Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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i 1
Conducied by Ella Fleishman
War Workers Plan Luncheon "
for Titled British Colleague
Sixteen hundred workers for the
women'i committee, united war
work campaign, will meet Wed
nesday at 3:30 p. m. in the ball room
of the Fontenelle. Instructions in
campaign work will be given by
Mrs. Charles Offutt, chairman 01
the women'i committee of Ne
braska;. Mrs. Luthes Drake, Omaha
chairman, and Miss Edith Tobitt,
who will have chage of the house-to-house
Mrs. Henry Hiller will direct the
cimpaign work in the theaters and
motion 'picture houses throughout
the city. These will wear arm bands
of khaki, lettered -in red, "United
War Workers." Mrs. C J. Hubbard
will have charge of the booths in
the stores.
Preceding the meeting, members
of the executive, committees of the
state and city women's committees
will entertain at luncheon at the
Chamber of Commerce in honor ot
Lady Edith Picton-Tuberville of
London, who has recently been
honored by the Order of the British
Empire for her work in France with
the Y. W. C. A. Lady Picton-Tuberville
is vice president of the En
glish Y. W. C. A.
A large working speakers' com
mittee will send speakers to every
woman's meeting in the city and
Stftte. In Omaha the following wo
men have offered to speak during
the campaign: Mesdames John R.
Hughes, J. H. Dumont; John W.
Gill, C. J. Hubbard, O. Y. Kring,
O. W. Malstrom, Phillip Potter,
H. C. Sumney, F. A. Shotwell,
Charles E. Johannes, Grace F.
Gohlson; Misses Roda Foster, Ethel
Niermeyer, Kate Swartzlander, Gla
dys Shamp and Ritza Freeman. In
Service League Notes
A special meeting of the board of
directors for the National League
for Woman's Service is called for
Tuesday, November 12, at 2 o'clock,
in the court house. Final plans for
the white elephant sale to be held
the first week in December will be
made. Mrs. William Archibald
Smith, chairman, is expected home
from Toronto theend of the week.
Mrs. R. W. Talmadge and Mrs. A.
H. Hippie are assisting Mrs. T. G.
Travis, chairman of the general
tervict division, in the reclamation
work. The B'nai B'rith auxiliary
will sew buttons on soldiers' shirts
In the league room, 311 South Seven
teenth street, tonight.
Mrs. E. S. Westbrook, major of
the state motor corps, reports a
total of 819 moto. calls made during
October. The largest number, 538
calls, was made for the Visiting
Nurse association and the social
the state the women speakers are
Mesdames J. W. Babcock, Cam
bridge; M. B rugger, Columbus; C.
11. Dietrich, Hastings; W. C En
glish, Chadron; Frances B. Heald,
Osceola; Lulu K. Hudson, Simeon;
L. C. Johnson, Seward; H. N. Mil
ler, Seward; W. A. Prince, Grand
Island; Edgar B. Penney, Fuller
ton; S. B. Starrett. Central City;
J. K. Ward, Arcadia; Harold D.
Ellis, Grand Island; Francis Mc
Mullen, Grand Island; W. M.
Welch, Central City; E. L. Hin
man, Lincoln; Misses Amy J. Fa
gundas, Lincoln; Anna V. Jennings,
Kearney; Blanche E. Riggs, Kear
ney; Lulu E. Wirt, Kearney; Char
lotte Templeton. Lincoln.
Lady Picton-Tuberville arrived jn
Omaha today at 3:30 p. m. and was
immediately driven to the Lyric
building, where she addressed a
meeting of the Jewish Ladies' Relief
This evening she will speak at the
Strand theater at 9 o'clock and at
the Rialto at 9:30 p. m.
Food Conservation Class.
Miss Elizabeth Chamberlain, new
federal food agent, will open her
foor conservation lecture course at
Windsor Place school. Wednesday
at 3:30 o'clock, with a talk on sugar
conservation. Mrs. Herbert Wood
land, chairman for this district of
the Central Conjervation council,
announces the meeting is pen 10 all
women interested.
War Camp Community Notes.
Twelve groups of girls responded
to the call for volunteers for the
vaudeville try-outs at Jacobs hall
Monday evening. Another try-out
will be given Wednesday evening,
musical numbers at 7:30 and dra
matic sketches at 8:30 p. m.
i D. T. A. girls hold their regular
open house at the Y. W. C. A. build
ing Wednesday evening. Mrs. Helen
Harkness Calkins will entertain the
girls and their soldier guests with
a program of readings followed by
games in the gymnasium.
Father Rigge will talk to the Busi
ness Women's club at the Y. W. C.
A. auditorium, Tuesday evening, on
the stars. The meeting will be pre
ceded by a supper at the "Y," for
which there are 90 reservations.
Garfield circle No-. 11. G. A. R.,
will meet Friday at 8 p. m. in
memorial hall of the court house.
Miss Stella G. Robinson, now liv
ing in Washington, D. C, is recov
ering from asevere attack of the in
fluenza. Mrs. Homer B. Robinson
was called east a week ago by the
illness of her daughter.
"A teaspoonful of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep
sin each night at bedtime has done me a
world of gobd, as I am 62 years old and' was
getting badly constipated. I had previously
taken a lot of salts and pills without real
relief." (From a letter to Dr. Caldwell writ
ten by Mr. A. Forester, Princess Anne, Md.)
Constipation is one of the penalties of
age that should never be neglected Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin is a combination of simple
laxative herbs with pepsin that relieves consti
pation in an easy, natural manner, without grip
ing or strain, and is as positive in its effect as it
is mild and gentle in its action.
Syrup Pepsin
The Perfect Laxative
Sold jby Druggists Everywhere
x 50 cts. () $1.00
low To Avoid
My Hat Diary
Carita Herzog
Nettie Magrew
Wore a hat of blue,
It was very pretty, you know.
It was a Spanish model
From "The House of Homel,"
It was wide and very low. '
A tassel it had
Twas the latest fad,
I'd like to have one, wouldn't
Arrangements for the transmis
sion of money to individuals in Pal
estine have just been perfected. This
may be done through the American
Red Cross, the Red Cross assuming
responsibility only to use its best
efforts to deliver the funds to the
proper party, or return same to
donor, in case the American Red
Cross 'is unable to make payment.
Detailed information as to how this
money should be sent, may be ob
tained by writing the Nebraska State
office, second floor, Farnam build
ing, Omaha.
The Cathedral auxiliary, of which
Mrs. F. A. Nash is chairman, re
sumed its work today in Sacred
Heart academy, Thirty-sixth and
Burt streets,
Mrs. T. D. McDearmon, Mrs. W.
H. Yohe, Mrs. Edward I. Leary,
Miss Ruth Fitzgerald, Mrs. Frank
Wilson, Mrs. William Turner, Mrs.
W. J. Hunter, Miss Margaret Wil
liams, Miss Grace Allison, Miss
Dorothy Morton, Mrs. J. H. Hansen,
Mrs. E. A. Higgins and Mrs. Ellott
Lum are members of the motor
corps who will take the examination
Thursday evening at 7:30. Mr. Nick
Kline will give the test. Owing to
the influenza, the class was divided
and the examination for overseas J
service was given last week. Ihe
women are wearing their new uni
forms. Mrs. Charles M. Wilhelm, chair
man, announces that the home serv
ice section will take care of all mes
sages regarding casualties, prisoners
of war and missing or wounded men.
For further information telephone
Tyler 2721.
Inspection labels for Omaha chap
ter Christmas packages for soldiers
abroad arrived Monday.
Charles C. Redwood, 17 Patterson
block, clipped five Liberty bond
coupons and presented them ($5.30)
to Omaha chapter.
Miss Lois Nesbit, 2207 Sherman
avenue, has been recommended by
the Chicago office for canteen work
War Workers' Luncheon.
Victory Boys and Girls workers
held a luncheon at the Y. W. C. A.
Tuesday tioon, at which S-minute
talks were given by heads of this
division of work and in the united
war drive. Henry Monsky reported
the Chicago meeting last week;
Arnold Browar, Jewish activities;
Mary Foster, Victory girls; Mrs.
Grace Gholson, Sherwood Eddy's
speech, and Superintendent Bever
ridge, Dr. Martin's speech at the
Chicago meeting; Father Stenson,
Catholic activities; Gus Miller, in
dustrial school work, and Paul Mc
Gee, on Victory boys.
Mr. and Mrs. Wattles Entertain.
Mr. and Mrs. Gurdon W. Wattles
will entertain very informally at
dinner at their home this evening.
Mr. Gordon A. MacAulay, son of
Mr. and Mrs. A. MacAulay of Seat
tle, formerly of Omaha, is now sta
tioned at Camp Colt, Pa., where he
has enlisted in the tank corps.
Military Weddings.
A pretty military wedding took
place Saturday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Schultz,
when their "daughter, Hattie, be
came the bride of Lt. Walter C. El
lis, formerly of North Platte. Rev.
W. Schafer read the marriage lines.
Only the immediate relatives
were present at the ceremony and
the bride was attended by Miss
Julia Nielsen. The best man was a
brother officer of the bridegroom,
Lt. John B. Twiford.
Lieutenant Ellis left Sunday eve
ning for Camp Jackson, S. G, where
he is stationed, his bride remaining
in Omaha for the present.
Wedding Anniversary.
Mrs. E. A. McGlasson entertained
the Tri City Birthday club at her
home Saturday afternoon. In the
evening Mr. and Mrs. McGlasson
entertained at a dinner-dance, the
occasion being their 20th wedding
anniversary. The guests included
Messrs. and Mesdames W. A. Wil
cox, J. W. Welch, E. H. Luikhart,
J. S. Wood.N. H. Tyson, B. B.
Combs, Roy Ralph, Mesdames
Robert Beasley of Council Bluffs,
Charles Mitchell and Simmons of
Bellevu and Messrs. Sidney and
Carlton McGlasson.
Miss O'Brien Entertains.
Miss Mildred Heath of Kansas
City, who is the guest of Miss Mary
Fuller, is a very busy young woman,
for each day of her stay has been
filled with gay social affairs. Lunch
eon and matinee parties are now
the rule, for this charming visitor.
Miss Carita O'Brien was hostess to
day at an informal luncheon at the
Henshaw hotel.
Informal Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert Vincent
will entertain at dinner at their
home this evening, when the honor
guests will be Capt. John E. Simp
son, who has recently enlisted in
the medical reserve, Lt. Albert
Wcdemeyer and Fred Wedemeyer.
The guests will include members of
the family and Rev. Carl Warden.
Red roses will form the centerpiece
for the dinner table.
Military Dance.
The military dancing party which
will be given at Fort Omaha will
take place Saturday evening, "No
vember 16, at the post, rather than
November 9, as previously an
nounced. This will be the first for
mal affair given at the post this fall,
and Maj. P. C. Van Nostrand has
charge of the arrangements.
Mrs. Harry WT Shackelford this
morning received a cable announc
ing the safe arrival of her husband
overseas. Lieutenant Shackelford
is commanding officer of the 58th
balloon company, trained at Camp
Morrison, Va. Before receiving his
commission at San Antonio, Lieu
tenant Shackelford was a member
of the law firm of Shackelford &
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hanighen are
home from Mobile, Ala., where they
went ,to attend the marriage of
their son, Lt. J. J. Hanighen, jr., and
Miss Anna Damrich. The young
people, who are now living in offi
cers' quarters at Fort Morgan, are
hoping to be permitted to come to
Omaha for the Christmas season.
"The Dancing Damsel"
Dr. Frank M. Conlin, who has
been critically ill of pneumonia, fol
lowing an attack of influenza, at the
Clarkson hospital, is now reported
out of danger and is slowly recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Seacrest and
Miss Jessie Seacrest of Lincoln
spent the week-end in Omaha as
the guests of Mr.and Mrs. J. H.
Mr. William Aldrich, formerly of
Fairmont, Neb., now in government
service in Lincoln, spent the week
end with friends in Omaha. '
v Mrs. Luther Kountze and her
father, Mr. E. M. Anderson, were
called out of tov.-n Monday evening.
Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson are
spending their honeymoon in Oma
ha at the-Iler Grand hotel. N
Mrs. A. L, Reed returned from an
extended eastern trip this morning.
Miss Effie Page of Topeka, Kan.,
is the guest of Miss Janet Lees.
T. J. K. MacGowen is rt the
Hotel Clark in Los Angeles.
Nothing yon can do will so effect
nally protect yon against the Influenza,
or Gnppe epidemic- as keeping your
organs of digestion and elimination
active and your system free from
poisonous accnmlations.
Doctors and health authorities
everywhere are warning people of
us a anger 01 ccnsupauon, and
aaYisuig, ana urging everyone
to see that the bowels and outer
eliminative organs 'act freely
and reffolarlY.
Ordinary laxaitas." moves and
cathartics, nits. oils, calomel and the
like, are good enough to clean out the
system, but do not strengthen the
weakened organst they do not build up
Why don t yon begin right today
to overcome constipation ana get your
system in such shape that you caa feel
VI K id
reasonably sure of resisting disease.
You can do so if yon will just get a
25c. box of Nature's Remedy (NB
Tablets) and take one each night
for a while.
KB Tablets-do much more than
merely cause pleasant, easy bowel
wwu. imi iimiir.ino acta upon ute
. A : 11 ..
uigcBuve as weu as eiimmaave
agans, promotes good digestion,
causes the body to get the nour
ishment from all thft font vnn
eat. irives von a rnnd. tiMiv
ametite. trpnothmis fn a livm. awm.
Comes biliommnaa. rmmlsfM Irirtna
and bowel action and gives the whole
body a thorough cleaning out This
accomplished you will not have to take
5min? eT?7 da7' n occasional
NR Tablet will keep your body in con
dition and von nm always fool mm k-t
- j - - " j via wom
cola ana recommended by druggists.
fWscTi oa rpsumtTT
BEATON DRUG CO., Omaha, Neb.
Racial Diieatm Cured without severe surgical
operation. No Chloroform or Ether used. Curs
guarantee PAY WHEN CURED. Writs for ilius
trated book on Rectal Diseases, with names and test!,
monials of mors than 1.000 prominent people who
Have, been permanent! eurea.
DR.E.R. TARRY;240 Bee Bid, Omaha, Neb.
EAiiel hv IsmaH Gross
(Petty and Billy Belgium fly south
with. General and Mrs. Swallow to ses if
they can aid the Dancing Damiel and the
Boy Knlcht In their tangled love story.)
The Plot Against the Lovers.
PEGGY and Billy Belgium
turned their airplanes down
the Dancing Damsel was telling her
sad story through the poetry of mo
tion. Peggy had often seen the;
elder pupils at dancing school trying
to interpret songs and poems and
stories by means of dancing, but not
until they landed on the roof beside
the tower did she realize how per
fectly thoughts and emotions ,could
be thus expressed. Ij was jusf as if
the Dancing Damsel were talking or
singing. v
"My heart is breaking through
longing for my brave Boy Knight,"
she seemed to say in the language
of the dance. "We are parted and
they say he loves another, but oh,
I believe him true, and I'll be true
to him. I'll die before I'll wed the
rich old widower my stepfather
would have me marry."
"I told you she was dancing the
dance of 'Love in Despair,"' whis
pered Mrs. Swallow. "I felt that
same way when a flippety gibbet of
a Sand Martin tried to steal General
Swallow away from me before we
were married."
"I didn't care a flutter for ( that
Sand Martin," declared General
Swallow indignantly, "but some vil
lain started a story that I was in
love with her and that Miss Purple
Swallow was in love with a Swift.
It came near wrecking' our lives."
"Maybe it is the same with the
Dancing Damsel and the Boy
Knight. The cruel stepfather may
have told them false tales." This
explanation rushed quickly to
Peggy's lips as her heart went out
in sympathy to the beautiful girl
who was dancing her sad story in
the moonlight at an hour when one
should hve been tucked safely away
in bed dreaming sweet dreams of
love and happiness. "I wfsh we could
go and see this Boy Knight," Peggy
No sooner was the wish out of her
mouth than the charm of the Golick
ety leaves worked. In a flash they
had left the castle miles behind and
were in the midst1 of a great military
encampment. Through this they
sped to the edge of a broad aviation
field. The airplanes came to earth
before a tent and Peggy glanced up
to find herself looking into the pale,
grief-stricken face of a handsome
youth. Instantly she knew that this
was the Boy Knight his fine face
and his courtly bearing telling her
this, even betore Mrs. Swallow
whispered his name.
Although all around him the great
camp" slept, the Boy Knight was
wide awake. He was sitting in his
camp chair. In one hand was a let
ter; in the other a photograph. His
lips were moving as he talked
silently to the photograph, the
words they framed being as plain
as though he spoke them aloud.
"Little sweetheart. I didn t think
you'd do it!" the lips said. "How
could you write such a cruel mes
sage. I can see every word even
in the dark, for they are written on
my brain in letters of fire: 'Good-
bv, I do not love you. 1 m going
to marrv a rich man who will give
me everything and make me happy.
I do not wish ever to see you
again.' " .
Savine this, the Boy Knight hung
his head in such deep dejection that
feggy wanted to put her nana on
his head and comfort him.
"I iust know that miserly step
father is to blame for this," she whis-
oered. "I'd like to be where Iscould
give him a piece of my mind."
Her wish was granted instantly.
There was another rush through the
air, and suddenly she found herself
with Billy Belgium and General and
Mrs. Swallow blinking in the glare
of a bright electric light. The light
hung from the ceiling, ot a hign,
richly-decorated room.
Beneath it was a table, and at this
table sat two evil-loking old men.
One had a shining bald pate and the
other hd shining gold teeth.
"My stepdaughter will wed you
in the morning' cackled Bald Pate.
"But you must keep your promise
that her wealth shall be mine."
"It shall be. I have plenty of my
own," chuckled Gold Teeth. "But
A Handy Kitchen Utensilff
Sometimes a seeming extrava
gance turns out to be an economy
in the end. Such is surely the case
with a kitchen spatula. You can
buy an ordinary kitchen or case
knife for as low as 10 cents and it
will apparently answer every pur
pose of a spatula, which costs from
50 cents upward, depending upon
size but only apparently. A spat
ula is a broad, flexible, blunt-edged
knife. In its flexibility lies it use
fulness. Whatever a knife can do
clumsily,, it does .more quickly and
It pays for itself many times over
in time and energy-saving and in
the increased satisfaction that
comes from any job well done. It
pays for itself in actual money-saving
when it comes to scraping out
bowls or pans. Everyone knows
that it is difficult to get out the last
bit of batter in a bowl,-but with a
flexible spatula the bowl can come
out very clean.
Uses of Sptaula.
Almost essential in making an
omelet, especially a French omelet.
Use instead of a pancake turner
in turning gridle cakes, etc.
Use to take out cakes, muffins,
etc., from their pans after baking.
Scrape out bowls containing bat
ter, salad dressing, orany mixture
that sticks.
Remove beaten egg white with it
from bowl or platter when beaten.
Use instead of a spoon to get out
the last bit of syrup, molasses or
honey, frprfl .cup. V . .
Miss Cross will be very glad to
receive suggestions for the home
economics column or to answer,
as far as she is able, .any ques
tions that her readers may ask.
Win the War Barley Cocoa Cookies.
1 T. cocoa or t aq. Vi t. each ot cloves,
bitter chocolats. nutmeg, cinnamon
V, 0. sugar. 1 t. extract.
I c. Karo or sora 0. barley flour,
syrup. H t. salt.
1 egg. I t. soda.
1 c. sour milk. 4 t. baking powder.
1 0. water. 4 T. corn oil or
butter substitute.
Melt the cocoa. Into this stir the
sucar and the syrup. Beat the egg
in the sour milk and add this ana'
the cuo of water to the above with
the cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and
extract. Thicken the above mixture
with the barley flour, salt, baking
povyder and soda that has been sift
ed together. When thoroughly
mixed add the corn oil or butter
substitute. . This will make 20 nice
cakes in gem pans. Mrs. Irving L.
Wright, Mountain Grove, Mo.
Potato Chocolate Cake.
1-1 o.,4at, x 1 t. cinnamon.
H c. brown sugar, 1 t cloves,
1 c. corn syrup, J e. barley flour,
1 c. mashed poatoes. i egs,
14 c. water, 4 t. baking powdsr,
1 c chopped raisins, 2 sq. chocolats,
H t nutmeg, melted.
Cream fat and sugar together,
add beaten yojks of eggs. Add flour,
'mixed and sifted with baking dow-
ider and spices, and the corn syrup
ifdd potatoes mixed with chocolate,
raisins ana egg whites Deaten until
stiff. Bake cither in layers or a loaf,
To Japanese after selge of 65 days,
tour years ago today, November 6,
Find a German.
Vvtitt 4om cv at tight hani ,
1 ','v-!!l'',!,!-"
are you sure you have parted her
from the Boy Knight?"
"Absolutely sure," cackled Bald
Pate. "And it was so easy. I forged
a note which made her think
him false, and placed it where he
usually dropped his love messages.
And I forged a note in her writing,
sending it up in a kite to him, telling
him that she no longer loved him
and was about to wed you."
"He, he, hel" laughed Gold Teeth.
"Ho, ho, hoi" laughed Bald Pate.
"So that is how it was done,"
whispered Billy Belgium fiercely.
"I'd like to crack their evil old
heads together!"
(Tomorrow will bs told how the lovers
receive strange messages In ths ntg'h.t.)
Mary had a little mask
Of gauze as white as snow
And every day at Mary's work,
The mask put in a show.
She wore it at her work all day;
It covered half her face.
It made the people laugh and grln
To see that mask in place.
The health board took and turned
the rule;
The folks- could not condemn.
Though screened behind that mask
of hers,
Now Mary laughs at them.
San Diego, Cal.
Maude Fergus Organizes
War Reserve Corps
for Young Girls
Omaha is to have a division of
the Girls' Reserve, a new organiza
tion which was formed at the sug
gestion of the government, made
through Secretary of War Baker to
the Y. W. C. A.
Members of this new organiza
tion must be from-12 to 18 years of
age. They have the privilege of
wearing the blue triangle, the Y.
W. C. A. insignia that is known
around the world, and they will
have a grand good time and get
valuable military drill and instruc
tion. The national organization, begun
this fall, is now practically per
fected. Miss Maude Fergus, direc
tor for the north central field, com
prising the states of Minnesota,
North Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska,
has come to Omaha from Minneap
olis to get the Omaha division
started. She remains a weekand
then places the direction of the
Omaha group in the hands of Ethel
"Face life squarely," is the slogan
of the organization. The unit is
called a "corps" and is composed of
from IS to 20 girls, witha leader.
If a number of corps are formed in
one school or locality they comprise
a company and the companies in
the city make a division. It is hoped
to have a very large Omaha division.
Members may be school girls or
young employed girls.
"Younger girls," says Miss Fer
gus, are just as full of patriotism as
the older ones, but they have had
little part in the war activities.
Through this organization the
young girls will have an opportun
ity to do their part and to -reap the
spiritual benefits of the great war as
well as to find an outlet for their
Future Events.
Mrs. H. Agor will entertain
Chapter E of the P. E. O. Sister
hood at luncheon at her home
The J. F. W. club will be enter
tained at a 1 o'clock luncheon Thurs
day at the home of Mrs. Miltorrt
Why Not Buy the Best?
Advo (Gold Medal Coffee. .-?7rsw.,.'40c
Omaha Maid Coffee 35c
Quality Unchanged.
Why Notl
-who does not appreciate a good, and a regularly 9
good loaf of bread, and what it means to her i V
health and the health of her family?
Let our diet get out of balance and our system
gets out of balance, and then follows one com II
plication after another, until we find ourselves
completely up-set. "It is right here that a
lesson can be drawn. You have your prefer
ences for foods of all kinds and naturally you
cater to such desires, but have you considered
that every article of food that comes to your
table could be dispensed with, except bread?
In other words, bread is the last food that we
can get along without, it is the very foundation
of our physical existences and therefore is of
the first importance as a food, and should receive
. your first consideration, but unfortunately re
v ceives too little consideration by many.
How many times have you heard said, ''give
me good bread and I am satisfied," (but how
careful we are to say "good bread")
Is there any food you know of that you can
eat as regularly and with a never diminishing
desire as good bread? Well then, what is your
duty to yourself and family in this matter? It
certainly is to See to it that the bread you eat is
the best and most nutritious bread you can get 1
You of course realize this, but do not allow
yourself to become confused for a momdnt with
the altogether too common idea, that bakers
bread is all in the same class, for you could not
be farther away from the facts than this.
There is as much difference in bread as there
is in meats, preserves or pastry
The reputation and sale of Butter-Nut Bread
has not been developed on a hit or miss plan,
or by being anything less than the highest and
best standard in bread making, regularly and
consistently applied. ,
There is something a good deal
stronger in our position in this
matter than "good resolutions,"
it is the same fixed determination
to fulfill the highest ideals in sup
plying the consumer with bread
that is as sure in its health giv
ing qualities, as is our faith in its
true value.
Is Made for Those Who Know and Care
The day that
dawns clear, cold
and crisp is the
day to put on furs,
not the day to
have to go down
town and buy
' You will ,
find our
sucha '
high ;
furs as
store in
All the approved
ideas are repre
sented in fur lined
auto and touring
Fur &
Tyler 120, " i)
1925 So. 13th St.
Ordsr Christmas Fan Now,
Gray Hairf
No gray streaks and un
ruly silver threads dliflg
ure the hair of any woman
who once learna of this
wonderful color restorer.
You apply It yonrsalf
simply comb It through the '
hair. In from 4 to S days the
gray disappears. .- i
Mary T. Goldman's
Hair Color Restorer
Not crude dye, but a slsir,
colorlessllquid.clean as water.
Doesn't Interfere with sham
pooing, curling- and dressing;
the usual way Write for the
trial bottle and special omb,
giving ths exact color of ths
hair. If possible, enclose e
lock In your letter.
g0 Cswsua Nag., St. rssl. I
Strands off Gray Hair
May Be Removed
v " - -i
Strands of gray hair are unat
tractive and very unnecessary and
accelerate the appearance of ap
proaching age. Why not remove all
traces of gray in the hair and pos
sess an even shade of beautiful dark
hair in bounteous quantities by the
use of "La Creole" Hair Dressing?
Used by thousands of people every
day everywhere with perfect
satisfaction No one need be 'an
noyed with gray hair hair streaked
with gray, diseased scalp or dan
druff when offered such a prepara-,
tion as "La Creole" Hair Dressing.
Apply it freely to scalp and h&in,
rubbing it in well, and after a fev
applications you will be delightfully
surprised with the results.
for gray or faded hair and retaia
the appearance of youth. Used bw
gentlemen in every walk of life ti
restore an even dark color to their
gray hair, beard or mustache. For
sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug;
Store and all good drug store"
everywhere. Mail orders from out-of-town
customers filled promptly
upon receipt of regular price, $1.20.
"La Creole" Hair Dressing is sold on
money-back guarantee. Adv.
U 1 delivered at your home.