I A When the 1! t. It Is 2, Big German Drive B Premier Lloyd Georgi egan Last March Race etween Wilson V and Hmdenburg,t Who IS Winning? The Armies of the Kaiser Are Still Fighting-Will You Take a Chance.on Postponing Their Surrender by Refusing to jBaek Up. the COMMANDER IN CHIEF of Our Army and Navy?, " REMEMBER VOTERS? Wheii you go to the polls on Tuesday, You will not be voting for Republicans or Democrats as individuals, but the lead ers who vwill control them when they go to Congress. LEADERSHIP! Whose Leadership Do You Prefer? Tfyat of Senator Lodge, Senator Penrose and Colonel Roosevelt, whowould dominate a Republican majority and block the president, or the leadership of Woodrow Wilson? What is the difference? The Republican leaders are on record against President Wilson's fourteen war aims which have been applauded by public opinion throughout the world, and constitute the basis of an enduring ipeace. Our president's fourteen terms do not help the SELFISH clashes in any country but they favor all the masses of people. They seek to put an end to war AND THE THINGS THAT BREED WAR. , . , ( y WITH COLONEL ROOSEVELT denouncing the whole basis of , these peace terms and Senator Lodge rejecting all the fundamentals NOW, what, could the country expect the re publicans leaders to do with a peace treaty if they came into control of congressional committees?x Having condemned such a treaty in advance they could not ratify rTrithout stultifying themselves. BY THEIR SPEECHES Colonel Roosevelt and Senator Lodge have served notice on the country that they will not approve a peace treaty based on the Wilson principles of of Peace. . THIS IS THE ISSUE which is now squarely bafo're the country, the people have to decide whether they will follow President Wilson or Colonel Roosevelt, whether they want a peaca of liberalism and justice, or a peace of imperialism, standpatism, militarism, that leaves all the old causes of war exactly where they were, before we undertook to root out militarism and the rule of force and war itself. . You Voters vMust Decide These Issues for Yourself and For Your Children. ; PRESIDENT WILSON STANDS FOR WINNING the WARand DESTROYING MILITARISM arid KAISER1SM - - HE INSISTS "That adequate guarantees, be given and taken that national armaments will be reduced to the lowest point consistent s with domestic safety." - THE PRESIDENT STANDS for A LEAGUE OF STATIONS. This League will protect nations, large and' small, and permit every people desiring freedom 'to determine their own destiny. . ' Everybody Wants This Except Those Who Will Prof it by the Old Order. The most momentous diplomatic conference in all history is NOW being held in France. Show the world, by your vote of confidence in President Wilson, that he speaks as president of the United States for a united country.- . v " Never mind what party you are ordinarily affilliated with. - . - i i THE BIG QUESTION IS : Are you behind your president in the most ; , critical moment of the world's history? Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey Have crumbled. Germany is next. Let us stand behind pur leader, so that we may complete our victory and "obtain a conclusive and enduring peace. ' Do not vote to hamper the president, as surely would be the result if one branch of the government is republican and the other democratic. President McKinley in the Spanish-American war, asked for a united nation through the medium of a republican majority, and was supported in this appeal by former President Harrison, Colonel Roosevelt, , Senator Lodge, Senator Penrose, as well as democratic voters by the people of the country without respect to party lines. " Yote to sustain the president who has appealed to the patriotism of republicans " as well as democrats to consider country above 'politics; to say whether the people :; shall have the leadership of Pres. Wilson or of his political opponents. Back up your president who is recognized everywhere as the true spokesman of liberals and progressives thrqughout the world. Now that the hour when the tri umph of President Wilson's program for the liberation of the world is at hand, shall our president be politically) discredited? x DO NOT VOTE TO EMBARRASS THE PRESIDENT. HOLD UP Hlfc HAND. . VOTE TO SUSTAIN HIM BY ELECTING- DEMOCRATIC SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES TO SPEAK FOR YOU. .', . NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE, Washington