THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: ', NOVEMoKK 17, 1918. 13 COMMUNITY CENTERS OPEN HERE THIS WEEK Schoolhouses to Be Meeting Places and Many Features y to Mark Gatherings 1 Each Week. Thirteen community centers will be opened this week in school build ings throughout the city under di , rection of V'lasta Sterba recreation director. General assembly, gym nasium, dramatics and other features will mark these centers. There will be two or three meetings in each tchoolhouse each week. "Everybody in the community above the age of grade school chil dren is invited to these centers," . laid Miss Sterba. "I want to im- nri thar ttiia fa nrtr a rtaritv anv tnore than the parks are a charity. The work is kept op out of city funds as tha parks are kept up, "The schoolhouM Is to be the community capitol where the neighborly spirit so essential for concerted action can be created by means of the general assemblies, oncerts, social hours, dramatics and men's and women's classes in phys ical training and athletics." Miss Sterba has sent out circular fetters in each community through the school children and rousing meetings are looked for. The pro- Etm of meetings will be as fol ws: Cllftoa Hin. (Nebraska School for tha EaaX), lorty fifth and Bedford avenue. i. Opening Oenaral Aasembly Tuaadaj .renins, November It, I o'clock Miss Tin. lllu.tAa I. Women'! Gymnasium Clan Wed aasda, evening. November 17 7:S0 o'olock. I. Man'i Oymnaalum Clan Thursday STenlnf, November 11, 7:30 o'olock. Dundee. Oymnalum elaaaea only. Oymnaalum In Dundee aohool. ,- 1. Men's Oymnaalum Class Tuesday evening, Norambar llj Mr. Koran, in structor. S. Worain'i Oymnaalum Claia Thure Say evening, November SI; lira. Mussel man, Initructor. South High School. 1. Men'a Oymnaalum Claee Wadneiday avanlnr November 20: Mr Koran. S. Women'a Oymnaalum Claaa Thurs day evening, November SI; lira. A. Evane. Caatelar School. .- I. Opening General Jkiaembly Thurs day evening, November II, S o'clock; Mr. A. Tongue, director. S. Women's Gymnaalum Claaa Tneaday Jvoalng, November it, 7:10 a' dock i Miss Mildred Hansen, Instructor. S. Dramatics Wednesday, evening, No- ve:nber 27 7:30 o clock; Miss Amy Wood- ' ni ' ruH. i. Men's Gymnaalum Claaa Wednesday venii g, November 27, 7:110 o'olook; War- !.. KlUhlet Mommouth Park. -).. Opening Qeneral Assembly Friday fining, November 22, S o'clock; Raymond buroer, director. ; 1. Dramatic Class November 15. 7:10 n. CO l Was Amy Woodruff, instructor. 3. Women's Oymnastum Class Tues Say Evening, November It, 7:10; Miss Mil dred' Butler, Instructor, Mason Community Canter, 1. Opening Oenaral Assembly Friday evening, November 12, S o'clock; Miss Elizabeth Hltchlnson, dlreotor. ff Benson Community Center. 1. Opening General Assembly Thurs day evening, November 21, S o'olock; A. fc!. Harvey, director. t. Women's Gymnasium Class Tuesday venlng, November 26, 7:30 o'clock; Mrs. Musselman, instruotor. Train "Community Center. 1. ' Opening Oenaral Assembly Thurs day evening, November 21, S o'clock; E. D. Johnson, director. Lincoln Community Center. 1. Opening Cfeneral Assembly Friday evening, November 23, S o'clock. 1. Women'a Gymnasium Class Tuaaday evening, November It, 7:30 o'olook; lira, Evans, instructor, S. Dramatic Glass Wednesday evening, Kovember 27, 7:3V o'clock; Aire. White. St. Men's Oymnaalum Class Wadneaday venlng, November 17, 7:30 o'olook; A. O, Brown. v , Central Park Community Canter. 1. Opening General Assembly Thurs day evening, November 21, 8 o'olock; Ray mond Surber, director. S. Women's Gymnasium Class Monday venlng, November 25, 7:30 p. m.; Mildred Butler, instructor. S. Men' Gymnasium Class Tuesday venlng, November ii, 7:30 p. m. ; Warren Ritchie. instructor. . Dramatic Claaa Friday evening, No vember 119, 7:30 o'clock; Miss Amy Wood rutt. Instructor. d Edward Kosewater Community Center. X. Opening General Assembly Friday 'venlng, November 22, t o'clock; Miss Amelia Wehrs, director. . 2. Dramatic Class Monday (venlng, November 25, 7:10 o'clock; Mrs. White, Instructor. S. Women's Gymnasium Class Wednes day evening, November 27, 7:30 o'clock; Mildred Hansen, Instructor. , I Kellom Community Center. lS Opening General Assembly Wednes day evening, November 20, s o'clock; Miss Melvina Newman, director. 1. Women's Gymnasium Class Mon day evening, November 25, 7:30 o' clock Mlse Mildred Hansen, instructor. ' 2. Men's Gymnasium Class Thursday evening, November 28; Arthur O. Browf, 'Instructor. - t. Dramatic Class, Thursday evening, .November 28; lira White, Instructor. - Miller Park Community Center. Gymnasium classes only. 1. Women's Gymnasium Thursday evening, November 21, 7:30 o'clock; Miss Mildred Butler, Instructor. S. Men'a Gymnasium Class Friday evening, November 22, 7:30 o'clock; Mr. Warren Ritchie. Instructor. Loomis to Go to Washington ! in Supreme Court Case N. H. Loomis. general counsel for the' Union Pacific corporation, will go to Washington Sunday to ap pear in United States supreme court .in case sent up from the state courts of Missouri. Some years ago when the Union Pacific was floating a bond issue, it was required to file all the proceed ings incident to the issue in every state in which the company had any "trackage. In Missouri it had one Vnile of main line track. The sec retary of state of Missouri demand ed a $10,000 filing fee. It was paid under protest, after which proceed ings to recover the sum were insti tuted. The case was tried in the state courts and the company won. On a retrial, a verdict was rendered in favor of the state. The case is now in supreme court on appeal. Week Beginning on Dec. 2 Named Conservatilon Week Food Administrator Wattles was advised from Washington that thesj week beginning December i has been designated as "Conservation week' in the United States. The program lias not been outlined tut it is understood people of the United States will be asked to con- serve to the full extent of their abil ity, "that we may offer all possible relief to the starving people of the jforld."- May Hold Grand Ball For Omaha Soldiers Thanksgiving Night In place of the Thanksgiving home dinner for every soldier for which the War Camp Community service would have arranged had it not been the request of Col. Jacob W. S. Wuest that the soldiers be allowed to remain at the fort on that day, a grand military ball is under consideration. At a meeting of the committee on Thanksgiving entertainment, which F. P. Matthews is chairman, held Saturday noon, it was decided to make immediate arrangements for the ball, to be held Thanksgiving evening. Locations are now under consideration. Flans will be made for the acf omraodation of at least 500 couples. . In addition to the ball, dinners at the homes of Omaha people on the following Sunday for all the soldiers will be arranged for. Many have already applied for permission to entertain a soldier during the Thanksgiving season. Colonel Wuest stated that the military cooks would provide such a feast on Thanksgiving day that more food could not be accommo dated, and the committee believe a dance will promote proper digestion of this grand spread. J. L. Howerton Will Have Typewriter Exchange T. L, Howerton. new manager of the Central Typewriter Exchange, has watched the steady growth of this concern since its infancy fif teen years ago. While associated with two of the leading typewriter companies a.t Kansas City and Se attle he noted their progressiveness, and has seen them develop from a humble beginning to the largest and most frequently quoted typewriter exchange west of Chicago. Mr. Howerton, after several ef forts, finally secured a share in this business, and has spent several weeks in the east assembling a great surplus stock of typewriters and re adjusting the rental end of the busi ness which augmented 'this assem blage to a marked degree. Mr. Howerton comes to Omaha backed by 25 years of active exper ience in the" typewriter world. His knowledge of the typewriter busi ness from every angle and his wide acquaintance throughout the entire country is looked upon as a valuable asset to the Central Typewriter ex change and their patrons. J. P. Higgins of St. Louis Spends Day in Omaha T. P. Hisreins. assistant manger transportation department United States- shipping board, was in Oma ha Friday and Saturday, the guest of D. M. Dodge, local representa tive. Mr. Higgins is en route from the Pacific coast to St. Louis, his headquarters. Mr. Higgins reports things mov ing nicely especially along the line' of the Union Pacific and other west ern lines. The building of ships for the emergency fleet corporation is being hurried in getting ready for the United States merchant marine. which no doubt will take over the old firm. Get Rid of Pimples-Quick By Using Stuart's Calcium Wafers Natural LittU Blood Purifiers That Work Lika a Charm. SEND FOR FREE TRIAL PACKAGE. Don't despair If roar faoe li eovered with pimples, blotches, liver spots, or your body is eovered in spots with tetter, rash, boils, ete. Just use Stuart's Calcium Wafers for a short time and sea now quickly you will clear up your skla. Pimples and eruptions of all kinds come from the inside. The blood casts out the impurities it contains and thus Dimples. boils, etc, appear. Cleanse the blood, stop the poison from developing; in the blood tissues and pimples will vanish as if by manic Stuart s Calcium Wafers ariva in a short time a compexion that rivals the ideals of an artist to produce. By cleaning: out the pores, throwing off all skin decolora tions and blood Impurities, they do their work of beauty building almost before you can believe it. Get a 60-eent box of these wonderful wafers from any druggist anywhere. for a free trial package mail coupon below. Free Trial Coupon F. A. Stuart Co., 714 Stuart Bid?., Marshall, Mich. Send me at once, -by return mail, a free trial package of Stuart's Calcium Wafers. Name Street City State AN OLD RECIPE TO DARKEN HAIR Common garden Sage and Sulphur makes atreaksd, faded or gray hair dark and youthful at once. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray. Years ago the only way to get thij mixture was to make it at home, which is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays we simply ask. at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." You will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe improved by the addi tion of other ingredients, at very little cost. Everybody uses this preparation now, because no one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does it so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking; one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair dis appears, and after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy "and you look years younger. Wyeth's Sage and 1 Sulphur Compound is a delightful toilet requisite. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention ot disease. Adv, . . HAYDEN'S ; It iia w u ii J i s a, ft .1U , I nil usui A GREAT VICTORY SALE 0FJ al AVAAVaV r 25 Low Cash Prices in All Departments That Constitutes Th Unusual Sale of Men's Shirts. 1,000 Men's Shirts from 'our regular stock, in stiff cuff, French cuff and collar attached; made of good quality madras, pongee and percales; all neat patterns; sizes 14 to 17$ r F- Worth up to $1.50. KKf Cash Price : KJJ See Our Window. jinniin win initumiiiiiitiiiniiifiNtHnurrnwiitTitiiiiifniiiTmiiriinnini 1TOYS DOLLS GAMESi I The most complete and I best assortment ive have 1 ever yshown. All fresh, 1 new goods. ! Now Ready for Yoin I On 4th Floor 1 1 Everything imaginable to gladden the hearts of the little folks, and you'll tma I our JJ Cash Prices Are Most Attractively Low Don't procrastinate i n your Christmas shopping, be one of the patriotic earlier than usual shoppers. I HAYDEN BROS. rrMTiiiiiMtitiiintiiiiiiiii:iiir!riiitiiiiiiiriiTTiniM!tMiniiiti!iiitiiiuiiiiiiii:tRitii:n;iiiiiiimiiii9 Victory Sale Surprises Include 200 Suits at January Prices. Suits that sold at $30.00, $35.00, $39.75, Monday at $19.85. These suits are made up in the season's many styles; the materials are serges, twills, poplins, burellas and suitings; colors are browns, greens,, amethysts, taupes, navys and blacks. Sizes for ladies, misses and stouts. f Choice Monday $19.85 Dresses at $35.00 Just received hundreds of lovely afternoon and theater dresses, in satins, crepe de chines, meteors and Georgette combinations. The greatest variety of shades, beautiful styles, made to sell to $55; sizes for all Special Values Monday. $35.00 ..... . rr Victory Sale of Ladies' Sweaters Ladies' Sweaters, roll collars, full length belt, 34 to 44 sizes, in rose, blue, and green; some trimmed j with white; Regular price $7. Don't a QC miss these bargains. Cash Price, tbrO0 la the Corset Dept., Second Floor.' Yarn! Yarn! Now Is the Time to KNIT. $1.50 extra heavy, all worsted knitting yarns, in battleship gray, light gray and navy blue, cash price Saturday .... 85 Khaki knitting yarn, in khaki color, all-worsted yarn, the best made, reg ular $1.25 values, Satur day, at 85 JJ You'll Most Keenly Appreciate the Big Values in This VICTORY SALE OF FURNITURE If You Have Examined Prices in Other Store and Are a Real Judge of Good Quality Children's White Beds Drop side. Our Cash Price only $9.50 Vernis-Martin Beds Continuous post. Our Cash Price only $7.50 Layer Felt Mattress Full size. Our Cash Trice only V $12.00 $22.50 Mattress Real layer felt. Our Cash Price only $17.50 Combination Mattress Full sizC. Our Cash Price only $7.50 Round Dining Table Fumed oak. Our Cash Price only $15.00 48-Inch Dining Table Golden oak. Our Cash Price only $20.00 $6.50 and $7.50 Dining Chairs Leather seat. Our Cash Price only $5.00 Good Leather Seat Dining Chairs Our Cash Prices only $3.00 and $3.50 Wood Seat Arm Rocker Our Cash Price only $4.00 Leather Spring Seat Arm Rocker Our Cash Prices only $6.50 and $7.50 Leather Seat Arm Rocker Cash Price for this sale only $10.00 Golden Oak or Fumed Dressers Our Cash Price only $17.50 Cedar Chests Our Special Cash Prices only .$14.20 and $17.50 15 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL ODD CHINA CLOSETS Aluminum Top Kitchen Cabinets Our Cash Price Porcelain Top Kitchen Cabinets Our Cash Price. Children's High Chairs Our Cash Price Children's Nursery Chairs Our Cash Price Children's Swings Our Cash Price Folding Card Tables Our Cash Price .$25.00 .$24.00 . . 2 75 ..$1.25 . l.uu . .$2.50 .J' Mill 11 iI !! I Victory Sale Specialsin Si This Will Crowd This Big Daylight Depat Cash Prices That Are Actually LessTl Choice Silks, Velvets, Velours----V i i lixl Silks Worth $1.25 Yd. Black and Colors 36-Inch Silk Poplin, in all the new street shades. 24-Inch Plaids, in large assort ment. 24-Inch Messalina for street and evening wear. 40-Inch White Georgette Crepe. 33-Inch Natural Pongee. 36-Inch Paradise Silk, white ground with colored figures; splendid for lining. 36-Inch Black Taffeta, chiffon finish. 36-Inch Black Satin Messaline, very lustrous. 36-Inch Black Poplin, lustrous finish. 79c Silk Worth $1.50, $2 Black and Colors 36-Inch Black Satin Mes saline. 36-Inch Black Taffeta, soft finish. 36-Inch Crepe da Chine, all silk. 36-Inch Black Poplin, faille finish. 36-Inch Fancy Silks, plaids and stripes. 36-Inch Princess Satin, in all colors, forr street and evening wear. 36-Inch Crepe de Chine, all silk, a full assort ment, in light and dark colorings. 36-Inch Taffeta, in many light and dark colors. 36-Inch Silk Poplins, very lustrous, in all the new street shades. $1 Silks Worth $2.25, $2.98 Black and Colors 36-Inch Satin Da Luza, In a foS line of street and evening color. 40-Inch Charmeuse and Radiunv Nearly all colors for stmt wear. 36-Inch Plaid and Stripe, in MttD and taffeta, large assortment. 36-Inch White Ground Pompadour Taffeta. 36-Inch Soiree, light colors only. r 32-Inch Stripe Crepa da Chine Shirting. 40-Inch Canton Crepa, In China, In all the new shades for street wear. 36-Inch Black Faille. 36-Inch Black Bengaline. 36-Inch Black Moire. 36-Inch Peau de Soia. 36-Inch Black Satin Duchesssv 36-Inch Black Chiffon Taffeta.' 40-Inch Black Charmeuse. $1.69 Beautiful Satin Brocades 36-inch wide, light and dark shades; splendid qualities. Regular price $9 yard. Spe- QQ cial Cash Price. 44-Inc) Costume Velvet In all the new colors and black, for dresses and suits. This quality is worth today $5. Our GO QO Cash Price $0.uO 38-Inch Coating Velour Nothing better for coats. A good black, splendid quality, easily "worth $5. Our Special Cash Price r. 50 -Inch Woolvel Coatings In burgundy, purple, copen, dark brown, myrtle and taupe; just the material for a good, heavy coat. These goods are worth today $6. Our Special Cash Price Corduroys 32-inch corduroy, in all colors and black, narrow cord; 27-inch corduroy, wide cord; 27-inch velveteen, in all the new colors; a splendid quality. Our QA resrular $1.25 grade. Cash Price Osvj The Entire Benefit of Reduction in Several Fortunate Cash Purchases Given Customers in This Victory Sale of High Class Hosiery 1,500 pairs of Pure Thread Silk Hosiery, all good colors, bronze, Russia calf, battleship gray, field mouse and all wanted shoe shades, values up to $1.75, all go at our low cash price I $1.00 Women's Pure Thread and Fibre Silk Hose, also fine Mercerized Lisles, fashioned and seamless, regular and out sizes, $1.00 values reduced to 69 Women's Cotton and Lisle Hose, all new stock, fancy colors, also black with split soles, values worth up to 59c, all go at our cash price Monday 39 r T rk St aP'1jM 1M( ana vuriaiii Annex SalesrooP Filet Net, most attractive display of fine, high grade net, ranging from small to largest figured patterns, MaoI nrilfl-l AAVM alSA (1 1M aftW IIUCOjI WlUllle CV1 U UMUl VaV white, yard $1.25, v Marquisette, hemstitched I edge, fine quality, white or ecru, yard 45f Marquisette, wide tape J edge, high hester finiajv4' printed in all-over derigtiw blue bird pattern, yd..45 ISunfast yard wide drapery; mercerized luster, combina tions of brown, gold, rosei I blue, green, yard....85 Burlap, in colors, 86-iH. . wide, yard 39d I Scrim Curtains, 3-piece set, I white cross bar, set . . . 89 ) -.J SPECIAL NOTICE Beginning Monday, Nov. 18th, on ac count of being unable to secure sufficient satisfactory assistants, We find it necessary, temporarily, at least, to Further Reduce Delivery of Groceries We deeply regret if this should cause inconvenience to some of our customers, but can assure you that our Lower Spot Cash, Non-Delivery Prices Will Fully Compensate You for the Inconvenience. Examination of our prices will fully prove the above statement to be a fact. I rr- Attractira Cash Price Jo Oaf i- a Victory Sale of? HousefurnishingsJ 11 1 ' 1 11 i it rays, i ru OAU, Wood Stoves, lares alia, cash price 8-holr Oil Stove, cash price .. 8 -hole Oil Stove, cash price Oil Heaters, cash price 1-bole Oil or Gas Ovens, cash price ...e&oo . .91440 17.50 ...5.78 J