Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1918, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 19

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Conducted by Ella Fleishman
Tea given by Col. and Mrs. Jacob
W. S. Wuest at Fort Omaha.
Tea for Mrs. Thomas G. Winter
of Minneapolis, Mrs. F. H.
Cole, hostess.
Dinner and theater party given
by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. C.
Lecture given by Mrs. Anthony
French Merrill at the Black
stone. Luncheon for Mrs. T. G. Winter
given at Fontenelle by Omaha
club women.
Luncheon for Mrs. G. H. Strong
of Olean, N. Y., given by offi
cers' wives at Fort Omaha.
Luncheon for Miss Edith Cor
nish, Mrs. Francis Brogan,
A3 nostess.
Cmosam Dancing club at Scot
tish Rite cathedral.
.Temple Israel Sisterhood dance
at the Blackstone.
Dancing party given at Harte
hall by Dobert Downs and
Ralph Campbell. V
Luncheon given by Mrs. Bertha
Trostler at the Blackstone.
Dinner-dance at Prettiest Mile
Children's madness dance at
Prettiest Mile club.
Beautiful Actress is OmahaGirl
WE are quite thrilled and de
lighted over the news'of a
Victory ball for the early
weeks of December. The Audi
torium has been selected for this
gay and festive event and the Child
Saving institute is to be the re
cipient of the proceeds. The ball
last year at the Fontenelle was such
a beautiful affair with the style
show, and we are expecting even
more elaborate features this season.
December promises to be a very
festive month with the opening of
the beautifuknew Athletic clubhand
, then Christmas and New Ytar's
bobbing up in a flurry of snowflakes.
While we are on the holiday subject,
there is Thanksgiving, which is real
ly and truly a Thanksgiving in the
deepest sense of the word, this
year. Family parties will be the
rule, but the hotels will be very
holiday-like on Thursday, for nu
merous srfpper parties are being
planned to follow the theater.
The army set is indeed a social
one. Every day is filled with af
fairs, informal luncheons, teas, and
then diiiers, when the officers for
get weighty military matters for the
time. Guests are try numerous at
the two forts, Mrs. Edwin Kasseler
has charming Miss Dorothy Phipps
of Denver visiting her now. .
Col. and Mrs. Jacob W. S. Wuet'
v are entertaining at tea 'at coionei
Wuest's headquarters this after-
, noon, when the army set from both
posts will attend the affair. Mrs.
Gi H, Strong, who is visiting Col
onel and Mrs. Wuest with Mr.
Strong, s to be honoree at a large
luncheon Tuesday, given by the
officers' wives at Fort Omaha. Mrs
Robert Loomis 1 entertained eight
guests at, luncheon it the Omaha
club Thursday in Mrs. Strong's
honor. ,
' !
Luncheon for Mrs. Winter.
A luncheon in the palm room of :
the. Fontenelle Monday is planned in j
honor of Mrs. Thomas G. Winter of
Minneapolis, who is visiting Mrs.
F. H. Cole. Mrs. Winter is second
vice president of the General Fed
eration of Women's Clubs and
chairman of the Minnesota Cbuncil
of Defense, women's committee
After the luncheon Mrs. Winter
will speak on Americanization and
Reconstruction. Men will be invited.
Mrs. A. L. Fernald, president of the
' Omaha Womaifs club and Douglas
County Defense chairman, will pre
side.. Mrs. M. D. Cameron, genera!
federation board member for Ne-
: braska, will introduce" the speaker.
Card Parties. ' ,
Mrs. D. M. Barr'ie was hostess for
the meeting of the club Wednesday
when prizes were won by Mesdames
T, S. Dimick, Arthur Hoover, C. E.
Lan strom and C. M. Barbie. Mrs.
J. SDimick will entertain the club
in' two weeks.
-Columbian club will give a card j
party Tuesday evening in Lyceum ;
hall. Twenty prizes will be given, j
A card party will be gtvtfi Mon
day evening by the women of St. ;
Patricks parisn at tneir nan ai
Fourteenth and Castellar, streets.
Twenty prizes of poultry will be
givenw -
Silver Wedding.,
Mr. " and ' Mrs. O. D. Pederson
celebrated their silver wedding anni
versary Thursday. A dinner party
was mven for the members oLdhe
family and a beautiful chest of silver
was presentea to Mr. ana Mrs. rea
ersen. '
Afternoon Kensington.
A ; Pinfn nterraiiiprt the
Masonic women at a kensington at j g
her home, Friday afternoon. The j j
assisting hostesses were Mesdames jj
L. F. Shrum, John Douglas, D. G. j gj
Clay and G. W. Goodrich. Fifty g
guests were present at the affair. jig
Dancing Party. jjj
' Patricia club will give a dancing
party Friday evening at their hall, j p
Sacred Heart Lyceum, at Twenty-jjj
' second and Locust streets. Men in jjj
uniform will be honor guests. jjj
Mrs. C. A. Hull, who has been
Mrs. F. H. Meyer. Miss Betty .p
with Mrs. Jack Webster in Wash-!jj
ington, is now" in . at. louis wun
Meyer is attending school at the
Principia school in St. Louis.
Clam OYbbrej Hf
This beautiful young aatress. Miss
Clara Moores is a true daughter of
Omaha, she is the grand-daughter
of the late Frank E. Moores, a
fortner mayor of Omaha. Her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Moores
made their home here for several
years, moving to Seattle when Miss
Moores was still a child.
It will be quite a home-coming
for this attractive young woman
when she appears at the Boyd thea
ter at an early date.
Gossip About People
You Know
Mrs. S. M. Stevenson of Kansas
City is the guest of her son, Mr. F.
W. Stevenson, until after Thanks
giving. Mr. and Mrs. John Yates leaves
today v for San Antonio and other
southern points, where they will
spend the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A.Fraser ex
pect to leave the first of the week
for Washington and. New York.
Mrs. E. E. Hart is convalescing
from influenza.
Mr. and Mrs, George Kelly were
in Chicago Wednesday and will
stop at Dubuque before coming
Mrs. George Thummel is with her
parents in Rochester, ,N, Y., while
Lieutenant Thummel ks in Wash
ington, D. C. N'
Mrs. Morton Engleman, who has
been quite ill at a Des Moines hos
pital, is now convalescing.
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Bancker
of Indianapolis, formerly, of Omaha,
have recently moved to Basking
Ridge, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. F; H. Davis and
Miss Elizabeth Davis are now at the
Fontenelle, but expect to have their
apartment at the Blackstone in De
cember. Col. S. S. Curtis and Miss Lyifn
Curtis expect to leave the first week
in December for Palm Beach.
Pretty Omaha Girl to
Wed Chicagoan
Henry Wilkjns Rustin, formerly
of Omaha, is now enrolled as a
cadet at West Point.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hbagland and
family have left for Phoenix, Ariz.,
for the winter.
Mrs. Ben B. Wood, jr., who is
now at Yonkers, N. Y., with Mrs.
B. B. Wood, sr., and Mrs. Crammer,
is expected home for Thanksgiving.
Henrietta 3er$ma
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Bergman today
announce the engagement of their
daughter, 'HeTfffette, to Mr. Charles
Jerome Simon of Chicago. Miss
Bergman is mow in Chicago visit
ing her sister, Mrs. Meyer Frid-stein.
Mr. T. E. Stevens is now in the east
and Mrs. Wood will probably ac
company him home.
Mrs. Howard Miller will leave
Monday evening for Cedar City, la.,
lo spend a month with her brother,
Mr. Charles Billnian. After the first
o! January Mrs. Miller will be the
guest of her sister, Mrs. M. W.
Simon, in Bloomville, O., until
The Women of France
The Frenchwoman is brought up
to-neglect none of the arts that at
tract men. Even in munition plants
the woman worker knows where the
mirror hangs, often has her powder
puff at hand, and gives unconscious
ly the deft touch to the hair. If it
has sometimes seemed to us that the
French wife overlooks too easily
the unconsciousness of a husband,
it is because we have failed to tin
stand the French women are ex
pected to keep thefnselve so at
tractive to the mate after marriage
as well as before that he will not
want to wander over fields.
If it be asked what woman is
sufficient all throuch life for the
! double duty of being a Hood wife
and a good mother, I name you
France, and add that French women
are in this regard thi marvel of
their sex and the strongest bul
works of monogamy.
And all talk about the lower
birth rate in France is beside the
mark. The child is held so, precious
in the French mind that he usually
remains a dream child till the right
conditions are in sight for his up
bringing. If allowance be made for
that fringe of the unproductive
found in every land, it is doubtful
whether the birth rate among the
high minded and responsible is
lower over there than over here.
The Frenchwoman cannot be
summed up in a phrase. Contrary
to the general opinion, she is simple,
practical, sensible, tenacious, dc
liberate, cautions', far-sighted and
affectionate. She is sensitive but
not sentimental. She is talkative
but not superficial. She is ebullient
but enduring. She is a compound
of heart and head which explains
Joffre, Petain, Foch and the poilu.
who have fought these four years
past our battle as well as'their own
and havi been the surprise of every
friend as well as the exasperation
of the foe.
If Waterloo was won on t!.e
playing fields of Eton, Rugby, Har
row, certainly the Marne, Verdun,
the Somme were won in the French
house where the Frenchwoman lives
and manages, smiles and plans, suf
fers and "carries on." Lyman
Powell in the Designer.
Mrs. P. A. Wells, who has been
confined to her home for the last
Here are the , REASONS wliy
own a
'Tk QitHtf fk,nrtk"
1. T0NE all that you've been so long waiting for. Natural and beautiful beyond belief if you've heard only the others.
2. " PATHE SAPPHIRE BALL--replaces needles and need not be changed. Cannot cut, grind or mar a record's surface.
Creates the Pathe Tone that so surprises and wholly delights you.
3. PATHE CONTROLA enables you to increase or decrease the total volume at will.
4. Plays AH Records.
slight no nation and no form of music. Have unusual, quaint melodies of for
eign countries, as well as operas, operatic artists, national and patriotic songs
and the latest popular hits. , , -
Pathe Records give to all music a clearness, a volume whep volume counts,
and a faithful reproduction which no other make of records can.
Pathe 'Records are guaranteed to play 1,000 times and can be played on all
makes of machines.
Come in and allow us to demonstrate this wonderful PATHE combination
v r ; :
Model 10
at $120
three weeks owing to a previous in
jury, is improving rapidly.
Louis Amburst will leave Thurs
day for Camp Grant after spending
a month's furlough here.
A son was born Wednesday to
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson.
Mr. and-. Mrs. W. I. Conn will
leave Sunday evening to- spend
Thanksgiving in Oakland, Neb.
Tom Kinsler is recovering from
an attack of influenza.
Mrs. w!'H. McCord, who has
been at the Mayo hospital at
Rochester, is much improved and
expects to return home soon.
Most Diseases Traceable to Inflammation and
Congestion of Mucous Linings.
Science has at last fixed the origin of the majority of the
ills of life upon Catarrh. Nine times out of ten disease is due
to the fact that a catarrhal condition is preventingsome j!
organ or organs from functioning properly and that in turn j
throws the entire human machinery out of gear result you
are sick. If further evidence of this is needed it is found
the hundreds and thousands of letters from the userast
Peruna, people who suffered from various diseases but all
evidently comhYg from catarrh. - ,
A letter fromMrsfcWilie Frem-
in, R. F. D. No. 3, Box 42, Yoakum,
Mr. George Clark, 124 Union St.,
Newark, N. J., writes: "I find
Peruna good for coughs, colds, grip,
stomach and bowel trouble."
Trom Mrs. P. Ludvigsen, 801
Crane St., Austin, Minn., comes an
pnuallv cheerful messacre: "I am
rid of liver trouble, can eat any
thing I want and feeling fine. Ihere
is no buzzing in my head or pain
around my heart."
Mr. H. C. Swartz, R. F. D. 2, Box
219, Bellingham, Wash., recom
mends Peruna for either man or
woman : "Thirty years ago a friend
advised me to use Peruna as a good
J)lood purifier and system renova
tor. sMy family has used it ever
since. Perunrt is a good, straight,
honest medicine and builds up the
whole body." 7
Texas, leaves no room for doubt
concerning the merit of Peruna:
"After suffering eleven years with
systemic catarrh I took Peruna. It
worked fine. It also cured my
children of catarrh of the head,
nose and throat due to diphtheria.
My husband took Peruna for any
illness. I can recommend both
Peruna and Manalin." t
Dr. Hartman's World Famous
Peruna is for Catarrh and Catarrhal
conditions. Taken in time it helps
ward off the grip and Spanish In
fluenza and is an invaluable aid
during recovery. Peruna may be
purchased anywhere in either tab
let or liquid form. Adv. .
"ADrop Qrlwa-Superfltions
Hairs Are Gone!
Valeska Suratt.
I superfluous hairs, and no more danger,
ili.n n.inn a lnfintt nn imn 1" tap This
is easily demonstrated by the use of sulfo
solution, a few drop of which, after being
applied to the hairs, make the latter Bhrivel
up completely and come loose from the
skin, so that they can be wiped right off.
Its only action is to remove hairs, nothing
else. There is no more need to fear to ir
rjtate the skin or" cause an ugly red spot
where the hairs were removed, as is the
case with many of the powders and pastes
sold for the purpose. The problem of re
moving' superfbious hairs pleasantly and
easily is now solved by this method. The
sulfo solution can be secured at any drug
store. There is nothing to mix or get
MISS D. D. A head-wash that "dis
solves" the fatty accumulations, dandruff
and the scales that continually form on
the scalp is a great exception among arti
cles of this kind. Mere lather will not com
pletely remove the substances which form
a "seal" on the scalp, and which restrain
the full growth of the hair. Using the dis
solving method, therefore, shows splendid,
results fn the increased vigor and growing
power 6f the hair. For this purpoie you
should use a teaspoonful of eggol in a cup
of water. This is a marvelous scalp clean
er. The eggol can be obtained in original
packages for twenty-five cents, a quantity
sufficient to give you a dozen or more
OLDISH Here is a way to get rid of
wrinkles which is really remarkable. It gets
right at the very basis of the trouble. Its
action is to make the pores smallerand
thereby give a much finer texture to the
skin. The result is that the pores and cell
tissues brace up, and naturally the,
wrinkles vanish quickly. In this way a re
markable difference in one's appearance can
Dissolving Away Superfluous
Hair. A New, Safe and Ef
fectivti Method a Easy to
Use at Applying a Faea
be produced very quickly. To gain this re
sult, simply get a two-ounce package of
eptol from the drug store. When yon get
home mix th with but one tablespoonful
of glycerine in a half pint of, water, and
your cream will be ready. Every day this
cream should be used and very freely. You
will find it very eaonomical, too. You will
need nothing else but tnjs to produce th
results you want.
MISS X. The sure way to force half
to grow, and not merely to "tease" If a
little, is to develop the roots. This always
results in vigorous, heavy growth, and it
can easily be brought about by mixing the
contents of a one-ounce bottle of . beta
quinol with a half pint of bay rum and a
half pint of water. The beta-quinol, which
can be secured at any drug Btore, is a very
.concentrated liquid, and is not oily. It ia .
a pleasure to use it, and it never fails to'
invigorate the hair-roots. An increased
growth of several inches a month is often
produced by its U3. 4t stors the falling
of hair at once. No other hair treatment
is necessary if you use this method faith
fully. You will soon be surprised at th
GERTRUDE G. There is one pre-eminently
efective way to beautify the com
plexion, no matter how badly it may be
affected with spots and other blemishes..
This is by clearing up, not merely the very
fine outer skin, - such as comes off, for
instance, after a case of sunburn, but) the
deeper tissues underneath. For this pur
pose there .is nothing which can equal the
use of zintone. A one-ounce package of thia
can be procured at the drug store. When
this powder is mixed with two tablespoon
fuls of glycerine in water, the result is a
cream of exquisite texture, which, when
used even for a short time, completely and
thoroughly removes every red spot, freckle, .
all muddiness and sallowness, and leaves
the skin with the bloom, freshness and,
purity of a lily. Every woman should try
this by all means. It rarely fails. Adv. ,
and The Remarkable PATHE RECORD
We, are the Omaha
Exclusive Pathe Store
We have on display the
Models and Finishes . .
$32.50 to
m i
til J
rMtiZfwfc Eater OQ
The questions answered below are made
for those needing a treng, harm-
general in character, the symptoms or
diseases are given and the answera will
apply in any case of similar nature.
Those wishing further advice, free, may
address Dr. Lewis Baker, College Bldg.,
College-Elwood streets, Dayton, Ohio, en
closing self-addressed stamped envelope fori
reply. Full name and address must be
given, but only initials or fictitious names
will be used in my answers. The prescrip
tions can be filled at any well-stocked
drug store. Any druggist can order of;
A large and complete stock of Records from which to make your selection.
Mrs. Earl Kiplinger and son. Del
more, have returned from Fort Sill,
where they were with Lieutenant
Kiplirfger. Lieutenant Kiplinger is
now stationed at Camp Jackson, Co
lumbia, S, C.
Mrs. S. V. Chase has left for Chi
i cago and later expects to spend the
X wintejr in the south. .
i Mrc ' Retcher Howell left
Thursday for New London, Conn.,
to join Mr. Howell i 1 -
y ' -
-. - - ...
10th and Jackson Sts.. Omaha. Neb., for Nebraska and Iowa
Service Is Our Motto
Our Stock of Machines and Records Is Complete
Dealers Wanted in Every Town
Run Down writes : "Is it possible to find
a medicine which by its tonic or nutritive
powers will bring the glow of health and
ambition back to a man who has every
thing in the world but health and happi
ness? I am dull, forgetful, despondent,
weak, trembling, short of breath and suffer
more or less with pain in spine and back
of head."
Answer: Your condition indicates the
need of a strong, harmless tonic nutritive
to restore nerve equilibrium, which in turn
fortifies and strengthens the organs of
nutrition, thus vitalizing the blood and
promoting new cell and tissue to take care
of the waste forces. Three-Grain Cado
mene Tabbts. packed in sealed tubes with
full directions, are recommended in all
such cases.
Mrs. F. writes: "My husband Is surely
afflicted with some kidney disease. He has
become weak and suffers with headache
and pains in his back and groins. Pains are
like rheumatism. His ankles swell and his
feet seem to be tired all the time. Rome
days he has chills and no appetite. Please
Answer: The symptoms indicate de
rangement of kidneys and should not be
neglected. I would advise Balmwort Tab
lets, a compound 'well suited to such cases.
Obtain in sealed tubes with directions for
home use.
Otello writes: "My hair is combing out,
my scalp itches and dandruff is much an
noying, and I want something to cure these
conditions." -
Answer: For hair and scalp troubles I
have never found anything to equal the
benef'e'al results nf a thorough treatment
of Plain Ylw Minyol. It is cooling.
cleansing and invigorating, and thousands
now use it regularly as a hair and icalp
Grace writes: "Two years ago I used
your great prescription for kidney trouble,
and it wholly overcome th trouble. I wank
i medicine now for constipation and impure
Dioon, tor i am a night n.'.h pimples that
make big, lumpy sores."
Answer: I wdWd advise the taking of
Three-Grain Sulpherb Tablets (not sul
phur) for several months to purify the
Mother writes: "Can a sufferer from
bronchial trouble be relieved? Doctors do
not seem to help me, what would you sug
gest ?"
Answer: To relieve chronic eold, sore
throat, bronchitis, I would advise the use
cf Concentrated Essence Mentho-Laxene.
Purchase this at nay drug store in 2V4-oa.
packages and mix according- to directions
given on bottle and you will very shortly
be relieved cf all bronchial trouble. This
will not only relieve, but will correct, and
is very pleasant to take.
NOTE: For many years Dr. Baker has
been giving free advice and prescriptions
to millions of people through the press
columns, and doubtless has helped in re
lieving illness and distress more than any
single individual in the world's, history.
Thousands have written him expressions
of gratitude and confidence similar to the
following :
. Dr. Lewis Baker, Dear Sir: I am glad I
was recommended to your prescription for
medicine. I wA pretty well run down, nerv
ous and loss of ambition: felt tired all the
time; eould not sleep, loss of appetite, felt
weak and trembled from weaknesa. I fifld
Three-Grain Cadomene Tablets are helping
me very much. I was writing to my sister
about my run-down condition and she
advised me to take your prescription of
medicine, for she was as bad as I was
and the Cadomene built her nerves up and
also restored her health. I am more than
thankful, etc. Yours truly,
' I2 Pear Ave..
, Cleveland, Ohio