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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1918)
BRIEF RIGHT REEZY BITS OF NEWS THE NEWSPAPER YOU ALWAYS LOOK TO FOR LATEST AND MOST RELIABLE WAR NEWS he Omaha Sunday Bee Crew Refuses to Sail With Pacifists Aboard (LonJon, Oct. 26. Arthur Hen derson, the British labor leader, his ' secretary 'and Camilje fluysmans, the Belgian socialist leader, were unable to go to France Friday as they intended because the crew of the vessel on which they have ' booked passage refused ta sail if they were aboard. The members of the crew said they would not sajl with "pacinists and pro-Ger- pian s ... When they found they could not sail on the ship, Mr. Henderson and his companions left the vessel and " hailed a taxicab but the driver re fused to take them, according to reports. Illinois Suffragists for War to Decisive" Victory , Chicago, Oct. 26. A resolution pledging supporj of the prosecu tion of the war to a decisive vic tory and to the unconditional sur render of the enemy was adopted by the Illinois Suffrage association today. Speakers at the meeting also voiced condemnation of the Russian Bolshevik Soviets because of their reported decree making women the "property of the state." , War Welfare Campaign : Goal Is $250,000,000 Chicago. Oct. 26. President Wil son has approved an increase in the amount which the united work campaign will seek of nearly 50 per cent and the organizations involved will ask the country to contribute $250,000,000 in the week of Novem ber 11, said John R. Mott, director of the campaign, in a statement be fore a conference of workers from 1 . states here today. Doctor Mott said he obtained this endorsement only a few days ago ind then explained why the increase as considered necessary. Ex-President Roosevelt Becomes Sexagenarian Today Oyster Bay, N. Y., Oct. 26.-Col. Theodore Roosevelt, who wilKbe 60 years old tomorrow, will celebrate his birthday at Sagamore Hill with members of his family. Besides M rs. Roosevelt and his three 'chil dren now in this country Mrs. Nicholas Longworth, Mrs. Richard Derby and Capt. Archibald Roose velt he will have with him three jrandchildren. Influenza Increasing "In England and Ireland London, Oct. 26. Influenza is in creasing throughout England and Ireland., Two hundred and fifty-five persons' have been buried" in Dublin since last Monday. The authori ties are sprinkling the streets with .disinfectants. Tw'o priests who at tended the victims have died. One hundred and fifty-two deaths have occurred at Leicester-during the week. All public functions have ' Keen cancelled and the council has .requested the people to stay away , from places of amusement. One thousand cases are-reported at Newry. The spinning mills are short handed and the schools have been closed. U-Boat Bombed When '. About to Attack Line? x An Atlantic Port, Oct. 26.-rOffi-pers of a steamship arriving tonight 'said they witnessed the probable de struction of a German submarine by art American destroyer when three days out from a, British port. The submarine arose to attack the liner, but the American destroyer, swooped down, on the enemy craft before it could fully submerge. Ilhree depth bombs were dropped . and VOL. XLVIII NO. 20. Entered iMoad-eliH matter Miy 21, . 1906 it Omaha P. 0. vadar act at March S. IS79 OMAHA, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1918. Dally aad Sua.. M: aattldt Nak. aaataaa antra. By mall ( year). Dally. 14.50. Suaday, 2.50. FIVE CENTS. THE WEATHER: Generally fair Sunday and Monday; rising temperature. S .m. 6 a. m. 7 a. in. It a. m. a. m. 10 a. m. 11 a. ni. It m. Hourly TVmprromrra. .3.1 ..S5 . . ..34 . .84 ..SI ..34 1 p. in t i. in. S p. m. 4 p, m, (I pi m. 1. m. 1 ! m. ...33 ...34 ,. .34 ...4 ...14 ...84 ...34 KM L p DO S p P 0 ' vHJ LD UVJ lii vJ L7 Li) yd Lii vii UU U U . : 1 r : ?. ' 4JV .cers said they been scored. the offi- thought a hit had it v ITALIANS TAKE 2,000 PRISONERS ALONG THE Pi AVE -: Fourth Army Frustrates All Attempts of Austrians to Reconquer MoQte Grap pa Positions. RomvOct. 26. In the successful assault against the Austrian de fenses along the Piave and west of 4hat river, Italian troops have cap tured more than 2,000 prisoners in ' the last 24 hours, the was office an nounced today. ' Heavy fighting continued all day Fridty in the Monte Grappa region, ' but the Italian fourth army maiu-"-tained its positions and extended them at some points. ; Albanians Taking Up Arms. ? Washington, Oct. 26, Violent v fighting continued yesterday on the Italian front, where the Italians, with British cooperating, launched a new offensive against the Aus- trians Thursday. A Rome despatch, Mo the . Italian embassy says the fourth army , has -frustrated all at tempts of the enemy to reconquer territory lost Thursday and has en- The message also says Italian troops continued to advance along the lower Mati in Albania and that the Albanian tribesmen are taking up arms against the Austrians Tud fighting under Italian colors. . ; Reach Bulgarian Border. London, Oct. 26. Italian cavalry has reached the Bulgarian border near Egre Palanka. 50 miles south west of Sofia, the Bulgarian capital, according, to reports reaching here today. -"-- . : N . ' "' . - "- ' 343 PERISH WHEN VESSEL FOUNDERS OH ALASKA COAST ' m Steamship Princess Sophia Picked Up ByGale After Running Upon Rocks, Hurled Across Reef and N Sent to Bottom in Deep Waters of Lynn Canal With All Aboard. Vancouver, B. C, Oct. 26. The 268 passengers and crew of 75 men were lost when the steamship Princess Sophia foundered last night, the Canadian Pacific railway announc ed today. Not a soul survived, according to a Juneau wireless message, which said the ship apparently was picked up by the gale, hurled across Vanderbilt reef and sent tp the bottom in the deep waters on "the other side. The United States lighthouse ten- ; decf Cedar, made" an unsuccessful attempt to get to the side ot tlie Sophia after she started to sink, ac cording to a wireless message from t' Cedar received here tonight. The body of one woman and four up turned boats were the only signs of the Sophia left at daylight today. Passengers Mainly Alaskans. . Seattle, wasn., uct. io.-r-n. swag- way, Alaska, dispatch to trie Asso ciated Press tonight gav. the list of pasenger aboard the Sophia, but did'not give 'their addresses. Alas kans now in Seattle identified many of the names. Most of the pas sengers were Alaska residents who were en route to Canada and the Uuited States for the winter. 'The list includes the following: H. M. Swartz, Seattle, United States tra'nsport service. ? H. B. Harkin, Seattle, general manager Pacific Coast Cold Storage company. J. I. Hugh, U. s. customs collec tor of Juneau. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Eads, Dawson, proprietors Hotel Alexander, Daw son s leading hotel. Face Death Calmlyf Passengers aboard the Sophia were calm a short time before the steamer carried them to their deaths, according to a wireless message sent last niaht from the doomed vessel. The message was sent by Captain Locke to the Canadian Pacific rail road offices here. It was received this morning. Captain Locke &did: Steamer Cedar and three Juneau gas boats standing by. , Unable to take off passengers on account ot strong northerly gale and big sea running. The ship is hard and fast on the reef with her bottom badly damaged. She is not taking water. Unable back off reef. Passengers are normal. ' Nearly t sll -members of the So phia's crew wcte Canadians. Cap tain Locke, master,' was one of the oldest navigators on the northern coast. Capt. Jerry Shaw was first officer, J. F. Gosse second officer and A.- Murphy third otticer. ah four resided in Victoria. Blizzard Cause of Disaster. X Juneau, Alaska, Oct. 26. Indica tive of the terrific storm which caused the steamer Princess Sophia to olunee from her rocky ledge on Vanderbilt reef into, the waters of Lynn. Canal was tjie statements made by officers of the Canadian Pacific steamer Amy, which returned from the scene of' the wreck yester day. The officers said two feet of snow fell in 40 hours and a strong northeast wind then blowing later developed into a blizzard which was responsible for the Sophias heavy losoflife When the Am, left the Sophia, that vessel was resting for about! two-thirds of her length on the rocks of the reef, which is four miles west of Sentinel island and half way between Juneau and Skag way. The Sophia was thentaking on water. She was surrourfded by deep water on both sides, but with only her stern over deep water it was thought there wrt no danger of the steamer sliding off tl i rocks. The re: f -was covered, howsver, at half tide a"nd the- heavy ser? had pre vented attempts to take off the pas sengers. A lhe Sophias only freight cargo, is said to have consisted of 40 horses. At 8 o'clock last night the last message from Captain Locke ofthe So: hia was received. Today the gov ernment tender Cedar, which had been standing by reported that only the Sophia's masts were visible. The Cedar remained in the canal to search for bodies. Women and Children Lost N Skagway, Oct. 26. Many women and children were on board the steamer Princess Sophia, when she left here Wednesday. Among the passengers were Mrs. Marks and children, Captain James Alexander and v wife and William A. Malong and wife. Mrs. Marks was the wife cf a Fairbanks, Alaska, dredge op erator, and Captain Alexander and Mr. Malong were mine operators from interior Alaska. , Mr. Making's home was at Raby. YANKEES IN BITTER FIGHT ONTHEMEUSE German Artiljery Bsmbsrds , American Lines Heavily With High Explosive and Gas Shells. With the American Army North west of Verdun, Oct. 26. In the center of the line west of the Meuse the German artillery is bombarding the American lines heavily with high explosive and gas shells. On the right the enemy made an un successful counter-attack during the night. "From 2 to 6 o'clock this morning they shelled the American lines, the bombardment at times reaching th intensity of a barrage, but there was no further infantry action. ' One new division and one new regiment have been" identified as having been added to the German strength. The division is reputed to have traveled more than any oth eF in the German army. It hasjjeen successively on the eastern front, the mlian front, on the Somme and before St. Mihiel. The regiment be longs to the crack 28th German di vision. ' I Reserves Thrown In. Violent enemy reactions continue cast of the Meuse and there has been desperate fighting all along the line. The Amerjcan position now runs through the clearirfg be tween the Belleau vipod and the Etraye wood. The enemy's determ ination to hold the high ground east of the river is shown by the fact that he has thrown in one of his last remaining reserve divisions to check the American advance in the Belleau wood where the enemy is counter attacking persistently. The following document has been captured: "The enemy's crossing of the Meuse is to be prevented absolute ly. Should he succeed in crossing he is to be thrown back into the Meuse at once. The enemy must not get a foothold on this side of the Meuse under any circumstances." The Clock of Fate ALLIES DRIVE ON GIVING ENEMY NO CHANCE TO RESM : ... l! ! I i Americans Steadily Press Germans Back on the Meuse. I i ' British Make Progress in Encirclement of Valen ciennes, French Shake Serre Defenses and Italians Smash Austrian Lines. Five Dollars For Ten Words! . You can have it as well as the next one by writing - The Best Slogan. To call attention of our out-of-town readers to Omaha's w'perior at tractions as a city. To Ten Next Best Each a Good Book. ' The winning answer will be I used as the banner line just above the heading of The Bee x on this first page. It must . contain not less than ten words and not less than 54 jior more than 60 letters. . s COMPETITION FREE TOT ALL SUBMIT AS MANY ANSWERS AS YOU LIKE. , T Responses must be in by ' Oct. 30, and winners will be announced in The San day Bee of Nov. S. Address: ; Slogan Contest The .Omaha Bee. , TURKEY READY TO SURRENDER; SWISSREPORT Offer of Peace on Way to Brit ain and France; Austria Planning to Demobil ize Army. (.London, Oct. 26. The Turkish minister to Switzerland has handed the British and French ministers to that country an offer of peace, virtually amounting to surrender, ac cording to a Berne dispatch to the Daily Mail. Zurish, Oct. 26. -Prince Freder ick Lobkowitz and Baron Nadherny, who represent the strongest , anti German tendencies at Vienna, have left the city for Switzerland, charged withva mission aobut which no de tails are- given, according to the Neues Journal of Vienna. Basel, Oct. 26. Vienna newspa pers are publishing articles relative to preparations for demobilization of the army. One newspaper says that two infantry regiments sta tioned at Karlowiz have revolted. Karlowiz is a village in Croatia-Sla-vonia, Hungary. i Seek "Safety First." Paris, Oct. 26. In well informed circles it is said that the nomination of Count Julius Andrassy as suc cessor of Baron Burian, the Aus-tro-Hungarian minister, is above all, im portant from the viewpoint of a conclusion of peace, and the "safety first" principle of Austria. It is said that peace at any price now is popular at Vienna and Budapest The Zurich correspondent of the Journal says that the new foreign minister is understood to be a par tisian of direct peace negotiations with the entente without recourse to the office of President Wilson. He says that the situation in Austria-Hungary is such that the mon archy will soon capitulate and throw itself on the mercy of the allies. Czechs Masters. The Czechs now are masters of the situation at Prague. The Slo vaks have decided to change the rftme of Pressburg to Wilsonville The Ruthenians of Galicia have de clared for a separate Ukranian state comprising regions of Austria-Hungary inhabitated by Ruthenians. It is reported that anarchy reujns in the ancient Danubian monarchy of Hungary. The correspondent says that in Austria no, notice is being taken of decisions arrived at by Berlin. Plan Landing Field Here on Woodrow Wilson Route Arrangements are being made through -the Omaha Chamber of Commerce to prepare a landing field for aeroplanes that may be used in h air mail service on the Woodrow Wilson airway. The standardized equipment for these fields has not been made public,! but local committees have a good general idea of the needs and will make - their investigations ac cordingly. x' ' O ; Hitchcock Visits Wpr Department, but Only Secures Conference Washington, D. - C Oct. 26 (Special Telegram) Senator Hitchcock had a conversation with the officials of the War de partment today over the Fort Crook water supply and ca'me awa from the conference satis fied that nothing could be done to change the mind of the general staff that wells would solve the problem. He believes matters have gone so far that it would be a mistake to interfere with the orders of the construction de partment for an early beginning of work on the construction of the wells decided upon. This is a well authenticated case of the "King of France with 20,000 men marching up hill and marching down again." GERMANY WI.LL SEND 'ANOTHER ' N0TETO VV1LSON Crown Council, With Kaiser Presiding, Decides ta Point Out Change in Em v pfre's Constitution. Copenhagen, Oct. 26. The Berlm Lokal Anzeiger says that a new note will be sent by Germany to Presi dent Wilson as ?oon as possible. A crown council under the presidency of the emperor lasting several hours reached this decision Friday. The note it is asserted will point out the changes which have taken place in the German constitution. Press Disappointed. Copenhagen, Oct. 26. With few exceptions the Gernian press con demns President 'Wilson's latest note, saying it is an alteration of his former standpoint and betrays lack of comprehension of recent events in Germany as well as mis construction of what has happened there. It is also said the note rep resents a concession to the de mands ofthe allied nations. Electoral Bills Passed:" Amsterdam, Oct. 26. The Prus sian upper house has passed en bloc the three electoral bills as amended by special committee, according to a Berlindispatch. The reaction aries did not vote. Berlin advices early in October said that the Prussian upper house had rejected the motion to intro duce suffrage based on vocation and had passed an equal direct suffrage measure in accordance with the gov ernnienjfl"l with the addition of an extra vote for persons over 50 years Did. The house thus modified article 3 of the electoral reform bill which caused the rejection of the measure by the lower house. This article provided for one vote for each man in Prussia and did awav with plural voting. y 1 WILSON'S VOTE APPEAL PUT IN HOUSE RECORD Republican leaders Call At tention to Violation of the Rules by Democrats for Political Purpose. Washington, Oct. 26. Issuing of pre-election statements was contin ued today by democratic ant! repub lican' leadfrs and campaign commit tees.v Representative Ferris of Okala homa,v chairman of the democratic national campaign committee, in a statement tonight cftVged that re publican leaders in answering the appeal of President Wilson to his fellow countrymen resorted to "gen-eralities-speaking of patriotism but carefully refraining from mentioning the actual votes on the great war bills." An incident that occurred, during today's session of the house, in which Republican Minority Leader Gillette called attention to what he termed a violation of house rules by Representative Heflin of Alabama, in securing the insertion of the pres ident's appeal in the Congressional Record under the rule permitting him to extend his remarks was pointed to in a statement tonight by Repre sentative ,Fess of Ohio, chairman of the national republican congres sional committee. The incident which ocfurred during discussion of the conference report on the mili tary deficiency bill was' character ized by Representative Fees as il- (t'ontnued on fttge Two, Column Six.) BULLETINS - Copenhagen, Oct. 26. General Ludendorff, first quar termaster general of the German army, has resigned. A telegram from Berlin says: "The kaiser ha? accept ed Ludendorff's resignation and declared that the lower' Rhenish infantry regiment No. 39, whose commander Gen eral Ludendorff long had been, shall bear his name. Paris, Oct. 26. The French troops fighting between the Oise and the Serre have made an extended advance east ward, occupying numerous villages according to the war office announcement tonight. Twenty-three hundred pris oners have been captured in the operations between Sissone and Porcien. v HUNS' DISMAY REFLECTED IN MONEY PANIC Empire's Economic Structure Endangered by Runs on Banks and Hoarding of Funds. 1 Amsterdam, Oct. 26. Public anx iety over -the solvency of the em pire apparently is becohiim?acute in Germany. The hoarding of money has become so rampant as to cause great inconvenience. There has been a general run on banks to close accounts and the theft of hid den funds is of daily occurence. With its staff depleted by the war and grippe the German trea sury is turning out new currency at top speed, but, according to the Lokal Anzeiger of Berlin, it melts like snow when the sun shines and the customary back flow into the state coffers has ceased completely. The reichsbank in the third quarter of the year issued the unprecedent ed amount of 4,000,000,000 marks in (Continued on Page Two, Column Two.) Come on, Old Timer, Get Behind the Kids in This! Do you remember when you was a kid?" ". And it rained or snowed and you had to heed that doggoned bell and beat it for school? Sure you do. Those were the days, after all! And the fall, with its flaming tints of crimson and gold, the smell of burning , leaves and close cropped fields, was the finest season of thevyear. Hallowe'en was a veritable climax of joy to the sum mer's fun and the autumn's punting. And you had good shoes, didn-t you? And if you didn't have 'im didn't you want 'em? Doesn't a kid just need strong, thick, wet-proof shoes' about the most of all? Sure he does. -' Well, there are a lot of youngsters, big and small, girls and boys healthy, sunburnt, freckled, loyal American kids right here in Omaha who are running around in the wet and cold without proper footwear. They were out yesterday, and the day before, in the rain. They will be on their way to school in the morn ing regardless of the weathef. They face more rainy days,, and frost and wind and snow, and through it all they've got to "carry on" so that they can grow up tobe the kind of 4 London, Oct. 26. The British have made further prog ress, along the Scheldt and have captured theN village of Avelghem, southeast of Courtrai. This announcement is made in a supplementary official statement issued by the war office shortly before midnight. . British troops have occupied the villages of Artres ,and ' Famars, south qf 4 Valenciennes, and have made progress along the Scheldt toward the outskirts of that town, Field Marshal Haig reported tonight. " Berlin, Oct. 26. The allied forces north of the Scheldt have been brought to a standstill, accprdmg to the official statement from general headquarters today. On the east bank of the Meuse Saxon troops cleared out a nest of Americans who had remained behind after the last fighting there. British Headquarteds in France Oct. 26. (Reuter's) British infan try moving along the railway north west of Le Quesnoy have failed to detect any evidence of Germans in the town of Valenciennes. .Calvary patrols are cautiously moving for ward re.connoitering the country . With the British Army in France J an ! Belgium, Oct. 26. Heavy , en emy counter attacks on the British right in the vicinity of Mount Car mel have forced a slight withdrawal by the British. It is announced that Gen Rawlin- son's fourth army, from October 1 to 25 inclusive, captured 397 pfficers ' and 17,334 other ranks. In addition 91 officers and 2,628 other ranks passed through the casualty clearing stations as prisoners. . By Associated Press.' In the last week the allied troops in France - and Belgium have freed 400 squaremiles of territory from the grasp 'of the enemy. Paris esti- v mat s that in the last four days the Germans have suffered total casual ties of 50,000, including 15,000 pris oners. Germany's hard pressed soldiers are being given no rest as the Brit- ish, French and American fdrces continue with success their drives ' on important sectors from north of .' Valenciennes to east of the Meuse. Meanwhile, the Italians are pushing ' ahead of the region of Monte Grappa. On the northern end of the front in France the British maintain their progress in encircling? Valen ciennes. In the center the French have shaken seriously th German defenses along the Serre and east--" ward toward the Aisne at Chateau Portcien. The American troops east and west of the Meuse not only hola their gains against strong enemy reactions, but, have further strengthened their position north of Grandpre. ' Fall of Le Quesnoy Imminent. ' 1 - South of Valenciennes Field Mar shal Haig is across the ValenciR ' nes-Le Quesnoy railroad and the"7 fall of Le Quesnoy, which is vital ' to the defense of Mons and MauV beuge, would appear to be near at hand. The fighting on this sector continues bitter with the Britisi" striving to outflank the MormaJ (Continued on Pace Two, Column Four.) ' Germany's Submarine Activity May Reach Climax in December H if r 1 II men and women that make Nebraska the best state in the U. S. A. They've got to 'carry on" whether tneir parents can attord to get good shoes for them or not. Times have changed since you was a kid. There was no world's war then; leather wav.not worth its weight in gold; shoes could be bought for a half or a third what they bring now. That's why a lot of these Omaha youngsttrs need foot wear. I hats one reason why The Bee is making an extraordinary ap peal this year for the The Bee's Free Shoe Fund. We must not let the kaiser succeed in keeping these needy boys and girls from going to and from school with cold, wet feet.1 This is a war o. charity just as much as any other. WeVe got to keep the kids inshocs. Don't you feel like sending in your mite to boost the fund? Sure you will. Just send it to The Bee Free Shoe Fund and this big brother of the Omaha youngsters will see that it gets whtt it will do the most good. And some kid, somewhere, will think you're a real Santa Clausl . P. S. We're set to" raise $1,000: we ve coiiectea jM.SQ already. London; Oct. 26. It is believed at the admiralty that if Germany elects to fight to the end of her resources her greatest submarine ef fort may "be expected late in De cember and in January. German submarine activity reach ed such a low state this week as to become almost negligible as a war measure, notwithstanding that as many orniore U-boats are lurkinc im the Atlantic and the Mediterrs,