Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1918, Image 1

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Washington, Nov. 3. Protests to
the civilized world against atrocities
alleged to have been committeed by
the Bulgarians on inhabitants of
eastern Macedonia, as revealed by
the allies' reoccupation of that ter
ritory, were made in appeals for a
redress of 'the wrongs by the Athen
ian press and the University of
' Athens, made public here tonight.
s Ruin and desolation marked the
retreat of the Bulgarians, flourish
ing town having been decimated
and their inhabitants deported, the
women and girls being subjected to
gross indignities. ' s
New York, Nov. 3. Announce
ment was made here tonight that
Red Cross chapters are preparing
to give a nation-wide production
' during the week of December 16 of
"The Roll Call," a masque byfPercy
McKaye depicting the emancipation
of humanity from degrading forces
by the far-reaching ideals of the
Rtd Cross. The production will be
a feature of the Red Cross "Christ
mas roll ca.ll."
- Washington, Nov. 3. For encour
aging American composers and ar
tists, -plans for establishing a na
tional or "community" opera to
rival such organizations as the
Metropolitan and the Chicago Op
era companies are being made by
the War Camp Community service,
acting under the direction of the
army and navycommission on trainy
ing camp activities. Under the gen
sral direction of M. Edourd Albucm,
the first opera is. now being re
Paris. Nov. 3. The Serbian army
has reoccimied Belgrade, the Ser
bian capital, the War office an
nounces in its statement on opera
tions in the eastern, theater.-
"After .the capture of Belgrade,
the Germans and Austrians, beaten,
retired to the north bank of the
Danube. The Second Serbian army
has reached the Bosnian-front, Ser
bia, almost in its entirety, having
been freed from the enemy." , ,
St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 3. A com
mittee of representative citizens in
charge of methods of combatting the
influenza situation in St. Paul voted
today to declare a drastic quaran
tine, commencing tomorrow, be-
cause of the increase of the dis
ease. Theaters, churches, soda
fountains, saloons and other pub.
lie gathering places are affected. De
partment stores also may be
The Oum
VOL. 48. NO 119.
Enteral u went-tliM mttar May Tt, IMS it
Oaiha P. 0. "t ut t Mirth 3, Il7t
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Germans Preparing to Meet Attack through
Austria While Continuing Retreat on
Western Front; Yanks in Pursuit
By Associated Press.
Copenhagen, Nov. 3.-Austro-Hungarian froops are being withdrawn from
the western front and the Germans, fearing the allies will march through Aus
tria, are digging trenches and erecting fortifications aIong,the Bavarian fron
tier, according to a Vienna dispatch to the Politiken.
x Washington, Nov. 3.-General Pershing's communique today says the First
American army Continued its attack west of the Meuse and that the operation is
progressing satisfactorily. Saturday night's report tells of the First army's sue-
:esstul advance, overcoming all resistance, and or a W-mile advance in two days
by the Americans fighting under the king of the Belgians south of the River Lys.
G, 0. P. PRESENT ,
With the American Forces Northwest of Verdun, Nov.
3. (By Associated Press.) Gen. Pershing's forces con-
mued to make satisfactory progress during the night and
his morning, but they met with isolated opposition here
and there, indicating that the German retreat had slightly
slowed up. - v
"Hour of Reckoning Has
Come" Cry ; Assassins as
They Raise Rifles to
Shoot Former Premier.
Amsterdam, Nov. 3. The Berlin
Vos'sische Zeitung contains a dra-i
matic description of the assasina
tion of Count Stephen Tisza, former
premier of HungaryVlast week.
At6 o'clock in the evening
three soldiers invaded Count Tisza's
residence and presented themselves
in the drawing room. Count Tisza,
with Jus wife and the countess Al
massy, advanced to meet the in
irutiers. askinsr what thev wanted.
"What have you in your hand?"
t soldier. demanded of lisza.
Tisza replied that he held a re
solver. The soldier told him to put
It awav. but Tisza replied:
,"I shall not, because you have not
aid aside vonr rifles.
.The soldiers then requested" the
women to leave the room, but-tnev
, declined to da so. A soldier tftn ad
dressed Tisza as follows: -
"You are responsible for the de
struction of millions of people, be
cause you caused the war.
Then raising their rifles, the sol
diers shouted:
"The heur of reckoning has
rnme." '
The soldiers fired three shots and
Tisza fell. His last words were, I
am dying. It had to be.
The soldiers quitted the house, ac
companied by gendarmes who pre
viously had been employed to guanj
the door.'"
IVo Kearney Men Are
, Killed When Auto Is
; Struck by U. P. Train
Kearney, Neb.. Nov. 3. (Special
Telegram) W. H. Keefer, manage!
of the Stickel Lumber company for
- U - in ...... .r.J T T? C.o n
. llic v jf tai a, . aim j . . wnoii,
a local merchant, were killed tonight
when their car was struck by Union
Pacific train No. 2. They had large
Dotato holdings west of the city
and wereTeturning from an inspec
tion of the 'crop. They failed to
hear the trail! and were crossing
the track ahead of it.
. : . .-
, Gompers Urges the Nation
"To Follow the President"
-"" New York, ' Nov. ( 3. Samuel
Gompers, president of the Ameri
N can Federation of Labor ,and chair
man f the American Labor mis;
" sion,, who arrived af an Atlantic
port yesterday, after a two month
tour of England, France and Italy
tonight issued a statement urging
' the nation to "follow the president
and the president's advice, at least
until after the triumphant conclu
aion of the war." . .
v: J : " ' v-
By Associated Press.'
Geneva, Nov. 3. Dozens of
trunks bearing the royal Hohen
zollern monograms have been ar
riving in the past week at the lux
urious chateau named "Buonas,"
on the lake of Zug. The chateau,
which is flying the- German' flag,
is the property of Baron von
Kleist, a German.
Virtually every American division had not only reached
its objectives this morning but was far ahead of them.
risoners. guns and material are reported to be increasing
in number and. quantttyr,.".,-.-'wi;; ix-. 1 " " . ;
The enemy opposition took "the form of intermittent
artillery fire and at a few points with the use of gas and in
fantry. This resistance, however, generally Vanished when
the Americans exerted themselves. ; v
The general character of the enemy's defense was al
most exclusively that of rear guard actions, instead of the
usual bitter direct opposition, and generally it was over
come without difficulty.
American aviators late today reported that the Ger
mans to the east of the Meuse appeared to be in full retreat.
The aviators' messages said that all roads running north
ward were packed with troops, artillery and trucks.
American aviators went as far as Kemoiville. Thev
reported that the roads southwest of Kemoiville are choked
with, trafhe. .
(TSX.:.!. T"k! ! J
There is a possibility that , the
German retirement west of ' the
Meuse may carry the enemv back
so far that the whole German line
east of Rethel will be endangered.
The Americans advanced today to
an average depth of about two and
a-half miles over a 14-mile front.
Only disorganized resistance was
offered by the Germans' today to
the French and American troops
from points east of the river Meuse
to that part of the line extending
to Rethel.
The Americans carried, the aoex
of their advance to the little lake in
fcelval woods to the north of Bar-ricourt.
, Stenay Under Fire.
Stenay, an important railway cen
ter- less than four miles from the
American front, has already been
so harassed that it has been ren
dered 'almost useless -to the enemy.
Ihe uermans continue to retreat
all along the front.
The retreating German troops
and convoys and enemy ammunition
dumps and various villages within
the Teuton lines ,were attacked to
day by .American bombing airplanes..
ureal damage is reportea to nave
been done to property and, con
sternation caused among the retrea
ing troops..
Ihe American bombing machines
made two. attacks, the first in .the
morning and the other in the after
noon, reaching as far as Stenay and
Beaumont. Fires are reported m
both places. ,
Eight squadrons participated in
the raids today. Bombers' attacked
Beaumont where they destroyed a
warehouse and exploded an ammuni
tion dump. In Stenay another am
munition dump, was destroyed. -Harass
Troops in Flight.
In the region' of Vauand Som
(Contntwd on Pate Two, Column Six.)
Republicans Can Cast Vote for
Party Ticket Tuesday With
Absolute Feeling of
Patriotism. .
American Soldiers to be
- Santa Clauses to Poilus
New York, Nov. 3. American
soldiers in . France will become
"Snta Clauses" to friendless and
lonely poilus. who are spending
their fifth Christmsyin the trenches,
if a plan announced here today by
Miss Byrd W. Hamblen, secretary
of Le Paquet Du Soldat, an organ
ization devoted, to the welfare of the
French soldiers, is carried out.
Relatives "of American soldiers
are invited to send a dollar bill, a
card of greeting, and the name oi
American soldier in whose behalf
the present is to be given,, to Miss
Hamblen, in care. of J. P. Morgan &
Co., New York, who in turn will
cable the money to Paris and a
holiday package will be shipped to
he poilu who, in each case, is ex
pected to acknowledge receipt.
Tuesday will be the day when all
good men will come to the aid of
their party, and it will be a day
when all good republicans will go
to the polls with a feeling that they
can be as patriotic as anybody else
and at the same time vote for their
ticket, which, on this occasion, is
made up of 100 per cent Americans
and the best ticket ever presented
to the voters.
At the top of the first column of
the main ballot will appear the us
ual party circles. An (X) within
any of these circles carries with it
affirmative votes for the proposed
constitutional amendment, relating
to the right of suffrage as to per
sons ot ioreign Birth, and also the
proposed constitutional convention.
The main ballot comprises divi
sions indicated as: National ticket,
state ticket, congressional ticket.
legislative ticket, county ticket and
precinct ticket.
The next ballot in size is' the non
partisan ballot which carries the fol
lowing offices: Supreme judges,
state superintendent, regents of the
st;.te university, county judge, "mu
nicipal judges for the city of Oma
ha, and county superintendent.
A smaller ballot will contain the
names of eight candidates for seven
places on the Board of Education
and the smallest ballot of the set
will show two candidates for the
(Continued on Page Two, Column Four.)
Kaiser Victim of Pessimism,
German Armies Unbeaten,
Asserts Captured 'Officer
An Atlantic Port, Nov. 3. A
large French trans-Atlantic steam
ship which arrived here during
the night came into port with all
lights ablaze, the first time in,
months that this has taken place.'
Passengers laid a wireless mes
sage had bten picked up at sea
which caused the commander to
order the paint scraped from the
ports, and that the promenade
. r'ecks were illuminated that night
for the. first time during the voy-
By Associated Press.
French' Headquarters in FrancV,
Nov. 3. Germany's armies are un-'
beaten, according to a German di
visional staff officers, recently taken
prisoner on the French front, and
Germany's1 request for an armistice
was the result ot the influence
which pessimists have, gained in
th?- government and jver the em
peror. The officer, an intelligent
representative of his class, .saidr 'v
"The Germans' request for an
armistice is proof to me that the
grand headquarters has been sub
merged by the crisis in the interior'
6f Germany; The influence of the
general staff over the emperor has
been exaggerated.
"The emperor is surrounded by
people whp feel and talk defeat
of the species of Scheidemann (the
German socialist leader. They are
continually setting before the em
peror the unfavorable situation of
Germany from their point of view
and painting in somber colors the
frightful responsibility he has . in
curred, as well as the possible con
sequence to his person in case of de
feat, which appears to them to be
imminent. ' ,
"There are days when no bfficer
ot tne general start can gain ac-
cess to the emperor. There are days
of acute pessimism, passed by the
monarch almost entirely in prayer
and reading.'
The German people want peace at
once and at all costs. They have
had enough of war.
"Another cause of anxiety is the
separatist movemeht which has
become very serious lately. The
talk through all, south Germany now
is: "Let us separate from Prussia."
"Bavaria is the worst. There
every one, even the soldiers, may
insult Prussia without provoking
a word of defense in our behalf. The
Bavarian press employs the same"
tone and we are beginning to hink
that this is desired by the Bavarian
army which . will make no further
efforts Their attitude is an enigma."
The divisional staff officer re
vealed it was the opinion of the mil
itary caste in Germany that but for
untoward events Germany, after a
successful termination of the presi
enc war, would have put her indus
tries in shape to furnish war ma
terial to both sides in a hypothet
ical war etween the United States
and Japan, and then, ' After both
sides had become exhausted, would
have joined hands with one country,
probably Japan, to crush the other."
Forces Landed at Austria's
Principal Seaport; 100,000
Men and Over 2,200
1 Guns Captured.
Rome, Nov. 3. Italian
land and sea forces landed
today at Triest, the. prin
cipal seaport of Austria-Hungary
on the Adriatic, accord
ing to an official announce
ment made this evening by
the Italian war office.
Italian and allied forces in their
drive in northern Italy have cap
tured 100,000 Austro-Hungarians and
more than 2,200 guns.
Italian cavalry patrols have
Crossed the. Tagliamento river, at
Spilimbergo; which city has ,been
occupied, according to the' official
statement issued at the war office
Trent Falls to Italians.
The Italians have captured Trent,
cne of Austria's chief fortified
towns in the Tyrol, according to the
war office announcement tonight.
The statement also announce
that Italian forces have landed at
Priest and the Italian tri-color is
flying from the castle and from the
tower of Sangiusto. v
Italian vcavalry have entered
Entire Regiments Surrender.
With tha Italian Forces in North
ern Italy, Nov. 3. The Italian first
army in its first advance on Trent
captured enormous quantities of
material and innumerible prisoners.
Entire regiments are surrendering.
The allied forces are ever press
ing on towards the frontier in the
mouri tains. -
The Austrians are leaving their
wounded by the roadside or in
houses. Two thousand Austrian
wounded were deserted in Feltre
without attendance or medicine.
Udine has been evacuated.
Country Stripped by Invaders.
The civil population everywhere
complain thai (hey were stripped of
everything of value by the enemyn
the invaded provinces.
Thousands of cannon are being
captured by the Italians in addition
to great quantities of war materials.
At Vittorio a big petroleum ideposit
was found, the Austrians not taking
the trouble to burn it" Great quan
titics of telegraph wire also was left
At Belluno, a large depot of food
and material was found by the Ital2
ians. The allies frequently captured
long trains of artillery, one train be
ine taken at Razi, it having been
abandoned by the retreating Aus
trians in their haste.
It was on October 29 that the
enemy received a mortal blowby a
main attack across the nevr nave.
This permitted the Eiehth army to
ir.ove to viuono ana cave mc
Fourth army a chance tooperate
lhen piece by piece, corps -y
corps and division by division, the
A-iftrian armies have fallen. When
the Italian Fourth army reacheid
A'onte Cismon. at thr junction of
the Brenta, it gave the Twelfth army
t 1 . i T?1. -
a tnance to operate ai retire, mi
the upper Piave valley, and also per
mitted the sixth army to go into
action tn the Asiaeo district.
Between tht Fourth and Sixth
armies the chief Austrian resistance
in Italy was broken. It was in the
mountains that the greatest num
ber of cannon was taken.
UUI1 MyflHWh
Official Announcement of Signing of Terms '
Reaches Premiers of Allied Nationsn
Apartment of Colonel House
y :
By Associated Press. ' '
London, Nov. 3. An armistice between the Austrian and Italian forces :
will come into operation at 3 o'clock on Monday afternoon, according to an
official announcement made here tonight.
The text of the statement reads:
"A telephone message has been received from the prime minister in Paris
saying that news has just come that Austria-Hungary, the lastfof Germany's
props, has gone out of the war. V '
"The armistice was signed by General Diaz this afternoon and will come
into operation tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. The terms will be published
Tuesday. "
Paris, Nov. 3. Official Announcement of the signing of
the Austrian armistice reached the premiers while they were
in session at the apartment of Colonel House, President Wil
son s special representative, this afternoon, and gave the
greatest satisfaction. y . '
Vienna, Nov. 3. (Via Londen.) Tln the Italian theater
of the war our troops have ceased hostilities on the basis of
an armistice which has been concluded' says the war office
communication issued today. K -Z
The conditions of the armistice will be announced iff a
later communication."
Berne, Nov. 3 Count Karplyi, after obtaining a re
lease from his oath of fealty to the emperor," proclaimed a :.
republic in Hungary, according to a dispatch to the Bund
from Vienna quoting the Vienna newspaper Di Zeit. ' - -
Jroops Surge Into Audenarde
With Cheers Over Bridge
Mined by; Foe After
Frenchman Cuts Wires.
.New York, Nov. 3.-WU1 H.
Hays, chairman of the republican
national committee, tonight issued
the following statement regarding
Tuesday's election:
"Latest reports from all' over
the country make it certain that
the republicans will carry both
the senate and the house." v
By Associated Press.
With the Allied "Armies in France
and Belgium, Nov. 3. Along the
whole front below Eekke, which is
situated on the Scheldt about .eight
miles south of Ghent, the Germans
have been forced back across the
Americans from the Pacific coast,
who played a brilliant part in the
advance, captured the western out
skirts of the city of Audenarde,
which straddles the Scheldt. This
American unit yesterdav added an
advance of about five and one-half
miles to what they had achieved the
day before.
When the Americans, after their
brilliant drive, came up against Au
denarde ihey found tint the Ger
mans had blown up all the bridges
except one across a small branch of
he bcheldt which encircles the
western side' of the city. '
This remaining bridge was mined
and due to co uo at any minute. A
Frenchman, who lived near by, had
careful v observed the Hying; ot the
explosives and knew where the Ger
mans had concealed the electric
wires leading to it.
Hero Prevents Explosion.
As the Frenchman saw the Amer
icans approacning ne racea io we
bridtrc and cut the wires. He then
waved the Americans fo advance
and they surged across the bridge
with a mighty cheer.
The total number of prisoners
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
By Associated Press.
Austria is out of the war., Deserted by her last ally,
Germany fights alone a battle which means ultimate defeat '
sor abject surrender.
After days of pleading,an armis
tice has been granted Austria-Hun
gary, whose badly defeated armje
in the Italian theater are stagger
ing homeward .under the violence of
the blows of the entente troops. '
Trent, which the Italians always
captured by them. Triest, ovr which
there has been such bitter, fighting,
now flies the Italian flag, and Bel-'
grade, capital of Serbia, bat been
occupied by the Serbians. ;
In France and Belgium the Ger
mans aye being sorely harassed by ,
the British, French, Americans and
Belgians, and there ar in H Ira t inn.
f.of an impending debacle.
Roosevelt Pays Tribute
to Negro's Part in War
New. York, Nov. 3. Col.. Theo
dore Roosevelt paid tribute to the
negro's part in the war at a meet
ing here tonight for the benefit of
the Circle of Negro War Relief.
Our soldiers, white and black, he
said, had acted in such a way that
every American could look the cit
izen of any country in the eye with
out having to bow his head.
"It must be remembered that all
of us have got to set an example of
steering a' direct course equally dis
tant from kaiserdora and bolsheiv
ism," he continued. "I expect that
as a result of the war, we shaH apply
at home lessons we've been learning
and helping to teach abroad that
we shall work steadily toward se
curing fairer treatment for colored
people, treating each individual as
his or her conduct requires."
Mark Your Ballot If Youl
Want to Stop Alien Voting
At Elections in Nebraska
By a "clerical error" or an "oversight"' in the office of the secre
tary of state, the official ballot for Nebraska does not carry the party
endorsement of either of the constitutional propositions submitted to
the voters.
One of these, referred to as the "suffrage amendment," has for
its purpose the amendment of the state constitution to stop first
paper" voting. i -
It was submitted' by a special session of the legislature called by
Governor Neville Sist springv At that time the governor recommend
ed in his message that the matter be left so it would not become
operative until after 1920. This would permit the half-naturalized
German-born voters in Nebraska to vote for president in 1920.
. The legislature refused to. agree with the governor, after The
Bee had exposed the meaning of the recommendation, and the amend
ment was submitted to take effect at once on being adopted.
- The 'other proposition is for calling a constitutional convention.
Both of these -propositions have sinister opposition.
At the primary election each was endorsed by democrats and re
publicans, and therefore should have gone on the ballot as straight
party measures.
The secretary of state has failed to comply with the provision
of the law in this, respect. It is now too late to have the ballots re
printed. Voters who are interested in taking the ballot away from unnatur
alized aliens in Nebraska, or who desire totiave a constitutional con
vention held, must mark their ballots so. Otherwise the vote will not
be counted. - ' - - - 1
Doom of 'Austrian
and Turkish Empires
Sealed, Says Asquith .
- Cupar, Scotland, Nov: 3. Former
Premier Asquith, speaking here
Saturday, said there was daily ac
cumulating evidence that the great
cause to which British had pledged
themselves as a nation and empire
four years ago was within measure-
able distance of achieving the pur
poses for which the British had en
tered the war together with the free
peoples of the rest of the world.
After referring to the extinction of
the withering and reactionary cen-tury-61d
rule of the Turks in Eu
rope, Mr. Asquith said in regard to
the Austrian situation: ' '
"Artificial structures of the Turk
ish and Austrian empires have been
held together for centuries bv au
thority of;the dominant class. Their
doom is sealed and in eastern Eu
rope and part of Asia new states are
springing, up as a result of the war,
based upon the enduring foundation
of social relationship and national
freedom. That work of emancipa
tion and self-determination has the
sympathy and good will of every
lover of freedom ; throughout the
civilized world." t
Many Killed at Bonn
in British Aeriaf Raid
Amsterdam, Nov. 3.A large
i. t . ., .
uuinuci vi persons were Kiuea ana '
many wounded at Bonn Thursday
"J uu," vnvifysu ujr U1UIMI sir
men, who carried out a raid on the
railway station in the center of the
town, according to the Coloe3
Volks Zeitung. .