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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1918)
"V" THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1918L ENGLISH MAY BE TONGUE USED AT PEACEPARLEYS French, Customary Medium of Diplomacy, May Be Dis carded for Conven v ience of Majority. Paris, Nov. 27. The question of jonducting the proceedings of the peace congress in English is being discussed with some prospect that this innovation will be brought bout. a If it is, it will be the first grefet international congress with English as the official language, as rrench has long been recognized as the medium of diplomacy. For practical reasons, it is said, the use of the English language would be more convenient to a larger number of the delegates than French, for the sessions of the inter-allied conference all but two of the delegates spoke English, whereas a consider able number did not speak rrench, and were unable to understand the proceedings when French was used. Forty-nine Belgian Priests Tortured and Put to Death by Huns Malines, Belgium, Nov. 27. (Hav as) Forty-nine Belgian priests wire tortured and put to death by the Germans during the occupation, Cardinal Mercier, the primate of Belgium, declared in an interview today. He added that 12,000 men were removed from his diocese to Germany, where they were forced to work. Other crimes committed by the Germans, the cardinal said, were too long and too terrible to relate briefly. The cardinal related that in the early stages of unrestricted German submarine warfare, the marquis of Villalobar, the Spanish minister to Belgium, called on the German gov ernor general in Brussels and asked him to intervene with Berlin to limit the submarine warfare to the belligerents. The Spanish minister gave the governor this advice: "The Americans are exasperated and are on the verge of joining the allies, wich will mean the defeat of the central empires." "We have no fear whatever of the Americans, who will .never be able to , help the allies," the governor' general replied haughtily, the car dinal said. "An army cannot be rais ed in a few months. Three years at least will be necessary for them, and France and her modest ally, the British, will be crushed long before that." . British Troops Occupy Huns' Former Quarters s at Capital of Turkey Constantinople, Nov. 27. British troops yesterday marched from their ships to the British embassy, and , through applauding crowds to bar racks just evacuated by the Ger mans. The sultan has- given two palaces, one kiosk and one farm in the out skirts of Constantinople to orphans. Rabbi Nacom, head of the Jewish community of Turkey, is on his way to Washington through Germany to request the speedy sending of American diplomatic representatives to Turkey to prepare claims for ex ' tensive damage done to American missions and commercial property during the war. The right of civil trial under the Armenian patriarchiate has been re- stored to Armenians, although the patriarch is still in banishment in Mesopotamia. The new Turkish ministry is all ententeophile, bui the provincial government and their subordinates remain unchanged. The coal shortage is paralyzing v traffic from the interior" of the coun try, preventing demobilization, the , transit of food and the departure of the Germans. Archbishop of Canterbury Replies to G'erman Appeal London, Nov. 27. (British Wire less Service.) The archbishop of Canterbury, in replying to a message from Professor Deissmann of Ber lin university, transmitted by Arch bishop Soderblom of Upsala, implor ing merciful treatment at the peace conference "in the name of Chris tianity," says: "Professor Deissmann's state ment as To the present situation is not one which I can accept as cor rect. He speaks of the European situation as though all that is needed on the part of Christian circles in th belligerent nations is 'mutual forgiveness and conciliation in or der to fight in unison against the ter rible consequences of the war, and to serve the moral improvements of the nations and of mankind.' " Free from Hatred. The archbishop calls attention to the fact that on September 22, 1915, he sent a lette to Professor Deiss mann, pointing out these essential matters, but received no reply, ex cept a verbal acknowledgment, and continues: "We have fought without hatred, and as far as possible without pas sion, and now that victory crowns the cause for which we fought we desire to be equally free from hatred and passion in the course we follow as victors. "But we cannot forget the terri ble crime wrought against human ity and civilization when this stu penduous war, with its irreparable agony and cruelty, was let loose in Europe. Nor can we possibly ignore the savagery w hich the German high command displayed in carrying on the war. Outrages in Belgium in the early months and, indeed ever since; the character of the devasta tion wrought ,in France, including the inhuman deportation of mno cent civilians; the -submarine war fare against passenger ships, like th Lusitania, and the rejoicings which cruelties exercised on defenseless prisoners down to the very end, in eluding even the last few weeks all these things compel the author ities of the allied powers to take security against a repetition of such a crime. Peace of Justice Sought. "The position would be different had there been oil the part of Chris tian circles in Germany any public protest against these gross wrongs or any repudiation of their per tietrators. ' "The peace we hope to achieve must be a peace, not of hate or re venge, the fruits of which might be further and even more terrible strife. We wish by every means' to avert that possibility. But right cousness must be vindicated, even though vindication involves stern ness. "There is, however, as I need hardly say, no wish on the part of the allied nations to crush or des troy the peoples of Germany. Evi dence to the contrary is amply abun dant. U. S. Vessels Saved Allies in Time of Crisis Say Admiral Jellicoe London, Nov. 27. Speaking as the guest of the American Circle Lyceum club at a Thanksgiving din ner Tuesday Admiral Viscount Jelli coe, former commander-in-chief of the British grand fleet, said the sit uation in the spring of last year was critical, and had it not been for the assistance afforded by the United States navy he was not sure that the dinner could have been held. '- It was the assistance rendered by the United States navy, Admiral Jellicoe continued, that made pos sible the convoy system, and it was assistance that had saved the situa tion. Another assistance rendered by the Americans was the opera tions conducted against enemy sub marines' operations, which were more to the taste of the American officers than convoying. Huns Anticipate Food Crisis When Troops Return Home Copenhagen, Nov. 27. It is cer tain in the course of six weeks a catastrophe will occur in Germany, both as regards the ordinary food stocks and the suDplies of live stock. This official announcement ha been made in Berlin according to a dispatch received here, which says it is stated the grain harvest is bet ter than in previous years, but the potato crop is much worse, owing to a lack of labor due to the depar ture of Russian prisoners. Labor Men Plead for Life of T. J. Mooney San Francisco, Nov. 27. A spe cial committee of 10 from the San Francisco labor council left here early today for Sacramento to ask Governor Stephens to open the way for a new trial for Thomas J. Mooney, under sentence of death for murder in connection with a pre-fiuctafisj-daj: bomb explosion. PEACE MISSION WILL LEAVE U. S. NEXT TUESDAY (Continued from Pfe One.) dents; stenographers, typewriters and interpreters are to be provided, and the committee's machinery also will be used to assist the corre spondents to get their ditpatches on the cables. It has been decided to include a (Correspondent of the Associateo Press and correspondents of tru other press associations in the pres ident's official party aboard the linei Gftprge Washington. It was decid ed at the same time to give passage o correspondents of individual newspapers on the army transport Orizaba, which will sail from Ho boken Sunday at noon. It will be part of the convoy of the presi dent's ship, which will include the superdreadnaught Pennsylvania and a number of other naval ships. Beside the presidents official party, the George Washington will carry a naval crew of more than 1,000 officers and men. The George Washington, being a faster ship, will arrive in France about the samt time as the Orizaba. It seems to bi settled, although no official ai nouncement has been made, that the president will go first directly l trance, and later to h-ngland, ana possibly to Italy., it he intends U visit any of the other Europeai countries his plans have not bi come known. Will Land at Brest. Paris, Nov. 27. (Havas.) It seems decided that President Wilson will land at Brest, according to the Matin. He will be met1 there by Stephen Pichon, foreign minister, and Georges Leygues, minister of marine, who will welcome him in the name of the French government. They will accompany him to Paris. where President Poincare will await the distinguished visitor, surrounded by all the other members of the government and the chief of the, al lied armies. Italian Committee. Rome, Nov. 27. The Italian gov ernment has chosen the delegation which will go to Paris to take part in the reception of President Wil son. The delegation consists of Premier Vittorio Orlando, Leonida Bissolati-Bergavaschi, leader of the reform socialists; Francesco Sa-verio-Nitti, minister of the treasury, Fugenio Chiesa, member of the Chamber of Deputies; General Ar mando Diaz, commander of the Ital ian armies; General Badoglio, chief of staff to General Diaz and second in command of the Italian armies, and several senators and members of the Chamber of Deputies. Won't Lose Job. L Washington, Nov. 27. No weight is attached by President Wilson to the argument that upon crossing the sea to attend the peace confer ence, he loses the right to perform executive duties and must allow them to devolve upon the vice presi dent. It was said officially today that the president will administer the du ties of his office aboard ship and from Paris. He holds that there are no constitutional difficultfeV and wireless and cable communication solves the physical problem. Secretary Tumulty will remain in Washington throughout the presi dent's absence. He will be in con stant touch with the executive and expects to submit by cable or wire less matters to be acted upon just as he now submits them personally or by messenger. , I Council Bluffs Woman Hurt, in Fall From Street Car In attempting to board a street car at Twenty-fourth and N streets Wednesday morning, Miss Anna Cross of Council Bluffs was thrown to the pavement, sustaining bruises about the head. She was taken to the South Side hospital. y . Former Aid to Kaiser Reported at Head of Big Army at Treves Amsterdam. Nov. 27. Gen. von der Marwitz, former aide-de-camp to Emperor William, and later commander of German forces on the Verdun front, has arrived at Treves, with a big army, and ap pears to be preparing for a counter-revolution, according to a sen sational dispatch from Berlin, filed there on November 21. POILUS ON THE WAY TO SIBERIA STOP AT OMAHA (Continued from Page One.) ha band played. The "poilus" were soon dancing with the women and girls in the crowded station as the notes changed from martial music to modern ballroom airs. Cheers for America. When the music ceased, the dan cers gently released their partners and waving their caps hign aoove the excited crowd Cheered over and over again: "Vive L'Amerique! Vive le President Wilson 1 The men, diving into their pockets for cisrars and ciearets. passed them around. Canteen workers rushed forth with specially prepared pack ages of cigarets and also began dis- tributinflr them. "Merci, merci, mesdames," the soldiers repeated. "Oh! les femmes Americaines! vous etes si bonnes 1 Tres bonnes! All the lingual resources of the Omahans were taxed to carry on a conversation with the Frenchmen or at least to ask some questions, Those who had "brushed up" recent ly on their grammar were able to carry on conversation. Corporal Magnoni, who speaks English well, complained that he could not talk fast enough to answer all the questions that were asked of him. But he broke torth in ex pressions of gratitude to the people of Omaha. "Les Americains," he said, "they are a great people: just hke the French. And their women ah! thev are so kind and beautiful. "Please, say that the 'poilus' who cannot speak your language, are very grateful to you and shall never for get the reception given them In Omaha." When the time to depart neared, and the "Marseillaise" sounded above the din in the huge room, every man stood uncovered. Major Cravoisier, doffing his cap, kissed the hand of one of the canteen workers, and several of his fellow officers followed suit. When the train pulled out, French men threw kisses from the car plat forms, and a hearty response of bon voyage" was added to the many "adieux." Courtmartial Finds 13 Soldiers Guilty of Murder Conspiracy Leavenworth, Kan., Nov. 27. Thirteen of 18 disciplinary barracks prisoners tried by court martial here on the charge of conspiracy to mur der Shelby Hisle, a fellow prisoner, have been found guilty, and the others acquitted. The courtmartial, , which began November 6, was the second most important military trial in this coun try during the war, the other having been that of negro troopers at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, for participa tion in rioting at Houston. Germans to Build Ships. London, Nov. 27. The Germans government has adopted the pro gram framed by the late Albert Bal lin, director of the Hamburg-American line, and the ship owners' un ions binding Germany to build ships exclusively for the allies at fixed prices in return for which Germany will retain her merchant fleet, says a dispatch to the Daily Express from Amsterdam. Collect on Old Plans. Washington, Nov. 27. Plans for collecting next year's tax under the old law have been made by Internal Revenue Commissioner Roper, be cause of the fear that the new rev enue bill may not be enacted in time to allow the printing and distribu tion of reporting forms under that fneasure by January 1. the opening of the period for filing of returns. The Weather Comparative Local Record. 1918. 1917. 1116. 1915. Hlfhest yesterday... 3 42 49 41 Lowest yesterday 28 30 37 33 Mean temperature. ...33 3( 43 it Precipitation 12 00 00 00 Temperature and precipitation depart ures from tbe normal at Omaha since March 1: - , Normal temperature 33 degrees. ixcess (or the day.. 1 degree. otal excess since March 1...892 decrees. Normal precipitation 0.02 inch. Excess for the day (.10 Inch. Total rainfall since March 1.. 13.(4 Inches. Deficiency since March 1 (.54 Inches. i Deficiency for cor. period KIT (.(2 Inches. HOLLAND MAY SEND WILHELM FR0MG0UNTRY Premier Declares Notorious "Guest" Must Leave if His Presence is Peril to Country. London, Nov. 27. William Ho henzollern will have to leave Hol land if his presence there becomes perilous to that country. Premier Kuipa de Berenbrouck is quoted by the Amsterdajp correspondent of the Daily Express as declaring in the second chamber of the Dutch Par liament November 20. "The kaiser is in Holland as a pri vate person," said the premier as quoted by the correspondent. "The hospitality of the country is extend ed him in accordance with a centuries-old tradition. But it goes without saying that the moment his sojourn becomes a danger to the state he will have to leave." Considering Extradition. London, Nov. 27. The foreign of fice confirms the report that'British law officers of the crown, in co-operation with the French authorities are considering the question of the extradition of the former German emperor. The foreign office says that the law officers have not yet made a report and consequently no action has yet been taken. No Message to America. Amerongen, Holland, Nov. 27. (By Associated Press.) William Hohenzollern s entourage has been asked by the Associated Press if the former emperor has any message to send to the American people, lhe following reply was received: "His majesty's suite regrets is unable to submit this demand to his majesty." The former emperor, accompanied by his host. Count von bentinck, and preceded and followed by guard of rural police, walked to the Rhine, which is a half hours walk from the castle. He spent some time viewing the count s property there. Herr Hohenzollern is in constant communication with the German le gation at The Hague. Expects to Go Back. London, Nov. 27. (By the Asso ciated Press.) The former German crown prince had not seen or heard from his father for weeks uo to the time he was token to the Island of Wieringen, according to an inter view he gave to newspaper men while on his way through Holland to his present home in the Zuyder Zee island. He said that his wife would remain in Germany. v A change is coming in Germany, but one has to be careful about oroDhesving." he replied to a ques tion as to what he thought ot tne revolution in Germany. Will you return to Germany r was th next question. Yes. when the situation changes, but when ". Here Frederick Wil liam broke off to testify to the ex cellence of the food in Holland. "Many people here do not think so, someone interjected. Is Small Eater. "Oh, I think it is fine," said the former crown orince. Anyhow. am a small eater and do not wish to get fat." . tTederick William was quite ac cessible to the newspaper men and said he did not know how long he would remain on the island of Wier ingen. when ne reacnea tne main depot at Amsterdam he partook of coffee and biscuits. lhe oartv was in charge ot a Dutch lieutenant ana included be sides the former crown prince, Ma jors von Muller and von Muldtrner and Captain von celtitz, who were with him when he entered rioiiana as a refugee, ine tormer crown prince wore a brown sporting suit with a gray cap and brown leggings and occupied a first class compart ment in the railway train. Kansas Troops' Release Urged by Gov. Capper Tooeka. Kan.. Nov. 27. Pointing out that so far no orders had been issued for the return of Kansas troops from France, and declaring that these men are urgently needed on Kansas farms, Gov. Arthur Cap per, in a letter to Secretary of War Baker today, urged that every American soldier not urgently needed abroad be released from mili tary duty at the earliest possible date. Lebreton Succeeds Naon as Argentine Ambassador Buenos Aires, Nov. 27. Dr. Thomas A. Lebreton has been ap- uointed ambassador of Argentina to the United States to succeed Dr. Romulo S. Naon, who resigned re cently. Dr. Lebreton is a national deputy and is strongly pro-ally. Berlin Workers Strike Against Wage Reductio'ns Berlin. Nov. 27. Unorganized strikes have broken out in several of the large plants around Berlin. They are wholly local in nature, and are the result of demands made by the workers for a fixed rate of daily wage instead of a piece schedule. Cold Cause Headache and Paint Feverish Headaches and body pains caused from a eold are soon relieved by taking LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. There's only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE S signature on the box. aoe. Hero Medals Awarded v Distinguished Service crosses have been awarded by General Pershing to the following officers and men for acts of extraordinary heroism: Capt. Thomas E.Fe.llaw, Oelika, Ala.: Sergt. Ralph Atkinson, Mont gomery, Ala.; Second Lieut. Claire L. Roberts, Altoona, Pa.; bergt. Shanklin Ebenezer Gilkerson, Kan sas City, Mo.; Sergt. Victor L. Eichern. Brooklyn, N. Y.; Sergt Ball Brown, Ozark, Ala.; Sergt. Lee A. Wads worth, Mulberry, Ala.; Corp. Moses E. Baldwin, Midland City, Ala.; CorpA Samson Richards Taft,vCal.; Private Frlnk R. Stock ton, New Decatur, Ala.; Private Ashad Hawie, Jackson. Miss.; Sergt, Jack W. Milner, Alexander City, Ala. War Industries Board Removes Restrictions Affecting Periodicals Washington, Nov. 27.-T-Withdraw- al of all restrictions affecting the publication , of periodicals, except daily, Sunday arid weekly newspa pers, effective immediately, was an nounced today by the war industries board. . Buy Jewelry For Christmas. Secretary McAdoo Visits Old Home in, State of Georgia Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 27.-Wil liam G. McAdoo, secretary of the treasury and director general of the railroads, received a hearty welcome to his boyhood home to day when he came here for a brief visit. He was met at the station by a number of friends of his school days, and with them the secretary visited the old home of his parents, the school where he was a pupil, the corner drug store, and finally for a look at the "old swimming hole." U. S. May Become Owner of Hog Island Shipyard Boston, Nov. 27. Vice President Thomas R. Marshall, said the war had disclosed the United States w. not founded upon the constitution or the declaration of independence, but upon the golden rule, in a speech tonight at the "Victory meeting" of the Associated Industries of Massn chusetts. He added the war had taught equality of men on the tattle line and that more of the spirit of equality of men should be exercised in this country. Nine Thousand Lose Jobs When Shell Plants Close Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 27. The Westinghouse Electric and Manufac turing company issued an order for the immediate closing of five of its big shell making plants here. The plants have been manufacturing shells of all sizes for the United States and British government. The closing order was issued following receipt of telegraphic instructions from Washington cancelling con tracts. Approximately 9,000 persons were engaged in the plants. Solf Asks for More Time to Deliver Rolling Stock London, Nov. 27. Dr. W. S. Solf, German foreign minister, has asked the allies once more for a mitigation of the armistice conditions and has requested permission to delay the delivery of railroad rolling stock un der the terms of the agreement be tween Germany and the allies, until February 1, on the ground of diffi culties caused by bad conditions and the lack of lubricating oils. Prohibition Law to Be I Overruled vin Texas Austin, Tex., Nov. 27. The attor ney general's motion for a rehearing in the state-wide prohibition test case was overruled by the court of criminal appeals today. With the issuance of the court mandate which, if custom is followed, will be Fri day, the last step will be taken and the prohibition act will be declared unconstitutional. Judge Prendergast dissents. Mrs. Wilson Reviews Parade. Washington. Nov. 27. Mrs. Wil son, wife of the president, reviewed a narade held here today in behalf of the fund now being raised' na tionally to furnish free milk to French babies. Army and navy planes circled over the pageant as it passed the White House. Green9 s Drug Store ' famous for Prescriptions will close Thanksgiving Day lto6P.M. WE ARE ALL THANKFUL J. Harvey Green, Prop. One Good Drug Store 16th and' Howard Douglas 846 HUN SOLDIERS' COUNCILS WILL HOLD CONCLAVE v (Continued from rage One.) opportunitj to vote. This would be Impossible if the assembly is held in February. Soldiers to Vote on Passes. The attitude of the majority t . Jal ists in the government is set forth by Phillipp Scheidemann in the Vorwaerts. . He declared that the alleged technical difficulties in the way of early elections can easily be overcome. There' is no need, he says, for the usual preliminary registration and the drafting of elections lists. Every soldier has a military pass, upon the presentation of which he would be able to vote wherever he migt happen to be. The. pass could be stamped to prevent repeating. A uniform pass easily could be issued to uthc. citizens and women entit ling them to vote in the same man ner as the soldiers. Blue Plans Precautions Against Spreading Disease Washington, Nov. 27. Investiga tion by Surgeon General Blue of the public health service shows "there is great danger of the introduction of disease by soldiers returning home. This was made known today by J. H. Moyle, assistant secre tary of the treasury, who super vises public health work, in a state ment announcing that quarantine officers had been directed to make careful examination of all units lia ble to bring disease. Precautions also will be taken to prevent spread of disease by soldiers discharged from training camps. Army Officers Permitted to Return to Civil Life Washington, Nov. 27. Army de mobilization plans have been changed so as to opei. the way for immediate return to civil life of of ficers who wish to resign and who can be spared from their commands. Orders were sent by the War de partment today directing the accept ance of resignations in such cases. Boycott of Germany Is Demanded by Mass v Meeting in London .London, Nov. 27, via Montreal. At a demonstration of 10,000 per sons in the Hyde park today a res olution was adopted favoring an economic boycott of the Germans for their cruel behavior toward pris oners, ine demonstration was un der the auspices of the British Em pire union. Prominent Hawaiian Dies. Honolulu, T. H., Nov. 26. Robert W. Breckons, republican national committeeman form Hawaii, died here today. Mr. Breckons was born at Kewanee, 111., December 16, 1866. He was a graduate of Georgetown university and a county attorney and member of the legislature in Wyo ming. In 1902 he was appointed United States district attorney for Hawaii, serving for 11 years, and since had made his home there. THREATEN USE OF MACHINE GUNS BY -IU POLICE Commissioner Enright and Mayor Hylan Make Protest Against Lawlessness of Soidiers and Sailors. New York, Nov. 27. Threat of the use of machine guns by the po lice on soldiers and sailors resisting the efforts of the police to prevent lawless attacks, was contained in a letter sent by Police Commissioner Enright to Mayor Hylan today ana forwarded by the mayor to the fed eral suthorities in letters of protest against disorderly conduct by men in the service at two recent meeting'- of socialists here. The Thompson-Bcldcn Store will be closed Thursday Thanksgiving Day. Have Candy in Your Home Thursday Thanksgiving Day We offer you the utmost in Fine Candies, whether in bulk or by the box. FOR DESSERT, TAKE" HOME A QUART OF ICE CREAM. Our assortment is the largest in Omaha. You'll find here just what you want. SPECIAL TIIANKSGITIXG DAI LUHCHE0XS In the WALKT'l ROOM Candy Land WALNUT ROOM. 1522 Farnam Street. lick' A reeupcrativ dies in inflnenia. Hor- I Deficiency for eor. period 191 11.21 inches.. ki Ualtrt XUk, vary 4ifwtiblsv-Adr. , , J A. .W&SSliteorolofiat. 1 BOOK AUCTION Our Annual Book Auction, Saturday, 2:30 and 7;30 P M. Thousands of volumes at your own price. , : KIESER'S BOOK STORE 221 North 16th St. Loyal Hotel BIdg. J - no.m.iiiiBnBai ARMY DAI 'J Saturday, Nov. 30 R0URKE PARK--2:30 Fort Omaha vs. St. Paul Aviation Mechanics Military Maneuvers, Airplane Exhibitions, Parachute Drops, Etc. Money Needed for Fort Omaha Athletic Fund Lt. Col. J. W. S. Wuest, commanding officer of Fort Omaha, announced in a recently authorized press interview: "There will be 2,500 men at least located at Fort Omaha all winter. Now that the chance of going to France is gone it will be difficult to keep the men interested. "We have outlined a strenuous athletic program for the winter, including basket ball, hdekey, boxing, wrestling, etc., and we need money for equipment. "Now you can see why I am so anxious for the foot ball team to make money. It is the only way we have of raising funds. "I am convinced that the game with St. Paul Mechanics will be well worth seeing." Admission 75 Cents to $1.50 Box Seats $2.00 Tickets on sale at Beaton Drug Co., Barkalow Bros, and the following hotels : Fontenelle, Merchants, Castle, Conant. , c ' . . S ' J,;.' :SM