Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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Cloft Mrag Sfcprc
1 . It
HOSE who once enjoy the pleasure and com
fort of earfv Christmas shopping will never
so back to the last minute method. Christmas
stocks are complete an dwe are at your service now
KT& HAVE the courage 'of belief that men want
the best and worthiest merchandise at fair
prices. Every man can shop here with the assur
ance that he will receive the utmost in value and
complete satisfaction.
Here Are 'Men's
:s for Every Piiipose
$35, ' $40, $50, $60, $75, $85,
$100, $125 and to $350.
- y
IT means something to you at a time of 'great ' scarcity of
fine materials to have here such a-supply of fine overcoats;
for dress or street wear, : for cold weather, for' stormsr for
winter motoring; fur collared and fur lined. At prices they
would easily fetch at wholesale, .
Important-Special Values in Mart Schaf fner
& Marx Suits and Overcoats-40.00
The secret of it is early preparation; we did get a lot of these fine Suits, Overcoats, Ulsters
contracted for early; styles for men and young men. Such fabrics as we have in them are almost
unobtainable now; or if they can be had, the prices are extremely high. '
We offer you a very choice collection of very beautiful goods, the best clothes made today, at
prices you'd pay at wholesale; and even at that, if you didn't get these, you'd probably get "left."
It's a real service we offer; in quality, in price, in A f A
smart style, in these Suits, Overcoats and Ulsters, at TCVAv '
Special Apparel for JJutdoor Wear
In Coldest Weather x
A great special department here features warm clothes for men
who work (or play) outdoors. There are warm Caps, Mackinaws,
Snrootoro' fMfiirrr loafVior arr oVioon.Unofl flAoa ff
Little Wonder This Is Called w v
"The Overcoat0 Store of the West
there's a whole floor of 'em here literally thousands from smart,
light topcoats to hne fur, f u&hned and lur-trimmed overcoats : uiere s
o nrtno rnnirn fvnm '
$20 to $350
Men's Trousers
Immense showing of Blue Serge Pants, as well as Worsteds and
Cassimeres in all shades. The best trousers are $10.00; fine qualities at
$3, $4, $5, $6 and $7.50
Ntew Hats for Men
Now ready, the most com
plete showing in Omaha, all new
shapes, all colors
Stetsons at 5.00 and up to 20.00
Imported Lightweight Italian
Hats, M I . 5.00
The Genuine Borsalino1 HaJ: sold
here at 5.00
Mayo Hats, at . . .3.50
- v Special at 2.50 ?
Odd lots Men'slligh Grade Hats,
all sizes.OO, 3.50 and 4.00
values, at ........ i 2.50
Boys' Headwear
Boys' and Children's Overseas
Caps .75c to 1.75
Biys' School Caps. . . .65c to 2.60
Boys' and Children's Knit Hockey
Caps, at. .,, ..65c, 75c and 1.00
Men's Winter Caps, plain and
'fancy colors, all style, at 1.00
and up to .... . .' . . .3.50
Men's Silk Shirts
Splendid for Personal
Use and Ideal for Gifts
One lot of fine crepe, broadcloth vanc jersey
silks Jn neat and novel patterns. At the present
silk prices these shirts are wel,l worth $8.50 o $10.
Any man would certainly appreciate one jjr more
of these fine shirts for Xmasi They y FlfV
i ate priced at ....... i
Madras Shirts
At 1.50
Actually less than the present wholesale price ,
y of today, woven or printed madras, percales and
crepe cloth, soft or laundered cuffs in conservative
and novel effects. ' '
Boys' School Shoes
Made 6f splendid quality satin calf uppers with
heavy soles; lace and blucher styles; medium and
broad toe shapes; sizes fronvl to S1 Spec, 2.95
Shotguns at Speciaf Prices
, ' Double '"Barrel Hammerless Shotgun,' 12, 16 -and
20-gauge; regular selling price, 19.00; our
price, 15.00. , ,
Double Barrel Hammer Shot-
gun, 12, 16 and 20-gauge ; reg-.
ular selling price, 18.00; our
price, 13.00.
Single Barrel Hammer Shot
gun, 12, 16,. 20 and 36-gauge;
regular selling price, 10.00;
our price, 7.50.
Single Barrel Hammer Shotgun, '
12, 16, 20' and 36-gauge, ejector
regular selling price, . 11.00; our
price, 8.00.
16 and 20-Gauge Shotgun Shells,
-smokeless- powder, 7, 1M and 8
chilled shot; regular selling price,
1.00; our price, 75c. .
In the Men's Shoe Store
A Remarkable Of fering of
x Close to a Thousand Pairs
Of Good Wearing, Well Made Shoes at a Big Saving in Price.
J One Assortment Featured at
This assortment consists of gun metal icalf, black
tid, box kid and dark tan leather; single and
rlnnhlo anlAa loco nnH KliinVioi atvloa yn a A na. I'
rorand medium toe shape; every size, from 5
to 12, width a to EE Fer pair ,
Men's. Dress and Street
$2 to $5,95
V Glares from the bestmakers are represent
ed here, in fine quality cape, suede, buck and
mocha ' leathers, in all the new fall arid winter
shades. Perrin's, Hay's, Updegraff and Dan-
' forth gloves are represented extensively here.
More of Those
Fine Silk
1 0
An extensive selection of
rich, lustrous. foyr-in-hand era-.
vats in new designs and color
, ing, bought many months ago
and held for this Xmas sale.
Better Grades of Imported
and Domestic Silk Neckwear
Made of English and Italian silk as
welas the finer grades of domestic
silks. Handsome pure silk ties
greatly under present value at
1 to 3