Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1918, Page 8, Image 8
THE BEE: OMAHA.x TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. South Side VICIOUS BOAR ATTACKS SOUTH SIDE STOCKMAN t - ; Lou Householder Severely In- jured by Enraged Animal and Rushed to Hospital ; in Critical Condition. - Lou Householder, 1039 Park y ivenue, waso severely injured by . an enraged boar which he had I bought at the stock yards, that he ? was taken "far the Ford hospital Nyhere he is in critical condition. Th animal har! hprn niirrhaspd i by Householder and when he got in I , the pen, the boar tore at his legs J 1 vith his tusks, and ripped the flesh s loose, and he was severely injured f before bystanders could intervene. rvi 1 n f i a .i : uia man is arrested on Serious Charge of - Wronging Young Girl John Olson, 8 years old. South ""Twenty-fourth -and R streets, was irrested in rapillion hp- Sheriff Hut ter and brought to the South Side " iVolice station, where he was booked , .for investigation. The arrest was made upon the ( :omplaiiit of Mrs. Chea of Eddy- ill;, Nel., whose 17-year-old laughter, Lorena, was being impor tuned by Olson, under the name pf Dr. Slicker, to come and keep house 'or him. The girl had come to Onia la and, as the mother did not hear from her sha discovered through a . VienJ of the girl that her daugh- ; :cr's letters were mailed i:i Papil lion. Mrs. Chea went to Papillion, and after a 10-day search there went homelto find her daughter had cturned home. Police say Olson was living with the girl in Koulsky row, ..South Twenty-fourth and R streets. They ?ot'their mail in Papillion. Olson told people who lived in the, same house tliat the girl was his daugh- . ter. HOLLANDERS GO HUNGRY BUT STAY LOYAL TO QUEEN New York, Xov. 25. Jacob Theo dore Cremer, newly appointed min ister from The Netherlands to the United States, in a talk with news paper men here, declared that mil lions of the common people of Holland had(always been strongly pro-ally.. He added that.-Holland would never become a republic within the life of the present gen eration because of the love of the Dutch people for Queen Wilhelmina and the historic house of Orange. Mr. Cremer made light of reports of threatened revolution in-Holland and attributed stories of the possi ble abdication of Queen Wil helmina to Peter Jelles Troelstra, a "pro-German social democratic member of the lower house, whose proposition," he said, "was turned down abruptly by the people and, probably ner xagain will be brought up." Discussing the future needs of the Netherlands, the Dutch diplomat said ships must be found to carry food to her people, who for more .than four years had, out of a scanty store, fed more than 1.000,000 war refugees. The country, he said, was in dire straits. Dutch bread, he said, was so inferior to the brea' sent from America that Belgian refugees in Holland refused to eat it. The' status of the former emperor of Germany and his son, the ex crown prince, was dismissed by the Dutch diplomat with the remark that both were "interned" and that the length of their stay could not be determined. He laughingly added that Holland would have preferred Switzerland should 'have had the questionable hr.nor of being chosen as an asylum fc the deposed royal-" ties. The Island of Wieringen, where the ex-crown prince has been taken, he said, is an uninviting place and surrounded by such shallow wa ter that no large vessels can ap proach it. President Wilson's "14 points" in his demands upon Germany, Mr. Cremer said, he believed were of such a strong nature that adherence to them in their general substance would make for the benefit ,of all free peoples. James Smith Confesses to N tStagipg Number of Hold-Ups " James . Smith, 1710 Avenue E, Council Bluffs, gave himself up to the South Side police Monday after noon at 1 :30, walking into the station and asking what he was, wanted for as he understood they were after - him. i When told he was wanted for highway robbery he Strenuously de nied the charge for a time, but after 10 minutes quizzing from Officer Jackman admitted taking $46 from Hugh Toner and $2 , from Leo Knopski, on the L street viaduct the night of October 19. Of this amount !ic retained $23. He 'Jater confessed Xe Captain Madsen the same facts with the ad- ' ditional information that the crime was committed in conjunction with Charles Brown, i21 15 L street, who held a gun while he went through :be boys' pockets. Erown was found guilty of high way robbery when tried October 20 and is now awaiting sentence. Cocaine and Liberty Bonds , Loot of South Side Thieves Burglars broke into Dr. R. R. Shimmers dental office, 48195 South Twenty-fourth street, Satufday - night and stole a Westinghouse elec tric motor, a hypodermic syringe, two- grains of cocaine, three gold , bridges and four gold crowns.' Entrance was gained by inserting i pocket knife and pushing back " the YaleMock. Jim Sruber, 5606 South Twenty third street, and John Krayca, same address, reported to the police the theft of one pair of black leather gloves from the former and two $50 Liberty bonds and a pair of black leather gloves from the latter. Union Thanksgiving Services Will Be Held on South Side A union meeting of all South Omaha churches will be held Thanksgiving day at 10:30 a. m. at 'the South Side Christian church. Rev. Robert L. Wheeler of the Wheeler " Memorial Presbyterian church will preach the sermon. WORKERS WILL OPPOSE EFFORT TO CUT WAGES Men Who Toil to Resist Any Effort to Lower the Liv ing Standards, Says Frank Morrison. South Side Brevities tk i , n rf di M it rri IS I :e ? - it lit if-., 1 th ai ' Wt ;h B. . i It fal - d It i Th Parkers National Bank, Twenty fourth and Q. will keep your Liberty bond without oharfe. Ollle Johnson, 2318 N itreet. who waa . arrested for drunkenness .failed to appear In police court Monday and forfeited bis bond ot Faul Chatnek. 70S Q street, keeper ot a pool hall, was arrested for allowing minors to play pool and arraigned In police court Monday. The case was continued until November 30. Folic Sergeant E. B. Ferris was callea to Champaign. 111., by the death ot a Bister's husband and will be gone several days from his duties at the South Side police station. Bushan Makeimovic, 301 Q street, was arrested Monday afternoon and booked tor Illegal transportation of Intoxicating liquor. He was wanted by the government and as turned over to federal authorities. Seats on Sale Monday : for All-Star Concerts When the seats go on sale next Monday morning for the All-Star :oncert course, which includes four members with Galli Curci, John Mc Cormack, Frane. Alda, Casolina Lazzari and Rudolph Ganz, they're "not going, to catch jne napping," 1 laid Charles Franke, manager of the Auditorium. "I am makingarrangements to nandle the crowds rapidly, and an ticipate even a greater sale than last year when over 7,000 paid ad missions were recorded. Th advance mail orders have been the greatest I've ever experi encd, but then one would hardly,ex pect anything else with four, such wonderful attractions. "You can tell them" said Mr. . Franke.- we'll be ready for them next Monday no matter how fast hey some," Washington, Nov. 25. Reduction of present wage scales in the United States will be opposed by the work ers, Frank Morrison, secretary of the American Federation of Labor, said in a statement tonight, dealing with reconstruction as it affects la bor. Any decrease in wages will Miiean a lowering of living standards, he said, and this .the workmen will resist. "Regardless of the wishes of in dividuals or groups," said Mn Mor rison, "any reduction of present wage scales in this country will be opflpsed by the workers, who will not accept wage reductions for the simple reason that this procedure will lower their standard of living. 'And by standard of living I refer to substantial food, clothing, hous ing and all necessaries to., a well ordered life. ' 1 H. C. L, ?4o Theory. "The cost of living is not a ther ory with the workers, it is a 'plain, unvarnished tale' that cannot be ex plained away by sophistry. The United States Bureau of Statistics shows that living costs are mount ing higher and higher. Its reportJ for August, this year, shows an in crease of 2 per cent over last July, Lan increase of 15 per cent between August last year and August this vear, and an increase of 70 per cent j during the five-year period between August, 1912, and August, 1918. I "The right to live comes first, and workers will resist any attempt to reduce their living standards, in view of present costs, even though some employer t'.lks of capturing the markets of the world. "I am hopeful that the best thought among employers and other elements of our citizenship will agree that nothing will create more internal turmoil than a denial that the highest -"possible living stand ards for workers is the first req uisite for the America we dream to have. j "The eight-hour day should be ac cepted by every manufacturer. Not only because the transition to. a peace - basis may. be orderly through the quick assimilation of workers, but for the, larger reasons that have so often been advancedj in favorof a shorter work day." Naval Reserve Team Has : Challenged All Comers Chicago, jjov. 25. To decide the 1918 national gridiron championship of the United States.a challenge was issued tonight by the undefeat ed Naval Auxiliary Reserve school team of Chicago to any university or army or navy service eleven in the country. t At the same time a special challenge was issued to the Pitts burgh university team for a game on December 14 to be played either in Chicago or Pittsburgh. The naval reserve string of victories this sea son include Knox college, North western Chicago, Illinois, Camp Dodge, Minnesota and the Cleveland Naval reserves. The team will meet Camp Grant on Saturday and is "scheduled to play the Great Likes December 7. Cancel Contracts for Wooden Ships in Oregon Portland, Ore., Nov. 25. Cancel lation of contracts for the building of 29 wooden ships, representing a value, if completed, of $19,525,000, was ordered in the Oregon district today for the Emergency fleet cor poration, whflfh revoked all orders for wooden ships not already under way. One shipyard immediately discharged its working "force of 200 men and announced it would close. Thirteen thousand men are em ployed in wooden shipyards in the Oregon district. Debs Hearing; Hastened. , Washington, Nov. 25. Depart ment of Justice requests to expediate hearing of appeals of Eugene V. Debs of Ohio, socialist leader; James A. Peterson of Minnesota, and Jacob Frohwerk of Missouri, from convictions of violating the es pionage law were granted today by the supreme court.' The hearings were set for Januay 6, 1919. Stanton Loses Game. Norfolk, Neb Nov, 25. (Special Telegram) Norfolk High school defeated Stanton High here .Monday J afternoon 39 to U. the game was not as lopsided as the score would indicate, the visitors making a bril liant defense. Plainview plays here Thursday. TO MOVE NATIVE VILLAGES FOR ETHODIST FAIR BQEHNER GIVEN PRISON TERM FOR DISLOYAL TALK Wealthy Iowa Man Sentenced 4o Nine Years' Imprison ment and Fined $5,000 for Sedition. Celebrate Coming of Peace and Centennial of Its Missionary Activity . Is Plan. ' New York, Nov. 25. Commem orating the peace and the centen nial of its missionary activity, the Methodist Episcopal church and the Methodist Episcopal church south, will hold "a world's fair of Methodism" at Columbus, 0 from June 20 to July 17, 1919, it s an nounced here tonight by the joint centenary committee. The program of missionary work throughout the world, which will involve an expenditure of $115,000, 000 will be visualized by transport ing almost bodily, native villages from the various 'foreign fields to the buildings of the Ohio state ex position grounds. A Chinese town with walls, pago das, temples, schools, a hospital, theater, restaurants and homes, to gether with villages representing Japan, Korea, Africa, India and the Philippines, all peopled by their na tive inhabitaants, in ynative dress, will illustrate the customs and con ditions with which missionaries must deal. A special building will be devoted to newer fields of the board of home missions, including American In dians, Eskimo; i.egroes and south ern mountaineers. Farm Loan Does Brisk Business During Year Washincton. Nov. 25. Farmers. have borrowed $139,378,000 from the! 12 federal farm loan banks since their organization in March, 1917. In reporting this today the farm loan board announced that- capital stock of the banks, originally sub scribed mainlyby the government, has increased from $9,000,000 to $15,975?000 through additional sub scriptions by fam loan associa tions, and that bonds amounting to $140,122,000 have been Issued. lhe farmers are making their payments promptly. The report shows only S86,()U00 in loans was overdue, and delinquency occurred almost entirely in sections- where there had beeen crop failures. Three banks, Wichita, , Spokane and Houston, have an actual sur plus, and the Spokane and St. Paul banks will begin shortly to repay the government for the stock originally subscribed. - s " y Influenza Epidemic Grows Alarming in Alaska Capital Nome, Alalka, Nov. 25. Nome, which has suffered severely in deaths through the influenza -epidemic, is struggling to give aid to native villages to the north and east in which he toll of death is still alarming.' In two days 30 natives died in on of these villages and reports brought here said that fully 100 more deaths were probable. At Sploman, east of here, there are 40 orphaned native children. The Eskimo village on Spruce creek, was wiped out by the disease. In- Nome there have been five more deaths of whites, including thre'e mine operators." Attorney and f ditor Clash" 'Over' the Mooney Case San Francisco, Nov. 25. Fremont Older, editor of the Call and Post, an afternoon paper, and chief critic of District Attorney Charles M. Fickert who conducted the prosecu tion of the preparedness-day iromb explosion defendants, clashed Sun day night with Fickert in the buffet of a downtown hotel, Older was knocked down by Fickert, according to wannesses, by a blow in the face. Assistant District Attorney Fred Trry and other bystanders sep arated the two men. Older hjter, issued a statement in' which he said Fickert was the ag gressor and attacked him 'without warning. , Mail Trains Bearing Many Letters From Lads Overseas New York. Nov. 25. The great est shipment of mail from American soldiers in France ever received, no less than 4,500,000 letters, came in yesterday on the French liner Rochambeau. These letters "to the folks back home," were going today to all parts of llie United States on every mail train. Contract With Santa Fe. Washington, Nov. 5. Thp rail road administration today completed a. contract with the Santa Fe system bv which the road will receive $42, 885.3 as annual . guaranteed compensation. L. W. Boehner, wealthy Malvern business man, owner of electric lighting systems and public utilities that have made him one of t'ae'best known men in southwestern Iowa, was sentenced to nine years' im prisonment in the federal peniten tiary at tort Madison and hned $5,000 after being found guilty of violating the espionage act. lhe severe sentence was inflicted by Judge Wade in federal court, Council Bluffs, Monday afternoon, after he had overruled the motion for a new trial and refused the application for stav of ludement. .Notice ot ap peal was immediately given and the bond olaced at $12,000. Boehner was indicted for ob structing the draft by discouraging enlistments, for interfering with the prosecution of the war in other re spects and of attacking the Red Cross personnel and management. Boehner's own wife and daughter were active Red Cross workers. A "hot" letter written and signed by Boehner and published as paid matter in a Malvern paper and ad dressed to Judge Wade personally, almost ribald in its character, figured in the case but was excluded from consideration by the jury. In passing sentenceJudge Wade severely scored Boehner, declaring there is something wrong in the heart of the man who had enjoyed the privileges and benefits of this country and prospered as Boehner I naa wnen ne atiacKS ine cnaracter of women engaged in Red Cross work. "Were it not for the fact that the war is over I would make your sen tence much severer, and because what you said and did cannot hurt the government now I will be lenient," said Judge Wade. Boehner immediately filed the re quired bond for his appeal, which goes to the United States circuit court of appeals, of which Judge Walter I. Smith is a member. Allied Ships of War Engage in Little Jaunt in Black Sea Paris, Nov. 25. (Havas.) The Bospliorus, having been cleared of mines, allied warships have entered the Black sea and visited various ports from Varna, around the south ern coast, to Novorossysk.' Dredging operations in the Bos porus were completed November 20. French and other allied warships were detached from the naval forces stationed at Constantinople and visited the Black sea ports of Varna. Galata, Eregri, Samsun, Sinope, Trebizpnd, Datum, Poti and No vojossysk. - General Franchet d'Esperey, com mander of the victorious allied forces in Macedonia, arrived in Con stantinople Saturday. , y News Notes of Norfolk. Norfolk, Neb.,' Nov. 25. (Spe cial TelegramOzrrTlie ban agfiinst in fluenza went but of existence at Norfolk Monday. The schools will be open next week. The disease is disappearing, only 19 homes being quarantined. Returns from six out of 120 towns in northern Nebraska and southern South Dakota" in the Belgian baby campaign-shows a total of ovex $4, 200. Norfolk's total from Saturday's tag day has passed $2,600. Naval Estimates Cut as Result of Armistice Washington, Nev. 20. Naval (es timates for 1920 have been reduced $1,180,315,000 as the result of the signing of the armistice, Secretary McAdoo was informed today by Secretary Daniels. The orginal es timate on a war basis was $2,644,307. 000 and this has been reduced to $1,463,992,000. . Service Resumed. New York, Nov.25. Cable, com munication between America and liberated Belgium has been- re sumed, subject, however,- to censor ship and delay, "the Commercial Ca ble cnpanv, announced today. Report Slaughter of Jews by Wholesale at Brzesko, Galicia New York, Nov. 25. Report of wholesale slaughter in "pograms" against Jews at Brzesko, Galicia. where cellars are reported filled with bodies and many Jews attempting flight, have been shot down in the streets. were received from Copen hagen today by the Zionist organi zation of America. At Przemyst, the report added, the Polish legion looted all Jewish shops and homes, disarmed Jewish militia, invaded synagogues and sul lied tiie sacred scrolls of, the law. Adolph Boehm, member of the Jewish National council at Vienna, wired the organization that Bohemia is mercilessly "deporting" refugees of Galicia who sought refuge in that country. TheodoreVail to Be Personal Adviser of Postmaster General Washington, Nov. 25. Theodore N. Vail, president of the American Telegraph and Telephone company, is to become the personal adviser of Ppstmaster General Burleson in the organization of the telephone, telegraph and cable systems under government control. In making this announcement to day, the postmaster general said Mr. Vail would prepare for the depart ment's assistants in directing wire control a comprehensive report upon the wire service with a view to the more extended use of the tele phone, telegraph and cable., during government control. Alleged Bootlegger Meets "Meanest Man in World" ' Charles Noyes, who is being" held by the sheriff on a charge of violat ing the prohibitory law, believes that he met the meanest man in the world on Sunday night, north of the city limits. Noyes and a companion we're marking time in an automobile along tha. roadside, when a stranger happened along in another machine and offered to assist in repairing the Noyes car- Noyes explained that his car was all right and he extended further felicitations by offering the,, stranger a bottle. The stranger, refusing to parlake of the liquid refreshments, proceed ed to Omaha where ie notified a deputy sheriff who hastened'out to the scene. Noyes had five pint bot tles which the sheriff's office insists contained a form of liquid not in cluded in the list of essential bever ages. Lonely Island is Dutch Home of the Crown Prince Amsterdam, Nov. .25. (By Asso ciated Press.) Mostcrland, a ham let consisting of a score of small farmsteads and fishermen's huts on the ..bleak, lonely island of Wierin gen, which is situated some distance from the Dutch naval station at Hel der, is the home assigned to the in terned former German crown prince. The local pastor's humble two storied residence has been leased furnished for six months and here the crown prince will live. The house, which is without the slightest attraction, is off the beater, track and is hardly ever visited by stran gers. The hamlet -itself is inhabited fcr the most part by mussel fisher men, who after their experiences wjfh U-boats during the war, view the guest's advent with anything but favor. A lonelier retreat for the former crown prince could hardly be imag ined. Airplane Continues Trip. Tucson,1 Ariz. , Nov-. 25. The Loughead biplane "102" which left Santa Barbara, Calh . Saturday morning on a trans-continental flight to Washington, D. C. and was forced by engine trouble to descend at Tacna, 200 miles west of here, resumed its flight this afternon and at 3:45 o'clock was reported over Sentinel, 11 miles east or Tacna. No further report of the progress of the, machine had been received here late tonight. ' s Fire in Chicago Laundry. A fire in the Chicago-Laundry Co. plant at 1509 Capitol avenue, last night caused small damage. YANKEE SPENDS 25 DAYS CAPTIVE ON HUNU-BOAT Lieutenant Fulcher Says Man Who Can Stand His Experi ence on Sub Can Stand Anything, v London, Xov. 25. Lt. Julius H. Fulcher of Frisco, N. C, who with Lt. . Frank L. Miller of Oakland, Cal., Was taken on board the Ger man submarine. Deutschland. from the torpedoed American army' cargo ship Ticonderoga, September 30, and was brought back to Harwich yesterday by the U-boat was wounded severely in Jhe thigh when the Ticonderoga went down, according to the Harwich x corre spondent of the Daily Express. He escaped on a raft and was picked up by the U-boat. Lieutenant Muller was taken aboard by the same boat, but Lieutenant Fulcher lid not learn of his presence until some days after. Gave Him Drink. "They gave me a drink of brandy and questioned me about American troops and other things," said Lieu tenant Fulcher in an interview. I was then taken to the forepeak, where I had to sleep with not less thajt 35 German sailors, who lived in this dungeon. The first -fcth I had was when a rain squall hit the submarine while I was on deck. "On' the eighth day o my cap tivity Germany .sent a peace note to President Wilson, and on the llrh day the submarine was re called from the American coast. On the 13th day we encountered a Nor wegian vessel from New York to Australia. It was captured and sunk after its provisions had been' transferred and the crew turned adrift in a small boat 1,000 miles from land. 4 NFire at British Ship. "We fired 60 shots at an English sailing ship two days later, but two British cruisers appeared and we submerged to a depth of 150 feet. The cruisers dropped depth charges and the submarine trembled. "On October 26, when the U-boat was recalled, I had been on board 25 days. When I arrived at Kiel I was told I would be sent home by Way of Copenhagen, but later two officers came and told me I could go to England on one of the sur rendered submarines if I wished. I accepted gladly and found that the U-boat was the same which had torpedoed my ship. "The Germans treated me very well, but I have come to the con clusion that if a man can stand 25 days' imprisonment on a Ger man U-boat he can stand any thing." Lieutenant Muller was brought back on the same boat with Lieu tenant Fulcher. Greeks Burned Alive by Bulgarians Under Pretense Have Typhus Saloniki, New25. The Bulgarians during the. occupation of eastern Macedonia deported 82,000 (treek residents, according to official Bul garian documents in the possession of M.'Djvaropoulos, sub-prefect of Demirhissar. A large number of those who were deported succumbed to famine, tor ture and enforced labor. At Kitchevo a number of Greeks were burned alive'under the pretext that thay had the typhus microbes. Few More Days to Send Christmas Boxes to France The time limit for sending Christ mas boxes to American boys in British and Canadian forces has been extended from November 20 to November 30. The boxes sent to rFrance are limited to seven pounds while those going to England may weigh 11 pounds. Director of Chicago Auditorium Is Dead San Diego, Cal., Nov. 25. N. M. Kaufman of Chicago, a director of the Auditorium Hotel company, died today of apoplexy at Coronado. Mr. Kaufman had been touring the coast by automobile. V Like Master, Like Man. New York, Nov. 25. Harry P. Keith, collector of internal revenue in Brooklyn, has resigned and in his letter of resignation to Secretary McAdoo gives substantially the same reasons as those given by Mr. Mc Adoo in tendering his own resigna tion last week. The salary is $4,500. Mr. McAdoo accepted the resigna tion: i 4 McHugh to Leave Defense Council; Coad Succeeds Hint Judge W; D. McHugh 'ha's re. signed his position as chairman 0 the Douelas County Council o Defense. His resignation Has beeit accepted by Governor Neville.' Johii F. Coad, president of the Packers National bank, who is vice-presiden of the council, will act as chairman until another chairman has been ap pointed. Use Home Grown Products . for Thanksgiving Dinner Cook your Thanksgiving dinner from home-grown products, -urges Gurdon W. Wattles, federal food administrator for Nebraska. Mr. Wattles' suggestion is part of a na tionwide appeal which is being made to 20,000,000 housewives of the United States. Merchants also are asked by Mr. Wattles to make window exhibits of home-grown products and to urge their customers to purchase of foods grown near home. Says It is Western Custom . to Carry Your Own Bedding Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 25. (Special Telegram.) Marshall Ade of Oma ha was arraigned here in city court charged with stealing a pair of bfankets from the rooming house ot John Hefder. Ade told the court it is western custom for a, traveler to carry his bedding. He said he went to Heider's rooming house with a pair of his own blankets and when he left he took a pair, which he thought were his own. INTIMATE -TALKS! (By J.-W. F.) No. 1. Good Folki of hustling, bustling Omaha, your attention for a moment, please. The management of the Brandeis theater and Messrs. Cohan and Jiarris beg to an nounce the com ine of a really wonderful attraction. It is Harry James Smith's comedy classic "A TALOR-MADE MAN" the funniest play the American stage has seen in years. It's a real gold bond dramatic hit with a record of one solid year in New York and six months in Boston. It will be presented at -the Brandeis theater for the four days beginning next Sunday, December 1, with matinee Wed nesday. Anticipating a record-breaking demand for seats. Manager Sutphen has already opened the sale. P. S. Another Intimate Talk Tomorrow. Fight to Win! The Nation demands strong men strong women and robust children. Wisdom suggests thai every proper means of safeguard ing the vital forces and building up of resistance, be utilized. SCOTTS EMULSION affords definite help lf those who are "fighting to win" against the inroads of weakness. Scott's, abundant in tonic nutrient properties, builds up the body by Nature's methods. ScottiBowne.Bloomfield.N.J. 18-14 Relief from Eczema Don't worry about eczema or other skin troubles. You can have a clear, healthy skin by using a little zemo, obtained at any drug store for 35c, or extra large bottle at $1.09T Zemo generally removes pimples, blackheads, blotches, eczema and ring worm and makes the skin clear and healthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating, antiseptic liquid, neither sticky uor greasy and stains nothing. It is easily applied and costs a mere trifle for each application. It is always dependable The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O, Cuticura Quickly Heals Baby s Itching Skin Bathe him with hot water and Cuti cura Soap. Dry gently and apply Cuticura Ointment to any redness, roughness, rashes or chafings. These super-creamy emollients usually af ford instant relief, permit rest and sleep and point to speedy healment often when all else fails. Simple Etch Fm by Hsil. Address post-rsrd: "Catlcnrr,, Dpt- 3SA, Boston.' Sold everywhere. Soap Z5c. Ointment 25 and 60c. Tolcom 25c. , a i s i i iiii mi s i ii mimniHirai. M JUST USE SLOAN'S LINIMENT ONCE Then you'll understand why it s the world s greatest pain relief. Sloan's Liniment does exactlj what is claimed for it relievea quickly, without rubbing. It pene trates. Useful in relieving pains, soreness, and stiffness, such as fol low exposure, over-exercise or un usual exertion. A big bottle kept handy will last long and pay for itself in comfort able relief the first application. Clean, convenient, economical. Can be bought at any drug store. Get it today. WESTLAWN 58TH AND CENTER C'mnhns beaititul park plan ceme tery convenient to Dundee, West Far nam and Field Cktb districts. Free per petual care and courteous service. Street cars to entrance. Family hits on partial payments at time of first Lurial. Free auto at your service. A Buy . Jewelry For Christmas.- ASTHMA INSTANTLY. RELIEVED WITH ' warn OR HONEY REFUNDED ASK ANY DRUGGIST a w the Rubber Heel Science Perfected WOMAN'S FITNESS FOR WAR WORK There's no question of women's right to enter war activities to take the place of the men now at the front. In deed they would seem to have many points of superiority over men in some 01 tne maus-vt trial fields which they are net entering. But to take men's burdens the women roust be strong must have iron nerves and good blood. So many worn-, en these days are frail, nerv ous, borne down by the pains and aches peculiar to their sex. A sex tonic and nerve builder is needed, such as Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription. " An affection confined to women must have its cause in the womanly nature. There is no doubt that a diseased condition of the delicate womanly organs, is in general re sponsible for feminine nervousness 'and an undermined constitution. The use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription makes women happy by making them healthy. There are no more crying spells. " Favorite Prescription" is an herbal tonic for female weakness. It makesweak Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has been for nearly 50 years the most favorably known herbal toarc for women. Ask your neighbors! The "Prescription" is sold in tablet or liquid form. Send ten cents to Dr.- Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for large trial package. Druggists sell the tablets in 60-cent packages. Men and women are many times tempted to ask their- family physician questions on delicate matters. '-Such questions of sex are answered by tba "Medical Adviser." The nursing of the sick, first aid to the injured, accidents and emergencies, anatomy, physiology, hygiene, the human temperaments, the origin and transmission of life, the brain and mind, are treated ot in an original and comprehensive manner,, in harmony with the latest scientific discoveries. This book formerly sold for $1.60. For a limited time while they last, this book can be obtained for 50 cents at the prominent drug stores in town, or write Dr. Fierce, the publisher. Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, U, V, - ' t bber a S v 1 The Ordinary Ku Heel' Set with Nails Often Pulls Loose and Opens at the Joint It takes the repair man almost as much time and trouble to put on old-style, rubber heels as for a ljttle girl to gerready for a party. He can put on a pair of "Usco" rubber heels in about as little time as it takes brother "Reddy" to get into the old s wimmin' hole. The old-style, flat rubber heel is set on with.ruBber-cement and nails.- It soon gaps around the edges, and gets frazzled and floppy. The "Usco" rubber heel is anchored for keeps with a few little nails and it tykes a spy glass to finjl the joint. Furthermore the joints never gap. The Rubber Heel- ' Invisible Joint Never Pulls Loose ' "Usco" Rubber Heels are" the product of scientific thought. ' They are the world s best rubber heels made by the world's largest rubber manufacturer. They are hollowed out on the under side. When nailed the spring of the rubber sets the edges so close and snug all around you can't pry them loose. ' A firm, flat tread to walk on, comfort in every step, econ omy in the long run. " Usco" Heels tome in black, tan and whiteat yiur repairman's 'five minutes t put them en. Ltek firtht U. S. seal ' United States Rubber Company "s0 A I,