Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1918, Image 1
RIEF RIGHT REE Z Y BITS OF NEWS 1 UKRANIANS TAKE OVER GALICIAN ADMINISTRATION. Amsterdam, Nor. 4. A Lemberg dispatch by way of Vienna reports that armed Ukrainian forces occu pied the Lemberg public offices, took possession of the railways and the telephone and telegraph serv ices and disarmed the soldiers of other nationalities. The Ukranian national council, it is added, states that it has taken over the administration in eastern Galicia. TRAITORS IN AUSTRIA TO BE GIVEN FREEDOM. London, Nov. 4. Every person imprisoned during the war for se ditious utterances against the state and the conduct of the war and for high treason and rebellion will be released, it is officially announced in Vienna, according to a Central News dispatch from Amsterdam to day. NEW YORK CELEBRATES SURRENDER CF AUSTRIA. New York, Nov. 4. Sirens set up to give warning of enemy air raids led to a chorus of victory here to day when factory and steamboat whistles and bells on churches and public buildings joined them in cele bration of the official announcement that Austria was out of the war. KAISER'S PLEA WILL NOT LESSEN REMOVAL DEMAND. Lond6n, Nov. 4. The German socialists are not satisfied with the emperor's proclamation issued Sun day, according to an Exchange Tele graph dispatch from Copenhagen. The Vorwaerts says: . The manifesto will npt in any way change the standpoint of the socialists nor weaken the demand for abdication." WAR PROJECTS GO ON DESPITE MUCH PEACE TALK. Washington, Nov. 4. The War department today authorized the construction division to proceed with war projects estimated to cost $6,630,000. They include IS bar racks and three buildings at .the coast defense station, San Diego, Cal and six warehouses at the Presido of San Francisoo, Cal. FAIR BRIDE IN EGYPT TO MARRY OFFICER IN CHI Great Lakes, 111., Nov. 4. After a courtship by wireless, a wedding ' bv proxy, with the bride thousands of miles away will unite Miss Emily Orsi of Cairo, Egypt, and, Lieut. Rudolph Winzer of Chicago at the Great Lakes naval training station tomorrow morning. The marriage license was obtained' in Waukegan two months ago and a copy mailed to the bride who obtain a similar document in Egypt and sent a copy to this country. At the ceremony the bride will be represented by Miss Grace Belle Reams of Chicago. A blue jacket orchestra will play , the wedding march. At the close a wireless will be relayed to Egypt and Mrs. "Win ter will start at once for .this coun try to meet her husband. RIOT ENSUES WHEN GERMAN LACKS "PEP" ' Chicago, Nov. 4. A scene bor dering upon ft riot broke up a re hearsal of the Chicago Grand Opera company orchestra today, inter rupted an impromptu celebration of the Austrian surrender, and resulted in the arrest of William F. Lange, a naturalized German, who had been plf.ying , the fourth French horn. Italian and French members of the orchestra attacked Lange when, it is charged, he did "not put enough en thusiasm into the playing of the na tional anthems of .the allies. He was turned over to the federal au thorities for Investigation. NO SECRET PACTS MADE IN RACE. SAYSMMCELVIE If Elected Governor He Will Smash Demo Machine is Promise of G. 0. P. Candidate. THE INDUSTRIOUS EAST AND PRODUCTIVE WEST SHAKE HANDS THROUGH OMAHA. The Omaha Daily Be VOL. 48 NO. 120. Eaten u mnh-Im natter May 2d. 1906 at Oaaht P. 0. aadar art at Mirth J, U7t OMAHA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1918. By Hall (I Mr). Dally,' MM: Siy. S2.M; Dally anl Sua.. IS.M; aatelaa Nab. poatag aitra TWO CENTS. THE WEATHER. For Ntbrask: Showers Tu- dy with cooler in wt portion Wednesday unsettled and colder, probably rain in east. Hourly TemiMTattirra. St, in., la. m . . 1 a. na., 8 a. m. . 8 a. m... 10 a. m... 11 a. m... 13 m .43 .47 .4 .M it .M .KS .01 1 p. m J p. m S p. nt 4 p. m. . . ... 5 p. m 6 p. m 7 p. m S p. m S M .7 .M .7 .5 . .S3 nn bv i i MOST POWERFUL OF KAISER'S ALLIES OUT OF WORLD WAR Announce Terms of Armistice; Allies to Accomplish Complete Occupa tion of Important Territory. By Associated Press. Washington, Nov. 4. Austria-Hungary, the last and most powerful ally of Germany, passed' out of the world war today under terms of abject surrender. Not only have the armed forces of the once powerful Austro-Hungarian empire laid down their arms to await the end of the war and peace terms dictated by the allies and the United States, but Austro-Hungarian territoty is open for operations against Germany. Even the t munitions of the former ally are to be used against the kaiser's armies if refusal to accept conditions now being prepared for them make prolonged fighting necessary. ARE DRASTIC CONDITIONS. The terms which stopped the victorious advance on the Italian front were accepted by the Austrian commander-in- chief in the field in the name of the Vienna government ana their execution is guaranteed by the thorough beating al ready administered, which had converted the defeated army into a disorganized, fleeing horde. Even the terms imposed previously upon Bulgaria and Turkev hardly were so drastic. In addition to all of the mili tary precautions, the Austrians are compelled to retire from a wide strip of territory witnin tne ooraers oi tneir empire when the war began, surrendering all of Italia Irredentia and thereby losing any'advantage for argument over bound aries around a peace table. A map suryey of the geographical lines fixed for Aus trian evacuation shows the area is greater than that set by the Italians as goal of their ambition when they entered the war. AX mat ume iiaiian leauers careiuuy uuumeu uu mui- cated on their war mans territory along their borders which they deemed it necessary they acquire, for racial and senti mental reasons and also to insure security of their frontiers. - : :. Declaring he has made no secret pre-election promises and pledging himself to smash the arbitrary power of the Hitchcock-Mullen-Gooch machine if elected governor, S. R. McKelvie, republican candi date, has issued the following state ment: . "To the voters of Nebraska: In concluding my campaign for the governorship, I am pleased to say that I have made no promises or fledges to any individual or to any organization, either directly or in directly that I have not published. "My campaign has been made in the interests of representative gov ernment and against machine con trol and I promise now, as I have promised throughout my campaign, that if I am elected I shall put the pernicious Hitchcock-Mullen-Geoch machine out of control of politics in this state. "My active campaign against the machine has called forth from it an avalanche of abuse, vilification, mis representation and lies, but that has not disturbed me in the least, neither has it swerved me from the course that I considered right "Whatever may be the result at the polls, I have the satisfaction of knowing that 1 have gone through the campaign without having made a single secret pre-election promise and it I am elected I shall be tree to serve the people without let or hindrance from any machine, boss or faction. "S. R. M'KELVIE." Italians Have Landed Men at Zara, Dalmatia London. Nov. 4. The Italians have landed at Zara, Dalmatia,. ac cording to a dispatch to the Central -News from Rome. , - , - , . Italians Rejoice. In decreeing Austria's surrender terms, the supreme war council at; Versailles has followed this outline closely, but have enlarged on it. Right ot occupation of these vacated provinces is stipulated; but it is to be noted that for the time being civil government is to be adminis tered by existing local civil authori ties in co-operation with occupying garrisons. This means the whoile question of final disposition ot the territory involved is left to be set tled at the peace table. - Italian military officers here thrilled with pride tonight over evi dence of final victory contained in the armistice program. "It is a triumph," said General Guglielmotti, military attache at the Italian embassy, "which hardly 10 days ago seemed far distant, but in which Italy and her soldiers have always had an unshakable faith, even in the saddest moments of last year, when they were compelled to give way before the crushing su periority of the German, Austrian, Bulgarian and Turkish forces. How Accomplished. "From a purely military point of view three causes have, in my opin ion, especially contributed to the tri umph of today, the choice of the right moment, the efficient direction of the httacks, and rapidity of execution. "The happy successes of the allies on the French front, the withdrawal of Bulgaria and Turkey from the war, left Austria, although with forces greatly superior, alone against us. The bad weather and the snow had already begun to make the movements and the pro visioning of the armies in the moun tain zone rather difficult. The same effect was produced in the nlains near the sea by the violent rains, which caused the streams to rise and overflow the lowlands. buch conditions narrowed the Italian front of attack and, if in a general way they favored the de fense, in the concrete case they made the attack easier because such difficulties made it impossible for the enemy to counter attack suc cessfully on our flanks and gave us an opportunity to concentrate greater forces in a narrower space. "From the very first moment the intention had been evident of divid ing the Austrian army in such a way as to separate the mountain section from that of the plains and possibly cut the retreat" of the Aus trian troops. Hence the rapid and vigorous push towards Vittorb Veneto, Ponte Nelle Alpi, Longa rone, which promptly . attained t' e first aim. Hence the rapid advance in Val Sugana, Grigno and Castel Nuovo. , t "On the 24th of October the inil tial bombardment was begun. To day,' November 4, the Italian flag nies over tne castle of Trento and on the tower of St. Guisto at Trieste, and at 3 o'clock this after noon an armistice became effective. the clauses of which mean the un conditional surrender of the enemy." I Full text of armistice terms will' be found on page 12. GERMANY MAKES PROTEST ON AIR BOMB ATTACKS Notifies America That Teuton Flyers Now Assail Only Military Objects; Wants Reciprocity. By Associated Press. Washington. Nov. 4. The 'Ger man government today notified the United States that since October 1 its air forces have been under orders to make bomb attacks solely against important hostile military objects within the immediate operations of war on the assumption that allied and American air forces were to re ceive similar instructions. The note, delivered' through the. Swiss legation, protests that air raids have been carried out recently against seven German towns with loss of life among the civilian popu lation 'and that unless such raids cease, Germany cannot refrain from aerial attacks on allied territory out side of the zone of operations. This was the first notice received by the American government that such orders had been issued to the German air forces, which have con stantly raided defenseless cities and towns in France, Great Britainand Italy since the war began. The State department -made public the German note without comment. The note added: Are Disappointed? "In assuming this the German people find themselves disappointed. A short time ago the enemy made bomb attacks on the German towns of Wetvlar, Kaiserslautern, Mann heim, Ludwigshafen, Freiburg, For bach and VVeisbaden, claiming nu merous victims among the civilian population. Nor has occupied ter ritory been spared. It is evident that Germany can refrain from aerial attacks on enemy territory behind the area of operations only if, on their side, the enemy, from now on, will reciprocate and also re frain from making aerial attacks outside the area of operations. "In the expectation that the in tention, shared by the other side, to further humanity and preserve im portant objects of culture, will meet with the understanding of the op ponents the German government proposes to the governments of the ether belligerent countries that cor responding instructions be issued without delay to their aerial forces, informing it of the measures taken." Planes Attack Huns' ,s Hangars East of Metz ' London, Nov. 4. Railways and airplane hangars in "the region east of Metz were attacked today by the British independent air .force, says an official statement issued this aft- crnoon. . v Wilson Sends Cable To Italy Rejoicing Over Great Victory Washington, Nov. 4. President Wilson today sent the following message to the king of Italy: "May I not say how deeply and sincerely the people of the United States rejoince that the soil of Italy is delivered from her en emies. In their name I send to your majesty and the great Ital ian people the most enthusiastic congratulations. "WOODROW WILSON." VICTORIOUS ITALY TAKES 300,000 MEN IN BIG PUSH Thousands of Guns Also Cap tured in Twelve Days Before Armistice in Effect. By Associated Press. Washington, Nov. 4. Three hun dred thousand Austrian soldiers and not less than 5.000 guns had been captured by the victorious Italian armies before the armistice went in to effect at 3 o'clock this afternoon, said an official dispatch tonight from Rome. This included all cap tures since the offensive began Oc tober 24. The soldiers of the oncespowerful Austrian . army, the dispatch said, continued to flee in disorder. Since the offensive started 63 Austro Hungarian divisions were put out of combat by 51 Italian divisions, three British and two French divi sions with Czecho-Slovak units, and an American regiment . ' 1 -"The -war against Austria-Hun gary, which was,- conducted under the high command of his majesty, the king of Italy, with an army in ferior in number and with still in feror means since the 24th day of May, 1915, has come to an end," sad the dispatch. "With unshak able faith and indomitable valor the Italian army waged a continuous and hard war for a period of 41 months and won the stupendous battle begun the 24th of October and in which were engaged in their entirety all the resources of the enemy. Continue Flight. "So far the enenty has left in our hands 300,000 prisoners and not less than 5,000 guns. The soldiers of what used to be one of the most powerful armies in the world, are now fleeing in disorder and with out hope from the valleys which they had invaded with truculent confidence." President Wilson Will Not Cast His Vote This Election Washington, Nov. 4. President Wilson tonight cancelled his plans for going to his home in Princeton, N. J., tomorrow to cast his vote in the congressional election. The decision of the president was made known by Secretary Tumulty. CONDITIONS FOR ARMISTICE WITH TEUTONS MADE BY ALLIED NATIONS Si YANKS IN HOT BATTLE; HA1G CAPTURES 10,000 Americans Hold Last Enemy Stronghold West of Meuse; British Battering 30 . Mile Front. BULLETIN. London, Nov. 4. Breaking deep, ly into the enemy positions along the 30-mile front today, the British captured more than 10,000 prisoners and 200 guns, Field Marshal Haig reports tonight . The line of the Sambre canal was stormed and the British made an advance of more than three miles beyond it to the east. By Associated Press. With the American Army on the Sedan Front, Nov. 4. In the face of stubborn opposition the Ameri cans took and held firmly the wood ed heights south of Beaumont, the last German stronghold west of the Meuse. The advance carried the lines forward for an average gain of five kilometers. The forces on the heights are now only about seven and one-h:.!f miles from Carignan on the Mesie-res-Metz railroad and about nine miles from Sedan, bringing both places within range of the allied shell fire. The "day's work may be said to have been complete. It was the prin cipal phase of the. American opera tion since the neck of the German Lteral communications between the armies to the north and west was narrowed to the strangling point. Strike Line's Apex. - The attacking forces to the right and left advanced with less speed than at Ihe center, where an Am erican division xrashed through des pitfi the most stubborn opposition offered by the Germans since the beginning of the offensive. The apex of the line; was driven to the heights, which are vital, affording dominating positions for the artil lery. ; f Patrols went into and beyond tne town itself, but its possession is unnecessary as long as the hills are held by the Americans. The Ger mans cannot fight over the terrain north-northeast because of the lack of communicating lines there. They must fall back as soon as the Am erican artillery breaks up the re maining railroads, even if the main lines from Sedan to Metz are not smashed first. The , military authorities were overjoyed with the results of 'the day's fighting, declaring that it may even spell the end of the present operation and that any others to the north, westward or directly eastward would constitute entirely new operations. On Verdun Front. With the American Army North west of Verdun, Nov. 4. The Amer ican troops late thia afternoon ad vanced their lines both east and west, occupying Laneuville, direct ly opposite Stenay, and taking Les Grandes Armoises, on the left. - REPUBLICAN SPEAKERS SCORE DEMO DOCTRINES Lobeck's Record in Congress Riddled While Big Street Crowd Applauds Talk toEcio. i Chastened and dejected, the dem ocrats withdrew their battleline to a more decorous distance at Fif teenth and Farnam streets last night. Facing a forlorn hope, they did the best they could to present a bold front on the eve of impending defeat. The republicans occupied the northwest corner where they spoke on a Saturday night. t Enthusiastic newsies, selling a democratic paper, appeared to enjoy making their presence known at the rtpublican meeting. One fight oc curred during the evening, but it was only two canines in the safety zone between the meetings. Some Lobeck History. Thomas Lynch offered some live ly remarks during the opening of the republican meeting. He ad dressed himself to Congressman Lo beck in this manner: "Why didn't Omaha get va cantonment camp? Lobeck belongs to the majority party, but he was a little fellow in a big job. That's the reason. If Lobeck has no influence in a demo cratic congress what influence would he have in a republican -congress which we are going to have next March? "Let us consider Lobeck as a fi nancier. He receives $7,500 a year (Continued on Fare Two, Column Oml) Former Mayor Dahlman Again Lifts His Voice to Boost Bourbon Policies in Political Speech. The democratic stock company list night put on a show with a full cast at Fifteenth and Farnam streets. In the personnel of the speaking characters were Arthur Mullen, as king; James C. Dahlman, as the man with a new $5,000 dem ocratic job; Jim Hanley, Congress man Lobeck's versatile secretary, who can make a speech and show motion pictures at the same time; Keith Neville, as Nebraska's "war governor," who wants to govern some more; I. J. Dunn, who deliv ered W. J. Bryan's third ' presi dential nomination speech, and there were others. 'Who injected the question of loy alty into the campaign?" asked Mr. Dunn. "The president told me personally he was concerned about the elec tion," vouchsafed Mr. Mullen. "I am one of the laymen," con fessed Mr. Dahlman.. "We are a race of white men and. white men follow their leader, Mr. Mullen continued, the inference be ing that men are white if they vote according to the pleadings of the president. "Wilson needs the backing of the nation when he sits at the peace table. Give him a free hand in ne gotiating peace. The president has tCoatlmaea1 oa Fa-a Itoa, Column Two.) ,.- . ... y REPUBLICANS ON EVE OF ELECTION ARE JUBILANT National Chairman Hays De clares Party Will Carry Senate and House; East ern Contests Bitter. New York, Nov. 4. (Special Telegram.) Chairman Will H. Hays,' of the republican national committee, tonight issued the fol lowing statement: "Last minute reports, received to night; from every contested state, confirm our advices of yesterday that the republicans will carry both the senate and the house. "To equal the democratic vote in the senate the republicans need to gain four votes. We will gain at least seven. "To equal the democratic vote in the house the republicans need to gain only five votes. We will gain at least 26." This statement was made after Mr. Hays had gone over all the re ports with Frank H. Hitchcock, Charles D. Hilles and William R. Wilcox, former national chairman, and many other republican leaders at the republican headquarters. The republicans were all jubilant. By Associated Press. New York, Nov. 4. Final speeches and statements by candi dates and party managers brought the campaign to a close in the east ern states tonight. Both democratic ar.d republican leaders professed confidence that their candidates would win at the polls tomorrow. The campaign, which began in apathy, developed in its closing days in most states into one of the most bitterly contested jn years. The chief issue has been the election o.' United States senators and re presentatives. Theappeal of Pres ident Wilson for the 'return of a democratic congress has bee- the storm center of attack and counter attack. Expect Close Race. Democrats and republicans were claiming tonight they would gain seats in congress, but indications were the result would be close ex cept in districts where one party normally has overwhelming major ity. In New York party leaders are "up in the air" because women will vote the first time and there is no way of knowing how they will di vide politically. The republican state chairman predicted Governor Whitman would be re-elected by at least 200,000, but democrats were equally insistent that Alfred E. Smith, president of the New York City boarc of aldermen, would be the victor, but they did not claim so large a margin. Contests for seats in the sena e have occupied the voters in Massa chusetts, Rhode Island, New Hamp shire, Delaware, New Jersey and West Virginia. While two "senators will be elected, by New Hampshire, the democrats in that state have centered their energies upon the election of John B. Jameson fo the two years unexpired term of the late Senator Gallinger. In New Jersey which also will elect a "long" and a "short" term senator, women suf fragists, although they cannot vote, have joined forces with the demo crats to defeat David Baird, who seeks thi "short" terms. Prohibition Up. Massachusetts democrats profess to be hopeful of electing former Governor David I. Walsh, as. suc cessor to Senator Weeks up for another term. The contest in West Virgina between C. W. Wat son, a former United States senator, and Major Davis Elkins, jr., son of a former senator, is expected to be close. Prohibition is the chief issue of the state campaigns in Pennsylvania and Vermont. In the former state William C. Sproul, republican can didate for governor, is running on a dry platform, while Eugene C. Bon niwell, the democratic nominee, has been repudiated by some of the party leaders on the ground that he represents the liquor interests. The democratic candidate for governor in Vermont has been endorsed by the prohibitionists while the repub licans are standing by local option. Comparatively little interest has been shown in the campaign in Con necticut and Maryland. In these states both parties have bent their energies upon the congressional contests. Means Complete Surrender; If Ac- ceptea win una uoninct; sud- u stantially Wilson Terms. . By Associated Press. Washington. Nov. 4. Terms on which Germany ma obtain immediate armistice and end the war were completed .. ana signea today in ram. secretary Lansing announced , the fact ton! phi in a brief t a foment. mAAintr amIv kf a - - w .w vviu" 1 i v . . ; piete diplomatic harmony had been achieved by allied and American conferees at Versalles. It may be stated authoritatively that the terms, not yet given out for publication, follow closely those under which Austria-Hungary surrendered today and passed out of the v war, leaving Germany to stand alone against the world. SOON GOES TO GERMANY. " Presumption in official circles here toniirht waa that thfl' stipulations would be in the hands of the German govern ment m less man nours. it they are accepted, a reply settling the issue of peace or further fiffhtincr. mav also be received Within that time. The uncrtaintv causer! President. ; l A.. .... 1 I. '. 1 J 1 -v T T . . a ' "iauu w cancel ins proposed inp xo isew jersey to vote. the congressional elections. Although the complete text of the historic Versailles document probabTv is onlv now on the rahles fnr WhaMim?. ton, its substance was reported on fully and approved by the president before the final draft was prepared. secretary Lansing announced the agreement tonight. The conditions follow the outline given by President Wilson of what would be required to preserve the supremacy of American and allied arms and render Germany powerless to renew hostilities. ' CltDMIT TTDIfC A T Afr ' Secretary Lansing made this statement: "According to an official .report received this evening the terms of the armistice to he nfTereH tr c. , . ' - UW T 9 just been agreed to unanimously and signed by the repre- ocutjuives, vi me auies ana tne united states in Tans. The report further states that .diplomatic wiity has-been com- : pletely achieved under the conditions of utmost harmony." , It is understood the terms are to be submitted to Ger many, immediatelv and that their rmhliVa firm in -fitll wfll - v wiviiVMWIUil 1& XUli VT 11 follow shortly. - The statement has been authorized that fliA Hvnnfii mam J1;4.Z . J 1- i a i i . uxaouv CUHU1WUI13 uuuer wmcn Austria dropped out ot the war today furnish an accurate indication of their nature. A PC AT TITT7 CTTT5Tr1iTTlT7T Subjected to analysis by military officers here, allied and Americin terms of the Austrian armistice which are Said to be no more drastic than those for Germany are inter preted to mean absolute surrender ii wining is icit xo mc gooa i aim oi the Vflnmiicti1 anA nr. ..BtnAMa . or limitations are imposed on the ' victors. These officers believe Ger- . manv. left alone, soon mno thrnw - herself without reserve on mercy T or tne victors. Final adillstmnta orn'f-nrlol m otherwise, are all deferred to the; peace conference for which cessa- . w uviiuuviia jvvb uic way The German appeal for an armistice 'i was submitted on the basis of ac" ceptance of the peace terms already ' outlined by President Wilson and ' when the discussion starts the allies . and the United Statu will be in a position to dictate its results. In ; fact, the real peace conference, has 1 been sitting at Versailles. The judgment of army officers as to the situation on the western front m a military sense is tnat uermany must accept the armistice conditions or lace a debacle of her armies. Signs of disintegration of the Ger man forces farincr fVi. Pr.nin A erican lines have been evident for two days. The German official statement yesterday admitted an American break through. If the ; breach is widened the German armies will be cut in half as effect- ively as were the Austrian armies 1 in Italy. They then may be crush- BELIEVED WAR OVER. So strong is the impression here that Germany will accept that when word came that a statement was to be issued bv the state ilrnirni.n tonight, a Washington newspaper put out an extra saying the' war tira vf anJ a ammam.. ... J (Continued nn pBf Two Column Three.)" HOT CAMPAIGNS OF MIDDLE WEST COME TO CLOSE Voters Bombarded With Final Arguments as Windup to Short"Drive;" Sena : torial Races Keen. Chicago, Nov. 4. Voters of the middie western states were bom barded with final arguments tonight as a climax to the short but inten sive campaigns which have been waged by candidates for state and federal offices, which will be de cided at the polls tomorrow. In the senatorial contests inter est generally centered in the Ford Newberry contest in Michigan; the McCormick-Lewis race in Illinois; the attempt of Governor Capper to supplant Senator Thompson in the Kansas seat; the race between for mer Governor Folk and Judge S. P. Spencer in Missouri, and the Ken-yon.-Keyes struggle in Iowa. Sen ?tors Robinson of Arkansas and Nelson of Minnesota are without major party opposition for re-election and the re-election of Senator Shcppard of Texas was .practically onceded. In addition, to these there have been contests in Ken tucky, where Governor Stanley is opposed by B. L. Bruner; in Ne braska, between Senator Norris and ex-Governor Morehead; in Okla homa between Senator Owen and VV. B. Johnson, and in South Da kota between Senator Sterling and O. V. Rineheart. In the gubernatorial field there have been many sharp contests complicated by local issues in many cases. The defection of some re publican support from Frank B. Willis, that party's candidate for the executive position in Ohio, ajjainst Governor Cox has aroused interest in that contest. Close con tests are also predicted in Ne braska, Iowa, Minnesota and Kansas. Teleeram.') Showinsr renult nf severe fighting, 196 wounded men, many of them members of the 168th Iowa regiment, reached Fort Des Moines hospital today. Not a few of the men returned with arms and legs gone. Others are suffering from gas and shell shock. The Iowans in party were most of them wounded in fighting around Chateau-Thierry. ' Omsk Government Has $400,000,000; Saved :i From the Bolshevik. Iowans Return Home, Manu of Them Wounded - . i - j . uov.iv, UUCIIVI VI WIC IU5 Before Chateau Thierm V an intormaton bureau, announced r m a , . here ton'ght on authority of the p.wT- 4-SpeciaJ Russian embassy at Washington. ! New York, Nov. 4. Russian gov' ernment gold, valued at 800,000,000 rubles, taken from Petrograd by the bolsheviki, has been saved at Kazan by the Omsk government, generally recognized as a founda tion for the reorganization of Rns. si?. A. I. Sack, director of the Rn. ' The Bold, renresentinir tvvn.thii.Ja of the reserve in the Russian treas ury when the bolsheviki gained con trol of the capital late in 1917, was ttansported by them to Kazan and thence to Samaira. Agents of the Omsk government, obtaining pos session of it, took the metal to Omsk. . , $45fwoS.isworth w