'llli I 4 4 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1918. ' K5 g VVIIUUVtCU UJ M-l I S U a IVIUIIIIIUII ijyn -i-m uwiri v t 1 t-i munA-,iirmi - ' " nr ilM 11111 1 IT I 1 Tl 1 j RED CROSS Union - Pacific claim department has donated to the Red Cross sal ygae department a carload of cloth ing injured in a fire. Mrs. Edgar Allan, Mrs. V. H. Thomas, Mrs. Nick and Mrs. Ticknor are sorting them and they will be placed on sale the end of the week. Mrs. F. C. Tym has a record for continued service in the salvage de partment. She has given at least three days a, week without missing once since the work started. Omaha canteen corps photographs made by Herman Shonfield. The Bee, jdiotographer, and forwarded to S. A. Bingham, Central division direc tor, by Mrs. L. L. Kountze. will be used in the Central Division Bille 1 in and the publicity department in Washington, according to Mr. Bingham. 4ft An emergency order for 150 pies was rilled in two and one-half hours by Mrs. L. L. Kountze of the can teen corps recently. The pies cheered a troop train on its. journey. On the same short notice, the Y. M. C. A. delivered 4.000 envelopes and 8,000 sheets of paper. A request for a stove, made through The Bee, has been tilled; Mrs. C. A. Yiekers, 0119 North Twenty-fourth street, gave the stove. First Girl Chosen for Red Cross Social Service Overseas Miss M. Jean Butter, 3325 Fonte nelle boulevard, leaves Thursday for New York, where she is to report October 27 for overseas duty. She u the only one accepted by the Nebraska State Red Cross for social service work among refugees of the war stricken countries. Also she'is the only one whose passports read to England, France and Italy, from Nebraska R. C. She speaks French and German languages fluently, hav ing taken graduate work at the Royal university at Berlin and at the University of Grenoble, France. Miss Butter has taught languages in the high schools of York, Hast ings and Sioux Falls, So. Dak., is a member of Maj. Isaac Sadler chap ter, D. A. R, and Kapp Zeta Nu sorority. Miss Butter has two brothers ir the U. S. navy Lt. Donald Buttei and John G. Butter, in training. Her father, Rev. James B. Butter, va. formerly pastor of the Presbyteriai church at Florence, Neb. SOCIETY a Resume of Red Cross Activities; Annual Meeting November 20 New York. Oct. 23. The Amer ican people have either fetid in or pledged to the American Red Cross for its work of relief throughout the world, 111 money or material values, a net total of at least $3J5,OUO,UO0. The American Red Cross has a total membership of 20,648,103 and, in addition, 8,000,000 members in the Junior Red Cross; a total enroll ment of more than one-fourth the population of the United States. American Red Cross workers pro duced up to July 1 last a total of 221,282.838 articles of an estimated value of $44,000,000. About 8,000,000 women afte en gaged in canteen work, and the pro duction of relief supplies. The American Red Cross is dis tributing aid to ten countries the United States, England, France, Italy, Belgium. Switzerland, Pales tine, Greece. Russia and Siberia. Be sides it has sent seprescntatives to Serbia, Denmark and Madeira. More than 5.000 Americans will be working under the Red Cross in France by January 1, next. These facts were to be laid before the 3,854 chapters of the Red Cross in the annual message of the war c lineal of the Red Cross when the ' chapters throughout the country to day held their annual meetings to I elect officers. On account of the ; influenza epidemic these meetings -have been postponed until Nov. 20. Announcement is made that every man, woman and child in the United States would be asked at Christmas ,time to enroll in the American Red Cross. . Plan for White Elephant Sale. ' rians for the . White Elephant sale to be given the week beginning December 2 at the Auditorium were discussed at a board meeting of the Woman's Service League held Tues day in the league rooms. Mrs. Ar thur Crittenden Smith will be chair man of- the committee again this year and the affair wil be given on a larger scale. All plans are subject nIo the quarantine, but the work will begin November 1 if the ban is lifted and a board meeting will be held when more definite arrangements will be made. . Mrs. E. M. Syfert and Mrs. Mil ton Barlow will have charge of the office during the absence of Mrs. William Archibald Smith, chairman. e in Excelsior Springs. Hawaiian Schools Losing Many Teachers. Hawaiian schools are likely to suffer a severe lack of teachers this fall, for the supply of qualified women in the islands is being re duced almost daily. The situation in Hawaii is peculiar, for "most of the teachers there are the wives of army officers and en listed men. The teachers' husbands are now being transferred to other points, and their wives are going With them, or, in the event of the men being sent to tbe fighting line in Europe, backjo. their homes. The consequence is that heroic measures may have to be adopted to find a supply of women teachers in Hawaii, or to devise means by which those who are left can be made to fill the places .of those who have . gone. -, . m a V The "Y" in France The post-exchange operated by the "Y" in France promises to be come the largest retail business in the world. The items on the shipping lists ure staggering. For example: Cans . of fruit, 30,000.000; chewing gum, 1 2.040.000 packages: cigarets, 115,000.- 000; condensed milk, 446.208 cans. It has been necessary to take over milk . chocolate and cracker factories in France and Switzerland, and still the supply always lags just a little be hind. November Red Cross Maga zine. Royalties are, as a rule, only on nodding terms with profound learn ing or artistic talents. An exception is Queen Elizabeth of the Belgians, who is an accomplished violinist, an expert linguist, .and a graduate physician. Before her marriage to King Albert she frequently accom panied her father the celebrated Duke Charles Theodore of Bavaria on his scientific expeditions. V Women physician's of New York City are soon to open a war hospital for treating the returned wounded, in which all the physicians, surgeons, nurses and other expert workers will be woman .,.. .. ... . Berigan-Mullen Wedding. An early morning wedding took place today in St. Cecilia's cathedral, when Miss Helen Mullen became the bride of Mr. James Berigan of Lwing, Neb. rather Harrington read the marriage service. Only the close relatives and a few friends were present at the ceremony. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Maine Mu len, who wore a smart suit of taupe- broad cloth fith a hat to match. A cor sage of pink sweet peas com pleted her costume. Very chic was the bride in her traveling suit if blue broadcloth, with a picture hat of soft gray. The golden shades of the Ophelia roses in her corsage bouquet were most effective against the French blue of her suit. Mr. John Mullen, brother of the bride, attended the bridegroom as best man. Following the ceremony a wed ding breakfast was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mul len, when covers were Taid for 25 guests. After an eastern wedding trip the young couple will be at home in Kwing, Neb. The out-of-town guests who at tended the nuptials included Mr. and Mrs. John Mullen of Falls City, Mrs. George Rowell of Marquette. Mich., and Mrs. John Murrie of Bellwood, Neb., sisters of the bride groom. Church-Myrberg Nuptials. Of interest in colleee circles is the marriage of Miss Florence Irene Mvrbere of .btroiusburg, and Dr. Ira O. Church of Omaha, which took place Tuesday in the Wellington notei, Kev. w. aaviage omcidi- mg. Miss Inez rainier 01 univers ity rlace, and Dr. li. f. camp were the onlv attendants. The bride is a Wesleyan graduate and a member of Zeta I hi sorority For the past two years she has been music supervisor in. tne Asniana schools. Dr. Church is a Phi Chi medical frat man from the Univers ity of Nebraska and is in the medi caf reserve :orns. The young couple will make their home in Omaha until Dr. Church is called into service. The bride was married in her traveling suit of beaver colored silk velvet and wore a corsage ot Mrs Ward and sunburst roses. Engagement Announced. An interesting encasement an nouncement among the school set comes today, for Mr. and Mrs. W W. Cullen announce the engage ment of their daughter, Marguerite to Mr. F. E. Warren, son of Mrs F. L. Warren of Omaha. No date has been set for the wedding. Both Miss Cullen and Mr.'.Warren are graduates of the Central High school and are now attending the Omaha university. Omaha Teacher Weds. One must keep a close watch on our instructors these days for they do give us a slip, and Kan Cupid is busy even though the schools are locked and barred. Miss Ida Mun son, formerly a teacher in the Ban croft school, slipped away to Chica go, and her marriage to sergeant Jerome J. O Connor took place in Rockford, 111., Tuesday. Sergeant O Connor is stationed at Camp Grant. The bride will return to Omaha to continue teaching when the schools are opened. The announcement of the mar riage of this attractive teacher ' ' 1 . r m. 1 DREAMLAND ADVENTURE By DADDY "The Liberty Spirit" (Whan Jonathan Hardflat refusn to buy Liberty Bondi from Billy Belgium and Peggy, th Liberty Spirit plckt up Ills whole estate and seta lt down in Franco. There the German wreck h:s property, take his money and condemn him to death.) B' eotnes as a complete surprise to her friends as she has been visiting her parents at Beloit. Wis., for the past two weeks. The wedding had been planned to take place much later in the season. Personals. Mrs. T. W. Cahill, mother of Mrs. Frank Carey, has recovered from her recent illness. Mrs. Charles K. Metz will leave in about a month for Camp Pike, Ark., to join Lieutenant Metz. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Carpenter will return next week from Mr. Car penter's ranch in Colorado, where they have been for several weeks. Miss Pauline Hayward, who has been the guest of Miss Marion Wel ler for several weeks, will leave Friday morning for her home in Chicago. , Miss Lenore L. Beveridge, who is in her junior year' at Grinnell col lege, has been made assistant in structor in cnemistry. miss Beveridge took up' chemistry as a adjunct to domestic science work in which she is especially interested, and lias made such a decided suc cess of that branch that she has re ceived this most unusual honor. Mrs. Edith Wagoner left Tuesday evening for St. Paul, as she will give a rec'tal before the Schubert club of that city, opening the season. Mrs. Wagoner will remain ii St. Paul about a week. ILLY BELGIUM'S resolve to save both Jonathan Hardfist and his money was brave, but Peggy didn't see how he was going to do it. Nevertheless, she was ready to help all she could. The German officers in the draw ing room were Jiaving a loud dis cussion over plans spread out before the general. The conference was interrupted every minute or two by messengers, who rushed in with re ports. Those reports, it seemed, did not bear good news, for the Ger mans were growing very gloomy. The talk was all in German, but Billy Belgium could make out part of it. "The American troops are counter-attacking," he whispered to Peg gy. "Tift Germans are in danger of being driven back." Another messenger rushed in and evidently his news was very bad in deed, for it caused a great commo tion among the officers. The gen eral rapped out a brusque com mand. "He has ordered a retrcat,"'whis pered Billy Belgium. The general spoke again. Billy's face turned white as he caught the words. , y "He has ordered this house set afire and Hr. Hardfist shot at oflw! Come!" Billy led the way up the ladder. Near the top of the ventilator was a WAR. PUZZLES Teacher Enlists in Nurses' Corps 35 Miss Bertha Elsasser, teacher in the Castellar school, left Tuesday for Fort Riley to enter the student nurses' reserve corps. Postpbnments. Convention of the Omalvi district of the Women's Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist church, which was to have been held at Trinity Methodist church Thursday and Friday, has been postponed until November. Mrs. Anthony Merrill's lectures are postponed until November 4. First Meeting for Fifth Liberty Loan Held Tuesday The first executive committee meeting of Omahans who will have charge of the Filth Liberty loan drive when that campaign starts in the hrst part of 1919 was held in the Federal Reserve bank Tues day. According to present plans, the fifth loan drive will be the most elaborate and extensive of any of the four previous campaigns. One thing certain is that a personal quota will be apportioned each in dividual in Omaha. The- executive committee mem bers who met Tuesday were: T. C. Byrne, O. T. Eastman, E. F. Folda, T. Wachob, Mrs. Frank Judsou, Sam Burns, Harvey Milliken, R. A. Van Orsdel and Arthur Thomas. A list of instructions has been mailed from the headquarters of the United War Work campaign in Omaha to every county chairman in the state. In the instructions are detailed plans formulated to carry out the work of the drive in a thorough and expeditious manner. Fine Five in Federal Oourt for Violating Liquor Law Tony Nicotoro, Omaha news deal- l "LOOK!" HE WHISPERED. door. Going through this they found themselves in a large attic. Billy rushed across to a window which opened upon a courtyard at the rear of the house. "Look!" he whispered. Feggy never forgot the picture on which her eyes rested. At one side German soldiers were foading Mr. Hardfist's treasure chest into an army automobile. At the other side stood Mr. Hardfist himself, facing a squad of soldiers armed with rifles. "They're coiner to shoot him!" said Billy. "We haven't a second to spare." Desperately Billy looked around for a weapon. There wasn't one in sight. A sharp, vicious buzzing caused him to jump quickly aside as a large hornet flew past his ear on its way from the window to a nest hanging from a rafter. "A hornet's nest! The very thing!" he muttered. Stripping off his coat, he wrapped it quickly around the nest, imprisoning the hornets with in. Then he gently tore the nest loose from the rafter. An angry buzz from within told that the hor nets were aroused to a fury by being thus disturbed. A second nest hung near by, and this Billy treated in the same way, wrapping it in an cjKl dress he found on a hook. ' ' "The minute the soldiers make a move as if to tire, throw these Mr.ong them," he directed. "I'm going down to save Mr. Hardfist." With that he vanished down the ventilator "shaft. Teggy looked from the window. The officer in charge of the firing squd was giving an order to his men. Not waiting another instant J Peggv hurletl the first nest from the window, tearing on pmy 3 as she did so. Then she hurled the sec ond nest right after it. the effect was astonishing. As the first5 nest fell, the Germans leaped away from it in alarm, evi dently thinking it a new kind of bomb. Their officer yelled at them, but justthcn the second nest fell and they were more alarmed than ever. Just then, too, the wrathy hornets burst fofth in a fury. They went right after the Germans, driv ing in their stings with vicious strength. As the first hornets lauded, the Germans let out howls of pain and slapped sharply at the little fighters. Then as the hornets poured forth in a cloud and the Germans found that the harder they slapped the worse they got stung, they flung down their rifles and fled out into the garden anywhere to escape the fury of this unexpected attack. The officer waved his sword in a vain attempt to stop the flight ofhis men, but when one hornet lit 011 his nose and another stung him in the back of his neck, he let out a whoop of pain and rushed from the scene at a pace that soon put him ahead of his fleeing squad. For a moment, at least, Jonathan Hardfist was safe, and so was his treasure. Peggy leaned far out of the window to see what Billy Bel gium was going to do next. (Tomorrow will b told how BUljr EN glum captures the general.) Traveling over some of the wild est mountain country of West Vir ginia, working as practical aur vevors. was how three younar women of Martinsburgr apent the past ! summer. 1ST FRENCH TOOK 3500 PRISONERS' And retook Douaumont, Thiaumont and the HaUromont quarries neai Verdun, two years ago today, Octobei 24, 1916. Find another Hun. YESTERDAYS ANSWER Upper right corner down alovt prisoner UPSET STOMACH Pape's Diapepsin at once ends sourness, gas, acidity, indigestion. Don't stay upsQt! When meals Jon't fit and you belch gas, acids and undigested food. When you feel lumps of indigestion pain, flatulence, heartburn or headache you can get instant relief. No waiting! Pape's Diapepsin will put you on your feet. As soon as you eat one of these pleasant, harmless tablets all the indigestion, gases, acidity and stomach distress ends. Your druggist sells them. Adv. Satisfaction I urn a do That lingers witli each day of wear is the virtue of THORNE PRODUC TIONS. Reliable aid in choosing that which intimately suits each individuality to mate shopping a real pleasure -that is THORNE SERVICE: Many new Suits-Coats and Dresses with original developments in design will be on display today. Our style and service superiority is augmented by our Cash Business policy which makes for Better Values in every in stance. This fact is best emphasised by comparison COATS SUITS FROCKS t-f Holiday Time WHATEVER else you take, you still need a Bradley. It gives you the snug warmth, easy freedom and youthful style that belong especially to outdoor fun. - In winter youH want a sturdy Bradley of wool, in sum mer you'll slip into a silk Bradley with lots of satisfaction. Your dealer will show you all kinds of Bradleys, for all ages, and the scarfs, caps, hose, and gloves that match. Write tis for the Bradley Book No. 21, showing the" complete line. a , BRADLEY KNITTING CO. Delavan, Wis. kTUUUWl er, charged with selling liquor to soldiers, was given a fine of $50 in federal court Wednesday. Grover Yoder of Grand Island pleaded guilty to interstate transportation of liquor and was fined $250, and FraaJi Nubert, charged wjth the same oi fense, was fined $5. Nubert trans ported one-half pint of whisky At the same session, John Blackdeer, an Indian from the Omaha reservation. pleaded guilty to transporting whisky from Sioux City into Nebras ka and was fined $100. Anton Tramp, farmer from near Crofton, Neb also charged with interstate liquor traffic pleaded guilty, lramp was fined in the state court $350.00 and Judge Woodrough gave him $25. ; Fire Damages Homes of Two Omaha Newspaper Men Fire caused bv hot ashes slightly damaged the home of Harvey New branch, 1902 South Thirty-third treet,. and a few minutes later, a call came from the home of Terry uiiKson, jouj namnton street, wnere box saturated with gasoline was reported ablaze. No damage was reported. Asks City for Damages s for Fall from Ice Wagon William W. Holman has entered suit in district court against the City of Omaha for $5,000, account alleged injuries suffered by reason of a defective alley between Far nam and Harney streets, Fifteenth to Sixteenth streets. Holman re lated tuat he was thrown from an ice wagon and was injured. Women students are now ad mitted to every department of the ! . rw,,.i p i w.- ... 1 University of Maryland. " ST- I JSjr- vt ASK FOR foe Original NourUhin Diseatiblt . No Cooldna ot it)iams.lii vallds MdGrowtng ChfldrBo. j Klc& Milk, flatted Grain Extract ft Powdaf UTHERS.aw, .IMITATIONS Ilk A wwvatM . ' . 1111 S J FROCKS BWUStiS "Th Style Store" p.. 1 SWEATERS SKIRTS im farnam street Jjjjjj iliil:il:!l'i;!ll!ll'llH!!i:ll!lll!liHjl'llllll'!l:,liT l, - S TYPEWRITER 1 : OWNERS S 1 Buy another Liberty 2 Bond, then let us AD- I 1 JUST, CLEAN or com- Z pletely REBUILD your I Typewriter, ANY ? I MAKE. I I All . work GUARAN- 1 I TEED. Estimates free. j The S j W. N. Long Co. Dg. 3969. 1915 Farnam. I r!l!IIMIMIIII!!l!!ll!lllillllllll!:llll!lllll:IIMI:ilMIHIIlk!lll.T 4fter each meal YOU eat om ATOMIC (FOB YOUR STOMACH'S SAKE) and get full food value and real stom ach comfort Instantly relieves heart bora, bloated, assy feeling, STOPS acidity food repeating and stomach misery. AIDS digestion: keeps the 3tomacn sweet and pure EATONlCia the beat remedy and only ewtt a cent or to a day to use it You will be de lighted with result. Satisfaction guarauteer er money back F lease call and try it Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.. 6 Buay Store, Omaha. TAT ' . " SKINNERS V THE BEST hk& mSiBKinss-; I Cleaf, Peachy Skin Awaits Anyonetyho I brinks Hot Water Says an Inside bath, before f - breakfast helps us look and . feel clean, sweet, fresh. Sparkling and vivacious merry, bright, alert a good, clear skin and a natural, rosy, healthy complexion are assured only by pure blood. If only every man and woman could be induced to adopt the morning inside K. bath, what a gratifying c)nnge would take place. Instead of the thousands of sickly, anaemic-looking men, women and girls, with pasty or muddy complexions; instead of the multitudes of "nerve wrecks," "run downs," "brain fags" and pessimists we should see avirile, optimistic throng of rosy-cheeked people every where. An inside bath is had by drinking each morning, before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate in it-to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and ten yards of bowels the previous day's indigestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons, be fore putting more 'food into the stomach. Those subject to sick headache, biliousness, nasty breathTheuma tism, colds; and particularly those who have a pallid, sallow complex ion and who are constipated very often, are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store which will cost but a trifle, but is sufficient to demon strate the quick and remarkable change in both health and appear ance, awaiting those who practice in ternal sanitation. Adv. Bee Want Ars Are tbe Best Bus iness Boosters. , IF BACK HURTS BEGINON SALTS Flush your kidneys occa sionally if you eat meat regularly. fwP I No man or woman who eats meat regularly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which clogs the kid ney pores so they sluggishly filter or strain only part of the waste and poisons frbm the blood, then you get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, head aches, liver trouble, nervousness, constipation, dizziness, sleeplessness, bladder disorders come frontxslug gish kidneys. , The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular fit passage or attended by a sensation of scalding, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of cranes and lemon imVi combjned with lithia and has beenyf used for generations to flusnj clogged kidneys and stimulate J&em to activity, also to neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer causes irritation, thus endings bladder dis orders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and can not injure; makes a delightful effer vescent lithia-water drink which all regular meat eaters should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby avoid ing serious kidney omphcatue Ad , , TT J