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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1918)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1918. The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER , VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. PROPRIETOR MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tlx AMoritlrd rrau, oj whK-tt Tti Hm u member. exclastTtr utlUed lo Ut on (or publication of all news diipctaim credited to It ar roc bUwrwiu credited In this ptper. ud sl the Iocs! m pubitibsd herein. Ail rights of publication ol tut (pad! luptteb r lio wssrwd. ' ' OFFICESi Mo Pfml.' Ou Bulldlu. Omsba Th Bee Bldf. ' New Tork 2)t rifia Are. South Omb 23 IS N St. St. Louie hew B'k of Commeres. Council Blurt 14 N. Mala St Washington 111 O 8L Lincoln Little Building. OCTOBER CIRCULATION Daily 68,570 Sunday 60,405 Annie etrculaUoa for the moutn subscribed ud twora la by I. B. Bum, Circulation ilinmr. Subscribers leaving th city should hava The Baa mailed ts them. Addreea changed aa attan aa requested. THE BEE'S SERVICE FLAG K K T W J 5J2225 Pieter Troelstra may be the last straw for Holland. Bringing home the boys is the next big job on hand. . Jobs"' will be ready when the soldiers get back, if that is all that delays demobilization. Carl Hapsburg says he wants to lead the life of a private citizen. He will be lucky if he gets to. If Holland really is too turbulent for "Bill" Hohenzollern, things must be in a dreadful state ther. Well, if you had the storm windows up, you were forehanded; if you waited, why now is the time to act Of course there is "opposition" to dismiss ing any democrat from his tonnection with the state payroll. The succession of Moses to the Gallinger toga in New Hampshire opens a wide vista to irreverent jokesmiths. General von Mackenzen and his army had to lay down their arms to march home across Hungary. Talk about the returning prodigal I Just as a measure of the shift occuring in a week, you will notice that the president's Thanksgiving proclamation got "first page" position. " 0 "- i Attorney General Reed has guessed wrong so often that maybe the school ma'ams need feel little worry about getting pav for their "flu" vacation. 7 v v j x , I annex uu5, an yvuaucu uy, ait inoituing in' columns across conquered territory, giving the civilians a good look at the army that pol ished off the kaisef. ; - Spain havingbeen furnished a brand new cabinet, the' conversation interrupted by the resignation of held one can be resumed. What were we talking about? Food and fuel control by the government will continue for some time, but common sense ought to supplant Hoover and Garfield long be fore they lay down their duties. Approach, of freezing weather should remind the generous that The Bee's shoe fund is pro viding covering for little feet that otherwise would be bare. It is open to all; come in. Ninety-two names are listed oh Omaha's gold star roll of honor. The city,will perpetu : ate these names in appropriate fashion, that pos terity may know of their fidelity even unto death. Even Fizzaro did not find Panama a para dise, and Henry Morgan and his crew did little to elevate its moral tone. Therefore, that Gen eral Blatchford finds occasion, to complain of its ways need surprise none. JSome signs might be interpreted as evidence that the kaiser proposes to stage a come-back. That' is up jo the Germans. If they want to try the discard, it is their own affair, but jus tic will reach him anywhere. "Peace hath her victories," one of them be ing the j seizure of the oceanic cables by Mr. Burleson over the vigorous protest of Clarence ' i r--t ti:. .v.t.i.. ..... iviaiftajr. 4111a piuuauijr means mai lauic sciv- ice will be no better than that of the postoffice hereafter. 1 Colonel RoOseveWs sort will sleep his eternal sleep undisturbed in Frfhce, along with count less others who gave up' their lives in the'great quest for human freedom. Soil so consecrated as that of France should be regarded as the most fitting for a hero's burial. President and Peace Meeting - if here has long been talk of the possibility .bf the president's going to the peace conference. The matter has now reached the stage where it is under serious consideration at Washington. Mr. Wilson's personal opinion is understood to be adverse to the project This is easy to un derstand. There would be grave practical diffi culties in the president's absenting himself from - the country for any length of time.- And the peace conference is apt to prove a prolonged affair. Indeed, the strong probability is that it will not be able to comolete the huee work be fore it in plenary sessions, but will have to ap-' point commissions to study details, perhaps to take charge of particular labors of admimstra- - tion, for the timebeing, and later to report back. Jf it were a question merely of the president's being away for a few weeks there could be no conclusive objection to his accepting an invita tion to preside at the peace conference. But if it involved months of absence the argument would run heavily against his going. The af- . fairs of government here could not so well be conducted bv cable as could the American part of -the negotiations at the peace .conference. And. - even the president is not present in body, his spirit will be there and dominant. This is per fectly understood in Europe. The allies have already bound themselves to make peace, on the feneral terms which Mr. Wilson has laid down, t is not necessary for him to go to sign them in person. The written signatures, whatever -they are, can never make "the historian forget , the great part played by the president of the Uaited States.-New .York Post ' , LISTEN TO LINCOLN. ' On this anniversary of the delivery of Lin coln's Immortal address at Gettysburg it will be well to review the advice he then, gave his coun trymen. While intended for the great ques tions that then vexed the nation, that address contains thoughts that may apply to the present condition. To bind up the wounds of war, to carry forward the work of the soldiers in estab lishing liberty, is just as important now as hen. It was to this task Lincoln adjured the livingto dedicate themselves, that the dead might not have died in vain. A similar task confronts us, and the world, and the future demands the de votion of our utmost endeavor for the right. No selfish cause or class interest must be per mitted to turn the current of victory into priv ilege for a few. Forbearance is required of all, but not to the point where any will forfeit full share in the great opportunity that is now open ing for everybody. Old things are cast aside along with old ways, but the new must not be distorted or Jwisted into special application for the advantage of cfass, above or below, or in the middle. A square deal, a fair chance for every body, anj "government of the people, for the people and by the people shall not perish from the earth." End of Germany's Sea Power. How completely Germany is beaten is illus trated by the surrender of its navy. In, no other way could this be made so clear, even to the Germans themselves. Von Hindenburg and the great army laid down arms and started for home, defeated in battle and rendered harmless in surrender. They had fought for four years, with stubbornness and skill, only to be overcome at last by a jetter directed force. All this time the navy, on which so much thought and money have been lavished, the great instrument by which England was to be stricken and brought to subjection, remained inactive behind the har bor defenses at either end of the Kiel canal. The Dresden, the Emden, the Scharnhorst, the Gueisenau the Eitel Friederich and one or two other cruisers' played havoc with commerce for a short time on the high seas, but soon were hunted down. A sortie, terminating in the bat tle of Jutland, in which the Germans were sorely defeated, comprises the activity of the great navy on which the kaiser rested one col umn of his triumphal arch. Its inglorious end ing is accentuated by the scourge of the U-boat, set upon the world to bring about a victory in which terror should be the deciding factor. No color in all the kaiser's rainbow dream has twrned a more vivid yellow than that of his navy. Good Roads for Nebraska. Good roads ought to mean roads that are serviceable 365 days in a year, arjd such roads can only be had through careful construction. The Bee has preached this doctrine for many years, and still believes it. In Nebraska large sums of money are wasted every year in repair ing roads that are not more than 50 per cent serviceable. Ordinary highway construction does not produce permanence, and is costly even at its best, for too much power is needed to haul loads over it. All this is well known to everyone who has given the matter serious at tention. The state authorities sanction a standard road to be constructed of a mixture of sand and clay, because the material is cheap and plenti ful and permits of easy manipulation. This was brought out as a makeshift to enable the state to get in under the federal good roads law. It may comply with the letter, but hardly will ful fill the spirit of that law, for it is far from demonstrated that such a, road is a "good" one, even in the ordinary acceptance of the term. Farmers of Nebraska are: the greater users of the highways of the state; they save or waste according to the service they get from the roads they build to maintain. For many years they have paid from twice to three times as much as they should for hauling their produce to market and their supplies back to the farm. In this regard they are not progressive. The question of good roads will be presented to the coming legislature in a practical way; it will deservemore attention than was accorded it by the last assembly, when it was given simply the consideration that would avert loss of the federal contribution to the construction fund. Members of the next legislature will serve both themselves and ihe state if they will now make even a cursory examination of the problem and be ready to deal with it from an understanding point of view. . . x War and the Plague. V First thoughts of war almost invariably turn on loss of life incident to conflict of armies. The death roll here is always impressive, fre quently, magnified through vain imagination, but remaining to the end a convincing evidence i man's innate savagery. Such thoughts ex clude a fact that is entitled to far more consid eration than it ever gets that death is the por tion of all. Moreover, now that the fighting in France has ceased, the relation between the war and the plague is coming to be considered Whatever the rause, whether it be from dis turbance of the nutrition of the people because of carelessness growing out of war excitement, or for any other reason, a pandemic has pre vailed, and its death toll has been in the United States practically double that exacted by the war. Almost, if not quite, as many" men died in training' camps here as laid down their lives in battle abroad, while the number of civilians who succumbed to ih- "flu" is greater than either. And the war is over, while the disease daily adds, to its victims. No comfort can be had from this, unless it be that men of science are striving with utmost endeavor to discover means for checking the scourge. The only I lesson is that war, terrible as it may be made, holds scarcely more of danger than follows man in his most peaceful seclusion. Prior discoveries by members ot the Ancient and Honorable Order of Animated Tanks are now -in some measure confirmed by sdber sci entists, who have on exhibition a 16-foot man eating lizard. When theytrot out an elephant with a pink trunk and green ears they will have about1" closed the lists. .:. Emanuel of Italy returned to Rome on a wave of popular enthusiasm of such nature as would suggest even lo the most radical that a king may have some? good qualities. ' ' .' V If the crowii prince really be safely interned in Holland, the fact may assure his presence in court when the time comes to try him, 5 Right in the Spotlight Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, who urges the immediate establishment of an international court of arbitra tion and justice with Great Britain, France, Italy and the United States as its most potent members, is president of Columbia university. New York City. He has played a large part in the arbitration move ment, and as one of the trustees of the Carnegie Endowment for the Advancement of Peace-he has be come known internationally among jurists and statesmen influential in ushering in judicial and arbitral set tlement of international questions. Prior to being elected president of Columbia university in 1902, Dr. Butler had been a prominent mem ber of the faculty of philosophy and had won a national audience as editor of the Educational Review. Of late years he has been conspicu ous among contemporary American educators for the active part, he has taken in the game of practical poli tics. ' ' In Omaha Thirty Years Ago Today. There were sold and weighed at the yards last week 7,519 head 'of cattle, 2,000 sheep and 23,000 hogs. Superintendent Ressique, accom panied by John Langtry of the bridge building department, and J. T.. Harvey,, of the mechanical de partment of the railroads went west on a tour of inspection. Attorney Strawn left for the east. Mrs. W. G. Taffinder and son ar rived in this city from Sioux Falls, S. D., and with "Mr. Taffinder will make their future home in Omaha at 617 Twentieth street. The directory of the Omaha Base Ball association have completed the THE WGOmTOw ii 1 FOR DC SALE of ikJviX 1 1 0VETT TO WE AZSkP'' IU n negotiations for the sale of Lovett to the Brooklyn club. The price is $3,500. One Year Ago Today in the War. Daniel Willard was appointed a member of the United States War Industries board. Proclamation of President Wilson, requiring all alien enemies to regis ter. In the House of Commpns Lloyd George stated that five German sub marines had been destroyed in one day. The Day We Celebrate. Hugh T. Cutler, with the United States Trust company, born 1886. Thomas R. Porter, newspaper correspondent, born 1869. i Rev. "Billy" Sunday, the world famous evangelist, born at Ames, la., 55 years ago. 1 Brig. Gen. Robert K. Evans, U. S. A., retired, born at Jackson, Miss., 66 years ago. Dr. David Sneddon of Columbia university, born in California, 50 years ago. J. M. Hannaford, federal manager of the Northern Pacific railway lines, born at Claremont, N. H., 68 years ago. j Jose Capablanca, one of the world's foremost chess experts, born at Havana, Cuba, 35 years ago.'' This Day in History. 1770 Bertel Thorwalden, famous Danish sculptor, born in Copen-' hagen. Died there March 24, 1844. 1805 Ferdinand de, Lesseps, de signer of the Suez canal, born at Versailles, France. Died December 7, 1894. , , 1914 Japan notified England that she was willing to turn over Pacific islands captured from Germany. 1916 Allied army in Monastir, the first city to be recaptured from the Germans and Bulgarians. I , - Timely Jottings and Reminders. The War' Service convention of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, which was scheduled to open at Atlantic City today, has been postponed to December 4-6. The anniversary of Lincoln's Gettysburg address will be observed today with patriotic meetings of local camps of the Sons of Veterans throughout the United States. As a part of a program to edu cate the people to use more apples and prevent the waste of fruit, a State Apple show will be opened in Qhicago today, under the auspices of the Illinois Horticultural society. The premiers of the several pro vinces are to confer with the Do minion' government at Ottawa to day on questions dealing largely with the development, of the natural resources of Canada, especially in view of the problems which will arise from demobilization of the military forces. Storyette of the Day. ' . Mother was very much occupied with the new baby, so father took it upon himself to keep Johnny from worrying her by being naughty. He noticed that 'his ob streperous young son had the qual ity of thriftiness and resolved to appeal to it. "Sonny,", said he, "I'm going to give you a penny every day you're a good boy, on condition that every day you are naughty you are to give 'me a penny. Is it a go?" "I'd like to do it, dad," answered the small boy thoughtfully, "but I can't afford it. I've only got five pennies in my bank to start on." Chicago News. OVER HERE AND THERE An unique roadway of solid salt, formingr a part of the Wendover highway In Tooele county, Utah, Is projected by the Utah State Road commission. " Rev. H. G. C. Hallock of Shanghai, has compiled a Chinese concordange. It Is in three volumes and contains 400,000 direct or' Indirect Bible ref ences, using over 5!000,000 Chinese characters. . . Constantino was the first emperor to Introduce the two headed eagle as a royal or national device to indicate that his empire Bad two heads or kings, but was nevertheless one body or empire. An officer of the Japanese navy, after having discovered a process which makes paper waterproof, has Invented a collapsible lifeboat made ot the material, which can be folded up and weighs but a few pounds. ' Lincoln's Gettysburg Address November 19, 1863. Four score and seven years ago our fath ers brought iorth on this continent a new na tion, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any na tion so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation' might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and deadu who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It israther forv us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us; that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of de votion; that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this na tion, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth. Bills Germany Must Pay Philadelphia Public Ledger. Two main objects led Germany to launch the campaign of unrestricted submarine, warfare even at the risk of bringing the United States into the conflict. The more obvious, of course, was to starve out England and prevent the transportation of its troops and supplies. The other, of secondary importance while the war lasted, was to pave the way for gaining commer cial supremacy when the war was over. The first object has been defeated, but the second can yet be achieved if the allies permit them selves to be persuaded by casuistic pleas for generosity to a beaten foe. The sinking of en emy, tonnage is of course a legitimate war meas ure, though Germany made it illegitimate by destroying life as well. But the sinking of neu tral tonnage is a breach of international law, whether lives are lost or not. Germany did this for no other purpose than to wipe out commer cial rivals. Thus Norway is its chief rival- in the shipping business among all the neutrals, and Norwegian ships have suffered more than any other. The war was from the first a busi ness enterprise on Germany's part, and this line was to be one of the most profitable. The allies have the first claim on German shipping. None others should be admitted until theirs is satisfied. In the armistice with Austria a surrender of the Austrian navy is provided for, and nothing less can be asked of Germany. But Germany has a large merchant marine, partly interned in neutral countries, partly safe in its own ports, partly taken over by the allied countries. In ordinary circumstances all its ships would be returned to it after the war, with payment for their use if they had been used, or for their purchase if it was desired to buy them. We have under the American flag a large Ger man fleet for which Germany has the right to ask an equivalent in money. Without denying that right, we shall have also a right to deduct from the debt full compensation for all the losses inflicted by Germany upon allied com merce. All the allied nations will have the same right. It may be that all the German , tonnage now in allied or neutral hands will not Suffice to pay the bill. Yet the demand of ship for ship, just as it is, will hardly be pressed to the extent of leaving Germany with no means to work out the heavy indemnity which will presumably be Exacted from it. ' That the neutrals should now be making out their bills is not surprising. That of Norway is an especially heavy one. Nearly 900 of its ships have been, sunk by German submarines with a tremendous loss of life. Holland, Swe den, Denmark and Spain have all Suffered, though in less measure. The Norwegian claim comes first, however, not merely because it is the largest, but because the other neutrals have served Germany more or less at the expense of the allies. Denmark is excusable, perhaps, since it had no power to resist. But Holland has played a callous game throughout, and Sweden's pro-Germanism has been flagrant and manifest. As for Spain, though it protested at latf, and has compelled Germany to turn over seven ves sels interned in Spanish ports as partial pay ment for damages, its course has been timid, to say the least, and it ought to take ,its chances after more imperative claims have been satisfied. The nations that have borne the burden of mak ing the seas safe again must be served first. Drama of Sedan With what dramatic color the war for the liberation of the ravished provinces of France closes The Americans, debtors toN France, to Lafayette of immortal memory, the Americans take from the Huns Sedan, the loss of which in 1871 was a tragedy for the French in the French and Prussian war. What high dramatic interest, indeed, centers in this actbf fine chivalry 1 And how wonderful the movings of the hands of the clock of destiny that it should be timed as the curtain drop of the hostilities for the Americans! a When the poet and the dramatist and the painter have time and perspective for the great pictures and great stagings and the great dramas of the present war, let them not miss this as a theme of sublime spiritual interestl France and the Unted States, friends from the cradle of the American republic and from the days of the French revolution France and the United States are welded yet still closer in the enduring ties of blood by the latest battle of the Americans, a battle that made it impossible for the Germans to do other than accept the te'rms of the armistice, no matter what these might be. Hail to France 1 Cherished be the memories of tre American men who wtre the heroes of the mighty drama of the capture of Sedan from the hold of the Hlhns! Baltimore American. The Ejaiser as a Sidestepper - Readers ot the "Willy" and "Nicky" corre spondence will remember that back in 1905, when Russia was;ompelled to make peace with Japan, "Willy" telegraphed to "Nicky" suggest ing that he sidestep the responsibility of a dis advantageous and humiliating peace by putting it up to the Duma representatives to adopt what was practically worked out for them at Plym outh and let the people's representatives bear all the odium which might ultimately result therefrom. That would lead the people to think that their own representatives had , betrayed them and incline them to turn to "Nicky" again. This may be the policy which the kaiser is trying to adopt now. He is loading up the Reichstag, by his own will, with the responsi bility of extricating the German nation from the humiliating position to which it has been re duced. Matters are going from bad to worse and when the revolution comes and the govern ment is overthrown, the kaiser will hope to be able, as he advised "Nicky" to lay the blame upon the Reichstag, throw out his chest-and offer himself as the only savior of the German rition. ! fk , And who shall say that the iSerman people are not stupid enough in their blind devotion to a domineering spirit like the kaiser to accept him again as their leader and give him the sup port which he would require to retain his place arid influence as the head of the empire. There might be some pretended political reform, but the kaiser would still possess the substance of power. Minneapolis Tribune. " Free Rides for Railroad Men. North Platte, Neb., Nov. I A To me sailor of The Bee: Several articles have appeared in vour col umns of late against the giving of passes to railroad employes, and from the tone of them are from writers who do not understand the principles on which these favors are In days past all polticians carried a book of passes to give out to vot ers about election time, but nowa days passes are for bona fide em ployes only. , Pleasure passes are issued only to those who have served a specified time and each five years of meritori ous service has its bounds in regard to free passes. There are very few stores or 6ther businesses rh the country today which do not income way extend courtesies to their employes in some manner, either by giving reductions In goods bought or vacations with pay, none of which the railroad em ploye receives. The farmer has hired help, prob ably a man and wife, and I am sure you would think it very wrong for him to go to town in his car and let his help walk or pay their way not a good wayyto reward or keep a good man. Employes of all railroads are given to undrestand that faithful, merltorlolis service will be rewarded, and the most of us take this as the reward. We are restricted on passes from riding trains that are popular with the public, and also those that are ordinarily crowded, besides, we as sume all risk as to accident. I am sure that if (he public knew the conditions under which railroad men work and suffer in time of storms they wouldn't feel that we were getting something for nothing, or that they were kaying for It, and would say that we were only getting what was due us. I will admit there are some who abuse this pass privilege, but so in all other things. I know men who have been on the road a lifetime and have never had a pass, off of the short district on which 'they work, so it is hardly fair to make all suffer to punish a few. I have been a railroad man for over 20 years and I see lots of peo ple who are i.s welt, or better, paid In other walks of life getting re wards for faithful service, but I have never felt envious of them in the least, as I felt they must deserve It or their employer wouldn't have presented it. Don't be a knocker Just because you can't have everything you see others have. You can have these passes, too, If you care to go through five to ten years' apprenticeship In any branch of service on the road "You'll earn them." W. B. BROWN, Engineer W. P. R. R. MIRTHFUL REMARKS "I started golf to get my mind off oum ness.' 'Did the plan work?" "Teg. Now I'm looking for some other game that'll get It back again. Wash ington Star. Around the State Albion NewsVoes the Friend Tel egraph one better by propostng Gen eral John J. Tershing for president Jn 1920. Heretofore the measured value of Nebraska rains ranged from $1,000, 000 to $100,000,000. The copious downpours of victory week raises the valuation to a height approxi mating the German Indemnity. Johnny Ragen of Ord, a frisky young-old one of 65 years, next Sat urday will do a walking stunt of 60 4-miles In 15 hours on the town race track. If he wins it means 1600 good money fn his jeans. Walking is Johnny's life-long habit. Harvard Courier plans to move into a new shop late this month. Editor Buck intimates it will be the finest ever, which means that the Courier will put on so much more style In face and form as will cinch the journalistic beauty prize. Down in Nebraska City, according to the Press, a lover of the old Fath erland let his heart run away with (his purse in the early rtages of the war. lie invested an nis avaiianie resources in German war bonds, and now holds a sackful of kalserlieh paper which wouldn't interest a pulp mill. Habits of wise economy and thrift out in Nebraska as practical bene fits of thewar. Economy in spend ing and thrift In saving, whether voluntary or compulsory, not only helped to win the war, but proved how easy and simple is the task of J saving wnen Dacnea oy me rigni spirit. Nebraska's leadership in per capita of war savings stamps invest ment evidences widespread habits of thrift, quick response to national necessities and commendable speed in hopping to a good thing. More over, the record lines up full-chested with Nebraska's admirable standing in all war demands. Mrs. Sprlnky Mrs. Foonster 'has a college professor" to tutor her son and pays him an enormous salary. Mr. Sprlnky I'd call thai hlrte educa tion. Town Topics. ( f "What kind of a portrait Is the artist going to paint of that public speaker?" "To be natural I think It ought to be a speaking likeness.'' Louisville Courier Journal, " Would you say that she Is good look ing?" "That depends." "On what?" "On whether I was speaking of her face or to her face.'' Detroit Free Press. Toung Minister (receiving gift of foun tain pen) Thank you. I hope I shall now De awe to write better sermons, The Lady 1 hope so Boston Trans, script. "In this story of sea life It says that the arrogant captain turned on his heel and walked aft."' "And what did the scorned young hero do?" ' "Oh, he was game. He walked after" Baltimore American. P" Cholly Klumsy always says every, thing the longest way, regardless of the circumstances. Con Yeh, he's one of the kind of peo ple who would shout "Asslstanle required, Assistance required!" if be fell In the water. Indianapolis Star. "I met our new minister on my way to Sunday school, mamma," ,sald Willie, "and he asked me If I ever played marbles on Sunday." "What did you answer?'' asked mother. "I simply said: 'Get thee behind me, Satan!' and walked off and left him," was the triumphant response. Utlca Ob server. ' "Many a man would be proud to stand In your shoes." "I don't doubt it," replied Senator Sorghum. "Politics out my way got so fierce for a while and leather was so expensive that a man might expect ro lose his shoes almost as easily as his reputation." Washington Star. THE SERVICE STAR. The service star in the window, I must change from blue to gold That those who look when passing , Will know my story's told. But they cannot see the heartache, Nor the tears that fall like rain. For my boy la dead, he's a memory, He'll never come back again. Some die on the fileds of battle. Where the blood la deep and red; Some die in the great cantonments Before they are sent ahead. But each dies at his post of duty As he bravely does his bit. So sleep In peace my soldier lad In your, suit of khaki hue; Tou answered the call of your country, And all honor is due to you. The service star In the window Made of red, white and blue, Meant mother anxiously waiting, For the boy she loved so true. But now the star Is yellow Like the gold in her weddjng ring And mother's heart Is breaking. For death ever has Its sting. Omaha. ; ' RlkSKI. LVKO Is Hri m ertilsai Bsefc afM only. Ilk picture ahova, RentM all substitute. A refreshing appetizer, a' splendid aid to diges tion and a dependable functional regulator of the liver, kidneys end bowels TheGreatGeneralTonic ASK. YOUR Oft UGGIST Whittled to a Point s St. Louis Globe-Democrat: ' Ouri soldiers kept right on till the whistle blew. i Washington Post: Harden ay that "reason triumphed." Yea; as- sisted by a few doughboys and Uncle Sam's persuasive sm,Ue, market basket end pocketbook. -,( .Kansasity Star: However, if. as the Germans claimed, this war was a contest for supremacy be tween Anglo-Saxonlsm and Teuton Ism well, ,the Teutons now know their "place in the sun," all right! New York Herald: You don't for a' minute suppose that the ex-crown prince, who looked after himself so carefully in the war, would get so reckless as to be shot after peace had come? Brooklyn Eagle: Not since Hoh enlohe said he must find a tricky asent to send to Cyprus to bedevil the natives has Germany been so In need of a liar who can deliver the goods as It is today. Baltimore American: The kaiser might have known any time he went to a circus and saw Hons jumping through llaming-hoop stunts and el ephants meekly carrying passengers on their huge backs that brute force can never hope to rule the world. , Washington Post: ' The Germans have made an amendenment to the imperial constitution ana say mar, this meets the allied conditions of peace. No, not quite. It wasn't the German constitution that murdered women and chlldiSen. Brooklyn Eagle: Quek removal of the ban on-new building Is an en thusisatic dream of realty men. But the reflection on materials we must -send to France and Belgium must chill the most enthusiastic. The world is as greedy as they are for brick, stone, lumber, mortar, cement and window glass. Tor Acid Stomach, Indigestion, Gas Instant Relief when jour , meals sour and! upset tEa Btomacli Indigestion Pain stops at once! No waiting I The mo'-' ment you eat a tablet or two, all stomach distress ends. Magic Pleasant, quick relief. Costs little All 'drug stores. Buy. a box I Tfc TV; WILL PUT YOU Open for the Fall and Winter season 1 EUROPEAN PLAN Mineral Water Baths nnd Massage Treatment for Rheumatism. Located Near Camp Dodge. HOTEL COLFAX AND MINERAL SPRINGS, Colfax, Iowa. p8I Nuxated Iron heirs uut astonishing strength and energy into the veins o men and bring roses to the cheeks of pale. nervous, run-down women, says Ur. lames Francis Sullivan, formerly physi cian of BcUevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.) N. Y. and Westchester County Hospital. "I prescribe it regularly in'cascs of de pleted energy, anaemia and lack of strength and endurance. There is nothing like organic iron-Nuxated Iron-to quickly enrich the blood, make beautiful, healthy women anu buuiiic ikuiuu., uvu Hit... Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Keep Clean Keep clean inside, as' well as outside. Do not allow food poisons to ac cumulate in your bowels. Headache, a sign of self poisoning, will point to numerous other troubles which are sure to follow. Keep yourself well, as thousands of others do, by taking, when needed, a dose or two of the old, reliable, vegetable, fami ly liver medicine Bedford's ck-Draught Mrs. Maggie Bledsoe, Osawatomie, Kan., says: "Black -Draught cured me of constipation of 15 years standing, which nothing had been able to help. I was also a slave to stomach trouble ... Everything I ate would sour on my stomach. I used two packages of Black-DraugW, and Oh!, the blessed relief it has given me." Black Draught should be on vour shelf. Get a pack- li age today, price 25c Bla )ne cent a dose, AD Druggists EBII For Burning Eczema WESTLAWN ' ' S8TH AND CENTER Omaha's beautiful park plan ceme tery convenient to Dundee, West Far nam and Field Club districts. Free per petual care , and courteous service. Street cars to entrance. Family lots on partial payments at time of first burial. Free auto at your service. Greasy salves and ointments should not be applied If good clear j skin is 'wanted. From any druggist for 35c, or $1.00 for extra large size. get a bottle of zemo. When applied as directed it effectively removes ec I zema, quickly stops itching, and heals I skin troubles, also sores, burns, wounds and chafing. It penetrates, i cleanses and soothes. Zemo is a clean, dependable and inexpensive, ; antiseptic liquid. Try it, as we be i lieve nothing you have ever used Is i as effective and satisfying. 1 The E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland, O. "M""MM""OMnllTT1Bir i i WgsTMgtMgMBMsO Resiiiol r " - the tested skin treatment V "Resinol is what you want for your skin-trouble Resinol to stop the itch ing and burning Resinol to heal the eruption. This gentle ointment has been so effective for years in treating eaema, ring worm, itching, burning rashes, and sores, that it has, become a standard skin treatment. . It con tains nothing that could irritate the tenderest skin." Your druggist will also tell you that Resinol Ointtysnt is excellent for re lieving the swtart, itdvand burn of mosquito-bites, and insect-stings. It soothes and cools skins burned by wind or sun. All dealers sell Resinol Ointment. "T ' Mtn who use Resinol Shaving Stick find soothing lotions vnnecer V