Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1918, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY OCTOBER 24, 1918. 0., 1 Want Ad Rates (Cub With Ordsr.) Hi pr word each tnMrtlon la pr word (or t consecutive Insertion la mr word f or each additional Insertion No ad taktn (or lass than a total o( or Uaa than Ifte par day. CHABGE. Is ptr Uaa (count words to tint) 1 tlrot so pur line each time. I conweutlva times To per Una aaco tlrat, 10 consecutive Umas SITCATIOSS WASTED. tie, par Una . ...par weak CARDS OF THANKS AND . fXNEBAL NOTICES. 10a per Una.. ., '. each Insertion Contract Batea qn Application. For convanlanea of ftdvertiseri'want ada will ba accaptad at the following officea MAIN OFFICE., ...VB, Bulldlna Ames Office 4410 North 2utb 8t. take Office till North 24th St Vinton Office 3467 South UtB ft . Park Office ....2411 Leavenworth St. fValnut Office ...Ill North 40tb 6t South Sdo ..2111 N St Council Dlutf 14 Main St. THE BEE will not be responaible for mora Jthan one Incorrect Insertion of ao advertisement ordered for mora than one a time.-. -. Use. THE TELEPHONE) It you cannot convenient) bring or and your ada to any of the above offices. Aak (or a Want Ad Taker and y ou will receive the same good service as when delivering your ad In person. PHONE TYLER 1 000. Evening Editions 12:00 M. Morning Editions 10:00 P. M. Sunday Editions 10 P M. Saturday y ANNOUNCEMENTS. WANTED Knitting, children's garments nd nfghans especially solicited. Wal nut SS05. DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES SWA.vJoN-Harry W October 22, ISliT asedfSS years. Funeral Thursday at S p. m. from Johns & Swansea chapel, 2204 Cum ing street. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. IJLKiNK Kutcrt. aged 33 years, at his rcs Mence, 3134 Calhoun St. Funeral Wednesday, October S3, 2 p. m., from Taggart's chapel, 2213 Cum ing St Interment Forest Lawn. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. - HULSE & RIEPEN Plonoer Funeral Directors '01 So. 16th St. Phone Doug". 1236 HUFFMAN FUNERAL HOME. Hoffman quality service costs less 34th and Dodge. Douglaa 9101. STACK & FALCONER Independent UngartaKcrs, 13d-Far. H. 400 E. L. DODDER CO., Funeral Directors F. L. I'ero. Mgr., 23d and Cumlngs Sts Phone Douglas 677 Auto ambulance. JOHN A. G E NT LEM A N, u7rdirTs7ke7and emblamer 3111 Farnam St Har 393 MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. j WEST " LAWN CEM ETERY Family lot on easy payments. Thoughtful service. Perpetual cfcre of lots and graves free. Street car to en trance. In rase of Immediate need tele phone Walnu S20 or Douglaa 829 and our automobile, calls for you. WEST LAWN CEMETERY. 58th and Center. Office 16th & Harney. THe largest display of monuments In the United 8tates FRANK SWOBODA. 121626 8 13th Phone Dmugtas 1K72-6216 FLORISTS. LOST FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Persons having loat aome artlclea would do well to call at the officea of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Rail way company to ascertain whether they left It loHhe street car. Many artlclea each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. LOST At 24th and Leavenworth streets, a small black purse containing 111 and a door key, also a small mirror and string of rosary beads; a liberal re ward aa lost articles were aouvenlera from' husband In France. Call Harney 4714. LOST Brown fur neck piece, made by Aulabaugh. Liberal reward. Telephone Walnut 91. LOST Coin purse, containing $5.05, at Brandela store. Call Webster 2979. Reward. LOST' -English setter hunting male dog, orange and white coler. Call Walnut 2077. SMALL diamond ring, valued as a keep sake; 110 reward. Walnut 2315. LOST Bunch of keys. Call Douglas 7360. Cash reward. LOST Strand of gold beads; reward, Call Tyler 10. SWAPPERS COLUMN. WILL trade for a house and lot. orvsell for cash, about 4,000 pairs of men's, ladles' and children's shoes; must act quick. C. C. Broome, 14 North Main St.. Council Bluffs, la. WILL trade one or two good lota and pay some additional cash for a good 5-pas-senger touring car. Address Box 3S47 Bee. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 'Xl't. LEE L. LARMON 1814 Douglaa St. Douglas 1244 RATH Careful Florist. 104 Farnatn St ia'A. DONAGHUE Flowers shipped everywhere. Ex. paid 1. Henderson. 1519 Farnatn D 1341" CARD OF THANKS. V E wish to thank our many friends and neighbors, the employes of the Thomp son Belden and. company, the Knights and Ladles of Security for the beautiful floral offerings and sympathy shown us during the sickness and death of our daughter and sister, Augusta Kruuse. Mr. and Mrs. George Krause and Family. THIRTLE Harold Frauds, aged 23 years, - at Manhattan, Kan. Funeral Thursday, October 21, 10 a. m., from Taggart's chaper; 2212 Cuming street. Interment Holy Sepulcher ceme tery. Deceased is survived by his wife, his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thlrtle, and two brothers, .Joseph and Robert. We wish to thank our friends for their kindness and sympathy expressed by the beautiful flowers In our bereavement In the loss of our daughter and sister, Edna. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Nerness and " rhlldren c r BIRTHS AND .DEATHS. "Births John and Sophie Mleek. 4409 South Forty. flrot street, girl; Albert and Esther Taney, 2803 Bristol street, girl; . otho and Sara Walker. 2638 Harrison vstreet. boy; Jesse ahd Margaret Darby, ' H03 WIIHs avenue, girl; Joseph and Agnes Delster, 4510 South Thlrty-second street, Ctrl: Claud and Klaie Bridges, 4211 North Twenty-fourth street, girl; Avery and Gladys Clary, 311 William street, girl; Valne and Sarah Selleng. 709 South Sev. enteenth street, boy; Samuel and May Rosenberg, 406 North Twenty-fourth street, boy; Santoro and Angelina Sa lerno, 1925 South Sixteenth street, boy; Antonlnn and Gulseppina Allano, 1216 F'lerce street, boy; Frank and Barbara Ta- bnrsky. 2714 South Twenty-first street, girl; D W. and Eva Dolan. 4423 Brown street, girl; Pete and Marie Puret, 4018 , Polk street, girl; Vocleve and Anna Sto nek, Forty-eighth and Z streets, boy; Stephan and Annie Skartsky, Papillion, Route 6, boy; Joseph and Bosure Haguga, I'apllllon, Route 5. toy: Albert and Anna . Aronson, 8009 North Thirty-sixth street. girl; Harry and Tlllie Johnson, 4509 South Thirty -third street, girl; Edward and Mary King. 4129 South Fortieth street, girl; Thomas and Sarah Keane, 4321 South Nineteenth street, girl. Deaths Mrs. Anna Braae, 78. Avery, Neb.: Samuel P. Diekersbn, 21, hospital; Adam Angela, 63, 3713 South Twelth street; Margaret Wagner, 19. 1463 South .Eleventh street; Anthony Paskue, 1. 16 Kbuth Thirty-second street; Lester Balsell, a months, hospital; Carl Gusak, 28. 4023 "1, street; Baby Gray. 27 days, hospital; Mrs, Emma Burton, 61, hospital: Thomas . Love, 36, 2621 Hamilton street; Ethel Gravers, , hospital; Leroy B. Arthaloney. 2, 6924 Spencer street; Louise Sorensen, 15. hospital; Gasuke Ontshl, 31, 1113 J street; Mrs. Lyda Sellnger, 36,' Fortieth 'und L streets; Evelyn Byers. 2, Twenty eighth ahd Harrison streets; E. G. Wool- ery, 63, 4226 South Twenty-second street; Mrs. Cecelia Jones, 38, Sfll 1 South Seven teenth street: Mrs. T. J. Foxusen. 30, 7718 " Nojrrn Twenty-eighth street; Alice T. Moynahan, 26, 2715 Jackson street; May Emma Jordon, 31, 6615 South Twenty seventh street; Richard W. Trible. 26. hospital. Fort Omaha; Hugh McCalllster, 30. Camp John Wise, Tex.; Frederick Pa- xalawes. 6 months. 4135 L street: Patrick J. Broderlck. 65, 4544 South Forty-sec- ond street: Daniel Kennelly, 38, 3911 T street; Carolina Kallnak. 29, 4907 South Thirtv-flfth stret; Anthony Tosen. 27, .3431 V street: Earnest Hayes. 26, 2713 A : street; Robert Boone, 33, 3134 Calhoun street; Elmer O. Paulson, 24, SOU Charles street; Emmons C. Dimock. 29, 4527 North Thirty-seventh street; DuTh W. Dimock. I, 4527 North Thirty-seventh atreet; J. Kverett Puree!!. 40, 4 miles west o( Ben son: Daniel Powers, 3f, 34 ,South Thirty eighth avenue; Vernon G. Heverly, 28. hospital. Fort Omaha: Walter Ormeaher, S. hospital. Fort Omaha; Wilfred F. Uelty, SI. hospital. Fort Omaha; Alfred Moashangen. 31, hospital. Fort Omaha; Fred T. Kaalts, 29, hospital. Fort Omaha; Alben L. Boklund. 27. hospital. Fort Oma- -' ha;, Willie Cunningham, hospital. Fort Omaha; Joseph Scamparlon, 13. 3231 , Pierce street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits to wed hive been granted to the following: v. y ' Name and Residence. Age. Jaraea L. Berlgan. Ewlng, Neb 27 Helen MuUen, Onfaha 21 r . i. . K Amah. - 24 Florence L My-berg, Stromsburg, Neb,. .26 Ji'red Pruess, Benson, Neb. ....24 Xtetea Newhaus, Benson, Neb. 11 - JullaV Vermeulen. Omaha ..20 Catheriwa, Bporl, Omaha ....11 BOSg-FOUND REWARDS FOR SALE. Two coal mines In Centervllle district; must be sold at once owing to the death of the senior partner. V. S. McKee, Cen tervllle, la SEVENTY Dollar electric washer. Forty five dollars If taken at once. Phone Wt 4264. CINDERS given away for the hauling. Omaha Gaa Co., 20th and Center. Dg. 3353. GOOD second hand furnace cheap. 4219 Decatur St. Furniture and Household Goods. STARTLING SALE OF STANDARD VALUES IN FURNITURE. The State Furniture company Is this week offering some startling bargains on standard values In furniture. If you are In need of a new dresser, an exten sion table, dining room chairs, parlor piece, furniture, heating or ' cooking stove, our prices this week will surely convince you of superior values for the low dollar We make a specialty of complete home outfits, also hotels and rooming houses. Railroad fares re funded to out-of-town buyers within 60 miles of Omaha on purchase of 120 or more. STATE FURNITURE CO. 14th and DodgaSts. Opp. U. P. Bldg FURnFtiTRE & HARDWARE BARGAINS Beds, springs, mattresses dressera chiffoniers, tables, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, rugs and linoleum, trunks and suit cases, gas stoves and Ice boxes, full lines screen wire poultry net ting, garden tools. 1839-47 North 24th St. Tel Web 1607 Open till 9 n m WANTED TO BUY. Tl7WTtrTTCS haa Just returned and d .UlN XVllX O W give you the same good service that be gave In the past. Help win the war. Sell your old cloths. shoes, rugs tools, trunks and buy W. S. 8 Will rail. Rea. D 8032. office D 1093. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNrrtJRK Auto touring tents and camping supplies. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCH ELL COrs 27th and Martha Sts.. Omaha. Neb Brass, bronze aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. Acorckan Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating,' covered buttona all alzea and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button boles, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 300-308 Brown Bldg.. Phone D. 1936 HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING, BUTTONS G. U. VanArnam Pleating Co., 136-7 Paxton Block. I'bone Doug. 1109 Douglas 3128. Billiard Tables. PRIVATE ttables for parties at Holmes' Baggage and Express THE ONLY W A Yeoman. 5 THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS -COMPANY will haul everything for you. Packages less than 20 lbs.. 15 cents. D. 7453 Chiropractors. DL J- C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. SPINOGRAPH. Dr" Edwards. 24th. Farnam Costumes. FULL dress, suits for rent. 109 N. 16th St., opposite Postefflce. John Feldman. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all eases. Tyler 1136. Fixtures and Wiring. TTT'pV'TVT'Electriu washing machines. LtJ AVXVli electric Irons and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming St. Douglas 2519 Dancing Academies. KEEPS. HOTEL ROME private lessons Phone Douglas 2581 or Harney 2792. HELP WANTED MALE. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W.O.W. Bldg, Taft's Der.tal Tims., 308 Rose Bldg.D.21S6 Film Developing. FILM developed, rolls 10c; packs. 15e one-day service. Kase Studio, Neville Blk. Knitting. WANTED Knitting; children's garments and afghans especially solicited. Wal nut 2086. ' Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 207 8. 11th. D. 682. Printing Supplies. NICE sideboard, cupboard, oak dining table and leather seat chairs 4-mere oak, library or living room set, large oak dresser and commode. Iron bds mattresses, springs and other articles. Harney 6454. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full line of furniture, gas and coal oil stoves, rugs, baby carriages, trunks, etc- Loyal Furn Co.. 223 N 16th BEAUTIFUL oak buffet and Victor pat ented dining table, 4812 Farnam SU Walnut 804. Call evenings. A BARGAIN. Must sell furniture at once. 830 Wortjj-lngton. Pianos and Musical Instrum.nts. A. HOSPE & CO.. 161 Douglas have planoa to rent at 13.60 per month, or will aell en easy terms Store and Office Fixtures. TEN cars used lumber, 125 and up per M New roofing, 11.26 to 11.75. Doors. 13 up. Electrlct motors and machinery. H. Gross Lumber and Wrecking Co., 21st and Paul streets. Omaha. WE buy. sell and make desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture & 8upply Co 11th and Douglas D 2724 FOR SALE Hardware stock and fixtures (astern Nebraska Address Box 463 Omaha Bee. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES. We rent, tepalr, sell needles and parts of all sewing machines. MICKEL'8 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney Sts. Doug. 1662 , Pianos and Musical Instruments. The Best Place to Buy Good Used Pianos. All used instruments are thor oughly overhauled in our com pletely equipped repair depart ment, making it possible for us to guarantee used players, pianos and organs the same as new high grade instruments. A partial list -of bargains on hand today. This list changes constantly. Write or phone us for the one you prefer. Will make comfortable terms. Emerson Piano, Eby ..$165 Kingsbury Piano, Walnut 185 Cable & Son Piano. Walnut.... 175 Schmoeller & Mueller, Walnut, nearly new 165 Kingsbury Piano, Walnut 190 Wagner Piano, Oak 185 Geo. Steck Piano, Rosewood... 170 Strope Piano, Ebony .... 160 Kimball Piano, Mahogany ,200 Segerstrom Piano. Oak, nearly new 210 Pianos For Rent At lowest prices; special rates to those who rent for the season. Six months' rent allowed if pur chased. Piano Tuning Done by experts and guaran teed by us. Charges reasonable. Special price for yearly contract. Call or phone for particulars. A. HOSPE CO., Established 187-f. 1513 Douglas St. of'thb Gulbransen pano. Typewriters an-4 Supplies. TYPEWRITERS all makes, sold, rented and repaired. THhl W N. LONG COMPANY, 1916 Farnam. Tel. D. 196. ADDING MACHINES, all makes bought. tented and sold. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER .EXCHANGE. 1905 FARNAM ST WE BUY. sell or exchange typewriters; guar, typewriters 110 and op .Writs (or list. Midland Typewriter Co.. M04 Dodge. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months for $ 00. Oliver Agency. 1903 Farnam Street. City - " - - ONE 9-column Burroughs adding machine , (or sale at a bargain. . - . 190S FARNAM ST. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO Feathers steamed, renovated apd made op In new feather proof ticking 1907 Cuming OBg 1467 WANTED TO BUY. ' STRAYED OR STOLEN One big wolf , colored police dog. Liberal reward for tvtnEO or Information. leading to recoT " orv Call Walnut 1418. v zF' D?dntfurddIymev.4 , DESKS DESKS DESKS nlngl Liberal reward. Webster 1124. Lake and Erana.. oblong pin. Uqtt . rouaded by goi4 mugf. fbono W ebater I ( "7 - - Waters-Barnhart I'tg Co.. 414 S. 13th St Medical. PILES fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oner ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E, R. TARRY. 240 - ee Bldg., Omaha. Tailors. Dledrlck. P. L. 216 S 20th. Tailor. D. 2432 Jewelry. DIAMONDS rLiii back at small profltv GROSS JEWELRY j.. n lutn. Ked 6081 Pianos and Musical Instruments. WILL Rtore piano and Vlctrola for use Call Douglas 2265. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON. 614 Brandels Bldg. . T. 2960. If. 4741. Safes. BARGAINS 1212 Farnam. Q A TpiTCl j j uerignt Bafo Co. ufii' xju PATENTS nrnpured linni-ht rl ternatlonal Patent Co.. 683 Brandels. D. C691 STURGES & STURGES. U. S. and foreign patents and trademarks. 330 Bee Bldg Wedding Stationary. WEDDING announcements and printing' Douglas Printing Co T! Douglas 644 BUSINESS CHANCES. MUST sell at once good paying grocery business on account of draft Business Is in good location and Is practically all cash. Address Box f 719. Omaha Bee. GOOD clean stock of Dry Goods and Gro ceries for sale In eastern Nebraska. Box x-iuw, Omaha Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. YOUNG man not subject to draft, wants position as fireman of heating plaat. Box 3966, Omaha Bee. r Female STENOGRAPHER 8 years experience as correspondent and private secretafy. Box 3967, Bee. PLACES wanted to prepare small dinner , parties or regular evening dinners. Web ster 2864. AN elderly lady wants housekeeping in small home. 3116 Burt st. OFFICE work by lady, two yeara" ex perience. Bee, Box 3917. EXP. Dressmaking and alteration work done. Douglas 4901. PLAIN and fancy sewing. Webster 2463. Laundry and Day Work. DAY work -wanted by first class laundress, also laundry and! housecleanlng done. Webster 3580. LACE CURTAINS and bundles neatly taunaerea. Harney 3922. BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and, .you. CURTAINS laundered, work guar. H. 1130. HELP WANTED-MALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED: EXPERIENCED RAILROAD OPERATORS AND STATION AGENTS IN NEBRASKA, COLORADO AND WYOMING; 198.70 TO 1121.00 PER MONTH. DESIRABLE CLIMATE, SPLENDID WORKING CONDITIONS. FREE TRANSPORTATION FROM POINTS ON THIS LINE. APPLY TO SUPERINTENDENT, C. B. & Q. RAIL ROAD, 1004 FARNAM STREET, OMA HA, OR EMPLOYMENT DEPART MENT, C. B. & Q. RAILROAD, CHICAGO. OPPORTUNITY for good real estate man to take management of land and city sales, rentals, loans and Insurance. Box 3977, Omaha Bee. Ledger, clerk, 125 per week; correspondent, (claim dept.) 1125; office elks., 190-1100. Co-Operative Ref. Co., 1015 City Nt. Bk. BOOKKEEPERS, 1150. 1135, $125, 1110. 100. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat'l Bank. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, small office, 1100. Western Reference 4b Bond Ass'n. FOR ba.Dk positions see the Walters Co., 1424 First Nat'l BVnk Bldg., Tyler 480. A CHANCE TO DO YOUR BIT. YOUR GOVERNMENT NEEDS YOU. WE MUST HAVE 150 MORE MEN BY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25. Forv Construction Work at the s U. S. ORDNANCE PLANT, NEVILL ISLAND, PA. APPLY U. S. EMPLOY MENT SERVICE, 1118 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, NEB. AVANTED First class floor man or com binatlon man, 63 hours a week; good wages. The Tribune-Sentinel, Grant, Neb. WANTED Upholsterer for (urnlture de partment Box 41405 Bee Salesmen and Solicitors. TEN STOCK SALESMEN Wanted at once In western Iowa who can sell stock to prospects ready to buy. Other like institutions paying 100 per cent and better. Our line-up perfect In every county. Opportune time now. Good commissions. No advances. Ad dress Farm Publishing Co., 308 Crocker Building, Des Moines, la. iVANTED Experienced furnishing goods salesman; exceptionally good opportu nity for the right man; good salary and steady position. Call at once. Palace Clothl. g Co., S. E. Cor. 14th and Doug las streets TRAVELING salesman, established trade, 1126. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. -V; Boys. 3ath, Florist. 1804 Farnam St. WANTED A boy over 17 to learn trunk and case making Frellng & Stelnle 1803 Farnam St. WANTED A boy with wheel. John if Miscellaneous. 50 BUILDING LABORERS WANTED AT NEW SKINNER PACKING PLANT 27th and T streets.'south Side, ray 60o an hour. Apply Construction office at plant. Professions and Trades. GENERAL ' office clerk, experience not necessary, 165-J75. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. STENOGRAPHER, small inaurance office. 150-160. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. STENOGRAPHER, automobile firm, 75 1S6; Western Reference & Bond Assn. For bank positions see the Walters Co. 144 First Nat'4 Bank Bldg.. Tyler 4S0 NOW A WAR INDUSTRY LEARN LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE t TELEPHONE OPERATING Good salary paid while learning. Per. manent positions open; excellent oppor tunity for advancement; get Into essen tial war winning work. APPLY TO C F. LAMBERT, NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COt 1807 DOUGLAS ST. FOR RENT FURNISHED. Apartments. AM Joining the colors, desire to rent fur nished apartment, 6 rooms, with glassed and screened sun parlor; exceptional op portunity to right party; $75; reterencea required. Harney 6130. W Houses. FOR RENT Completely furnished, mod em new ten-room residence, from No vember ls to May 1st Applicants must furnish reference and assure owner that premises will bo well cared for. Apply to SHULER & CARY, REALTORS, 204 - KEELINK BLDG. WANTED, 25 GIRLS FOR PACKING AND LABELING. APPLY TO MANAGER, SKINNER MF'G CO., GRADLATH nurse wanted for superin tendent. Write Fremont Hospital, Fre mont, Neb. GIRL to do light pressing; good wages. Harney 6012. Household and Domestic. WANTED An experienced maid for gen eral housework; no washing; two In family. Apply Mrs. Fred Waller, 4829 T lodge St. WANTED A neat woman for housekeep er. Colored widower. Call Webster 1813. before 2 p. m. Good home for right party. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; references required. D27 South 57th St. Call Harney 3148. WANTED An experienced second girl; wages $10. Mrs. M. G. Colpetzer, 402 S SSth St. Harnev 94. WANTED A reliable young woman to as sist with housework. 602 South 40th street. Harney 171. EXPERIENCED white cook; references required; good wages. St. Regis Apt. 209 HarnO-70. EXPERIENCED girl far general house work. 602 South 40th street. Harney 171. WANTEDA neat dishwasher, 110 per week, board and room. Call Sorith 1853. WANTED Chambermaid at the Bro o jVpts.. 508 N 21st St. Red 8950. WANTED A girl for general housework! Mrs. Arthur Ghtou. Harney 362. FIRST-CLASS laundress for Monday AValnut 3792. 1123 S 50th Ave. WANTED A good general girl. Mrs. A. I. Williams. 315 S 31st st. WANTED Mlddleaged woman for house keeper Webster 1813. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. Call Harney 388. Girls WANTED, GIRLS. 16 YEARS OLD OR OLDER. APPLY TO MANAGER SKINNER MFG. CO., 14TH-ND JACKSON. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT HOUSES. West. DUNDEE, 6014 Underwood, with gar., $5 2568 Dougjas, light housekeeping, 133. JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas 664. NINE-room modem house. 2635 Daven port street. North. 6718 X. 36th st., 4 rooms. 48.00. C. G. Carlberg, Realtor. 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. NICE seven-room flat, 1911 Cuming St, 325. Good four-room house, 1722 N 25tli St., 19. JOHN W. ROBB1NS, 1S03 FARNAM ST. MY s-room modern residence, at 1326 Soitfh 30th avenue, for rent furnished. Phono F. -E. Alexander, Blackstone hotel. 1918 Capitol Ave., 10 tills., ICiO.OO. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 3,13 Securities Tildg. S-ROOM house, 2708 Seward St., 6-room flat. 1604 N. 21th St., good condition. 114. Red 6S2. GOOD 6 room house with 6 full lots broken up ready for garden, 115 a month. Call Ri-d 703',. South. 610 So. 27th St., 6 room, 130.00. G. CARLBERG, Realtor. 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. FOR RENT Fine 1021 s. 20th St. 1459 or If. 4672. rooms with bath, upstairs. Tel. Red BRAND NEW five-room bungalow, very complete.,5204 Oak St., Harney 4443. Mij cellaneous ROOMING HOUSE FOR RENT. We have a double house at S. E, cor ner of 21th and Dodge Sts., IS rooms In all; new heating plant; will make re pairs and put In good condition for re sponses tenant who can furnish It, Ri.Tit 7S. GOOD BRICK HOUSE. Nine-room, modern brick flat at 230.1 Cass St., warm and easy to heat. Will decorato wh'ro necessary and put in good condition. A bargain at t35 per REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. WALKING DISTANCE. BUY WHERE VALUES ARE INCREASING. Splendid full two-story, six-room and sleeping porch, strictly modrrn; oak finish and oak floors throughout; floored attic; full press brick founda ' Hon; built five years; newly painted ' and decorutetl; Just like new; guaran teed furnace. Well worth 15,600, but price for iulck sale, 14,650. 1,500 down, balanca 135 per month; immediate pos session. OSBORtfE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 49S. LOT with all Improvements, on paved street; good district; 1396 to $496; 15 down; $5 per month, Douglas 6074. North. C lose-In Bungalow, 5 Rooms, Modern. $3,350. J-room modern bungalow on 36t!i street, near Cass; large 50 ft. lot having a double frontage on ,16th street and 36tli nvenue. Full basement, furnaco heat. Price for quick sale reduced to 13,350. 11,000 cash, biUa.iice monthly. J. L. HIATT COMPANY, QAA FIRST NATIONAL"" PHONE CO tfw BANK lil'ILDIXG. TYLER vO MODERN HOME WITH SIX LOTS, $4,300. Near 24t!i and Deer Park Boulevard we have just listed this property, whic'.i consists of a two-story, square frame house, modern, furnace heat, electric light, chicken house: conveniently lo cated for garden and chicken ralsk)g. Owner very anxious to make quick deal at this reduced price and it's a bargain. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 919-20 City Nat'l. month. N. P. DODGE & CO., REALTORS, 15th and Harney Sts. 4736 N. 36th St., 5-r., mod. ex. lit. 2631 Harney, 7-r., mid. house .. 2721 Hamilton, 6 r., mod. garage, 118.00 Rasp Bros., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. $17.60 .$35.00 LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COTUPANY. A GOOD INVESTMENT. We have a good eight-room house lo cated near 19th Ave. and OhUi. that Is modern'except heat, that can be bought for $1,800. This can be handled on terms of $100 down and small payment per Month. Place now renting for $26.50. Call us for appointment. Payne Investment Co., Realtors. 57 Omaha National Brink Bldg, I. 1781 Realtors. Tyler 729. BIRKETT & CO. Care of property and Insurance, 250 Bee Bldg. Doug. 633. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY CRE1GH SONS & CO.. Bee FOR RENT-APARTMENTS. TWO front rooms, part modern apart ment. Phono and light furnished. Har ney 6012. West. BEAUTIFUL strictly modern 7-room brick fiat, walking distance. Harney 4847. North. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists, In Apartment management. South. WANTED WHITE JANITRESSES. AT TRACTIVE HOURS. APPLY ROOM S23, W. O. W. BLDG. WE WILL PAY GOOD WAGES FOR MEN AND STRONG BOYS , OVER 1. APPLT BOTTLING DEPARTMENT, FRED KRUG PRODUCTS CO. 10 MEN STEADY WORK GOOD PAY. OMAHA COOPERAGE (ft). South 199. 36th and I" Sts. MEN WANTED. GOOD WAGES. STEADY WORK. OMAHA ALFALFA MILLING COMPANY. EAST OMAHA, WANTED. Laborers or handy men; good pay, steady work; no time lost on account of material or weather. OMAHA GAS CO., 20th and Center. WANTED TWO MEN AND TWO BOYS FOR ESSENTIAL WORK. OMAHA BOX CO.. EAST OMAHA. , WANTED Men 19 to 60 years old for general yard work, steady work " for good men. Apply timekeeper. Union Stock Yards Co., South Omaha BE a detective. Excellent opportunity: good pay: travel. Write C. T. Ludwlg. 875 Westover Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. Professions and Trades. y Wfi! NEED CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. , Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor, Merchants' National Bank Bldg.. Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. New desks; used des&s bought. old and traded. J. C Reed. ! Farnsm D 6144 . n-n ...... - r..- mnA n viwul nrires rnone or wnia uuiaua, fsyw bum v Sooflu UK - . TWO barbers! wanted at once; 120 guaf - ante and 60 per cent ever 130; good for an average of 130 per week for first clssa man Address A. C Peters. 431 Norfolk ave., Norfolk. Neb. WANTED. -Painter and naperhangera. Report at Orchard A Wllbelm'a barn. SOtb and Leavenworth, at -. m. FREE room, for assisting about home to elderly man of refinement. Address Box 4003, Omaha Bee. WANTED Barn man, good pay, ateady Job, married man preferred. W alnut 300 or Walnut 3082. ADDS, jobs, all kinds; painting and clean ing. Harney emz PAINTING, carpets, paper cleaning. Har ney 6012 HELP WANTED-FEMALE. Scores and Offices. WANTED Young ladies to learn bow to operate Comptometers and Burroughs Calculating and bookkeeping machines A good position absolutely guaranteed to every graduate. Time required to complete course, 6 weeks to 9 months Day and evening classes. Call and see us 3T telephone Douglas 7415 (or par ticulars. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING. Second Floor Wesd Bldg., - 18th and Farnam Sta. EMPLOYERS: WE HAVE QUITE A LIST OF UNEMPLOYED 'STENOG RAPHERS, CLERKS AND TYPISTS. IF YOU NEED ONE, "PHONE MRS. WALKER. TYLER 1234. WOMEN'S EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. OMAHA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. STENOGRAPHER, uptown, $86-90. Comptometer opr. $85-90. Office clerk, good penman, SSS-90. Two beginner stenographers, 150-63. THE MARTI COMPANY. 112S W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED A painter. CaU Harney 1681, i STENOGRAPHERS, $90, 185. $80. 175. $65, 150;' Comptometer Operator, 1100; Cigar clerk, 145; P. B. X. Opr., 140. WATTS REF. CO., UJS First Nat'l Bank. WANTED. COLORED GIRLS. OMAHA PAPER STOCK, 18TH AND MARCY. DOUGLAS 153. MR. APARTMENT HUNTER. THE UINTAH. Park Ave., and Leav enworth, Apt. 13, first floor, five com fortable rooms, which allow the tenant fll Uie comforts of a real home. Two nice bed rooms. Three car lines. Ready to move into. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY 61 f, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Doug. 101S, FLATS. Six-room modern flat, 13th and Dor cas, flrst-clas3 condition, only 117.60. S. S. & R. E. Montgomeiy, 213 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1313. Miscellaneous. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANYT Omaha's Rental Agents, 116 Omaha Nat'l Bit. Bldg. D. 1016. GOVERNMENT CLERK EXAMINATIONS In Omaha November 2. December 7; 12,000 women clerk needed; salary $1,200; experience unnecessary; women desiring government positions write for free particulars, R. E. Terry (former civil service examiner), 783 Columbian Building, Wash. HELP WANTED. Male or Female. U. S. GOVERNMENT wants thousands of clerks; men, women; $1,100 a year. Ex amiaatlons held in Omaha Dec. 7th; candidates coached free. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 231 H, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men, ladle arid b oys learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College Phone D. 2147. MOLER Barber College wast young men and ladle a to learn he barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue. 110 S 14th St.. Omaha. Neb, EDUCATIONAL . BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SGHOOL. Intensive training for office orkers. Courses in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Stenotypy, Typewriting. Railroad and Wireless Telegraphy. Comptometry. Ma. chine Bookkeeping and all English branchea. Students admitted any day Catalogue free. Telephone Douglas 1565. 18th and Harney Sts. Omaha. Neb. RELIABLE AUTO SCHOOL. Best electrical and self-starter course Easily learned No books. Free catalog National Auto School. 2S14 North 20th 8t. Omaha. Neb. r Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 5890. LEARN Mosher shorthand and typewrit ing. Day and night classes Omaha Shorthand Colleg-. Bee Bldg.. D 6628 FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. FURNISHED room, down stairs, private entrance, running water, hot water heat, select community, close In, with garage If desired. Phone, Douglas 6915. - SANITARY modern rooms for men only $2.60 per week. Sunshine apartments, 609 N 17th St. J. B Robinson, 442 Be Bldg. Douglas 8097. ' 2516 JONES ST., fine large, most desir able room, In strictly modern home, easy walking distance; reasonable. Red 424. WALKIKG distance, beautiful room, 16x 20, rtitdern house, no roomers, two car lines. D. 7433. 2305 Cas. FOR RENT Furnished room with board, 2505 Ames Ave. Col. 917. GRAND HOTEL 620 S. 13th, new man agement, nice, clean rooms. 32 and up a week. 2616 MEREDITH Ave.; rooms for rent Colfax 744. NEW modern room at 132 S. 35th St. Telephone Harney 4444. NEWLY furnished modern rooms from 32 up 559 8 2Htik Ave. Housekeeping Rooms. THREE connected modern furnished front rooms, on car line, private home, no children, references. Webster 2170. , 2906 N. 24th. ' COMPLETELY furnished steam heated apartment, walking distance, 229 No. 23rd St -Hotels. HEATED rooms, $2.50 week. Apartments with kitchenette. Ogden hotel, Coun. B. Unfurnished Rooms. HEATED , rooms In Crelghton Blk., 16th and Douglaf fits. Bl 6142. WORLD M.MALTJ CO. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. STORES FOR RENT. We have two lage store rooms, 22x"L each with a cemented cellar, at 2421T 2423 Cuming street. Splendid location for automobile repairs, furniture store or any other business requtrlng large space at a low rental. Will .rent the stores for $50 for both, or $30 tar one. SMALL SHOPS. We have one good sized store room next to the corner of 27th and St. Mary's Ave., for 115, and two small rooms In the same building for $9.00 and $10 each. These are splendid places for shops, storage rooms or anything that requires a business headquarters and some storage space. N. P. DODGE & CO., REALTORS, . loth and Harney Sts. SPLENDID BUNGALOW. PRICED RIGHT. PRICE ONLY $3,100. Five room strictly modern bungalow, oak finish, pressed brick foundation, $700 down will handle. Call Colfax. 1 243 today or during week Tyler 496. i ACRE B ARC. aTn! Dandy cottage, electric lights, good well, burn, lots of chicken houses, small fruit, all fenced, cement posts and wire; possession at once, an ideal chicken ranch; a money maker, $2,900 buys this; small payment down, balance on pay ments. P..I. TKBRENS CO., Phone Doug. 21S2. NEW, 7-ronm. oak finish, large lot, double garag": price $6,750; terms. 6137 North 24th St. NORRIS & NOR- R1S. Douglas 4270 $2,5uu Store building, 3 living rooms In rear, all modern, good location. C. A. Grimmel, phone Douglas 1615, MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money I Phono Tyler 187 , REAL .ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. 32 Acres Very Well Improved. , Easy Terms. TV,,Bf nf ILiikaii. T.JkVH fins. GoOd hOUSS. ' anient basement, cava In basement. Barn, and garage. Combined corncrlb and nu-ipv chine shed. Poultry house. Fenced and cross-fenced. Part in alfalfa. $J,00 cash, will handle. Coll Tyler 50 and ak for Mr. Manville. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 HARNEY ST Dundee. GOOD Omaha Income property for clear western land or eastern Nebraska farm, Mr Pease, 211 Brandels Theater Bldg. II IGhTkbT-cash price" paid for eyultie In residence property or acreage. Whits & Hoover. 454 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. PERSONA THE SALVATION Army Industrial Hum sollctia your old clothing, furniture, mag ailnee. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4133 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect ou( new hnm. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Pt 1 SE --. B J FINANCIAL. JReal Estate, Loans & Mortgages. 6 PER CENT mortgages, secured . by Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE. INC., ' 538 Koeline Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS 64 and 6 per cent; farm loans fof March 1 closing 6!s Per cent. J. H, Duniont Co., 418 Keellne llldg. No Delay dosing l.oun. W T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1533. OMAHA HOMES K AST. NKB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. I71K. $To0 to StoTobo MADE promptly. P. t. Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Loans on city property V. H.Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldyj Private Monccy, RHOPEN & COMPANY Doner 42IS. FARM AND RANCH LANDS, Arkansas Lands. NOVEMBER uTU, Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark. W. S. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. SAN JOAWUIN VALLEY; irrigated farms; fine climate; good market!; two rail roads; no crop failures. Land will pro duce anything In grain, corn, beans, al falfa, cantaloupes, sugar beets or fruit; priced i $200 to $300 per acre; for particulars write vr sea Carl Johnson, S565 California St., Omaha, Neb., or Cbas. Dahhiulst, Hlllniar, T:ir!oc!c, Cal. Louisiana Land FOR SALE OR TRADE 117 acres. What have you? F. II. Schley, Council Bluffs, la. Minnesota Lands. .'40-ACUlfi improved farm 50 miles froia Jlinnea polls. One-half under cultiva tion, balance meadow and pasture land; ,no waste land; ti-room house, corn crib, granarf, barn that will hold 30 bead of eatfio and 6 horses, hog house and chicken house; good well of water. Price. 117.60 per acre. 12.000 cash,, bal ance 5 years, 6 per cent. Schwab Bros, 1028 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis, Mlmi. South Dakota Lands. 160 ACRES of South Dakota unimproved wheat land; part cash and time. Bo 38, Denlson, la. Nebraska Lands. FARMS AND RANCHES We have several very attractive prop, ertles for sale In Dawca, Keya Paha anil Brown counties. These are place that we have personally Inspected, and are recommended as being good buys. Send for list and photos stating as to your wants. Kloke Inv Co., Omaha II YOUNG & DOHERTY, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 122 BRANDEIS THEATER. DG. 1671. South. SOUTH SIDE BARGAIN Nice 4-room brand new cottage at 3543 Monroe, for only $1,650. 1100 will handle and balance $15 monthly. Close to Skinner's new packing plant. DOUGLAS 1014. Miscellaneous. Close-In Home at Bargain $5,760 buys a well built, 8-room, 2-story and attic, modern house located on large, cast front lot 172 ft. deep, on 33rd st Finished In quarter sawed white oak. first floor; all walls back plastered, can vassed and hand decorated In oil. Orig inal cost of house, $7,200, lot worth at least $1,500. Immediate possession. Key at odr office. Investigate at once If jou want unusual value. GEORGE & CO., 902 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 756. CHOICE 40-acre farm for sale; well lm---proweil. rich soli. Ideal dairy farm, hal( mile from town,; terms easy,1 Address H. H. Stevens, jvestern, Saline county Box 102, Neb. WRITE ine for pictures and price of my farms and ranches In good old Dawe county. Arah L. Ilungerford, Crawford ieo. ALFALFA wheat and corn Irrigated farms and ranches, 116 to ilTO. Send for list. Cover & Co., Cozad, Neb. MERRICK COUNTY. Improved corn and alfalfa farms at the right price. M. A. LARSON, Central City. Neb. Oregon Land. Irrigation "In the Heart of th Range" The Jordan Valley Project, i Malheur County, Oregon. An empire In the making, land 11.00 pet acre plus the cost of the water You can file on grazing homestead entries nearby. Literature and particular on request. Next excursion November 16. HARLEY J.HOOKER. 940 First Natl. Bk. Bldg. Omaha, Neb. i A LARGE insido office in Bee Bldg. which wo will sublet, completely furnished, to responsible business concern. Here Is an opportunity to establish your office In the heart of Omaha' business -district at a very moderate cost. For full de tails telephone AValnut 1343, after 6:30 p. m. FOR RENT A steam heated store roomv 22x46; full basement; $25 a month. 10th and Douglas, Office and Desk Room. A BEAUTIFULLY furnished office In Bee building, facing Farnam street, com pletely equipped with mahogany desks, tables and other standard office equip ment; can be subleased for a year at least. There js also a Bmall room for stenographer, a wash room and a vault. Anyone wishing to inspect same, tele phone Walnut 1343, after 6:30 p. m. TWO completely furnished office rooms with use of phone, typewriter and pri vate office with roll top desks; reason able ren: to the right party for about six monthsBox 3697.Omahaee; MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE CO. 16TH AND JACKSON DOUG. 281. STORAGE MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real sevlce In moving packing and storing call Tyler 830 or Douglas 4333. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos: moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 8. 16th. Douglas 4163. OMAHA EXPRESS CO. LARGE moving vans; careful men. Fur nlture pack., stoorage. H17 Chicago Douglas 3354. Jp I?l7,l7T"l Express, Co., Moving . J. JaIjIJ Packing and Storage 1207 Farnam St Web 2743 Doug C146 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. THIS DANDY NEW 4-ROOM -HOME EXTRA LjLBjCE LOT. FINE LOCATION. $100 DOWN; PRICE $1,800; $20 A MONTH. x Beautiful oak floors. 4 large rooms and bath room; nicely decorated: ha city water, electric lights, etc.; let us how you this, a real home. Tyler 491. $3,500.00. v Nice l-room bungalow, oak finish, south front, block from car; 46th and Marcy Sta. Term 1500 cash, balance 136 per month. Benson & Carmichael, RXAlTORf. SMflM ITU. FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES, COTTAGES & APARTMENTS. PORTER & SHOTWELL, 502 S. 17th St. Douglas 6011. WE SELL, rent insure and make loan on city property, north. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., 24th and Ames Ave. Col. 217. VV FARNAM SMITH & CO., Real Estate and Insurance. 1320 Farnam St. Douglas 1064. BARGAINS in hemes. Investments, prop erties and acreage near Omaha. Harrl son & Morton. 916 Omaha Nat Bk Bldg F D WEAD SELLSREALESTATE Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE-Buslness Property M'OAGUE INVESTMENT CO Income, Business and Trackage Specialist 15th and Dodge Sts. Douglas 416 1150 BUYS 10 lots with good chance for oil Cal I Red 7401 613 Paxton Block BUSINESS property and Investments. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 420 First National Bank Bldg. WE WILL buy your home or business property and pay cash. , II. A. WOLFE CO.. Electric Bldg Tyler 88 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS GOOD, modern brick corner store build ing, 13th and Dorcas sts., fino condition, also new store building. Main St., Ben son, rent very reasonable. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, 213 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1313. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE Warehouse For Sale. B-story and basement 66x132 feet, concrete loading platform, on U. P. trackage. See us for price and terms. World Realty Company, D. 6342. Sun Theater Bldg. NICE 2 acres and 3-room cuttage, chicken house and yards In Benson Acres. Exch. for cottage, north side, up to $2,500. Call Mr. Browne. INTER -STATE REALTY CO. 1516 City Nat'l. Dg. 6236. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming larms, $50 pe a.. Including paid up water right Henry LevlA c M Rylander. 854 Omaha Nat'l. AUTOMOBILES. SAVE 40 PER CENT ON YOUR TIRE3. HAVE THEM REBUILT 3,000 MILES GUARANTEE Plain Non-Skid $0x3 $ 1.00 tlO.Ot 10x3 'i , '. 10.00 , 12.11 33x4 15.00 17.59 AGENTS WANTED TIRE AND TUBES REPAIRING. DOUGLAS TIRE A TJLCANIZINO Cdj, New Location, 2657 Farnam St SPECIAL! y To make room (or other ears! Every Ford on our floor reduced $16, Ten to chooso from. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam. Douglas 1070, RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiator repaired and rebuilt; largo stock used radlatora on band. Mashed fender and lamp! repaired like new. New stock of Ford hnnevenmlt raillntnr. OMAHA RAI'ITOR AND TIRE WORKS, isis i.-uming at Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE OR TRADE 60-h. p. Mitchell chummj roadster, high speed and pow er. Will accept Ford, In Al condition a part payment A bargain B. E. Frank, Route 6. 75A, Benson, f!b. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES, STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 2020 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES. WANT RANCH Have some new pressed brick Omaha business property, will exchange for ranch or farm. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, 213 City Nat'l Bank) Bldg REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. South. ACREAGE tracts, 11 down. 11 weekly S.,W Field club; high and sightly; rich oil; 1295 and up; new add.; Introductory offer; no taxes; no Interest till Jan. 1, , 1920. The Byron Reed Co. D. 297. U12 Farnam. Miscellaneous. TEN ACRES, five miles from Omaha Price 12,950, reasonable terms. You may buy the adjoining 10 acres at the sam price. Phone Walnut 1355. 1 2 o'ltCRE 8 cholc feedTnga nd farm fn g" lot. Jiiilsson, 422 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. Benson Bungalow. All Modern $2,250. $300 Will Handle Just one block north o( car lino. East front. 50-foot let. House I In quite good condition and an exceptional value at the price. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, MM KARMET IT. YHOVJI XXL I M GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH 26th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 1170. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. 20SI Farnam St, D 1035. WE ARE THE USEDCAR MEN7 TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam. Harney 414. OAKLAND. Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2300 Farnam St BARGAINS IN USED CARS All makes. With and without starter. 25 to pick from. Phone D 1241 or CaU at 1516 Davenport. BOYLAN ATJTO CO. " BARGAINS In used cars. " ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40tb and Farnam Harney 414. BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co.. 18th and Jackson Ford Agents D. 1600, WUA1.ITY USED CARS, VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO 2406 LEAVENWORTH ST. Auto LiveryjmdGarages. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 16c per mile, $5o per hoar mlmtmum charge. Sundays and holidays. S0o er hour. FORD LIVERY CO., Dougls 8623 J314 Howard St. Servise Stations." AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service station for Rayfleld carburetors and Columbia storage batterle. Edward. 8616 N. 19th W.ter 110! " Motorcycles and Bicycles. ' HAKLKY-D A V I 1)8(1 N MOTORCYCLES! Bargain In used machine. Victor 9C Roos. tb Mo to fold Hu, S",ik Leavenworth. - 1 , '