Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1918, Page 6, Image 6
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24,' 1918. The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY FOUNDED BY EDWARD BOSEWATEB VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. PROPHIETOE MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tbt AuoctMcd Prm. of whlrh Tb Be (i t mmbr. Ii txeluinly tatlUtd to Ui ax far punltriitoa of til ntwi dlipttcbt. credited la 11 er mot aUwrwlM credited in tbl. Iir. ud J lb local am publutwi herein. All ft(liii of publication of out fjwelai diipa telle, are alto marred. OFFICES: ,.. -.. T(i Be. Bld. Mouth Oni.hl-2.111l N St. Council Bluff H N. Mala St. Lincoln LRU. Bailout. ("Weaio PtoU'i Cat Building. KM Tort Vt Fifth Art. gL Lout, New B'k of CommarM. Wuainatoo 1S11 Q 8L AUGUST CIRCULATION Daily 67,135 Sunday 59,036 Imn clmtlatlon for the nmnUi mbicrlbad and twom to tj umthi William, ciricuiauon Manaam, Subscribers leaving tha city should have Tha Bm mailed U ttaara. Addraas cnanf.d aa aiian aa nquaeieu. THE BEE'S SERVICE FLAG IHillfHIIilliiW It looks like a hard winter for the un. Prince Max is not talking to the U. S. A.; he is just talking. General Foch may be depended on not to stutter when be "talks Turkey" to the Hun. Twenty inefficient shipyards are to be closed, but not because they did not try their best to help. Austria does not like the president's note, and will ask for another. Very well; no trouble to write them. Silence prevails in Palestine, Macedonia and Italy, but that is no sign that either the Turk or the Austrian is getting any rest there. '"Chanley" Pool says he has "Uncle Mose" worried over the "Big Sixth," but the genial secretary of state always was a hopeful cuss. As county assessor, William G. Shriver made good. He wtll make good again when he goes back into the court house as county treasurer. , German airmen picked a good time to bomb ah American hospital, just when the kaiser was denying that his army had committed any atrocities. " The Yankee boys krep right on cleaning up a few piles of German-held territpry each day, and gradually weakening the pivot on which the whole line turns.. Contraband bobze is to be furnished the hos pital! for medicinal use, but the man with an educated taste in liquor would normally prefer the flu to "bootleg" whisky. At any rate, Koy McKelvie is paying the 1 postage on his campaign circulars, and is not sticking them into official mail as was done at the state house by a democrat. ... , - - " Jlisf suppose everyone had heeded the "gov ernment's" request not to say a word about the German peace reply until after the president had passed upon it. What would have hap pened? The democrats are very enthusiastic for a navy now, but in "1911 they voted against the appropriationT-our own Charles Otto Lobeck then recording himself as opposed to adequate protection for the country. : That "gymnasium" scandal,. echoes and re echoes from Omaha to Chadron and back again. The way to make sure the court house basement is not again misused is to vote the democratic bunch out of control of the county board. V "For Nebraska the closest offices will be Chi cago, Kansas City and St. Paul." Washington special in" the World-Herald. And for this service another resolution of thanks is due from somebody to the senator and messenger-boy congressman from Omaha. While the municipal coal yard was estab lished to make sure small consumers would be supplied with coal in limited quantities at fair prices, there Is no warrant for making it a char ity, distribution. Poor families entitled to free fuel' are properly taken care of by the county. - "Mike? Endrcs is making a great display now of his desire to save soldiers' property from being sold for delinquent taxes. As an act of congress suspended all civil process against sol diers while in the service, it would apoear that i "Mike's" anxiety is more to save himself from any possible violation of law than to accommo date a soldier. . Just Plain Lying Dr. Solf, the German foreign secretary, has just given what is to be hoped will prove one of the finI examples of the impossibility of any one connected with the war lord's cabinet telling the truth in the face of stark fact. He is cred ited with saying that the statement that the Ger mans are wantonly destroying French towns and churches during their retreat is untrue, etc., etc. The bare-faced character of this unadul terated lie can be well imagined when it is re called that photographic evidence exists of all the worst atrocities, including the cutting down of all the fruit trees, as well as the purloining of all the sacred vessels of gold and silver anr other metals from the churches, which have been found in the towns on those occasions when the retreat was too rapid for the looters to carry on their ill-gotten and sacrilegious hoards. But the photographs confirm the evi dence seen at first hand by all the commanders and the troops, who, whether American or Brit ish or French or Belgian, have not failed to be revolted at the incredible barbarity of the beaten Hun. v- Moreover, the German government, that is, thfejnilitary chiefs, for there is no, other govern ment Germany now. has attempted to bolster up the SqH lie by sending the allies a note de claring thiVit is the allied bombardments that are destroying, the towns in Flanders and that it is the allied advance from which the refugees are fleeing in terror in northern France and Bel gium; and, of course, they ask in the name of humanity that some agreement be reached by which the allies shall stop their effective fire. If this were not grotesque it would be ghastly in its arrant hypocrisy; but it only goes to show that the war lords are all tarred with the same vile pitch. Philadelphia Ledger. HOCH DER HITCHCOCK! ' Art expression of appreciation has been sent from this Chamber to Senator G. M. Hitchcock for securing approval of the Fort Crook water connection project. Senator Hitchcock has strongly urged Fort Crook water connection with army authorities for more than a year, and the members of this Chamber are greatly pleased with his success ful achievement. Omaha Chamber of Com merce Official Journal. Is it irony or jest? The high and mighty chairman of the foreign relations committee and the ranking member of the military affairs com mittee, the self-constituted spokesman for the, president, the close friend and associate of Bernstorff, the summer resort pal ot Colonel House, has had to work "more than a year" with army authorities to bring the Fort Crook water connection project to the point of ap proval! If it depended solely on our educated-in-Germany senator, how many more years would it take to get the water main actually con structed? Would it be ready to enable the gov ernment to utilize Fort Crook to capacity as a post in time for our next great war? But the senator himself has magnanimously offered to share the credit for this "successful achievement" with Congressman Lobeck, who was Tiis side-partner also in the enterprise un dertaken in behalf of the kaiser to stop the export of arms to our Allies. He has gener ously said that Lobeck. spent as much time on this water main project during the year as the great senator himself, and that the wonderful progress made is due only to their combined efforts. The Chamber of Commerce, therefore, does the congressman a grievous injustice in failing to include him in the public distribution of bouqueSs on this extraordinary occasion. If the senator can be big enough and broad enough to admit that he could not have gotten even this far in a year but for tireless backing by Lobeck, why, the Chamber ought to be equally big and broad in handing out "appreciation" to Lobeck. N. B. The government's investment in con struction work for Camp Dodge at Des Moines was $9,518,975, and the payroll going into the channels of trade there is over $50,000 a day; the total corresponding investment in the army posts at Omaha was $549,266. Why not a little taffy "appreciation" to senator and congress man here? Still Rattling the Sword. Prince Maximilian, as imperial chancellor, stams the sword of Germany on the pulpit in the Reichstag, but not with the noise that fol lowed when von Bethmaun-Hollweg banged it down four years ago. Nor does its rattle pro duce the same effect it used to on the assembled nations. The day has passed when that sound frightens anybody, and the world has deter mined that it will never come again. Therefore, when Prince Max "talks of free discussion as "a great effort for a proud people accustomed to victory" he is simply dispensing moonshine for the mollification of a lot of junkers who later will be called on to eat humble pie. He says also: "The legal questions involved will not stop at our national boundaries, which will be never of our own accord open for violence." Here is the keynote of the chancellor's address to the Reichstag; he hopes to wheedle out of President Wilson something less than uncondi tional surrender, and, failing in that, to fight on. Germany is not yet ready to admit defeat, and will not so long as a chance is left for bargain ing. But the world no longer trembles at the threat of the Hun to make war. Stealing Credit to Make Campaign. Senator Pittman, the indefatigable demo cratic worker from Nevada, is again to the fore in behalf of his party's waning chances with the people. His last appearance Jwas in the role of defender when the womaiiNsuffrage amend ment was up. At that time he consumed con siderable time trying to make it appear that Senator Smoot and a lot of other republicans had conspired to put the democrats in a hole by forcing a vote on the amendment. His present effort is quite as ingenuous. He comes forward with a statement that Senator Gerry of Rhode Island, also a democrat, should have the credit for seeking to get under head way a movement to prepare the United States for conditions after the war. Senator Weeks of Massachusetts introduced the pending reso lution, but Pittman naively insists that as Gerry had talked about the matter at lunch one day, some time previous to the 'resolution being offered, he should have credit for it. To be sure; and oil just such flimsy support has the entire structure of democratic claims to public service been erected. Every time one of them boasts of the federal reserve bank act he looks around to see if the Aldrich-Vreeland bill, which the democrats re jected, is anywhere in sight. When one of them talks of the president's plans for a league of nations he does it in secret dread that somebody will remind him of the efforts made along that line by republican presidents.' Every time the tariff is mentioned the democrat comes back with something about the tariff commission, hoping that all have forgotten that it was a democratic congress that refused to pass an ap propriation to keep such a commission alive when a republican was president, and afterwards had to revive it to meet a demand from Mr. Wilson. The democrats may be a little short on foresight, but are great at stealing credit when they start to make a campaign. In order to convince the world of its good intentions, Germany will show to a commission of neutrals a lot of Belgian towns that have not been devastated yet. j Too bad the commission cannot be taken to Lens or Cambrai, or Valen ciennes, or some of the other places where "kultur" did its perfect work. And how will the Hun account for the sign he left on the ruined wall in Bapaume: "Do not 'je angry just wonder." ' t "Politics is adjourned," but just suppose that Postmaster General Burleson's brother-in-law were running against Lobeck,. as happened to "Jim" Slayden. Io that case would the presi dent express a hope that he be elected? You know Lobeck voted the same way as Stayden on that "acid test." Size up the personnel of the two legislative tickets in Douglas county impartially and the balance in favor of the republican list is so strong as to leave their democratic opponents far in the rear. -. . . . . .;, Right in the Spotlight. The Most Rev. Edward J. Hanna, who is mentioned as the most like ly candidate for archbishop of New York to succeed the late Cardinal .Farley, is the present head of the archdiocese ot ban t-rancisco. Among the members ofthe Roman Catholic hierarchy Archbishop Han na is celebrated for his scholarly at tainments. He is a native of Roch ester, Nt Y., and received his early education ia that city. Later he studied at the College of the Prop aganda, Rome, and the universities of Cambridge and Munich, and in 1885 he wa.. ordained to the priest hood. For nearly 20 years he filled the chair of theology in St. Bernard's seminary, Rochester. In 1912 he was appointed auxiliary bishop of San Francisco and three years later fo became archbishop in succession to the late Archbishop Riordan. One Year Ago Today in the War. Austro-Germans launched a great offensive against Italy. Germans withdrew on a wide front between the Dvina and the Bay of Riga. Thousands of prisoners and many heavy guns captured in the French operations ortheast of Soissons. In Omaha 30 Years Ago Today. Justice1 Reed performed the wed ding ceremony for Mr. S. Turnbull and Miss Bertha Scott, both of this city. i The $4,000 lot contributed by E. A. Benson to the Hebrew fair was won by Mrs. Hanna Kohn. The ticket was 265. Rev. F. W. Foster opened a free night school at 241 J Saunders street in Immanuel Baptist church room and will hold it three evenings every week. A new commission . grain house was opened in the Chamber of Com merce by . J. Connors & Co., late of Chicago. 1 runty M. L. church in Kountze place will be dedicated next Sun day. The residents of Walnut Hill. Orchard Hill, Appleton Park and surrounding vicinity met at Hertz niaun's hall and organized aivolun teer fire department. The Day We Celebrate. Rev. Charles W. Savidge, the "marrying minister" and head of Peoples church of Omaha, born 1850. Frank J. Burkley, president of the Btirkley Printing company, born 1857. H. ,K. Burkct, funeral director, born 1850. Edward rlack, newspaper writer and Bee city hall man, born 187.?. Rt. Hon. Sir Horace Plunkett. a statesman who has devoted his life to the agricultural development of Ireland, bom 64 years ago. Ted (Kid) Lewis, champion wel terweight pugilist, born in London, 22 years ago. This Day in History. 1789 President Washington was enthusiastically received on his visit to Boston' 1821 Elias Boudinot, a statesman of the reveloution and first president of the American Bible society, died. Born in Philadelphia, May 2. 1740. 1899 British under Sir George White repulsed the Orange Free State Boers in battle at Rietfontein. 1914 The Germans were driven out of Russia by Russian forces. 1915 Venice was bombed by Aus trian airmen. ' 1916 At Verdun, French pene trated German lines to a depth of two miles, winning back the fort and village of Douaumont. Timely Jottings and Reminders. Fifteen hundred and forty-sixth day of the great war. Today is the 31st birthday of Queen Victoria of Spain. The king and queen of Italy today celebrate their 22d wedding anniversary. Unless postponed because of the influenza epidemic, the Illinois State Conference of Charities and Correc tions will open its annual, session to day at Decatur. Columbus, O., is scheduled as the meeting place today of the first of a series of "Win the War for Per manent l'eace conventions to be held this fall and winter in every state of the union under the auspices of the League to Enforce Peace. Storyette of the Day. Captain Joseph C. Cowell of the Brandywine, who has been subma rined three times, said at a , dinner in Salem, Mass: "I used to love the sea, but the squareheads with their filthy sub marines have made me hate it. When this war is over and the squareheads are beaten, do you know what I'm going to do? Well, gentlemen,, I'm going to buy an an chor, sling it on my shoulder, and start walking straight inland. "I'll walk and walk, and finally, when I come to a place where the natives hold me up and say, 'What on earth is that you're carrying? I'm going to buy a farm there in that "place and fettle down for life." OUT OF THE ORDINARY. A caterpillar eats four times its weight daily. . Americans are the greatest water drinkers In the world. In France at one time only those of noble birth were allowed to be glass blowers. In the city of London a juror must be a householder or occupier of premises, and must possess property to the value of $600. Friday Is America's lucky day. Co lumbus discovered land on that day: the Pilgrims landed on a Friday, and George Washington was born on a Friday. When William Prest of RIpon, England, was laid to rest in 1789, at, the age of 108, he was followed to his grave by his eldest son, a veteran of 88, and by his youngest boy, aged 15, who made His appearance when his father was within sight of his 93d birthday, and when his eldest brother waa 72. .-... Belgium as a Symbol New York Evening Post King Albert and the Belgians marching back into their own land again make history dra matic. "The first act is over," said the confi dent Hindenburg last March, after the terrific German offensive. But the play is not finished until the last act crowns the whole. And in the recovery of Ostend, the sweeping clear already of a large area of Belgian territory, and the pros pect so bright that Belgian refugees abroad ,are being notified to return home the Belgian gov ernment, may shortly be in Brussels again we have an ending of the long tragedy which meets the finest definition of its purpose by Aristotle. Certainly, our hearts must be "cleansed" as we witness this approaching conclusion of a great world-drama. Serbia', tpV excuse for the war, first began plucking its soil from under the foot of the trampler. Now Belgium, whose wrongs drew England into the war and woke the pity and indignation of the whole world, and whose loss of everything but its honor and its soul has been the standing witness against German law lessness and barbarity, Belgium is on the point of becoming once more mistress in its own house. Those of an older time and simpler faith would have exclaimed .at the spectacle: "This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes." The world has seldom, in fact, seen so as tonishing an exhibition and triumph of what is called poetic justice. For Belgium, somehow, has stood all through the war as a kind of sym bol. Its fate was thrown daily upon a magni fied screen for all men to see. For all the weary months and years its drawn-out tortures were the concrete embodiment of the thing we were all hating and fighting. There might be differences about other things, but there was only one mind about Belgium. It was the mar tyr country, for whose rescue and restoration the crusading spirit was enlisted. Men and women everywhere were ready to fight and die for it with something like the mystic ardor that inspired the Crusaders bent on reclaiming the Holy Sepulcher. Belgium has been for four years a sacred name, a flame in the hearts of men. And now its symbolic position in the great war is made prominent in another wav. As its ravishing was like a fiery cross to rouse mm to rush to its aid, so its recovery is as the dawning ot a new light in the benignant skv Such imminent righting of flagrant wrong is like the fulfillment of a prophet's dream, and must quicken everywhere the faith and hope of mankind. Not the least gratifying cart of the whole is that this great vindication has come about not by trick or bargain, lor a long time the Ger man government has been willing to dicker ove Belgium. It was to be, in Chancellor Hertline ; phrase, "a pawn" on the German chessboard Belgium was to be given up and evacuated on conditions. There must be a German economic predominance; there must be political and mili tary agreements; Belgium must consent to be tied by this obligation and that pledge. But now this whole miserable pretense of a right to make stipulations about the property of other people has been swept clean away. It is not negotiated withdrawal from Belgium which Germany is executing, but a hasty clearing out at the politt of an avenging sword. This could hardly have been hoped for six months ago though it is a consummation which right minds have tor tour years devoutly wished. Mucli remains to4 be clone in and for Bel gium. The ravages it has suffered must be made good, so far as a tardy repentance and-a willingness to repair can make them good. All those cruel war levies which the German rulers laid upon the Belgian government and upon Bel- gian cmes must oe repaid wmi interest, tne loot shipped to Germany must be returned or due compensation made. The mills deliberately wrecked and the factories gutted must be placed in good running order again. All the physical work of restitution must be made complete. The moral restitution due irom Germany cannot be .written into a peace treaty. But a good part of it will be automatically exacted. It will be made in the shame of Germans, for a generation to come, at the very mention of the word Belgium. In such matters rejoicing at great events an ticipates their course; the end is not yet, but we see its approach. I he wonderful reversal of earthly fortune, the historic act of human justice, lies before us in assured expectation, if not in actual fact. Belgium, whose outraging brought shock and chill to the hearts of men in 1914, today, after four years of agony and of defiance, is the synonym for brutality at last brought low by the undeceived and watchful gods and for right triumphant. The Crash of Empires Grandiloquent historians used to talk about "the wreck of empires" and "the crash of thrones." We are watching such wreck and crash. This is a fabulous age. Within the last 18 msmths we have actually seen the ancient and formidable Russian empire collapse and crum ble. Within the last fortnight we have seen a kingdom unconditionally surrender and haughty monarch abdicate and go into exile to Study botany. There are abundant hints that the Turkish empire is marking time before it goes the way of Bulgaria; and beyond the Ottoman autocracy loom the proud facades of Austria and Germany, already beginning to show ominous cracks, in pediment and entablature. It could almost be said that we have watched empires break up often enough to recognize the symptoms in advance. Historically, of course, we have. But whereas it took the western half of the Roman empire 200 years to go to pieces, and the eastern half of it 1,000 years, and Na poleon s adventures at least hve years to disin tegrate to the point of Waterloo,' in our own time the process seems to be much faster. Junker or land owner, and chimnev junker or factory owner these are the backers of Ger many s military system. The intellectual classes authors, dramatists, journalists, pastors, pro fessors, artists and musicians have been obliged to uphold and justify this governmental autoc racy or else torieit their chances of advance ment, their pensions or their livelihood itself. At the very bottom of this imperial social structure are the German people themselves, J v. .t r t . .t f . . . . : aoing ine ngntmg, tne surtering, tne dying and the paying. The war goes on as long as the rulers and their hired intellectual apologists can keep these poor dupes persuaded that their pres ent safety and future prosperity lies in remain ing loyal to this governing class. The war can stoo as soon as these dunes can be shown that all the allies ask is that the peo ple tnemseives make an Tnd ot the miserable system which has enslaved them and plunged the worldjnto an orgy of bloodshed. The German and Austrian empires are vir tually certain to crack, for the same reason that all empires in history have cracked because they are topheavy with injustice V the masses. In past ages the crash of empires was a specta cle that lived in poetry and legend, in drama and fable. Today it lives before our eyes. Boston Globe. Soldiers' Chances at War It has been estimated from calculation made from death rates in recent wars that the rate of casualties and deaths in battle rarely rise to over six per thousand. Curiously enough the grieving mother, the worrying wife, the 'earful sister, forgets that the annual death rate for disease of men of military age in civil life is only 6.7 per thousand. The report for the week ending July 26, from our American ex peditionary forces and the troops stationed in the United States, shows an annual death rate from disease of only 1.9 per thousand, or less than two men per thousand per year. This re port is more than reassuring, when we remem ber that at Chickamaugua during the Spanish American war about 15,000 men died of typhoid without ever hearing a gun fired or seeing the whites of the enemy's eyes. The fact is that today an enlisted soldier will live longer and healthier where he is than if he stayed at home. -Leslie's Weekly. , Over There and Here The art of showing 'em comes natural to a son of Missouri A new flag flutters among the allied colors la New Tork. A whole block of Fifth avenue is decorated with the Standard of Siam, consist ing of a broad blue stripe flanked by white and red. East and west are linked up for the Hun funeral. , Herr Adels, managing director of a munition plant at Remscheld, dl verted a bundle of marks from the tatherland treasury to hij own pocket, but failed to get away with it. Failing to mention it in his in come tax return cost him a fine of 1,552,000 marks and six months' im prisonment Votaries of kultur love an easy. mark. Congressman Reavis of Nebraska. A aaaressmg a Jewish New Year gath ering in Washington, predicted that me war will end in 1919. The pre diction is based on his recent ob servations on the fighting front. These are his words, quoted by the wasningion rost: "I Dredict that with the army which the United States will have in France by next spring, fully equipped, and with an ample aircraft supply, that the war can be brought to an end by autumn of 1919." The ninth and sixth letters of the alphabet bear an undue share of the burdens of war. Not because of at tractiveness or Informing power. Necessity puts the pair In the ranks of the shock troops marshaled by expert military reviewers. "If is a short word, not an ugly one, yet it looms large and bubbles with fre quency in daily and weekly observa tions of home-grown strategists. The Increasing strain on the humble pair p-'ggests the urgency of a humane relief mission. When the second William doffs the imperial eady and steps down to Join the royal hasbeens, doubtless some artist with an eye to business will immortalize on canvas the his toric scene. The picture will make a fitting companion piece for the famous gathering at Versailles when the German confederation was pro claimed and the first William crowned emperor of Germany. The later picture is assured a place in French galleries which the former failed to attain. SAID IN FUN. Ned I aee where the king and queen of England have been entertaining Ameri can edltora. Nita (envloualy) Isn't that her luck? Now ehe'll hava her picture In all the pa pers. Baltimore American. "This Is a beautiful specimen of German helmet" "What Is there about It?" 'It has eight bullet holes through It. Detroit Free Press. particularly beautiful Crawford Tou seem cheerful over the hardship! of war. Crabehaw Why not? My neighbors have sent their talking machines to one of the cantonments, and the girl across the street, who used to sing and play half the night, has gone to France for the Red Cross. Life. First Bride My husband gives me demonstrations f affection every time he looks at me. Second Ditto My husband gives me his pay envelope every time he geta one. Chicago Posv "Here's a story about a girl who swal lowed a diamond ring." "She was a very foolish girl. A diamond ring is too rich for anybody's digestion." Baltimore American, ' She in e unselfish, isn't she?" "What has Bhe done now?" "Sho kept all her spring bills a secret until fall, knowing that he would be wor ried about them." Widow. MY FLOWERS. When the chill of the autumn approaches, And I linger alone with the flowers. A feeling of sadness comes o'er me. As I vision their vanishing hours. Since first they looked up at the sunlight, w hen Nature awoke in the spring. They have budded and blossomed In beauty, Like a living and antimate thing. They all are oldfashloned and simple; They carry no high lofty air; But wondrous dreams I have woven, Round the pinks and the hollyhocks there.' To me they have been as companions; They spoke In a language their own. They have given me comfort and pleasure, More enduring than any I ve known. When no longer I walk In the garden; When I sleep at the end of the hours; May I wake from that sleep. In a Heaven, ,. Where grow all the old-fashioned flowers. TORIiET. Omaha. Case for the Negro In America. - Omaha, Oct 22. To the Editor of The Bee: In a recent issue of The Bee Rev. J. A. Broadnax, pastor of the African Methodist Episcopal church of South Omaha, published a letter which I read with much in terest It combines, in about equal degree, the two merits of brevity and breexlness. One of tho most striking, if not tho most striking, expressions embodied in Pastor Broadnax's brief communication is this: Vn nnrtnln living- under tne stars - ' --... ,j. and StrlDes and claiming citizensnip in this grand old country can lay claim to a greater patriotism than th negro. With the incontrovertible facts of history staring us in the face (1), that for more than 80 years after the fnauguration of our present con stitutional government African slav ery in the most hideous form consti tuted one of the most conspicuous features of our country; (2) that it required four years of sanguinary strife, toward which the negro him self contributed a noble share, to obliterate the foul institution; (3) that even now, after the laps of more than half a century since slav ery's overthrow, the pretense that social, civil or political liberty is en joyed by the colored people of those communities where slavery formerly held sway is an insult to intelligent and fair-minded people everywhere: (4) that the Ku Klux Klan, the Jim Crow car, the segregation infamy, with its powerful inspiration of the example of the president and his cabinet in their dealing with the negro employes of the departments I say, with all these ugly facts of history staring us in the face, the declaration of the South Omaha divine would seem calculated to ex cite surprise among Americans of the average type. It is not the part of human nature to respond to Drutal blows constantly inflicted by constant expressions of gratitude for the blows. And yet I heartily assent to the soundness of Mr. Broadnax's assertion, and I imagine thatbut for his desire to avoid consumption of too much of The Bee's valuable space he might easily have explained why the negro, in spite of his hard experienoe of the past, is fully satisfied as to the cor rectness of his determination to "stand by the flag" to support Un cle Sam as did our forebears on the fields of the -evolution and the re bellion. In the language and spirit of the colored sergeant of the famous 54th Massachusetts infantry on the bloody parapet of Fort Wapner, we must not allow Old Glory to "touch the ground." In conclusion and in brief, let me frankly confess the fact that it is my positive conviction that the dem ocratic party is overwhelmingly and irretrievably swayed by the perni cious spirit of negrophobla. Under such national leadership as the late ex-President Cleveland, and with such local leaders as many who might be named as of the past, there was inducement for patriotic people of independent thought and action to share their patronage with it. But under such leadership as the present national and state adminis trations I am unable to note a single redeeming trait. I hardly need say, therefore, that I shall heed Dr. Broadnax's advice and vote the re publican ticket straight at the com ing election. CYRUS D. BELL. Criticizes Brown's Views. Kearney, Neb.. Oct. 21 To the Editor of The Bee: Mr. A. B. Brown, whether a member of the church or not, puts himself on the wrong side of things when he un dertakes to discredit the miraculous of the Bible or limit the power of God. .Brown may, on account of his limited experience, never have had the mental or spiritual qualifica tions to comprehend the workings of so great a God as runs this universe. He certainly displays his weakness when he says that he and others find no evidence that God ever protected Daniel from the lions or the fiery furnace, and clearly Indicates that he does not believe God suspends the laws of nature for anybody. God Almighty does not have to suspend any of His laws. The ones who get help from God are the ones who are in harmony with the laws of nature, and He will protect the one thus in harmony. The churches generally are co operating in every way and are ask ing for no exemption from tho clos ing order. The Protestant churches j Whittled to a Point Brooklyn fiagle: While the allies must turn their clocks back an hour, the Germans will have to turn theirs back about 40 years. Philadelphia Ledger: When a na tion that haa been boasting of Ita military triumphs suddenly bum for peace, almost any story of collapse becomes credible. Washington Post: Baron Burlan, Austrian foreign minister, says he can feel peace coming. Yea, tt's coming your way. dear baron, es corted by the allied armies. Minneapolis Tribune: One who studies the daily war maps and over; looks topographical charts is prone these days to think it Is down hill all the way to the Rhlne. Kansas City TimesJ The Germans can reflect, as they are being chased through Belgium, that that much despised "scrap Of paper" would have saved them from the scrap they are m now if they hadn't torn it up. Brooklyn Eagle: Soldiers and officers are no longer forbidden to write articles for publication. Men over 45 were doing their best to fill the gap, but youth's effervescence has a quality of its own and cannot long be dispensed with by a reading public. Brooklyn Eagle: This war has demonstrated that the fortifications of Gibraltar could not stand up against the heavy guns of our day. 4b life insurance company that uses the Rock of Gibraltar in ts adver tising, observing the progress of the times, puts 130,000,900 fourth Liberty bonds. Baltimore American: It is signi ficant 'hat Germany, ruthless and barbarous In its own methods, pre fers the most tolerant of its adver saries when It goes seeking for terms. It knows that the other na tions are resolved to make It take a dose or its own medicine ana it is not at all anxious for the experiment. of the United States are not asking, and never have asked, for protection from the state other than that ac corded by the constitution and given to persons or corporations doing a legitimate business. I want to call Mr. Brown s atten tion to the fact that tha spirit he manifests, carried just a little farther in doing away with the Bible, con demning'Christ and setting up hu man power and rights Instead, has been the spirit behind the most atro cious and barbarous war in the world's history. This was Nietsche's philosophy, after whom the German has studied for the last 75 years. And we have been fools enough to allow the same element to get Into our schools, both state and private, and of course is bound, directly or indirectly, to produce thinkers like the above mentioned Brown. V. E. CLARKE. Soldier Asks for Candy, Sanitary Detachment No. 4, Fort Riley, Kan., Med. O. T. C, Oct. 19. To the Editor of The Bee: Will you kindly place the following in your paper, in the "Public Mind column," and greatly oblige the undersigned and help us in our attempt as the following will describe: Our call is not Kamarad. The germ from Germany has made it impossible for the soldiers of nearly every cantonment to leave camp. The boys are fond of the sweets (yes. candy), and .hat can go further to make the sun linger within the walls of our isolation camps than to refresh the memory of a home hearthstone? Therefore, out only excuse for writing this is lo get some real friend of the Sammies, to donate some "pleasure aid" to kindle the camp fire. CORP. E. B. STEWART. -VHY-, NOT QUICK WINTER STARTING RED Crowir Gasoline in the tank defies cold. When you open the throttle the car springs to life when you want speed it's there. . Every drop of Red Crown does its bit every gallon is packed with utmost power and mileage. It vaporizes at low temperatures, burns cleanly, and doesn't clog the carburetor. Red Crown Gasoline is the same everywherestraight-distilled and all gas. Look for the Red Grown Sign. It's your guide to full engine power. fLi is a cold-proof lubricant I Olurines that keeps cylin ders clean and compression tight. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEBRASKA) OMAHA i E BED Dtcr rfrwii jacai imc b crown p a nnnnnnnn