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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1918)
RIEF RIGHT REEZY BITS OF NEWS B v J FRANCE PROVIDES FUND , TO ENTERTAIN VISITORS. Paris, Nov. 27. An extraordinary credit ot l.UUO.UOO francs was. voted by the senate today in connection with the coming visits to France of royal personages and heads of states. OFFICERS' TRAINING COURSE CUT ONE MONTH Washington, Nov. 27 The course of instruction of units in the central officers' training camps of the army has been cut one month so as to close all of the schools February 15 next. Students upon graduation will be offered commissions in the offi cars' reserve cprps. Many students already havejvailed themselves of the War departments offer to release all thosenot desiring to complete the course. ARMY AIRPLANES TO BE USED IN MAIL SERVICE. New York, Nov. 27. Capt. Ben jamin B. Lipsner, director of the United States aerial mail service, Announced here tonight, that the War department had turned over to ffiji iica rf mail clVMr "hlin- . areas of airplanes. MAJ. WILLIAM THAW- ACE, AWARDED PROMOTION. New York, Nov. 27.-Maj. Wil liam Thaw, American "ace," with the '". ,Qe Hundred and Third United States Aero squadron in France, has been promoted to a lieutenaut col onelcy, according to advices received , here today by Alan K. wawiey, pres ident of the Aero club of America. Lt. Col. Thaw is 28 years old, and is one of the youngest officers of that rank in the American or allied armies. He was recently awarded the United States distinguished serv ice cross with two citations by Gen erat Pershing and had previously been similarly . honored by the French government while a member of the Lafayette escadrille. HARRY THAWTO SPEND , THANKSQIVING AT HOME.. Tit -i-j-it.:- XT . on lt, V miiaaeipma, iwv. Thaw, who has been in the Pennsyl vania hospital for the insane in this city since March, 1917, has been taken -to Pittsburgh by his mother, over Thanksgiving holiday. Former Judge James Gay Gordon, counsel , for the Thaw family in the commit- .ment proceedings, obtained an order from the county court to permit Thaw to go to Pittsburgh, it be came known tonfght. He will be re turned to the institution' early next week. SUGAR CERTIFICATE SYSTEM DICQNTINUED Washington, ' Nov. 27. Distribu tion of sugar Under the certificate system will be discontinued Decem ber 1, under an oraer issuea ioaay by the food administration. In an niviinri'ntr the order, the administra tion emphasized that requests for conservation of sugar were in no way .modified. Domestic consum ers, it was said, will be expected to observe the voluntary ration of four pounds per person per month and pubtic eating places will be required to use only four pounds of sugar for Nach 90 meals served. , PERSHING PRAISES SALVATION ARMY'S WORK New York,1 Nov. 27. Miss Evan geline Booth,' cammander-in-chief of the Salvation Army in America, to . night made public a message of ap preciation just received from Gen. Pershing. "The American . expeditionary forces thank you all for the noble work that the Salvation army has done for them from the beginning," read the message. ' Miss Booth announced that Salva tion army units are following the American troops into Germany, in v suting them doughnuts, pies, candy and hot drinks during their stay there." : STEEL MILL OWNER "' , DEFRAUDED OF $100,000 Chicago. Nov. 27. Alberf A. Charles, 65 ydars old, president of the Kokomo Steel Wire company, told today how he had been swindl dled out of $100,000 by two confi dence "men, one of whom he identi fied as Joseph ("Yellow Kid") Weil who is being tried on a charge of defrauding Charles Wordcn, of Fort Wavne. Ind.. out of $15,000. Mr. Charles said that- Weil, who was known to him as Wead, had told him that he represented a Ger man syndicate with $50,000,000 to spend. This was in November 1917. Charles offered to sell his steel plant for $8,500,000. While this deal .was pending, Charles said, he was induced to put up $100,000 in a min ing venture after which Weil Jr Wead or his accomplices vanished. "DRY AMENDMENT RATIFIED BY FLORIDA. ' Tallahassee. Fla.. Nov. 27. The federal constitutional prohibition amendment was ratified today by both branches ot the state legis lature, the senate, 25 to 2, and the house, 61 to 1. American Army Feeds 250,000 War Prisoners Released by Germans American Army of Occupation, ' Nov. 27. More than 1,500,000 pris oners of various nationalities nave been released by the Germans, ac cording to estimates based upon re ports. received by the American Third army Of this number approximately 250,000 will pass through the Ameri can lines, and will be fed by the Americans. The army, assisted by the Salvation army, the Young Men's Christian association and the Knights of Columbus, is shoulder ing the buIkof the task. ' 1 Two Aviators Die in Crash. . Arcaate. Fla., Nov. 27. Lieut W. E. Cummins of Augusta, Ga and .Lieutenant Bismet of Baltimore were killed today at Carlstrom field 'here- The planes piloted by the two men crashed in mid-ir and fell about 1,000 feet to earth, r EVERYTHING THAT'S BEST IN THE GREAT AND GLORIOUS WEST THAT'S OMAHA. The Omaha B, Bee jL Vni 48 Wfl lift uttnt ! -" ?ittl,,s, 2S- "OS. (i OMAHA, THURSDAY, -NOVEMBER 28, 1918. J B Mill (I wr, Oatlr. 14.90; Suadw, 11.50; Dally tt Sua., W.M; aatolda Nab., aottaaa axtra. TWO CENTS. THE WEATHER; Generally , fair Thursday and Friday; colder west and central parts. Tfermomettr Rellnai B. m MM p. m ,S a. m , .tut p. ni. H7 1 a. m. ,j,.,...tftS p. m S a. m. H4 p. in S. t a. m. 80S p. m. St 10 a. m SSO p. m si 11 a. m. 30 7 p.. m r63 M m. 37 U3 111 POILUS ON THE WAY TO SIBERIA STOP HERE Six Hundred Throng Union Station, Dance With Oma ha Girls and Throw Kisses as Depart. Joyous over victory, de lighted with their reception in America, intensely gratified with the whole-hearted wel come of Omaha, 600 "poilus," fresh from the battlefields of France and Belgium, arrived here over the Chicago & Northwestern railroad last night, on their way to Siberi'a. These soldiers of freedom left France November 8, and will go to San Francisco, thence' to Tokio and from there to Vladivostok. They continued their journey after a brief stop. Union Station presented a spec tacular sight when these French heroes, clad in their blue-drab uni 'forms and bedecked -with tiumeroua decorations, alighted .from the train. Ten officers, ranging from a major toi a corporal, were in the company. 1 Adorned Wh Decorations. Practically all were adorned with' some decoration; and not a few pos sessed the Croix de Guerre, Etoile de Roumaine and two or' three other coveted distinctions. The multiplicity- of the black, sil ver and gold stripes, signifying as many different distinctions, was par ticularly noteworthy. There were members of all branches of the army, except the qavalry. Major Cravoisier, a statues que, handsome figure, was in charge. Two trains carried the soldiers, the first arriving at 8 o'clock and leaving at 10 p. m., the second ar rived four hour? later. Dance With Omaha Girls. - The Frenchmen were served coffee and doughnuts by the Omaha can teen workers immediately on arriv ing, and a little later the Fort Oma (Contlnnrd on Pafa Two, Column Three.) Karl Still Receives 500,000 Crowns Yearly As Head of the Army Geneva, Nov. 27. There is Lmuch popular discontent in Aus tria, according to Vienna news papers, because former Emperor Charles continues to draw 500,000 crowns annually as supreme head of the army. He received back pay of 2,500,000 crowns recently, the newspapers say. Wealthy. Germans and Aus trians, headed by the former royal families, are selling their house hold goods at any price, fearing that the revolution will result, as it did for the wealthy families in Russia, in the loss of their private fortunes. ' 7r ir-nn nnnw7 nn nrni7 , , v Nation Will Celebrate Today With Deep Sense of Gratitude Omaha will observe Thanksgiving today more quietly than usual. Depth of obligation all feel because of the war's end expressed at numerous union church services that have been arranged. The public has been invited to attend and give expression to the,ir grati tude that abides in all. Few of the lighter amusements will be indulged in. War conditions have changed all these, and the day will be given over almost entirely to observances in the homes. One foot ball game and varied bills at the playhouses will supply flavor to the day's observance after the dinners and gatherings are Over. Washington, Nov. 27. With the declaration of President Wilson "that this year we have special and moving cause to be grateful and to rejoiced in mind, the American people tomorrow in their annual observance of Thanksgiving day will give evidence of a deep sense of gratitude for the victories of the nation's army and navy and a feeling of joy that the war has ended. Many communities in the-absence of an officially designated "Vic tory day," will combine that celebration tomorrow with Thanksgiving day- . w';v'" President-Wilson and Mrs. Wilson will attend church services in the morning. Only the immediate family will be at the White House for dinner and the menu has been arranged in accord with food con servation requests. The president and members of the cabinet have been invited to at tend the services at the Metropolitan Methodist church. Envoys of a number of foreign nations and of practically all the South Americans countries will attend the annual pan-American mass at St. Patrick's church. ' Preparations have been in progress for several weeks to make the day a memorable one for the men in the training camps in this country, those overseas and those in the navy. 212 AIRPLANES IN FLYING PARADE GUIDED BY RADIO Device Invented by Nebraska Man Used to Control Great Number of Machines in Exhibition. San Diego, Cal., Nov. 27. While thousands of spectators stood thrill ed in the streets below, 212 air planes from the government flying fields near here passed today in a great air parade to commemoTate the achievements of America's air men in France. While the majestic sweep of the machines, including practically all classes used in train ing in this country, and the "stunts" of eight daring fliers appealed per haps most to the crowds, what most interested Lieut.-Col. Burwell, who is in charge of the fields and who planned the affair, was the fact that every machine returned without an accident. The flight lasted more than two hours. The machines were controlled in the air by radio-telephonic communi cation. The apparatus was invented at Rockwell Field, near here, it was announced, by Col. Clarence C. Cul ver, and it was also said that this was the first time in the history of aviation that so many planes were directly controlled by voice. It was estimated that the 212 ma chines covered a total distance of 134,000 miles, remaining in the air an aggregate of 424 hours. Colonel Culver is the son of Gen. J. H.' Culver of Milford, veteran of the civil and bpanish-American wars and former adjutant general of the Nebraska national guard. Can You Write a Love Letter? In Adelaide Kennedy's serial story "Who Stacks My Cards,", the heroine recently received a letter "a wonderful letter," she calls it from her soldier lover in France in which he says : "I should be fcappy, even now, under fire, to know that "the cleanest-souled girl in the world is waiting to share life's pleasures and the love which only God can bestow - upon man. "In my "blanket at night I lie dreaming of the few evenings we spent together, recalling your Ideals, your wonderful high aims, your youthful spirit, so frank and free, your deep, large, blue eyes that mirror a wonder ful soul that cannot be touched by life's mud and mire. . Always I have, when I picture lny country, one face be- ; fore methat is my courage." .What Should the Answer Be? It's rip to Dorothy to senJ,a reply. What should she write? - What would you write? Good Prizes for the Best! Two dollars for the best answer a book for each of the next best ten. Not over 200 words. Name will not be published' if writer so indicates. Answers in by De cember i. Awards in The Bee December 12. , ,( Address Contest Editor, Omaha Bee. ALL U. S. TROOPS IN ENGLAND WILL COME BACK SOON ,Seven Steamers Will Leave Liverpool . Within a Few Days; 24 Aero Squad rons on Mauretania. Washington Nov. 27. Seven steamers which, according to a Lon don dispatch, will leave Liverpool within the next ten days, will return home practically all of the Ameri can troops now in England. Three steamers now enroute to the United States the Lapland, Orca and Min nekahda will bring home, General March announced several days ago, a total of 382 officers and 6,614 men. The ships soon to sail, it is believed, will carry the remainder of the 20,000 troops in training in England at the time hostilities ceased. Information as to the identy of the units on each of the seven steam ers soon to leave Liverpool was not available tonight, but it was assumed that the troops are included in the list of 82 aero squadrons, 17 con struction companies and several special detachments,' enumerated by General March last week as being those which will be returned as soon as the sick and wounded have been moved. American Headquarters in France, Nov. 27. On board the steamer Mauretania homeward bound are 24 aero squadrons, two aero service units, casual officers and men, sick and wounded, totalling 165 officers and 3,834 men. S. A. T. C. at Colleges To Be Demobilized Beginning on Dec! 1 T Creighton university and Univer sity of Omaha were notified Wed nesday of the decision of the gov ernmentyto demobilize, the S. A. T. C. forces, at those universities. Instructions have - come from Washington to the state university at Lincoln "for the immediate demo bilization of the S. A. T. C. and the return of the university to its pre war basis. It is understood that the men will be discharged from the military service into which they were inducted as fast as possible, beginning Decembefc 1, so that they will all be civilians again before Christmas. The order is general and applies to all universities and schools. University of Iowa and Des Moines college were notified of this order Wednesday. Merchant, Who Offered His $1,500,600 Stock to Great Britain, Dies New York, Nov. 27. Announce ment was made tonight of the death here yesterday of Francis Banner man, dealer in military goods and war relics, who believed so thor oughly in the war against Germany that he tried- to donate his $1,500, 000, stock 'of military supplies to Great Britain. ; U.S. PEACE MISSION TO DEPART Kaiser Must Be Executed, Declares Bis'hop Quayle NEXTWEEK President Wilson Expected to Announce Personnel of Delegation in His Ad- dress to Congress. By Associated Press. Washington. Nov. 27. President Wilson's plans for attending the peace conference are all matured with the exception of the day and hour of sailing. His departure, how ever, is certain early next week. It is entirely probable that the first announcement of the personnel of the American delegation will be made in the president's address to the opening of congress, which will be delivered Monday or Tuesday. At the same time the president may take occasion to make something in the nature of a statement to the countryas well as to congress, on his going to Europe, something no other president has ever done. Censorship Removed. The most important anbuncement that has yet been made in connection with the official plans for the peace conference came today. It was that there would be absolutely no cen sorship on the news which the Am erican newspaper correspondents send back home. At the personal request of President Wilson both the British and French governments will entirely relax all censorship on all American newspaper dispatches telling of the delibera tions. Furthermore, to facilitate the transmission of news to this country the government, through its recently acquired control of the cable lines, will give news a preference in trans mission second only to government official business. News will take preference ovver all commercial bus iness on the cable lines. George Creel, chairman of the committee on public information, also announced today that the com mittee's machinery in Paris would exercise nothing whatever approach ing a censorship on the dispatches1 telling of the progress of the con ference.. All the committee's facili ties, Mr. Creel said, are to be de voted to helping the American news paper correspondents get .the news back home. The committee's offi ces in Paris will be used as a head quarters for newspaper correspon (Cgntlnued on Page Two, Column Two.) Boys in Luxemburg Have No Turkey for Thanksgiving Dinner With the American Army of Oc cupation, Nov. 25. (By Courier to Nancy, Nov. 27.) The indications are that the American, army of occu pation will spend Thanksgiving in their present positions on this side of the German frontier. The Americans already have start ed a search for the luxuries of Lux emburg for Thursday's dinner. In the absence of turkeys they are casting their eyes at Luxemburg's chickens.- geese, ducks and pigeons. The German officers also were fond of chickens and geese and con sequently the farmers and villagers have but a few on hand. Altogether it appears as if the front line men will have frozen beef as the principal viand for Thursaay, providing nothing happens to the frozen beef special crossing the new ly laid tracks in No Man's Land. Nevertheless the mess sergeants have assured the officers and men that nearly everything is on hand for the regulation Thanksgiving dinner, excepting the turkey and cran berries. ' Everybody figures that things could have been worse, es pecially if the armistice had not been signed. ' ' , Woman Candidate Goes Gunning for William Hohenzollern, the Hun London, Nov. 27. Herbert Asquith, liberal leader, will be op posed for his seat from the east district of Fifeshire in the com. ing elections by Mrs. George E. Hope, widow of Lieutenant Col onel Hope, who was killed during the war. Colonel Hope was a nephew of tjio earl Of Rosebery. Mrs. Hope is running inde pendently and one of' her planks is a demand that William Hohen zollern, former Germain emperor, be brought to England to be tried for murder. . . . St. Louis, Nov. 27. Bishop William A. Quayle of the Methodist Episcopal church, speaking at the City club luncheon today, declared that any peace commission of the American people which does not make the German people pay to the uttermost farthing is not a peace commision of the American people and that "until such time as the kaiser is tried and executed for murder, justice will not have room to sway in the world." "That is not hate," he said. "Itis justice. The man who does not assenf'to that procedure has a mutilated moral sense, or he has no moral sense to mutilate. Justice never hurt any man and the man who. does not talk justice has no place in the world. . "We did not fight the kaiser. We fought the German people and we must in fealty to the world hold the Girman people to strict ac count for their indecency "Germany won't be put together again in the next thousand years and the less put together it is, the farther it will be apart, which is better. "Kings must be sentenced, not in the name of England, nor of Belgium, nor of Roumania, but in thename of the hunan race, so that never again shall they rise to menace mankind. "This is America's day because the whole world has gone Ameri can. We've never seen the whole world. The men of the world are in this convocation.. There is no more 'verboten.' Germany never again can intimidate. The world has become a thoroughfare,-T,he road is for anybody if he chooses to walk as a man. "Kings can pass as hod-carriers if they like; All the dreams of the, Declaration of Independence have come true plus. You can no more . return to yesterday with your Monroe doctrine than you can go back 1,000 years to seize the stars. "You cannot crawl back into our American shell and stick out your head with 'none of my business.' The world owns the road and if we play the turtle we will have to get otit of the road of get run over." U.S. FLEET TO BE DIVIDED AFTER PEACE IS SIGNED Half of Navy May Be Placed in Pacific; Squadron .Is Likely to Be Kept in European Waters. Washington, Nov. 27. With the passing of German sea power, the impelling strategic reason for keep ing the main strength of the Ameri can navy massed in the Atlantic ocean, no longer exists. Naval of ficers here anticipate, therefore, that the fleet will be divided when the war emergency has passed, and sub stantially one-half of the main fighting strength of the navy will go into a reorganized Pacific fleet. Secretary Daniels indicated today that a general rtarrani,ement of the fighting ships was to be expected. Hj gave no inkling of what is r -der consideration, however, his statement having brought out both questions when he announced that Vice Admiral Sims, commanding American naval forces in European waters would be nominated to the rank of admiral when Admiral Knight, commanding the Asiatic fleet, retires next month. Rear Ad miral Gleaves, commanding the con voying forces, will be named by President Wilson for the vacant vice admiral's post thus created. No change in r.ssignments will accom pany the promotions, which will '.e made formal. There are also indications about the department that plans are al ready afoot for reviving the old Eu ropean squadron. Nebraska Troops at Castres, Tailly and St. Dizier on Nov. 7 In a dispatch from Washington, stating the location of 35 combat divisions and six depot divisions of the American army in France. Nov i .her 7. four days before the sign ing of the armistice, the location of the following divisions composed in part of Nebraska troops, is given: The Thirty-Fourth division com prising men from Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota and Minnesota, under Brigadier-General John A. Johnson, was located at Castres. The Eighty Ninth division, comprising men from Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, South 'Dakota, Colorado, New Mex ico and Arizona, under Brigadier General Frank L, Winn, was at Tailly and St. Dizier. Polish Commandant Levies Tribute on Przemysl Jews New York, Nov. 7. The Polish commandant at Przemysl, .has threatened to ransack all Jewish homes in that town unless the Jew ish population pays a tribute of 3, 000,000 kronen, according to a cable gram received here tonight by the Zionist organization of America from the national Jewish council of Vienna. .. The council, it was an nounced, is petitioning the govern ment at Cracow and Warsaw to prevent this newest form of outrage." MARSHAL FOCH REVIEWS TROOPS ATSTRASSBURG Allied Leader Given Great Ovation by Inhabitants; German Soldiers Being Rapidly Discharged. Paris, Nov. 27. Marshal Foch, ac companied by General De Castelnau, arrived at Strassburg today and re viewed the army of occupation, the war office announced tonight. He then passed through the town at the head of his troops. The marshal was accorded a great ovation as commander-in-chief of the allied armies. American 'Army of Occupation, Nov. 27. All German soldiers with the exception of the classes of 1898 and 1899 are being discharged as rapidly as possible, according to re ports reaching the American Third army. These two classes will be held in service until Field Marshal von Hindenburg sees fit to discharge them. Huns Eager to Reach Home American Army of Occupation, Nov. 27. While there are a few stragglers behind it, the German line in front of the American army to night runs generally from Bit Burg, through Treves to Oberemmel, Oberzerf and" Losheim. The number of Germans wearing red ribbons on their breasts is re ported to be increasing. There have been several reports of instances where officers have been stripped of their insignia by the, men. British Advance Continues London, Nov. 27. The advance of the Bjitishv army oivjhe western front is reported as follows by Field Marshal Haig tonight. "Our forward march has been con tinued without incident. Last night our troops had reached the general line of Beho, Werbemont and Aya waille, south of Liege." Marine Company Accepts U. S. Offer for Its Ships New York, tfov. 27. The offer of the United States government to purchase the 720,000 gross tons of ships of the International Mercan tile Marine company that fly the British flag is understood to have been accepted by the company. American Jackies Are to Be Guests of British Navy on Thanksgiving London, Nov. 27. The British admiralty has sent instructions to all bases directing that United States naval units be entertained on Thanksgiving day. Crews of the five ships in the American bat tle squadron will be the guests of the men of the five British squadrons. In London Thanksgiving serv ices will be held at St Martin's church, Trafalgar square, and in Westminster cathedral Four hun dred men from American units will have lunch in Albert hall, an equal number of British seamen acting at hosts. SOLDIERS COUNCILS TO JO N 1 CONCLAVE All Teuton Factions Except Spartacus Group Reported to Agree on Holding National Assembly. By Associated Press. Copenhagen, Nov. 27 The German government will in vite President Wilson to visit -Germany while he is in Eu rope, says the Berlin Lokai Anzeiger. r ; The soldiers' council of Wilheims- v hohe, where one the German impe rial castles is situated, has sent a wireless dispatch to Deputy Noske at Kiel, saying they will support the present government in sharp meas ures against the minority, whose ef- ' forts "ate of the greatest danger to the revolution and the continuance of the empire." Berlin, (via Copenhagen) Nov. 27. A convention of delegates repre senting all the soldiers' and work men's councils in Germany has been summoned to meet in Berlin, De ber.""r V" - " The cabinet today considered bill for elections to ;the Nationrl -assembly. A decision on the ques tion is expected tomorrow. An earlier date than February 2, may be, fixed for the elections. : - Agree oh National Assembly.? v Berlin, Nov. 27. The evints of the -last few days, culminating Monday in the meeting of the heads of the various German states at .Berlin, have indicated that with the excep--tion of the numerically unimportant ,' Spartacus group, there is complete agreement in. Germany that a na- . tional assembly must be held.' , While the majority socialists and burgeois desire the assembly to be summoned as speedily as possible, the independent socialists take the stand that the introduction of social- . istic reforms must be brought about first. The independent socia -ists desire that when the assembly' eventually 'comes into being it shall v find itself faced by a collection of reforms so firmly established that' it cannot undo them. . . . -. , In their efforts to postpone the summoning of the assembly the inde pendent socialists are supported by the Spartacus group, who oppose - the aisembly altogether. , , t Y . Wants Ground Fortified. ' ' Herr Haase, in ah address to inde pendent socialists Monday night, de- ; clared the assembly must be con- vened, but that the most vital inter- . ests of the proletariat demanded that the ground gained by the revolution . must first be fortified securely-whilc the proletariat still has the power to do so. Herr Haase discussed the alleged difficulties in the way of an earl meeting of the assembly and declar ed that the returning soldiers knew . nothing of politics and must have an opportunity to inform them selves. : ; - ... '-'i . - 'fHe declared the assem', must n-t be convened before the German prisoners-of war return and have an (Continued on Far Two, Colnma SU. 111 r The Bee's Free Shoe Fund To Buy Shoes . For Shoeless Children i r From 'way out in Wray,' Colo, ' comes a dollar in cash for The Bee shoe fund. "Just sign it cash," says the generous donor. It isn't much, no. But it will buy a big dollar's worth of good, de pendable footwear for some needy kiddie and do as much good as a dollar possibly can do. Would you be willing to give up a dollar's wrth of cigars or a whole box of them to put a strong pair of shoes on some youngster for the winter? When you get right down to it, -isn't this just about as worthy ; and "Americanized" a charity as ' there is? v No contribution is barred on Thanksgiving. Get busy. .- Previously acknowledged. .$719.95 Dr. and. Mrs. J. JC. Moore. . 5.00 ; Mrs. W. Archibald Smith. . 2.00 Loretta Conway, Gresham, : Neb. -. loo ' Cash. Wray, Colo . . ftJL. , . t . , 1.00