Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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I (Continued from Pg One.)
i and does not pay his bills. I was
in district court here whin Mr.
Lindquist sued him on an unpaid
note. Everybody in that court room
I was ashamed of their congressman.
I One Lobeck Bill.
"Has Lobeck ever been identified
vith any important legislation. Did
you ever hear of a Lobeck bill in
congress except the one for an em
bargo on munitions ivhen ve were
on the verge of war? If that bill
had gone through, v.c m.g' t he talk
ing about the sut render of the allies
now instead of the surrender of
" We have all heard of Jefferis,
because lie is in tact a his man. a
rnan of whom we would all be
proud to have as our congressman.
He will put Omaha on the map
when he gets to congress. It will
be serving our best interests to send
a big man to congress. Lobeck
could consistently be turned down
on the grounds that he has not been
friendly to the president.
"Look up the history of the Mc
Namara resolution. Omaha wants
a congressman who will do his own
thinking. If anybody intends to
vote for Lobeck on account of his
secretary, Jim Hanley, let me state
than Hanley has been offered a
$5,000 government job and Lobeck
would not have Hanley to help him
even if he should be re-elected.
Shall People Govern?
"The people are realizing that
they have a right to express them
selves by voice and the ballot," Al
bert W. Jefferis, congressional can
didate, stated. "The president seeks
to adjourn republican politics. The
government belongs to the people,
to the high and the lowly. The
great question tonight is, shall the
people' govern or shall we elect
someone to tell us what to do? If
it had not been for the loyalty and
devotion of republicans in congress,
I don't know what would have hap
pened to Wilson's war program.
When this war council shall be over
and it is going to be over soon
don't let them fool you by saying
that, the president will be embar
rassed by having republicans i : the
congress. Who dares to question
the loyalty of partisans who follow
in the political footsteps of Roose
velt, Taft, McKinley, Lincoln and
- "The purposes of the republican
' party have always been to legislate
to the end that the greatest free
dom, happiness and advancement
may be given to the people.
dne-Man Power Doomed.
"The situation of the democratic
party is indeed a precarious one and
they may well shed crocodile tears
over impending -defeat. The day of
a one-man power is over in this
country, as it is over in Europe."
T, P. Holister, secretary of the
republican county central com
mittee, spoke briefly. "Neville," he
said "thought he was going to war
.when, he-. believed he would be made
-colonel. ; but when that hope van
ished; his patriotism was cooled
and. then he decided to run. again
for governor.
"The democratic party would be
branded as liars today by Lincoln
for the manner they have misquoted
him. Why don't they quote Roose
velt in to-to?
"Jefferis will not be a rubber
stamp congressman when he goes to
Washington, that we may be as
sured of. If you want to continue
under the domination of the Hitchcock-Mullen
machine, then you
should vote for Lobeck and his as
sociates. Just take up any German
language paper of this state and you
will see the announcements of Lo
beck and Neville.
Democrats Hard Pressed,
v "The democrats are in -hard
straights when they have to make
n appeal for their present bunch
on the pretext that they are backing
the president. But I dont believe
that the people will stand any longer
: for this domination."
"If you were selecting a man to
represent you in personal affairs,
you would not select Lobeck as
against Jefferis," said Ben S. Baker,
chairman of the republican county
, central committee.
"I take exceptions to the presi
dent trying to coerce people to
vote for any political ticket. None
has any right to brand you as dis
loyal when you use your best judg
ment in casting your ballot. No man
need fear that if both houses of the
; congress fall into republican hands,
that the country will not be run
safely and sanely.
' A recuperative diet In influenza. Hor
: Ucfc' Milk, very digestible. AdT.
(Continued from Pare One.)
sent personal telegrams to this
state, asking for the re-election of
Lobeck and Neville. Vote the way
we are shooting. The people in Eu
rope won't understand it if we have
a republican congress and a demo
crat president."
Mr. Dahlman declared that he un
derstood what the flag stood for
and asserted that the high seas of
the world had been open for more
than 100 years to every man, wo
man and child until Germany chal
lenged that right.
Declaring again that he was a
"layman," Dahlman said, 'I feel that
I have a right to open these lips of
mine and to go anywhere in this
great nation and speak for those
principles and policies that are
nearest to my heart.
Nobody Cheers Lobeck.
"Then, he echoed the democratic
campaign lines, that it was essen
tial to the peace and happiness of
the world that a democratic con
gress should sit at Washington, he
cause the president wishes it to be
Then something awful happened.
When Dahlman said "Charley Lo
beck is a faithful servant," there
"was -not one ripple of applause.
The crowd cheered reference to the
flag and to America's brave men at
the front, but they did not have a
cheer for the "messenger boy" con
gressman. It was a perplexing sit
uation from a democratic stand
point. "He stood by the president in all
of his measures," was another state
ment Dahlman endeavored to make
his hearers believe, but many shook
their heads reminiscently.
Needs Demo Congress.
Omaha's former mayor then de
clared that the president needs a
democratic congress so that he may
give to the world "these rights and
" On the eve of the election cer
tain republican spokesmen have in
jected partisan politics into the
campaign, and have sought to cast
reflections upon the president by
charging him with bringing in part
isanship at this late hour," was a
startling bit of news offered by Mr.
Dunn when he appeared in the role
of courage promoter.
Mr. Dunn recited that more or
less well-known democratic piece
about the president having asked
for a democratic congress, because
only democrats are wanted at this
"The president has not said that
any party has been more patriotic
than another in this war," he added.
"None has disputed the loyalty of
the republican party and its repre
sentatives in congress, but the re
publicans have tried to take the
leadership of the war away from
President Wilson."
"I didn't think that the republi
cans would do such a thing as that,"
remarked an innocent bystander.
"We are fighting for human lib
erty and democracy," was another
bit of inside information imparted
by the speaker, and then he inflicted
a cruel thrust by asserting that he
or anybody else having the normal
q:iota of fingers might count the
republican leaders on the fingers of
one hand.
Call for 35,000 Men
( In Limited Service
For Special Posts
Washington, Nov. 4. -A drive to
secure . 35,000 volnteers from lim
ited service men, urgently needed
to fill special posts in the army was
begun today by the department of
labor's employment service at the
request of the War department. The
men are wanted for duty in this
country, and will be used to release
more active men for service over
seas. r m
Only class 1-A registrants certi
fied for limited service will be
(Continued from Pace One.)
ed. It caused no excitement.
It is generally assumed that the
German government will receive the
armistice terms through Washing
ton as its request was received in
that way. The Austrian case does
not form a precedent as the appeal
to Washington was supplemented
after the collapse of the Austrian
front by a direct application to
General Diaz, the Italian command
er. Unless the situation of the Ger
man armies forces similar action on
the western front however, it is as
sumed here that the German case
ij being handled through diplomat
ic channels. The present Berlin
civil government claims absolute
authority over the army.
The Versailles conferences evi
dently did not reach final agree
ment of the armistice terms un'il
late today. Just before 6 p. m., it
was stated at the state department
the work had not been completed.
An hour later word went out from
the department that an import: :it
statement would be forthcoming at
9 p. m.
Must Evacuate.
An attempt to apply the lessons
of the Austrian armistice to Ger
many's situation brings out several
points upon which military men
based their forecast of the German
terms. For one thing, it is re
garded as certain that .complete
evacuation of Alsace-Lorraine will
b; insisted upo nas well as the oc
cupation of the Rhine fortresses
by allied garrisons: Surrender of
the German submarines and a sub
stantial part of the high seas fleet
and the occupation of land defenses
that protect German naval bases al
so is implied.
So far as the German army is
concerned, it must go back into Ger
many probably without the whole
vast mechanism of war which it
carried into France and Belgium.
All the big guns, tanks and aircraft
under the Austrian precedent,
would be concentrated and left un
der the direct control of the allied
and American armies.
It was pointed out, however, that
since Germany is the last of the
central powers, when she surrenders
there will be no need to provide for
the employment of her military
equipment by Marshal Foch. There
will be no one left against whom
to turn the guns. The terms for
Germany, therefore, probably will
show that variation from the Aus
trian conditions.
Leaves It to Foch.
One feature of the Austrian sur
render conditions, which is thought
here to have been duplicated in the
German terms, is the entrusting to
Marshal Foch of the carrying out of
the programs of demobilization and
Attention already is being given
here to the next phase after Ger
many ceases fighting. Officials have
not lost sight of the fact that arm
istices are only stepping stones to
the permanent settlement of all the
issues of the war. Political ques
tions, boundaries, even commercial
rights and privileges all remain to
be defined.
Both in the United States and in
the allied countries, it is said, the
necessity is recognized of setting in
motion the wheels of peace-time in
dustry at the earliest possible mo
ment in order to afford employment
and support to the millions of dis
charged soldiers. This is expected
to hasten the peace conference once
the Germans surrender. It is re
called that whereas the armistice or
protocol which stopped the Spanish
American war was signed on Aug
ust 12, 188, it provided in its terms
for a meeting of the peace pleni
potentiaries in Paris before October
1, following. The purpose was to
assemble the conferees at the earli
est practical moment.
Victors Make Terms.
Probably the same purpose will
and After
The Old Reliable
Round Package
"Width dunkiftS M Wtfv7
Malted Mu"-
Malted Milk
Very Nutritious, Digestible
The REAL food Drink, instantly prepared.
Made by the ORIGINAL Horlick process and
from carefully selected materials.
Used successfully over century.
Endorsed by physicians everywhere.
Specify HorHck'S The Original
Others Are Imitations
Mary G. Keeeae
Nonpartisan Candidate
of Public
Present Incumbent appointed last
August by county commissioners to
fill vacancy caused by resignation of
her brother, Thos. J. Keenan, who
joined the colors. Has had seven
years' experience as a teacher. Prin
cipal of Bennington Public Schools
last year. Holds a state certificate
from Kearney State Normal. '
H - a- i
a . -- .
the Rubber Heel 'v,
Science Perfected
"a I
No Trunk like a Wardrobe
Trunk No Wardrobe
Trunk like a
In a class by itself. Sturdy
in construction; compact
in arrangement ; complete
in every detail.
$35 to $165
: 1803 Farnam Street .
The OrdinarvRurjoe
' Heel-Set with Nails
Often Pulls Loose and
Opens at the Joint
It takes the repair man almost
as much time and trouble to put
on old-style, rubber heels as for a
little girl to get ready for a party.
( He can put on a pair of "Usco"
rubber heels in about as little time
as it takes brother "Reddy" to get
into the. bid swimmin hole.
The old-style, 'flat rubber heel
is set on with rubber-cement and
nail?. It soon gaps around the
edges, and gets frazzled and floppy.
The "Usco" rubber heel
is anchored for keeps with
a few little nails and it takes
a spy glass to End the joint.
Furthermore, the joints
never gap.
The ucUACti
Rubber Heel
Invisible Joint
Never Pulls Loose
"Usco" Rubber Heels are the
product of scientific thought.
They are the world's best rubber
heels made by the world's largest
rubber manufacturer.
They are hollowed out on the
under side. When nailed the
spring of the rubber sets the edges
so close and snug all around you
can't pry them loose.
A firm, flat tread to walk on,
comfort in every step, econ
omy in the long run.
" Use " Hetls come in black, tan
and white at yiur rtpairman'r
fivi minutes U put them tn, Lttk
fir ihfU, S. ttal
United States Rubber Company MechsSonGood3 ,M
govern in the present instance, al
lowing only sufficient time to elapse
to carry out the conditions looking
to the demobilization of the centra!
powers' armies; assembly and con
trol of military supplies and estab
lishments of garrisons.
The entente allies and America
expect to go into the conference
only after they have reached a per
fect understanding among them
stives. They will lay down these
terms and while they may choose
to permit the latter to make argu
mcnt and "pleas in abatement," the
result in the end end must be what
the victors choose to make it.
Deprived of any power of resis
tance, it is pointed out, the Teutons
will be obliged to submit, even
though they might refuse to sign
treaties, in which case the military
occupation of their countries by the
allies might continue indefinitely.
Sam Mibibll, Victim
Of Unknown Assailant,
Is Dying in Hospital
Samuel Mibibll. white man. 1933
South Twenty-first street, was as
saulted Monday night in front of
the home of William Dorsey, negro.
2305 Pacific street, and was so badly
beaten that he is not expected to
live, according to reports from the
l ord Lister hospital, where he was
Mibibll was assaulted with what
police believe was a dull weapon,
attested by a ragged and extended
cut from the top of his head to. his
right eye, which was blinded.
According to police, there was a
pool of blood in front of Dorsey's
house and the victim's hat was
found in the yard. Dorsey was ar
rested with his niece, Rena Davis,
and held for investigation. Both
deny any knowledge of the crime.
West Point Republicans
Resent Unfair Criticism
West Point. Neb., Nov. 4. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Cuming county re
publicans resent the tactics of the
democratic press of the state which
has been trying to make it appear
that leaders here are of pro-German
sentiment. In recent articles a
number have been specified with a
gross misrepresentation of the
As a matter of fact none of those
mentioned is of German birth. E. F.
Krause was born in Canada and his
grandfather and grandmother were
born in England; C. W. Sass was
born in Cuming county as was
Henry Banman. chairman of the Red
Cross of the distiict; A. L. Krause
was born in Canada and his son
volunteered for service.
All have been brought under
cross-fire and they, one and all, re
sent the criticism as they have been
active in patriotic work.
German Financial Panic
Increased by Hoarders
London, Nov. 4. The Berlin
Vossische Zeitung, discussing the
financial panic in Germany, says it
is of a more stubborn character
and greater in extent than at the
outbreak of the war.
The newspaper says the vii
president of the Reiclis bank asst rt
ed that recent hoarding had attain
ed unexampled dimensions. llf
warned the public that a cont.nua
tion of hoarding would mean tin
complete cessation of the eeonotnit
life of Germany.
' S. Six -.;
The Thompson - Belden Store
Celebrates Its Thirty -Second Anniversary
Madeira Napkins
A Special Saving
All of our $10 and $12
hand -embroidered and
scalloped Maderia nap
kins will be reduced for
this sale; no reserva
tions. Tuesday, $6.75 a dozen.
Linen Section
Umbrellas, $2.45
Covered with silk and
linen. Short handles in
different colored woods,
with caps of bachalite.
All have arm loops. An
unusually fine umbrella
for the low price of
$2.45, for Tuesday only.
Children's $1.25
Rompers for 98c
Made of pink or blue
chambray gingham and
checked and - striped
ginghams; long sleeves,
open or closed knees;
sizes 2-6 years. 98c in
stead of $1.25.
Third floor.
5c Lace Special
A large assortment of
fine val laces, spe
cially priced for Tues
day at 5c a yard, or
55c a bolt of 12 yards.
Trefousse Gloves,
Imported, $1.29
Trefousse French kid
gloves, eight - button
length; in tan, brown,
black, white and colors;
$2 and $2.50 gloved,
Tuesday, $1.29.
Stamped Articles
For Only 25c Each.
Stamped pillow cases,
day cases, envelope
cases, sofa pillows, for
merly 50c, 65c, 75c and
$1. Tuesday, your
choice, 25c.
Nineteen-piece luncheon
sets of ecru linen. One
22-inch centerpiece and
six each of 12, 9 and 6
inch doilies. Formerly
$2.40, Tuesday, $1.50 a
Art dept., Third floor.
The Men's Shop
Sale on Shirts
Any $2 Shirt in the
whole stock, white or
colored, soft or stiff
cuffs, all new Fall pat
terns, Eagle, Arrow
and R i a 1 1 o makes,
Don't pass by such an opportunity.
A Sale of Women's Coats
The Best of New Fashions
At Decided Reductions
A Very Timely Event
Every woman wants a coat this sea
son, and considering that prices
are higher, this sale will prove inter
esting. Tuesday a limited number
of fine new coats will be offered for
$29.50 and $51.50
In these two groups you'll find coats
worth fully twice these prices.
$2.50 Bed Sheets,
The celebrated "Good
wear" bleached sheets,
size 81x99. The regular
price is $2.50, Tuesday
$2.19 each.
In the Basement
Toilet Articles
Powder de Riz, 18c.
"Hand Lotion, 15c.
Hygienic Cold Cream,
Tuesday, 25c a jar.
Buy Your Silk
Hosiery Tuesday
Pure thread silk hose,
made with lisle tops and
double soles. A splendid
quality for wear. Shown
in three shades of gray,
bronze, brown, cordovan,
black and white.
$1.25 regularly,
Tuesday, 98c a pair.
A Day For Children
In The Basement Section
You Will Appreciate These
Silk Values
They will save you money on the most de
sirable silks. All from our regular stocks.
All of the usual Thompson-Belden quality.
Special Prices for Tuesday Selling
Belding's guaranteed sat
in de chine in twenty-tive
colors. Regularly $2.75
a yard, Tuesday $2.19.
Belding's gua r a n t e e d
camisole satin in ivory
and flesh colors. $2.50
quality for $2.19.
Novelty plaids and stripes
(36 inch), values to $2.25
a yard. A real bargain
for $1.29.
Many of our best black
silks are reduced in price
for this sale. Let us show
them to you Tuesday.
$3.50 costume velvet
(36 inch), $2.95. Navy,
Cope, plum, green, Bur
gundy, black.
Three hundred and fifty dresses of gingham
and rep. Very attractive styles, though most
ly short sleeves. Really profitable to buy now
and save for next summer. Sizes from one to
twelve years. In the Anniversary Sale
Tuesday for
See if you can buy the materials alone for a
About seventy rompers will be included A
at the startling price of OtcC
You'll have to see the
good they are.
values to know how
Women's Shoes $6.95
About one hundred and fifty
pairs in black kid, patent
leather, and brown kid with
white kid tops. They are the
greatest values of the season
at the unheard of price of
$6.95 A Pair
All Sales Final.