rv PICTURE PRBflO ORAVURB OBCTlON (5v mm P5 pi wr 'A 3?' : . mm x ,r" ,r n n ii Rfd Crei Hem Strvle in Omnd Ctntmt Pc. Nw York, whort Wlvti, Mothtri and Children of lolditri nd lelleri Ovtmat Qtt Advice and Aitiattnee If Needed. iDMiaiiimaiiSiwlaii?-!rj 0 o . . v , A I. r jfV sv 1 5k V if f7 4 It1'-"' 2 4 V, fj urn ' & 1 .'.-if mi 1 i i . - - ' x Z1 11 . 1 J - ' f. .t rf.ie '., " " a . OA A U ,'-'-1 J J I r b4 J' Jr. , , ,,y f ft 4 ft X U 1J 4? A ed Greet better In France Who Prevldee Feed and Clethlnj at Wall at Mtdleal At. tendance fei" Theet Ulttl Frtneh Tett. v1 V 3f oX 7 vfe fcKXrV 13 ,V- 1 r B 6 ' Henri's Mather Hat Tubtrtuletit, tut an Amertean Deetef and an Ameriean Nurtt Art Determine That He lhail Ittaae the teeurit and Ore Up te Rt , a whtui ewavn tT r ranee, Ulttle Uiette, Only Feur veare Xd, it a Wvn at tht Had Crotai Klnderiarten In rrtnae, Bht Hat a Ratkat ef Uwneh tt Taks Htmt t Mather, ''1 ' r. s7 1L. ... Ulttle Flerre't M ether It Away Durlnt tht Day at 'Mwnltltnt Fattery, Hit Fathtf It a Frlttnte In Oermany, the Red Cren Taktt Oare tf Him Altt. fl XJ t T