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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1918)
V THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1918. AUTOMOBILES. Tires and Supplies. SPECIAL BALK ON NEW AND U8BU TIRES FUk. Goodrich, Osnsral, Caraprlnf, Plamond, Conrr, National. Star, Mo Oraw. Portage, Kant. L, Kyton, Ooo4yar. Mention ill and w will and prlroi. OMAHA RADIATOR TIRE WORKS. 2M Farniim 8t lilt Cuming 8t NKW Tlllfc.3 AND TUBES ON SALE. Ford ttibe....l.jgIJiIts 116. Tl 10t II l 11x4 2I4( 10x1 111. 131 14x4. non-aktd.124 71 f1rUn. McGrau, Republic Conxreat, Lea Pullman, Finn Send (or circular. KA1MAN TIRE JOBBERS, 1711 Cuming TIRES AT HALF-PUICE. Writ ua (or particular. Agenta Wanted. l-tn-1 VULCAN1Z1NO CO , 1511 Davanport. Phon D. 1141. KKAL bargain In allgbtly uad lire: n tire at very low price. O. and O. Tlra Co 1416 Leavenworth at Tyler I2C1-W. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneurr.tle tire and eliminate your tlra troubpl j'owell HnpplyCo 8t t Farnm 8t Ihorses, live stock. For Sale. GOING TO WAR. IS fin hogi, average weight 120 lb , I)uroc-J.rey. 73d and Plnkney. O. P. Mxdarn. Bnon 311 W. MEDICAL. ULl'TL'liU uecthfully treated without a surgical operation, tall or writ Dr. Frank H Wray. 30 Bs Bid MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Iuair,a Wen of Omaha KUHNITL'RK, planoa and note lecur Uy. Ho. mo., H gooda, total, S3 10. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 433 Sei-urtiyF)Mie . 16th &Farnm Ty 681 Loans on bu monds. jewelr"t"and 1 1 C' LIBERTY BONDS, O V7 rl 1 W C KI.ATAU. EST 183 O I'.TH FLR SBt'l'RlTY BI.DO TY ISO I.owrit rate Private loan booth. Harry Maleahork, 151 Dodge D. 5C1I Eat mil. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Wllllsm A. Let to Llda L. Leet, nth St. 2.7 It. 8 ef Burt St. WS. 4uxt7 S (3,500 Edward Benkon and wife to John H-nken, 34th St. 160 ft. 8 of K St. KS, 60x130 und. V, 500 .Clrlno Varantl and wife to Elta Tay lor, Tucker- St. 270 ft. W of Slat NS. 40x132 3,850 Fred Haneen and wife to Adolph An deraon. Wirt St., 100 ft. W of 40th St. S3, 100x130 1,167 Edgar H Scott and wife to Nell! . C. Bruce, 62nd St., 257 ft. N of 'Jackson St WS, 60x140 1,113 Nettle Woodard and huaband to Mabel Walworth, Slat St. 67 ft. 8 of Manderaon St W8, 37x1134 300 John A. Anderion and wlfa to Wal ter A. Anderson, Charles 8t. ISO ft. W of 29th St. S3, 60x127.6 3,000 William Van Hyntng to W. Nathan Watt. 32nd St. 140 ft S of N St. E3, 10x130 SO Barker Co. to John Radman, 33rd St. 133 ft. 8 of Myrtle Ave. E3 43x130. 4,950 John F. Flack and wife to Grace Daly, 42nd St. 160 ft. S of Boyd 8t WS 40x130 290 John F. Flack and wife to Leaele Tallmadge. 43rd St 206 ft. 8 of Spauldlng St. WS 60x130 275 BRINGING UP FATHER Copyright. 1I1T International v'w Service. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus W OOf?Vf JERRX GOT L HAVtN'T A ttNT TO WEND TOO - BOT f I CrN OT ANY TOOAX- I'LL MEET TOO T DlNTY MOORE AT jlX- I A II I I JAMCVHEREt) FIFTY T fVM I aVDCV . 1 V. , A W- . T JW TO THE ;rocer AND Pan mv 0)U - kr I'M 50RRT BUT IT HA TO OE DONE Csslasasssl DC3 HEE Voo ssjb sstjaCA - f a i i '.v. n v. u ir tl Tlil I v cr, II . I I i fi ; , 11 I (fir- Market and Financial News of the Day Fair Food Prices. The price fixing committee of Douglas county has named the fol lowing prices. Retailers are not permitted to charge more than these prices: Brown Sugar, per lb Sugar, per lb 11 Flour (Nebraska) 24-lb. No. 1.. 166 4Mb. No. 1 3.00 Bulk, per lb 07 Hominy .07 Oawego cornstarch 12 Vi Cornstarch .10 CornmeaL par lb., whit ,..'.06H Yellow 05H .Corn flour , 0H Potatoes, per lb., No. 1 03 V, No. a , 03 Butter, per lb., creamery No. 1 63 Creamery No. 1 .S3 Egg, elect I .66 No. SI No. I 44 - . Bread (U. 8. Standard loaf wrap ' pedh 12 oa. alngl loaf.. OS 13-oa. loaf (3) IS ll-o. loaf 10 34-01. loaf IS ... Cracker (Victory) ' . Oatmeal 20 Graham 30 Corn . 20 . Soda '. ! 30 Rice (In bulk), per lb., No. 1...... .15 No. 2 ,12H - Barley flour . . 06 ft By Graham flour, 24-lb. tack.... 1.T5 Rye flour, 24-lb. aaok 1.76 In bulk, per lb..... 08 Oatmeal (In bulk), per lb...,..aa .07' Bean, per lb., navy, NO. 1........ .15 Pinto, beat No. 1... 12H Bacon, per lb. No. 1 whole piece, wrapped..., .57 - No. 1, whol pltcea, vinwrapped.. .66 No, 1, llcd ,..66 ' . No. 3, whol pieces, wrapped.... ' .54 No. 2. whol plce unwrapped.. .53 No. 2, llced SO Ham (whol), No. 1 klnned.. 43 No. 1 regular ., 42 Shoulder '. .23 Lard, per lb.. No. 1 pur , , ,35 Compound 41 Oleomargarine (In carton), par lb. -i No.. I . .40 No. 2 '.. .25 ' New cabbage, beat quality, per lb. .04 Corn syrup (In can), 1H lb 30 I lb. , 25 S lb SO 10 lb 85 Note 1 Thea price art for cah over . counter. Not 2 An additional charge may be i mad for delivery or credit to customer. Sawe price for ry or graham. Bread price ar ft cah and carry or credit and delivery. The Weather Compartlve Local Record. 1118. R17. ml. 1115. Highest yeiterdty 6S 46 40 81 Lowest yesterday S3 25 36 63 Mean temperature ...St 3S 28 68 Precipitation 04 .00 .01 .00 Temperature and precipitation depart ure from th normal: ' Normal temperature 51 Execs for th day S Total exefss since March 1 838 i" Normal precipitation 0.0S Inch Deficiency for th day 0.03 Inch Total rainfall tine March 1 13.63 Inches Deficiency (Inc March 1 12 99 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, '17 5.87 Inch Deficiency for eor. period, "16 11. SO Inches Report From Station at 1 P. M. Station and Stat Temp. High- Rain of Weather. T p. m. est. fall. Davenport, cloudy 68 63 .T Denver, cloudy 68 68 .T Dodge City, cloudy 53 60 .00 Lander, part cloudy ..SO SI .00 North Platte, clear.... 62 68 .00 Omaha, part cloudy... 61 65 .04 Pueblo, cloudy. 66 68 .00 Rapid City, clear 46 52 .02 Salt Lake, part cloudy 14 56 .00 Santa Fe, part cloudy 61 58 .00 Sheridan, clear 46 SO .16 Sioux City, part cloudy 58 M .00 Valentine, clear ......54 66 .00 Army Appointments. - Washington, Oct 33 (Special Tele gram.) The following appointment have been mad in the armyt John A. Lawler, Haatinga, Neb., tlrat lieutenant army rv ice corps: Eugene F. McEniry, Corning, la., second lieutenant army service corpi; William H. Buehn. Davenport. la., first lieutenant ordnance corps; Harold P. Breeden. Plerr, So. Dak.. Herbert C Rob arts. Sioux City, la., George E. Davenport, Sioux City, la., aeeond lieutenants ord nance corps; Oeorge P. Abel, Lincoln. Neb., captain quartermaatsr corpa; Shirley Leigh, Camp Dedge, la., second lieutenant Quartermaster corps; Joseph U. Scbrup, Dubuque. la., captain medical corpa; Wil liam T. Burkman, De Home. Herbert M. Huston, Ruthven, la., tint'' lieutenant medical corps; Ralph E. Buckingham. , Davenport, Is,, ecood lieutenant air aervic. First lieutenant named below are re- - lleved from duty at Omaha and will pro . eeed to Chicago. 111., for duty: . Michael T. Hayes, signal corps; John H. Roche, - signal corik. The appointment of Flrtt Lt. Jame C ' Holland, air eervice. ai first lieutenant air service (aeronautics) is announced; Sergt.. , Stwior brat. Idrla John Heynold. quarter master corps, a second lieutenant quarter- master corps; Hrry Duckehardt Sultxer aa first tinutenant rnglneers: Julian Alfred BrahBr. aa flrtt Ilsutenant medical corps; Wai.acA W. Tag gar t first Ueutenaot jt, eiigiaeeri.:,,, ' LOCAL LIVE STOCK s Cattle Receipts Light and Ad vance 10 to 15 Cents; Hog Market Steady and Ac tive; Sheep Active. Omaha, Oct. 23. 1918. Receipt wer Cattle Hog Sheep OfflclaJ Monday 10,187 3.984 19,993 Official Tuesday 11.686 4,732 16.316 Estimate Wednesday . 5,000 6,800 30,000 Three day this week. 35, 673 14,616 66,309 Same day 1 wk. ago. 44.673 14,626 120,117 Sam day 2 wk. ago. 40,407 31,172 94.319 Same days 3 wks. ago. 39,166 16,511 130,356 Same days 1 year ago. 36,786 9,950 73,336 Receipts and disposition of live-stock at the Union Stock yards for 24 hours ending at 3 o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H's. C. M. St. P.. 2 Missouri Pacific. 2 Union Pacific ... 65 C. & N. W eaat 4 C. A N. W., west 69 C, S. P., M & O. 10 C, B. & Q., east 82 C, B Q., west 49 C. R. I. & P. east 4 Illinois Central... 2 Chi. Qt. Weat 6 6 1 21 4 60 2 32 3 35 1 Total receipts 234 63 123 5 DISPOSITION. . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris ft Co 831 391 1,683 Swift A Co 2,400 832 2,133 Cudahy Packing Co 2,059 1,182 2,114 Armour & Co ,1,583 990 1,479 J. W. Murphy 479 Lincoln Packing Co. 77 So. Om. Packing Co. 15 Wilson Packing Co. 46 Hlgglns Packing Co 18 Hoffman Bros 11 John Roth A Sons.. 31 Mayerowlch & Vail 1 Olassberg 9 W B Van Sant & Co 28 Benton 4 Van Sant 261 . .... F. P. Lewi 328 Huntslnger A Oliver 4 J. B. Root & Co.... 387 J. H. Bulla 232 R. M. Burruss & Co 22 Rosenatock Bros.... 127 F. O. Kellogg 227 Werthel'er & Degen 223 Ellis A Co.., 32 Sullivan Bros 6 A. Rothchlld 44 M. K. C. A C. Co.. 260 K. O. Christie 66 Baker ....v 120 Banner Bros 108 John Harvey 896 Jensen A Lundgren IS Dennis A Francis., 95 , .. Other buyer 2,661 1 Total .13,11 2,874 21,471 Cattle Supply of cattle was light this morning, estimated at 6,000 head or 198 car. Trading on bulk of the desirable westerns and native wa strong to 1015o higher than yesterday and there wa a considerable number of corn fed In th upply, selling from tl8.5001S.00. Butcher stock opened about steady with yesterday and fairly active to the packers. Blocker and feedera held about steady on the light upply. Quotation on cattl: Cholo to prime steers, $17.00 18.25; good to oholce beeves, 115.15 16.60; fair to good beeve. S13.3SO15.00; common to fair beve. 89.00012.75;. good to choice yearlings, 216. 00917. 60; fair to good yearling, 812.00 15.60; common to fair yearling, 28.60O11.S0; otiolo to prime grass steers, S13.75O15.00; fair to good grass beeve. 311.26O12 50; common to fair grass beeve. SS.00O107S; Mexican beeves, I8.0010 00; good to choice heifers, $8.6011.50; good to choice cows, 8S.50O10.S0; fair to good cow, 27.S0OS 50: common to fair cows, S6.60O7.00; prime feeder, 211.0013.60; good to choice feeders, 39.75011.50; fair to good feeders, 83.5001.; common to fair feeders, S6. 0007.50; good to choice stockers, 89.00O10.S0) tbck heifer, 86 50 07.60; stock cow, 16.2507. 60; stock calve, S6.250t.SO; veal calve. 16.60 13 75; bulls, Hags, etc.. t7.S0O9.50. Hogs Today'a receipts were estimated at S.800 head, making total for th tint three dyot th week 14,500 heed, nly a trlfl lea than last week. Shipper were a little more active this morning and while their purchaae ware not many they ecured a few light hog at price bout steady with yesterday from $16.60 016.90. top reaching 317.00.' Thar was not much- chang In th market on packing grade, the market being generally steady with yesterday' uneven close, the bulk of the packer hog being tl6.15016.SO, although sales were reported on down to $16.00 with a few rough on down to $15.76. Today' mar ket was generally steady affair with pos sibly som weakness on heavy packers. Bulk of all sales wa $16. 15016.60. Sheep There wa a fairly heavy run of sheep today. 133 load, estimated at 30,(00 head, th heaviest receipt for this week. Testerdav fat lamb finally reached a top of 816.00. Choice feeders $14.00. feeders practically regained all of the loss of last week, selling at prices generally th same a a week ago Tuesday. Today's market opened active all around with all Indica tion pointing to at least ateady price. Quotation on Sheep: Lamb, good to choice, $15.50016.00; lambs, fair t good. tl3.0015.SHjamb feeder. tl2.5014.00; yearlln.ra, goo9 to oholce. tlO.00011.00; yearlings, fair to good. $9.00 0 10.00; yearl ing feeder. tlO. 00010.60; wether, ft. $1.00010.25; wether feeder. S8.00O9.00: ewes, good to choice. 87.6008.26; ewes, fair to good, 27.0007.50; ewe feeders, $6.00 O7.00. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Oct 23. Cattle Receipts, 13, 000 head; steers, mostly 25o to 50o high er; greatest gain on In between native and good westerns Good cows and heifer 25c higher; other and calves, steady to etrong. Beef cattle, good, choice and prime, $15.75 019 00; common and medium, tt.SO01S.25; butcher tock, cow and heifers. $8,75 0 13.50; canner and cutters. t5.8506.7S; stockers and feeders, good, choice and fancy, S10.26Q12.76; Inferior, common and medium. 37.60610.25; veal calves, good to choice, 816. 76(916. 76; western range, beef steers, 812.75017.00; cow and heifers. 18.50012.60. Hog Receipt, lt.001 head; market closed very dull; amall order, chiefly for good hogs filled at steady to weak price; packing grades, almost unsalable, and carry ever heavy; butchers. tl7.009917.6S; light. tl6.t5017.te; packing. tl4.6O01t.2S; rough, 813 75014.26; pig, good to choice, tl4 50014.78. Sheep and Lamb Receipts, 20.1)00 headr market generally steady to strong; som aheep and yearling, higher; lambs, choice and prime. 815.75014 28; medium and good. S14.tO01S.T5; cults, t,13O0; ewes, choice and prime. ', tlO.6O91O.50!. medium and. good, t9.6O01O.tO; culls, $3.50 07.00. City Live Stock. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 31. Cattle Re ceipt, , head! including 200 south- Local Stocks and Bonds Quotatlona furnished by Burns, Brlnker A Co.. 449-62 Omaha National Bank building: STOCKS Bid. Asked. Burgees-Nash Co., 7 pet. pfd 100 Cudahy Packing Co., com.. 123 126 Deer A Co., pfd ...."94 95 Fairmont Cream. 7 pet. pfd. 97 Oooch M'g-Elev 7 pet. p. "B" 97 100 Harding Cream Co., 7 pet p. 100 Orchard A Wll'm, 7 pet. pfd. 100 Union P. A L. 7 pet. pfd... 100 Union Stock Yard Co., Om. 97 99 BONDS Arm. A Co., 6, 1923 88 74 99V Beth. Steel Corp. 7, 1923... 994 100 Cudahy Packing Co., 7s, 1923 99? 100"i Int. Rapid Tra it S-yr. 7s, '21 98 88 Vi Om. A C. B. St. Ry. 5s, 1928 83 85 P. S. T., L. A P. "a, 1921 .. 97 98 Rus. gvt. Int. 6s, '26, Id'd 195 205 Rue. gvt. Int. 5s ,'26, un d 195 200 U. S. gvt. 1 3Hs, due 6-15-47 99.71 99.98 U. S. gvt. 2d 4s, due 11-15-42 97. 97.14 U. S. gvt. 3d 4Ws, due 9-15-28 96.85 97.10 U. S. gvt. lit 4 (conv. 3H), 6-16-47 97.59 97.84 U. S. gvt. 1 4Vi (conv. 31, f 6-15-47 97.65 97.90 U. S. gvt. 2d 4 Vis (conv. 4a), 11-16-42 96.81 97.16 ern. 15c to 25e higher; prime fed teers, 817.60019.25; dressed beef steers, 312.50O 17.60;western steers, $10.00 H 14.50; south ern steers, 87. 00912 50; cows, $5. 50016.50; heifers, $7.0012.60; stockers and feeders, t7.OO014.OO; bulls, 86.5008.50; calves, $6.00013.00. Hogs Receipts, 18,000 head; market steady to lOo lower; bulk, tl6.2517.25; heavy, $16.00 17.50; packers and butch ers, $16.4017.00; lights, tlO. 00017.25; pigs, $13.60015.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 8,000 head; market lOo to 25o higher; lambs, $11.60 15.76; yearlings, $10.0011.60; wethers, ewes, $8.0009.50; stockers and feeder, $6.00018.00. St. Louis Live Stock. St. Louis, Mo., Oct, 23. Cattle Receipt, 6,400 head; market 26o higher; native beef steers, lll.6018.26; yearling steers and heifer. $9. 60015. 50; cows, $7.5012.50; stockers and feeder, 1 8.50 1 2. 00 : fall to prime southern beef steers, tl0.0018.00; beef cow and heifers, $7.60015.00; na tive calves. S7. 75017.26. Hogs Receipts, 18,300 head; market steady; light, $16. 60017.20; pigs, 614.26 O16.00; mixed and butchers, S16.76O17.60; good heavy, tl7.35017.65; bulk, $16,850 17.45. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,300 head; market steady; lambs, $1.6016.75; ewes, $11.001.00; canner and chopper, $5.00 9.00. St. Paul Live Stock. South St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 28. Cattle Receipts, 4,400 head; market higheri steers, $5.50 6.75; cow and heifer, 66.50 9.60; calves, 65. 50014.50; stookers and feeders, steady at $6.76013.00. Hogs Receipt, 7,000 head; market lower; ranges, $14.86 16.65; bulk of sales, $15.60016.25. Sheep and Lamb Receipts, 1,600 head; market steady; lamb, $10.00014.26; wethera, $7.00010.00; ewe, $3.009.00. St. Joseph Llv Stock. St. Joseph, Oct 23. Cattle Receipts, 1,800 head; market higher; steers, $8.00 011.00; cow and heifer. $5.50016.00; calve, 16.00012.60. Hogs Receipts, 11,000 head; market lower; top, $17.65; bulk ot sales, $16.00 17.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,000 head; market higher; Iamb,, tl2.0016.00; wes, 88.0008.50. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, la., Oct. 28. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,000 head; market higher; beet steers, t8.00O14.60; canners, $5. 5006.76; feeding cows and heifers, tS.5009.60. Hogs Receipts, 6,000 head; market lowre. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head; market strong. Mew York Coffee, New Tork. Oct 2t. The feature In th coffee situation today wa an announce ment from Washington that the" war trade board I prepared to consider application for Import license through the sugar equalisation board. There wa also a re quest from th food administration that member of th exchange send in full par ticular of outstanding contract In th future market. Including the name of the principal and price. Thi suggesttd that progress wa being made in maturing plans of th government for control of the situa tion, but there wa atlll more or less con fusion -regarding conditions which would attach to imports under the new arrange ments, and little or no Improvement was reported In business. The spot market was dull and nominally unchanged at lOHc for Rio 7s and 15c for Santos 4s. although there were small sales reported of Santos coffee grading about 4 at 16c "- The official cable reported a holiday In Rio. There were no quotations for spot at Santos, but Santo future were 100 rel higher to 50 rela lower. Santo re ceipts, 34,000 bags; Jundlahy, 36,000 bag. tKe. extra tUcv Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruit. New Tork. Oct 28. Evaporated Apple Inactive. California, 13 14c; state, 1314c. Prune Scarce; looe muscatel, Apricot Firm; choice, 20c; choice. 22. ; fancy, 24c. Peaches Nominal. Raisin Firm; loo muscatel choice to fancy seeded, 104c; all seedless, 11012c; London layer. $2.0007.00. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Oa Oct. 23. Turpentine, firm, 61V4c; aales, 67 bbl. ; receipts. 331 bbls.; shipments, 663 bbl.; tock, 29.945 bbl. ' Rosin Firm; sales, 55S bbls.: receipts. 1,256 bty.; shipment, 1.600 bbls; stock, 66.027 bbls. Quote B, D. 216 25; E, tl4.36; F, 816 20040.00; O, ' $14.35014.45; H, $14.50; I, $14.70014.75; K, 215.10; M, tl5.2015.25; N. $15.25; WO. 215.60; WW, tl5.7S. . Dry Goods Market. . New York, Oct. 23. Wool goods manu facturer were notified today that bids would shortly -be Invited for further quantities of uniform cloth and other war merchandise. Cotton good offering wer more numerous and buying light. Burlaps and itlka wer quiet New York Cotton. New Tork, Oct. 23. Cotton closed steady at 29.28o. a net decline of 38 to 60 points. ' Airmen Bomb U-Boat. Rome, Oct 23. Italian naval av iators have bombarded' in enemy submarine from a low height and believe thati the U-boat was sunk, ;ays an official statement issued to day. , ' : ' G R A I NJARKETS Corn Unchanged to 3 Cents Higher; Choice White Re covers Yesterday's Loss; Oats a Fraction Up. Omaha, October 23, 1918. Receipts were unusually light today, particularly for corn, with arrivals -tor thla cereal only 24 ears. Total receipts were 86 cars. Oats arrivals were 24 ears, wheat 34 cars, rye 2 cars, and barley 4 cars. Corn prloes wer virtually unchanged, and while there was an advance of 6 cents in tha choice grades of white, this was merely a recovery of yesterday' loss In this kind. Oat were to He, higher and other grains were- firm. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Week Year Receipt Today. Ao. A(ro Wheat 34 18 58 Corn 22 41 36 Oat 24 89 76 Rye 4 4 6 Barley 4 11 g Shipments Wheat 32 9 46 Corn 42 72 22 Oat 42 37 61 Rye ... 2 1 3 Barley 10 4 7 RECEIPTS IN OTHWR MARKETS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 182 154 99 Kansas City 181 36 35 St. Louis 65 44 22 Minneapolis 673 .. .. Duluth 8 697 Winnipeg 1028 Corn No. 2 white: 1 car, $1.43. No. 2 white: 2 cars, $1.40; 1 car, $1.39; 2 cars, 31.38. No. 4 winter 1 car; 31.33H. No. 5 white: 2-5 car, $1.23. Sample white: 2-5 car, 11.10. No. 3 yellow: 1 car (new), $1.40; 1 car, $1.39. No, 4. yellow: 1 car, $1.81; 3-5 car, $1.30: 5 cars, tl.29. No. 5 yellow: 2 oars, $1.26 ; 1 car, 21.25. No. 6 yellow: 2 cars, $1.21. Sample yellow: 1 car, $1.18. No. 8 mixed: 1 car, $1 . SS. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, 81.21; 1 car, 81.18. Oats No. 8 white: 1 car, 66c; 12 car, 6c; 3-5" car, 66Hc No. 4 white: 1 car, 68V4o. Rye No. 3: 1 car, $1.51. Barley No3:.l car, 96c. No. 4: 1 oar, 93c; 1 car, 92c. , Wheat Novl hard: 1 car, t2.1ttt. No. 2 hard: 2 cars, 13.16; 3 cars, 32.15; 1 car (smutty), $2.11.. No. 3 hard: 1 car, 22.12ft; 3 cars, 22.12; 1 car, $3.07. No. 4 hard: 1 car, $2.09 : 1 car, t2.06V4; 1 car, (smutty), $2.04. No. 6 hard: 1 car (rye). $2 06; 2 cars (musty), t2.0t. No. 2 spring: 1 car (smutty), $2.10. No. 1 mixed: 1 car (durum), $2.14. No. 2 mixed: 1 ear, 12.14; 1 car. 12.13; 1 car, $3.12; 1 car, $2.11. STOCK MARKET Reaction Follows Strong Open ing; Setback Due to Re ported Measures to Check Speculation. New York, Oct. 2 3. Stock wer ub Jected to wide fluctuation today, popular Issue recording extreme reaction of 2 to 10 point on reports that local money In terests were contemplating action to re strict excessive speculation. Sale approx imated 1,100,000 shares. New York, Oct. 23. The stock market exeprlenccd a severe setback from its strong opening today, representative shares yielding 2 to 6 point and aome volatile Is sues considerably more. Unsettlement, which wa at It flood at midday, resulted from rumor that flnan cial Interest were earnestly considering measures to check extravagant specula tion. Leading bankers held a protracted con ference with official of the federal re serve bank during tha market session but the result ot their deliberations, if any definite plan was formulated, re mained unknown at the market's close. There wa a ctrong Impression, however. that the local money pool had decided to remove the long existing ban upon call money rates, the effect of which might be a much higher lending rate. Various reasons were advanced In ex planation of the attitude of the bankers, but it was recalled that a 10 per cent In stallment on the fourth Liberty loan falls du tomorrow. Involving payment of $180, 000,000 from this section slone. Additional uneasiness was created by the publication of the German chancellor's speech to the Reichstag, traders accepting It tenor aa a further obstacle to Im mediate peace negotiations. War shares led the general rally of the last hour, new buying ensuing on th demand for Baldwin Locomotive, ahlp ping and distilling issues. Final prices averaged 1 to 2 points over lowest levels in rails and active Industrial. Bond were heavy, rati yielding much wf their recent advance, with an irregular trend In the Liberty group. Total aalea (par value) aggregated $9,875,000. Old United State coupon 4 lost H per cent on sale. War shares led the spirited rally of the last hour on rumor that lt had been de cided to lift the ban on call money. The closing wa Irregular. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Sentiment Bullish til Corn Pitt Offerings Scarce Escept on Bulge. Chicago, Oct 23 Bullish sentiment. engendered by development In the war outlook became much more pronounced to day a to corn, and there wa a sharp ad vane In price. Closing figure ware strong, S4o to 4Ho net higher, with No vember $1.27 to fl.274. and December $124 to tl.24. Oats finished Ho to 10 up and provision off 17o to 6O0. Not only were corn future at no time lower than yesterday' close, but the latest quotations wers virtually at the topmost level reached. The dominating Influence continued throughout the session to be th progress of diplomatic and military events, and the apparent lack of any basis therein which would favor ths bear aid of the market. ' Offering were, scarce ex cept on bulges, and although a reaction at one time wiped out nearly all the gains the effect was soon overcome. Report of a scarcity of car In aome section added to a noticeable extent the upward tendency of value. Oat war Influenced chiefly by the ac tion of corn. Soma Improvement of th domeatlo call was reported. Provisions underwent a decided setback. owlnc largely to weakness In the hog mar ket and to a lull In cash demand. The biggest breaks were in the value of lard. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 215 South Sixteenth treat, Omaha; Art. Open. I High. Low. Close, YesTy Corn I j j I j Nov. 1.2474 1 1.27 1.17 1.2394 Dec. 1.23 1.2414 1.20HI 1.24 1.20 Oats Nov. .68 i .69V .68 .69 .68 Dec. .67 .t .67 .61 .67 Pork Nov. 35.00 35.60 Jan 37.70 38.20 Lard Nov. 24.55 34.55 24.22 24.20 24.65 Jan. 23.45 23.45 23.07 21.10 23.42 Rib. Nov. 21.45 121.45 21.05 21.07 21.45 Jan. 20 57 20.57 20.22 20.32 20.42 8t. Loul Grain. St. Louis. Oct. 23 Corn November, $1.29 asked: December, $1.26 bid. Oats November, 70 a e asked; Decem ber, 69c bid. Chicago Provisions. Chicago, Oct. 23. Butter Higher; creamery, 6155c. Eggs Unsettled: receipts, 4,410 cases; firsts, 6051c; ordinary firsts, 47048c; at mark, cases Included, 47 0 49c. Poultry Alive, lower; 24028c; spring 27e. Corn No. 2 yellow, II. S3; No. 2 yellow. $1.431.46; No. 4 yellow, $1.3201.36.. Oats No. I white, 68070c; standard, 69H70c. , , Rye No. 2, $1.62. Barley 90c$1.01. Timothy 17.00010.00. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard 136.25025.22. Rib 121.50013. 50. New Tork Provisions. New York. Oct. 22. Butter Higher; creamteiy. higher; extra. S868c; creamery, extra. 67 0 57c; creamery, flrtt, 65057c. Egg Steady and unchanged. Cheese Steady and unchanged. Poultry Dressed, steady; chickens, 280 17c; others unchanged. New York General Market. V... Va,1, W IX ..Wlieat AnAt teady; No. 2 red, $8.34 track New York. corn Bpot, rm; no. 1 yeuow, aa.n, and No. 3 yellow, tl.St e. t t New York. Oat Spot, firm; standard. 71c. tl.0H.85; No. S. $1.7001.76. Tallow Firm; city apvciai. loose, ivc : Lead. A t New York,' Oct. 2S. Lead Unchanged. Spelter, higher: Eaat St Louis dUvry, spot, 19.16 C. Number of sales and quotations on lead ing stocks: Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Am. Beet Sugar 69 American Can... 4,500 46 44 45 Am. Car A F'dry 3,400 88 88 87 Am. Locomotive.. 3,900 68 66 67 Am. 8. A Ret... 26,300 89 86 87 Am. Sugar Ref... 1,600 112 110 110 American TAT 1,200 107 106 106 Am. A., L, A S. . 400 16 15 15 Anaconda Cop'er 13,900 72 70 70 Atchison 6,500 97 94 95 AOAWISSL 19,200 114 112 112 Bait. A Ohio.... 6,600 68 57 67 Canadian Paclflo 1,400 171 168 170 Central Leather.. 3,600 66 65 66 Che. A Ohio.... 5,400 61 69 60 C, M. A St. P.. 5,600 51 50 50 C A N. W 103 C, R. I. & P. ctfa v 6,00 29 27 28 Chlno Copper.... 4,100 41 41 41 Colo. Fuel A Iron 400 44 44 44 Corn Prod. Ref.. 12,400 45 43 43 Crucible Steel 8,700 68 55 56 Cuba Cane Sugar 4,800 82 31 32 Distiller's Sec... 8,200 60 47 60 Erie ., 15,600 18 17 17 General Electric. 1,00 166 154 155 General Motor.. 5,300 130 126 129 Ot. Northern pfd 8,800 96 95 95 Ot. N. Ore ctf.. 3,800 33 32 83 Illinois Central.. 1,100 102 101 102 Inap. Copper 4,700 56 64 65 Int M. M. pfd.. 49,400 123 120 121 Iht. Nickel 3,300 33 32 82 Int. Paper 3,800 86 35 35 K. C. Southern.. 1,400 21 20 20 Kennecott Cop... 7,100 38 37 37 Loula'U A Nash 400 119 118 119 Maxwell Motors.. 1,000 . 83 32 33 Mex. Petroleum.. 65,900 160 146 151 Miami Copper... 4,000 28 28 28 Missouri Pacific. 11,600 27 26 26 Nevada Copper... 600 20 20 20 N. Y. Central... 81 N. Y., N. H. A H. 3,300 41 40 41 Norfolk A West. 2,400 114 107 109 Northern Pacific. 7,500 96 94 94 Pacific Mall 200 83 33 33 Pennsylvania ... 6,500 49 47 48 Pittsburgh Coal 51 Ray Cdn. Copper 2,900 25 24 24 Reading 78,900 96 92 92 Rep. Iron Z Steel 2,300 86 85 86 Southern Pacific. 86,200 104 99 101 Southern Ry 16,600 31 30 30 Studebaker Corp,. 18,000 64 61 62 Texa CO 62,000 191 187 187 Union Pacific... 14,800 136 133 134 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 4,800 108 105 107 U. S. Steel 167,400 111 108 109 V. S. Steel pfd.. 500 112 112 112 Utah Copper 700 90 87 88 Wabash pfd "B" 400 25 25 25 Western Union 92 West'house Elec 44 Bethlehem B.., 24,900 72 70, 71 New York Money Market. New York. Oct. 23. Mercantile Paper- Unchanged, Rterllnr Dav Bills Unchanged: de mand 14.75; cable, 14.76 9-16. Franc Demand 16.48; cables, $5.47. Guilders Demand, 42o; cable, 42c. Lire Unchanged. Mexican Dollars Unchanged. Tim Loan Strong; .unchanged. Call Money Strong; unchanged. U. S. 2s, reg... 98 'Ot. N. lt 87 U. 8. 2s, coup. M.I. C. ref 4... 81 U. S. 3s, reg.. 83 Int.M. M. 6s ..103 U. 8. 3s. coud. 83 K. C. S. ref. 6s 83 U. B. Lib. 3s 99.S0L. A N. un. 4s 87 U. S. 4a, reg. 106 M K A T 1st 4s 69 U. S. 4s, coup. 106M. Pac. gen. 4 tit Am. F. Sec. 6s 98 Mont. Power 5s 88 Am. T. A T. c 5s 92 N. Y. Cen. d. 6s 98 Anglo-French 6 95No. Paclfio 4.. 84 Arm, A Co. 4a 86 No. Pacific 3.. 69 Atchlon gen. 4 850. S. L. ref. 4 85 B. A O. cv. 4 85PC T. A T. it 91 Beth. Steel r. 6s 90 Penn. con. 4s 95 Cen. Leather 5s 96Penn. g. 4s.. 89 Cen. Pac. 1st.. 82Reading gen. 4s 84 C. A O. cv. S.. 86 S LAS F a a 73 C. B. A Q,, J. 4s 93S. Pac. cv. 6s ..102 C M A 8 P c 4 81 Southern Ry Ss 94 C R I P r 4s 74 T. A P. lt.... 84 CAS ref. 4 76Unlon Paclflo 4-8Tl D. A R. O. r. 6s 61 U. S. Rub. 5.... 84 D. of C. 6 1931 95 U. 8. Steel 6.. 98 Erie gen. 4.... 57Wabash lt 94 0n. EUctrlc I IS French gvt 5s 102 Bid. M'Adoo Modifies Rule Forbidding Rail Men Mixing in Politics Liberty Bonds. New Tork, Oht 22. Liberty bond clos ing: !, 99.60; first convertible 4', 97; second 4', 97.04; four convertible 4's, 97; second convertible 4 s, 97.101; third 4(, 17.20. - - ! , Cotton Future. Naw '"York. Oct 23. Cotton future closed easy; October, lt.47c; December, 29.12c; January, 28.66c; March, 23.32c; ita, 2I.ISO, . Washington, Oct. 23. Modifica tion of the recent order forbidding railroad employes or officers from holding office or participating in politics was announced today by Director General McAdoo, so as to permit the men to hold municipal offices and to be delegates, but not chairmen, of political conventions. The new regulations conform to rules provided for navy yard meti and other government employes. Under the modified ruling a rail way employe or c.Ticer may not be a member or officer of any political committee or organization whicfc solicits funds for political purposes; act as chairman of a special conven tion, or use his position in the rail road service to bring about his selec tion as a delegate to political con ventions; solicit or receive funds for a political purpose, or contribute to a political fund collected by an of ficial or employe of any railroad or any public official; conduct a politi cal campaign; attempt to coerce or intimidate another officer or em ploye in voting; or neglect railroad duties to engage in politics, or use his railroad position to interfere with an election. 1 i A .1 nson autnorizes Teachers' Agency to Meet the Shortage Washington, Oct. 23. President Wilson has authorized the establish ment by the United States bureau of education of a teachers' agency to be known as a school board serv ice section to meet the shortage of instructors in schools and colleges estimated at reaching 30,000. The purpose of the section, an announcement today said, will be to assist in finding teachers for col leges, normal and technical schools, superintendents and principals f of schools, and teachers and supervis ors of special subjects in secondary and elementary schools. As in other lines the shortage in the teaching profession due to calls for military and industrial service is most marked in certain localities. The bureau of education has re ceived a number of letters describ ing conditions as serious. It will be the work of the new section to aid in redistributing the' available teaching force of the country. The service of the bureau will be free and, will be largely in the nature rof a registration service to bring teachers and school officials togeth er. John Lynch and Fords File Demurrer in Federal Court John C. Lynch, deposed county commissioner, and Mr. and Mrs. John Ford appeared before Federal Judge Woodrough Wednesday morning to file demurrer in the in dictments returned against them by the recent grand jury. Lynch is charged with a violation! of the white slave act, and the three are charged with conspiracy to violate the Mann white slave act. Lynch was represented in court by W. F. Gurley, while Ben Baker was look ing after the interests of John Ford and Mrs. Ford. After arguments by the attorney for the defendants taking a greater part of the day Judge Woodrough moved to sustain the demurrer cov ering the entire indictment for conspiracy in which all three de fendants are charged, and three of the nine counts in the indictment of Lynch. Nebraska Uni Will Play Private Games Saturday Lincoln. Neb.. Oct. 23. The Uni versity of Nebraska foot ball team will play the squads from Cotner college of Btthany, Neb., and Ne braska Wesleyan , of University Place here Saturday. To conform with state health' regulations pro hibiting public gatherings on ac count of the influenza epidemic in Nebraska the games will be played behind locked gates. No spectators other than officials to supervise the play will be admitted. Delaney to Take Part In King's Trophy Bouts Chicago, Oct 23. "Cal" Delaney, Cleveland lightweight, today was selected as the final boxer to repre sent the Great Lakes naval training station in the king's trophy bouts at London next month. Ritchie Mitchell, Pal Moore, Dennie O'Keffe. Jack Heinen and possibly Leo Schneider will be the other members of the Great Lakes team to make the trip. Sport Calendar for Today. RACIXG Antumn meeting- of Empire City Raclna; association, Yonkers, N Y, Autumn meeting of Latonla Jockey club, Latonla, Ky. Twenty-thousnnd-dollar match race between Eternal and Billy Kelly, for benefit of Red Cross, at Laurel. Md. BILLIARDS Ancle Klerkhefer against Charlie McConrt, at Chicago, for three enshlon championship. B0XT50 fiam Lenfford against Bat tling Jim Johnson, 12 rooada. at LowelL atesa - . - ... Wife Gives Husband t Permission to Marry; Other Asks Divorce A divorce petition filed in district court by Elmira against Carl Vogal, 'indicates that all ends of justice and conveniences are not served by the written permission of a wife to al low her husband to marry another woman. Mrs. Vogal alleges that she was married to Vogal in Council Bluffs on September 24, 1917. and that she left him when she learned of his for mer marriage which had not been legally annulled. A note from Vo gal's alleged first wife did not suf fice to satisfy the plaintiff in this action. She asks to be released from the marriage ties which bind her to Vogal. Fraud and extreme cruel.ty are charged. A decree of divorce has been granted to Georgia Richie from William Richie, who made no ap pearance in the case. Frank Kirksey was granted an ab solute decree from Lillie Kirksey, whom he charged with desertion. The wife did not contest the case. In the divorce case of Inez against Ahrahnih L. Herman, the wife was allowed a decree. The husband did not respond to a notice served on him to appear. Emma C. Reinbolt has filed a pe tition in divorce court against Her man B., alleging nonsupport She asks for a decree and adequate pro vision for a 14-year-old son. In a divorce decree granted to David Ricker from Anna Ricker, the court stated that the wife had insisted that relatives and friends should abide in her home, against protests of the husband; also that she nagged and quarreled, and that the husband had been a kind, loving and provident husband. Mrs. Ricker was granted restoration of her former name, Anna Harris. An absolute decree of divorce has been granted to James M. Sparguf from Anna M., wjio was charged with cruelty and desertion, ihe wife made no appearance. Make Omaha Division on Woodrow Wilson Airway Definite announcement has been made from official sources that Omaha will be a highly important division point on the Woodrow Wil son airway, which will be maintained for air mail services and other gov ernment purposes. This airway will be, the first and the most important coast-to-coast air route designated by the government. The Omaha Chamber of Com merce has been very active on the matter for the past year. Last year Chairman John W. Gamble and the commissioners received assurance in New York that Omaha would be officially designated as a landing and starting place on the airway. This chamber is pledged to secure a suitable landing field and to co operate in other ways that the gov ernment requires. The landing place must be furnished with stand ardized night and day markings. Aeroplanes are now a part of the equipment at Fort Omaha, arid there is indication that Omaha will be rap idly developed as one of the centers for aviation iri this country. Mabel Johnson Qualifies For Superintendent's Office Election Commissioner Moorhead has received information from Lin coln that Miss Mabel Johnson of Waterloo, nominee for superintend ent of schools in this county, has been granted a first gra'de teachers' certificate, which qualifies her to be a candidate on November S. Miss Johnson was the high candi date at the August primaries, and Milton A. Sams, who was third high est, brought an action in district court to restrain the election com missioner from placing Miss John-! son's name on the ballots, because she did not hold a first grade cer tificate. Since that action was start ed she has taken the examinations and qualified. Judge Troup allowed her until Wednesday to obtain the required certificate. Brothers Declared Deserters. Los Angeles, Cal., "Oct. 23. Ben jamin Livingston, who recently was returned to Los Angeles from Ven ezuela as an alleged draft evader, was declared a willful deserter from the army today after a hearing be fore his local exemption board and was turned over to the military authorities for trial. Robert Livingston, a brother, was similarly disposed of yesterday by another local board. BOYS' WORKING RESERVE CORPS v WILLBEHED; Boys Between Ages of Fifteen and Sixteen Will Be Given Chance to Register Next Month. ; Tfte State Council of Defense hai set aside November-14 as registra f tion day for all boys who have air tained the age of b years 7 months and up to 18 years. This registra tion of the boys of our nation is not compulsory, but any boy who fails to register on this day in order that the government may make the best use of his services in the occupation, for which he is best fitted, is as much a slacker as the man who failed tov register for military service. '; After he has registered the matter of placing him where he can be ot best service will be a mutual con cern, as the boys' parents will bo consulted and their "opinions ad-, hered to. Registration on November 14 constitutes membership in the U. S, Boys'. Working Reserve. The two general classes into which this re serve will be divided is industrial' and agricultural. Upon the close of school In the spring there will be a great demand? for boys on the farms and the work of placing these boys will be of the ,' greatest importance. The school houses in each country and city district will no douot bs used as the place of registration and the teachers asked to act as registrars. A telegram received from General Pershing says: "The achievement f of the Boys' Working Reserve dur- :, ing the tfast year are beyond praise. The American expeditionary forces thank one and all for the support you are giving us." Now boys, let's get together and help Uncle Sam out all we can in his great struggle for liberty. Junior Red Cross Meeting ; Plans Work for Next Year At a meeting of the Nebraska ad visory committee to the central division of the Red Cross, held Tuesday afternoon at the Fontenelle hotel, plans for the year's work of the junior division were mapped out for iecommendation to the central division. ,i Those in attendance at the meet ing were John E. Stout, Chicago, director of junior activities of the central division; J. H. Beveridge, Lincoln chairman; President Rouse of Peru Normal school; Fred Le Crone, Columbus chairman, Louis Trester, former state director. ' Health, thrift and civic programi were planned for recommendation. As soon as the schools are allow ed to open, Red' Cross work will be taken up and pushed rapidly. Each v state of the central division has an advisory commiteee, all of which will report recommendations on 3 which the year's work will be planned. Six Cases of Whisky Sent to State Hospital of Omaha The first, beneficiary of the dis trict court order pertaining to dis tribution of confiscated liquors to hospitals was the state hospital of Omaha. An application from this institution approved by Health Com- missioner Manning has been re ceived and honored by Sheriff? Clark. ' 1 The request was for one barrel of whisky, but inasmuch as the sheriff does not have liquor in barrel lots, he issued six cases containing 144 quarts. Pleads Guilty to Being Slacker; Gets Six Months ' John Schuck, slacker, pleaded guilty before Judge Woodrough to , the charge of having failed to regis ter. At the time of Schuck's arrest he .admitted he had not registered and did not intend to, and that this country had no business in the war. , Schuck says he is Russian, nine years in this country. Judge Wood rough gave him six months in Jail to think it over. . SKINNER PACKING OMPANY POULTRY EGGS 1116-1118 - Doudlas St: Tel-Douasl5?l TAO! H1H Kv Beftbe standard 'by wbicba perci&areiud&d AlSeXlf a1 Led Pmcll Ox ItO f ifth Avmu Nw York Monongahela Valley Traction Company General Mortftfa 7 Geld Bends Dates' Mr 1. 1)11 Dm Mr 1, 13 Recent rate advances indi cate a materially increased margin above all interest requirements. These bonds are unusuallyv Well securer! nA viVIt than 775. VI ' Ask tor Circular O B-ian v TheNationalGty Company CtrrtiPondtnt OfcntHll Cititi Chicago 137 So. La Salle St 'V