Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Bee
TM associated frees, at vhiett Tin Bee It a awitwr. ii iclm1IJ
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Chleajo People's Ou Building. Ouiba The Bm Bid.
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Washington 1311 O rtt. lincolo Litsle Building.
Daily 68,570 Sunday 60,405
; A win clrrulttlon for the month ubeerlbsd and sore t by
E. B Bum, Circulation Manager. .
Subscribers leaving the city should have The Baa mallad
to them. Addresa changed often aa requested.
iiniii.iiyiiuimiiiiiii nun
n fl n n w " r 7 7 "
B i g W " 7
- j Good road boosters are aware that Nebraska
yj,eds them.
" No more Christmas in the trenches 1 Do
your shopping early. (
Social democrats abroad are proving their
title by fighting everybody ,who opposes them.
Herr Ebert is learning the difference between
overturning a government and establishing one.
Food don't waste itl Conservation habits
will help pay off those billions of dollars of
jur war debt.
Boot-legged booze is mighty poor motive
power for joy riding in high power autos. Still
too many accidents.
Restrictions on use of explosives are re
moved, but you are warned not to get gay be
:ause of the privilege.
;.( Strasbourg, where the goose liver pie comes
from, also was glad to see the conquerors, hav
ing tired of the war lord's rule.
. The first duty of the incoming republican
legislature will be to repeal a"lot of vicious laws
unacted by the preceding democratic1 legisla
tures. ,
No more wooden ships for Uncle Sam( says
the shipping board. But the experiment was
worth while, and the "tubs" will yet justify their
Plenty to eat does not mean that you are to
jive yourself entirely oyer to eating. A great
world outside still huncrv and will be fed onlv
as we can save.
Failure of the Russians to lift themselves by
their bootstraps has taught the Germans little,
;or they seem about to try the same experiment.
It" 4 k. .1
1 1 van i uc uvut.
But it is not likely that Mr. McAdoo s de
pleted personal fortune will prevent him from' i r r n nrai'iJaiifinl niMtnntTin if 4 It A 11 A v f
uiCLr LK15 a li uiutii iiat iiuiii inaiiuii i mc iivai
democratic national convention insists that he
a m 1 n n f Incline
v Cartoonists' conceptions of a flotilla of heavily-laden
passenger steamers are not overdrawn,
if everybody who aspire to a p'.ace at the peace
:ouncil is accommodated.
The ."unspeakable Turk" simply cannot re
list an opportunity to kill Christians, but he will
soon be rendered inocuous through the simple
Orocess of complete disarmament.
fThe senate finance committee is 'tearing into
the revenue bill at an encouraging rate, but the
average taxpayer will not greatly note the dif
ference between six and eight billions.
One can imagine the amazement of the bur
gomaster of Metz when asked to tfirn over his
office to a French commissioner and clear out.
Had he noty been placed there by the "all high
est" and told his job was to last forever? The
fortunes of war meant nothing to him. v
" Yes, of course, merit should count in ap
pointments to public places, but Governor-elect
McKelvie will hardly concede that the repub
licans who put him in the executive office are
deficient in merit as compared with the demo
crats who did their best to keep Ihim out.
"Lest We Forget"
Great preparations are going forward in
Washington for the journey to Paris. The
great former German steamship, the Agamem
non, is being furnished and made ready for the
triumphal voyage. The once regal suite of the
kaiser will shelter the president and his immedi
ate household. Secretaries and clerks and sten
ographers, gentlemen-in-ordinary, in-waiting
and in-eagerness, are bustling about, brushing
up their evening clothes and making ready for
the pageant
. Our persons in high places will loonvlarge in
the peace conference in Versailles. fTremen
dous projects will be afoot and there will be
need for guidance on the part of those who have
real reason to know whereof they speak. Our
dignitaries of the durbar must guard themselves
igainst Intemperate desire to dominate. We
must remember that as we march into Paris we
are entering the ..halls of profound men. We
must remember that they, too, have done some
:hing in the war.
As it has been a war for humanity, our dele
' gates and their leader must not overlook the
point that our brethren overseas were three
vears in the lighting before we entered; that
Jiey are seasoned in the knowledge of Europe.
We must not forget that England has suf
fered 3.049.991 casualties in the conflict. There
ere 658,665 British killed. Let us, with all
sride in our own achievements, give due credit
:o a nation that has sacrificed as has England
ind seek no excessive advantages in the coun-i
uls of the allies.
Let is not forget that it was the French who
threw their bodies against the Prussian storm
Df steelj and stopped the invasion that' might
have changed the world in an entirely different
way. Let us not forget the silent heroism of
:he Serbs trampled underfoot in the first rush
of Priissianism, nor the deathless courage of the
Belgians, the bravery of the Czechs, the Monte
negrins, the Greeks, the Italians and all the
other peoples who suffered untold violences.
It does not seem the time for dictatorship.
The councils should be of wise men talking
fairly among themselves and not 'subject to the
determination of anv one of them. Chicago
Advocates of good roads are to hold a meet
ing in Omaha, from which may come definite
ideas for the improvement of state highways.
Some of the delegates have no illusions as to
the extent of the task they have set about. First
of all, they will have to stir the farmers of the
state from their inertia on the topic. This will
be possible only through a thorough campaign
of education. It will be time wasted to go be
fore the legislature, asking for a large sum of
money, unless the request be based an a
definite, comprehensive program, one capable
of accomplishment and promising good for all.
Good roads will not come to Nebraska until the
men who most use the highways are convinced
of the benefit to be derived from a road that is
of service 365 days in the year. That is the
problem briefly stated. If the convention here
will bring nearer an approach to the solution its
time will not be spent in vain. The state must
come to some conclusion on this important
question some time, and now is none too soon
to get fairly started.
Freedom of the Seas.
Preliminary to the sittings of the peace
council some desultory discussion of freedom of
the seas is being had, the purpose being to de
velop views to a point where accommodation
may be made possible. This will remind Amer
icans of the fact that a serious discussion of the
whole question between Great Britain and the
United States was adjourned by the abrupt en
trance of this country' into the war. A some
what related debate had been going on with
Germany, it being terminated in a similar way
without a conclusion being reached as to the
merits of the points in dispute.
The convention of London was intended to
cover the rights of neutrals, and to fairly out
line a course of procedure under which these
would be conserved. Exigencies of the conflict
seemed to place the belligerents equally at a
disadvantage. To overcome this the British
"order in council" was substituted in Heu of cer
tain sections of the London convention, while
the U-boat was Germany's answer. In both
cases the question arose over the so-called "con
structive blockade." It was admitted by all that
a blockade to be legal must be effective, but the
warring nations claimed the right to intercept
neutral traffic anywhere, Germany finally pre
scribing a zone in which all sea traffic would be
forbidden, as well as conditions under which
neutral shipping might proceed 'with possible
Settlement of this issue w-ill not be reached
off-hand. Established regulations, such as the
right of visit and search, the destruction or con
fiscation of contraband, the safety of noncom
batants and other such provisions will not be
distrubed. But the general right of a country
at war to interfere with all ocean travel at its
own pleasure or to own advantage is certain to
be dealt with in detail, y
Restoring Destroyed France.
Twenty years of labor by 100,000 men will
be required to restore the damage of war iti
northern France, according to Stephen Lau
sanne. In a material sense this estimate seems
low enough. Much of what was so ruthelssly de
molished there can never be restored; yet
around the ruins will exist a sanctity beyond
anything years could impart. What is left by the
ravages of war will ever be a memorial to the
brave dead who gave their lives to the preserva
tion of a lofty ideal, whefee sublimity will in
crease with passing days and inspire freemen
throughout all time.
Restoration of the home life and the indus
try of the devastated region will be a slow pro
cess, but as nature clothes the pulverized soil of
the battlefields with verdure, covering the scars
of war with a jnantle of green, so the healing in
fluence of time will set its'benison on the peo
ple, and they will look ahead and not back, find
ing in the promise of the years to come a solace
for the nightmare they have just emerged from.
France will be not less brave in peace than in
conflict, and the new life will be stronger and
cleaner and of greater service because of the
trials it has undergone.
t Twenty years or forty, the labor of an hun
dred thousand, or many additional thousands,
may be needed to give back the outward evi
dences of material growth, but the spirit of
France, purified and strengthened, comes to the
task uplifted by adversity overcome and justice
maintained, and the work will be accomplished.
Part of Pershing's Problem.
One of the overlooked phases of the problem
of stopping the war is brought to view by a
statement from General Pershing. It has to do
with the reversal of the process whereby he was
accumulating subsistence and other material for
the use of his army in Europe. Most Americans
have conceived the notion that everything the
army was to use went over' from this side. It
now transpires that in stores the Pershing forces
have 10,000,000 tons of supplies purchased in
Europe, and extensive contracts that must be
readjusted. This enormous quantity of sup
plies is referred to now only to illustrate some
thing of the magnitude of the general operations
of the war. It is not merely the disposal of
2,0rX),000 men that is concerned in the demobili
zation of the army, but dealing with the supplies
on hand. Army business methods were never
so tested as in making provision for the expedi
tionary force, and will not likely encounter a
greater trial than in the more delicate job of
bringing the machine to a standstill. j
Seizure of the wireless is justified on the
theory that the government should have a
monopoly of all such means of communication.
What do some of the democratic champions of
free and unlimited competition say as to this?
A German general sadly bemoans the fact
that Germany cannot renew the war because of
the terms of the armistice. That is just what
Foch had in view.
Sidney is trying to compete with Medicine
Hat as a place to start cold waves, but that is
an industry in which Nebraska will never take
firtt honors.
. A judge in the local federal court has ruled
the "flu" not to be an excuse for contraband
booze, thus destroying another prop to a dimin
ishing industry.
The Chilean government approaches the high
cost of living with a proposal to eliminate all
profit on food.' This might help some,
Right in the Spotlight.
Majpr General Clarence R. Ed
wards, U. S. A., who is to be the
guest today of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts, was the comman
der of the Gallant Twenty-sixth,
the New England division, in the
fighting in France. The division
was organized by General Edwards,
who at the commencement of the
war was sent to Boston as com
mander of the new Northeastern
department. General Edwards is
an Ohioan who graduated from
West Point in 1883. He went to
Boston from Panama, where tf had
been in charge of the military
forces. Prior to that he was in Ha
waii, arid went there from the Texan
border. His military record, both
prior to and since the Spanish
American war, has been creditable,
but especially so in the administra
tive capacities shown by him as
creator and administrator of the
Bureau of Insular Affairs.
One Year Ago Today in the War.
British advanced their line before
Fifteen Americans decorated with
the French War Cross for gallantry.
British cavalry captured Bittir
station one and one-half miles west
of Jerusalem. '
Sir Douglas Haig
In Omaha 30 Years Ago Today. '
C. L. Reddington, of the commis
sion firm of Rosenbaum Bros-, went
to Chicago on business.
Nearly 200 city people drove out
to the fort to see the last dress
parade of the season.
William T. Morton of Sedgwick,
Dakota, accompanied by his daughter-in-law,'
Mrs. A. T. Morton, re
turned home.
C. J. Potter of Omaha has just fin
ished three cottages on Thirty-and-a-half
and S streets, and is laying
a sidewalk in front of them.
The committee on amusement for
the St. Agnes fair appointed Sun
day is: Messrs. Thomas Hoctorj
Timothy Flaherty, John Grady, ana
Mr. Davidson and Miss Kj.
The Nebraska Woman's Suffrage'
association will hold its annual
meeting at Boyd's Opera house De
cember 3 and 4.
The Day We Celebrate.
George F. Engler. manager of the
Engler-Jackson Brokerage company,
born 1884.
WiUard Chambers, teacher of
dancing, born 1862.
Dr. Mary Walker, noted advocate
of woman s rights and "dress re
form," born at Oswego, N. Y., 86
years ago. .
Albert B. Fall, re-elected to the
United States senate from New
Mexico, born at Frankfort, Ky., 57
years ago. 1
William Horace Day. moderator
of the National Council of Congre
gational churches, morn at Bloom
ingdale. 111., 52 years ago.
This Day in History.
1731 William Cowper, one of the
most eminent and popular of Eng
lish poets, born. , Died April 25,
1853 Isaac I. Stephens arrived at
Olympia 'to organize the govern
ment of Washington territory.
1885 Marshal Serrano, former
dictator of Spain, died in Madrid.
Born near Cadiz, September 12,
1893 Terrence V. Powlerly re
signed the leadership of the Knights
of Labor. .
1914 Germans again bombarded
the French city of Rheims.
1916 German and Bulgarian
forces under Von Mackensen at
tacked Alexandria, 47 miles from
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
Today is the 100th -anniversary of
the discovery of "Encke's" comet.
Twenty years ago today foundered
the steamer Portland, with nearly
200 lives lost, bound from Boston
to Portland, Me.
Grain growers of all Canada have
been summoned to meet in confer
ence at Winnipeg today to discuss
after-the-war policies, and especial
ly the tariff.
The question of forming a farm
ers' political party is expected to be
discussed at the meeting of the
Canadians Council of Agriculture;
which is to begin its sessions today
at Winnipeg.
A statue of the late James Whit
comb Riley, the "Hoosier poet,"
modeled by Myra Reynolds Rich
ards of Indianapolis, is to be un
veiled today at Greenfield, Ind.,
which t town has the distinction of
having been the birthplace of the
Storeyette df the Day.
Attorney-General Gregory was
praising the character of Gen. Foch.
"Foch," he said, "is that fine type,
a cautious optimist. Foch is an op
timist who prepares for the most
pessimistic contingencies.
"Foch, the optimist, sees nothing
but sunshine, yet he is never caught
abroad without raincoat and um
brella." V
London's metropolitan area con
tains a million houses.
The world's census of sheep runs
to well over 450,000,000.
All the gold coin in circulation
would weigh about 900 tons.
It is calculated that the earth's
population is doubled in 139 years.
England collects an average of
4,000 tons - of waste paper every
week. -
Every year more than 1,000,000
youths in the United States reach
the age of 21.
Police - interpreters are stationed
in the principal streets of Paris to
asslt allied soldiers.
It is estimated there are 10,000
private) employment agencies
throughout the United States. ,
Only two presidents of the United
States have borne other than British
surnames. These were both Dutch,
Van Uuren and Boosevelt.
New York Times.
One of the ablest soldiers the war has pro
duced does not speak for himself or about him
self. He praises others and is slow to censure.
Sometimes his government has failed to send
him re-inforcements when his need for them
was sore; but he has not complained. In more
.i ,...rc n .or h has alwavs been at
the front, engaged with rare respite in what may
be called intensive fighting, often of the most
.1 ,.,. l,o,o,r Tli wnnrlrr is that he
has gone through the ordeal with a sound bram
and strength apparently unimpaired
kun thro rnmmiml,r n! the French
armies since mid-December, 1915, but only one
commander ot trie uritisn. nas any mmi
j:.. : k.'otnr.. k..n vnncorl in a crrCSter Strain
UlCl 111 'll-uij v o ,
upon his faculties than Sir Douglas Haig has
- . . a i .1 1 A UnA
endured and tnumpned over iu me wai mice
years, less three months? Yet all that is known
of him bv Americans and by most of his coun
...,n.o.. Inr ,k-, miiir ;i that lii name ncures
a good deal in headlines. It is impossible to
dissociate him from the British army. On Sep
m P;M Vfirsimt llnior in an order of the
day thanked it for its valor and devotion:
"The capture of 75,000 prisoners and 750
guns in the course of four weeks'fighting speaks
for the magnitude of your efforts and the mag
nificence of your achievement."
For once D. Haig so he signs his name
showed more emotion than was ever wrung
from him before by success or failure., "We
have passed through many dark days," he said
in the address to his troops. "Please God,
these never will return." This great soldier, for
such he is, goes to a little Presbyterian church
behind the lines every Sunday morning, and
when he speaks of the name of God, which is
f'dom, lest his piety seem ostentatious, it is
s h reverence. One of those dark days was
April 12 of the present year, when the British
army was fighting for its life in the Ypres sec
tor, where it had bled so much, but always in
domitably. Sir Douglas Haig then issued his
back-to-tlie-wall" order of the day:
"Many among us now are tired. To those
I would say that victory will belong to the side
which holds out the longest. The French army
is moving rapidly and in great force to our sup
port. There is no other course open to us but
to fight it out. Every position must be held to
the last man. There must be no retirement."
What has Sir Douglas Haig not done in his
four years and more in France that an accom
plished and intrepid soldier should do? With
Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien, this fellow corps
commander, he more than once saved the Brit
ish army on its retreat from Mons. Its histor
ian, Maj. Ernest W. Hamilton, says that 100
Victoria crosses were earned on that glorious
retirement for every one given. One-third of
thp exnpflitinnarv armv sleeo the lone sleep in
France. Smith-Dorrien, whose health broke
down under the strain, and Haig, the man of
iron, vied with each other in fighting rearguard
actions until flesh and blood could endure no
more. The escape of remnants of brigades bor
dered on the miraculous. "We shall have to
hold here for a while if we all die for it" said
Haig on one desperate occasion. The British
army was always holding on; every extrication
from the German development was like a tor
lorn hope. Smith-Dorrien, he of the eagle eye
and massive jaw, was never himself again. Haig,
who did not take his life so tragically, lived
through many dark days with gleams of glory.
The first Ypres was as touch-and-go a busi
ness as anything experienced in the retreat from
Mons. The Seventh division, 12,000 strong
when it left England, lost 336 officers out of 400,
and 9,664 men. On the darkest day, when all
seemed lost, down the Menin road galloped Sir
Douglas Haig and his smart escort of the Sev
teenth Lancers, shells falling thick about them,
to encourage the faltering troops for no other
reason, the general's place being behind the line.
On another day it was Cheluvethe stood on
a road in consultation with Sir John French,
who had given an order for the army to fall
back, when a courier rode up to say that the
Germans were retiring. Sir Chafles Fitzclar
ence, an Irish soldier, had thrown a Norfolk
battalion into a breach in the enemy's line and
turned the tide of battle. So critical was all
the Ypres fighting, so suddenly did shafts of
success pierce the, pall of defeat. Haig was Sir
John French's right arm, and when the veteran
retired the government, in naming the Scotch
man for supreme command, reflected the hope
of the army.
This Scotch gentleman, son of John Haig of
Ffamornie. in Fife, who commands 2,000,000
British and colonial troops, is in the prime of
life at 57, "tall, lithe, well knit," a consummate
horseman, fair of complexion, blue of eye, in
manner gracious, reserved, but kindly. "I have
rarely seen a masculine face so handsome and
yet so strong," says one who tried to interview
him. He shuns publicity. An industrious stu
dent of the profession of arms, it is said that he
never commanded a larger body of men than a
regiment in battle before the great war. The
influence of the genial duke of Cambridge se
cured him a commission after he had been re
jected for defective eyesight. Sir John French
saved him from drowning in the Modder river
in the Boer war. . "Lucky" Haig he has always
been called. He predicted the war with Ger
many in a letter to Field Marshal Sir Evelyn
Wood years ago. He has refused a peerage,
but is a knight of the prized Order of the This
tle. He has owed much to his aristocratic con
nections, but infinitely more to the virtues of
his race and to inherent soldierly qualities. He
has a keen sense of humor. He is never visibly
angry. Born in the purple and a favorite at
court and in Mayfair, he is a "soldiers' soldier."
There are many Haigs on the British army list,
but only one Sir Douglas. Modest and indiffer
ent to fame, he will be reckoned among the
great commanders of the greateswar in history.
A Famous Railroad Car
That railroad car, somewhere in France,
wherein a marshal of France read the fate of a
nation to German delegates seeking peace, is
likely to pass into history along with the Ap
pomattox apple tree. It is an unforgettable
picture in its simplicity and directness. When
General Foch entered the Versailles conference
he was described as entering alone, without
staff or attendants. The picture in the railroad
car is of a peace with this democratic straight
forwardness. The terms of the armistice are the essential
part of the negotiations. But simple physical
tacts take a more powerful hold upon a people's
imagination. And for the people of Germany,
as for the peoples of the world; now and in the
years to come, the unforgettable fact will be
that German delegates, through the petition of
their government, went to France to beg peace.
They who had been so arrogant crossed the line
blindfolded a routine military precaution, yet
not without its part in tha historic picture.
Since Henry IV, holy Roman emperor, went to
Canossa and waited in a court yard for a papal
absolution there has been no more utter and
'iumiliating act of submission by a great power.
That scene in a railroad car, with its import
and consequences, is the most wholesome event
;n the history of the German nation. May its
significance sink in and remain to warn and
humble. New York Tribune.
'. People and Events
With Europe divided into 40 or more states
the manager of the scrappy department of the
sporting page may be pardoned for sitting op
with a broad grin.
It is worth while noting! as the world hops
peacefully along that the German election will
be held on groundhog day. Will Count Hohen
sollern see his shadow? ;
Paris gave General Pershing a merry glad
hand the other day. But 'wait! Wait until
Laclede, Mo., Lincoln, Neb., and Cheyenne,
Wyo., give "Black Jack" the home high sigh.
Blames Young fof Polygamy.
Omaha, Nov. 20. To the Editor
or The Bee: In your news eommu
nication from Salt Lake City an
nouncing the death of Joseuh F.
Smith you state that the "oriKlnal"
prophet, Joseph Smith, was guilty
or preacninp "plurality of wives.
buch a statement is false and does
injustice to his honored posterity
several of whom are residents of
Omaha. The preaching, as well as
the practii ing of polygamy, was the
work ana creation of Br Kham
Young and hia followers, and did not
materialize until after the demise of
Joseph Smith. Mr. Younir lacked
the charm to enforce his loathsome
doctrine even upon his honesty dupes,
and hence they resort to the name
of Joseph Smith, revered by many
or mar iaun as a character or sin
gular power.
It is quite evident that the news
emanated from Salt Lake City as per
ine communication, but the public
in general has learned to discount
everything that comes from that
hotbed of Mormon belief, the soul
ana center of the system.
Minister of the Reorganized Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
saints, 1480 Spencer Street.
On the "Blue Sky" Law.
Omaha, Nov. 23. To the Editor
of The Bee: In your Letter Box
column I note that C. F. McGrew
asks that one of the first duties of
the Nebraska legislature be the in
vestigation of the Nebraska Railway
commission regarding the so-called
"blue sky" permits, granted to vari
ous stock-selling concerns which
have fleeced the people of the state
or Nebraska out of millions of dol
lars. The prcsept railway commls
sion has issued permits to corpora
tlons of various kinds who advertise
that they will pay stockholders a 7
per cent dividend on stock. In the
second place the railway commission
in administering the law permits
these concerns to use 20 per cent of
the money received from the stock
sales for promotion purposes. In
addition to this officers of these com.
pantes are drawing from 500 to
11.000 per month salaries.
The blue sky permits have been
given many of these stock-selling
concerns, and if the stockk had to
be sold on its merits in an open mar
ket would not bring 10 cents on the
dollar. Members or the railway
commission have admitted that a
permit helped the sale of these se
curities, the innocent investor believ
ing that a permit would not have
been issued unless the stock was
worth par value, fell for the divi
dend bait and bought the stock.
The so-called blue sky law in Ne
braska in its title says that it is an
"act to regulate the sale of stocks
and other securities," and provides
a penalty for not securing a permit.
This law was not framed for the pur
pose of protecting investors against
sale of fraudulent securities, but it
was placed on the statute books for
the sole purpose of protecting tvie
stock broker.
The stock broker under this law
does not have tb secure a permit;
he can sell his stocks or securities
without interference from the rail
way ommis8ion. I will. pay $50 to
any man in the state who can show
me where a broker has been mo
lested or arrested for selling securi
ties without securing a permit, and
for this reason alone it is class leg
islation, since this law exempts brok
ers. It was framed to protect the
broker and, therefore, is unconsti
tutional. One of the first acts of the coming
legislature should be to require each
executive officer of the state railway
commisislon to file an official bond
for the sum of $100,000 to protect
the people in the future.
612 South Eighteenth St.
if s
Editorial Snapshots
Minneapolis Tribune: The mili
tary glory of the "Rainbow division"
justifies the name of that famous
band of fighters.
Baltimore American: Why did
our boys win out in France? Let
the shipments of 119,000,000 cakes
of soap explain it. Cleanliness is
next to Godliness.
New York World: "I, with Gott,"
boasted the kaiser, "am the All
Highest." Bump! and there was no
kaiser. "I," declared the king of
Bavaria, "am the rightful kaiser."
Bump! and no king of Bavaria.
Brooklyn Eagle: Before Austria -Hungary
can be scientifically divided
by races, science must devise a new
definition for the molecule. If every
individual had a kingdom to himself
there would still be many mixed
St. Louis Globe-Democrat: It Is
manifest the republican party never
dies; and it is also ohvious thai the
democratic party doesn't, either.
The short-lived creations are the
greenback, populist, free silver, pro
gressive, etc.
New York Herald; Four thou
sand five hundred and sixty-eight
persons in England, most of them
women and children, were murdered
in those air raids which caused so
much rejoicing on the part of the
dear German peoplo whom we are
asked to feed.
Kansas City Times: If any of the
peace delegates fear injustices may
be done Germany in the final nego
tiations they may be taken on a
brief tour to the devastated regions
of France and Belgium. It is be
lieved that one look through Lens
will clear their visum.
New York World: Having taken
leave of the lftiiser and crown prince
and the Ilohenzollcrns generally,
what use could the Germans, under
the new order of things, have for
the battleships Kaiser, Kaiserin,
Kronprinz and so on that they are
turning ovevr to the allies?
Su So you didn't marry htm bfor
ti went overe?
Pruo No; I told him It was tlml
enouch to marry ma after ha got throtigl
flfhtlnc tha kila.r. Judga.
"How much atoelt ha does take In him.
"Ha'a overaubacrlheil." Llfa.
Our Soldier boya are mnrchlnf sway
To a place we know not where, v
It may not be Ionic, It may ba forever,
et they muat do their ehara.
A battle for right la before ua all
And they are the onoa to aeawer the call)
There are tears and nood-bye, and we re
proud of our boya
Who are willing to give up all of llfe'a
To die for our country If need tt miiat ba
To brln pre once mora to thla lnnl
of tho free.
Tet there are othere who are doing theli
Tha wlvea and the mothera and perhapt
a awott heart,
Vho are wllllnK to part with Jhoee the
hnlil dear,
And itruing au bravely to keep back a
'Vhe heartaches and prayera for the onei
that they love
la known only to Jeatis. Our Savior, above
It's a 1 1 mo In uur Uvea we ne'er will for-
And how It will end we know not aa yet
Hut we hope for the beat and at tht
close of each day,
We will pray for our boya who have (ont
far away.
Mod bless them and keep them and gutdt
them a-rlKht,
(living them courage for any great flsht,
And If It la thy will, O Lord, on Thj
I'rotect them and bring them all aafely
back fcnme.
Hut If for their country their Uvea hav
to pay.
Then Klvn us the courage that we ma;
each eay:
"Not our will, but Thy will, O Lord, maj
i be done,"
And find rest In Heaven for each moth
er's eon
Who fought for Old Olory; "Oh. long maj
aha wave,
O'er the land of the free and the homi
of the brave."
Omaha. MRS. J. M. OPPKR.
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