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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1918)
DR. STITT HAS PRAISE FOR U.S. MEN OVERSEAS FormeN Omaha Pastor Says American Soldiers Are the Manly Sort and Yearn for Church. Rev. J. H. Stitt, formerly pastor of McCabe Methodist church in Omaha, who Is now overseas as a divisional director of social activi ties, has written some wonderful letters home letters which tfll of the American solder. his likes and dislikes, his bearing and beliefs, and which throw much light on his life 4 abroad. Here are some extracts from these letters-which will interest Omaha and Nebraska people: "My own appointment is in my Estimation a particularly happy one md f am enjoying it immensely. I have a task which I hardly ared" ;hope would fair to me so soon, namely divisional director of relig ious and social activities, something ike running a good sized chantau qua; with hundreds of good, red- blooded American soldiers for an ever ready and appreciative audi- ence. Oh, how I love those boys! They will do anything for you, and both officers and men show a gen . tlemanliness which, to say the least, $ exceedingly delightful. Traii; for Yankees. , "Really, it would he impossible for one to speak too highly of the spirit and manly bearing of our soldier boys in France. They have hard work to do every day, whether Sunday or not, but their demeanor shows that they like to keep the Sabbath atmosphere whenever pos sible. They are actually begcing for preaching services and Bible classes, and the one thing we have to guard against is to announce a religious service and tnen only pro , i-ide a lecture. It must be the real thing, with hymns and all, or it won't go.' So far, I have found ;he offjeers perfectly' ready to give every facility for our work with "" ' their men. - ' "I am delighted to be able to tell .you, that I have failed to find any . ;vidence of the frightful social dis order that we all feared would re sult having our army placed on -French soil. The men are liv ing good, clean lives and every inch of. their fine young manhood is needed1 for the arduous toil which isi daily the lot of an American soldier. I am proud of them ahd - their officers. God bless them.' "France is lovely. Imagine a broad, sweeping valley, flanked on either side with now gently sloping uplands, now quite precipitous hills. The spadej between is irregularly ; divided up into fields of varying r shades of green and yellow, accord ing to the nature of the crops, a stone- wall or low ditch forming the dividing line. A ribbon-like river threads the center, and tall poplars and fragrant pines complete a scene which, to my mind, finds its counterpart only in good old England. Meets Nebraska Boys. "A few days ago I met two Ne braska university boys who belong to the hospital unit here. One of them war Walter Rudersdorf of South Omaha. He is a brother of Mrs. Doane Powell. - I was waiting autside the Y tent at the hospital ready to introduce my opera people, , but something went wrong with the works and they did not arrive, so Mr. Rudersdorf and I employed ths. time very pleasantly finding, out that each came from good old Omaha which is wonderful tonic to . the men in these strange suf - roun dings. X . "My work brings me in touch with the boys of the 36th , division of the A. E. F. We have splendid talent among the men. I have a really fine quartet who made some tours before enlisting. They sang the "Rosary? this morning how's that for a preaching service? "Last Sunday night the tentral hut was full of men listening so eagerly ' and quietly as I preached to them - on 'Jesus of Nazareth Passeth By,' my own soul greatly moved by the jmnv.nse opportunity. At the close it was, 'You fure did your duty to night, sir, I tnjoyed that the feest kind. This here's bin the first ser mon I've heard since I come to France,' and others in the same 'strain. It isn't the compliment that one enjoys, but the glad feeling of being able to help them. - "At the close of the sermon about 20 of the boyi formed a Bible class to meet every Wednesday nigh.. We have given them the- books to study on the 'Manhood of the Mas ter,' by Fosdick. The Y. M. C. Ai is certainly supplying tools that are excellent to work with. You may tell all the folk for me that money given to the luppport of the 'Y' is certainly given to the right cause." American Soldiers Greatly Interested in . News of Peace Moves , With the Americao Army North west of Verdun, Nov. 1. (By Asso ciated Press.) The men in the most advanced positions on both sides of the lines are reading the news de velopments regarding an armistice almost a early, as those to whom the daily papers are available. Prop aganda officers, both American, and German, are using aviators to dis t tribute the notes which have passed between Berlin and Vienna and Washington, and tonight prepara tions were made to disseminate the news of Turkey's downfall. Arthur Page and Walter Lipp mann are conducting the propa ganda from the headquarters n Paris and the details are being car ried out by a bi force, with which are co-operating the personal staff and flying corps. - President Wilson'i note to Aus tria was circulated by the Americans . among the American troops within a few hours after it was delivered. Prisoners who were brought in a little later bad copies in their pos session. The document had been printed within-range of the enemy's - cunt and carried over by aviators. The Government Requests That in order to conserve labor, both men and women, i.ow so nnch needed in all branches of government work, to save fuel and relieve transportation facilities, which ar i already,overtaxed with war activities YOU SHOP EARLY SHIP EARLY. Begin Baying Now Carry as Many Packages, as Convenient in itt" m ns i Tif r i a 11 rRvTrTX 1 THE CASH STORE We Are Going to Comply Fully, Unreservedly, with this and all other government re quests; and earnestly urge yon to alter the former custom of procrastination and plan your Holiday Shopping now WE'RE SPLENDIDLY READY WITH Croat Stocks of Practical, Useful and Sensible Gifts at pleasing low cash prices. Real Clothes Economy Consists in Buying Good Clothes -All Wool Clothes, That Will Look Well, Wear Well You'll find every requisite of good clothes, f all wool fabrics, perfect nt and workman ship personified, when you try on a Hart Schaffner & Marx Suit or Overcoat, that's the reason we've had them for you for over 30 years. We'll show you the most complete line west of Chicago. The New Overcoats are beauties Vicuna, Meltons, Kerseys, Montinacs, Imported Scotches, etc., in Ulsters, Ulsterettes, with belted backs, short double breasted styles for young fellows; staple styles for the conservative dresser, also a splendid stock of fine fur lined and fur collar coats, satisfaction or your money back is our guarantee to every purchaser. Ladies' Underwear Underpriced High Quality and Low Price make a pleasing combination in our month-end offering. Ladies' silk and Vool and nort wool Union Suits; low neck, no sleeve; high neck, long sleeve; or dutch neck, short sleeve; ankle length; cash price, at $2.98 and $1.98 Ladies' low neck, no sleeve; ankle length Union Suits, flesh and white, in fine quality cotton, silk and lisle, cash price Sat., $1.00, $1.25, $1.98 and $2.25 Ladles' all wool, silk and wool and mer cerized Suits, the best known makes at special prices. Ladies' medium or heavy fleeced Union' Suits, at . . . .$1.00, $1.50 and $1.98 Ladies' silk and wool Vests and Tights, all sizes, cash price $1.50 Ladies', medium fleece Vests and Pants, cash price 50 Ladies' Outing Gowns, big assortment, to select from, prices from, . $1.75 up. Extra special in Children's fleece and Union Suits, Saturday. Ladies'- wool jersey knit Skirts, up from $1.25 Children's fleece Vests and Pants, all sizes 50 SPECIALS IN DR 25c Tooth Brushes, 156 25c Dasgett and JUnns dell's Cold Cronm, lf 60c Imported Rice Pow der 25J 11 oz. Imported Jasmin Perfume, oz 50( $1 size DclatOne ..75d 50c lie Lux Natural Rouge 29 60c Usterine .....33d 60c Sempre Gfovitre.42d 25c Eye Brow Pen jils ...86 UG DEPARTMENT 60c size Sloan's Llna- ment for 39 $1.00 Pinavid's Vegetal for i 75S 25c Trailing Arbutus Talc- :....19d 60c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream . ...42 Sl-50 De Vilbiss' Throat Atomizer $1.10 12c Palm Olive Soap, 6 for 494 10c Rolls Toilet PaPer for A Remarkable Underpricing of Winter Coats Saturday At 9 A. M. Saturday Will Begin the Greatest Bargain Giving Sale of Women' and Misses' Coats of the Entire Season, Up-to-Date Styles, Unsurpassed Qualities at Surprising Low Cash Prices. Coats $3'9 Made to sell to $50. Misses' sizes, 16 to 20; Ladies' sizes, 36 to 46; stylish -stout's to 55; a bevy of classy models, in velours, kerseys, fine Meltons, silvertones, Bolivia sloths and plushes, many "beauti fully trimmed with fur collars, cuffs and around bottoms. . 4 Saturday, From 9 Till 12:30 Only 200 heath erbloom Underskirts, with taffeta silk flouncings, all colors, worth $2.50 a4$3.00 $1.50 145 "Women's and Misses' Dresses, in taffetas, messalines, serges and poplins, all new styles, worth $10 and $12.50, till 12:30, only $6.50 FURS Coats $25 Worth $35.00 and $39.00. A bevy of classy new styles in salts plush, with beaver cloth shawl collars and a great variety of other popular cloths, sizes for both women and misses. Big Special in Blouses for Saturday ' 300 new beaded and embroidered Georgettes, in all the new shades, in cluding all the leading suit shades, values to $10.00, Saturday $7.95 , More beautiful Fur Coats just arrived for Saturday, all us and we guarantee to save ypu many dollars on a fine Fine Muskrat Coats, at Frndson Seal Coats, at $95 to $295 $195 to $475 bought before the advance of skins, made up for Hudson Seal, Mole or Muskrat Coat Saturday., Mole Coats, at $575 to $985 Fur Sets, Scarfs and Muffs, priced from the lowest to the highest. Men's Underwear Splendid quality, perfect goods', at 25 to ZQ less than market price today.' Our buyer placed big order direct with the mills last January; we're giving our, cus tomers the benefit of aarly cash buying. THREE SPECIALS SATURDAY ' MEN'S UNION SUITS In heavy natural wool, a . good $6 value, our special Z C( cash price ... Vtl.ilV MEN'S COTTON RIBBED UNION SUITS With or without fleecing, such well known makes as Springtex . and Chalmers, our cash MEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Heavy fleece linecUor cotton ribbed,' great -value at $1.15, our special cash price, garment , 1 " . ' ' THVQ NThe best assortment of up-to-date gifts. for boys and girls shown in A4l Plnnr 1 KJ X O v Omaha now ready for your selection. SEE THEM. x TClll 1 1UU1 Unquestionably Superior Shoe Values On Sale Saturday Men's Coco Brown "Cordo" English Lace Shoes, with Goodyear welt soles, $4.50 ralue's, Hayden's Cash Price ....$2.05 Men's Elkskin Lace Shoes, with chrome ?lk soles, $3.00 values, Hayden's Cash Price . $1.98 'Hayden's Special" Shoes for Men, black calfskins, Goodyear welts and Union Made, blucher, button and English lace stvles, $6.00 values, Hayden's Cash Price $4.50 Women's Fine Hand Turned, dark brown lace Shoes, with Cuban heels, $12.00 values, Hayden's Calsh Price $9.50 ' Women's Fine Kid Lace Shoes, with military and French leather heels, $6.50 values, Hayden's Cash Price 5.00 Misses' and Child's Gun Metal, Button and Lace Shoes, $3.50 values, all sizes, from Vi to size 2, Hayden s Cash Price $2.45 Little Gents' and Youths' High Cut Blucher Shoes, with strap and buckles, Hayden's Cash Price $2.25 Little Gents' Blucher Shoes, sizes 11 to 1312, Hayden's Cash Price $1.95 $1 Silk Gloves, $1 Ladies' Durable Silk Gloves in black, white, grey and brown, all sizes, regular $1.50 Gloves, special cash price, Saturday $1.25 Children's double cot 'n & wool mittens, 25t? Children's fur top Mittens 75 Boys' and Girls' washable kid . . . .$1.75 Saturday Savings in House Furnishing Dep't. Nickel elfited Casseroles, cash price, only 81.25 Lunch Kits, with Thermos bottle, cash price 83. 50 l'a qt. Aluminum Rice or Cereal Cooker, ptiee 81.69 Food Chopper, our cash price 81.25 Four-tie Broom, our cash price, 60d No. 8 low stand Waffle Iron, cash price 81.39 Folding Wringer Bench, cash price. only 82.25 Large size Japan Bread Box, cash price, 81.10 Vacuum Hand Washer, cash price, only 75d Gem Safety Razors, cash price 89d Split Clothes Hampers, with covers, cash price ' 81.75 O'Cedar Mops, our cash price 81.00 Corset flection, Second Floor Mlsses'and Children's Ferris Waists, button or clasp front, with or with out shoulder straps, a complete line of sizes and styles 81.25, 81.50 and 82.00 Children's Knit "M" Waists, ages 2 to 12 years, cash price 304 Bandeau, fasten front or back, flesh color, made of fine batiste, strap over shoulder, cash price. .... .65 YARNS AND TOQUES Odds and ends of yarn, slightly soiled, values to 50c, cash price. Sat., pur ball, 254 Children's Wool Toques A large assortment for your selection, 75c. 81.00 and 81.50 $1.15 BETTER VALUES IN Men's Headwear 9 dozen Men's Felt Hats, all sizes, values $3.00 and $3.50, Sat. ..$1.69 12 dozen Men's High Grade Felt fiats, straight and turned. up, brim, all colors, all sizes, values $4.00 and $5.00, Saturday .$2.50 Biard Brand Hats $3.00 Murphy-Gorman Hats ......$4.00 Stetson" Novelties....... $5 to $12 Stetson Staples. .. .1 $7 to $18 Men's Golf and Staple Caps, thous ands of therr ...... .75c to $3.00 Boys' Corduroy Suits l Tremendous Sale Trimmed Hats U000 MODEL HATS Go on sale Saturday at less than of their actual value, to reduce our enormous trimmed hat stock. 650 Model Hats $ 0 Formerly marked, $12.50, $15.00, n 118.00 to $25.00, go at ...M 350 Dress Hats $q7 5 Formerly marked to $7.50, go at . . Qy u- . i This sale includes new a'n.d up-to-date models, in a . large variety of styles and colors. NOC.O.D.'S: . NO LAYBY'S SpecialsmNeckwear Roll Collar, for either Coat or Dress wear, made of fine quality washable satin', worth $2.50, special cash price, at $2.00 Washable Satin Vestees, in high and low neck, many dainty styles to select from, regular value $3.00, our cash price, $2.50 Washable Satin Collar and Cuff Set, in roll and square effect, regular value $2.00, our cash price, set . .$1.75 Collar and Cuff Set of georgette crepe, trimmed with good quality of filet lace, regular value $3.00, special cash price, at, set $2.50 Georgette Vestees, high and low neck, trimmed with Venice and filet lace, regu lar value $4.00, special cash price, $3.50 Roll Collars of sheer organdy, trimmed with very fine quality of venice lace, regu lar value $2.00, our cash price . . .$1.75, Pique Vestees, extra fine quality, high and low neck, regular value $2.00, our cash price ....$1.75 Children's Hosiery Specially Priced for Saturday We have a complete line of Boys' and Girls' Pony Brand Hosiery in light and medium weight, guaranteed to give satisfaction, at lowest cash price. Boys' and Girls' School Hose, fine ribbed, good black, black and white, also some broken sizes in silk fleeced, worth 59c, cash price .v39c Children's Fine Cashmere Hose, all sizes 75 $ Infants' Cashmere Hose, in colors only, worth 50c, cash price 35c For School Wear Our entire line of better grade Boys' Corduroy Suits, at an enor mous reduction. All with Jwo pair pants, full lined and made of the finest American corduroy. A suit that will last the sturdiest boy all season and better. All sizes, 6' to 18 years, $12.00 values, for Sat urday $8.95 Boys' Sweaters, all colos, up from i.$1.25 Boys' Flannel Blouses; $1.50 up. Boys' Hats and daps, for healthy boys, in highly colored and soft tone plaids with fur linea ear laps, tip from -....$1.0C Read the Big Money-Saving Grocery Sate Specials Highest Quality, Largest Stock, and Lowest Prices 21 lb. eaclu Far Wheat Flour. per lack (1.50 4S lb. sucks Fur Wheat Flour. per lack I2.D5 25 lb. Kicks Pure Rye Flour, per Bark $1.50 10 bars Diamond O or Swift'a - Pride Laundry Boap 3lo t bars Electric Spark Soap ...28c 6 bars Heat 'Km All Soap ...25c Lux Washing Compound, pkg. 11c Yeast Foam, pkg 4c The best Domestic Macaroni. Ver micelli, Spaghetti or Esg Noodles, pkg IVjc 16 ounce cans Condensed Milk, per can 12 'Ac ( ounce cans Condensed Milk. 7c No. 1 cans Fork and Bean ..6c No. 2 cans Pork and Beans ..He 6 cans Bunhrlght Cleanser ...25c Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per can 14c Large cans Hominy 10c Large cans Kraut or Pumpkin, per can . .1 ...12V4c Washington Crisp Corn - Flake. pkg. ..' .9c Grape Nuts, pkg. ltc 4 In, best Bulk Laundry Etarch ..30c 22 ounce Jar Fure Apple Butter, '''per jar 25c Large Bottles Pickles, I varieties, bot. 2:ie Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn, canW4c It ounce can High Grade Baking Powder :..3c Tall cans Pink Salmon ......21c Fancy Red Salmon, can 30c I lbs. Corn Flour 33c 4 lbs. Barley flour 33 6 lbs. Best W hite or Yellow Corn meal XUc 6 lbs. Rolled Oatmeal 30e DHIKI) J Kl'ITS FOK PI'DMNUS. PIKS, SAICK UK CAKES. Cleansed Currents, per lb. ...30c California Muscatel Cooking Rai sins, lb 1.1c California Seedless Raisins, lb. 15c California Sultana Seedless Rai sins, lb. 15c 'Cnllfomia. Evap. Apples, per lb. 20c Fancy Muir Peaches, per In... .20c Choice California Prunes, per , lb. ..t 15c Choice California Apricots, per lb 20c Fancy California; Jlartlett Pears, per lb. 200 Fancy Pitted Prunes, per lb.. 15c Fancy Imported Cooking Figs, per lb. :5c Fancy Seeded Raisins, per pkg 81-3c. 10c. lS'c Mince Meat, pkg 12e THE BKST NO. 1 COOKING POTATOES, PECK, 15 L US.. 35c The best Holland Seed Cabbage, per lb 2 Vic Fancy Southern Shallots, Carrots, or Turnips, bunch 5c 3 heads Endive ,10c Fancy Head Lettuce,, ra. ... i'ic 3 heads Fresh Leaf iVttuce . . 10c Fancy Cauliflower, lb. ...... 12 'aR 2 large Green Peppers ..... ..6c Old Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Par snips or Rutabagas, lb...31-3c Tokay Grapes, lb 10c Engllxh Walnuts, ID ZOc Filberts, lb 2.1c New Almonds, lb 30c Saturday Specials in ora Sanjtary Market Spring Iamb Fore quartersrib..l6d Hindquarters, per lb 22 Steer Tot Boast, per lb. ..v.16 Choicest Fresh and Smoked Meats at Lowest Cash Prices. SaturdayiChildren's Section tt?ays-Try HAYDEN'S First-It Paysi r , r linn X J Girls' all wool serge Dresses, sizes 8 to 16, elegant values,. .$12.50 Girls' Silk Dresses for dressy wear, made up in the season's many smart styles, special Satur day $12.50 Little Tots' Coats, sizes 2 to 6, in plushes, velours and cloths, spe cial values, Saturday ...,$S.95 Girls' wool Middies, sizes 8 to 1C at ...$5.00 and $S.5C Girls' good warm winter Coats, .that were made to sell at $18.00 to $20.00, Saturday . .$15.00 Girls' Middie Skirts, good values, Saturday $3.95 to $8.95 Many other special values Sat urday in Children 'i-tmd Infants' Wear Second Floor.