Kasch ot Chicago. Early Morning Prayer The Jen nings Methodist church will hold an early morning Thanksgiving prayer service in the church at 6:30 this morning. Organ Recital Postponed. The recital which was to have been held next Sunday evening In the First rresbyterian church has been post poned, and an evening service will be held in its place. Holiday at Postofflce Carriers an d other employes of the Omaha postofflce will be allowed a full holi day today. No deliveries will be made from the main office or the sub-stations. Mothers' Club to Meet Friday The West Omaha Mothers' club. Red Cross auxiliary, will hold a meeting Friday, afternon at 1 o'clock at the home of Mrs. B. P. Barber, 4110 Davenport street. Thanksgiving Celebration A peace Thanksgiving and chancel celebration wUlbe given oy the children of the city Talmud Torah, this afternon at 3 o'clock In the synagogue at nineteenth and Burt streets. Give Dance for Employes. A big dance was given "Wednesday evening by the Union Outfitting company for their employes, in the Hotel Rome, which was attended by nearly 500 couples. Fifty boxes of candy were distributed among the ladies. Parole Alleged Wife Beater. George Davis, 1813 Vinton, was ar raigned in police court Wednesday, charged with abusing his wife, and parolled for 60 days. "If I ever say another cross word to you," he told his wife, "I hope you'll send me to the pen." Gets - Indeterminate Sentence Charles Brown, 19-year-old resident of the Pouth Side, was sentenced In district court to an indeterminate imprisonment of three to fifteen years. He was convicted of holding up Hugh Toner on the L street via duct and stealing $46. Retrial In Damage Case Judge Leslie in district court is hearing a retrial of an action brought by Mrs. Edith Kerr against the Travelers' Insurance company for $5,000 on a policy held by her late husband. J. Fred Kerr. A verdict in the first case awarded Mrs. Kerr $360.60. Polish Recruiting Mission A del egation of Poles who went from America and . fought in the Polish army and now have returned and are recruiting for that army will be in Omaha next Tuesday. They will be received at the city hall at 2 o'clock in the afternoon by the mayor. Hold for Cutting Will Dorey, negro, 2305 Pacific street, charged with cutting Sam Mibibille. an Ital ian, with intent to do bodily Injury, waived preliminary hearing in po lice court Wednesday and was bound over to the district court on a bond of $750. Mibibillo is confined at the Lord Lister hospital recovering from wounds received in his alleged en counter with Dorey. Edward Elected President. Al bert Edward was chosen president of the February graduating class of the Central High school Tuesday. Oilier officers are: Blanche Timbcrlake, vice-president; Muriel Weber, secre tary; Bruechart Reuel, treasurer; Tom .Matthews and PattI Atkinson, sergeants-at-arms. Miss Jessie Towne and Miss Louise Stegner were chosen class teachers. The class has about 35 members. - Gets $400 Judgment Lorena Ta ber was awarded a Judgment of $400 by a Jury !n Judge Leslie's court in settlement of her claim for $5,000 against the Omaha and Council Bluffs -Street Railway company. The plaintiff alleged that while alighting from one of the defendant com pany's cars at Twenty-fourth and Arbor streets a sudden Jerk of the car threw her to the pavement, causing injuries. Held for Stealing Car Jacob Dil Insky, 2514 Hamilton street, was bound over to the district co,urt Wednesday on a $1,000 bond. He is charged with stealing a car belong ing to Rev. Rhinehart Ulviden. 2708 Caldwell street. Rev. Mr. Ulviden's car was stolen Tuesday night from a garage1 at 2611 Hamilton street. De tectives Schinoskl and Murphy ar rested Dilinsky Wednesday morning. Fine fireplace goods at Sunderland's. Keen Hotel Property is Sold for $160,000 to Harney Realty Co. The first important real estate transfer recorded by Register of Deeds Pearce for a long time was made Wednesday morning when the Keen hotel property was sold to the Harney Realty company for a con sideration of $160,000. The sale included, consideration a lease held by Harry A. Wolf, who held an .option to buy the property for $160,000 at any time prior to May 31, 19247 The property was owned by S. S. Curtis, Kate Belinda Curtis, Carita Curtis Bird and . Dimon Bird, with the United States Trust company-mentioned as a trustee. This hotel site covers two lots on Eighteenth street, between Farnarii and Harney streets. - Fifty Tons of Good Things to Eat Given To Poor by Kiddies Fifty tons of apples, vegetables, canned fruits and jellies are this year's Thanksgiving contribution of Omaha school children to the city's poor. The distribution will be under the supervision of Major McCor mack of"the Volunteers of America, Mrs. George Doane of the Associat ed Charities and the Visiting Nurse association. Fifteen charitable organizations will profit by' these donations, for the receiving of which the empty s(ore building at 1313 Douglas street was used. Mjtfor McCormack thanks all those participating in the collec tion and distribution. HYMENEAL Poffengerger-Teats Miss Lulu Teats and Charles M. Poffenberger, both of Savannah, 111., were married by Rev. Charles W. Savidge at his residence Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. ZIMMAN SAYS GAMBLING NOT UNUSUAL HERE ! Asserts He Sees No Harm in "Technical Violation" of . Rules and Refuses Information. City Commissioner Zimman re fused to inform Fohce Commission er Ringer of certain hotels in Omaha where it is Said gambling is going on. The little pass between the commissioners took olace at the hearing of Harry Norman, colored, before the city council Wednesday morning. Norman conducts a pool hall at 2604 N street. Police officers raided it and captured gambling paraphernalia. They testified that a lookout was always stationed out side to warn of the approach of po lice. Norman's license was not re voked, the six commissioners pres ent being evenly divided on the final vote. Commissioner Zimman, in ex plaining his vote against revoking the license, said: Cites Instances. "Shaking dice is practiced in many places. At the Commercial club you can shake dice for cigars. In the hotels, cigar stores, and other places we see men shaking dice for cigars or drinks, and if this is al lowed why should we stop some colored men from doing it. "I know men that play pinochle for 50 cents a game or pitch for 10 cents a card. I know 16 men who get together regularly twice a week in a hotel and play poker for money." Sees No Harm In It. . "You better give the police de partment the information where and when this is done," said Ringer. "I will certainly do nothing of the kind," Zimman said. "It jnay be a technical violation of the rules concerning gambling but I see no harm in what these men do and I certainly shall give no information that might lead to their arrest." OBITUARY DR. ROBERT E. LAMOREAUX, dentist, died at his home, 817 South Thirty-sixth street, at midnight Tuesday after 10 days' illness of gall stones. He came to Omaha from Ashland. Neb., 25 years ago and has been engaged in the practice of his frofesisoa hers sine then ; No Dancing Will Be Permitted in School Community Centers There will bejio dancing at the community centers in the Omaha nnhlic schools. The school board, meeting in ses sion of the committee of the whole at noon Wednesday, decided by a vote of 6 to 3 to "request" the Wel fare board not to have dances at the community centers The re quest amounts to a command. "I am, in favor of dancing, but opposed to dancing in the public school buildings," said President Reed. '"I have received, numerous protests from patrons of the schools against the dancing feature of the community centers and we believe the excellent work of the commun ity centers c an be carried on with out dancing. There are many other things that can be done which no body will object to." Mayor Smith is heartily in favor of dancing at the community cen ters and declared he would attend the meetings and dance with the people. Miss Sterba, recreation director, had prepared a liberal program of dancing at the community centers. The school board meeting lasted more than an hour and there was vigorous debate on the Subject. Three members were absent. Red Cross to Assist in N Welcoming Boys in Khaki on Return Home The government has announced to the Red Cross that demobiliza tion of the army has begun and about 500 men are being released daily from each camp and urges the Red Cross and all the home people to co-operate in welcoming the sol diers home. Canteen units are requested to meet the trains and all civic organ izations are asked to. make the sol diers' homecoming a glorious cele bration. It is suggested that each city erect an honor rol containing the names of all its men ia the serv ice so that the men will feel that the country is grateful to each sol dier. The government will allow each released soldier 3 12 cents a mile trav eling expenses to his home. Pubfhr Improvements Are to Receive Consideration The capital issues committee have voted that hereafter where materia! and labor are available, issues for improvement of highways, and for building schools, hospitals, water, sewage, drainage and irrigation systems-, and for the improvement of fire and police protection, wilf re ceive favorable consideration when economic importance is shown to exist. The committee will also give favorable consideration to industrial and public utility issues where the improvements contemplated are compatible with readjustment of a peace basis. INCREASE BABY'S STRENGTH Everybody loves a baby and everybody wants a baby abun dantly robust. There are many young children to whom SCOTT'S EMULSION given in small portions at intervals during each day, would be an important factor in overcoming malnutrition and starting them well on the road to robust ness. Every drop oPScOtt's ia par, rich nourishment, the kind that bxtUd strength and promote healthy growth. QblMren Thrive on Soott's Scott Bowne, SSoomfidd, It. J. U-1S WAR. PUZZLES CANADIAN GOVERNMENT COM MANDEERED All high-grade wheat three years age today, November 28, 1915. Find another farmer. . YESTERDAY'S ANSWER Upside do ten nose at right hand. Army and Navy Club Will Have Canteen Service Next Week A recreational canteen in the Army and Navy club will be estab lished by the National League for Woman's Service. At an executive meeting held Tuesday, a committee composed of Mrs.' L. J. Healey, chairman; Mrs. Luther Kountze, Mrs. George Joslyn and Mrs. E. P. Peck was named to take charge. The billiard room will be used for the canteen. For the first week the canteen will be open only Saturday and Sunday evenings between 4 and i, tut Mrs. Healey plans to keep it open daily within a week. The yVar Camp Community service will co operate. Too Little Sugar Breaks Up Home of Gilliams Sugar regulations was one of the disturbing factors in the domestic life of Ethel and W.rR. GVam, according to evidence before Judge Troup Wednesday afternoon when the wife was granted a decree of divorce. Mrs. Gilliam testified that her husband became abusive when the sugar bowl was low and after the sugar quota had been almost ex hausted. Excessive use of intoxi cants was another charge made, by the wife. The wife was granted custody of an 8-year-old son. South Side Morris & Co. Employes at South Side Plant to Get Christmas Bonus The management of the big Mor ris Packing company received word from the head office of the com pany yesterday stating that all sal aried employes at the local plant will be given a 10 per cent bonus as a Christmas gift - About 300 will receive the bonrs at the south side plant. South Side Man is Fined for Resisting an Officer Stanley Tyrasowski was fined $100 and costs in police court Wednesday morning by Judge Wheeler for re sisting an officer. Felix Dolan. de tective, went to Tyrasowski's resi dence armed with a warrant for his arrest, November 23. Tyrasowski was suspected of illegal possession of liquor. When Tyrasowski saw Dolan coming, he ran into the kitch en and locked the door. Dolan forced the door open and when he entered the kitchen a fight took place. Mrs. Tyrasowski had a bottle of whisky hidden in her dress, which she destroyed before Dolan succeeded in taking it frdm her. Neither Dolan or Tyrasowski were seriously injured. South Side Citizen Dies Following Long Illness James Shubert, 52 yean of i.e. died at his home, 5242 South Eight eenth street, Saturday night after an illness of several years. The funeral will be held Thursday after noon at the fa.nily residence at 2 o'clock, with interment in Graceland Park cemetery. He is survived by his wife and three daughters, Mrs. Joseph Dwurak, Mrs. Charles Pos pisel and Kathrine Shubert, and three sons, George, Carl and John. Council Bluffs Boy Held "for Robbery on South Side James Smith, 19 years of age, 1710 Avenue E, Council Bluffs, was bound over to the district court Tuesday on $2,000 bend for holding up Hugh Toner and Leo Koupski o:i t" L street viaduct the night of Oc tober 17. Smith's case was lie 1 before Judge Holmes in the South Side court. Charles Brown, an ac complice of Smith, is in the county jail awaiting sentence on similar charges. Nurse in Nicholas Senn Hospital Dies Monday May Kudrla, 22 years of age, died in the Nicholas Senn hospital Mon day night of pneumonia. Miss Kudrla 'had entered the hospital Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days DruifKistg refund money it PAZO OINT MENT fails to cure Itching, Blind. Bleed ing or Protruding piles. Stops Irritation: Soothes and Heals. You can get restful sleep after the first application. Price 60c. Charter No. 2978. Reserve District No. 10. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE ' UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK AT Omaha, in the State of Nebraska, at the Close of Business on November 1, 1918. , RESOrRCES. Loans and discounts, Including rediscounts $1183,737 01 Notes and bills rediscounted (other than bank ac- ' ceptances sold) Overdrafts, unsecured jj jjq g. Customers' liability under letters of credit actually ' used and for which this bank has not been eim- bursed 5,952.00 Customers liability account of "Acceptances" exe cuted by this bank and by other banks for account ! ' of this bank and now outstanding 30c 000 00 C. 8." bonds (other than Liberty bonds but including ' U. S. certificates of indebtedness): , 1 U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) .. tO, 000 00 U. S. bonds and certificates of indebtedness pledged ' to secure U. S. deposits (par value) 220,000.00 , U. S. bonds and certificates of indebtedness pledged as collateral for bills payable 1,425,000.00 1,095,000.00 Liberty Loan bonds: Liberty Loan bonds, SH, 4 and 4 per cent, un pledged 202,800.00 Liberty Loan bonds, 3, 4 and 4 per cent, pledged to secure bills payable 100,000.00 Payments actually made on Liberty iVi, per cent bonds of the Fourth Liberty loan owned 2,564,850.00 i,8C7,650.00 Bonds, Securities, etc. (other than U. S.): . Bonds (other than U. S. bonds) pledged to secure U. S. deposits 354,000.01 Bonds (other than V. S. bonds) pledged to secure postal savings deposits 166,600.00 Securities other than U. S. bonds (not including stocks) owned unpledged 125,046.45 Total bonds, securities, etc., other than U. S 645,540.45 Stock of Federal Reserve bank (50 per cent of sub scription) ". ... 54,000.00 Value of banking house, owned and unincumbered., 850,000.00 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve bank 1,286,631.88 Items with Federal Reserve bank in process ot col lection (not available as reserve) v 832,604.21 Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks 2.518,079.66 Net amounts due from banks, bankers and trust companies other than Included in above three items 552,089.74 Exchanges tor clearing house 298,835.04 Checks on other banks in the same city or town as " reporting bank (other than above items) 20,703.25 Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash items 257,454.96 Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer and due from U. S. treasurer ,19,300.00 War savings certificates and thrift stamps actually - owned 1 11,711.16 Other assets, if any Liberty loan bonds sold on con tract first three issues 123,700.00 Total' $22,120,519.09 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 1 100 000 00 Surplus fund 700,000.00 Undivided profits , 234,221.18 Less currrent expenses, interest, and taxes paid 221.18 234,000.00 Interest and discount collected or credited, in ad vance of maturity and not earned (approximate). 79,161.56 Amount reserved for taxes accrued 40146443 Circulating notes outstanding 6oiooo!o0 Net amounts due to National banks 2,021,685.38 ' Net amounts due to banks, bankers and trust com panies (other than included in above items) 2,717,129.85 Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to reserve (deposits payable withtn 30 days). Individual deposits subject to check 9,609,287.71 . Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) 125,910.30 Certified checks 10,001.98 Cashier's checks outstanding 62,809.38 Dividends unpaid 74.00 Time deposits subject to reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings): ' , Certificates of deposit (other than for maney bor rowed) , 483,607.83 Postal savings deposits 116,302.32 United States deposits (other than postal savings): War loan deposit account .Tk 1,269,850.05 Other U. S. deposits, including deposits of U. S. dis bursing officers . ' 220,000.00 16,636.658.79 U. S. bonds borrowed, including Liberty loan and - certificates of Indebtedness, without furnishing collateral security for same. 152,000.00 Bills payable, with Federal Reserve bank 1,728,200.00 Cash letters ot credit and travelers' checks out standing 6.952.00 Acceptances executed by this bank for its customers 300,000.00 Liabilities other than those above stated, partial payments on Liberty bonds 1,094,182.31 Total $22,120,519.09 Liabilities for rediscounts, including those with Fed eral Reserve bank , 1.013,006.79 State of Nebraska, County ot Douglas, ss: I. R. P. Morsman, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the nest of my knowledge and belief. R. P. MORSMAN, Cashier. . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of November, 1918. E. E. LANDSTROM, Notary Public Correct Attest: " S. S. CALDWELL, " A. L. REED, .' E. M. MORSMAN, . Directors. . t ... ,. . . . , ...... three months before as a student nurse. The funeral will be held at 8:30 o'clock Thursday morning in the home of her aunt, with services in the Church of Assumption. The body will be taken to Wahoo for burial. Miss Kudrla is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frtmk Kudrla and five sisters Gertrude, Lillian. Clara, Elizabeth and Louise, and one brother, John. South Side Brevities Will buy Liberty bohds. Room 1226, Woodmen Bldg. The Tackers National Bank, Twenty fourth and Q, will keep jour Liberty bonds without charge. Two cars of Diets No. 8 coal for base burners due to arrive this week. Phono us your order before It Is all sold. Phone South S3. O. E. Harding Coal company. Released from Jail When Judge Finds He is Sick R. E. McLecster, convicted in fed- i cral court several weeks ago on the i charge of bootlegging and sentenced to 60 days in jail, was released Tuesday by Judge Woodrough upon the plea of relatives and a -doctor's certificate that his health was being impaired by his incarceration in the county jail. McLeester received considerable notoriety by escaping from federal officials at the court room door at the time he received his sentence. He was at large three days before being taken into custody and finally lodged in jail. . Herbert Field, Wounded in France, Reaches States Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Field, Wednesday received a telegram stating that their son, Herbert, jr.. seriously wounded July IS, last while lighting with the United States forces in France, had landed in New York and that he would be sent to a hospital there to remain until able to come home. Young Field was a corporal in Company K, Sixth reginient,vL'nited States engineers and was at the front several weeks prior to being wounded. The DIET' During and Mter The Old Reliable Round Package Alleges Company Broke Contract; Asks Damages Herbert I, Gannett has filed pe tition in district court for $12,000 against the Douglas Motors cor poration, alleging breach of contract. Mr. Gannett contends that he was engaged as manager for a period of three years at $500 prr month, giving up a position in Buf falo. N. Y., to come to Omaha, and he further alleges that on a recent date "his services were summarily dispensed with." in violation of his rnnlrt with p defendants I Jj ftFLUENZA KlQiriocIVs f 'TsTrWf' L MGNt Wli mm n n waited mim Very Nutritious, Digestible The REAL food Drtnk. Instantly picpared. Made h iha ORIGINAL Hot lick process and from carefully eleoted material. , . Used successfully over Vi centiiry PnirtrfiPfi hv nhvsirians everywhere. . Specif) HOrlidl S The 0rigi!d Others Are Imitations sf.4. URI ess-Mash Got . Ufa Cfinsimas Store for 6vcryody Our Store Will be Closed All Day Thursday Thanksgiving Day 0 but great plans have been perfected for several unusual value-giving events throughout the store Friday; among them are: --Choice of the house sale of Millinery at $5,00 Great clearaway of tailored suits at $15 .00 and $30. 00 --Sale of house dresses at $1.00 in Downstairs Store i See Thursday papers for full particulars. r iJii A Gift Suggestion for Mother. You'll be pleased to do it Electrically after you have had an electric washer installed in your home, you will just naturally wonder how you "got along"- without one. v the electric vasher takes the worry, work and wear out of .washing, and it is done'quicker and more economically, too. You just place the clothes and hot water in the tub and turn the switch. .You'll be surprised how well it washes the clothes come out clean and white and it does not tear the most delicate of fabrics. Nebraska Power Co. "Your Electric Service Co." s 15th and Farnam Sts. .'hone Tyler Three One Hundred. South Side Electric Shop, 2314 M Street Phone South Three.