Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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Transportation From Points in
Nebraska to Training Hos
pitals to be Provided (rv
Copyright. 1J7
International ws Senrlc.
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
Wymors; May Lllls Schonemnn,
ea; Wild B. Fulton. Wymors.
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 26. (Special.)
The following list of names by
counties vare those of the young
women who have enlisted in the
Student Xurse Reserve:
In the past numbers of young
women, who have entered this
branch, of the service, have found
niificulty in providing money to pay
transportation from their homes to
the point where the training hos
pitals are located. Tlie women in
charge of recruiting the nurses have
recently been informed that in the
future transportation will be pro
vided for those entering the ser
vice. The names of those already en
listed follows:
A1sms county: Mrs. J. E. Warrick.
Hastings, county chairman, quota. 18:
Florence Sohunk. K-nrgaw; Ann Marie
HeuertJ. Roa!and: M.irlnn Van Every,
May Ansreln Toole. Iltrtha .Mae Cope,
Mirlain Kleanor rfrniriton, Hnzal Wlllard,
Ethel Mary Hurlifs of Hustling.
Antelop county: Mrs. O. A. William.
Nllgh, county chnlrman; Mrs Mtanluy
Clement. El(fln, chairman nurses' bu
reuu: OU1, d; B-rnlre Hoherts Home.
.Maud Irene Home, Ida Fern Stoner, Ethel
May Deckert, Gertrude June McAllister of
Nellfh) Trma Venua .Woelfe, Charlotte
Edna Kmdo of ElKln.
Boono county Mr. K. S rowan, Alhlon.
county chairman, quota, !; Ella Christine
Ostrrmsn. rvdiir Rapid; Jenslna Mlfko
lenn Johnson, St. Kdnard.
Hox riutte county: Mrs. T. J. O'K'efn,
Alliance, muiity chairman, quota. 3: .!.
ela .Mae Noe, HcmlnKford ; Kdna C!a.lre
Bowman. Allinnce
Itoyd county: Mrs. M. H. Tinsley, Spcii
er. county chairman; Mrs. Dorothy Tlf
'any. Snenrer. chairman nuraca bureau:
lunla S; Mlnnin r'rancis t'hrist'ansen.
Ury Ellen WhltliiK, Mary Kllen Dennis
f Kpenctr.
Brown county: Mra. H. II. Williams,
llnaworth. county chairman quota 3;
lolet Aurora Sandstrom, Alnsworth.
Buffalo county: Mrs. Ueorge Burgeit,
Kearney, county chairman, quota is ;
Stella Loralne Conn, Nll Faumiors, Shar.
leen Ruth Schelklnir. Oeorgla Bejl, Anna
M. James, Hatel Fatfllna Lovett, Helen
Marie Anderson. Ruth Ann Jiavls. Minnie
Lavlna Brslar, Frieda Kathleen Scrtel
hlng Altca Inei Martin f Kearney, Lucy
Kvelyn McComb, Mabel Madsce Firkins,
'llhhon, Maude M. McElhapcy, Purge.
Butler county: Mis Omit L, Ciulv,
David City, county chairman; Jilts Mohr,
David City, chairman nurses bureau:
quota 14; Nellie Carolina Lanapa, David
Oily: Blanch Fsys Scott Rising City;
Henrietta B. Lanapa. Florence II. Maul.
Kva J. 8tearn, Francis Rosnatocl of
David City. ,
Cass county: Mra. Dale 8. Hoyles Alvo,
county chairman, quota 15; May KuJoia
Plckwell, Mu-doc; Lena May Hlrs, Plaits,
mouth; Nellie Mlnnetta Trumhle, Eagle;
Edna Grace Pletrick. Louisville: Eleanors
Sofia Chrlatensen, Weeping Water; Tessie
Mary Hayea, Elmwood; Elale Jane Hart;
Chappel; Miss Hltchman, Weeping Water;
Helen Mauda Foster of Plattsmouth.
Cherry county; Mrs. C. H. Rockwell,
Valentine county chairman, quota 6; Ha
le) Isabel Erlckson, Kennedy.
Cheyenne county; Miss Anna McFad
dn, Sidney county chairman, quota 2;
Esther Booth. Sunol; Jennla Armstrong,
Hldney; Blanche Kulp, Sidney; Emma
Ratio, Ourley.
Clay county: Mrs. O. M. Wrown, out-
ton county chairman, quota IS; Alice O.
Smith, Harvard; Nellie K. Sherlden, Sut
ton; Florence Margaret Shoudan, Fair
field; Esther Veneda Peterson, SaronvHIe;
Florence Sejcord, Clay Center; Hannah
Allda Benson. BaroaiOlle; Caroline Eltia- Klhaney. Mabel Beatrice Strom, Edith Dll
beth Wachtei1. Sutton; Florence Maris i0n Hall of Kimball.
Schwab, Clay Center; lima Mae Brewer, Knox county: Dr. Sarah Kalar, Bloom.
Clay Center; Verdle Rebecca Israelson, ' field, county chairman; quota 14; Marie
iarinvilla; Margaret Caroline Hlgglns. Markltan, Berenic E. Levy, Verdlgre; Faa
Hurtln Nole Preston Mlckel, Florence Eve- j Morgan, Crelghton.
lyn Smith. Florence Crabbe of Harvard; Lancaster county: Mra. Buahnell, Lln
Francls Martha Eller, Nellie Rosalin Nel- I coin, county chairman; Margaret Hopper,
son, Anna Bateeba Bollre of Saronvllle; University Place, chairman nurses bureau;
Edythe Marvel Monlsmlth. Orace N. Han- 'quota 66; Katherlne Petrlng, Mabel Poor
er cock. Mamie Lydla Harris, Mary Lorena j haugh, Alice Dee, Ruth Z. Kolhler, Nellla
Hyrklt of Fairfield; Marie Anna Blaney, 0 Kricksen, Kitty Tatman, Luclle Smith,
Sutton; Isadora Frances Spear, Josephine , Nellie W. Olllespie, Mildred Mooberry,
Dura-hart, Lunette Johnson of Fairfield. I Grace Maud Beal, Ada Beatrice Oammel,
Colfax county: Mra. B. F. Farrell, i Blanch B. Essex, Elsie May Way, Vera
Schuyler, county chairman; Mrs. Charles Cecilia Welch, Ora B. Camblln, Helen M.
.lanacck. Schuyler, chairman nurses' bu- otis. Francis N. Livlnghouse, Llla M.
r r.u; quota 10; Mary Agnes Jlra, Leigh; 1 Keener, Marjorie C. Selleck, Alice Hattle
.lulla Evilyn Stastny, Hattle Stecker, Vera ; nunter, Lola Ruth Arner, Mae Susie ash.
Irene Baiicock of Schuyler; Rcse Marie i.uiian J. Ballum, Besa E. Allen, Anna
Schwantje. Columbus; Jessie Mildred Ro- Kathoryn Dybbls, Alice Ann Klenan, Lot
' .,.i Knhi,vler Alvlne Ehlers. Leigh; I ti. rharlotte Sarver. Orace Darling Rogers,
A cSorS fELL Aavor. the M'LjyR L HURRY- I KfSi HE NA0E 60 "wvfir
' 0,N'
Beatrice: WUda B. Fulton. Wyr
Garfield county: Miss Florence Alder
man, Burwell, county chairman; quota, J;
Almee A. Cummlng, Laura M. Dillon, Jan
ett Hogg, Elsa Marie Rosenbach of Bur
well. Gosper county: Mra. T. K. Hull, El
wood, county chairman; quota, 1; Laura
Marie Rightmlre, Smlthfield; Margaret J.
Carhough, Sarah L. Balslnger, Elwood.
tGrant county: Mrs. J. C. Kaschube, Hy
annls, county chairman; quota, 1.
JHull county: Mrs. C. Q. Ryan, Grand
siand, county chairman; Mrs. Bennlng
hovan, Grand Island, chairman nurses' bu
reau; quota, 12; Eva Llnnemann, Winifred
K. Murphy, Haiel A. Stephens. Mary
stratman, Emma D. Corbett, Daisy Lol
Hewett of Orand Island.
Hamilton county: Mrs. W. E. Farley,
Aurora, county chairman, quota 10; Ada
L. 3oethe, Marquette; Agnea E. Moberg,
Phillips; Vonnle Leona Humrlch, Aurora;
Hazel M. Peard, Phillips; Lydla Catherine
Swanson, Hordvllle; Lillian Elma Day.
Aurora; Rtgmor Hanson, Hampton; May
il. Peterson, Aurora; Marie C. Graven
aard; Marquette; Lola K. Stanley, Au
rora; Frances M. Schneider, Hampton;
Julia M. Vetter, Henrietta A. Dorlsnd,
Maude Westlake, Aurora; Clara E. Will
man. Phillips.
Harlan county: Mrs. Nora Kecster,
Alma, county chairman; Mrs. O. D. Mc
Farland, Alma, chairman nurses' bureau;
(luota. 6: Venette Wallace. Orleans; Edna
M, Drullnor, Alma; Marie C. Smith, Stam
ford; Nolle S, Booken, Maude M. Penning
ton,' Republican City.
Hayes county: Mrs. H. B. Snyder,
Hayes Center, county chairman; quota, 2.
Hitchcock county: Mrs. J. H. Corrlck,
Culbertson, county chairman; quota, 3;
Blanch E. Emery, Stratton; Eva, L.
Meyers, Culbertson.
Holt county: Mrs. E. F. Gallagher,
O'Neill, county chairman; quota 12; Eu
nice B. Frost, Eva L. Robertson, Phoebe
Annls Mulford, Stuart; Marsa Marie Zie
mar, O'Neill.
Hooker county: No county chairman;
quota, 1.
Howard county: Mrs. Seth Oleson, St.
Paul, county chairman; quota S; Martha
Holechek, Emma Holechek, Marie A.
Mrkelcka, Farwell; Helen Barbara Truble,
St. Puul. .
Jefferson county. Mrs. 0. P. Welton,
Falrbury; county chairman; quota, 14;
Martha Johnson, Mrs. Henry Thiessen,
Ruby B. Marcellus, Nellie Torrey, Mary
Ann Jacobs, of Falrbury.
Johnson county: Mrs. It, It. Fuller, Ta-
cumseh, county chairman; quota ; Pansy
B. , Shew, Elk Creek; Mary E. Wright.
Irene Lynch of Tecumseh; Ruth M. Laflin,
Crab Orchard.
Kearney county: Mrs. Charles Mantor.
Mlnden, county chairman; auota 5; Sadie
Bang, Hulda Slmpkin, Eunice Burchell of
Mlnden; Francea Yenaen, Lowell.
Keith county: Mabel Welpton, Ogl!a!a,
county chairman; Mrs. J. J. McCarthy-,
Ogallala, chairman nurses' bureau; quota
Keya Paha county: Mra. K. E. Dlet
rlck, Springvlew, county chairman; quota
Kimball county: Mrs. C. L. Alden, Kim- I
ball, county chairman; quota 1; Ethel Mc-
Seven BigN War Work Agencies, United In Relief Army,
Take Care of Our Boys From Home Camps To Trenches
Activities of Organizations
Which Have Joined in Drive
For $170,500,000 So Varied
That Uncle Sam's fighting
Men Can Find Clean, Whole
some Amusement in Every
Camp and at the front
What Xour Money Is Doing,
i TOME follows the soldier wher-
Fl ever he goes through the
seven great organization that
loin hands to help every boy who
eaves home behind.
His nrst ride 'to camp from home
b in a troop-tram where a X. M,
5 A. secretary always abroad, al
ays cheering lonely, homesick
As soon as he gets to camp he
mds that the t. H. C. A.; the K. of
o the Jewish Welfare Board, or
Ue Salvation Army nave the "huts"
hat have made them famous.
There he can write ietters home,
ilay games, see motion picture
.hows, hear lectures, attend relig
ous services and keep up his
studies in classes, conducted regu
arly under the oest oi teachers and
Can Meet His Friends
There, too, he finds the Hostess
.louse oi the 5C. W. a A., where
als mother or sweetheart or his sis
ter may come tc 3ee aim, and the
oranch of the American library As
sociation where he can -borrow
books to read.
Whenvthe aoy has a tew days
leave anVgoes into a strange city
to spend it, he finds there the War
Camp Community Service, ready
and willing to direct him about the
city, to tell him of the amusements
r.nd accommodations he will find.
When the time comes to start
over there, the hoy finds a Y, M.
j A. secretary on the troopship.
He supplies writing paper, organ
izes games for 'the idle hours, and
usually has moving-pictures which
Help out the evenings. The hoy is
sorry to leave him when they dock,
Wp'1 111
With The
fiat City League.
.. 6
,. I
.. 1
.. 1
Sandow Trucka
Kles Hails ....
Bsselln's Kids ,
Officer' Club .
Sam's Indiana
Western Union No. 1...
Western Union No. 1...
In the Gate City bowling 4eague.
Nelson is leading for high 'game
with an average of 248, while the
Sandow Trucks are the leading
team forsingle game win 947 aver
age. Edison is leading for the three
hiehest carries with an average of
656 and the Sandow Trucks also lea
1 r . i .i 1 . ..... t.
lor me tnrec uesi jiuir,a wjiii an av
ergae of 2712.
Of the individual standings Edison
is leading with an average of 188
made in nine games, while Meidster
is second with 186 in 3 games and
Gernandt ia. third with 182 in 9
French sou is another secretary,
K. of C, or Y. M. C. A., or J. W B.,
who tells him where he can go and
what he can do in foreign city.
Qo Right to the Front
At the front, perhaps, the great
est work is done. Here a real taste
ot HOME, the thing the boy craves
more than any other one thing,
comes with the hut erected by the
friendly aelpers. Here when there
is n warm, dry spot in camp, ae
finds warmth and cheer, smiles,
songs, a place to rest, writing
naner. hot drinks, cigarettes.
In the trenches, the Salvation
but the first person he meets on 'Army, the K. ot d, and the Y. M.
C. A. follow to the front line. Boys
who come out of the front line,
cold and dead-tired, meet a cheery
smile and get a Smoke and cup of
hot chocolate. That Is the nearest
approach to home that a ma. in the
trenches finds.
Even to the prison-camps the sec
retaries go, taking what cheer an?
comfort they can to the thousands
of boys who are interned both Al
lied and German. '
Make Women Comfortable
The Y. W. C. A. has its huts for
nurses, telephone girls, and for mu
nition workers, in addition to the
iostess Houses which are replicas
of the Hostess Houses in camps at
Mor than 3,600 separate build
ings have been erected or rented
More than 15,000 uniformed work
ers are in service on both sides of
the Atlantic. More than 500- tons
of supplies go to Prance every
week for the organizations to dis
tribute to the boys. More than
15 miles of motion picture, film
goes to France each week for the
boys' entertainment. Wherever a
soldier or sailor or a marine goes,
HOMK goes with him, through the
medium of one or the other of
these 'seven great co-operating organizations.
li-isle Rinma Novotny. Clarkson: Esther
Lillian Oloss. Cecilia Bessie Turek. Myrtle
Inn Conrad, Mathylde M. Soudek of
Cumin countx: (No clielrmnn). Quota
7 MuKdallne Joft-phlne lilts. I.clla Evan
nel Atchewn of West Point; Mary Tlgh".
Custer county: Mm. Alpha Morgan,
Broken Bow, county dhairman; quota 24:
Lena Nclwn, Sarcenf. Ellen Emma Mur
rhy. Callaway; Alice lanatla Kelley, Mer
na: Lsura I-ticy Cutler, Broken Bow:
Belle Bernlce Work, Callaway; Annabel
Martha Eddy. Broken Bow; Marion Leone
Stevens. Callaway. .
Pawea county: Mrs. E. (1- Shamp
Chadroa, county chairman Mrs. J. A.
Peterson. Crawford, chairman nurses
bureau; quota 4 Kate Soester. Crawford:
iJIna Eva Goodrich. Louise Katherlne
Brandt. Hani Irene Carty Maymj A.
Carpenter of Chadron; Wlntajl McFar
land. Huldah Bertha Marie Henry of
Crawford. t,
Dawson county! Mrs. J. M. Kelley.
(V)thenbr. county chtraa",: quota 16
Otllla Magdalena BubenthaUMr. a Bell
Town Gothenbera; DsHa Annetta re'ker,
Sumner! EUeo Knudsen, Llnton; Mabel
Ellen Nelson. Cosad; Oenevlev. Alice Hai r
rirLsilniton; Ruth Malinda Qulst. Ann,
McDonnall. Oothenberg Anna Christine
NelTson? Lexlnrton: Hm Aw Mjjto
SehwarU. Buffa e; Rachel H. Malone.
SSrnVt: AenM M. Alnl.y. farn.m;
tuotlle Ffjker, Sumner.
Deuel eluntyi Mra. Ira . Ball. Chap
.1L eounty chairman; Mra. W. M. Bus
.all CharpelL chairman nuraea1 bureau,
quota 1? Beatrlc. Morrlaon. Bl Sprlnfa;
Winnie Oassner, Chappell. .,,.
Dlxoa county: Mr. John 5l?,nJ
? county chairman, quota. Helena
W.lnandt. Margaret Welnandt Laura B.
Stark. Mllorad B. Behoppa of Bmoreion.
Dodg. county! Mra. Kn. H. l
beck.' Fremont, eountj cha rman, quota.
10- Agnoa M. Spencer, ieanetta Boy4. Edna
"'H.mraar. Blanch. S Schlemmer Daisy
O. Zwicky. Geneva B. Hartroan Henrietta
5 Hoebener, Ruth H. Foutch of Fremont;
llvina W. Hartung, Hoopc: Helen fc.
toss, CUnrlotta Clara MeLean. Gladys
Vllco R.aten Brink. Leola Catherine Van, Laura L. Hllllker of. Fremont;
Jcma Blumm. Serlbneri Francea Jeanetta
'aierson, Fremont; Emma Meati, Podge.
Douglas county: Mra. A V"0'?'
)maha, county chairman; Mrs. C. s. .1
rutter, Omaha. ialrman nunea bureau;
mota. 115; Kdythe Oraasman, Lenore M.
laeobsen. Agnes T. Klrlln. Hesel Ma Bar.
"tt Oladys E. Wright, Esther Hardy.
Mai'ge Von Shueti, Minnie A. Moore. Con
tance . Garrett, Dorothy B. Cola. Edith
,' McNott. Madeline B. Taylor. Jeanette
(' Harsh, Lola Marie Bader, Jessia B.
iVaWs. M. Schuman, Lenna Mae Osborn.
jnea E llandes. fcsther F. Hardy. Frieda
M. Holstem. Hertha Elsasser, Mlldreth M.
Strvii MurgareV Woodruft Jean Wood.
:.', Anna C. I.arsen, Othelta H. Ande;
son. Mary Louisa Gunsaul of Omaha.
rundy: No chairman, quota, i.
Fillmore county: Mrs. C S. Stover. O.n-1 Irce couny.
va, county chairman, quota. 11; G adys P"re- ,yc
, Hu -bard, araft.m; Helena Carl. Shickley; d p,ler"' aCg
...T..-. rl.h Urilann. " tiara r
tftr.-'Vj. X
Pt.::fTin county; Mrs. Kuth Erf roan.
Hl.urefli, county chalrn'au. quota, ;
Susan rtlug. Keter; Lilly E. Hltfl'
Frontier ccunty: Mrs. J. F. Heckiems'
turtle, -ounli' chairman, quota, I; Lel U.
Jolebank, Maywood.
Kurnaa county: Mra. George Selbert,
Beaver City, county chairman, quota, 1;
Jexsla R. Hlnahaw, Beaver City; Pauline
wigglna., Mildred M. Shoemaker, Wilson--llle:
Ada Balls CenaerVe, Hendlay.
Gaga county: Mlsa Julia Fuller. Be
.trice, county chairman; Mrs. M. A. Shedd,
Beatrlca, chairman nureas' bureau; qutrta,
t; Ann M. Phllbrlek. Vymore: Giads
M. Charles. Blue Springs; Thelma B.
Stratford, Bes'rlee; Martha H. Wundorly.
Adams ; Gale S. Steward, Cortland; Ruby
Louise Mary Sarver, Elisabeth Ellen Arn
ir of Lincoln: Kathrlne Finning. Have
lock; Ida Ruth Wllklns. Waveriy; Gert
rude Thornton, Mette Hanson, Lincoln;
Ellen Clara Wise, Marcella Coyle, Lin
coln; Adelaide Coale, Bennett; Laura C.
Boyd, University Place; Una Waggoner,
Hickman: Elsie Fae Elliott, Helen MarJo-
ria French, Viola C. Schnaeble. Margaret
Young, Opal A. Hanrell, Mildred Kolle
myn, Ethel V. Graham, University Place;
Edna A. Ideen, Raymond; Hum eong,
Havelock; Estella Warner, Roca; Alca
Sexton. Davey; Gladys Lee, Emerald. ,
Lincoln county: Mra. R. F. Cottefell,
North Platte, county chairman; quota
11; Mabel Jepson, Maxwell; Rosalia
Rosendahl. North Platte; Mary Francea
McCullough, Brady; Beulah M. Pick
real, Dora Ball Keegler, Iva Louise
Winterer, Marion E. Waggoner, Leona
May Neff (Nye) of North Platte.
Loup county: Mrs. Christina Evans
Tavlor, county chairman; Mtaa A. Ander
son. Taylor, chairman nurses bureau;
quota 1.
Madison county: Marlon Cooper, Nor
folk, county chairman; Jane Ksyea, Nor
folk, chairman nurses bureau; quota II;
Ellxabeth Olltner Madison; Serena C
Hansen, Elisabeth Schram. Graoe Nelaon,
Norfolk; Eva llobertaon, Madison; Ida S.
Leo. Meadow Orovel CHadya U Warwick,
Merrick oonntyi Mi . a McNurlln
Central City, aounty chairman; Mra, Dr.
Bfown. Central City, chairman nuraea
bureau, quota ; Graoe E. Haye. Mary
Reynolds, Oenevlava Walsh. Jeanetta
Welah, Haiel Kelso, Jennla Peterson Eva
Jenaen, Nettle Gosnell, Amelia Stratman
of Central City.
Morrill county: Mra. H, L Scogfln.
Bridgeport, county chairman quota I;
Florence Kennedy, Broadwater.
Napca oounty: Mrs. B. B. Penny, Ful
lerton, county chairman; Mra. A. Ander
son, Genoa, chairman nurses" bureau;
quota I; Vera oro, Fullerton; Stella
Deaver, Belgrade.
Nemaha county: Mra. H. S. Danells,
Auburn, county chairman; quota 7; Ruth
Stllos. Johnson; Helen Sellers, South Au-
bjiuckolls county; (No county chair
mln.) quota T; May Uena Vosacek.
Otoa county: Mra. 8. 8. Wilson. Na
braaka City, county eballrman; quota 1;
Marguerite a Arenca Syracuse; Frieda
Paradies. Nebraska City.
Pawnee county: Mra. Alberta Ballanoe.
Pawnee-City, county chairman; Mlsa Ad
dlo Kersey. Pawnee City, chairman nurses
bureau: quota : Eleanor P. Lloyd, va
A Poteet, Mao Plye. Tawnee City; Jesaia
Mae Cox, Bjirchard; Grace I. Porter,
Pawne. CltyrJuria B. Wepata, Table
RocH Amelia M. Walker, Pawnee City;
juliat Adolla Schram, Burchard.
Phelps county; Mra. J. M, Douglas.
Holdrege county chairman; quota : Llla
Maria Ceanes, Holdrege; Irene Jhnson,
hertrand: Anna Almqulst, LoomU; Had
die Baker, Holdrege.
Pierce county: -urs. n. u.
nairman; .nrs- tj. 4.u-
hairman nurses bureau ;
Parks, Martha L. :stein-,
kr. Maude I. Swensel, Plalnvllle,
., ,.nnit' Mrs. V. S. Mace,
lumbus. rounty chairman; quota 14; Mar
garet Baker, Monro; Larrra M. Ldedtke.
Creaton- Grace M- Hlgglns. Flatl Center;
Lillian 'B. Taylor, Monroe; Edna bls:r
Uike, Helen A. Davis. Creston; Grace R.
Mabood, Columbus.
1-olk, rounty: Mrs. Sarah Campbell, Os
ceola, county chairman; quota ; Pheobe
Ohlnren. Minnie Hand-n. Stromsburg; Rose
Shrader. Julia Alverson. Osceola: Cora
V. Buck. Stromsburg; Eleanor, Miller, Os-
C"d V.illow .aunty: Dr. Elisabeth
Hohl McCook. county chairman: Misa
. , ,,.....,. ,.h.irm,n nilTM
. va mu O f, wn-V .
burera: quota I; Amanda
bury. Anna Tinea. Martiay
Lehn. Dan-
Amy Hfc'VV,
vieve' Enright, Nelle Brown, McCook; Lil
lian Cozad, Bartley.
Richardson county: Mra. J. H. More-
head. Falls City, county chairman; Mrs.
L. P. Worth, Falls City, chairman nurses'
bureau; quota, 9; Maybelle Potteet, Falls
City, Mildred Shirley, Haze! Gravatte,
Humboldt; Gladys E. Holland, Florence
Lyford, Annie Gist, Falls City: Dorothy
Dorland. Humboldt; Effls Ooolsley. Ver
don; Dessle Barger, Audrey Marton, Fall)
Rock county: Mrs. Efflo THIotson, feas
sett, county chairman; quota, 2; Effle Car
penter, Nora Diweese, Effle Carpenter,
uenevieve Morgan, tiaisett.
Saline county: Mies Bess Fttl, Swanton,
county chairman; quota, 12; Ann C.
Snauer, Wtlber; Irene Dredla, Crete; Nina
B. Caldwell, fiwanton; Esther Mcllnay,
8auridtre county: Mrs. Emma McDon
ald, Wahoo, county chairman; quota, 14;
Opal Hall, Ashland; Eda Hageman, Lil
lian Alvlna Pearson, Wahoo; Inea Olander,
Colon; Julia Odeil, Wahoo; Ebba Klinfe,
Mead; Emma Johnson, Avis Odell, Wahoo;
Emma Nelson, Swedeberg; Laura Spencer,
Ashland; HeUa Torrell, Agnes Jirowsky,
Wahoo; Ethel Nelson, Gertrude Hakel,
Weston; Marian Flemlngg, Cedar Bluffs.
8cottabluff county: Mrs. L. L. Ray.
mond. Scottabluff, county chairman:
quota 10; Lillian Oodsey.
Seward aounty: Mrs. Shelby Ramsay,
teward, county chairman; quota 10; Mlsa
Orace Lang ton. Seward.
Sheridan Bounty; Mrs, J, Q. Apian,
Rushvllis. oounty chairman; 'quota, t;
Sno Wilson, Adaton.
Sherman county: Mr. L. T. Sfocumb.
Loup City, county chairman; quota, I;
Cecilia Ling, Elsie Oltjenbruna, Bertha
Chrlatensen, Loup City; Clara Ida Spang
berg, Litchfield.
Stanton county: Mra. W. A. Mayfleld.
Stanton, county chairman; quota, 4: Ef
fle L. Blunt. Pllger.
Thayer county; Mra. M. B. Corrall, He
bron, county chairman; quota, 10; Alt
Luollla 8edgwlck. Davenport; Lucy Jana
Meyer, Bruplng; Hattle Van Skiver, Dav
enport, Thomas county: Mra. D. W, Hyndshaw,
Thedford, county chairman; quota, I;
Mlna Jacoby, Halsey.
Valley county: Mra. C C, Shepherd,
Ord, county chairman; quota, I: Mary Ann
Lockey, Norm Loup; Mary Porter, Or.
Washington county: Mrs. C. R. Meade,
Blair, county chairman; Bertha Lawson,
Lata Marshall, Ruth Close, Eva Marshall,
Irma Peterson, Arlington; Hannah Larsen,
Louisa Larsen, Kennard.
Wayne county: Mra. J. O. W. Lewis,
Wayna, county chairman; quota I; Nellie
Baker, Carroll; Jesaia Prince, Wlnsida;
Beth Tarjan, Carroll,
Webeter county: Mrs. Frank Smith,
Red Cloud, oounty ehalrman; Mra. J. B.
Lane, Blue Hill, chairman nurses bureau)
quota t; Effle Konaak, Guide Rock: Nettie
Marymee. Bladen; GilsaBetn uoenije, Blue
Hill: Dorothy Hartwall. Inavale: Cleta
Drain, Red Cloud) Arnold Fay, Eva Mc-
Increase Wage of All
Workers in Shipyards
Announce Labor Board
Washington, Oct. 27.Upward
revision of wages in all shipyards of
the country to provide uniform na
tional rates for practically all the
shipyard trades, effective immedi
ately, was announced today by the
shipbuilding labor adjustment board.
Two great districts are created, one
for the Pacific coast and the other
embracing Atlantic and gulf coasts
and great lakes. In the first, in
creases average 20 per cent. In the
second 15 per cent, with the basic
rates for the principal skilled trades
fixed at 80 cents per hour in both.
This decision will be reviewed
every six months and further in
creases granted if costs of living
The decision directly affects about
400,000 shipyard -workers and the
board believes they will have an in'
direct bearing on the wages of othUfa. with Aleppo in the hands of
er workers in all parts of the coun
Aleppo Is Taken by
British in Fighting
In Palestine Sector
London, Oct. 27. The city of
Aleppo was occupied by British
cavalry and armored cars Saturday
morning, says a British official
statement issued today. On opera
tions in Syria and Palestine, the
statement adds:
"Our advanced cavalry and ar
mored cars occupied Aleppo on the
morning of October 26, after our
overcoming slight opposition."
The fall of Aleppo to the British is
the crowning event of the victorious
campaign of General Allenby, in
which he captured Jerusalem and
Damascus on his way northward
through Palestine and Syria. Aleppo
is 185 miles north of Damascus and
70 miles east of the Mediterranean
IV, I ... .. .. r . . "j '
Sr; Renmcker. Dnnbury, Lillian Bak,; j 1 WMin UIM r nu entourages
Etk?l Oar-. Mury tin'.'- wnwii , ,, u r.jjpiy ivi n;c eui nicy
High Commissioner
From France Visits
In the United States
An Atlantic Port, Oct. 27. Andre
Tardieu, French high Commission-!
er to tne united states, wno was
recently appointed secretary for
Franco-American war affairs by
Premier Clemenceau, arrived here
tonight on a French liner, suffering
from a slight attack of influenza.
M. Tardieu's visit, it was said of
ficially, "answers the same purpose
as the visit of Col. E. M. House to
France," for "just as President Wi
son thought necessary, under the
present circumstances to have Col
onel House visiting France so Prime
Minister Clemenceau judged that the
presence in America of a member of
coy, Blue Hill; Cedie Taylor, Red cioud Jnjs government could only, serve
tuuay mc necessities ui mc situa
tion." It was said that M. Tardieu would
remain in the United States only
a short time.
Former Professor of
Indian is "Flu" Victim
Hartford, Conn., Oct. 27. Rev.
Dr. Frank L. Neeld of this city,
formerly principal of Bareily Theo
logical seminary in India, died to
night of influenza and pneumonia.
He represented the city of Bareily
at the Durban when King "George
was proclaimed -emperor of Indis
Grace Donahoe, Ina Miller,
Eleanor Harvey, Inavale.
Wheeler county: Mrs. Budora Plank, El
gin, eounty chairman: quota 1: Blanche
Warner, Ellaabeth Richard, Erlcaon.
York county: Mrs. C A. Mccioua. york,
county chairman: Dr. 'Dora B. Ecklcs,
Yo-k, chairman nurses bureau quota 20;
lots Kirkpatrltk, Tork; Mrtla Gassman,
Waco: Emma Reed, Henderson; Esther
Johnann, York.
(Signed) MARY B. COOIL, R. N.
State Chairman Jfursfa' Bureau.
Want Messenger.
J. P. Barrett of the United States
employment service says ftiere is
a demand for messenger boys and
girU at the various packing house
Maaiws) ftKk'BMUNi Marie & ! I Wane, Ida ftlUvh, inuianoUj -CgQ jj fujj -eU as bdys,
the British, the Turkish forces facing-
the British army in Mesopotamia
are in a more or less precarious po
sition. An advance northward from
Aleppo would cut off the Turkish
forces in Armenia and northern Mes
opotamia and would open a road
over which to send help to the
Czecho-Slovak and other anti-Bolshevik
forces in Russia.
Civilians in Tournai
Refuse to Evacuate
. On Order of Germans
Washington, Oct. 27. Thirty
two thousand civilians, despite the
request of the Germans, have re
fused to evacuate the city of Tour
nai which is being approached by
the British forces, according to ad
vices received tonight from Rotterr
dam by the commission for relief
in Belgium. Special trains put at
their disposal by the Germans did
not leave because of lack of pas
sengers. Six thousand Belgian refugees
have so far reached Holland. theJ
dispatch added. Of this numbe
1,314 arrived yesterday at Weert
andv2,235 at Steervoost, while 2000
others were expected to arriver lat
er. Because of the large number
of refugees, a special committee to
look out for their welfare has been
appointed by the Dutch govern
ment. Reports from Brussels say diffi
culty is being experienced in hous
ing refugees from other parts of
three year, ago, He was born in Belgium and many are suferin KcSuckN,0: I ml .52.
Pittsburgh 66 yearf ; yfromexposure and grippe 1 W-rNo, a, ijkci Nq; i,
Oranges All sizes sell from $1S to $1T.
Bananas Per pound, 6 Vie to 7o.
Pears Barrel Kleffers, $6 00; bushels.
$2.50; D'Anlous. box, $5.00; Vi box, $3.60
Apples York Imperial bbls., $0.60;
mixed bbls., $6.00. Boxes: Extra fancy,
Washington, Delaware, 100 and larger,
$1.00; extra fancy, Washington and Dela
ware, smaller, $3.60; fancy Washington,
Delaware, 100 and larger, $3.S0; fancy
Washington and Delaware, smaller, $$.00;
choice, Washington, Delaware, 100 and
larger, $3.00; smaller, $$.50; extra fancy
WashtngtonN Jenethona, $S.00; fancy
Washington Jenethona, $$.75; choice
Washington Jenethona, $2.50; extra fancy
Idaho Jenathons, $2.75; fancy idaho
Jenathons, $J.6Q: Colorado fancy Jena
thons, $2.60; Washington Baldwins, $3.(0;
Washington Jumboi. $2.26.
Grapes Tokay crate, $2.(0; Emperors,
keg, $7.00;.
Grape Fruit $0.00.
Cranberries Barrel, $10.00; box, $4. SO.
Figs 24-8-oz. packages, $3.00; 60 S-ox.
packages. $4.16; t-row layer, $3.00; 4-row
layer. $2.60.
Onions, per lb., $He.
Cabbage Ton lets, $40.00; local ship
ments, per lb., ta.
Potatoes No. 1 Red Rlvar, choice, per
lb., Sfto; No. 1, per lb., 2 lie
Sweet Potatoes Barrel. $(.0a
Mead lettuce, $1.00;' leaf lettuce, 10a;
shallots, 16o; radishes. 40e; Mlohlgan
celery, 46c; Jumbo- celery, $1.00; extra
fancy aucumbers, $2.00; beeta, per lb.,
2 Ho; carrots, per lb., 1 Via: green peppers,
$1.00; cauliflower, 15c; egg plant, (1.60;
garllo, $5o; Hubbard squash, per lb., to;
rutabagoa, per lb., 2ttc; turnips, per lb,,
2 c.
Diamond Branded Walnuts No. 1 . .
sk. lots, 33c, Jess 36c; No. 3 S. 8. ak.
iota. 30c, less 36c; fancy budded, lota,
37c, less 40c; Gol, st. std., sk. lots, S6c,
less, 40c; Brazil washed, large aack lots,
38c; medium, 25c; almonds Tarragenas,
juc; onestnuts. 22c.
Oysters. King Cole Northern Standards
Per gallon, $2.$0j large can, 65c; small
cans, 38c. King Cole Northern Selects
Pergallon, $3; large can, SOo; small can,
43c. King Cole Northern Counts Per
gallon, $3.25; large can. 65o small can,
4ic. King Cole Chesapeake Standard
Per gallon, $2.25; large can, 4Sc; small
can, 82c. King Cole Cheaapeake Selects
Per gallon. $2.65; large can, E6c: small
can, 35c Blue Points Per 100. $1.75.
Jlommoth celery: Per doxen, $1.
Whalemeat: Per pound 20c.
Fish: Special bullheads, large, chilled,
15c per pound; catfish, O. S. large, 80c;
small, 28c; salmon, red, Chinook 26c, sli
ver 28c, pink, 20o bull heads, 21o; Span
ish mackerel (fancy chilled). I8c; whitfl,
26c; crapples, 20c, 22c; yellow pike, No. I.
20c; Jack pickerel No. 1, dressed 16c,
rd., 10c; fancy frozen silver smel's, fine.
12o; fancy frozen while mullets, large, $c;
fancy salmon, Chlnooks. 10-lb. baskets.
35c; kippered sable, 10-lb. baskets, 26o
smoked white, large, 10-lb. baskets, I2e;
halibut, fresh, express, !5c; trout, No. 1,
22c; black cod. fine ateakera, lc; white
perch, 12c; black basa, fancy, fresh
caught stock- $0c, order sise 85o; fancy
froien round pickerel, 10c; fancy frozen
round fail salmon, 14c.
Crackerjack, checkers and chums, ease,
$5.60; Vs case, $3.85; ear pop eorn, per
lb., tf to lie; shelled pop corn, 4-dx.
Pkgs.. K00; oomb honey, $7.00; atralned
honey, 1 dot 16-oi. Jars, $6.50, 2-doa. I
oi. Jars. $2.25; aalted peanuts. 43.00; pea
nuts, per lb., 17c to 80a.
Wholesale prices of beef cuts affective
October 28 are as follows:
Loins No. I, SlVio; No. I, 17 Via.
Ribs No. t, l5Ho; No. t, 15e. I
Klng'a Lunch . . .
Central Furniture
Washington Shirts
Beau Brummel .
Jlurphy Did It .
fScott Tenia
South Side
Creator Omaha league.
P. W. t Pet
... 8 1 .888
...12 7 5 .683
...12 7 .583
...13 7 6 .688
... 6 4 .665
...12 6 7 .418
...12 4 8 .333
I 10 .167
Omaha Printing Co 12
Metzger is leading the individual
players in the Greater Omaha league
with an average of 189. Stunz comes
second with an average of 185, while
Shaw is third wih 184 to his credit.
Charles Pores Wins Ten-Mile;
Last Year Winner is Second
New York, Oct. 27. Charles
Pores, of the Pelhara. Bay naval sta
tion, winner of the national ama
teur five mile championship rujj for
the last two years, won the ten-mile
race for the national A. A. U. title
here today from a field of 6ix start
ers. The winner's time was 54:17-3-5.
Villar Kyronen, who won this
event last year, finishing second.
Park Team Challenges .
Any Eleven of Its Weight
The Riverview Park foot ball
team, averaging 135 pounds, have
issued a challenge to any team
weighing 145 pounds or under. They
will give the preference to the
Knights of Zion. A battle can be
secured bv telephoning Roy Luebbe
at Tyler 2753.
Today's Sport Calendar.
RACING: Autumn meeting of tafonla
Jockey club, Ijitonla, Ky. Thirty thou
sand dollar stake race between the S-year-old
Eternal and Billy Kelly, st
Laurel, Md.
FOX HI NTS Annual fall meet of New
Englad Fox Hunters' club opens at Eaat
l"epperHK Maw.
FIELD TRIALS; Annual trials of New
Jersey Beagle club open at Gladstone,
Claude Percival of Omaha, x
Arrives Safely Overseas
Mrs. Claude W. Percival is in re
ceipt of a cablegram, announcing
that her husband, Lieutenant Perci
val, has arrived safely overseas.
She is making her home with her
h.-.shand's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
D. Percival, while the lieutenant is
"over there."
Ligutenant Percival is with the
14th infantry and was formerly with
the old F u-th Nebraska. ' ill en
listed in June, 1917. and was with
the Sandstorm division at Camp
Cody for more than a year, goinjr
to Csmp Dix last August and sail
ing for Europe about the middle of
this month.
Army Orders.
Washington, Oct. $7. (Special Tela
gram.) The following appointments have
been made In the army: Ralph W. Bail
ey, Camp Dodga, second lieutenant Infan
try; Thos. P. Johnston, Omaha, first
lieutenant engineer corps; Erich A. Jack,
Columbua, Neb., aecond lieutenant engl
neera corps; Frank A. Joslyn, Bloux Falls.
B. D., first lieutenant qquartermaetere
corps; Russell B. Olds. Charles City. Ia,
oconn lieutenant quartermasters corps;
flam'l D. Carney, Sioux City, la., John M.
Cook, I,an;forn S. P., Albert B. Deer
Inn Boone. Ia , James O. Ganoe, Ogden,
ta.. Wlllla"rn C. Philips. Clarlnda. Ia.,
John L. aabloom, Red Oak, la., captain
medical corps; Norman Arnold, Bnlmont,
8. D., first lieutenant medical corps.
The appointment of Stanley Allen Tor
gey as captain engineers Is announced. He
will proceprt to Dea Moines and Is granted
two days loave of absence.
Capt. Robert Shaw. Infantry. Is relieved
from duty at Iowa State Agrcultural col
lege, Ames, Ia.. and will proceed to Buena
Vista college, Sform Lake. Ia. MaJ. Fred
erick W. Shaw, medlral corps, Is relieved
from duty at Camp Dodge and will pro
ceed to Camp Mead.
Second Lt " Lewis N. Stott, veterinary
corps, is relieved from duty at Camp
Dodge, will proceed to Fort Keogh, Miles
City, Mont Boeond Lt. Augustus C. Cloyd
Infantry, is relieved from duty at Hastlnps
college. Hastings. Neb., and will proceed
without delay to Tale university. New
Haven. Conn. The appointment of Oeorge
Byron Brown, Wsyne MrKnlght Shirley,
Thsddeus Constantino Cooper as first
lieutenants medical corps, United States
army. Is announced. Geo. Edgar Benson
as captain medical corps is announced.
He will proceed to Dea Moines.
Supporters of Newberry and
Ford Harsh in Criticism
as Contest Wages
Warm. . j
Detroit Mich., Oct. 27. When
the voters of Michigan go to the
polls in the November election' to
decide the senatorial contest, they
ill brine to a climax a situation aU
most unparalleled in Michigan politiV
cal history. I
Henry Ford, choice of President'
Wilson, and carrying the endorse
ment of the democratic organization
despite his announced intention of
holding himself free from all party
obligations, will have as his repub
lican opponent Truman H. New
berry, commander of, the Third Na
val district, and secretary of the
navy in the second Roosevelt cabi
net. i
Mr. Ford' declined to make anr
effort to win nomination at the pri
mary, while Commander Newberry
likewise took no personal part in
the intensive drive , in his behalf.
Both maintained the same attitude
after the primary had returned New.
berry the victor on the republican
ticket and nominated Vrd on the
Interest centered on the senatorial
contest from the moment Ford an-
nounced that at; President Wilson'a )
request he would accept the, nomi
nation if tendered him. He did not
specify whether he would make the
race as a democrat or a republicau,
ar I his name went on both ballots
at the primary.
Both candidates came in for se
vere criticism at the party conven
tions of their Opponents., The demo
crats met first and party leader t
scored the expenditure of slightly "
more, than $176,000 by Newberry'a
supporters in the primary. Repub
licans meeting the following day
countered with the charge that Ford
opposed war and was an unbeliever
in the American soldier.
Next in interest to the senatorial
fight is a proposed constitutional
amendment extending suffrage to '
women. The amendment was en
dorsed by both republican and
democratic conventions and an ac
tive campaign has been conducted
in its support
Reupblicans are confident they
will re-elct the entire state ticket,
headed by Governor Albert E,
Sleeper. The democrats, however,
have a full slate in the field, and ae
d termined to make a strong fignt
for every office. Their candidate
for governor is John W. Bailey.
Directum J. Sold.
Indianapolis, Oct. 27. &irectara
J., 2:015, the leading money win
ning pacer on the Grand Circuit
this season, was Saturday sold by t
Fred Cline of this city to Tommy
Murphy of Poughkeepsie. The
price is said to be $5,000. Directum
J., has $13,270 to his''credit this
year. '
Brief City News
Lighting Fixtures Burgesa-Gramjen
Have Root Print It Beacon Press.
Dr. P. J. Schlcler has resumed
Dr. Frank Simon, suits 71S, Oma
ha National Bank Bldr
VOTE FOR HOLMES for munici
pal Judge.
Funeral of Ales Buchanan The
funeral of Alex Buchanan; 13S0 .
South Thirty-fourth street, will be
held at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon.
Interment will be in Prospect Hill
Fine fireplace goods at Sunderland'. ;
MISS ADA LISHER died of Span
Ish Influenza In the Lord Lister hos
pital Saturday. She Had been ac
cepted for Red Cross service and ex
pected to leave the first of November.
LEAH POTTER, daughter ot
Sheriff Potter of Gandy, Neb., lt
years of age, died here Saturday aft
ernoon. Miss Potter had come ,to
Omaha for treatment The body WIH
be sent to Gandy for burial.
or age, died unaay morning or.
Spanish Influenza. The funeral will
be held Wednesday morning at 9
o'clock in Bralley & Dorrance'a
chapel with Interment In Holy Se
pulcher cemetery. '
of age, died Sunday morning In nil
home, 1014 Farnam street He la
survived by his wife, one son.
Charles; two daughters, Evelyn and
Mrs. Fred Baese of Chapman, Neb.
Mr, Nunemann had been a resident
of Omaha for 40 years.
years or age, died Sunday mornlnj
of Spanish influenza in her home.
708 North Sixteenth street Funeral
services will be held in Bralley A
Dorrance'a chapel Monday afternoon
at S o'clock, after which the body
will be sent to Norfolk for burial.
Mrs. Bullls Is survived by her hus
band, Stephen F. Bullis.
11.6-1118 --Doudlas St;
Tel-Douglas 152 .
BY COURT ORDER the stock and fixtures of THE
PUBLIC MARKET will be sold to the highest bidder
at 310-312 South 16th Street, Omaha, Nebraska, on