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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1918)
THE BEE: yMAHA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1918.' Conducted by Ella Fleishman J BREAK A CHILD'S COLD BY GIVING SYRUP OF FIGS 3 Cleanses the little liver and bowels and they get well quick. When your child suffers from a cold don't wait; give the little stom ach, liver and bowels a gentle, thorough cleansing at 'once. When cross, peevish, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, eat ,or act naturally; if breath is bad, stomach sour, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the clogged-up, constipated waste, Bour bile and undigested food will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. If your child coughs, snuffles and has caught cold or is feverish or has a sore throat give a good dose of 'California Syrup of Figs," to evac ' uate the bowels, no difference what other treatment is given. Sick children need t be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative." Millions of mothers keep it handy because they know its action on the stomach, liver and bowels is prompt and sure. They also know a little given today saves a sick child to morrow. Ask your druggist for a bottlo of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. Get the genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Company." Adv. SOCIETY Skin Comforts ForOurBoys Pound In Cutkura The Soap to Shave, ' Bathe and Shampoo, the r- . . . i These fraqrant, super- creamy emollients soothe and heal , eczemas and rashes, stopitching, clear the skinot pimples, the scalp otcunarutt an the hands of chaps and sores. Also cuts, wounds, stints ofinsects,sunburn or windburn. aire wltk Cittern Imp Tk. Htalthy, TJ-to-Dte OaUcora War. No not .no slimy toap, no Bfltnu. no free &! kali, 29 waste, no irritation even when a hayed twlee Aailv (Inn amtn ttm all d.m .hawtnff. hatmns nampooinff. Doubles raxor efficiency, not to speah 01 vain I or ) vv i I 1 grlM 'Taw dily. One aonp for nil uses in promoting skin purity and health, due to i oeucaw, Traprunt imicurn medication. Sotp, Ointment Talcum 5c. each. Sold every where. i mw-w si m win va urr is t ' fortf United Profit Sharing . Coupon. (S 20) are padiad in eery CiM. Exchange able for valuable TVI&IUDLafl. When you want the one best drink for good taste and good health. "Bea In Mind fSflft V Enjoy the good taste of hops, the foamnd the sparkled Drink all you want-rit's non-ln-' toxicating. - ' 'Atgrocers.'atdruggbte.'lnfactat all placeSwhere good drinks are sold. r-.. ,' LEMP V Manufacturera "'" . ST. LOUIS , CERVA SALES CO. ; R A. STEWWENDER, Dtstribirtor - ' MI? Mchslaa St Doala 3443, QUITE like a leafy dell in the autumn woods was the garage in which the officers' hop was given Saturday evening, for the walls were completely covered with scarlet and brown leaves. The lights were softly shaded and the litt'e hall was very artistic. A unique feature of the affair was a little wireless station where T-io--tenant Powell received messages which he read to the guests. In the intervals between dances the girls sent messages, having a gay time composing the missives. The dance was strictly informal and no evening gowns .were worn. Mrs. Jacob W. S. Wuest was most attractive in a smart afternoon gown of soft gray georgette. Tailored suits and georgette blouses were worn for the most part, with a num ber of dark crepe gowns and numer ous smart models of black velvet. Among the younger girls who at tended were Misses Erna Reed, Esther Wiihelm, Edith Cofnish of Little Rock, Ark., Eugenie Whit more, Hazel Peterson, Corinne El liott, Irene Carter and Marian Coad. Many of the younger married set were also there, included Messrs. and Mesdames Sam Burns, Arthur Remington, Wilson Low, T. F. Ken nedy, Louis Clarke, Howard Bald rige and W. R. McKeen. Reception for Bridal Couple. An interestng item in the society columns of the Nashville Daily Banner gives a description of a bri dal reception given by Col. and Mrs. Aaron Bergeda, who have recently returned from their wedding trip. Mrs. Bergeda was formerly Miss Tonnette Blotcky of Omaha, her marriage to Col. Bergeda taking place early in October. The formal reception was given at the home of Colonel and Mrs. Ber geda in the southern city, and was a very brilliant affair. The Iride was very lovely in an orchid satifi gown, her only ornament a brooch of diamonds. She carried a shower bouquet of orchids, the color of these exotic flowers harmonizing with the shades of her gown. In the receiving line were the bridesmaids, Miss Sophia Bergeda, sister of the bridegroom, Misses Lily and Kate Bergeda and Miss Ella Roth. The young women wore their bridesmaid's gowns of pink tulle and carried pink rosebuds. Mr. David Bergeda, brother of Colonel Berge da, presented the guests and Gov ernor Thomas C. Rye and Hon. Jo seph W. Byrns.iwho attended the wedding ceremony in Omaha with the other members of the staff, were also in the receiving line. The spacious rooms were beauti fully decorated with baskets of roses and chrysanthemums, gifts to Col onel Bergeda and his bride, and sev eral hundred guests called during the eception hours. Golden Wedding Reception. A family dinner party vwas given by Mr. and Mrs. George Barker, sr., at their hojne, Sunday, to celebrate their golden wedding. Their, chil dren and six grandsons were the guests at the dinner, including Messrs. and Mesdames Charles Mar tin, George Barker,- jr.,vJoseph Barker, Frank Barker, 'A. O.Yarker, Joseph Barker, 2nd, George Barker, 3rd, and Francis, George, Charles and Alfred Martin. One of Nebraska's earliest pio neers is Mr. Barker, for he camp here in 1856, making the trip from Davenport, la., in a wagon. Shortly after the civil war, Mr. Barker went to England, where his marriage to Miss Annie Osborne took place. Mr. and Mrs. Barker have spent their entire wedded life in Omaha. All the pioneers of the city and county will be guests this evening at an in formal reception at the Barker home and it is expected that 100 friends will call .to extend their congratula tions. Miss Brewster Goes East. Miss Clara Brewster left Friday evening for Battle Creek, Mich., where she will remain for at least two weeks. Miss Brewster has put in two yeart' hard work financing the Y. W.' C. A. summer camp and managing it. She was too busy to takea vacation and now 'feels the need of a complete rest. Her plans from that time on are uncertain, as she may make a trip to California and may possibly go to France in Red Cross work. Miss Brewster has filed an application, but it is being held subject to. her feeling physically fit for the task. Goldfen Wedding. r Mrs. Tillie Welch entertained Va family party Sunday in honor of the golden wedding anniversary of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Bach of Plattsmouth... Mrs. Welch and the eight grandchildren, two with their wives, were present, and the son and his wife, Mr and Mrs. August Bach of Plattsmouth. Mrs. Bach was presented with a beautiful golden plate and tray, and Mr. Bach re ceived a handsome gold watchT (Orpheum Party. Mr. Herman Ferrer, who is at home on a short fulough from Camp Gf ant, will be honor guest at a box party given at the Orpheum this evening by Mr. and Mrs. Harry WAite. Seven guests wiljl make up the party. For French Officers. Maj. and Mrs. R. C Crawford en tertained very informally ; at lunch eon at Major Crawford's quarters today in fyonor of several of the French officers now stationed at the fort , . LP. E. O. Luncheon. Mrs. Ruth Drake will entertain members of Chapter B. X. of P. E. O.- Sisterhood at a 1 o'clock lunch eon Tuesday at her home, 5007 Chi cago str:et.. This will be a guest day.' For West Point Men. Dr. alid Mrs. Charles Rosewater will entertain this evening: at . an Orpheum party follpwed by sapper at the rontenelle in honor of Lts. Albert Wedemeyer, Howard Canan. Howard Bergman, Carlisle Allen and Percival Bannister, West Point men, who are home on leave. Miss Estelle Golden and Mrs. Gol den are spending a few days at Ho tel .Ur W kl Angeles, - Introducing New Idea in .Waistcoats By GERTRUDE BERESFORD. Waistcoats frequently play the star role in the winter costume. Putty-colored angora wool, striped in black, carries off the honors in this suit of navy tricotine. The wSstcoat buttons with black but tons. It is whispered that these waistcoats may be made frtm the many wool scarfs on the market which sell for about $4 each. A scarf of putty or chamoiscolored wool, plain ground, would make a stunning waistcoat for wear with this blue suit, especially if fastened with imi tation amber buttons. A white scarf would also be a striking acquis ition in the guise of a waistcoat. The belt of this suit fastens with a silver buckle. The close hat is made of navy satin antique, a fabric which resembles leather. Women WH1 Help. The Association of Collegiate Alumnae, at its monthly meeting Saturday voted heartiest co-dfiera-tion in the drive next Saturday for $5,000, for a dispensary in France for women and children. Postpon ing a luncheon and play of the drama section dated for next Satur day, they propose to assist the medi cal women in every way possible. Other college clubs, sororities, women's clubs and nurses will also assist. " Dr. Olga Stastney, chairman of the executive committee, said: "The return of the civilian population to their ruined homes is unspeakably sad. Workers write home that one feels a mingling of pleasure and pity when the older children shout and leap with joy, but it is pathetic be yond words when the little ones who have never known anything but the thunder and terror of war, with a frightened expression in their eyes whisper, "Sh-hl They may hear us." Will the mothers of America help the mothers of France next Satur day? Will everyone help? Research Club Meets. In spite of the disagreeable weather a large number was present at the meeting Sunday of the Re? search club. Rev. Father McKeown spoke upon the good work the club was doing, urging all to be faithful in attendance. At the meeting plans-for the year were discussed. Women's Totals in War Drive. Week-end reports of the women's committee activities in the United War Work drive show a total col lected of $34,192.81. This includes the house-to-house canvass, theaters and booths in hotels, stores and banks. Headquarters in the Msaonic Temple building will be maintained until Wednesday evening. , Mrf and Mrs. G. W. Megeath will leave1 soon on a western trip, return ing Thanksgiving. - Chrysanthemum Queen of the Autumn Season Of the flowers adapted for- use in the home, chrysanthemums meet more requirements than any. Pro duced in great variety of form and color, they lend themselves to al most any decorative plan which may be devised. From the end of August until Christmas they are in season, bridging over a' period when most choice flowers have passed. With a little care, cut blooms last in water a long time often two weeks or more. The giant blooms we see today in the flower shops are the rtsult of hybridization work extending over more than a century, the base parents being two wild species common to China and Japan, having kvery small flowers, in size less than those of the common held daisy which, by the way, is also a chrysanthemum, bearing the Latin name of Leucanthemum vulgare. In recent years there has been developed a spendid race of single chysanthemums, whose varieties produce beautiful rayed flowers with golden centers, admirable for table, basket and vase use. The race cov ers a wide variety of forms, one, two and three rows of petals, dou bles, Anemone-formed, and pom pon. The blooms range in color through whites, yellows, pinks, chestnuts and bronzes, and are pro duced in well formed sprays of Nhree to six or more flowers. The plants are usually set out in the open ground in May, potted in early September and flowered under glass protection. The cut flower sprays are used to great advantage in low bowls or dishes, the stems inserted in blocks obtainable for the pur pose; arranged in this way a nat ural growing effect is produced which is artistically pleasing. For Thanksgiving stable centerpieces such arrangements are very ap propriate, and the effect is height ened by the addition of sprays of autumn foliage. Theater Parties. Colonel Carmody of Fort Omaha will entertain a number of the army set at the Boyd this evening in honor of Colonel and Mrs. Jacob W. S. Wuest. Following the play the guests will have supper at the Fon tenelle. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Red will have as their guests, Messrs. and Mesdames C. T. Kountze, W. A. C. Johnson, Mrs. F. A, Nash and Mr. C. W. Hull. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baldrige are entertaining a box party, Mr. and Mrs . Louis Nash will have six guests and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bur gess will also have a box patty. Flying Cadets Entertain. , Flying cadets from Fort Omaha are indeed royal hosts, for the danc ing party which they gave Saturday evening at Harte hall was a very successful affair. Mrs.C.A. Mal lory was one of the hostesses, and about 80 guests attended. -Among the girls who were present were: Misses Eleanor McGilton, Martha Gyger, Nina Garrett, Edith Capron, Janet Lees, Dorothy Black, Myrne Gilchrist, Florence Heggblade, Pleasant Holyoke, Ethel Magney and Isabel Shukert. y B'nai B'rith Auxiliary. B'nai B'rith auxiliary members meet Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock in the woman's service league room, 311 South Seventeenth street, to do reclamation work. Thursday evening the regular bus iness meeting will be held in the Jewish Welfare board rooms. Final reports will be given and return of tickets made for the war benefit dance given recently at the Audi torium. For Overseas Service. Nebraska Red Cross bureau " of personnel today recommended to the Central division four girls for over seas service. Miss Mary Irenq Schu mate, 4906 Webster street, is ac cepted for motor service; Edith Eleanor Peterson, 29l2 Dodge, Miss Nellie Leora Ensminger of Ashland and Kathleen Culbertson of Beatrice for canteen service. 1 At the Blackstone. Miss Edith Cornish, the guest of Mrs. Wilson Low, was honoree'at a delightful luncheon,-given by Mrs. Howard Baldrige at the hotel today. Covers were laid for eight guests. Miss Mona Towle will entertain a foursome at dinner this evening. WAR. PUZZLES PRINCEiALEX.-ANDER. SERBIAN AND ALLIED. TROOP& ENTERED MONASTIR ' The first city to be teconquered from the Bulgarians, two years ago today, November 19, 1916. Find a BuIgarC : YESTERDAYS ANSWER V Lci tidbit, im eloitr DREAMLAND ADVENT UR.E .. By DADDY The Gypsy's Charm." Miss Mabel Halis ill with Spanish influenza. the (P(f7. vlaltlnf tha county fair, aavea a Oypay baby from being crushed by run away horaea. Ttrxah the Gypay queen, promisee to reward her with" tha Gypsy's charm.) CHAPTER II. N The Boy in Rags. PEGGY felt a nervous tingle run up and down her back as the Gypsies crowded around. They seemed grateful because of her res cue of Toto, the baby, but there was something about them that she didtfr altogether trust. Behind their smiles was a slyness that made her doubt that she was seeing their real selves. , ' . , "Come into my tent," said Tirzah, the Gypsy queen. "There you shall feel the GypsjS chatm." Peggy held back. She was not a bit anxious to explore the mysteries that lay behind the bright colored draperies. Her hesitancy became all the stronger when she. suddenly realized that she toas all alone among the Gypsies. The fair visit ors, who had been streaming in and out of the camp all afternoon, were gone. , "Come," said Tirzah again, and this time she took Peggy firmly by the hand. Peggy thought fast She was, for the moment at least, in the power of the Gypsies. They evidently in tended no harm, and besjdts they halgood reason to treat her well. f OSSlDiy 11 sne irustcu uiciu uy iM reward her ai Tirzah had frnmi'.erl. and then would let her ko. go she started alone with the queen. Rnr now there oushed into the rfnwrl nf GvTisies a swarthy, scowl ing older man, who frowned darkly as he looked down upon reggy. "Ha what's this? A beautiful white girl? Are her parents rich? Will thev eive a biff ransom for The other Gypsies shrank back as the older man shouted out tnese questions. Evidently they were afraid of him. Only the tall, fierce Innliitiff man held his" place beside Tirzah. He answered the older Gypsy. ... ".This girl has done us a service, Viga," he said. 'jiVo harm shall come to herl" - ; "Who dares say to me what shall or shall not be done?" demanded Viga. "J dare say it," answered the younger man, doubling up his fists and facing Viga, who glared angrily back at him. --"And I say it with you, Ronald," spoke up Queen Tirzah. "She shall be rewarded by feeling the Gypsy's charm." , x "The Gypsy's charm, ho, ho, hoi" laughed Viga. "When she feels the Gypsy's charm she will be ours for- CV"That shall be as Tirzahays," spoke up Ronald. "Or perhaps as I say," sneered Viga. "You grow overbold, young Ronald. When we reach the open road there must come a settlement between us two." Viga's words held a threat, which Peggy could only vaguely under stand a threat against her and against Ronald, who, apparently, was her friend. As the two men glared at each other, Tirzah drew her quickly into the tent. . It was dark there, brt when Peg gy's eyes became accustomed to the gloom she found herself in a luxu rious, oriental den, with beautiful hangings on the wall, a rug on the floor, deeply cushioned couches in viting repose, and a dimly burning lamp hanging from above., - "Wait here I" said Tirzah, leading Toto into a rear apartment, j When -Peggy found herself alone, her first impulse was to escape, A glance qutside, hovyever, showed that the tent was Surrounded by Gypsies. She could not possibly get away. A slight noise on the other side of the curtained wall attracted her at tention. It was like SOhie one breathing deeply. Then there came a little moan. Peggy stood still, afraid to stir. Again there came the little moan. Perhaps some one was in dis tress. Maybe she could .help. Thinking this, Peggy crept to the draperies and peeked through. On a couoh in another apartment was a boy sleeping and moaning in his sleep. Peggy- was about to draw back, when she made a startling discov ery. The boy's face was as brown What to Send Your Soldier New YorkAFollowing is part of "Ha, what's this? .A beautiful white y k irir as any of the Gypsies. But he wore a ragged suit, and through a break in this ragged suit peeked out a bit of his arm. And that arm was white. t Startling thoughts flashed to Peggy's mind. This white boy was a captive of the Gypsies. He had been colored brown to make, him look like the others. Perhaps they were going- to ao -the same with her. . The boy sighed deeply and turned his face toward her. Then she made another startling discovery. The boy was Billy Belgium. (In th next chapter Peggy feels the Gypsy'a charm. X Women Who Fly Women's part in winning the war is not so much in domg men's work in flying in front of the lmesas it u m war service work here at home. You are confronted now by graver and harder duties. You, aa mothers, wives and sistera, are called upon to face tha separation from. all that is most dear to yon. The war ust be won not less by women than by the fighting men. The influence of women is felt everywhere) on the " battle field, in the hospitals and amongst the producers at home. AVomen rJl ever the world realize more and more that their work at home will help the men at the Front There is an important factor which has to be carefully ob served to make the great work women are doing success ful. Nobody, man or woman, can do good work when health is impaired. " , Thegreatcst boon to woman kind is a tonic made up oi herbs, vhich makes weak women strong and sick women well. This is the "Prescrip tion" of Dr. Pierce, used by him In active practice many years,' and now sold by almost every druggist in the land in tablet or liquid form. It haa had a half century of practical demonstration and successful results in most of the delicate dewngmenta and weaknesses of women. If she's overworked, nervous, or "run-down," she finds new life and strength. Tt's a powerful, invigorating herbad tonic and nervine, or young girls just entering woman hood; for women at the critical time of life; in pains, inflammation and kindred ailments the "Favorite Prescription" has been favorably known for 50 yearsingredients oo wrapper. The "Prescription" is sold in tablet form for sixty cents. Bend ten cents to Dr. Pierce's Invalids'. Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., for large trial package and vrite fw fw.wwentmmucaJ advice if there ii need. i PERSONALS Not a case of Spanish influenza occurred at Grinnell college until about two weeks ago when the ban was lifted and the students per mitted to go to town. Then an epi demic broke out in the school. Miss Lefiore Beveridge, daughter of J. H. Beveridge, superintendent of schools, telephoned home to the family Sunday evening that school was to be dismissed and she would be home. She stated that over 100 cases had bee-w'reported in the col lege. j Miss Constance Garrett, who vol unteered for the "student nurse re serve corps and recently received a call to duty, was unable to fill it as she was ill with influenza and pneumonia? After a six weeks' ill nes$ Miss Garrett was today able to return to work in the Union Paci fic valuation department. Mrs. J. J. Monelle of Council Bluffs will spend the winter at the Blackstone. Mrs. H. A. Abbott and son have taken an-- apartment at the Blackstone. Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Fleishman have come from North Platte to make their home in Omaha. Mr. a letttr received from Corp. Morti ; nier J. Israel, now in, service in i France, in the signal corps, to his parents: . .- Dear Pop: Government will al I low a man ' overseas to receive a ! Christmas package, which must not ; be over 9x4x3 and cannot weigh over threevpounds. i . Fleishman left Saturday eyening on a, busmess trip to New York. Army Affair. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Strong of Olean, N. Y., who are the guests of their daughter, Mrs Jacob W. S. Wuest and Colonel Wuest, were honor guests at a very informal tea given by Lt. and Mrs. George Lund berg at Fort Omaha this afternoon. Future Affairs. An informal tea will be given by Mrs. C. B., Keller Thursday after- noon at ner nom in nonor oi ner daughter, Mrs. Charles Keller. The coming year will mark the centennial anniversary of the birth of Susan Warner ("Elizabeth Weth crill"). celebrated as the author of "The Wide, Wide World." The two most famous nurses the world has known, Florence iNightin gale and Clara Barton, both lived to be nonagenarians. Though war is full of tragedy, At least we have some somedy. The staid old war office awoke y Just long enough to crack a joke, Through heartfelt generosity! (And spell that with a great big G) No man in khaki over here Shall miss his bit of Xmas cheer," For each man will receive a box Of mother's cake or sister's sox. The only thing that makes it hard Is that wifie's biscuit must be barred. And as the question is perplexing, The limitations are ao vexing, We beg herewith to send a list Of things which every man has missed. A colored handkerchief of silk, ' A large sized can of Nesije's milk, A set of Shakespeare in leather, A parasol for rainy weather, A money belt, a rocking chair A set of enameled kitchen ware. A pair of garters, a fancy vest. JA bungalow, a cedar chest, ' a c i .... ....... , t; . i n fail mi iuvv iui lusaci anucs, A demyohn of three-star booze, A pair of, dice which arelTi mates, A small sized pair of roller skates, And still this list is incomplete v v Without a can of monkey meat, To close this gol-ding foolich pome, Just send along a ticket home. MORT. Take This And No Other! fir . HUNDREDS of products are sold in the form of plain white tablets. In appearance alone they are indistinguishable. '' When you buy Aspirin Tablets or Capsules you should be cer tain that the Bayer Cross appears on every package and on every tablet. It Is placed there for your additional protection and is con clusive evidence that you are obtaining getiuine Aspirin. Look for it. Thames-mart "Aaatria" V. S. Fit. OH.) It a tusraatea trial Sia auiaaecatkeeM. aatei el ullcjrlicacid la thoa labials aid capaulea la el la reliable Baai aiaanhrtaia. Ba,yer-Tafelsf Aspirin Th byr Cross f A Your Guarantee of rVftjr c Announcement: To help meet the needs of the government, Wrigley's has discontinued the use of tin foil as a wrapping for n' Hereafter all three WRIGLEY flavors will , , be sealer! in air-tight, pink -end packages. So look for IVi:HisivL.- .WRIGUEYS in the pink sealed wrapper and take your choice of fla vor, three kinds to suit all tastes. SEALED TIGHT-KEPT RIGBf Be SURE you get Wrigley's The Flavor Lasts! Hi 1 in ni I r ,. , ,., , , . i i mini i ir in III lit in in i" ui ni w in ui m m m in m icm