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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1918)
LrMHhUW UU-UUVIUUUUJVSJ L.ULziUU U WUUULbUUL RIEF IGHT REEZ Y BITS OF NEWS BE Roosevelt Given Relic Of Son's Fatal Flight ; .New York. Oct. 28. Col. Theo dore Roosevelt was presented to day with a portion of the seat of the airplane in which his son, Lieut. Quentin Roosevelt, was killed while flying in France. The Rift was made by Arthur E. Hungerford, a re turned Y. M. C. A. officer. The parts of the plane were discovered on the flyer's grav after the Ger " man's had been driven Trtmi that sector. ALL THE LATEST WAR NEWS BY ASSOCIATED PRESS FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE The Omaha Daily -Bee VOL. 48. NO. 114. Entered Mceatf-eliM matter May 24. 1906 at Omaha P. 0. uader act of March 3. 1879 OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1918. By mall (I year). Dally. $4.50. Sunday. $2 50. Dally aad Sua., $6; otitilde Neb. pottije extra. TWO CENTS. THE WEATHER: For Nebraska: Unsettled Tuts day; cooler in east and central portions; Wednesday fair. Hourly Temperature. 5 a. m.. 6 a. m. 7 a. m., S . in.. 9 a. m.. 10 a. in.. 11 a. m. . 13 m ..81 ..SI ..31 . .84 ,.S5 . .8H .45 .47 1 p. m, 2 V. in. S j. m. 4 p. m. 5 p. m. 6 p. m. 7 p. m. 8 p. m. a 60 SI S SS S3 60 48 48 V i Toy Makers Ask Ban On German Made Goods New York, Oct. 28. Immediate passage by congress of a law pro hibiting the landing at American " ports of Gertnan-niaile toys or other German-made merchandise "until the central empires have submitted to an allied peace," was urged in a resolution adopted at a convention here today of the Toy Makers asso ciation of America. The resolution, which denounced "the unspeakable outrages perpetrated by the same bloody hands that fashioned these Joys," expressed the hope that "all oyal Americans would steadfastly refuse to accept, distribute or use toys made by this nation of fiends." Rector and His Two Sons Executed by Bolsheviki Stockholm. Oct. 28. The bodies of Rector Orustzaky of the Kazan cathedral of Petrograd and his two 'Jons, lieutenants, have been found .floating in the Neva river, according to a dispatch from the Russian capital. The men, who had been held as hostages, were executed by , the bolsheviki, it is asse-ted. Berger and Four Other -Socialist Leaders Indicted Milwaukee, Wis.. Oct. 28. Victor Berger was included in more than 50 indictments recently returned by - the federal grand jury, it was an nounced today. Besides Berger, -others indicted are E. T. Melms. 'Oscar Ameringer, Louis A. Arnold and Miss Elizabeth Thomas. Berger. Melms and Ameringer are candi dates for congress; Arnold is a member of the state legislature and Miss Tnonias is an official of the so cialist organization. The indict ments charge they conspired taid men subject to selective service to avoid' service; to send matter through the mail in violation of the espionage act and to urge persons subject to the draft not to respond. Rickenbacher Credited . With 22 Aerial Victories With the American Army North west oi Verdun. Oct. 28. Capt. Ed ward Rickenbacher of the American flying forces, has received confirma tion'of his secorrd victory over Ger man airplanes in the intensive fight ing of Sunday. This makes Ricken bacher's total of enemy machines disposed of 22. In Sunday's fighting Rickenbacher had two encounters with German flyers, but refused to claim a victory in the first. Other aviators and observers in complet ing their reports today, however, showed that Rickenbacher had sent two of the enemy crashing, the first machine inside the German line. - Government to Probe German Trade Plotting . New York, Oct. 28. An exhaus tive inquiry by government officials into alleged plots of German indus trial representatives for the re-establishment of German trade in America after the war will be started here this w'eek. it was announced to night. It was said that data already has been colleWed showing the ex penditure of large sums of money toward carrying out; of these plots. Walking Stick Left by Germans Deadly Trap With the American Army North west of Verdun, Oct. 28. The American troops are -still finding mines and hidden explosives in Chatel Chehery. The latest trap of this kind was an innocent appearing walking1 stick suspended at the en trance of a dugout as if it had been left by its hurriedly departing own er. Investigation showed that a fine wire ran from the cane to a point jrf some nearby rocks, where it was cdnnected with a 25-pound charge of high explosive. Pythians to Give Aid To Disabled Soldiers Chicago. Oct, 28. A fund of more than $500,000 will be set aside by the Supreme Domain of the Knights of Pythias for the care and rehabili tation of disabled and incapacitated ' soldier and sailors, according to the action of the war commission of the order today. The money had. been collected for erecting huts at army and navy cantonments, but it was decided instead to use itfor the direct benefit of the soldiers and sailors. - Part of the money also will . be used to carejor the widows and orv-ums left by the Fighters. GERMAN BATTLE LINE IN FRANCE DISINTEGRATING Retreat in Big Salient North of Laon Forced by Success of Thrust by French and Americans Between Oise and Serre Rivers; Austrians Being Forced Back Rapidly in Northern Italy. ' By the Associated Press. While both1 Germany and Austria are seeking to secure a cessation of hostilities and Turkey also is reported to be favorably disposed toward peace, the entente allied troops on all the battle fronts are giving no heed to peace proposals, but are continuing without mercy to drive their foes before them, and in all the battle zones the allies are meeting with marked success. 111 I I ailVV WltildlJ uuuiv is slowly disintegrating under the violence of the allied offensive; in northern Italy the Austro-Hungar-ian? are being forced back by the British, French" and Italians with heavy losses in men killed, wounded or made prisoners; near the shores of the Adriatic in Albania the Italians are driving the Austri ans toward the Montenegro frontier, while in Asiatic Turkey, both in Syria and Mesopotamia, the British are fast clearing the Turks from their former strongholds. Enemy Giving Way Steadily. Although the Germans in France and Flanders still are strenuously resisting the allied attempts to break their line, they are giving away Steadily under the force of the attacks. , In the other theaters there apparently is not? the same disposi tion to offer subbom denial of the right pf Way, except possibly in the mountain region of Italy, where an attempt is being made by the allied forces to open the back dpor into Austria. - South of Valenciennes, in France, Field Marshal Haig's forces, not withstanding stiff opposition, have advanced their line in the general operation, which has in view the capture of Valenciennes, and press ing toward Mons and Maubeuge in the general converging movement that is going on between Belgium and the region north of Verdun. Forte Retreat in Salient. Further south, from the Oise river to the region of Rethel, the French have gained a signal victory by forcing a retreat of the enemy in the big salient north of Laon and are threatening to cause the collapse oi the entire German line eastward through a fast turning movement. American troops have been thrown into the line near Rethei and have advanced nearly a mile and taken numerous prisoners. The German war office admits the suc cess of the thrust of the French be tween the Oise and Serre rivers, saying that the German lines were withdrawn Sunday night to a front west of Guise and east of Crecy. Americans Bombard Longuyon In connection with this general movement the Americans northwest of Verdun have begun an operation which possibly may have important results. For the first time since the Americans entered the war they (Continued on Page Tiro, Column One.) r Jap an May Seek To Reconcile North And South China Tokio, Oct. 28. (By Associated Press.) It is believed that the Jap anese government nas aeciaea 10 take the initiative toward effecting a reconciliation between north and south China by giving friendly ad vice to tne president, ana leaumg politicians of each side separately. It is probable that tne aovice , r .. . rt-r :n given eacn lacuon in v-nina win uc couched in purely friendly terms, with the utmost care to avoid for mal intervention. Hindenburg Expected To Be Sacrificed Next To New German Regime Amsterdam, Oct. 28. The ques tion heard upon all sides is wheth er Field Marshal von Hindenburg will follow in the footsteps of Ludendorff. The Rhenish West phalian Zeitung of Essen claims to know that he will BKthe next sacrifice to the new regime. The Essen Allgemeine Zeitung mentions General von Lossburg, chief of staff of the sixth army, as. the successor of Ludendorff. General von Lossberg is credited with being the inventor of the "movable defense system." George Bernhard writing in the Berlin Vossische Zeitung, while acclaiming Ludendorff 4s one of the saviors of the father land from "enemy devastation," says the fact that he conceived himself omniscient and omnipo tent brought his doom. Railroad Men Told to Vote Democratic1 in Circular Letter Just Issued By Grace GERMANS FEAR BREACH INMETZ DEFENSE LINES Forces at Work Day and Night Digging Trenches and Stringing Electric ally Charged Wires. ' By Associated Press. With the American Army North west of Verdun, Oct. 28. Although the German army is making the most desperate effort in the war's history to prevent the Americans from breaking through in the vital Verdun sector, it is equally or more fearful that there may be a breach endangering Metz, with the conse quent necessity of abandoning all the territory still occupied and an invasion of the German empire it self. With division after division of troops, machine guns and artillery, the enemy is bitterly defending him self west of Verdun. But it is with an elaborately strong trench system with rows of barbed wire and even electrified wire, that he has fever ishly working 'during the past few weeks to make Metz invulnerable. The sytem has been laid out roughly, between Pont-A-Mousson, hAvricourt and the river Seille, with a parallel front from Uieminot to Vic. The enemy's activity first showed itself between Chafeau-Salins and Moyenvic, where no less than five (Continued on Page Two, Column Seven.) Further evidence is being received to discredit the democratic camou flage pratii.g about politics being adjourned in McAdoo's edict against political activity in the railway service. A counterpart of the presi dent's recent appeal for votes on November 5, comes to hand in the form of a circular letter issued by S. H. Grace, secretary-treasurer of Division No. 1, Railway Employes department, American Federation of Labor. These circular letters, on the offi cial stationery of the organization, are addressed to "Railroad Em ployes, State of Nebraska. Instructed as to Vote. In direct violation of the order of Director General McAdoo, the circulars proceed to importune the recipients to "vote for all democratic candidates for congress at this ti- e in order to show that we as a class are with our president," etc. The inference is that men must vote for democratic candidates to show that they are with the presi dent. No reference is made to the republicans who have and are sup porting the president. Wage Increase Mentioned Reference is made to increased wages received by railroad em ployes, who are reminded by Mr. Grace that self-preservation is the first law of nature." The demo cratic candidate for United States senator is referred to by name and the statement is made that he favors government ownership of railroads. "It is therefore to your interest to vote for him if you are of the same opinion." Governor Neville is mentioned by name and support for him is urged. The governor is designated as a "straightforward young man." " . it . . . 1 J 4 . . " . . V lit wouici De interesting to note what effect these Ittters will have upon the intelligent men who com prise Division No. 1, Railway Employes department, American Federation of Labor," was the com ment of one of these men when he read the communication, in a man ner which did not indicate that he was tickled to death. OVNDARY LIKC twl (W Cim4u W. ..m4 bM.4 ik. .4 O'nci sccMTAftY-TReASune lie ate auiuotNo Omaha, neb. oKAmurma CJ-irinl VfeUr, TMfcHd.HI(llll October 2th. 1918. To the Railroad Employee, Stale ol Nebraika. ( Greeting : The Railway Employee! Department of the American Federation of Labor fa divided into two aectiona, Mechanical aectinn and Traniportation aectioa, and at the promt time tlie Executive Officera of the Trans portation Organization! and of the Shopmen' Organization ate noticing harmonioualy together and will continue to do ao for the beat interest! of all concerned. There ire no more loyal or patriotic eitizena of the eonntry than the Railroad Employee ai elan; mirh haa been demonatnted time and again hy the purchase of Liberty Honda, War Saving! Stamp, dona tion to the lied Crou. Knights of Columbus. V M. C A and other worthy cause. You have been able to do o by the increased wage received, and willingly, have lengthened your hour ofjfork iu accordance with the phn agreed upon between the Director General of Railroad nd the President of the Railway Employees Department of the American Federation of Labor - The working men and women have secured greater benefits from the administration of President Wilson than ever before, and it is upon the coming election that I desire In call your attention, self preser vation being the Oral law of nature You no doubt do, or should, recall that the railroads of the country are under Federal control, and fur a period of twenty-one njon'hs nfter the ternu'nsti n of the war, if the Kailrnad Etnploycea desire to see lite Government continue the operation, and eventually own, these properties, we must commence at once to prepare for the future The State of Nebraska vote for United State Senator at the coming election, anil the one elected will have a voice and vote on the reliniiishing of the railroads to private ownership or continuing them un der Government control. The Democratic candidate for United States Senator. John H. Morehcad, has, through the public press in answer to an iiuiuiry, stated that he favors Government operation of the rail: roads. It is therefore to your interest to vote for him if you are of the same opinion Making the world anfe for Democracy is the duly at are now interested in. regHrdlesa of the length of time it may require to do it : ami in order to strengthen the administration of President Wilson, men should be elected to Congress at this time who will co.inscl nnd work for him. In view of the benefits already received from the present administration, we, ai Railroad Employe-, should show our appreciation and vote for all Democratic candidates for Congress at this time in order to show that we a class are with our President, Wood row Wilson, first, last, and all the time. In conclusion, must also say a w ord in behalf of the candidacy of our present Governor, Keith Neil!e, for re-election. During his term of office all will admit that he has had many dim-nlt problems to contend with, and he has fulfilled every promise made prior to his election. With the' experience gained during his first term, he is better 'justified to deal with the problems that will appear in the future. Know ing him for many yeara as a straightforward young man, I have no hesitancy In asking you to support him for his second term aa Governor of the State of Nebraska, DUAL MONARCHY SEEKS ARMISTICE THROUGH WILSON Assurance Given of Recognition of Rights of Czecho slovaks and Jugo-Slavs; Revolution Spreading 1 and Emperor Charles Probably Forced to Ac cept Any Terms Allies Choose to Impose.. With best wishes, I am Yours fraternally. , s. nr. grace. Secretary -Treasurer Pivisioi No, I FAC SIMILE OF CIRCULAR . -. . "Be Vigilant and Hold Fast" Hindenburg's Plea to Army With the American Army-Northwest of Verdun, Oct. 28. "Hold fast, an armistice has not yet been concluded," is theword sent to the German troops by Field Marshal von Hindenburg, chief of the gen e: staff, according to a captured do.ument now in the hands of the Americans. The German comman der's appeal reads: "German, soldie;3 he vigilant. The word 'armistice is current in the trenches and camps, but we have n't yet reached-that point. To some the word represents a certainty; to others it is even a synonym of the peace so long desired. They believe that events no longer depend upon them. Their vigilance is relaxed; their courage and their endurance, as well as their spirit of defiance to ward the enemy, are diminished. "We have not yet reached our aim. The armistice has not been concluded. The war is still ortthe same war as ever. "Now more than ever, you must be vigilant and hold fast. You are upon , the enemy's soil and on the soil 6f Alsace-Lorraine, the bul wark of our country. In his grave hour, the fatherland relies on vou for its prosperity and for its safety." . ..v,v,.,.-.( ITALIANS AND BRITISH GROSS PIAVE RIVER More Than 9,000 Austrians Taken Prisoner in Often sive on Italian Front on Sunday. Rome, Oct. 28. More than 9,000 Austrians were taken prisoner in the operations on the Italian front yesterday, according to the war of fice announcement today. Fifty-one guns were also captured. The Italian and British troops have crossed the Piave river, not withstanding the resistance of the Austro-Hungarians. In Albania the Italians have reached the vicinity of Alessio, 20 miles southeast of Scutari. The text of the communication is sued by the war office foliows: "Our army in conjunction with allied contingents, has crossed the Piave river by force of arms, en gaging in bitter battles the enemy, who strove desperately to bar the way. "Between the slopes and height? of Valdobbiadene and the mouth of the Soligo torrent our infantry as sault troops passed during the night, under violent fire, to the left bank of the river, broke into the enemy's front lines and carried them. "Supported by the fire of the ar tillery on the right bank they gained ground and repulsed enemy counter attacks throughout the day. "To the south tne 10th army, tak ing advantage of the successes of the British at Grave Di Pappado polo, compelled the enemy to re tire and repulsed two counter at tacks in the direction of Borgo Malanotte and Roneadelle. The prisoners taken yesterday aggre gated more than 9,000. Fifty-one guns were captured. "Allied aircraft "with extreme dar ing, attacked the enemy troops from low altitudes. "In local - fighting on Monte Grappa 150 prisoners were taken. The enemy heavily attacked on Monte Pertica and obtained a foot hold in the Italian positions although at great sacrifices. Later the Italian infantry in severe fight ing drove out the enemy and re gained the lost positions. "In Albania, our advance euards. rhaving overcome the resistance of the enemy have crossed "the Mati river and are marching on Alessio." PEOPLE'S WAR, NOT WILSON'S, SAYS COLONEL Roosevelt Denounces Attempt by Administration to to Make War Po litical Issue. - New York, Oct. 28. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt declared in an address tonight that it was "the ver iest nonsense that even partisanship-. can conceive" to state that failure to return a democratic congress this fall would be interpreted by the allies and Germany "as being a re pudiation of the war aims of this country." Speaking before the republican club at Carnegie hall to urge the success of the republican state ticket here in New York and of the repub lican congressional ticket through out the union the former president asserted that "what we need is an American congre.s, a congress of straightout Americans and not a congress of rubber stamps." "We republicans pledge ourselves to stand by the president so long as he stands by the American peo ple and to part company from him at any point where in our judgment he does not stand by the people," he said. "This is the people's gov ernment, this is the people's war, and the peace that follows shall be the people's peace." Senators Highly Thought Of. Quoting a press dispatch to the effect that republican senators such as McCumber, Nelson and Lodge "are as highly thought of in France today as are the American generals," Colcnek Roosevelt declared that "nine times out of 10, this adminis tration has never led the people, has been reluctantly forced forward into action by criticism against which it has violently protested" (Continued on rage Two, Column Two.) Lille is- Left With Scant Food Supply by Retreating Huns Washington, Oct. 28. Food sup plies for the civilian poulation of the Lille region of France are at an extremely low stage and only en ergetic measures by the commission for relief in Belgium will prevent much distress during the coming winter. Dispatches received today at the effices of the commission here said the present supply of, food in the region cannot possibly last more than two weeks. All communica tion ''systems were destroyed by the retreating Germans, and motor lor ries must be depended upon to bring up the needed supplies. Much sick ness also is reported in the Lille region and conditions there were de scribed as even worse than in the adjacent Belgian area. . ' - " J- BELLEUWOOD AGAIN IN HANDS OF AMERICANS Huns Retaliate for Firing Upon Their Lines of Communi cation by Shelling Back Areas. By Associated Press. With the American Army North west of Verdun, Oct. 28. There has been intense activity along the en tire front late-today. The Germans have been nervously shelling the back areas, firing- two shells where one was dropped cftiring the last two davs. In retaliation for the firing by the American long range guns upon vital German lines of communication in the rear, the Germans today shell ed Verdun and places in that region with a gun of large caliber. The Bois De Belleu again is in the hands of the Americans. Fierce fighting has continued east of the Meuse where the Germans are cling ing desperately to hill 360 southeast of Crepion, using machine guns and artillery lavishly. The hill com mands the entire district. The Americans have extended their positions in the southern end of the Bois De Bourgognf! better ing their line to the east. The Belle joyeuse fartu is no man's land. In repulsing a local attack in the region of hill 204, north of Grandpre, the Americans took a few prisoners and several machine guns. Long Range Guns Formidable. The gun used in shelling of Lon guyon is said to be infinitely more formidable than the big gun with which the Germans bombarded Paris, though its range probably is not as great. The big guns were ready for use sometime ago, but could not be used because bad weather prevented the necessary support by aviators. The sky ndw has been clear for two days. The results of the bombardment have not yet been announced. The use of these bng range guns has been awaited eagerly ever since the Americans advanced to a point from which the guns could reach the vital railroad. For days the guns have been on the American sector maneuvering for positions from which they might successfully bombard the Sedan-Carignan-Montmedy-Longunon liner The cutting of this line, toward which the Americans have been pressing constantly, would mean the virtual collapse of the entire German front to the Dutch border. Even to interrupt the railroad intermittently would be a huge gain, since most of the German relief divisions sent against the Americans have been brought in over that line. Observers report that extensive destruction to railroad sheds and other German military buildings was (Continued on Pag Tro,Colum Blx.) Washington, Oct. 28. While Germany's latest note to President Wilsonwas being delivered to the State depart ment today through the Swiss legation,- cable dispatches from Europe brought information that the Austro-Hun-garian government had caused another communication to tions for peace and an armistice be entered into without awaiting the results of the Exchanges with Germany. The Vienna government asserted that it adhered to the same point of , view expressed by the president in his last communication upon the rights of the Austro-Hungaran peo ples, especially those of the Czecho-, Slovaks and Jugo-Slavs, and re quested that he begin overtures witn tne allied governments with a view to ending immediately hostili ties on all Austro-Hungarian fronts. ; German Note Arrives. The official text of the German note received today did not differ materially from ibe nnnffirial wr sionas received by cable. No offi- ' cial comment was forthcoming. Re garding the renewed assurance in the German note that the constitu tional stfucfaif-tKeGerfnan gov ernment has been and is being changed to democratic TlnesV it is pointed out that the truth of this statement and the scope of the changes already made or projected after all are matters to be dealt with in connection with peace and not in arranging an armistice. KAISER RAPPED IN HOT DEBATE IN REICHSTAG Socialist Intimates German Emperor Will Have to Face Trial Before Crim-. inal Court. . Amsterdam, Oct. - 28. Exciting scenes occurred In the German reichstag during the proceedings of the house on Friday and Saturday. Outspoken speeches were indulged in. In he course of the discussion the Polish deputy, vKofrantz, declared that in Chemnitz alone the war raw materials department sold' 8,000,000 marks woi of carpets and other goods taken from Poland. Seven hundred thousand poor Polish peo ple were carried off to Germany, where they led the life of slaves, while Brig.-General Pilsudski, (of the Polish legion), whom the Polish nation regarded highly, was still held in the fortress at Magdeburg, despite all appeals. The deputy concluded: "We are not blaming the German people for these persecutions, but German militarism. We extend the hand of reconciliation to the Ger man people for the common weal." "The question cannot longer be evaded," said Dr. Cohn, independent socialist; "war with the Hehenzol lerns or peace without the Hohenzol lerns. World revolution will follow or world imperialism and world mili tarism, and we will overcome them. We extend our hand to our friends beyond the frontier in this strggle." The speech was received with such commotion as cries of "shame," and applause, that the vice president threatened to have the chamber cleared. Another socialist, Oto Ruehle, was called to order for declaring that the emperor must abdicate. He re torted: "A call to order won't save him, from the criminal court." The house debated the bill amend ing the constitution which was passed Saturday. Several speakers displayed anxiety to show that the reforms were not dictated by the enemy, but had been advocated since the spring of 1917. Five Dollars For Ten Words! You can have it as well as the next one by writing The Best Slogan. To call attention of our out-of-town readers to Omaha's superior at tractions as a city. To Ten Next Best, Each a Good Book. The winning answer will be used as the banner line just above the heading of The Bee on this first page. It must contain not less than ten worda and not less than 54 nor more than 60 letters. COMPETITION FREE TO ALL SUBMIT AS MANY ANSWERS AS YOU LIKE. Responses t must be in by Oct 30, and winners will be announced in The Sun day Bee of Nov. 3. Address: Slogan Contest The .Omaha' Bee. Text of Austrian Note. Basel, Oct. 28. (By Associated Press.) The text of the Austrian reply to President WUson reads: "Austro-Hungary, accepting all the -conditions the president has laid down for the entry into negotiations , for an armistice ahd peace, no ob stacle exists, according to judgment of the Austro-Hungarian govern- " ment, to the beginning of these ne-v gotiations. Seek Immediate Armistice. "The Austro-Hungarian govern ment declares itself ready, in conse quence, without awaiting the result of other negotiations, to enter into negoiations upon peace between Austro-Hungary and the states in the opposing group "and for an im mediate armistice upon all Austro Hungarian fronts. "It asks President Wilson to be so kind as to begin overtures on this subject." In the case of the Austrian com munication now supposed to be on its way to Washington through the- medium ot the bwedish government, it also was noted that the effort was made to show that Austria has com plied vith the president's demand for the recognition of the rights of the Czecho-Slovaks and Jugo-Siavs and other oppressed nationalities-in .."aula. xi uucs iiui appear inal the comolete indenendence of thfSK people has been guaranteed and probably "sufficient assurance must, ue had on that point before the Aus trian proposals will be transmitted to the entente powers for submis Sinn tfl the militarv vnprte ' ... j .j. Emperor Charles Helpless. J - Because of the wide extent of the disaffection in the" dual empire, de velopments iii that quarter are be lieved to be fraught with greater possibilities in the way of peace than in Germany, and in some offi cial quarters the opinion freely is fully realizes that he must submit to any terms which the entente powers and America choose to im pose and that at present he is seek ing simply to secure the least oner i ous and humilitatinp. He will ha . (Continued on Page Twc,, Column Four.) Wilhelm Willing To Take Job Like King of-England s London, Oct. 28. Emperor Wil liam has no intention- of abdicating, but is willing, if it is for the good of the people, to ordain that his rights shall be re-framed, according to a statement attributed to German court circles. The emperor is said to have remarked: "I will not abandon my 'sorely tried people, but if necessary, I am ready to become something like hereditary president of a Germaa republic like the kings of Engltj-i Belgium and Italy. - T V X - ;. v ". ' .