Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Organization of New Coalition,
Putting Socialists in Full
' Power, May End Pres-
ent Regime."
Copenhagen, Nov. 25. An agree
ment has been reached between the
German soldiers' and workmen's
vcojncil and the' government, it is of
ficially announced in Berlin.
The agreement provides:
"First All political power is to
be in the hands of the German so
cialist republic and the soldiers' and
workmen's council.
"Second Their aim is to defend
and develop what has been accom
I plished by the revolution and to sup
press all counter-revolutionary ac
tjvity." y "Third rending the election of
representatives of the soldiers' and
workmen's councils to an executive
council of the German republic, the
executive council In Berlin is to ex
'ercise its functions.
"Fourth The . appointment aijd
dismissal of all members of the van-
ous legislative bodies of the republic
and until the final constitution is es
tablished, of Prussia, are to be made
by the central executive council,
which also has the right of control.
"Fifth Before the cabinet ap
points assistant ministers the execu
tive council must be consulted.
"Sixth A convention of deputies
, drawn from the soldiers and work
men's councils is to be summoned as
" won as possible."
To Overthrow Ebert.
London, Nov. 25. This morniing's
London newspapers display promi
nently the German advices regard-
tug the agreement between the sol
diers' and workmen's council and
n the government, which is regarded,
is a development of the greatest im-
portance and tantamount to t!:e
overthrow, of the Ebert-Haase com
bination and the adoption, at least
theoretically, of the existing Russian
system. ; - ,
It is admitted that the German
councils have not yet developed the
extravagances which led to the dis
integration and anarchy in Russia,
the councils not being dominated by
the bolshevik element.
The Daily Mail, while pointing out
the analogy to the developments in
Russia, suggests that the new step
is a part of a "big bluff" aimed at
persuading the allies that the old
Germany is defunct.
The Daily Express also thinks the
menace is possibly exaggerated for
the purpose of impressing the allies
of .the difficulties of the position.
People to Rule.
Berlin, Viu Amsterdam, Nov. 25.
Chancellor Ebert and the council of
the , people's commissioners wel
comed the returning troops with a
proclamation saying among other
("You marched into the field for
the "fatherland when you had nothing
to say and a handful of autocrats had
the power in their hands and distrib
' uted the booty among themselves.
You had to fight in silence. while
hundreds of thousands at your side
had to die. Today you return to
your own country, where in the fu
ture only the people themselves will
have anything to say."
Suit to Test Right
to Raise Car Fares
and Men's Wages
N Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 25.
' Whether the National War Labor
board has power to make wage
awards and whether the federal
court has authority to increase street
v car rates to put into effect the award,
are to be decided at a hearing which
began in the federal court here to-
day on the Kansas City railway
company's application for an injunc
tion to prevent interference to an in
crease in car fares.! ;
The ruling, it is said, not only will
ffect street car companies through
out the country but also will have a
, bearing on various other wage
awards granted by the War Labfcr
, The contention of Kansas City, as
r expressed formally by he city coun
sellor, is that the federal court has
no jurisdiction in fixing rates and
that Ihe War Labor board cannot
, bind the city to increased fares.
The street railway company seeks
to increase its fares from 6 to 8
cents in order to be able to meet the !
award of the labor board, increasing ;
the pay of its employes. ,
ContlnnJ from Pace One.)
Total aboard, 99 officers, 2,943 men.
On Lapland,
pn the Lapland are these units
and casuals:
' First Handley-Page training sec
tion, 126 pfficers, 449 men; 69th
photograph section, 1 officer, 30
men; 70th photograph section, 1 of
ficer, 30 men; 71st photograph sec
tion, 1 officer, 30 men; 72d section,
1 officer, 29 men; sailmakers' de
tachment, 1 officer, 100 men; 265th
aero Squadron, 2 officers, 119 men;
263d squadron, 2 officers, 125 men;
256th squadronv 2 (officers, 126 men;
320th squadron, 3 officers, 123 men;
314th air squadron, 2 officers, 134
men; 318th squadronr 2 officers. 120
men; 350th squadron, 3 officers, 121
men; 812th squadron, 3 officers, 323
i ma rr
men; air service casuais, omcers;
mixed casuals, 11 officers, 1 enlisted
man. 1 former nurse;" casuals, sick
and wounded, 7 officers,il4 men nofc
requiring special attention; enlisted
men attached to wounded officers, 6;
nurses, 3; casual medical detachment,
5 officers. 12 men. Total, 233 officers,
4 nurses, 1,797 other ranks. ' .
. On Orca. r
On ht steamer Orca, which sailed
from Liverpool for New York. No
vember 23 are:
'470th aero squadron, 2 officers, 127
men; 471st sdtiadron, 3 officers, 141
men; 478th squadron, 6 officers, 125
men; 479th squadron, 4 officers, 140
men; 224th squadron, 2 officers, 225
men, 26thsquadron, 2 officers, 126
men; 261st squadron, 3 officers, 144
men; 806th squadron, 2 officers, 41
men; 82d squadron, 3 officers, 119
men, 824th squadron, 4 officers. 99
men: 831st sauadron, 3 officers, 106
jnen; 836th squadron, 4 officers, 109
men; 852d squadron, 4 omcers. 12S
men; 3d construction company, air
service, 4 officers, 235 men; casuals,
medical department, 4 officers, 12
men. Total, 50 officers, 1,874 men.
Ships Only Limit.
Before General March's announce
ment, Secretary Baker discussed
with newspaper correspondents the
return of American troops from
France. Their homewajd move
ments, he said is dependent almost
entirely upon the limitation of trans
portation facilities both at sea and in
France. ,
Besides employing in this work
the German liners seized in this
country, Dutch vessels taken over
and all other available transports
Mr. Baker said some part of the'
Brtish transport tonnage employed
in carrying troops to France will
continue to be used in getting the
men home, He pointed out, how
ever, that Great Britain will need
many of her ships to carry home
Canadian, Australian New Zealand
and other colonial forces which have
been in France longer than the
American armies.
Big Liners in Service.
The secretary said that the great
British liners Mauretania, Olympic
and Aquitania have been in the
American transport service for a
year and that the Mauretania still is
so engaged. i
He could not say whether the
.other two had been withdrawn.
German liners now in German
ports, Mr. Baker said, may offer a
means of expediting the return of the
American forces. Present plans are
to use these vesels to carry food
to Germany and the secretary said it
might be found possible to make
some arrangement under which some
of General Pershing's men could
be sent home on them. Before sail
ing for Europe to arange for the re
turn of the troops, Chairman Hurley
of the shipping board said it was the
purpdse'to use ships now idle in Ger
man ports. Mr. Baker, however,
did not indicate today that any def
inite steps to that end have yet been
With the removal of the sebmar
ine menance the war secretry said
it will be possible to bring home
many soldiers in cargo vesels. The
shipping board is commissioning
many such vessels from day to day,
and they will be added to the fleet
available for the return of the army.
Bring'Sick Home First.
For the next several weeks, Mr.
Baker expects returning troops to
be laden entirely with sick ana
wounded men and those not im
mediately available for military ser.
vice such as the men who have been
discharged from hospitals in France,
but who have not fully recovered
their strength. They will be organiz
ed for purposes of transportation m
Yield from 1920 Revenue
i Will Be $4,000,000,000
B Washington, Nov. 25. By a strict
party vote the senate finance com
mittee tonight decided to recom
mend that the yield from the 1920
revenue bill be limited to $4,000,000
000. Ten democratic members,
who voted for the amount suggested
by Secretary McAdoo, were opposed
by the seven republicans.
Before adopting the $4,000,000,000
limit, the committee voted down a
proposal by Senator Gore of Okla
homa, democrat, to leave the $6,000
000,000 bill of 1919 unchanged for
1920 and use the $2,000,000,000 sur
plus for paying outstanding govern
ment obligations. The vote was 9
to 8, Senator Gore joining with the
3even republican members.
Opea for the Fall and
Winter season
Mineral Wtter Baths and Massaga
Treatment for Rheumatism.
- - Located Near Camp Dodg. 4
Colfax, Iowa.
For Christmas.
Why Not Buy th Beat?
Advo Gold Medal Coffee. .. . . . 40c
Quality Unchanged.
Why Not I
Biggest Military
Hospital of Kind in
World Opened in N.Y.
New York, Nov. 25. The big
gest military hospital of its kind
in the world was formally opened
here today. Teethe 5Q0 wounded
men who made up the first contin
gent of patients there will be
added 250 during the day and
probably more tomorrow.
The new hospital base hospital
No. 3 occupies the big building
that formerly housed a department
store at Sixth avenue and Eight
eenth street The hospital has ac
commodations for 4,000 patients.
It will be used as a debarkation
hospital. Major W. J. Monaghan
is in charge of the hospital.
to provisional companies of from
100 to 150 men with the requisite
number of 'officers and will be sent
to designated campj to be muster
ed out. It is assuined that efforts
will be made in France to put into
each provisional company men from
the same general locality in the Uni
ted States in order to ease the de
mobilization transportation problem
on this side.
Secretary Baker, also revealed to
day that agenerol principle to govern-
the payment to be made to
Great Britian for services rendered
by her transport fleet or cargo
craft in transporting or supplying
American forces has been reached.
He said in conference with Lord
Reading, the British ambassador it
had been agreed that payment to be
made by either government to the
other for such service would be
made on the basis that no profit was
to accrue to either Great Britian or
the United States.
National U. W. W. Fund
Oversubscribed Over
Thirty-two Millions
. s I
New York, Nov. 25. Total sub
scriptions to the United War Work
campaign was $203,179,038, cr $32,
679,038 in excess of the amount
originally asked by the seven war
relief organizations for their work
during the demobilization of the
army and navy, according to an of
fical announcement tonight by the
national campaign committee. This
is the largest sum ever raised as an
outright gift in the history of the
According to the committee every
state in the union, with the e:.cep
tjon Of Pennsylvania and Minnesota,
exceeded its quota and confidence
was expressed that these states will
be "over the top" when returns from
Philadelphia and Minneapolis are
in. Philadelphia a "war chest" city,
has not yet made an appropriation
to the fund, while Minneapolis post
poned its drive until next month.
John D. Rockefeller and John D.
Rockefeller, jr., 'who had under
written lacking subscriptions to the
amount of $1,623,689, were called on
to contribute $370,097 to make up
the total when reports showed a
subscription of $34,629,903.
California War Attorney
Resigns on Account of Pay
San Francisco, Nov. 25. Caspar
Ornbaun, special war attorney, has
filed his resignation today by John
W. Preston, special assistant to the
attorney general of the United
States, effective at any -time within
90 days after December 1. Orn
baun said that while he considered
it a duty to carry on the espionage
act presecution in which, he was
engaged while the war continued,
the salary of $3,000 a year attached
to the post was inadequate and that
he now felt the sacrifice was un
necessary, i , "
(Continued From Fare One.)
tionalists and many of thern suo
The square was cleared of milling
men only when socialists by ones
and twos and m groups broke and
fled. The scrimmage in the park
then was carried on a smaller scale
into every neighboring street.
Groups of socialists soon were
running along Fifth avenue a half
mile north and south of Twenty
sixth street, pursued by shouting
uniformed men, most of them hat
less and coatless. '
Take Neckties for Souvenirs.
When they went to the meet
ing the men, almost without excep
tion, wore red neckties because red
flags were under official ban. These
red ties, were the special mark of
soldiers' and sailors. After the fight
they were cherished as souvenirs.
Hundreds of the socialists were
beaten, but so far as could be
learned none was seriously hurt.
The police had the situation well
in hand half an hour after the close
of the meeting and the street was
cleared except for stragglers.
United States Marshal McCarthy
and police inspectors were inclined
to blame the uniformed men for the
trouble. They declared the meet
ing would have proceeded peace
fully enough, in spite of the more
or less explosive speeches, had it
not been for the soldiers and sail
ors. .
Police Seize Red Flags.
The atmosphere in the Gerden
was tense long before Nearing op
ened the meeting. Pandemonium
broke loose when the band, after
playing the Star Spangled Banner
and the "Marseillaise" swung into
the "International" and a Russian
revolutionary song. Shouts of "Long
Live the International," were fol
lowed by booing and hissing, when
the police, seizing red flags sud
denly displayed, marched their own
ers from the auditorium. Then
minor but simultaneous conflicts
broke out in various parts of the
All the speakers pleaded with the
audience to remain calm, Nearing
stating that there were persons pres
ent only too eager to disrupt" the
These warnings, however, were
disregarded whenever the red flag
made its appearance.
After Nearing predicted "a bitter
taste of job hunting this winter, and
assailed the "capitalistic press" and
other "indications of plutocracy" he
raised a deafening applause when he
"During the next 10 days Mr.
Wilson will go to Europe to use his
efforts to make the world safe for
democracy. At least we may ask
Mr. Wilson to grant a general par
don to all political and class war
frisoners before he sails for
Then a red flag, bearing in white
letters the words "withdraw allied
troops 4fom Russia" was dropped
from the balcony and after this had
been removed and two more dis
played from another part of the
balcony, marines and sailors, form
ing a flying wedge, rushed down the
main aisle and past the police' up
into the balcony. From the outside
Sweepers Clearing
Path to Kiel for Big -Ships
of British Fleet
London, Nov. 25. A flotilla of
mine sweepers left the Firth of
Forth this morning to clear a pas
sage to Kiel for the British squad
ron which, it is understood, will
disarm and intern the remnants of
the German navy.
Wilhelmshaven also will be
visited by the squadron, which, it
is reported, will comprise one bat
tleship and a flotilla of destroyers.
their comrades hurled themselves
against a side door and nearly suc
ceeded in bursting into the auditor
ium. -
Adopt Resolutions
Two resolutions were adopted at
the meeting. The first endorsed
"the plan of action suggested by
organized labor bodies on the Paci
fic coast" to prevent "Tom" Mooney
from hanging. The second extended
"our fraternal greetings to the so
cialists of Germany" protested
against armed intervention "in the
internal affairs of the German peo
ple," demanded the return of Ameri
can and allied troops from Russian
territory and pledged the audience
to work with devotion and fervor
until the industrial republic of
America takes its place among the
industrially free nations of the
President Wilson
to Visit England on
- His Way to France
New York, Nov. 25. From prepa
rations being made in England for
his reception, it is generally believed
President Wilson will go to that
country to sfay several days before
continuing to Paris. It is known
that several representatives of the
government have preceded him to
England to arrange for his stay
There has been no announcement
as to what the president will use in
making the voyage. It was said at
first that he would cross on the
former North German-Lloyd liner
Kaiser Wilhelm, which had a special
suite for the kaiser. When prepara
tions for the use of this ship were
underway, however, there was a
change of plans and it now is said
he will cross on George Washington,
another former German liner seized
in an American port when this na
tion entered the war.
York Maintains a Strict
Quarantine Because of Flu
York, Neb., Nov. 25. (Special
Telegram.) The board of health
signed an order today closing
schools, churches, clubs, theaters
and dance halls.
Quarantine of all homes affected
by the influenza epidemic will be
strictly maintained. The disease
has been gaining rapidly in York
the past week. Several business
houses are closed on account of the
help being sick.
A recuperative diet in Influenza. Hor
lick's Malted Milk, very digestible. Adv.
Italian Troops Occupy
Capital of the Tyrol
Rome, Nov. 25. Italian troops oc
cupied Innsbruck, thecapital of the
Austrian Tyrol, on Friday, in ac
cordance with the terms of the Aus
trian armistice. They also took
possession of Landeck, west of Inns
bruck, on the Inn river.
At Innsbruck the German popula
tion, although welcoming the Ital
ians warmly, maintained a calm and
respectful attitude.
a Hie new
Try Pineapple
Pineapple Is a
flavor which
must be aealed
to kee p. We
seal it In a vial.
We use half a
ripe . pineapple
to make the
Savor for one
Jiffy-Jell des
sert. So you get
a wealth of this
delightful taate.
Jiffy-Jell comes ready sweet
ened. The bottle of flavor comes
in the package. And it costs a
trifle. One package makes instant
dessert for sis.
There are 10 flavors, but try
Pineapple and Loganberry today
Order them now.
9 Packaf fat 25 Cnf
At Your Crecar't
Jiffy.JeIl-Wauke.ha, Wiaconsin
Released by
U. S. Government
The regulation limiting the
sale, possession and use of
platinum, iridum and palla
dium has been revoked by
order of the Secretary of
the Interior.
This order permits the Jew
elers to manufacture, repair
or, alter any piece of Plati
num Jewelry.
The releasing of Platinum
restores the conditions that
existed before the war.
Give Gifts of Jewelry This
- Christmas
Greater Omaha & Co. Bluffs Jewelers
Attacks on Aremenians
Are Reported to Have
. Been Resumed by Turk
Constantinople. Nov. 25. (By As
sociated Tress.) Attacks on the
Armenians have .been resumed in the
district of Errbeidjan, on th. border
of the Caucasus, by Turkish troops
under the leadership of Nouffii Pa
sha, brother of Enver Pasha, former
minister of war. Nouffii Pasha d -Clares
that lie is outside the author
ity of the present Constantinople
government, and that he has been
delegated by the Moslems of the dis
trict to suppress the revolt of the
If the attacks continue British
warships will be sent to Batum.
The Turkish government has re
called Tashsin Bey, the governor of
Smyrna, who, as governor of Erie
rum, was active in the -Armenian
massacre of 1916.
Paris, Nov. 25. (Havas.) Repre
sentatives of the Armenian settle
ments in Egypt and the Sudan, at a
meeting in Cairo, according to a dis
patch to the Temps from Cairo,
adopted unanimously a resolution
addressed to the allied powers and
President Wilson, declaring that
the Armenian nation has been
the victim of might used by barba
rians and requesting immediate
recognition of a provisional govern
ment. It also asks Turkish troops
in Armenia be replaced by allied and
A .enian contingents.
Amends Regulations.
Washington, Nov. 25. An order
amending postal regulations so that
telephone and telegraph .ompani.-s
may have acc ss to postoffice rec
ords in an effort to locate persons
to whom messages are sent without
adequate addresses, was issued today
by Postmaster General Burleson.
Nineteen Billions in Navy
Contracts Are Canceled
Washlnjon, Nov. 25. Contr ts
amounting to $19,051,000, including
those for 300 hydroplanes and naval
suoolies. have been canceled by the
Navy department since the signing
I of the armistice.)
Editor Dana Mutz Dies
at Utica, Influenza Victim
Utica, Neb.. Nov. 25. (Special
Telegram ) Dana Mutz, editor of
the Utica Sun, died last night of in
fluenza. He was a popular young
man in the cocmunity. A wife and
two children survive.
He was an enthusiastic sup
porter of the war and took pride in
saving a larger per cent of food than
the government requested. He put
all his savings into bonds and gave
liberally to all war work. He was
fuel administrator and chairman of
the four-minute men. As a member
of the home guard he took part in
the peace celebration on November
11, when he is supposed to have con
tracted his fatal illness.
He was married to Mildred McAl
lister of Omaha in 1912.
He was the son of Otto Mutz of
Lincoln and will be buried there
Good, Warm, Sani
tary, Clean Clothes
Take the Bitter
Edge off Winter.
And the clothes don't
have to be new either.
Your old clothes will
serve all through the
winter if they are
cleaned at
Dyers, Dry Cleaners
2211-17 Farnam St., Omaha.
Phone Tyler 345.
Thompson-Beldext &(h
Th e Fashion Qcnier Tor Womeii ,
. I I 1 I
Our Entire Millinery. Stock
Less Than Half Price
The finest offering of the season.
Every desirable style and shape and
color is included. ' Model hats also
go into this sale Tuesday.
All in three groups:
Values to $10, Tuesday, $3.75
Values to 15, Tuesday, $6.75
Values to $40, Tuesday, $9.75
No returns. No C. O. D.'s. .
No exchanges. No refunds.
Sale of Woolen Dresses
Tuesday for $29.50
Mr. Robert Nicoll, our New York
representative, made this very for
tunate purchase, and the price is
exceptionally low.
Dresses of serge, Poiret twill, jersey,
in navy, tan, brown and taupe.
Sizes 16, 36, 38, 40, 42.
Tuesday's special price, $29.50
the Gift this Christmas
that will lend Yule
tide pleasure and
find favor in thou
sands of homes
any number
of which we
have on dis
play for your
Wh a t finer , expression
of the genuine Christmas spirit could
you make than a well-chosen library
or portable lamp.
When visiting our electric shop ask
to be shown other electrical gifts, such
Percolators, Samovars, Waffle Irons,
Chafing Dishes, Toasters, Grills, Oven
ettes, Boilers, Heating Pads, Milk
Warmers, Curling Irons, Water Ket
tles, Portable Sewing Machines, and
the wonderful labor-saving Electric
W ashing Machine; it wrings your
clothes, too.
Nebraska Power Company
"Your Electric Service Co."
Phoge Tyler Three-One-Hundred.
South Side Electric Shop, 2314 M St.
15th and Farnam,
Phone South Three.