Y 6 7. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 17, -1918. 7 C Want Ad Rates (Cash With Order.) 14 per word...... Men insertion. lo per word for t conaecutlv Insertions lo per werd for acb additional in..n-i No ad taken lor km thin a total of or ini man ioc par day CHARGE. o par Una (count word to line) 1 tlma e par Mna ach tlma, J consecutive tlmea To periino each time. 30 ooneemtlva tlmea NUTATIONS WANTED. I5o per line r week CARDS OF THANKS AND 1- IN F.HAL NOTICES. lOo per Una e.ch tnaertlon Contract Rate on Application. For convenience of advertiser want ada will be accepted at the following off leu: MAIN OFFICE Bee Building Amee Offlca 4410 North 2oth St. Lako Office "518 North 24th 81. Vinton office 2167 South ltb St. Park Office 3015 Leavenworth St. Walnut office 81$ North 40th St. South Side 231S N St. Council Muff l Main St. TUB BEE will not ba responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for mora than one tlma. Ue THE TELEPHONE If you cannot conveniently bring or aend your adi to any of the above offlcea. Ask for a Want Ad Taker and you will receive the lame good aervlca aa when delivering your ad lOj peraon. PHONE TYLER 1000. Evening Edltlona 12:00 M. Morning Edltlona 10:00 P. M. Sunday Edltlona 10 P. M. Saturday. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. ASSMANN A. Louis, aged 20, November 15. Funeral from family residence, 4014 Charles atreat, Tuesday, 1:10 a. m., to St Mary Magdalene church, I a. m. Interment St. Mary Magdalen cemetery. Dereaied Is aurvlvad by hie wife, Mrs. Zella, his parents; Mr. and Mra. Ntck olas Aiimsn; on alater, Mra. Adolph Schwlndt. San Franclaoo, Cal., two brothera, William af Winner, 8. D and Sergt, Charlea J., of Camp Funston. PAGE Nona C, November 14, 1919. Ago it years, 10 months' and 29 days. Be loved wlfa of Charlea F. Pag. Funeral aervlca will be held from Brailey & Dorranc Chapel, Nineteenth and Cum ing streets, Monday, November 18, at J:S0 p. m. Interment West Lawn cem etery. JOHNSON Anna, wife of C. J. Johnson, at the residence, 1217 N. 2th St., Friday, November 16th aged SI years. Mrs. Johnson 11 lurvlved by her husband and four children. Funeral from Crosby's Parlors, 2511 N. 24th, Monday. Nov. lmn. at t p. m ... - , ; T OG ART Y Mra. Elizabeth, aged 27 years. Nov. 16, at a local hospital. Funeral arrangementa later. Deceased If survived by her husband, John T., and one little ion; her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaderelt, one alster, Mrs. Henry Bando, and ona brother, Fred. D'DONNELL Wm. A., aged 29, died at Kansas City, Mo. He la survived basldea his wlf by his mother, Mrs. Margaret O'Donncll 2011 Arbor atreet, and three brothera and ona lister. Funeral an- nouncement later. IODENDORF Mra. 5! A. and Infant died Wednesday, November 18. Funeral (Sunday, Novembar 17, at I p. m., from the Willis Crosby Chapel, Tenty-fourth and Lake Street. Friend Invited. "The funeral of Harry Guthrie, who died at Bard, Cal., will b held from th horn of hli alster, Mrs. W. R. Sag, 2310 g. 1 2d St., Tuesday at 2 p. m. TILLMAN Joel, at Ralston, Friday. Funeral will be held from Brewer's chapel Sunday at t p. m. with burial at Graceland Park cemetery. CARD OF THANKS. WE wish to extend our thanke and ap preciatlon to our many friends for their 1 loving sympathy during our recent be reavement, alao for tha floral offeringa received. Mr. and Mr. M. H. O'Toole and family. WE wish to thank our friends and nelgh--feora for their klndnesa and sympathy shown ui; alio for the beautiful floral offeringa during tha alcknesa and death of our beloved huaband and father- Mn. H. B. Elliott and Son. FRATERNAL ORDERS. MASONIC FUNERAL. Members of Covert Lodge, No. 11, A. F. and A. M ara requested to meet at Ma onlo Templa Monday, November 18, at 1:J0 p. m. to conduct the funeral serv Ices for our late brother, John Hoist. Services at Masonlo Tempi at 2 p. m. Members of other Masonlo bodies in vited, W. B, HALL, W. M. FLORISTS. Font.nell. T W. T. T.APMDN .lata JUiJ-JA-i - V . 14 Douglas St. Douglas 8244 Fgsrlits "98 A. DONAGHUE t. Flowers shipped "Overywhere. Ex. paid. ATH. Careful Florin, 1804 Farnam St L Henderaon. 1619 Farnam. D. 1248 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HULSE & RIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Directors pl Bo, 18th St Phon Doug. Hit ' HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME Hoffman quality eervice coits less. 14th and Dodge. Douglas 2901. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakers. 18d-Far. H. 400 8. L. DODDER CO., Funeral Directors. F. L. Fero, Mr., 83d ana turning bis. Phon Douglas 877 Auto ambulance. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker ara embalmer. 8411 Farnum St Har. 881 MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. WEST LAWN CEMETERY. Family lota on eaay payments; thoughtful service; perpetual care; atreet ears to entrance. Phone Walnut 820 or Douglas 829, and our auto will call for you. tHE largest display of monuments In th United States. FRANK SWOBODA, 1211 a 12th. Phon Douglaa 1872-5216. ATTRACTIONS. HOMESEEKERS WASHINGTON WANTS YOU. Write for Official Bulletin giving de tailed description of the State of Wash ington by counties. Farming opportu nities, land statistics, general resources, to. Address I. M. Howell, Secretary of Stat. Dept (H6), Olympla, Wash, t BIRTHS AND DEATHS Births Otto and Carrie Hatchen, 1926 B. 16th, girl; William and Marguerite Smith. 217 N. 11th, boy; Paul and Ethel Reynolds, 2107 N. 18th, girl; Henry and Elisabeth Whalen, 1114 S. 35th. girl; Frank and Elizabeth Burr, 3802 N. 19th, boy Frederick and Sanna Pamp, 809 N. JSd, girl; Carmelo and Agata Cosentino, 404 William, boy; Sebastlano and Maria Clrco, 1413 8. 11th, boy;Lewla and Helen Havel, hospital, boy; Lelle and Egldla Hlght, hospital, boy; Arthur and Allle Zlmmer, 2623 Chicago, gW; Hlman and Emma Trubovits, 2008 Clark, boy; Jamea and Emma KntKht, 2419 Foppleton, girl; Frederick and Elsie Coulter, 3009 Harney, ' boy Frank and Mary Coppola, 846 S. 21st, boy: Normle and Mildred Wickland, 4018 N. 26th, boy; Ell and Nellie Patrick, 4423 Sprague. boy; Guiseppe and Salvatrlce Corritorl, 1954 S. 12th. girl. Deaths Harry L. Croft, 32. Johnston, Neb.; Mrs. Mae Knight. 35. 705 S. 48th; LelleR. Hlght, 2 days, hospital Fred erick H. PeBlois, 35, 606 S. 21st; Frank Mangan. 30, 1218 Jackson; Anna B. Grefe, 2, 1820 N. 17th; Alfred Byren, 34, 1806 Chicago; Harold B. Elliott, 31, 2812 Pop pleton Jose Trias, 23, 713 S. SSth; Albert Duster, I, 4406 8. 38th; Wactan Oleni csok. I months. 2713 J. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits to wed hav been issued to th following: Name and Realdenc. Age. John CiureJ. Omaha Bronlsava SSbyhrt, Omaha 10 D. M. Hall. Council Bluffs. Ia 84 Adah E. Darrlngton. Council Bluffa, Ia. 22 Gaspar Buffa Rockford, 111 JJ Ruth E. Spencer, Omaha 33 John B. Stewart. Omaha 48 Rosle Underwood. St. Louis, Mo 47 LOST FOUND REWARDS OMAHA .A COUNCIL1 BLUFFS 8TREJST RAILWAY COMPANY. h.wtna Iabi aoma articles would do well to call at the offices of th Omaha at council uiura oirmi rail way company to ascertain whether they left It In th street car. Many articles each day ar turned la and th company Is anxious to restor them to the rightful ownera VinnnvT V. W fauna Iftll f UT from railOUtl " V vwm ' - - - Sun theater parlor Wednesday night ia !, , know to owner. To avoid trouble ra- tora to Tsi umana n i n us' 1-ia t ritifiin ' " ' LOST FOUND REWARDS. LOST Gold locket with Initials C. R. be tween 40th and Dodge and 83d and Cum ing Sts. Reward. Finder call Harney 387. LOST Very small, black and tan rat ter rier with long ears; reward. Call Har- n-y 6995. LOST Monday on South 24th St. Ladles' noas glassea In ca Finder please call South 2930. Reward. LOST Pocketbook containing 34 and 1 cards Reward. Red 9023. LOST An overseas Alsace pin. Return to 206-7. Brown Block. LOST 30x3 Penn. Tire and Red Tube. Please call Uvlck. Douglas 1033. LOST Cameo pin. Harney 6341. Reward. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. TOUR HOME SHOULD BE COZY AND COMFORTABLE. Th cold days In November should find your home furnished cosily and comfortably warm. A new rug on the floor, a duofold bed added to your fur nishings, a good soft coal heater to combat Jack Frost and tbs terrors of his sting can be supplied by us at a great saving to you. We make a spe cialty of complete home outfits, also hotels and rooming houses, Railroad fares refunded to out-of-town buyers within 60 miles of Omaha on purchase of I2C or more. STATE FURNITURE CO.. 14ih and Dodg Sts Opp. U. P. Bldg. THE CARLOAD of rugs which caught fire In th . railroad yards of the Union Paclflo at Mercer, Neb., on May 14, ar now on sal at 1113 Harney -St., In tha wholesale district. There are rugs of all descriptions and alses; some slightly damaged; most of them In good con dition, and under present war prices ara selling from 848 to 378. They can be bought from fit to 825. About 100 as low as 7, $8 and 9,9. This Is a wonder ful opportunity for hotel, apartment and rooming house owners to buy three rugs for th present price of on. RAILWAY SALVAGE) BALES, 1113 HARNEY ST. HANDSOME ANTIQUE Sideboard of walnut. Hand made and carved. French plat mirror. In laid with panels of curly walnut. Stands 7 feet high. Casper marble, 24x54. Will sell at sacrifice for Im mediate sale. Can be seen at Labor Tempi today. Douglaa 1869. H. DOLOOFF. Furniture, stoves, rugs, linoleum, Vlc trolaa. trunk'a and aultcases, bedding and linen. Better goods for less money. Credit if you wish. Open evening. 1839-47 N. 24th Bt Phones: Web, 1607. Web. 4825. A NEW fluff rug, 4x7; mad by Gate City Manufacturing CO. A oargain ai $7. Harney 2802. FOR SALE Gas stove and a few ploes of furniture, inquire saturaay auernoon ai 1509 Sou'h. 29th at. BAROAIN Just a few beating stoves left; also nous rurnisnings oi an kuk. Loyal Furnitur uo.. a nn n. FURNITURE of a nine-room modern house, rent cheap, walking awance. Harney 2688 FOR SALE Prlno Beaver rang 866. Wal. 838. Pianos and Musical Instruments THE BEST PLACE TO BUY GOOD USED PIANOS AND PLAYER PIANOS. All used Instruments ar thoroughly overhauled In our completely equipped repair department, making it possible for us to guarantee used players, planoa and organs th same as new high grade Instruments. A partial list of bargains on hand today. This list changes " constantly. Wrltet or phon us for th one you prefer. Will make comfortable tdtms. Knabe piano, walnut 1376 Cable A Son piano, walnut 149 Apollo Player, mahogany 575 Kimball player, mahogany 600 King player, oak 350 Apollo player, mahogany 475 Karn player, mahogany 450 PIANOS FOR RENT At lowest price. Special rates to thoie who rent for the leason. Six months rent allowed If purchased. PIANO TUNING Don by experts and guaranteed by us. Charges reasonable. Special prlc for yearly contract. Call or phone for par ticulars. A. HOSPE CO., Established 1874. 161S Douglas Bt. HOME OF THE Gulbransen PLATER PIANO 400; Fisher upright piano on which 1290 18 still aue. sse ouye niu'j. -" Douglas 4000, phon 13. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES . We rent, repair, sell needles and parti of all lewlng machines. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. 16th and Harney 8ts. Doug. 1662. FOR SALE! Two good, warm coats for girls, 18 years, sa.uu; i yeara, also clothing. 1462 Spencer St., Phone Webster 997. Store and Office Fixtures. TEN cars used lumber, 125 and up per M. New roofing, 81.29 to si.ib. noon, up. Electrical motors and machinery. H. Gross Lumber and Wrecking Co.. 21st and Paul atreeta, vmana. WB buy, sell and mak desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc. umana r ixtnre a Supply Co., 11th and Douglaa P. 3724. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. NEW AND REBUILT Th most complete line of Typewrit ers and Adding Machines west of Chi cago. Can furnish any mak at most any price you d'ealr to pay. We rent and repair all makei and will buy rr trade for your old machine. Every machine guaranteed. Be us befor you buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE (Established ovet-45 yeara.) DouKlaa 4121. 1905 Farnam St. TYPEWRITERS all makes, sold, rented and repaired. THE W. N. LONG COMPANY. 1116 Farnam Tel. D. 8961. WE BUY, aell or. exchange typewriters: guar, typewriters siu ana up. wm ior Hat Midland Typewriter Co., 1404 Dodge RKNT an Oliver Typewriter, three months for 36.00. Oliver Agency. mu rarnaru 8treet. City. Machinery and Engines. ONE Worthington Duplex Steam Pump, aize 12jc7xl0, suitable for elevator or tank aervloe. On Goulds Triplex Belt Power Pump wittr cross heads, size 8x10 puHy 42 inch Dlapo for 8-Inch belt. Manager Security Mutual Life Build- Inn. Lincoln. Neo, FOR SALE Boilers, Ice machines, "motors, pumps, generators; excellent condition. The Royal Brewing Co., 110 West 6th St., Kanaaa City. Mo. Miscellaneous. ESTABLISHED merchandise business con sisting of furnishings, notions and hard ware, stock and fixtures, new; located on ona of the best street car lines in the city In a growing neighborhood for sale or trade for city property equal value, . Box 4765, Omaha Bee. MATCHED Team mare, both with foal. I ' heavy draft horses. 6 years old, sound and good-workers Residence 2226 Ma son street, on b)ock south of Leaven. S worth. . SILO CUTTERS. Two second-hand 36-lnch Smalley cut ters, equipped to reduce alfalfa, corn sulks and forag Into meal. M. C raters MM Co 11 th ut a fit FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO Fiji hers steamed, renovated and made v., in new frath proof ticking. 1907 Cuki :ik. mug 2467. FOR BALE N'lckel-platid liicycle; can b seen at Boy Scouis' headquarters. Call R6d 4931. CHEAP fine office safe, f ro and burglar proof, 2 combination locks. Box 4769. WANTED TO BUY. Jenkins; 705 So. 16th St., will pay the best prices for old clothes, shoes, rups, trunks, tools and Job lots of all kinds. Write or phone today and tell me what you have. Phone Douglas 8092. Residence, Douglas 6032 DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks: used desks bought, sold and traaea. j u. Keen, mil Farnam. D. 4146. WE buy waate naDer unti t,v ..,(... Phone or write Omaha Paper Stock Co! Douglas 159. ANNOUNCEMENTS. WEAVING done on ehort notice. Colonial Rag Rug factory. 3308 Lak St., Web ster 7061. R. V. Gillette. WM. R. PATRICK, attorney, 9j9 Omaha Natl. Bk Bldg. THE New Work of the Church and other Unitarian literature. Addess Post Of- Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburat. box pleating, covered buttons all slies and atyles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 300-308 Brown Bldg., Phon D. 1938. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING. BUTTONS O. U. VanAmam Pleating Co., 336-7 Paxton BlocU. Phon Doug. 8109. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE Auto touring tants and camping supplies SCOTT-OMAHA TENT 4 AWNING CO. Billiard Tables. PRIVATE tablel for parties at Holraei', Baggage and Express. THE ONLY WAYJS53? THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Chiropractors. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Halrd Bldg. D. 8461. SPINOGRAPH. Dr. Edwards.24th7Farnam Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze aluminum and machine gray iron castings. Costumes. FULL dress suits for rant. 109 N. 16th St., opposite Postofflce. John Feldman. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W.O.W. Bldg. Taft's Dental Rmi., 308 Rose Bldg. D 21mT Film Developing. FILM developed, rolls 10c; packs, 15c; one-day service, Kas Studio, Neville BIk. Dancing Academies. KEL-PINE Keep Dancing Academy, 2424 Farnam. Class and private lessons. Learn to dance for $5 when learning Is pleasure. Dancing Monday and Thurs- aay. Douglas 7850. KEEP Hotel Rome class and dancing every Monday, Thursday and Saturday. Private lessons by appointment. Call Douglas 2581 or Harney 2792. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, S12 Neville Blk. EvT dene secured In all cases. Tyler 1138. Fixtures and Wiring. rTTpTrTVElectrlo washing machines lamps. lectrlo irons and reading 2223 Cuming St. Douglaa 2619. Jewelry. T)J AM0"NT)SV9 pay th best price Ul.imJ Vi lK-ffith privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY Co., 402 N. 16th. Red 6081. Printing Supplies. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co.. 414 8. 13th St. Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Sates. BARGAINS 1212 Farnam. Q A Ti1 TTQ J. J. Deright Safe Co. XllO PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co., 68 Brandels D. 6691. STURGES & STURGES. U. S. and foreign patents and trademarks. 330 Bee Bldg. Tailors. Diedrlck, P. L 216 8. 2Uth. Tailor. Sj. 2432. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 207 S. 11th. D, 682. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON, 614 Brandels Bldg. T. 2960. H. 4741. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. BUSINESS CHANCES. OPPORTUNITIES for men suffering from prostrate disorders to rid themselves quickly at home without drugs, diet or massage. This Is a wonderful, effec tive scientific method In us by physi cians, osteopaths, lawyers, engineers, bankeri, business men farmers, and peo ple In all walka of life. Absolutely harmless, soothing and restores quickly. Endorsed by hundreds of satisfied users. Write today for convincing proofs and how you may try this wonderful ap pliance in your own home at our risk. Address The Electrothermal Company, 603 Blair Bldg., Steubenville, Ohio. WANTED high grade business man to open and manage branch office for old established well rated firm; organize and handle large crew salesmen to cover state establishing agencies In each county on "Whirlwind Seller." State Manager should make 85,000.00 to 815, 000.00 annually but must be able to finance own organization which requires 81,000.00 to 33,000.00 capital. Secre tary 8th Floor, 20 East Jackson, Chicago. BE INDEPENDENT Chiropractlo doc tors earn 33,000 to 86,000 yearly; work for yourself; this good paying profes sion quickly learned by correspondence; low rates, easy terms; Illustrated Book and Charts free. American University, 167 Manlerr Bldg.. Chicago FOR SALE Flrst-clasa stock of men's clothing and furnishings. Good location. Modern fixtures. Stock clean, standard lines. A sure enough money maker. Best county seat town In northern Kan sas. About $12,000. Box Y-230, Oma ha Bee. JOBBERS in Pneumatic Tires. Exclusive territory open in your city, on jobbers proposition only, on our pneumatic tires, selling at a moderate figure. Radical Rubber Company, 1045 Bedford Ave nue, Brooklyn, N. Y. WE will manufacture and market on roy alty basis, or buy rights to any patent ed or patentable novelty or necessity. What have you. Give full details In first letter, r. O. Box 433, Minneapolis, capital Procured. For new or going enterprise on com mission by stock house with active selling channels. Submit particulars. Securities Sales Co.. 29 8. LaSalle Sw Chicago. FOR SALE Garage and repair business, had atock Invoiced, room for 40 cars. Owner unable to take care of business. Address 6331 Wirt St. Phon Benson 223. WANTED By two first clasa auto me chanics a good location to open up re pair shop arid battery station; full par ticulars In first letter. Address Wm. H. Blair. Superior. Neb. CASH for your business. Invention, prop erty, stocks of merchandise anywhere, by co-operation plan. 3 to 80 days. Brennan, Established 1896, 105 N. Clark St., Chicago. ESTABLISHED firm, large showroom, will represent responsible manufacturer of salable merchandise; straight commis sion or will carry accounts. Slegel Com pany. 31 East 27th St.. New York. SELLS for 845 pound. We own 2,000 acrea of It Forming Syndicate to develop. Invest $100 quick, share Immense prof its. Hcrrick, 2002 Mailer Bldg., Chicago. YOUR NAME brings copy Money Making Ideas. The great 32-page agents' and mall dealars' magazine. A. H. Kraua, Hi Kraw Bldf, MUwatti, Wis, BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Mall order office business. established in 1900, 11,250. Chicago Union Advertising Agency., 211 S. Dear born St., Chicago. TIKE shop, motor, boiler, molds, tube plate, practically new. Reasonable. Cox 4657, Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. MR. .ARCHITECT Draftsman Can you uaa young man with flv years' experience in construction work two years foreman, 1V years training with good technical college, architectural course, drafting, estimating, eto. With last con tractors four years. Will refer you to school or contractora If you wish. Address Box Y229, Omaha Bee. EXWMEXCED all-round office man! corporation accountant with bank ex perience. Age 35, family. Minimum of 31,800. Salary considered. Personal Interview. WANTED Position by good marble and granite letterer. Address Box 678, Hast ings, Neb. WANTED I'osltlon In office, clerical work, age 39; able to furnish first-class reference. WANTED By middle aged man position as watchn an. Inquire Box 4578, Oma ha Bee. I AM talking 6 languagea, have first-class references. I want a position. Milan, 2014 Spring St. PAINTING, papering, cleaning storm windows and odd jobs. Harney 6012. Female. WIDOW lady of 31. who has little girl 8, wants housekeeping In respectable home that la furnished as a home. Am from good family. Expect to have complete charge of woman's part of management. Advertiser la of best ref erences and character. Only those who state wages per week, If transportation Is furnished, and school distance, will b considered. Box 212, Hastings, Ia. WANTED By woman, a place as house keeper, In a fair sized town in Nebraska, where a son of 17 can board and room with her and where there is a chance for him to get work as a mechanic. Ad dress Box Y 227, Omaha Bee. COOK with kitchen crew for club, hotel, cafe or any institution. Webster 1852. COLORED girl wants chambermaid work. J10 per week. Web. 3280. EXP. dressmaking and alteration work done. Douglas 4901. STUDENT will assist with housework or care for children. Call Harney 1 9B7. DRESSMAKING by dsy or at home. Web. 5C93. Laundry and Day Work. WANTED Ironing and cleaning by re liable colored women by th day. Web ster 698. BUNDLE washing called for and delivered by experienced colored lady. Harney 6405. CURTAINS laundered, work guar. H. 1130. CLEANING and day work done. Dg. 48l9. EXPERIENCED colored lady wants bundle washing or day work. Call Harney 6168. BUNDLES carefully laundered. , Call and deliver. Web. 4283. LAUNDRY WORK three days a Call Webster 6610. week. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. Accountants AND Bookkeepers Ambitious men who recognize the tre mendous shortage of technically trained executives during the stress of the re construction period following the war, and who have some accounting ability will welcome the Information that a prominent organization of Certified Pub iic Accountants has made available a scientifically simple and intensely in teresting home study training. Qualified accountants need not fear after-the-war competition because the shortage of ex pert cost, executive, and public account ants Is so marked that employers can not find enough of them even at 32. M0 to $10,000 salaries. Accepted candidates guaranteed satisfaction. In replying, give In confidence experience and previ ous training. Address J. B. Tanner, C. P. A., Suite 135, Grant Park Bldg. Chicago. WANTED: EXPERIENCED RAILROAD OPERATORS AND STATION AGENTS IN NEBRASKA, COLORADO AND WYOMING; 898.70 TO 1121.00 PER MONTH DESIRABLE CLIMATE, SPLENDID WORKING CONDITIONS. FREE TRANSPORTATION FROM POINTS ON THIS LINE. APPLY TO SUPERINTENDENT, C. B. A Q. RAIL ROAD, 1004 FARNAM STREET, OMA HA, OR EMPLOYMENT DEPART MENT, C. B. & Q. RAILROAD, CHICAGO. OFFICE manager and accountant, 3175; head bookkeeper, 3150; traveling sales man, . staple line, 8160; bank cashier, $150; bookkeeper bank, $125; cashier, wholesale, $125; general office man, $100; atenographer and bookkeeeper, small office, $100; traveling salesman, oil experience. $100-1125. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN. Originators of the Reference Business. 736 First National Bank Building. ACCOUNTANT, wholesale, $200. Bookkeeper, wholesale, $175. Bookkeeper, wholesale, $160. Offlc clerk, credit department, $125. Office clerk, good penman, $100 Office clerk claim dept., $60. Office boy, good future, $45 to $65. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Building. BOOKKEEPER, must be first-class, $175. Credit man, $150-$160. Stenographer, $110. Salesman, $150 and com. Office boy, nice office. THE MARTI COMPANY, EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. DRAFTSMAN Experienced ; accustomed to floor plans and Interior layout work; permanent position; aalary $100 to start. 714 hours per day. Half day Saturday. Vacation with full pay Call Monday, 9 a. m., Room 603, Merchants Nat'l Bank Bldg. OMAHA railway mall clerk examinations Nov. 30; men, women; $92 month; sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 231 J, Rochester, N. Y. EX. turn, man, $1,500-1,800 yr office elk. (claim dept.), $65; hotel elk, $75 & r. Co-Operatlve Ref. Co.. 1015 City Nat. Bk. BOOKKEEPER, good pay; answer In own handwriting stating experience. Box 4714, Omaha Bee. BOOKKEEPER, temporary work, $135. Watts Ref. Co., 1138 First Nat. Bk Bldg. For bank positions see the Walters Co., 1424 First Nat'l Bank Bldg, Tyler 480. rDTTr m T?DV Patterson, U1VUU WUAJIVXV. ioth& Hickory. HIGH grade commercial position open. Co-operativ Ref. Co.. 1015 City Nat. Bk. Professions and Trades. WE NEED CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor, Merchant.,' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. OMAHA 8t COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED High-grade business man to open and manage branch office for old established well-rated firm; organize and handle large crew salesmen to cover states establishing agencies in each couitty on "Whirlwind Seller." 8tate manager should make $5,000 to $15,000 annually but must be able to finance own organization which require $1,000 to $3,000 capital. Manager, 8th floor, 20 East Jackson, Chicago. WANTED Automobile mechanics, must be experts in all lines of automobile work. Do not apply unless good. Send reference, also stat wages. Box 614 Grand Island, Neb. HARNESSMAKER wanted at once; steady employment to right man; on that can do sho rep. preferred. , Address Box- ,792, Hartlngton. NeQ. WANTED Experienced automobile me chanlcs at once. Nlttler-Rump Oarage, lUt-lt Dodg St, HEIP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED Experienced meat cutter, steady work, good wages. Fred Blake, Jr., Hastings, Neb. WANTED Experienced truck mechanic for retail furniture. Call after 8 p. m. Harney 5ti9. WANTED Carpenter for out-of-town; highest wages. See Mr. Luthauser, San ford hotel, Sunday afternoon. WANTED Meat cutters at once. Apply Washington Market, 1407 Douglas. WANTED Upholaterer for furniture de partment Box 41405, Bee. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN Highest grade advertising line In the country: copyrighted de signs In calendars and specialties, all manufactured and controlled exclusive ly by us. Eentlre new lino; full of quick selling patriotic hits; ready for the oponing of our thirty-second season De cember 26th Permanent year round employment,' with vigorous and intelli gent co-operation from the oldest and largest house In the business. Exclusive territory now available In western Ne braska and South Dakota. Liberal commissions with weekly remittances. The constantly Increasing yearly sales of our big organization demonstrate the possibilities of a successful career to men of selling ability and experience. Give age. experience and references first letter. Please atate whether married or single and send photo If possible. The American Art Works, Coshocton, Ohio. ANTI-FREEZE RADIATOR COMPOUND SALESMEN. Specialty salesmen to sell antl-freeze compound. Big money making possi bilities because of favorable price. Does not evaporate. Can be used several seasons. Freeze proof 15 degrees below zero. Attractive labels. We hav two selling plans. If you sell consumer you ; buy at rock bottom figure and charge full retail prlc making long profit. Only small Investment. Or you may sell th jobbing and retail trade on liberal com mission. Season Jirst beginning. A clean cut and sura money making opportunity for experienced specialty aaleimen. Write now for exclusive territory. REPUBLIC PAINT & VARNISH WORKS. 20 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III. ADVERTISING SALESMEN WANTED Th Kalamazoo Advertising Company of Kalamazoo, Michigan, has one or two vacant territories available for the balance of this year and for 1919 In Nebraska or Iowa. Our new line of at tractive, moderate priced calendars, fans blotters and leather goods will soon be ready and we wish to be making arrange, ments for the forthcoming season right away; the coming year offers an un usual opportunity for live salesmen to mak money with our line; commissions liberal and paid promptly; It will pay you to write for full particular at once. SALESMEN To travel in Nebraska and Iowa for one of the best selling propo sitions on the market; good commissions paid and every day, can make from $100 to $300 a week clear; glv territory and experience In first letter. Act quick and make tha money. Manufacturers' Sales Representatives, Room 412, Press Bldg., Kalamazoo, Mich. ARE YOU IN GOOD STANDING? Just now we can offer you an Income of from $2,000 to $5,000 per year, pro vided you can furnished two responsible bondsmen and a team or auto, No oth er Investment necessary. Supply regu larly the same farm customers and oth ers direct from factory. Men with us earn this income. Get an exclusive ter ritory now. Dept. 21, Helnrlch Labora tories, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED Salesmen to handle tronog line of silk and cotton waists In med ium sized cities In following territories: Ohio and Indiana, also Minnesota, Wis consin and Dakotas, also Illinois, Mis souri, Kansas, also Iowa, Nebraska. State age experience and lint you are now handling. Will divide territory to suit Commission basis only. Local men preferred. Addrejss Irvln Lang, care Bijou Waist Co., 121 West 19th Street, New York. SALES agent to represent manufacturer of tungsten and nitrogen lamps; knowl edge of line preferred. This Is a flrst clasa proposition to right party. Ex clusive territory given. References re quired. Box 819, 13.58 Broadway, New York. I SALESMEN to sell our Myers quality line of exclusive art calendars and our high-' grade line of leather goods, memoran dum books and diaries, and a very com plete line of Indoor and outdoor metal signs; everything la manufactured In our own big factory; reasonable compensa tion. The Elwood-Myers Co., Spring field, Ohio. SALESMEN Calendar and advertising specialties; manufacturers high grade line exclusive copyrighted subjects; lib eral commission basis with real co-op-eraton Arrange now to commence work when samples ready Dec. 15th. John Baumgarth Co., Cor. Randelph and Og den, Chicago. WANTED IN OMAHA Brokers, sales men for securities; seasoned, settled company, paid four 6 per cent dividend! last year, now J per cent monthly; li censed special proposition for producers. Midwest Securities Corp., 11 S. La Salle St., Chicago. SELL essential household utility, wonder fully Improved, used In every home. Snap for house-to-house men, city and country. First time advertised. Men tion territory you want reserved In first letter. Sterling Sales Co., 1534 Masonic Temple, Chicago. WANTED Ford car owners, each county, to represent exclusively, Liberty Starting Primer. Start motor Instantly by com bustion In zero weather, by crank or self-starter; guaranteed. Price $7. After December 1st, $8. Order now. Liberty Primer Co. Woodward Ave., Detroit. SALESMEN for product now especially needed, every town, and supported by government regulations; repeater; side line or entire time. M. D. Millner, Sales Manager, 1420, 343 South Dearborn St , Chicago, y SALESMAN Get our new proposition on our Patriotic Knife Salesboard; commis sion paid promptly; consignment propo sition. Iowa Novelty Company, Cor. Broadway and Fulton Sts., Keota, la. WANTED Stock salesman with organiza tion to sell coal mine, now operating; not subject to Jurisdiction of capital Is sues committee; no advance men. Box 478. Rock Springs, Wyo. SALESMEN wanted. Earn 350 a week all on spare time. Get our wonderful holl dsy samples men's' tailored neckwear. E. L. Keiser Co., Palmer Bldg., Detroit, Mich. WANTED Traveling salesman now cov ering Nebraska, to sell auto tires to dealers. Apply by letter. The West ern Rubber Supply Co., 1616 Broadway St., Denver, Colo. SIDE line; top-notch specialty; responsi ble house; pay big commissions promt ly. Writs today. Samples and sales talks free; no delays. Erickson Com pany, Des Moines, Iowa, INTERVIEW WANTED With few A-l salesmen; only par tlei able to sell high class financial stocks need apply. Call Monday, 710 World-Herald Bldg. WE have an opening for a good specialty salesman; must be a producer and must furnish good reference. Miles Standlsh Manufacturing Co , 12th and Howard. . HELP WANTED MALE, Agents and Canvasser. AGENTS Sell "Americanism," only book having all president's war speeches, mes sages and actions arranged chronologic ally; lOo proft, 25c lale; selling fast. Be first; exclusive terr. Will Howell, Garland Bldg., Chicago. 'ENCLOSED FIND CECK" 1 th result when using lawyer's sOlf-collectlng let ters on bad accounts; complete set, 10c. Bonanza for agents. Vaughan-QUl, 212 Home Bldg., Louisville, Ky. AGENTS GREAT PICTORIAL HISTORY OF WORLD WAR. One man made 326 first day. One woman $20. Highest commission. Free sample to worker. Hertel Company, Publishers, Chicago. EARN $25 weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magazines. Exp. unnec. ; details free. Press Syndicate, 189 St Louis, Mo. BEST sole agency and mall order proposi tion for live men. Home Mfg. Co., 1543 Market St., New Albany. Indiana. Boys. WANTED A boy over 17 to learn trunk and case making. Feeling A Btelnle. 180$ Farnam St MORNING carriers wAted in Dundee. Apply branch office, Omaha Bee, 40th and Cuming. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED A fry cook, white,, good wage. Apply to chef, Blackstone hotel, 36th and Farnam. Miscellaneous. WANTED: FIFTY BUILDING LABORERS AT THE NEW SKINNER PACKING PLANT, 27TH AND Y STREETS. Apply at Collins Bros. CONSTRUCTION OFFICE AT THE PLANT. u. s. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE NEEDS LABORERS CARPENTERS SHEET METAL MEN ELECTRICIANS PLUMBERS FOR CAMP GRANT FREE TRANSPORTATION. APPLY AT FEDERAL STATE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE COURT HOUSE DRAFT MEN ATTENTION. Th Bureau now operating in Flat Iron Bldg., 1729 Howard, placing all women In any Industry Is also placing all men who come back from the camps or from front, In any position of Industry. We ask them to come In and see our list of posi tions open to them and we can place them. No charges, but we deem it a privilege to serve such men. DENTON E. CLEVELAND Manager. Phone Tyler 1350. HISTORY of the world's war by Francis A. March, with introduction by his brother, General Peyton C. March, high est officer In the United States army; complete and authentic; official photo graph; extraordinary opportunity for big profit; outfit free; unlversial house, Philadelphia. TWO young men to travel, experience un necessary. Call 317 Lincon Apts., 21st and Chicago. Agents and Canvassers. WHY WORRY ABOUT YOUR FUEL. The SUPERIOR COAL OIL BURNER (patented) which uses common coal oil for cooking and heating stoves at less than Vt the cost of either coal or wood. Can be Installed by anybody In 30 min utes and fits any stove. Sells for $18.00. complete ready to Install. We want live, energetic, responsible agents. A money maker. Writ or wir for terri tory. COCHRAN SMITH, Manufacturers, 246 Kearny St., San Francisco. Cal. HISTORY of Great War. Big. illustrated, complete. Most wonderful money maker for agents In world's history. Agents outfit free. Send 10c for postage. N. D. Thompson & Co., 400 Fullerton Bldg , St Louis, Mo. THE WAR IS OVER! BE FIRST IN FIELD. Take orders America's War for Hu manity, $2.00 book: 60 per cent com mission. Send 10c for mailing free out fit. F. B. Dlckerson Co., Detroit, Mich. MARCH'S HISTORY WORLD WAR. 800 pp.. Illustrated; complete Intro duction General March, chlef-of-staff U. 8. Army; highest commission; order free outfit today. Historical Book Co., Chicago. AGENTS, salesmen, big profits; exclusive territory; most popular article. IL Glsis, til Audubon At, Nsw York. ANTED. First-class engineer to oper ate state institution power plant. Must have had considerable experience In plant operation, refrigeration and ateam fitting. Write C. O. Martz, Chief En gineer, Lincoln, Neb., stating experience and plvlng references. WANTED: An all-around trimmer, must have plenty of pep, be able to take charge of trimming department Do not answer unless you can fill the bill. Steady position for competent man. Bergstrora Brewster Motor Co., Denver Colo. WANTED A good second baker exper ienced with oven work. A nice big airy shop, day work, tip top wages to the right party. Apply to Monogram Bak ery, Grand Island, Neb. WANTED Men 19 to 60 years for gen eral yard work, steady work for good men. Apply timekeeper. Union Stock Yards Co., South Omaha. DEMONSTRATOR Experienced ; mechan ical toys; salary and liberal commis sion; state experience. American Flyer Mfg. Co. Box 196, Chicago, III PHOTOGRAPHER WANTED Will pay $40 per week for operator and retoucher. Must be first-class retoucher. C. M. Craven, Wayne, Neb. BE a detective. Excellent opportunity; good pay; travel. Write C. T. Ludwlg. 875 Westover Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED Experienced married man with small family to work -eh farm. Box Y-232. Omaha Bee, HELP WANTED FEMALE. OMAHA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WOMEN'S EMPLOY MENT BUREAU. This bureau is maintained for the use of all employers and employes in Omaha. -Telephone your wants to Mrs. Walker, Tyler 1234, or call at the Chamber of Com merce, 17th floor, W. O. W. Building. NO FEES WHATEVER. Stores and Offices. OFFICE clerk, some steno work, $95. Stenographer and diet operator, $90. Stenographer, secretary work, $100. Statement clerk, wholesale, $75. Ledger clerk, good penman. $75. B. P. X. operator, $40. - Typist and clerk, $60. Mall girl, wholesale, 84J. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Building. BOOKKEEPER, $S5-$100. Stenographer and Bkkpr., $100. Stenographer and Bkkpr., $75-$85. Stenographers, $85-$75-$60. Stock- Clerk., $85. Posting Machine Opr., $75. THE MARTI COMPANY. EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS. 1126 VV. O. W. Bldg. GIRLS, women wanted. Government posi tions. $100 month. Omaha examina tion Deo. 7. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 6 59-J, Roch ester, N. X. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, bank, out of town, $86-$100; stenographer, up town office, exceptionally fin position, $85; bookkeeper and stenographer, real stats office, $75-185; general offlc clerk, $65; comptometer operator $75 $5. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN. Originators of the Reference Business. 736 First Nat. Hk. Bldg. WANTED Names of women and girls wishing to try for examination for government position. $92 month. Box Y 222, Omaha llee. NEAT, willing woman to answer phons. Good wages. Harney 6012. For bank positions see the Walter Co.. 1424 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Tyler 480. WANTED Girl to work In candy kitchen at 150S North 24th St. HIGH grade commercial positions open. Co-operative Ref. Co. 1016 City Nat. Bk. Professions and Trades. NOW A WAH INDUSTRY. LEARN LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE OPERATING. Good salary paid while learning. Per manent positions open; excellent oppor tunity for advancement; get Into ssen tlal war winning work. APPLY TO C F. LAMBERT. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO, 1807 DOUGLAS ST. WANTED Young ladle to learn bow to operate Comptometer and Burroughs Calculating and bookkeeping machine. A good position absolutely guaranteed to every graduate. Time required , to .complete course. ( weeks to 2 month Day and evening classes. Call and see us or telephone Douglas 7415 for par ticulars. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING. Second Floor Wead Bldg, 18th and Farnam Sts. American Telephone and Telegraph Company offers excellent opportunities to young ladles to learn Long Distance Telephone operating. Th work Is interesting, th surroundings ara congenial and a good aalary Is paid while learning. Apply to Miss Cox. 666 Brandels Theater Bldg. WANTED 50 GIRLS EVENING HOURS, I P. M. TO 10 P. M. APPLY TO MANAGER, SKINNER MFG. CO., 14TH & JACKSON. Soleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED. EXPERIENCED SALESLADY FOR KID GLOVE DEPT. PERMANENT POSITION. GOOD SALARY. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT BRANDEIS STOKES. AGENTS Our "Complete History of the War" now ready; best terms; write to day for free outfit. Nlchol Co., Naper vllle, 111. EARN $25 weekly, spare time, writing for newspaper magazines. Exp. unec. ; de tails free. Press Syndicate 189 St. Louis, Mo. Household and Domestic. WANTED Ten bright capable ladles, to travel, demonstrate and sell well known goods to established dealers $26 00 to $50.00 per week: railroad fare paid: weekly advance for traveling expenses. Address at once Goodrich Drug Ci. . Dept. 514, Omaha. Neb. .(ANTED A young white girl living close to care for a child of 5 years, 3 or 4 morning and afternoons of each week. Best references required. Call Mrs. Tarker, room 109, Blackstone hotel. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, middle-aged woman, without children, who would appreciate a home more than wages; small house, your own boss. Lincoln, Neb., P. O. Box 1087. WANTED White girl for general house work. Small family, good wages, no washing Mrs. A. I. Root, 3006 Paci fic St. Phone Harney 675. WANTED Experienced white girl for housework, must be good cook, no laundry, high wages. Tel. Harney 3014. WOMAN for General housework two In family, highest wages. Call after six, 224 North 18'h. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. No washing or cooking. Call Walnut 1176. GIRL for general housework, good wages, 104 South 34th St. Phone Doug. 5686 between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, no laundry. Call South 931 WANTED A girl for general housework Mrs Arthur Gulou. Harney 362. GIRL for general housework; very light work. Call South 2874. YOUNG girl to assist with house work. Harney 4114. . WHITE girl to assist with house work. Call Harney 388. M NEAT reliable colcred girl for general housework. Call Walnut 3792. Hotels and Restaurants. GIRL or woman for chambermaid work. Apply 607 South 13th St. Trade Schools. WANTED Ladies lo learn barber trad Special rates and Inducements. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1402 Douclas St. Miscellaneous. THE WOMEN WAR WORKERS BUREAU of the Omaha Manufacturers' association, located at 1729 Howard St., Flatlron Bldg., Phone Tyler 1350, places all girls and women who desire work In any manufac turing Industry of Omaha. Work In any department assured. This office explains to all who come in about the work and puts them In touch -with their employer. No charges are made whatsoever. We also have 100 certified homes for girls to board and room, for $6 and $7 per week. Den ton E. Cleveland, Manager. WANTED COLORED GIRLS, OMAHA PAPER STOCK. 18TH AND MARCY DOUGLAS 159. WANTED Lady spotter and presser on fancy dresses; must thoroughly under stand the business, as this Is a steady lob the year round ;am willing to pay good wages to right party; write, stat ing wages wanted. J. W. FIELDS, PORT COLLINS. COLO. WANTED 50 young ladles for Tag Day, Saturday, 12:30 to 2 o'clock You can make from $2 c $5 for an hour's work. Call 610 N. 20th street, city. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. U. S. GOVERNMENT wants thousands of clerks; men. women; 11,100 a year. Ex aminations held in Omaha Dec. 7th; candidates coached free. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 231 H, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men, iadles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning, strictly modern. Call or writ 1403 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College. Phon D. 2147. MOLER Barber Csllegs wants young men and ladles to learn th barber trad. Call or write for free catalogu. 110 S. Hth St.. Omaha. Neb. EDUCATIONAL. Van bant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 120 Omaha National Bank Bldg. , Douglas iiii. EDUCATIONAL BOYI.ES college. DAY SCHOOL. NIOHT SCHOOL. Intensive training for offlc workers Course In Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Stonotypy, Typewriting, Railroad and Wireless Telegraphy, Comptometry, Ma chine Bookkeeping and all English branches. Students admitted any day. Catalogu free. Telephone Douglaa 1568. llth and Harney Sts. Omaha, Neb. FRENCH LESSONS Taught evenings at pupil's resldsnc by experienced native teacher. Succeat guaranteed. Prices: 75 cent per lesson (1 hour): 40 cents each, classes of twe; 35 cents each, classes of three. Franoll Roule, 2913 So. 16th Street, Tyler I289J. RELIABLE AUTO SCHOOL. Best electrical and self-startM course. Easily learned. No books. Fr catalog. National Auto School, $814 North 10th St. Omaha. Neb. LEARN Moaher shorthand and typewrit ing. Day and night classea Omaha Shorthand College. Bee Bldg.. D. 4628 FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. SAKITARY modern rooms for men only, $2.60 per week. 8unsli,'n sparfments. 609 N. 17th St J. B. Robinson. 44 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8097. SELECT community, close-in, private en trance, hot water heat hot anS cold water. Tel. Douglaa 6915. NICE front room, suitable for coapl em ployed, In private family; board IS de sired. Ill 8. 25th Ave. FURNISHER room, strictly modern, prlv liege of kitchen. $18 Vs N 16th. Apt L Douglas 7901. REFINED lady wishes comfortable room. Walking distance, reasonable. Bos 4791, Omaha Bee. TWO nice front rooms, each suitable fot two gentlemen at (II N. 40th. CaU Walnut 3839. TWO furnished rooms heated and lighted, with laundry privileges. $5, Call Web ster 802 NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, very reasonable. In modern home, on car lln. Harney 4848. 1134 Park Ave. COMFORTABLE steam heated room to business indy. 220 4 N. 23d. NEWLY furnished, modern rooms from $3 up. 669 S. 26th Ave. Housekeeping Rooms. 3131 H CALIFORNIA, 2 and 1 rooms, fur. nlshed, modern, with heat, first floor. Harney 4001. Hni. 27'i HS T Two large front rooms, first floor, private family. Harney 1367. Board and Rooms. ATTRACTIVELY furnished rooms, break fast and dinner served, 3S63 FTrnara. Harney 9369. PLEASANT horn privileges, larg room, hot water heat, with prlvat family,, board: reference exchanged. Tyler 1948. NICELY furnished front room, (team heated; convenient to bath; board If d. irea, .'124 Douglas St. 5 ROOMS, modn except electricity, 2511 Pierce. Tyler 2208-J. Hotels." HEATED rooms, $2.60 week. Apartments with kitchenette Ogden hotel. Coun. B. FOR RENT FURNISHED. WELL furnished 6-room modern flat, walking distance, excellent location. Box 4290, Omaha Bee. Houses. Ill 8outh 20th Street, fully equipped mod ern rooming house of ten rooms. Hot water heat. Located within two blocks of best retail business section. CITY TRUST COMPANY. ',' Phone Doug. 789. 245 to 260 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR RENT New 5-room furnished bunga. low, all modern, H block to car line, in good neighborhood, winter coal In, Call Walnut 2609. FURNISHED, 4 choice rooms, steam heat ed, janitor service, 3122 Chicago St. CaU Walnut 2611. 7-R. 3801 Howard, nicely furnished, good location, strictly modern, $35. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY FOR RENT A furnished house, 1801 Bin ney St. Call Webster 2J. OR RENT HOUSES. MODERN five-room cottage In Benson, newly painted and papered, November 25 to April 1, $30 per month. Mr. M. A. Welch, Benson 655-J. West. 1919 Dodge Street 10 rooms, strictly mod ern and well arranged for rooming house. Very close In. , CITY' TRUST COMPANY. Phone Doug. 789. 245 tn 260 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg; 8-ROOM modern house, 212 8. 34th Bt . Chas. L. 8aundors. 660 Saunders-Ken-nedy Bldg. Douglas 179. FOR RENT ETceptlotially nice 9-roOm house on 37th St., one block from Far nam. Phone Harney 2656. . NEW 4-R house and acre of ground, bo ween 78th and 79th, on Corby St., $11.50, HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 HARNET. North. - ' FOR COLORED FOLKS. 943 North 28th avenue, $10.00. 4-roora cottage, close to car line, plenty yard for garden or chickens. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, REALTORS. 1M2 Fnrnnm. Pouclas $97. : I-'OR COLORED. Two 6-room flats, modern but heat, for rooming hous?, 1C04-06 N. 24th St 6-room house, 2708 Seward St Call Tyler 1812-J. - 5-R. 2517 N. 20 h, modern except furnac gooH location, upstairs, $16 . HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1C4JHARNEY. NICE 7-rm. flat, 1911 Cuming St.. tit. Good 4-rm. house. 1723 N 25th St., $. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 18C2 FARNAM BT. 6-R. 611 N. 21st, modern except furnace, close In. good condition $21.50. HASTING8 HEYDEN, TYLER $0. ' NINE-room modern house, well arranged for roomers. 2685J Davenport St. FOR RENT 6 room modern cottage 1706 North 34lh St. South. 8Rms. Hot Water Heat. 1010 S. 22d. All modern and In good-' repair Especially desirable for larg family or for rooming houss. Low rent, $35.00. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1.136. 3S3 Securities Bldg. CLUSU IN. Walk and save; we pny t i:a water, 511 South 24th Ave. 0 rooms, part mod ern. $20. 432 S. 21th St., 7 rooms, all modern $30.00. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, REALTORS. 1612 Farnam. Douglas JUT. 7-ROOM house, strictly modern, in Han scorn Park district, half block to car line, mono Harney 6288, FOR RENT Five-room house, 20th and G ?!s. Phone South 605. Miscellaneous. 712 N. 22D ST. 7 rms.. all mod... .$27.40 2704 Farnam, 12 rms.. all mod.., (0.00 710 N. 38th. 12 r.; mod. garage. rlOO.00 211 N. 38th Ave., 8 r., md. ex. ht... 20.00 203 8. 34th St., 9 r., all mod 65.00 2712 N. 26th St.. 6 r., ptly mod... 13.00 672 S. 26th Ave., 6 r., all mod... 30 00 514 N. 22d Bt. r. all mod 21.00 FURNISHED 115 S. 34th St., 8 r, all mod., with double garage ,. 136.00 FLATS. 911 N. 24th, 3d fl. 7 r , m. ex. h... 14 2310 Cuming, 2d fl., 7 r., m. ex. ht 16.00 We ar heartily with the United War Work campaign and ar anxiously s awaiting the safe homecoming of our splendid men. DO YOUR PART. A. P. TUKEY SON, REALTORS. (20 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 101. APARTMENT. , Flv rooms In the Mason, Slit and Mason Sts., $50.00 winter, $36.(0 sum mer. STEAM HEATED FLAT. 1 ( rooms. 703 S. 16th St., Jd floor, $40 winter, $32.50 summer. ALL MODERN HOUSES. 8 rooms, 111 S. 35th St $$.0 7 rooms. 414 North 21st Et 40.00 9 rooms, 2965 Paclflo St 26.00 9 rooms. 424 N. 17th St $(.01 PARTLY MODERN HOUSES. 7 rooms, 1228 Park Wild Av.... 20.06 ( rooms, 1748 N. 28th St 17.$0 4 rooms, 612 N. 18th Av. 11.00 4 rooms, No. 9 Shelby Court t.OO PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Tyler 644. 1622 Farnam 8t. MODERN FLATST" 6-R 615 S. 26th Ave., good location, $89.,' 6- R. 614 N 22d, downtalr, $2(. '' 7- R. 220$ Davenport close In, 140.04. 10-R. 811 N. 15th, arranged for light housekeeping-. $16. HASTINGS HKYDEN, mi HABNST