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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1918)
BRIEF RIGHT REEZY BITS OF NEWS to THE MERCHANT WHO SPEEDS UP HIS ADVERTISING NOW MOVES HIS GOODSJN SEASON N - The "Omaha Daily Be Limit Fixed to Profits On Lemons and Oranges New York, Oct. 24. Spurred action by reports that fruit dealers have charged exorbitant prices for lemons and oranges, recommended , by. physicians for sufferers from . Spanish influenza, the federal food j . board announced today that re tailers' profits must be limited here after to 2 cents on small, and 3 - cents on large oranges. A schedule of profits for lemons and other fruits, it was announced, will be fixed soon. Immediately following the announcement of an investiga tion by the federal food board of alleged profiteering in oranges and lemons, the price of the former dropped from $3 to $4 per box at public auction here today. Several dealers have been summoned to appear before the board tomorrow to explain the alleged exorbitant prices the have been asking re cently for these fruits. Everybody in San Francisco - Must Wear Gauze Mask San Francisco, Oct. 24. An or dinance compelling the wearing of - gauze masks by every person in San Francisco as a means of pre venting the spread of the influenza epidemic was passed today by the board of supervisors at the request of the board of health. Penalties for violation are fines ranging from $5 to $100 or 10 days in jail, or both fine and imprisonment. The ordi nance is immediately effective. - Masks may be discarded only in homes or during meal times. The total number of cases of Spanish influenza passed 50,000 to day, it was announced by the state board of health. VOL. 48. NO. 111. Eatwri ti MC-elut Mttr Mi tt. ISM it Oaitii P. O. iiiw let it Mirth J, f;9 OMAHA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1918. B atll (I w). Oalty. S4.S0. Sunday. 12.50. fully lid Sun., It; euttldt Nib. Mtitt ultra. TWO CENTS. THEJrVEATHERt For Nbrak: Increasing cludintt with ihowr Friday r Friday night! Saturday partly cloudy not much chango ia Urn- poraturo, 5 km. a. m.. 7 a. m... a. m... a. m..v 10 a. m.. 11 a. m.. 14 m ..... H 50 47 45 . ..... 43 .44 1 p. a. p. m. 8 p. m. 4 p. m. B p. m. 6 p. m. 7 p. m. ....47 I p. m. . 41 t w Bl Bt . 9 4B IS . Famous Belfry of Bruges s Used by Huns as Garage Washington, Oct. 24r The fam ous belfry of Bruges was used by the Germans as a garage and work shop during their occupation of the ' city. Allied troops on entering the city, according to a dispatch re ceivedby the Belgian" legation to day, found the interior walls of the historic structure broken down and chimneys added to meet the needs of the workmen. King Albert Thanks Hoover For Saving Belgian Nation Washington. Oct. 24. Herbert Hoover, chairman of the Belgian Relief commission, today received a telegram from King Albert on the , occasion of the fourth anniversary of the foundation of the commission, .thanking him for saving the Bel gian nation from starvation. ' I l I 111 I IE - I II I r-i I I I 11 I N u 1 i i 1 , : $ ' " i i WILSON'S PEA CE IDEAS ATTACKED BY ROOSEVELT Fourteen Principles Enumerated by the President Pro nounced "Thoroughly Mischievous" as Basis for Negotiations; Urges Congress to Demand Un conditional Surrender as U. S. War Aim. The Bee's Free Shoe Fund To Buy Shoes For Shoeless Children SUPREME WAR -COUNCIL WILL NAME TERMS Allied Governments Now to Determine Whether They , Are Disposed to Accept i ' Wilson's Principles. Washington, Oct. 24. Germany's plea for an armistice and peace now is before the allied governments which are to determine whether they are disposed to accept Presi dent Wilson's principles of settle ment, to which Germany sub scribes, and in accord with the United States ask their military ad visers and those of America to pre pare the terms of an armistice which virtually, will mean surrender by Germany. ,'' In various public utterances the premiers and other leaders of the entente powers have repeatedly de clared, that President Wilson's , statements in his address of last January 8 and subsequent addresses reflect their own views. Something more official and binding is re quired now, although it is regarded here as a foregone conclusion that this approval will be registered and that the officers of the supreme war council will be invoked to prepare the fateful document which will de file the conditions under which Germany may secure relief from the incessant hammering of the victori ous allied and American armies. Prompt Decision Predicted. No one here today would under take to forecast the probable time of t final decision on Germany's plea. It is known, however, that the supreme war council already has given the matter the most earn est consideration. And in that con nection it was recalled that there was no delay in notifying General D'Espernay, the allied commander oa the Balkan front, of the terms that should be laid down for Bul garia when that nation asked for armistice- The-vgeneral principles in each case probably are similar, but there necessarily will be a great variance in the details, since not only is a greater army and nation to be dealt with, but the question of large naval forces as well. May Inject New Questions. , Certain utterances of entente statesmen and of inspired official organs have led to the surmise here that, while accepting the terms laid down by President Wilson, there may be a disposition to inject new matters to meet individual demands and to propose new points based upon ever shifting conditions. It is believed, however, that if such should prove the case, the new points probably would be dealt with in connection with final peace nego tiations and need not delay the con sideration of the form of armistice. The United States already has capable army and naval officers in Europe prepared to deal with -the technical questions involved in an araiistice and if it should become . (CMtlancd m Ft Tw, Col tuna F1t.) Loan Subscriptions Made by 95 Per Cent Of New York Germans New York, Oct. 24. Eighty per cent of the 3,800,000 foreign lan guage speaking -residents of the New York federal reserve dis trict subscribed to the fourth Liberty loan. it was an nounced tonight by the foreign language division of the Liberty loan committee. Their subscrip tions aggregated $500,000,000. Less than 5 per cent of the German born population of the district failed to subscribe, it was said. Persons of 61 nationalities added their dollars to the total. ' Especially heavy pledges were made by natives of neutral nations, many of whom ex pressed regrets because their na tive lands" were not aiding the allies in the war, ' x "FLU" SITUATION STILL SERIOUS 1 LARGE CITIES Subsidence of Epidemic Indi cated, However, in Health Service Reports From 44 States. By Associated Press. Oyster Bay, Oct. 24. "fheodore Roosevelt sent dupli cate telegrams tonight to United States Senators Lodge, foindexter and Johnson in which he characterized as "thoroughly mischevous" the 14 principles enunciated by President Wilson if they are to be made the basis of peace. The telegrams follow: "As an American citizen I most earnestly hope that the senate of the United States, which is part of the treaty mak ing power of the United States, will take affirmative action against a negotiated peace with Germany and in favor of a peace based on the unconditional surrender of Germany. "I also declare against the adop-, tion in their entirety of the 14 points of the president's address of last January as offering a basis for a peace satisfactory to the United States. Let us dictate peace by the hammering guns and not chat about peace to the accompaniment of the clicking of typewriters. Wilson's Points "Mischievous." "The language of the 14 points and the subsequent statements ex plaining or qualifying them is neith er straightforward nor plain, but if construed in its probable -sense many, and possibly most, of these 14 points are thoroughly mischiev- ous ana ii maae me uasis oi a peace such peace would represenj, not the unconditional surrender of Ger many, but the conditional surrender of the United States. Naturally they are entirely satisfactory to Germany and equally naturally they are in this country satisfactory to every pro-German and pacifist and socialist and anti-American so called internationalist. "The only peace offer whkh we should consider from Germany at this time is an offer to accept such terms as the allies, without our aid, have imposed on " Bulgaria. We ought to declare war on Turkey without an hour's delay. The fail ure to do so hitherto has caused the talk about the world safe for de mocracy to Jook unpleasantly like mere insincere rhetoric,. While the Turk is left in Europe and per mitted to tyrannize over the sub ject people the world is thoroughly unsafe for democracy. Should Be Staunch Ally. , "Moreover, we should find out what the president means by contin ually referring to this'merely as the associate instead of the ally of the nations with whose troops our own troops are actually brigaded in bat tle. If he means that are something less than ally of France, England Italy, Belgium and Serbia, then He means we are something less than an enemy of Germany and Austria. We ought to make it clear to the world that we are neither an mi trustworthy friend nor an irresolute foe. Let us clearly show that we do not desire to pose as the umpire be tween our faithful and loyal friends and our treacherous and brutal -enemies, but that we are the staunch ally of our friends and the staunch foe of our enemies. "When the German people repu diate the Hohenzolerns, then and nofuntil then, it will be time to dis criminate between them and their masters. I hope the senate with the house will pass some resolution demanding the unconditional sur render of Germany as our war airrf and stating that our peace terms have never yet been formulated or ac cepted by the people and that they will be fully discussed with our al lies and made fully satisfactory to our own people before they are dis cussed with Germany." Washington, Oct. 24. Further subsidence of the influenza epidemic over the country was indicated in reports received today Jby the pub lic health service from 44 states. The situation still is serious in many localities, however, and more par ticularly in the larger cities. There was practically no change today in army camps, 2,772 new cases being reported, a decrease of one from yesterday's total. Pneu monia cases decreased from 742 yes terday to 699 today and deaths were 307 against 327 the day before,. The total influenza cases reported now is 298,275; pneumonia cases 48,328 and deaths 16,174. Camps Dix, New Jersey, and Grant, Illinois, where influenza epi demics have been particularly se rious, did not report a single new case, while only seven were re ported from Camp Devens, Massa chusetts. The. largest number of new cases reported today was 123 -t Camp McClellan, Alabama. Over the south and east general improvement is shown, but the dis ease still is active in most of the large cities, including New York, where 759 deaths reported today, Vaccine Distributed in Illinois. Chicago, Oct. 24. Great improve ment in the influenza situation throughout Illinois, was reported to night by Dr. St. Clair Drake, state public health director. Dr. Drake said that vaccine was being sent to all draft boards in the state and that hospitals and anti toxin stations, of which there were from three to 10 in every county, would supply physicians and general practioners. Five Dollars For Ten Words! You can have it as well as the next one by writing The Best Slogan. To call attention of our out-of-town readers to Omaha's superior at tractions as a city. To Ten Next Best Each a Good Book. The winning answer will be used as the bannerMine just above the heading of The Bee on this first page. It must . contain not less than ten words and not less than 54 nor more than 60 letters. COMPETITION FREE TO ALL SUBMIT AS MANY ANSWERS AS YOU LIKE. Responses must be in by Oct. 30, and winners will be announced in The Sun day Bee of Nov. 3. Address: Slogan Contest -The Omaha Bee. Like a curtain partly raised,the photo in The Bee Tuesday showed just the feet of five children, bare footed or ill shod. "When I saw that picture," said Robert Cowell, "I thought, 'Sup pose the curtain should rise and show one of those children to tie minel' Here is my money to help buy shoes for those poor, ragged little ones." Checks are coming in from all over Nebraska, from Iowa and one from Washington, D. C. A soldier boy at Fort Omaha has sent a dollar out of his slender pay. Hearts always bat warmly in sympathy for the kiddies who cannot help themselves. Previously acknowledged ..$102.50 Robert Cowell 5.00 A. E. Baldwin 5.00 Mary E. Bridenthal, Washington, D. C 5.00 Mrs. H. and daughter.... 2.00 C. B. Brown v 5.00 W, E. T 3.50 Mrs. A. Linneman 3.00 A Soldier Boy 1.00 WILSON'S TRADE PLANK DEBATED IN U. SENATE Republicans Object to Fixing by Peace Treaty or Any Other Pact Domestic Policy of U. $. Washington, Oct. 24. Republican contentions that the third clause in President Wilson's 14 peace terms, providing for the removal of econ omic barriers, is a free trade plank, furnished the vehicle of a political debate in the senate today. Sen ator Thomas of Colorado insisted that the president merely meant there should be no prohibitive or irritating tariffs. Senator Watson of Indiana and other republicans declared the republican party ob jected to fixing by peace treaty or any other treaty the domestic policy of the United States. Senator Thomas referred to pro tests by Chairman Hays of the na tional republTcan committee and others against contentions made by democratic leaders that a republican victory Would be interpreted by the kaiser and our enemies abroad as a repudiation of President Wilson. Cites 1898 Precedent. Asked by Senator McCumber, re publican of North Dakota, if the last senatorial election in Wiscon sin when Senator Lenroot, a re publican, was elected had any influ ence, one way or the other, on Ger man 'people, Senator Thomas said he did not think so, but added there is a vast difference between a soli tary contest and a general election, he read, extensive abstracts from speeches by Colonel Roosevelt, for mer President Harrison and Sen ator Lodge in 1898, in which they urged the re-election" of a republican congress to support President Mc Kinley on the grounds that not to do so would give cheer and com fort to Spain and would in effect be a repudiation of his conduct of the war. "If that was true in 1898, it is true in 1918," declared Senator Thomas. "It is more eminently true because the war is not over and because a comparison between the wars makes the other one insignificant." benator Smith of Michigan, re publican, referred to conditions preceding the Spanish war and de clared that President Cleveland had refused to permit this country to declare war on Spain. Calls Cleveland Party's Destroyer. "Cleveland was greatly admjred by the republicans," said Senator Thomas. "He was a very good man, but in my opinion he will go down in history as the arch de stroyer of the democratic party." Senator King of Utah, democrat, said that President McKinley after (Continued on race Two, Column Two.) Three Aviators Fly From Houston, Tex., to Washington Washington, Oct. 24. Using two army training airplanes, three aviators have completed a flight from Houston, Tex., to Washing ton. The aviators, . Lts. W. P. Bancker, C. N. Cone, and C. Ps Lee, left Ellington field at Houston, Oc tober 17, and completed the trip in six days. The flight, said to be the first between the two points, was undertaken in part in the interest of the fcytrth Liberty loan campaign, the aviators dropping loan litera ture on towns in Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. '.: - S - - .. " ALLIES PUSH HUNS ACROSS OISE CANAL British Troops Take 7,000 Prisoners and More Than 100 Guns in Drive Be yond Scheldt. London, Oct. 24. The British troops have overcome the enemy along the whole front between the Sambre Oise canal and the Scheldt and their advance is being continued, Field Marshal Haig reports from headquar ters tonight. Since yesterday morning the British have taken 7,000 prisoners and more than 100 guns. Pans, Oct. 24. French troops have crossed the Oise canal op posite Longchamps, according to the war office announcement to night. They have also made an im portant advance between the Oise and Serre rivers. By Associated Press. On several of the most important sectors in France from the region of Valenciennes to the east of Le Cateau; north of Laon, between the Oise -and the Serre rivers, and on the front from .the Meuse river to the vicinity of Grandpre battles of a sanguinary character are being fought. In these the British, French and American troops every where are making progress aginsj the stubbornly resisting Germans. In Belgium the allied forces, ow ing to the rapid retreat of the enemy and the flooded condition ot the lowlands, have not yet been able to come itno full fighting contact with the Germans, but doubtless a few days more will see them again hard after their quarry and driving him farther toward his own trontier. Valenciennes Being Enveloped. South of Valenciennes the British third and fourth armies with which Americans are co-operating have continued successfully to press on ward with Mons and Maubeuge their objectives. Valenciennes is gradually being enveloped, and soon is destined to be pinched out of the fighting line by turning movements from the north and south in ' the manner generally adopted in the present day tactics when it is more desirable to envelop a strong posi tion than to waste life and limb in reaching the objective by frontal attacks. The Germans in this region con tinue to use numerous machine gun to retard the advance of Field Mar shal Haig's men and the artillery of both sides is violently active. Brit ish aviators are materially aiding the offensive by dropping bombs be hind the line or flying low and cut ting troop formations to pieces with machine gun fire. Blotting Out Salient. South of the Oise river the French are making sharp thrusts against the enemy with the inten tion of clearing out the entire tri angle between Flavigny and Mont cornet and taking all the railroad lines within this region and also blotting out the salient that still ex ists there. The Germans are strong ly counter-attacking on all the fronts of attack, but the French have warded off their efforts to re gain lost territory and have gained ground south of Montcornet, one of the principal railway junctions fin this region. North of Grandpre and north of Verdun, in the sector lying between the Meuse river and north of the Argonne forest, the Americans have cut further arid deeply -into the ene my's line, despite the continued ex tremely heavy Use of machine guns and artillery by the Germans. American aviators are dropping bombs behind the enemy lines, while enemy airmen are returning the compliment by bombing towns inside the American front. , Predicts Another Spanish Influenza Epidemic in Spring New York, Oct. 24. Making de ductions from Spanish influenza mortality statistics hi other cities, Dr. Royal S. Copeland, New York health commissioner, prediceed to night that New York's death rate, which had climbed steadily from 10 per 1,000 tt SO per 1,000, will begin to drop next week. Although he insisted the epidemic appeared to be on he decline, Dr. Copeland urged the public to seek vaccination, as another epidemic of influenza is predicted for next spring bytnany authorities, j V Germany to Return' Stolen Works of Art To Owners in France London, Oct. 24. Valuable works of art belonging to muse ums and private owners in the regions of Cambrai, Douai and Valenciennes, now in the hands of the Germans, will be re turned to their owners after the war. This announcement is made in a German government wireless message received here. These works of art have, under the orders of the supreme army command, been sent to a place of safety, to save their from destruc tion by bombardment, the mes sage says. FRENCH INDORSE WILSON'S REPLY, TO GERMAN NOTE Whole Thing Resolved Into a Military Question; Com manders Can Decide, Is Off icial Comment. , Paris, Oct. 24. President Wil son's vply to Germany was re ceived "in competent quarters here today with entire 'approval. The official comment can be sum marized as follows: "President Wilson's latest answer resolves the whole thing into a mili tary question which can be decided by Foch, Haig and Pershing. "The situation, however, is vir tually unchanged, though the ex change of notes has given an insight into affairs in Germany and has per haps hastened her internal retorms. The next answer will have to be a military answer from her military authorities. "The French people feel that the question of the internal govern ment of Germany is not so impor tant as an assurance against a recur rence of Germany's militaristic poli cies, which precipitated the war. Germany's Sincerity Doubted. "We do not know how sincere Germany is about her reforms. We have reason to doubt the sincerity of her aims in this direction. The great thing for us is to make sure that things shall not again be in the same position as before the war. "An armistice is almost impossi ble, as the conditions would be so unimaginably drastic. An armistice would be full of danger if not guarded by all sorts of conditions." The feeling prevails in . general among French officials that the lat est note from the president of the United States is jifst what the allies have been wanting to force upon the enemy. President Wilson's reply to Ger many was published by the news papers here in English as well as in a French translation at the re quest of the authorities. La Liberte says that if Germany gives guarantees as demanded by he president it will be materially impossible for her to continue the war. In Hands of Military. "Everything is now in the hands of the military," says the Temps. "The reply has moved the problem from the domain of controversy to the domain of facts. The president attaches such importance to the es sential idea that an armistice must make it impossible for Germany to (Continued on Pag- Two, Colomn Eight.) GERMANY MAY BE LEFT TO CARRY ON WAR WITHOUT AID . s Premier Hussarek Announces Separate Correspond ence With President Wilson Will Be Continued; i Conclusion of Separate Peace Demanded by Opposition Leader in Hungary. Again Next Sunday THE BEE'S NEW ROTOGRAVURE SECTION Will Be Filled With Interesting Pic tures of People You Know. Wonderful Pictorial Scenes of The War Zone. Pictures of Women War Workers jn Omaha. DON'T MISS GETTING IT1 t 1 i Remember The Entire Supply Last Sunday was SOLD OUT Before 10 a. m. So You Better Phone Tyler 1000 Rigtit Now 'and Become a Regular Subscriber to THE BEE. By Associated Press. x Amsterdam, Oct. 24. The speedy unconditional sur render of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy is probable, ac cording to a Vienna dispatch to the Frankfort Gazette. London, Oct. 24. "Watch Germany's allies if sha decirhs to go on with the war," is the suggestion among dip lomats here. '"Austria shows no intention of remaining the tail, to the Germpn kite. The Austrian premier Dr. Hussarek, said yesterday that the separate correspondence begun with President Wilson would be continued. Germany's course, therefore, need have no effect upon Austria's and it will be no surprise to Britain if Austria and Turkey both plow their own peace furrows if Germany persists in the war." i One renort current today was that , the associated nations would imme diately form a joint diplomatic staff and that Colonel House would rep resent the United States. A majority of the newspapers have urged the government to announce its peace, terms in common with the other al lied powers, and considers such an announcement overdue. Y . Indorses Wilson Progrssi.-' ' Amsterdam, Oct. 24. Baron ron Hussarek, the Austrian premier, In discussing President Wilson's repjy U Austria in the House of Lords in Vienna Tuesday, said that Aus tria was able to indorse the presi dent's peace program without chang ing deep rooted convictions. He de clared it was a historic and funda mental idea of the Hapsburg mon archy that all its peoples should " have equal rights. He did not thfnk the president s reply would result in a breaking off of exchanges. ' Czech members declared that the plan embodied in the imperial mani festo for the establishment , of -Czech state was impracticable. Demands Separate Peace. Advices received from Budapest say that in the Unterhaus' Wednes day Count Karolyi, in moving a res olution in favor of the independ ence of Hungary, demanded the res ignation of the Wekerle cabinet and the formation of a coalition mints try. The resolution also called for the conclusion of a separate peace, dissolution of the alliance with Ger many, acknowledgement of the in- ' dependence of the south Slavonians and the proclamation of a Hunga rian king to reside in Budapest. Count Karolyi declared if the de- mands were resisted he himself ' would take means to secure their realization. Amid great Excitement Dr. Wek erle, the premier, warmly replied that he would oppose by every means Count Karolyi'g threat of a revolution and added that there could be no talk of a separate peace. Premier Loyal to Germany. Dr. Wekerle asked the house -to reject Count Karolyi's resolution on . the ground that the government would shortly introduce a bill deal ing with the matter. He added that Hungary could not conclude a peace separate from Germany and de clared that the Germans were help-, ing on the Hungarian front. "Where are they fighting?" came cries from all sides of the chamber. "At all points." Dr. Wekerle re plied, "where they are protecting the integrity of our frontiers. The government is endeavoring to bring ' home Hungarian regiments and al ready has taken measures to that end. -The government is unable to recognize the belligerency of the Czecho-Slovaks but regarding a south Slovak state it does not ob ject to a union of Croatia, Bosnia" and Dalmatia. These states, how ever, cannot separate themselves from union with the crown of St. Stephen." 3 HAIG'S THRUST IMPERILS FOE IN OISE SACK British May Capture Large Forces of Germans if They Do Not Quickly Retire From Salient. By Associated Press. Washington, Oct. 24. Successful British operations on the Valencien nes front took on new importance to officers here today in the light of the diplomatic situation. Field Marshal Haig's armies are striking savagely at the fiioge of the present German line of resistance and the progress already made is thought by officers here to make it certain that the German retirement both in Belgium and in France will have to be resumed without delay South of the flew British wedge, the French are keeping continuous pressure aginst the enemy along the Oise-Serre front, making it difficult for the German commanders to dis engage their forces from this most exposed sector of their lines. Sue cess of the British effort, however, which now seems assured, would compel a precipitate evacuation of the Oise-Serre salient, it is believed, for the communication system of that front would be threatened from the flank and rear. Must Rectify Lines. Reduction of the Oise-Serre salient would mean rectification of the lines probably as far east as the Argonne, observers believe, and coupled with the Franco-American pounding there and on the Meuse, the British advances of today and yesterday possibly foreshadow the retreat of the enemy to the Meuse line. If that retirement is delayed (Continued on Page Two, Column Three.) Transportation of Liquor In Texas Held Illegal Austin, Tex., Oct. 24. In a warn ing issued tonight, B. F. Looney. iiwiiicv general oi lexas, advised A railroads operating in the state that X the decision of the court of criminal H appeals, which yesterday held the ' U state-wide orohibition law. to be' unconstitutional, did : net permit f them to transport and deliver liquor f inside the state. In his warning he declared that the decision of the high court was applicable only to that section of the statute which prohibits the sals of liquor and that none of the other sections of the statute were affect ed by the decision, '