Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1918, Page 15, Image 15
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 24, 1918. 15 A COMMERCIAL GUIDE j A representative list of the best business houses in Omaha and Council Bluffs. When in need of any article refer to the list below.' You can depend upon excellent service and values. HULSE A RIEPEN. 701 S. 16th. D. Hit. unaenaaers ana iinDiimeri Persons! attention given to all calls and tunerala HOFFMAN. LEO A.. Cor 24tb and Dodae. Douglas 1901. Experta Id embalming and funeral directing Private chapel. HEAFEY & HEAFET. 2611 Farnam. Har. ney 265. Undertake and embalmers. C.noSBY. WILLIS C. 2611-13 N. 24th St Phone Webster 47. . Automobiles. W'CAFFRET MOTOR CO.. 10th and How. a 17 Dour $500 ord ears and repairs. Authorised agents for Ford cars. iriNTTRE-HAYWARD MOTOR CO.. Ml Farnam. Douglas 2406 Btearns-Knlght and Regal cars. IaMPLE-HART MOTOR CO., 18th and Burt Tyler (It. 100 per cent Ford serv ice to Ford owners AMERICAN STATE BANK. Hlh and Far- nam. Wead Block Phone Tyler 80. Auto Painting. llOESSIO, W F.. 144 S 40th. Har. 1448 We make old autos look Ilka new ones Auto Repairs. AMERICAN MACHINE WORKS. 110 8. 11th. D. 4881 Automlle work. cyl. bor ing, pistons fitted, auto parts made to order. 13ERTSCHT M FO. & ENGINEERING CO.. 8 E. Cor 20th and Harney Sts.. old parts mads new, new parts made, too. D. 2662 Auto Tires. TWO-IN-ONE VULCANIZING CO.. Davenport St. Douglas 2914. 1618 ' Auto Tops and Trimmings. JeNOLISH, THOS F., 2318 Hsrney Doug las 1786 Satisfaction guaranteed. The beet Is none too good Attorneys. FISHER, H., 1418 First Nat. Rank Bldg D 1966 Attorney and counsellor at law GRAY & BRUMBMJGh7 3lin POma ha Nat Bank Bldg Red 3187 General prao tlce Id stats and federal courts. J Abstracts of Title. MIDLAND TITLE GUARANTEE A AB STRACT CO.. 1714 Farnam St Douglas 1866. AUTOMOBILES. 9, FOR SALE The best paying garage In the state of Nebraska, also the best location on the ' Lincoln highway. Agency for Dodge nd other good selling cars. Full line ef tires and accessories. Reason for selling, have other business. Box 167, Ogallala, Nebraska. Baggage and Transfer. OMAHA TRANSFER COMPANY. THE ONLY WAY." Telephone Doug 296 14th and Jackson. FORD TRANSFERCO.. 817 Douglas St Tyler 3 "Always at your service." Phone 2860 Caterers to heat and cold. DROOE BT.EVATOR CO, 620 Pearl 8t. Biscuit Manufacturers. ITEN BISCUIT CO., Capitol Ave.. 12tb to 13th St. Doug 2123 Snow White bakery Mfrs of crackers, cakes and oookles. RUPTURE successfully treated without surgical operation. Cail or write Dr Frank H Wrav. 306 Bee Bldg Boiler Manufacturers. DRAKE WILLIAMS. MOUNT CO., 23d and Hickory D. 1043. Mfrs. of boilers, tanks, smokestacks; oy-acetylene weld. Butter (Wholesale). ALFALFA BUTTER CO., 120-24 N 11th at. Doug. 3903. W W. Richardson. Pres. MORRiL Cash and ISTER CO.. 219-221 Bldg Douglas 4403. Cash Registers. CREDIT REGIS City Nat'l Bank E. W Hart, Pres. Wall Paper and Paint. YF.TTER WALL PAPER CO 1414 Harney, Phone Douglas 930 Wsll paper and In terior decorations. Wholesale and retail. HEALTHY HENS are producers and profit payers. Weak, sickly birds are a constant source of loss. Pratts Poulfry Regulator, the natural tonic and condi tioner, makes and keeps poultry healthy, makes hens lay. It Is especially help ful during thiB trying season of the year. Prevent roup and colds by occa sionally using Pratts Roup Remedy These troubles cit down egg-production, reduce profits. Both preparations guar anteed satisfactory or moneyrefunded. J Sold by first-clnss dealers everywhere. Electrolysis. Superfluous heir removed, electricity; ' needle work guaranteed. Miss Atlender. 624 Bee Bldg. BIG rabbit sale. New Zealand, Flemish snd Checkered Giants C'iSAP. This Is your chance to start In the rabbit game. OREGON TRAL RABBITRY, 3117 Lincoln Blvd. Phone Harney 6984. Chiropractors. 10TH YEAR IN O-MAHAi fired out of Continental Blk.; new location, 494-496 Br'andels Th. Bldg. Dr. L. N. Carpen ter D. 67.81. GERMOZONE Is best for roup, colds, cank er, diarrhoea and other poultry sickness. FOR SALE Singing birds. Call Har. 6723. Cement Products. OMAHA CONCRETE STONE COMPANY. 28th Ave. and Sahler St. Colfax 888. Best Medicine for chickens, GcrmozJiie, at most dealers, or 1116 Harney. Dry Goods (Wholesale). BYRNE & HAMMER DRY GOODS CO.. 9th and Howard Sts. Douglas 206, Cloaks, suits, ladles' and men's furnishings, art goods, millinery and draperies; all kinds of faney and staple Dry Goods. Electrical Goods. NOTICE to Farmers and City Buyers. Will sell at great sacrifice six mares snd horses, 6 and 6 years old, 3,000 lbs, matched team. Also span mares 9 and 10 years old, In foal by Jumbo Jack; six pigs. Unable to cars'- for them. 2226 Mason St. bskland, model 38 four cylinder touring car, new paint top and weather curtains, five good tires, perfect mechanical con dltlon. 1760, Phone Walnut 895. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2300 Farnam St. y I18 Dodgs touring car, 1st class shape. Used only In the city, 1900' cash. Harney 1638, ; , 1-CYLINDER, 6-passenger automobile to trad ifor 1 or 2 milch cows and some cash. Call Webster 3234. BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co., Hth ano. Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 1600. FOR 8 A L E Chandler Touring Car mechanically perfect, good as new. leav lng frtty. W. B. LeVey, Fontenslle Hotel. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH, 16th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 1170. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; .no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. 2069 Farnam St D. 1036. QUALITY USED CARS, TAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO.. I. 1406 LEAVENWORTH STf tWl ARB THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 110 Farnam. Harney 414 Ford sedan. Priced right. Har. 1384. Repairing and Painting. RADIATORS f ' Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiators; ' New Ford honeycomb rsdiators. OMAHA RADIATOR TIRE WORKS, 1811 Cnmtng. 1064 Farnam. Tires and Supplies. TIRES ONE-HALF PRICE. - . GUARANTEED 1,000 MILES. 10x1 ... 7.60IS0xVi $125 IItIU 10.2S33X4 11-75 12r4 11.60134x4 ,. 12 00 Ws furnish the old tires. .'Agents wanted. -I IN 1 VULCANIZING COMPANY, 1618 Davenport Street. 'ths PARTICULAR TIRE BUILDERS Retreading cord tires a specialty. Our new process of retreading Insures yon mors mileage at a great saving. Com In and b convinced. 1 AGENTS WANTED . GOOD-WEAR TIRE & OARAGB CO., 17th and Leavenworth Sts. Doug. 4700. r KARflAINS IN USED TIRES toxt fo ioxsvi ;;; 13x4 $9 00. $4x4 .$11.00 Shipped subject to xamlnatlon on deposit of 11. pave is 10 v pr - built and new tires. Writs for prices. OMAHA RADIATOR A TIRB WORKS, 1119 Cuming. 2064 Farnam. brw tipes on sale. Write for circular. Ford tube ....$$.$5 $0x3 $1196 10x1 $10.46 14X4.. 12$ 6 lrtrone. McGraw. lee Pullman, Flak. KAIMAN TIRB JOBBERS. 1721 Cuming. ETtM 7m mllaa for less money. Re- n . m.w.w - - . .An traad.warn tire by Gk ana O. Tire Co.. 2416 Leavenworth. Tyler . 1161-W. . Tires and Supplies. TJSBD TIRES FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. Alt lse, 16 to 116. sent on approval DUPLEX TIRB CO., 11 SOUTH 17TH BUY Lee punctur-proof pneumatic tire .d eliminate your tlr trouble. Powell Supply Co.. 1061 Farnam St ticirn tin. flrat-clasa condition, 15 to 115. Bent on approval. Duplex Tlr Co. 11$ 8. 17th St. Service Stations. lUTOMOBlLB electrical repairs; service ' station for Ktyneia carouremr. ... . r.inmhla storaae batteries. Edward. 11 N. 19th. Webster 1101. ; Motorcvcles and Bicycles, RaRLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargain In use machine. ' Roos, th Motorycl Man. ' Leavenworth. Victor H 17th and LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 11$ 8. 12th. -Douglas 2176. Largest slee- trlcal repair work and contracting com pany In the middle west. FOR SALE 6 registered Dachshund pup pies of the finest pedigreed stock; three and one-half, months old; black and tan; non better. Enclose stamp with Inquiry. Box 96, Madison, Neb. Hardware. PETERSON & MICHELSON HARDWARE CO. THE, 4916-18 8. 24th St., South Side. Phon South 171. FOR sal cheap, 1 delivery horse, light wagon and sst single harnes. TL H. 6785. Engineers, Consulting & Supervising HENNINGSON ENGINEERIGN CO., 1122 Farnam. D. 8229. Skilled municipal im provement engineers; sewer, paving, eleo. light, water works, appraisals, report. ANDERSON & BENNETT. 424 Bee Bldg Douglas 1430. Heating, ventilating and power plants. Engineers and draftsmen. Organised by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes as secur ity. $40 6 mo., H goods, total, $3 60. 'PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 413 Security Bldg . 16th & Farnam Ty 664 Foundries (Iron and Brass). PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., 2614 Martha St. Harney 161. Machine, gray Iron, brass, bronze and aluminum castings. OLSEN & SCHLINGER, 1407 Jackson 7491. Brass, bronze and aluminum ca: InRS. 5: Drug Stores. POPE DRUG CO., 1302 Farnam. D. 2072. Gen. Agt NYAL'S FAMILY REMEDIES. Hospitals. FORD HOSPITAL. 20th and Douglas Sts. Douglas 240. In charge of Dr. Michael J. Ford, surgeon-ln-chlef. The most com plete hospital In the west Ice. OMAHA ICE AND COLD STORAGE CO.. McCague Blk., 15th and Dodge. Douglas 654. Wholesale and retafl Ice. Ice Machines. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. 19th and Nicholas. J. L. Baker, Pre. Live Stock Commission, ROSEN3TOCK BROS.. 126 Exchange Bldg., Omaha. Stockers A feeders our specialty. Lumber. INDEPENDENT LUMBER CO., 40th and Leavenworth. Harney 424 Lumbering Along." Jnst Mirrors and Resilvering. OMAHAMIRROR AND ART GLASS CO.. Douglas 6625. 1614 Cuming St. ' Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter nat'l Patent Co., 683 Brandels. D. 6691 Packers. CUDAHY PACKING CO. South 2340. South Omaha. Paints, Oils and Glass. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO.. Doug. 4760 1609 Vs Farnam St. Printers' Supplies. BARNHART BROS. A SPINDLER 1114 Howard St Douglas 1076. Print sr1 supplies. Physicians and Surgeons. DAVIS, DR. WILLIAM WINDLE. Physician and Surgeon. 1120-21-22 1st Nat Bk. Bldg. i Tyler 781. CAMPBELL, DR. S. M., ' Physician and Surgeon, 1804 Farnam St Dougla 1220 Pleating and Buttons. VAN ARNAM'S PRESS t PLEATING, HEMSTITCHING AND BUTTON CO.. D. 1109. Rms. 836-37 Paxton Blk., 3d floor. Printers.' OMAHA PRINTING CO., 13th and Far nam. Douglas 146. Printing, stationery and office furniture. Tank Manufacturers. NEBRASKA A IOWA STEE&sTANS CO.. 1301 Wllltas Ave. Webster 278. School Furniture and Supplies. OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO.. 1108-12 Nicholas St Douglas 1913. "Everything for schools." DOUGLAS PRINTING CO., 109-11 N. 18th. Douglas 644. Fine commercial printing. EDDY PRINTING CO.. 322 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8647. Fins commercial printing, Tin and Sheet Metal Works. CARTER SHEET METAL CO., 108-10-11 8. 10th 8t Douglas 602. Skylight, steel ceilings and galvanized sheets. Stationery and Supplies. OMAHA STATIONERY CO.. THE 307-309 S. 17th.. Dougla 105. Office, typewriter, architects' and engineer1 supplies. Loose-leaf devices. WANTED WANTED GUARANTEE LIQUID MEASURE COMPANY of Pittsburgh, Pa. ! i Manufacturers of GUARANTEE VISIBLE Gasoline and oil pumps and measures desires to be represented throughout . , Nebraska" " " . by an established house, - r , : COMMERCIAL GUIDE. Undertakers. Council Bluffs Directory. Coal and Ice. MEDICAL. POULTRY AND PET STOCK LESS THAN 2,000 SOLDIER VOTES ARE JECEWED Only Eighth of Ballots Sent Out by Secretary of State Returned by Men. (From a Staff Correspondent) I Lincoln, Nov. 23. (Special) Ac cording to the official canvass of Ne- ! braska soldiers voting in the United i States, only about cu:-eighth of the votes sent out were returned. Sec retary of State Pool today finished totaling the state vote cast by those in fhe service not in Fiance which disposes that less than 2,000 of the 16,000 voting blanks were returned to the state canvassing board. The completed canvass shows as follows: Constitutional Amendments: INGLE-COMB White Leghorn cockerels. 11.50 each. Chris Thompson. Benson. Neb.. Route 6. .1.14 . 663 s HORSES, LIVE STOCK. MONEY TO LOAi; LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY AND 11 Cf LIBERTY BONDS. OCT i 2 '0W. C FLATAU. EST 182. 0 TB PLR SECURITY BLDG TY 6 Lowest rates. Private loan booths Harry Maleahork, 1614 Dodge D. 6619 Est 1891 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS LEGAL NOTICE TO tHE PUBLIC TAKE NOTICE. All persons are warned to keep off the rifle range on Sunday, November' 24, 1918. Home Guard Company "A," Plattsmouth, Nebraska, will bs at therange from 8 a. m to p. m. for target practice with high power rifles. All are warned to keep off th range during said time. By order of the commanding officer. C. A. RAWLS, Captain. For Allen amendpient 946 Against 638 For Constitutional convention 1.126 Against 225 U. S. Senator: John W. Morehead, dem 1,076 Oeorge W. Norrls, rep 730 Governor: Keith Neville dem 8. It. McKelvIe,-rep. Lieutenant Governor: W. B. Banning, dem P. A. Barrows, rep Secretary .of State: , Hugh L. Cooper, dem D. M. Amsberry, rei; State Auditor: E. P. Mumford. dem George W. Ma.?i:. rep State Treasurer: J. S. Canady, dem D. B. Cropsey, rep Attorna General: Oeorge W. Berge, dem Clarence A Davis, rep ,. Land Commissioner: a. L. Shumway. dem Dan Swanion, rep Railway Commissioner: E. C. Simmons, dem H. O. Taylor, rep NONPARTISAN. Supreme Judges: Chester H. Aldrlch Grant O. Martin Charles B. Lstton William B. Rose.-r. George F. Cochran Ernest B. Perry State Superintendent:- W. H. Clemmons C. M. Sutherland - Regents State University: John R. Webster 835 Frank W. Judson.... 790 Harvey VL. Sams 1 619 I..D. Evans 369 Daughter of Judge Allen, Madison, Dies in Wyoming Madison, Neb.. Nv. 23. (Spe cial) A telegram was received by Judge W. V. Allen this morning that his youngest daughter, Edith Allen Wells, had died following an operation at Afton, Wyo. She leaves a husband and two children. Her body will be brought to Madison for interment. Miss Edith Lyons, daughter of E. A. Lyotjs of this city, died of influ enza, at Meeker, Colo. She form erly aught in the school of Madison and at Albion. Her body will be in terred at Madison. ' Mrs. Frank Dempsey died late last evening of influenza. She leaves a husband and three children. Less Than Half of War Fund is Raised in Fremont, Neb. Fremont, Neb., Nov. 23. (Spe cial.) Less than half of Fremont's quota in the war work drive has been raised, although the campaign ended officially Wednesday evening. l he committee reported $j4,5UU. The solicitors will be asked to do their work again, an official said today. Reports from the country precincts indicate that the campaign is pro gressing favorably. Apathy and lack of interest in the drive is attributed to the cessation of hostilities in Europe! 979 752 .1,006 . 711 886 .1,021 . 741 . 981 . 767 .L083 . 669 . 966 . 764 .1,049 . 716 . 70S . 684 . 602 . 393 . 829 . 509 Brother of Fremont Man Dies in Saskatchewan Fremont, Neb., Nov. 23. (Spe cial.) Word reached T. O. Rams land of Fremont of the death of his brother, M. O. Ramsland, member of parHamant, in Kamsack, Sas katchewan. M. Ramsland was 36 years of age and is survived by his wife and two children. Real Bargains Prices that cannot again be duplicated. These houses were con tracted long ago and we give you the benefit of these contracts. $4,250.00' 1 New, finely finished 5-room stucco bunealow in Leavenworth Heights. Oak and white enamel finish. Beautifully decorated. Verv comnlete. Term;:, $800 cash, balance $40 per month. $5,000.00 New, 5-room stucco, large living room with fireplace. Oak and white enamel. Finely decorated. Desirably located, half block to car. All paving paid in full. Terms, $1,000 cash, balance $45 per month. $5,500.00 A beauty. 5-room stucco with fireplace. White -enamel kitchen with built-in features. Oak finish first floor. Second floor white enamel with mahogany doors. Large closets. Beautifully decorated. Finely lo cated on corner, block to car in Clairmont. Terms, $1,000 cash, balance $50 per month. -' $6,250.00 New, 7 rooms. Oak living room: old ivory dinine room. Mahoeanv breakfast room. Kitchen with built-in features. Sleepine room finished and heated. One and half blocks to car in Montclair. : A lot of value for the money asked. Terms, $1,250 cash, balance $55 per month. Benson & Carmichael Realtors Douglas 1722 642 Paxtori Block STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD , Corporations financed. We buy Liberty Bonds. We deal in local securities. ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW & CO. 860 Omaha National Bank Building. Telephone Douglas 3565. ABOUT BUILDING SITES Now that PEACE ia cominsr it behooves YOU to befirin looking around for a REAL HOME. Now is the time ; look at MINNE LUSA With its , marvelous development paved streets and beautiful Homes. Select your lot now $50 Cash or Liberty bond will make the tirst payment and he balance can be i ' BEGIN SAVING TODAY When your lot ispaid for, we will build a Home for you on easy payments - , $510 tr$850 will buy a fine lot with Sewer, Water, Gas, Walks, Grading, Shade Trees and Lighting System, all paid. We have only a limited number to sell as we will reserve 100 lots on which to build. Make an appointment TODAY. We are heartily wfth the United War Work Campaign, and are anxiously awaiting the safe home-coming of our splendid men. v , Sundays call E. A. Hoismgton, Colfax 3472, or M. O Headley, Colfax 3482. ' . V Charles W. Martin & Ox REALTORS. -' - ' -' 742 Omaha National Bank Buildins. Tyler 187. Market and Industrial News of the Day LIVE STOCK Rectlpta were Cattle. Official Monday 14.56! Official Tuesday ....14.625 Official Wednesday .13.163 Official Thursday .. 5.89S Official Friday 8,646 Estimate Saturday . 150 Six days this week. .51,961 Sam days last week 64.514 Same d'ys 2 wk. ago. 51,606 Same d'ys 3 wk. ko.B9.9J5 Same days year uuo.ia.431 Hogs. 6.482 12.249 13,136 11,437 , 11,W7 6,000 60.403 62,675 39.652 , 24.908 ' 39,277 Sheep. 9.516 24.529 18.066 13.062 3.439 760 69,353 S7.971 61.373 68.080 51.516 GRAIN MARKET Amsberry Announces Appointments for Office Lincoln, Nov. 23. (Special.) D. M. Amsberry of Broken Bow, secretary of state-elect, is the first 831! state officer to announce appoint ments. Mr. Amsberry has the larg est number of appointees to make, and starts with the following: Deputy, Rev. V. L. Gaston, Brok n Bow. Chief clerk, Williafn S. Jay, Lin coln. Clerk, Miss Beech, Lincoln. Clerk, Miss Shaffer, Polk. Son of Hooper Couple is Wounded Twice in Action Fremont, Neb., Nov. 23. (Spe cia!.) rLieut Jack Tillman, son of Mr. and' Mrs. Jacob Tillman of Hooper, has been wounded the sec ond time in France, according toin formation that reached the young man s parents from the War Depart ment. Young lillman was recently promoted to a lieutenancy. Jury Finds Ex-Bandmaster Fagan Guilty at Geneva Geneva, Neb., Nov. 23. (Special.) In the case of State of Nebraska against J. W. Fagan, former band master at the Girls Industrial school, charged with attempting a criminal operation on Grace Moore, the jury this morning brought in a verdict! of guilty. Two Reported Missing. Norfolk, Neb., Nov. 23. (Spe cial.) Henry Chisolm of Plainview and Henry Winter of Norfolk have been officially reported missing in action by the War department. W. B. Hopkins was killed in action October 27. Ex-Kaiser Enjoying Special Privileges, Says Pans Paper Paris, Nov. 23. (Havas) The Petit Journal observes that the for mer emperor was at the very be ginning of his internment in Hol land and continues to be treated not as a private individual, but as a sovereign enjoying favorable condi tions. It adds that telegrams to or from Amerongen castle are consid ered as official telegrams. Despite the protest of the Dutch government, the petit Journal con cludes, "and in its own interests the allies fust insist that these favors stop ahj that the former emperor is placed where it will be impossible for him to do harm. Princeton Men to Unite in One National Organization Pittsburgh. Pa.. Nov. 23. Plans for the formation of one national organization of Princeton men were outlined here today during a mcet- ing.of representatives of the Grad- . J .1 lir... A uate council ana me western As sociation of Princeton clubs. The merging of the two bodies into one, with the graduate council as the nucleus of the new organization, was favored by those who took part in the session. Princeton men throughout the United States soon will be informed of the reorganization movement and the merger, it was said, will tollow. Aviator Falls Great Distance , and Lands Without Injury Elkton. Md.. Nov. 23. Though two airplanes, one operated by Lt. James .V. Tierney, the other by Lt. John Hoare, both at a height of 3,000 feet, collided over this city this afternoon, and Tierney s ma chine turned over several times. landed on its nose in the held and broke its right wing and propeller, Tierney escaped without a scratch; Lieutenant Hoare, whose machine was badly damaged, suffered only a fracture of the right leg below the knee. Hoare's plane fell with Tier ney's. i rehllnf Soldier Killed. Fremont. Neb., Nov. 23. (Special Tele gram.) Billy Smith, a young man who resided at Uehllns. was killed In action in France, September 29. , Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., Nov. 23. Turpentine dull. 77tt7Sc; sales blank; receipts, 205 bbls. ; shipments, 239 bbla. ; stock 30,106 bbls. Rosin steady; sales blank; receipts, 721 bbls; shipments, 1,693 bbls.; stock, 67,450 bbls. Quote: B, D. E, $15.40; F, $15.46; O, $15.50; H, $15.55; I, $15.70; K, $16.40; M, $46.46; N. WO, WW, $16.60. Cattle Fresh arrWals of cattle were nominal numbering but 6 cars, or 150 bead, being reported In. Receipts for the week totaled 52.000. Prices have firmed up on both native steers and western rangers the closing days this week and are fluly a quarter higher on all desirable grades than last week. Butcher stock closed strong on best beef grades and fully a quarter higher than last week' close but the medium grades and cannere and cutters continue tn limited demand and prices 2550o under last week. eBst weighty stockers closed strong but the outlet was extremely limited on common grades with no demand for light stockers Quotations on Cattle Choice to prime beeves, I17.2518.50: good to choice beeves, $15.6017.00; fair to good beevee. $13.25Sj!16.00; common to fair beeves. $9.00 12.76; good to choice yearlings, $16.00 17.50 fair to good yearlings. $12.0015.60; common to fair yearlings, $8.6011.60; choice to prime grass steers. $16.00(3)17 00; fair to good grass beeves, $13.0015 00: common to fair grass beeves. $9.00 12.50. Mexican beeves, $S.O010.00 good to choice heifers. $9.00U-50; good to choice cows, $8.6010.60; fair1 to good cows. $7.00 &8.26; common to fair cows. $4.50g'iS.60; prime feeders, J12.5U15.00; good to choice feeders. $10.00 12.00. fair to good feeders, $8.509.50 common to fair feeders. $5.50 6.50; good to choice stockers, $9.26 cows. $6.006.25; stock calves, $6.50Q9.50. 10.25; stock heifers, $6.0007.25; stock veal calves, $7.5013.50 bulls, stags, etc.. $7.O09.00. Hogs Receipts today were 84 loads, es timated at 6.000 head. The market opened active and fully 10 lie higher, at which prices a fair proportion sold but the ad vance was soon all lost with a few closing clase possibly 6 10c lower than yester day's average market Bulk or today's sales la $17.30 17.70 and top of $17.80. several of the late sales being below this bulk. Underweight hogi sold from $17.00 down to $16.50. The market Is generally around 25 60c higher than last Saturday Sheep Receipts today were Insignifi cant, amounting to 760 head, the total for the week, however. Is 69,800 head, over 30,000 more thana week ago. Trade the first part of the week was fairly active and a trifle higher but the latter halt of the week hae seen declines, the market closing draggy and uneven with prices fully 5075c lower than a week ago Bulk of the fat lambs are selling at $14.25 14.75, the best kinds from $14.7615.00. The feeder market has been rather dull selling from , J 1 2. 50 (S 13.75 with tops at $14.00. Today's market is nominally steady. Quotations on sheep: Lambs, good to choice, $14.7515.00; lambsfalr to good, $11.00014.75; lambs feeders, $12.$014 00 yearlings, good to choice, $10.00gS) 1 1.00 ; yearlings, fair to good, $9.00010.00; year ling feeders, $10.00 10.60 ; wethers, fat, $9.0010.00 wether feeders, $8.5010.60, lewes, good to choice, $8.609.00 ewes, fair to good, $7.008.50; ewe feeders, $7.008 OO. Chicago Live Stock Cattle Receipts, 4,000 head; compared with a week ago, good and better native steers, firm; others steady to 15 cents lower; westerner, 25c to 40 cents high er; better grades of -cows and heifers, steady; In-between kind, 15c to 25c low er; canner stock and bulls, 25c higher: calves, 25c lowr; stockers and feeders, steady; 26o higher. Hogs Receipts, 7,000 Jiead; market mostly 10c to 16o higher: butchers, $17.70 018.10; lights, $16.75017.85; packing. $16.7517.ti(); throwouts, $15.5016.50-. pigs, good to choice, $13.25015.00. Sheep and Lambs--Receipts, 4,000 head; market steady to easy, compared with a week ago; fat lambs, steady to 10c higher; yearlings mostly. 25c higher: sheep, steady to 25c higher; feeder mar ket ,about steady. . Slonx City Live Stock. Sioux City, la.. Nov. 23. Hogs Re ceipts, 4,000; market strong; light, -$J7.30 017.60; mixed, $17.10017.35; heavy, $16 90017.25; bulk of sales, $1 7.10 17. 40. Cattle Receipts, 300: market steady; beef steers, $8.00 015.60; canners, $5$; stockers and feeders, $6.75 010.50; cows, and helfers$5.509.60. Sheep Receipts, 1,000; market weak. St. Jseph Lire Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., Nov. 23. Cattle Re ceipts, 1,000 head: market steady; steers. $8.5018J0;; cows and heifers, $5.25(3 15.00; calves, $7.00014.00. Hogs Receipts, 6.000 head; market steady; top, $17.65; bulk, $17.40017.65. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 200 head: market steady; lambs, $12.50015.50; ewes, $7.0009.00. "Kansas City Live Stock. , Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 23. Hogs Re ceipts, 2,000: strong; heavy. $17.00017.70; butchers, $17.25017.70: lights, $17.00 17.65: pigs, $13.0014 60. Cattle Receipts, 1.300; steady; steers, $17.5019.50; western, $10.00015.75; cows, $5.25013.00; heifers, $7.00013.50; stock ers. $6 500)14.50; calves, $7.50013.50. Sheep Receipts, none; market, steady; lambs, $11.50016.00;. yearlings, $10.50 12.00; pwes, $8.009.50. , New York Cotton Futures. Now York, Nov. :3. Cotton futures opened steady; December, 28.25c; January 27.50c; March, 26.9&c; May, s..jc; juiy, 26.30c. MAXIMUM FOOD PRICES. The price fixing committee of Douglas couniv has named the ioiiowmg prices Retailers are not permitted to charge more than these prices: Brown sugar, per lb... $ .11 Sugar, per lb 11 Flour (Nebraska) 24 lbs.. No. 1 1.50 48 lbs.. No. 1 2.90 Bulk, per lb ".07 Hominy 0514 Oswego cornstarch 1 2 Va Cornstarch . .' .10 Cornmeal, per lb. White , 05 Yellow 05 Corn flour t 05 Potatoes, per lb. No. 1 red 02 No. 1 white 02 No. 2 potatoes 02 k uutier, per id. ; Creamery, No. 1 68 Creamery, No. 2 60 Eggs Selects, storage 54 No. 1, storage 50 Bread (U. S. standard loaf wrapped) 12-ounce single loaf .' 08 12-ounce loaf (2) 15 16-ounce loaf 10 24-ounce loaf 15 Crackers (Victory) ( Oatmeal ' ,20 Craham 20 Corn 20 Soda , 20 Rice (In bulk) per lb. No. 1 15 No. 2 12 ft Barley flour ,06v Rye graham flour, 24-lb. sack.... 1.60 Rye flour, 24-lb. sack 1.60 Omaha, Nov. IS. 191$. Receipts of grsln today were I cars of wheat, 33 cars of corn, 49 cars of oats, 10 cars of rye and 6 cars of barley. Lower prices generally prevailed for all grains except wheat today. Corn had a slow sale with opening going from 3 to I cents lower. The bulk of thes smples sold were tn the good .grades, considerable of which went around, the extreme decline both for new and old. Oats were t to 1 cent lower with the bulk a cent off. Rye dropped t cents and barley was unchanged to 1 cent lower. Wheat was unchanged. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Week Tear Receipts Today. Ago. Age Wheat 9 7 82 Corn '. 83 38 $4 Oats 4? 62 41 Rye It 1 t Barley 6 10 1 Shipments Wheat 76 14 30 Corn 21 26 "24 Oats 21 76 65 Rye ., 0 1 9 Barley ... 8 6 4 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 117 112 . 211 Kansas City 11 30 8 St. Louis 43 62 S3 Minneapolis 296 ... ... Duluth 652 Wlnlpeg 625 Corn No ! white: 1 car (old), $1.39. No. 3 white: 1 car (old). $1.38. No. 4 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Clement E. Lambert and wife to Herbert D. Brown, s. w. cor. 26th and Charles sts., 63.75x120 $ 1 Ernest L. Ireland and Thomas E. Herman, 29th St., 160 ft. south ef Jaynes St., west side, 40x125...... 650 Dora W. Curry and husband to Fred H. Ross et al. s. w. cor. '' 35th and Hartman ave.. 135x150.. 1.886 Eva R, Breed and husband to Jen nie Oaks, Saratoga St., 106 ft. east of 28th St., south side, 44x123 2.925 Mary Maurlne Clark to Mary ' Nichols, Jaynes St., 60 ft. west of 14th ave., north side, 40x123 105 Frank Whlpperman and wlfe to Mary L. Whlpperman, 30th St., 135 ft. north of Blnney St., east side, 45x100 1,250 Belle Williams and husband to Mogens N. , Foged. Bancroft St., 121 ft east of 1th St., north side, 14x107 4 1,000 Cora Dewey and husband to Frances , Holovtchlner, 81st sL. 161 ft north of Boyd it, east side, 43x114 1,170 white: 1 car (new), $1.42; m cars, $1.35. No. 6 white: 1 car (new). $1.39. No. 3 yellow: 8 cars (new); $1.45;. 2 cars, $1.40. No. 4 yellow: 1 car,1 $1.36; 1 car, $1.35. No. 3 mixed: 1 car (new), $1.40. No. 4 mixed: 1 car (new), $1.41; 1 car (new). $1.38; 1 car, $1.36. Oats No. 3 white: 4 oars, 70c; 1 car. (shipper's weights), 70c; 1 car (billing). Oc. No. 4 white: 1 car, 69c. Rye 40. 2: 6 cars, $165.- No. 3:' 5 cars, $1.54. . Barley No. 1: 1 car. $1.02; 1 car (ship per's weights), $1.02. Wheat No. 1 hard: 1 car, $2.13: 1 car (smutty), $2.10. No. 4 hard: 1 car (smut ty), $2.06. No. 3 mixed: 1 car (durum). $2.04. ' CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. Chicago dosing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan & Bryan, stock snd grain brokers $19 South Sixteenth street. Art. I Open. High. ILowTf Close, ites'y Corn I I Nov. j I l.Jt Dec. 1.25H 1.25 1.24 I 1.24H 1.27H Jan. 1.274 1.28 Vs 1.25j 1.28 Feb. 1.2814 X.29H1 1.26HI 1.30 Oats I I Nov. .74 .74Vi .74 .74 .75 Dec. .73 I .7.1141 .72. I .71 .73 'i Jan. .72 T, ,73V .72 .72Vi .73 Feb. .73V4I .78 HI .72 U .72Vi -73Vi Pork I I I 1 Nov. 43.00 43.00 43.00 143.00 42.0d Jan. 46.40 46.65 146.40 46.45 45.85 Lard I Nov. 26.75 26.75 26.70 26.70 26.70 Jan. 26.00 26.12V4 25.95 26.12Vi25.85 Ribs I I I j Nov. 25.87V425.87V4!25.87Vi25.87V4!25.10 Jan. 4.60 24.67Vi!24.57Vi;24.67m24.32Vi GRAIN REVIEW. Chicago, Nov. 22. Sharp new advances based largely -on reports of food scarcity In Europe have taken place this week In the value of corn despite an expected en largement of domestic rural shipments and notwithstanding lowered quotations at Paris and London. Compared with a week Ago, cor prices this morning were 4c to 6c higher and oats up liic to 2ft 2Vjc. At the same time, lard was oft 55c to 77c, but pork and ribs showed gains of 10c to 82c. Especially during the first part of the week, Interest of corn traders centered on the assumed need of large food supplies to avert trans-Atlantic starvation. London advices that arrangements were being made to dispatch a number of German vessels to the United States wero responsi ble for much of the fever to purchase, and so too were United States preparations to send large amounts of foodstuffs to Aus tria, as well as the departure of five big steamships from America for the Nether lands. Later In the week, however, bear ish news predominated. Including word of liberal Argentine shipments. Accord ingly, extreme advances were not main tained. Oats strengthened with corn, but up turns brought out hedging. .Provisions were dull and Irregular, mainly Influenced by varying action of cereals and hogs. FINANCIAL N.Y.ST0CKSAND BONDS. The following' quotations sre furnished by Logan ft Bryan, members New York Stock exchange, 315 South Sixteenth street: ' Open. Close. Union Paclflo R. R, 1S1 129T Southern Paclflo R. R 103V. 1024 Northern Paolfle Ry 96 4, 97 Missouri Pacific Ry 2iiS .!&', Canadian Pacific Ry 162V 1624; Great Northern Ry 9S $7 4a , Chi., Mil. ft St. Paul Ry... 48 47 Vs Chi., R. I. ft Pacific Ry... 264 !$V Chi. ft Rorthwestern Ry..loi 101 , Illinois Central Ry 102 H 103 Wabash Ry 38 V4 $H N. Y.. N. II. ft H, R. R. 37 37 N Y. Central R. R 77 77, Pennsylvania R. R. Co... 47 47i Baltimore 4 Ohio R. R 66 US Reading Co 8Sli 64 Lehigh Valley R. R. Co... 60 60 Erie R. R 18 31U Erie 1st, pfd 31 V 314 Chesapeake ft Ohio R. R.. 68 67 t Southern Ry 30 29 Kansas City Southern ... 19V- ' 19l V. S Steel Corp.. common 99 4 99' V. S. Steel Corp., pfd 110 1101 Bethlehem Steel Corp.... 63 6V , Republic Iron ft Steel . .. : T6' Colorado Fuel & Iron ... 38 ' American Locomotive ... S3 "61 Pressed Steel Car ...... 62 62 American Car Foundry .. 81 81 '4 Baldwin Locomotive W'kn 78 'i 76 Ot. Nor. Iron Ore Proerty S2t 32 'I Anaconda Cup. Mining Co. 65 64' Chino Copper Co 38 38 Nevada Consolidated Cop. IT" 18 Miami Copper Co 24 Vi 25 Ray Consolidated Cop. Co. 21 21 'i Utah Copper Co "6U 7V Inspiration Cons Cop. Co. 48! 47 Butte & Superior 20 20 Tennessee Copper 1 4 ' 14' Amer. Smelt. A Ref. Co.. M v, National .Lead 61 U 61'; Mexican Petroleum 1C3 111 ' lieneral ..Electric 149 . Ill', Weslnghouae Electric... 42i 42'i People's G. L. & C 63 (8 Western Union K7 87 Brooklyn R. T 17 fli-.i American Can 43Vs 43 U. S. Rubber 68 68 General Motors 125V4 124 Willys-Overland 24 Vi 24 Studebaker Corp (6 I 58 Am. Sugar Refining 110 110 Am. Beet Sugar 69H $5fe Kennecott Copper $5 lfi Maxwel! Motor 264 25 New York Stocks. New York, Nov 23. Prices were lower at the opening of today's stock market. Active Issues, Including high grade mills reacted 1 to 2 points. Selling again cen tered In metals and motors, secondary coppers reflecting the uncertain condi tions 111 that Industry. Pressure against Stuilobaker was resumed and distilling Is. sues denoted the latest aspects of federal prohibition legislation. United Stalts Steel held steady snd Mexican Petroleum 1 was the only leader to show actual strength. , The noteworthy feature of the bond market was the heavy selling of fourth 4 '4s, which sold at the new quotation ot 97.82 for the first time since their laitlng on the exchange. Stocks were depressed St th.; outset of today's short Bcsslon. rallied moderately, but soon reacted again, the, second decline embracing most branches of the active list. Coppers, motors and equipments con- . stltuted the weakest features at extreme reactions of 1 to 4 points, but the reversc'l finally extended to standard Issues. In-" eluding rails. United States Steel resisted pressure, hut related shares and oils !)-' nally succumbed. ' Rallies ranging from fractions to a point were made In the later dealings. Tho closing wes heavy. Sales approximated 350.000 shares The feature of the bond market was the ac tivity of Fourth Liberty 4 Vis at the now minimum of 97.82. v LIBERTY BONDS nd Other High Grade Investments Bought and Sold MACK'S BOND HOUSE 1421 First Nat'l Bank Bide. Chicago Grain and Previsions. Chicago, Nov. 23. Aggressive selling on the part of leading commission houses forced the corn market sharply down ward today. Cold weather and probable increase of the crop movement to primary centers gave an advantage to the bears. About the only support for prices came from shorts. Opening quotations, which ranged from V4 to lc lower, with De cember $1.25Vi to $1.254 and January $1.27M to $1.28Vi, were followed by a material further setback Week-end adjustment nf trades failed to bring about any Important rally. The market closedheavy. 2V4 t lower, with December $1.24 Vi and Jan nary $1.26 $1.26 Vi. ' Oats, -like corn, showed pronounced weakness. After opening to o lower. with January 73 to 73 ',4c, the market continued to recede. Higher prices on hogs put strength Into provisions. Demand, however, was only of a scattered sort. Reactions which took place later were of a minor character Corn No. 3 yellow, nominal; No. 4 yel low, $1.32. ' Oats No. 3 white, 74 to 74 Vic; stand ard, 74 to 74 Vic. Rye No. 2, $1.64 Vi iff 1.65. Barley 95c$l 05. Timothy $1,001 10.28. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $26.70. ,a Ribs Nominal. Chicago Produce, Chicago, III., Nov. 23. Butter Market firm; creamery, 63 64c. Eggs Receipts, 2,95- cases; market un changed. Potatoes Market higher; receipts, 60 cars; Minnesota and Dakota, bulk. $1.50 1.66: Minnesota and Dakota, sacks, $1.60 61.75; Wisconsin, bulk, $1.6001.60; Wis consin, sacks, $1.65 1.75. Poultry Alive, market higher: fowls, 20'24Vic; springs, 25c; turkeys, 30c. Home-Owner Loans . Up to 60 per cent on resi dences less than five years old. 'Monthly payments. Special ' privileges and terms, also straight loans at semi-annual interest. SKIfMNER PACKING QMRNY 5?TOAIIITIW W EGOS f TftADC MAN 1116-1118 -Doudlas SC Tel -Douglas 1 521 In bulk, per lb Oatmeal (In bulk) per lb Beans, per lb. Navy, No. 1 Pinto, best No. 1 t Bacon, per lb. No. 1, whole pieces, wrapped No. 1, whole pieces, unwrapped,. No. 1, sliced No. 2, whole pieces, wrapped.... JNo. 2, whole pieces, unwrapped. no. 2, sliced . Ham (whole) No. 1, skinned No. 1. regular Shoulder Lard, per lb. No. 1, purs Compound Oleomargarine (In cartons) per lb. No 1 No. 1 Nut butterlne (In cartons) New cabbage, best quality, per lb Corn Syrup (In cans) IVi lbs... 1 lb M 6 lbs 10 lbs Note 1 These prices are for cash over the counter. ' Note 1 An additional charge may be made for delivery or credit to customer. , Same price for rye or graham. Bread prices are for cash and carry or credit and delivery. .07 .07 .11 .12V .57 .56 .. .65 .64 1,53 ..i .60 .. .42 .. .42 ,. .28 .30 .42 .35 .38 .03 .15 .20 .46 .86 We Will Offer for Subscription at 9 A.M. Monday NEW ISSUE Keystone Steel & Wire Company 7 Secured Convertible 71 (jf Gold Notes, to yield 2fO Due Not. 1, 1921. 1 Denominations,' $1000 aad $500 NOTEWORTHY FEATURES OF THIS ISSUE. 1. Total' issue, $2,250,000. 1 2. Secured by first mortgage lien upon entire property of company ral , ued, at nearly three timet total amount of this issue. 3. Company is second largest pro , ducer in this country of woven wire fence and barb wire. 4. Company ha practically no war orders and peace will largely increase demand for product 5. Continuous growth of company for thirty year with highly satisfac tory earnings. 6. Notes convertible par for par into First Mortgage 7' Sinking Fund Bonds due 1938. Price 98 ?4 to yield 7H 5JU m.m ssiji j if TT- 3233- ULssIssssIssKssLILJ :n j,i4,4a,iJaapi uj.,i.:i-i ,i u,haj .