V-.' THE BEE : OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1918. ! Nebraska UEMOCRATSUSE PICTURE SHOWS TO ADVERTISE Patrons Forced to Watch Democratic Political Ad vertising Being Used in Picture Theaters. Nebraska Uni Dairy Team Win Prizes at Sto?k Show u it is expected to bring then the Nebraska end o icki over the traces. rlng letter sent to a r From a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, Oct. 23. (Specials There appears to be a sad lacking ii harmony among democratic man agers and something ought to be done. Democratic national head quarters sends out a program which results and f democracy The follow- motion picture manager in Nebraska has been sent to republican headquarters which shows that patrons of picture shows were up Against the proposition of Saying to see the democratic politi- propaganda pulled off in front of their eyes and they simply would be forced to sit still and take the medi cine: So. Fifth Avenue, New York. October 17, 1918. Manager Opera Hall. "DeaY Mr. Manager: At this critical period of our history sup porters of the President ar? needed in Congress. 1 "I am sending you a set of slides, which, if shown in your theater at repeated intervals, from October 20 to November 5, will aid in electing men who are in harmony with Wil son. "These slides, which are being sup plied by the democratic national com mittee, contain messages pointing out the necessity of unity of action in Washington. They should help in trvstalizine a sentiment for the Vsupport of President Wilson, as ommander-in-chiefof the army and "I trust that you are in accord with this sentiment and that you will aid as in this patriotic work. Thanking your for your co-operation, I remain cordially yours, , "FRED HAWLEY." And now Governor Neville and fiia democratic state board of health hare closed up the picture shows so 1hat the "patriotic work" of the dem ' ocratic national committee cannot be t carried out Has Nebraska's "war governor" thrown a rock in the path of the democratic political machine of the nation in his efforts to put the ban on political and other meetings in Nebraska? irfWitfiitaiii llyahiiiHi iiiiiHiM iiniwi luminal wiiiiiiitiw 1 SATURDAY MAY BE SCHOOL TIME REST OF YEAR State Superintendent and Other Educators Believe This Will Be Neoessary Because of Flu. Standing: (left to right) Prof. J. H. Frandsenf head of the dairy department of the state university. Eii Duncombe, coach. Seated: Carl Powell, Alliance; M. N. Lawritson, McCook; D. W. Spencer, Alliance. be worn on the breasts of farmer Find Crude Oil Near r Riverton, Nebraska Riverton. Neb., Oct. 2.1 (Special.) While digging a large cesspool here recently, workmen discovered V oil in what promises to be paying Quantities among the banks of "Thompson creek, at a depth of about leet. wnce tne nrst discovery a number ..ol wells have been drilled in the Yicinity and something like 400 gallons of oil 'pumped from them. At one or two places it was found to be mixed with a thick sub stance which experts say is parrafin, with promise of natural gas. The oil taken out so far tests about 48 per cent pure, and will run an en gine in hs crude state. A company has been formed, a drilling outfit is already on the ground jand plans are being made to drill for the main reservoir. Experts say' that the oil already found is seepage from the main body and that it is only a question of drilling deep enough to strike this body. Forty-one New Cases of Influenza at Beatrice Beatrice, Neb., Oct. 2J. (Special.) John Tober and Howard Conover, two members 08 Company C of this city, have been wounded slightly in action in France. These are the first JLwo members of the company to be wounded in battle. Forty-one new cases of influenza were reported here yesterday and .three deaths have occurred. There slight decrease in the number of cases the last few days. Mrs. Emma Hollingworth, head nurse at Fall's sanitarium, died yes terday after a prolonged illness. She is survived by her father, Stephen Bull, one daughter and one brother. Mrs. Esther Carpenter, wife of Judson Carpenter, died yesterday of influenza. She is survived by her husband and two children. Fred Hirsch, who died yesterday, was also a victim of influenza. He is sur vived by a widow and three children. The University of Nebraska dairy judging team larieted and hog-tied practically all of the prizes at the recent National Dairy show in Col umbus, O. The Cornhusker team wgji both the show team sweep stakes and the sweepstakes offered by Hoard's Dairyman. The trophy offered by the Ayrshire association also reposes in the Nebraska agri cultural school. Two $400 scholarships offered for the highest team standing and the highest individual standing were won by the Nebraska boys. Gold medals offered for the highest and next highest individual record will boys from western Nebraska. The team was composed of Carl Powell, sophomore, and D. W. Speji-J cer, junior, both of Alliance, anal W. N. Lawritson, senior, of Mc Cook. Lawritsorj was the winner of the highest individual judging record and Powell won theT second honors. Prof. J. H. Frandsen, head of the dairy department, highly praises the team for its record. "The boys worked hatd and faithfully that this honor might come -to the univers ity," he said. "Much credit is due them, as well as Eli Duncombe, a senior of the college of agricul ture, who coached the team." "Speculators Trying To Starve the Stock," Says a County Agent Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 23. (Special.) Profiteering in hay by speculators is threatening to prevent the feed ing out of thousands of head of Ne braska cattle, according to informa tion reaching the extension service of the University of Nebraska col lege of agriculture. The high price will also compel the sale of many stock cattle in the drouth stricken section of the state. Eastern Ne braska county agricultural agents at tempting to buy hay in the western part of the state have found the sup ply cornered by speculators. These profiteers are asking $25 a ton for alfalfa. Farmers of eastern Nebras ka say they cannot pay such a price and they plan to sell their cattle without fattening. Farmers of Seward county sent their agricultural agent, H. P. Rig don, on a hay buying tour. He trav eled 1,000 miles by automobile ajid visited seven counties. Four other counties in the drouth stricken belt of the state sent men west. All had the same experience. Where specu lators have not actually bought up the hay they have excited the farm ers into holding for, an exhorbitanl price. The cheapest alfalfa found was at Stratton $22 a ton. At Hairier and Sanborn $27.50 a ton was asked. In Dawson county, thousands of tons are in the hands of speculators and are being held for $25 a ton. The .a.eents succeeded in buying a little wild hay for $21 a ton. ; "Speculators are trying to starve the stock in our county," wrote one county agricultural agent. "If hay cannot be purchased so it can be fed without too great a loss the fanners arc going to ship their stock out." Stapleton Man Murdered By Nineteen-Year-Old Boy Stapleton, Neb., Oct 23. (Spe cial) Hamilton Spain, living 25 miles north of here, shot and killed Will McClure, a neighbor, on Octo ber 13. Young Spain, who is but 19 years old, rodeto the McClure home and ir.n . - i ii-, ii cauca nitviurc 10 ine aoor. w nen v -rr I " - " ...... ...v.. . , . ., tenure mrnea mio tne nouse, picked op a rifle, and fired at Spain, the bullet hitting him in the arm. Spain fired the other barrel of his guiv hitting McClure in the pit of the stomach. fl home of George Osborne, three miles away, where he died. Spain was arrested and had a- hearing Tuesday. He was found guilty of manslaughter and bound over to the district court on $2,000 bonds. 5,000 Dodge County Peoole "Buy Liberty Loan Bonds Fremont, Neb, Oct 23. (Spe cial.) Approximately 5,000 Dodge county citizens, or one in every five, purchased bonds in the fourth Lib erty loan, according to figures cbm-J piled by George C. Gage, chairman of the Dodge County Bankers' as sociation. The total subscriptions in the conpty amounted to $1717,950 or $352950 more than the quota. Fre mont citizens purchased $557,650 in bonds, or about one for every four t smsei. : - Plattsmouth Woman Dies Of "Flu;" Town Is Closed Plattsmouth, Neb., Oct. 23. (Spe-cial.)-ylast evening Mrs. G. E. De Wolf, wife of the superintendent of the Plattsmouth city schools, died at her jate home in this city from pneu monia, after an illness of Spanish in fluenza. The remains were taken to Gibbon. Schools are closed and the churches and moving picture shows are not allowed to operate. ScottsblufT Farmers After a Government Potato Contract - Scottsbluff, Neb., Oct. 23. (Spe cial.) Scottsbluff potato growers have organized to do their own mar keting. A branch of the county farm bureau has been formed, known as the Scottsbluff County Potato Growers' association. Several car loads'of potatoes have been sold and the association is bidding on a gov ernment contract. Growers are charged a selling commission of 5 cents per 100 pounds. Potato-Prices are very unsettled and more spuds are being stored this year than usual. The associa tion has taken over the Farmers' Union storage cellar at Morrill and thousands of bushels will be stored there. One dollar to $1.10 per 100 pounds is the prevailing price of fered for potatoes on the car here now. They must be sacked, and the sacks cost 23 cents each, which cuts the price to the grower to 77 to 87 cents a hundred. The. potato crop is exceptionally good in this county. The spuds are large, smooth and comparatively free from scab. The potatoes are graded and inspected by government men before they are shipped. Influenza Situation in North Bend Improving Fremont, Neb., Oct. 23. (Spe cial.) Clark Robinson, principal of the Ponca schools, died recently of influenza, according to Word received here by relatives. He was. born in Dodge county and was 40 years of age. The number of deaths from in fluenza at North Hend, near here, reached 14 when Raymond, the 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Groetek, died yesterday. The situation there is said to be slightly better than it was a few days ago. Dodge County to Raise $150,000 for War Work Fremont, Neb., Oct. 21. (Spe cial.) The Dodge County War Service league, organized for the purpose of raising and distributing all war funds with the exception of Liberty loans, will start a drive on November 12 to raise $150,000 which is expected to last a year. J. How ard Haine of Fremont is chairman, and D. D. Rowe is secretary. (From a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 23. (Special.) Eliminating Christmas and spring vacations, and continuing school on Saturdays, may become necessary in Nebraska to make up for the epidemic of Spanish influeenza. State Superintendent Clemmons and Nebraska educators are con sidering such a plan and it is very likely that school children will have to make the sacrifice. In order to complete the required amount of school work as early as possible to release students for work on the farms, it is more than likely that school will keep six days a week, with regular course of study on Saturday. Verdigre Goes Over The Top by 45 Per Cent Verdigre, Neb., Oct. 23. (Spe cial.) The Verdigre district went over the top in the Fourth Liberty Loan with nearly 4o per cent to spare. The quota for this district was $130,250 and it was found that $185,850 had been subscribed, or $55, 600 over the required quota. In ad dition the Bohemian National Al liance for the benefit of the Czecho slovak army in Russia lias raised $5,300. Jesse E. Wineinger of Grand Island Victim of the "Flu" Grand Island, Neb., Oct. 23. Jess E. Wineinger, 34 years of age, died Saturday afternoon, death resulting from a complication of pneumonia and stomach trouble. He is survived by his wife and two daughters, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wine inger; four brothers and two sisters. Interment was. made in the Grand Is" land cemetery. Miss McDonaJd of Ravenna A Victim of Influenza Ravenna, Neb., Oct. 23. (Special.) Miss Phrania McDonald, student at the state university, died at the home of her parents in this city to day of influenza. Miss McDonald was a member of the last class of the Ravenna High school, and won high standing in music and elocution. Many Northwestern Men Sick With Influenza Fremont. Neb.. Oct. 23. (Spe cial.) The Northwestern railroad has been hard hit on the eastern di vision hf influenza, a total of 82 men bein; reported sick, and the company is forced to curtail the .number of extra .trains. Of the number sick, 13 ate engineers. 20 firemen, 8 conductors, 25 brakemen, 3 switchmen and 13 station agents. At the company shops in Missouri Valley over 50 per cent of the em ployees are off with the influenzal Colfax County Boy Joins The Aviation Service Fremont, Neb., Oct. 23. (Spe cial.) James Higgins, the only Colfax county boy to enlist in the aviation service, was given a send off when he boarded the train at Schuyler for Kelly field, Tex., to day. Mayor Roberts headed, the paratle which was made up of the Home Guards, 33 draft selects and many citizens. Young Higgins is a son of Mr. and Mrs. James Higgins. 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief RELL-ANS WFOR indigestion VVuii LIFT OFF CORNS! Freezone is magic! Corns lift right off with fingers with out pain. , OO v Nuxnted Iron increases strength and endurance of .delicate, nervous, run down people In two weeks' time in many instances. It has been used and endorsed by such men as Hon. Leslie M. Shaw, former Secretary of the Treasury, and E-Covernor of Iowa: Former United States Senator and Presidential Nominee Chas. A. Towne: General John E. Clem (Retired), the drummer boy of Sh'loh, who was ser- , Meant in the U. S. Army when on'y 12 years of ase: also United States Judge G. W. Atkinson of the Court of Claims fif Washington, and others. Ask your doctor or druggist about 't When You Cannot Sleep WOMAN'S FITNESS FOR WAR WORK There's no question of women's right to enter war activities to take the place 'of the then now at the front. In ched they would 6eem to have many points of superiority over men in some of the indus trial fields jwhich they are now entering. But to take men's burdens the women must be strong must have iron nerves and good blood. So many wom en these days are frail, nerv ous, borne down by the pains and aches peculiar to their sex. A sex tonic and nerve builder is needed, such as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. An affection confined to women must have its cause in the womanly nature. There is no doubt that a diseased condition of the delicate womanly organs, is in general re sponsible for feminine nervousness and an undermined constitution. The use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription- makes women happy bj making them healthy. There are no more crying spells. "Favorite Prescription" is an herbal tonic for female weakness. It makes weak women strong. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has been for nearly 5& years the most favorably known herbal tonic for women. Ask your neighbors I The "Prescription" is sold in tablet or liquid form. Send ten cents to Dr. Pierce, Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for large trial package. Druggists sell the tablets in 60-cent packages. Men and women are many times tempted to ask their family physician qnestions tra delicate msiters. Such questions of sex are answered by the "Medical Adviser." The nusin of the sick, first aid to the injured, accidents and emergencies, anatomv, physiology, hygiene, the human temperaments, the origin and transmission oi liie.'tbe brain and mind, are treated of in an original and comprehensive manner, in harmony with the latest scientific discoveries. Thie book formerlv told for $1.50. For a limited time while they last, this book can be nV-.an for 58 cents at the prominent drug stores in town, or write ...... Hurt? No, not one bit! Just drop a little Freezone on that touchy corn, instantly it stops aching then you lift that bothersome corn right off. Yes, magic! Costs only a few cents. v Try Freezone ! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle, sufficient to rid your feet of every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and cal luses, without one particle of' pain, soreness or irritation. Freezone is the mysterious ether discovery of a Cincinnati genius. Adv. Baby Colds reqtrirt treatment - with remedy tains no oDiates. l'iso's is mild tire; pleasant to taxe. that eotv but efiee- Ask your druggist tor JEFFEROSl FOR CONGRESS 1 rp HERE is, of course, a distinctly soothing ef fect upon tbe nerves which results when you rub this famous French Baume on the forehead and the back of the neck. Many tell us that they use B A,UM E ANALGESflQUE BENGUE when they cannot sleep, be cause this original French product is so much more satisfactory than its many imitations. You will, of course, want a tube in the house to re lieve the pain of rheuma tism, headache, sciatica or gout but try it also next time you cannot sleep. Or der by the full name. THOS. LEEMING & CO. American Agents New York The Original Is Still Obtainable Established 1894. I have aueeessful treatment for Rupture with out resorting to painful and uncertain surgi eal operation. 1 am the only reputable physi cian who will take such eases upon guarantee to give satisfactory results. I have devoted more than 20 years to the exclusive treatment of Rup ture and have perfected the best treatment in existence today I do not inject paraf fine or wax, as it is dangerous. The advantages of my treatment are - No loss of time. No detention from business. No danger from chloroform, shock and blood poison, and no laying up in a hospital. Call or write Dr Wray. 305 Bee Bide.. Omaha RUPTURE 'I Hope You Will be Returned to Congress, , Mr. Lobeck." PRESIDENT WILSON NR-TABLETS" 1 aw Qfflgj BEAION DRUG CO., Omaha, Nb. iT Dranfe Stores Here are ,$75, $85 to $95 Suits Offered at for Thursday In a season when all cloth is extremely high it is only something simply little short of a miracle in merchandising that enabled our New York office to obtain these Suits at such a concession that we can offer them all at the one price of $49.00. Styles are all the newest models, Coat effects, three-quarter, hip length and shorter styles. The new drapes, pleats, flares, belt effects. A great variety of new collars, some plain tailored, others soft roll; square or convertible buttoned necks. Beautifully trimmed with rows of stitching, buttons, piping, braids, embroideries, etc. ; self color or contrasting; rich fur collars, braids and bands. Beautifully Silk-Lined, Plain or Fancy Styles Made by one of highest grade' houses in New York, who originate styles which embody all the exClusiveness of the custom made. Duvet de Laine, Wool Velours,"ricotines, Velvets, Silvertones, Broadcloths and other fine fabrics. In Blacks, Navy, Browns, Taupe, Green, Burgundy, Plum, Algeria, Mole, Deer, Oversea Blue, Novelty Checks and Mixtures. Shown iruall sizes. And for Those Who Don't Care to Pay More Than $25 We Offer These Suits We have just received from New York City, a brand new, crisp, fresh lot of 115 fine Tailored Suits, which we are offering at the special sale price of $25.00. They are extraordinary values, copied more or less after the higher priced suits in design; tailored away above the usual $25.00 suit. Neat designs, with all the novel touches in belts, collars, some with velvet, some plush collar and some fur collars. Of splendid quality poplin, serges and other good wearing materials. All sizes. Second Floor. I Japanese Silk Sleeveless Quilted Vests at $1.50 Just the right garment to protect your lungs and keep you from catching cold in this changeable weather. Made of Jap Silk, warmly quilted, braid loops to but ton;' easy to slip on and off under your coat. The gar ment every woman should have. In black, navy or white. Second Floor In Our Sweater Department You Will Find Complete Lines of Sweaters at all prices. For large women, medium size and the., misses, children and infants. We carry Knitted Shawls, Shoulder Shawls, Snugglers. Children's Sets, consisting of Sweater, Leggings, Caps and Gloves. Also Separate Toques in all knitted fabrics, in a variety of styles and col ors; all articles suitable for protection against the cold weather to come. Second Floor i Vv nnt Here Are the New Fall Coats From a Very Special Purchase At the most opportune time, we are able to offer extraordinary value m new garments. All lined through- many witn lancy linings. Fur trimmed with Raccoon Opossum and Nearseal, and Seal plush trimmed. Made of Bolivia, Duvet de Laine, Pom Pom, Velour, Broadcloth and' Silvertone; variety of styles, handsomely finished with stitch ing, ornamental bands, fancy buttons, decorative panels, pock ets and collars in novelty shapes. New shades of Browns, Al geria, Navy, Pekin Blues, Taupe, Burgundy, Plum and Black. ' Extra large sizes included from 44 to 54. $45, $49, to $55 Second Floor 1