Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1918, Page 7, Image 7
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1918. - i 0 n SAFER TO DRIVE CARS; INTO FIRE THAN HAUL BOOZE Attorney i General Reed Says When Owners Learn Law, Illegal Transportation of Liquor WillStop. From t Staff Correspondent Lincoln, Nov. 18. (Special) 'Those engaged in the unlawful and illegal traffic o.' intoxicating liquors by bringing the same into the state in violation of the federal law and iu defiance of the new state law must learn as early as possible that it is safer to drive their automo biles into a fire or over an embank ment than to bring liquor into the state with such conveyance. When owners of machines and those who hold mortgages thereon learn through rigid enforcement of the law the foregoing, it will become less difficult to enforce the prohib itory law." ' ' This is the opinion of Atorney General Reed in a letter to James A. Rodman, county attorney of Kimball county, who had asked ad vice of the state department as to the sale of automobiles on which it was claimed a mortgage was held. Mr. Reed holds as follows: "Where the owner of personal j property, mortgaged by him to another person remains in posses sion of it after giving the mortgage, and commits acts in respect to such property, which work a forfeiture of it to the United States, under the 25th seetion of the" internal revenue act of March 2, 1867.(14 U. S. 8tat. at large, 483), it must be 'condemned, even though the mort gagee is not shown to have been concerned in such acts. "Nor can the demand of the mort gagee be paid by the court out of the proceeds of the property con demned." New Telephone Rates Will Go into Effect in the Near Future (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Nov. 18. (Special.) Railway Commissioners Taylor and Wilson and Rate Clerk. Powell of the Nebraska commission have re turned from Washington where they attended a conference of state com missions in connection with the In terstate Commerce commission and the national directorship of railways. Coveripg the matter of telephone rates, taken up with Postmaster General Burleson at the same time, the commissioners report that there will be an entirely new rate scale, now that the war is over and that th: temporary rates over which there has-been so much dissatisfaction will be discontinued. It will be the pol icy of the national director of the telephone system to discourage ex tension"' of telephone systems as much as possible. State Board Receives Orders to Stop All War Training Courses (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Nov. 18. (Special.) Di rector C. A. Fulmer has notified all institutions conducting war training courses under the state board to discontinue their work as war train ing classes as soon as the students now enrolled have completed their courses. Since January 1, 1918, 455 men have been enrolled in these short courses and the most of them have been certificated and inducted into army service. At the present time about 300 other men are enrolled. The signing of the armistice makes such training unnecessary. , At the present time the i Peru. Kearney and Wayne state normal schools, the University of Nebraska and the Omaha Y. M. C. A. have large enrollments in radio buzzer classes. The Omaha Y. M. C. A. also has many men enrolled in war training courses in auto' mechanics, electricity and mechanical drawing. Fremont Soldier i Is Killed on Battle Front Fremont, Neb., Nov. 18. (Special Telegram) Albert Sanders, foster son of Councilman and Mrs. W. H. Fischer, was killed in action Octo ber 13, according to information that reached Fremont in a telegram from the War Department. Private Sanders was attending Hastings college to prepare for the ministry when he enlisted a year ago last spring. He was a member of the medical corps.. Mrs. Russell Pur ington of Omaha is a sister. 6 9 Deshler Superintendent Dead. Deshler. Neb.. Nov. 18. (Special Telegram)-Professor H. Jennings, superintendent of the Deshler pub ic schols, .died Monday of pneu monia, ihe body will be taken to bis home, in Wilbur, for burial The funeral will be held Wednes day afternoon' under. Masonic au spices. Boys' Working Reserve Can Do Much to Help Farmers Thomas Curran, associate federal state director of the United States boys working reserve, has just re turned from the western part of the state, where he has been looking after the registration of the boys for service and reports that the peo ple of that part of the state are showing great enthusiasm over the work. The farmers say that the boys can be of vast assistance along the lines of agricultural work when under such systematic discipline as the working reserve officers. Dedication of Court : House Is 'Postponed Fremont, Neb., Nov. 18. (Special Telegram) At the request of the State Board of Health that no un necessary public gatherings be held,- the dedication of the new Dodge county court house, schedul ed for next Thursday, has been postponed indefinitely. It is prob able the dedication will take place next spring. The influenza situation in Fre mont shows marked improvement, only 27 new, cases being reported Sunday. The Board of Health decid ed not to put the ban back on. 1 Search Lakes in Effort to Find Missing Farmer Fremont. Neb.. Nov. 18. fSoecial Telegram) Search for Charles Sed ers, North Bend farmer, who disap peared from nis home last Friday, continued without avail. Home guards spent Sunday dragging lakes in the vicinity of North Bend. The last seen of Siders, he was at the depot in North Bend about the time a frceht train pulled out. Tomor- " row the PJattt river will be dragged as far as Fremont. Pioneer Resident of Lyons Dies at His Home Saturday I.vons. NeU... Nov. 18. fSoecial.) Franklin Everett, one l the ear liest pioneer settlers of this place. died at his home Saturday aged 86 ' years, leaving three sons and one daughter as follows: Fremont Ev . erett of Portland Ore.; Walter Ev erett of California: E. B. Everett, and Mrs. W. S Newmyer of this place, beside a large number of grandchldren and great-grandchu dren He was considered the .rich est man in this part of Nebraska. Influenza Epidemic is Under Control in City of Beatrice Beatrice, Neb., Nov. 1& (Special) Eleven cases of the influenza were reported here yesterdayt and but I . e , T one aeatn. wnue a tew cases -arc reported daily the authorities be- lieve they are slowly eradicating the scourge which has caused so many deaths in Beatrice and vicinity the last six weeks. Wind Wrecks Hotel Window; Waiter Has Narrow Escape Sunday's storm plied its force suc cessfully upon the plafe glass win dows of the Loyal hotel, with the result that one of the large ones was btown in. Tim Whitesike. head waiter at the hotel, was standing not a great dis tance away from the. window when it gave way and narrowly missed being struck by the flying glass. Someone asked him a little later it the window blew in." His reply was, "from de evidence I would not think dat it blew out." Margaret Bunten Asks for Divorce from'Alezo Bunten Margaret Bunten filed petition in district court Monday asking for a divorce from Alezo C. Bunten, charging the defendant with' deser tion. They were married January 30, 1916, and plaintiff charges the defendant deserted her in1 February of the same year. She asks the re turn of her maiden name, Margaret Nielsen. ' Benson High School Raises $554 for U. W. W. Benson, high school with less than 100 pupils, raised $554 in the United War Work drive, a record not equalled by any other school, con sidering the number of pupils. IU NTH nCAICDO MU.U ULMLLnO FAVOR HOLDING SHOWINOMAHA C. G. Powell Goes to, Cleve land to Study Conditions; Decision Not Yet Reached. A meeting of the directors of the Omaha Automobile and Trade Asso ciation was held Monday morning. The directors, namely, J. T, Stew art, Lee Huff, Guy L. Smith, J. M. Opper, C G Powell, were unanimous ly in favor of holding the'automobile show. C. G. Powell, manager of the Omaha' Automobile Trade associa tion, was directed to attend a meet ing of show managers to be held in Cleveland, O., November 25 and 26. The regular November meeting of the automobile dealers has been postponed until Powell returns from Cleveland. Powell expects to recch here Thanksgiving day morning, and the meeting will be called just as soon thereafter as possible. At that time the question will be put up to the automobile dealers, and a de cision will be reached in regard to holding an automobile show. A representative of The Bee called upon a number of the automobile dealers this afternoon and found each dealer interviewed to be in fa vor of the show. Will Depend on Situation. One or two of the dealers felt that the holding of the show would de pend largely upon the material situ ation and upon later developments. R. E. Davis of the Murphy-O'Brien Auto company favors the show, providing the manufacturers are in a position to deliver cars. W. H. Head of the Oakland Motor com pany, although in favor of the shpw, hestitated tp express an opinion until he found but( more definitely 'what the material situation was to be. Guy L. Smith, Hudson representa tive; J. T. Stewart of the J. T. Stew art Motor Company, J. M. Opper of the Jones-Opper company, Lee Huff of the Nebraska Buick Auto mobile company, Charles A. Tucker of the Nebraska Oldsniobile com pany, J. H. Hanson of the Jones Hansen Cadillac company, J. C. Gerspacher of the Toozer-Gerspach-er Motor company, M. S. Conner Studebaker branch manager; Q. M. Bonney, Studebaker distributor, Carl Changstrom of the Standard Motor Car company, George Van- Brunt of the VanBrunt Automobile company, were all very much in fa vor of the holding of a slfow. Tl. - r l ine consensus oi opinion among the above dealers is Jhat a stimulus of this nature is needed to revive interest in the automobile industry. A great many people are not ac quainted with the fact that the re strictions placed upon the manufac turers of automobiles has been lift ed to some extent and the automo bile show will do a great deal '.j ward acquainting people with the favorable conditions now surround ing the automobile interests. Another angle from which a num ber look at the show situationis the general teood which a show of this nature does the city. The automo bile show brings thousands of peo ple to Omaha each year, and is the means of keeping out-oMown- peo ple in touch with Omaha during the winter months. All of the dealers realize that it would be a mistake to allow buyers from this territory to go elsewhere to view the new models. Frank McMillan Sues Thresher and John Doe Frank D. McMillan has brought suit in the district court against Ed son R. Thresher and John Doe, al leging that on November 11 the two defendants violently and maliciously assaulted him at Twentieth and Ames avenue with intent of doing him great bodily harm, that they broke his cheek bone and otherwise seriously wounded him. - He asks judgment of $10,000 against each of the defendants. "Rain Barrel Bath" is Explained to Court in , Hoffman Divorce Case The family affairs of Nicholas A. and Elsie J. Hoffman were aired be fore Judge Day in district court Monday. Elsie is suing Nicholas for a divorce, alleging extreme cru elty, and also charging that the de fendant was in the habit of taking baths in the rain barrel in full view of the neighbor's while wearing only his trousers and B. V. D.'s, much to the humiliation of the plaintiff,' also that the defendant refuses to take her out in company and spent his own evenings in the bowling al leys. Nicholas Hoffman sued his wife for a divorce August 20, 1918, which was liter dismissed. The plaintiff in the present suit also asserts that the newspaper , notoriety sh re ceived from that action was hu militatina:. Mrs. Hoffman also ac cuses her husband of making dis loyal statements about tne govern ment after the declaration of war with Germany. Hoffman countercharges his wife with remaining out nights and of being under the influence of intoxi cating liquor. The couple were married in April, 1915. , , Judge Day granted a decree of di vorce giving the plaintiff $100 ali mony, defendant to pay all costs. Omaha People Get Low Grade Gas; Council May Take Matter Up The gas supplied by the Omaha Gas company is below the required standard, according to tests made by City Chemist Crowley at the request of City Commissioner Butler. The test made on November 13 showed 559 British thermal units and the test made November 18 showed 548 British thermal units. The legal standard is 600 units per cubic foot of gas. -Butler says he has received com plaints about the poor quality of the gas and asked the test for that reason. "They raised the rate to $1.15 a few months ago and now seem to be giving us inferior gas also," said Butler. It is oossible that the results of the test will be presented before the city council for action . W. H. laylor, manager ot tne comoanv. savs there is no require ment that the gas have 600 British thermal units. i 1 Local Men Buy Liggett & Myers Three-Year Notes The fundamental change that has taken place in the financial condi tion pi the country since the signing of the armistice was again shown yesterday in the successful sale of the new issue of $20,000,000, 6 per cent, three-year old notes of the Liggett & Myers Tobacco company. The issue was offered for subscrip tion at 9 o'clock by a syndicate of bankers of which the Peters Trust comoanv was a member. At 10:30 the "sale was closed, the issue being very heavily over-subscribed. The notes were offered at 98, to yield bVi ioer cent. Within an hour aftef the'qlose of the sale the notes were priced on the market in New York and Chicago at 9V. The Peters Trust company reports that a large block of the notes were purchased by local investors during the hour and a half before the sale closed. Says She Had to Support . Hubby; Asks for Divorce Lela May Harvey filed answer 'n district court Monday to the peti tion for divorce brought by her hus band, Henry Harvey. Mrs. Harvey also files cross-petition askin for divorce in which she says her hus band not only failed to support her, but she had to support him, paying the grocery bills, rents, etc. She also alleges that her husband took her money, and money she had col lected for a church benefit fund, and in addition to this he drove her from her home. She asks that her maiden ttiame of Lela May Carter be re stored to her. WOMEN'S CLUB GIVE INTEREST OF BONDS TO U.W,W. Interest on Liberty. Bonds, Amounting to $40, Is Turned Over to War . Fund. , The Omaha Woman's Club, Mon day afternoon voted to give the in terest from the Liberty bonds, 'own ed by the club, amounting to $40, to the United War Work fund. Mrs. W. S. Knight, chairman of the educational committee, out lined a plan of Americanization work among the foreigners in the city at the meeting held in the Y. W. C. A. building. The committee, strongly believing in the great influencevof moving pictures are desirous of raising the sum of $325 to purchase a moving picture machine. The ma chine will be installed in one of the community centers for the use of the people of foreign birth. Having received the sanction of the club, Mrs. Knight will endeavor to obtain this sum by private subscription. Supt. J. H. Beveridge of the public schools was the speaker of the day, his subject being "Industrial Art." The great need of workers in the industrial world was discussed by Mr. Beveridge, and the way in which the Omaha schools are endeavoring to train youth that they may, at some later day, be equipped to take their place in tne world of work. Samples of the beautiful work done by th school children were exhibited, among them some very artistic post ers Tvnicn were used in conrfection with the War Fund Drive. Fancy boxes, plans for rooms, cheekier boards for the soldiers and paper knitting bags were also displayed by me speaicer. , A letter from the Chamber of Commerce to Mrs. A. L. Fernald, president, was read, in which it was suggested that the state Convention of Nebraska Federation of Women's Clubs which meets in Lincoln this week, be invited to hold their con vention in Omaha next year. Owing to tne uncertainty of present con ditions it was thought best by the ciud riot to extend this invitation. tarm Delegates Here. Delegates to the Farmers' con gress which is to be held Tuesdav. Wednesday and Thursday of this weeK are beginning to arrive in the city. There seems to be consider able enthusiasm over the coming event. Planning Monster Barbecue for Returning Soldier Boys Beatrice, Neb., Nov. 18. (Special) Col. David Bryson of Adams is planning for a monster barbecue at that place for the soldier boys of that vicinity upon their return home. He has donated hree large beeves frm his herd and the Adams citi zens will raise several thousands of dollars to buy food for the barbecue. There will be enough' to feed six thousand people. M I'l'l'IM' I H UAC& Wont Pull Loose V Straight Ei&s Invisible- Joint flat Tread Rubber Heels Increase Heel Mileage j Jave you five minutes to spare for a pair of rubber heels that will set so snug and;' neatly you will have to look hard to see the joint? x Then ask your repair man to put on a pair of "Usco" Rubber Heels. ' Rip-p-p off comes the old frazzled heel. Tap. tan. tan. tap. I and the liew job with this won- tough wear-resisting quality.of the derful new heel is ready. ! rubber makes "Usco" Heels The "Usco" Rubber heel ': a deci?ed econom7- is the latest Contribution of k$fffCT Yiurrtpatr man hat thm in black, science to longer heel mile- UJiCw T wnt fi7 "T ' f'T . f , 2Pc3g2r ttmi is all ht netdt. Ltth ftr th$ age, ana sure-footedness. j u. S. StaU - . ' i , - . United States Rubber Company' Mechanical Goods Division A few nails anchor it firmly. The spring of the rubber presses the edges tight and snug all the way round. No cement is used. It makes a perfectly invisible joint and a perfectly level tread thatwill last till the heel is worn out.' "Usco" Heels are pleasantly soft and yielding to walk on. The 4 Brig) City News Lighting Futures Burgess-Granden Havo Root Print It Beacon Press. Fine -fireplace goods at Sunderland's. Mail Clerks Help Out Postoffice employes in Omaha have given $2,485 for the United War Fund drive. W. J. Mettlen is captain of the drive and Tat McGovern lieu tenant. Manley Goes East Commissioner Robert Manley of the Chamber of Commerce left Sunday for Roches ter, N. Y., where he will attend the national convention of Commercial Organization Secretaries, which Is bing held in that city this week. Stolen Car Recovered A car be longing to W. JU Carey, 1904 South Thirty-second avenue, which was stolen over a month ago, has been recovered at Nellgh. Neb. 'The three men who were in the car were ar rested and will be held at Neligh for the Omaha police. Ninety Days for Peoper "You're lucky to be alive," observed Police Judge Britt Monday morning as he sentenced Albart Rogers, Fifteenth and Cuming streets, to 90 days in Jail. Rogers was charged with peek ing into the home of Mrs. G. H. Lin dee, 3514 North Fourteenth avenue, late Saturday night "Win My Chum" Week The Ep worth league of Hanscom Park Methodist church la planning to ob serve "Win My Chum" week on Mon day, Wednesday and Friday nights of this week, with meetings at the church. The leaders are: Monday, Fred Cavan; Wednesday, Miss Mary Ellsworth; Friday, L. C. Sholes. Want Law Clerk The United States CIvl Service commission announces that an examination will be held De ember 10 for law clerk and type writer, to fill vacanices in the natur alization service. Applicants are asked to apply at once to the Civil ServlcelCommlssion for proper blanks admitting them, to examination. McCord to Return Soon Ben War ren, credit manager for the McCord Brady wholesale grocery company, has just returned from Rochester, Minn., where he spent several days with W. H. McCord who is a patient in the Mayo Bros, hospital. Mr. Warren reports that Mr. McCord is getting along fine and hopes to be able to return to his home In the near future. CONFERENCE TO TERMINATE Q.M. DEPOT ORDERS Supply Contracts to Be Can celed at Meeting of Bidders' Representatives and Colonel Grant. ' A conference of business men from all of the states in the Omaha quartermaster zone is being held at the army building here this week. The delegates are representatives of firms who are filling government contracts for army goods and the purpose of the conference is to plan with army officials here about the termination of contracts. The Omaha zone includes the ter ritory in Nebraska, Colorado, Wy oming, Utah and half of Iowa, and business men representing extensive manufacturing interests in all of these states are in attendance at the conference here. " Col. F. A. Grant, commanding of ficer of the corps, declared that a fair plan of terminating the vast government- contracts for harness, shoes, tents and clothing will be ef fected. Lightless Night Order Withdrawn by, Garfield Pursuant to an order from Fuel Administrator Garfield State Fuel Administrator Kennedy announces that there will be no more lightless nights. As a conservation measure Monday and Tuesday nights have been lightless. ,6pfl The War No Longer Stands Across the Path of Life. Commercial Enterprise No Longer Waits on Man.' We Can Go Ahead and Flan Business. ... Whatever you plan, plan with comprehension and fore sight, so that you will always be ready for development and growth. . i See that you have the most modern, labor saving, service giving . OFFICE J EQUIPMENT In other words see us for desks, filing cabinets, safes, etc, steel or wood. I Orchard & Wilhelm Co. Phone Tyler 3000. ' , iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii , Omaha Boy Convalescing 'After Wounds at Verdun Sergt. Albert R. Andrews, son of N. P. Andrews, 7220 South Thir teenth street, wounded in action September 14, is slowly convalesc ing according to letters received by his parents. He was wounded in the fighting in the region north of Ver dun. Sergeant Andrews was a member of the first draft contingent in Octo ber, 1917, and received his training at Camp Funston. He was promoted to the rank of mess sergeant during his stay at the cantonment. He arrived in France June 19 with the 342d machine gun battalion.- The DIET During and After The Old Reliable Round Package MClNe WIS.0 . InlDirlDCk7 Malted Milk Very Nutritious, Digestible The REAL food-Drink, Instantly prepared. Made by the ORIGINAL Horlick process and from carefully selected materials Used successfully over Va century. Endorsed by physicians everywhere. Specify HOlliclt'S The Origin! Others Are Imitations EVERYBODY STORE" Monday; November 18, 1918. STORE NEWS FOR TUESDAY , Phone Douglas 2100 p ; : " I i tS r Mechanical Goods Division jfT In Inaugurating the New Epoch of Peace We Announce a Victory Economy Fete Beginning Tuesday; With Values Most Uncommon A UTOCRACY is dead! Democracies of free people rfbw rule the world!' There r are still a few beloved rulers, like King Albert, King George and King Victor Emmanuel, who rule by constitutional privilege conferred by the people of their regu larly elected parliaments; but tyrants are extinct forever! , A A,merica is celebratins the greatest victory of all time and her vital share in hum bling the Hun. ' - We want to do our share in making these Victory days interesting and memorable and announce for Tuesday ' . - VICTORY SALE NO. I In Which We Offer Women's KID GLO i VES At a Fraction of the Intended Retail Price 95c Pair A PRICE that is ridiculous to the extreme when you n. consider the scarcity and great price advance of real kid gloves. Al TVl a f-f-fannr imaIiiJah a 1 ij ( ..- uiituug iuuuucs a great quantity OI women's French kid suede and cape gloves in an extremely wide variety of styles and colors The gloves are samples and discon tinued lines from several manufacturers. Some are slightly soiled from handlinc. hnr. y otherwise every pair is in perfect condition any an cxca aic jcpreseiueu iu uie assoro ment. The sale price for Tuesday is 95c the pair. Women's Double Tip Silk Gloves v At About y2 The Regular Selling Price At 95c Parr The reason the gloves" are known as "mill seconds" have a slight imperfection of some sort, but so slight that it will not affect the wearing quality or the good looks. . They're the product of the best known makers of silk gloves and the offering affords a rare opportunity to buy a supply of silk gloves for immediate use as well as for next Spring and Summer,, 95c pair. ii s r: -J www hK VMM i V Women's Street Gloves $2.45 fair - An excellent quality, In shades of tan, gray, putty and mastic, also black and white. Extreme values, at $2.45 pair. . . ' Brfes-Nti Co. Mala Floor Women's Kid Gloves , "r" - $1.95 Pair Women's kid and suede gloves. The assortment consists of white and black kid, also grey mocha. The price, $1.95 pair. 1 ; ; f-