Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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I "Class Schedules Will Be Ar-
ranged to'Make Up the
1 Time Lost Through
Will the school teachers of
Omaha set their salaries for the
weeks during which they are idle
because of the "flu" epidemic? This
is a. question that is- being asked
frequency. The teachers are 're
ceiving their pay and Superinten-
dent jsevendge says they will con
i tinue to receive it. Suspension of
the school ' sessions is no fault of
theirs and, besides, they will be
i called upon to work all the harder
when sessions start again, to make
" up for the idle weeks. Thirty teach
ers .have resigned since the schools
closed and have accepted better po
sitions. In fact, the teachers and princi
pals are working now on plans for
making up the lost time. The
schedules will be arranged so that
classes will be doubled up on the
- essential studies and some sf the
: less essential things will be omitted
until the classes are up to schedule
on those that are absolutely essen
tial. The principals of the various
' schools are now rearranging, the
classes in the different grades so
that this lost time may be made up.
The principals themselves will
teach extra classes in the halls un
til they have caught up.
It is stated also that there will be
only one week vacation at Christ-
mas instead of the usual two
weeks. V
Probably the annual meeting of
the "Nebraska State Teachers' asso
ciation will hf omitted this year or.
at any rate, postponed until later in
the winter. I his meeting is scnea
uled to be h.eld in Omaha the week
of November 4, which would be the
-first week when the schools reopen
if the quarantine is lifted from the
state at the earliest date mentioned
in the State Board of Health's or
der. An elaborate program has
.been prepared for the meeting and
national educators and entertainers
have, been engaged to come here.
Chairmen Named for
War Activities Drive
to Start November 1 1
Chairman of the various commit-
"J tees ip Omaha in the united war
work campaign, active solicitations
i for which will start on November 11
and continue one week, have been
named. The chairmen and commit-
tees they will head are as follows:
'. E. E. Calvin, advisory.
Roy T. Byrne, quota.
F, P. Matthews, speakers.
Robert H. Manley, publicity.
V. J. Mcmaghan, foreign corpora
' tions.
, Wt D. Hosford, trades.
H. Stanley Brown, outlying busi
ness centers.
Mrs. Luther Drake, women.,
A. C. Busk, colored.
A. C Jackson, labor.
Edward F. Leary, students.
' J. H. Beveridge, victory boys and
girls. ,
These chairmen have alrealy
started the appointing of their as
sistants and are completing plans in
preparation for the big drive in
which Omaha's quota is $325,000 and
; ' mat ior me siaie, $,uum,uuu.
i '
" Six t)f the Enemy Put to
Rout by Lone Omaha Man
I It is not unusual for a khaki-clad
! Yank to charge a whole nest of
I German machine, guns or to si'ence
I a battery singU-handed, and bring
I his prisoner inta camp at the point
i of a bayonet, but it is rather un
t - usual to hear of sufh a feat being
pulled off in the streets of an
I American city.
Such was the case Wednesday
and-right here in Omaha, except
' that it was not a German battery
; that was silenced.
James Wicker, a. former yemploye
i at the U. P. headquarters, 'recently
received his notification to report
f lot service and was on his way to
I "the train when he was accosted by
a half dozen overgrown- Duuies at
the corner of Sixteenth and Jack-1
son streets. At hrst young wicKer
; was amazed, but finding that his as
sailants were inteni upon carrying
out their intent he finally set down
Tlis grips and took them on..
The boys had not exactly figured
out just the "exact amount oLtsrri
tory" they had taken in, for al
though Wicker is only of slight
build, he is thoroughly familiar with
the- proper methods of using his
fists and witnesses to the scene say
it was great sport to see how quick
ly he put his assailants to flight.
All who say the sport say that
Wicker will make a good soldier,
and when the "cop" found out what
had occurred, he merely shook
"Wicker's hand and wished him good
', luck.
, The rest of gang had beat it in
sufficient time to .make good their
get-away. Young Wicker could
give no reason for the attack and
was inclined to believe the fellows
. had mistaken him for another party.
Yes,-but Whose Messenger Boy?
- ,
German Dfyop&gantta.
to Sno.
H. R 19548.
Dtcxsnn 8, Uli .
Mr. Lonci introduced th following bill; which was refund to the Com
mittee on the Judicur; and ordered to be printed. " v
To prohibit individuals, partnerships, or (fcrporations-in the
United States from selling arms, ammunition, artillery, and
explosives of any kind for exportation during the existence
of war except upon proof that said arms, ammunition, artil
lery, and explosives are not to be used in said war against a
country with which the United States is at peace.
1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-
2 fives of the Unfed Slates of America in Congress assembled,
3 That it shall be unlawful and treated as a breach of the ncu-
4 trality laws of the United, States for any person, partner-
5 shipc. corporation to sell or contract to sell, or deliver or '
6 contract to deliver, during the-existence of war between na-
7 tions with which the United States is at peace any arms,
8 ammunition, artillery, and explosives of any kind whatsoever
9 to be used against a country or nation with' which the United
10 , 8tates is at peace; and during the existence of war it shall be
11 unlawful to sell for exportation or to export arms, ammuni-
Assistant City Prosecutor Perry
Wheeler, who is also secretary of
local arait ooara xmo. i, south Side
ami assistant to the health commis-n
ioner, has been so busy attending
ip ms many duties, including tne
issuing of burial permits, that he had
no time to devote to looking after
his interests in the coming election
should he have the inclinatien. His
friends, however, are working in his
behalf, as he is candidate for muni
cipal judge an! they feel his elec
tion is assured because of his loyalty
to his country's needs.
Wheeler's conscientious work on
the draft board when election time is
drawing near, led his friends to in
quire if he was not going to make
a campaign for votes. Hig response
was that his Muty to his country as
.secretary of the board was of far
more importance than his candidacy
for the municipal judgeship.
last Saturday night of Spanish In
fluenza. Mr. and Mrs. Plckerell
wer on their way to French Licit
Springs when Mrs. Plckerell wsu
suddenly taken very 111 and died btf-
fore she could be taken jtt the train.
REAV1S GIST, son of Mr. and
. Mrs. T. J. Gist, Falls City, died Mon
day of Spanish influenza at Camp
Funston. He waa araephew of Con
gressman Frank Reavis. He was
..cashier In the bank at Humboldt.
Xjieb., prior to entering the service.
. 131a. parents and sisters, Anne, Mar-
- yare vand Bessie, were with him
when n,dled. ,
Omaha Traveling Marr
; Dies of Flu in Montana
C C' Eisemann, Omaha traveling
: man, died Tuesday night at Helena.
Mont, after two weeks illness with
the Spanish influenza. - He was con
nected with the Mutual Benefit
Health arM ' Accident association.
HU wife and one child survive him.
South Side
Candidate for Municipal Judge
but Public Duties Pre
clude Doing Cam-
paign Work.
Undertakers Are Overworked;
Husband and Wife Are to
Be Buried at the
Same Time.
South' Side Brevities
Uotor Cycle Officer Earl Risk wai op
erated upon Wednesday morning lor ap
pendicitis. Glen Gardner of Council Bluffs was Ar
rested Tuesday evening for passing a
street car with an auto while the car was
unloading passengers.
Miss Luella Kalhorn, 4016 U street, "was
taken to the Wise Memorial hospital Wed
nesday morning where she will have an
operation for appendicitis.
Mrs. Peter Klein, Mrs. Michael Zorad
and George Klein, of 2402 Q street, who
have all been very sick with Influenza,
are now recovering at their home.
Emll Chapek, South Eighteenth and T
streets, was fined tlO and costs In police
court Wednesday morning qti a petty
larceny charge for taking building paper
from a lumber company.
George Stevens, 2308 P street, who had
been arrested for drunkenness and was out
on a bond, was brought Into police court
Wednesday morning on a capias and sen
tenced to 30 days in the county Jail.
The five-passenger car which Fred
Schnell, 1826 South Fifteenth street, re
ported stolen from the Union depot was
found by the South Side police at Wash
ington street and Railroad avenue. The
car waa minus tires and one wheel was
Private and Mrs. A. J. Heffelfinger, who
have been guests at the homes uf their
parents, Mr. fnd Mrs. Fred Heffelfinger,
6403 South Thirty-eighth street, and Mi
and Mrs. Chris Llndholt, 622s South Thir
teenth street, returned Tuesday night to
their home In North Kansas City, Mo. Mr.
Heffelfinger was called here Friday by
the illness of his uncle.
Greeters Give Sendoff to
Members Going to War
- Charter No. 1 Greeters of Amer
ica held a farewell meeting for three
of their members who were in the
recent draft and who will enter the
service as soon as the "flu" ban is
The names of those-who are to
leave are Fred J. Ramey, chief clerk
of the Wellington inn; E. H. Mes
serall, of the Millard, and C. H.
Rasmussen, recently of the Henshaw
It was the first time, the Greeters
have had the opportunity of holding
a farewelLfor those of their mem
bers who have been called to the
The. entertainment of the evening
consisted of a daintily served pa
triotic luncheon and was followed
by a numEtr- of after dinner
speeches. Among those who spoke
were President R. D. McFadden of
Fremont, and Colonel Anderson of
the Rome hotel. :
Forty Cases of "Flu" at
the University Hosmtal
Forty cases f 'Spanish irifiuenzai
are reported at the Urmrersity Hos
pital. Of this number, fSnurses and
two internes are among the afflicted.
Mrs. Elizabeth Asher died at the
hospital Tuesday night and Wesley
Lett " succumbed Wednesday., morn
ing. , v . v . ' r-
With a toll of 12 deaths on the
South Side in, 24 hours Spanish in
fluenza does not seem to release its
grip. Undertakers are worked
beyond their strength, on estab
lishment having eight victims now
awaiting the undertaker's care.
A husband and wife are to be burled
at the same time. The man, Williafn
Ward, aged 24 years, died Tuesday, and
Vera Ward, his wife, died Wednesday at
the age of 20 years. They lived in 2118
Madison street. x Mrs. Ward was the
daughter of Frank Srrvlth of the same ad
dress. Mrs. Gabriel Seplokl. (230 S street,
whosehusband in a half crazed state from
anxiety, was on the verge of committing
suicide yesterday, died at 12:30 last night
at the County Hospital, where she and
her three small sons were taken about i
o'clock last night suffering' with the
"flu." The whereabouts of Seplokl are
Edwin Randolph died at the St. Bernard
hospital In Council Bluffs Tuesday.
October 22, of Spanish Influenza. Funeral
services will be held at the Brewer chapel
Friday at s a. m. 1 Burial will be in St.
Mary's cemetery. 1
Mrs. Mary K. Polsley, Fifty-fifth and
U streets, tfled Tuesday pf Spanish "flu"'
at her home, ' aged 38 ' years. Funeral
services wJll be held In the Brewer chapel
Thursday at 3 p. m. . Interment will be
made in Ckaceland Park cemetery.
Lettle Stevens, the 8-month-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stevens, died
Tuesday at the home, 1929 South Nine
teenth street, of Spanish Influenza. Burial
will be made In the Florence cemetery.
X '
Dorothy Wemmer, the 11-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Wem
mer, , 4220 South Twenty-eighth street,
died Tuesday at the home, of Spanish in
fluenzal Funeral services will be held
Thursday at 1 p. m. at the Brewer chapel.
Rev, C. W. Holler will officiate, inter
ment will be in Evergreen cemetery.
Lualan Ellsworth, 2013 Cass street, aged
34 years, died Tuesday at an Omaka hos
pital of Spanish influenza. Funeral services
will be held Thursday afternoon at the
Brewer chapel and interment will be made
in Graceland Park cemetery.
Russian Prisoners
Forced to Labor for
Germans-in Belgium
. Bruges, Oct. 23. A fresh and
striking instances of the inhumanity
of the German authorities has been
discovered by Belgium soldiers in
liberated territory. They found a
large number of Russian soldiers,
captured three years ago, at work
with Geman laboi.companies. The
Russians had been treat.ed with the
utmost brutality and forced to la
bor behind the firing line. They
were utterly ignorant of the Rus
sia revolutions, the death of Em
peror Nicholas or the Brest-Litovsk
treaty of peace. '
Red Cross Benefits on
Refund for Coal Charges
John L. Kennedy, fuel adminis
trator for Nebraska, has turned over
to Frank W. Judson, state director
of the American Red Cross, a check
for $69.52, wfich represents a re
fund of overcharges on blacksmith
ing coal sold in Nebraska. The re-
iund.was made by the Donoho Coal
company to me croweu t,umoer
and Grain company. "The amount
was turned over to the Red Cross
by Mr. Kennedy under instructions
from Washington.
In all cases where overcharges on
coal cannot be refunded to the con
sumers, they are contributed to the
American Red Cross, or some simi
lar organfcation, for the benefit of
the state or community in which the
overcharges are made. '
v.. OH 1 .
1 .; - '
Edith Cavell's Slayer
Appointed to Probe
Devastation by Huns
London, Oct. 23. (Via Montreal)
The Daily News says that the
commission of neutral residents of
Brussels which is to investigate
charges of unnecessary devastation
and destruction during the German
retreat in Belgium will be under
the direction1 of . Baron von. Der
Lancken, civil governor of Brussels.
"The selection of Von der Lanck
en is extraordinary," says the News,
"when it is recalled that he played
a feading role in the murder oi
Edith Cavell. It was Von der
Lancken who ignored the represen
tations of the American minister.
Brand Whitlock, and refused to al
low Miss Cavell to receive a visit
from a BeJgian lawyer."
The commission is composed as
follows: Marquis of Villalobar, the
Spanish minister to Belgium, M.
Van Vollenhoven, the Dutch min
ister, M. Langenbrg, Dutch repre
sentative on the Belgian relief
commission; M. Van Bree, a Bel
gian, and Senor Saura, a Spaniard.
Church Goods Companies
Disagree on Contract
The Mid West Church Goods
company has filed an action in dis
trict court to restrain and enjoin the
Bourgeois company, 1218 Farnam
street, from engaging in the busi
ness of church goods for a period
of 10 years in Nebraska. A contract
is said to have been entered into be
tween Mhe litigants, whereby it was
agreed that the Bourgeois company
should engage only in a limited class
of goods, and the petition alleges
that the defendent company has vio
lated that contract.
Loch Sues Solenberg,
Former Cafe Partner
Peter Loch has brought suit in
district court against James M. Sol
enberg, whom he alleges has re
pudiated an obligation of $1,250 in
connection with the operations of
the Liberty Inn, later the Harmony
Cafeteria company. '
Loch alleges he entered into a
verbal agreement with Solenberg to
give him onehjrd interest in the
inn for a consideration of $1,250 and
afterward allowed that debt to be
transferred to the affairs of the
cafeteria, which failed.
Graduate of University of
Iowa Practically in Charge
of Work at Post, Served
at Border.
Maj. P. C. Van Nostrand is the
new executive officer at the Fort
Omaha Balloon school, and is, prac
tically in charge of all the work at
the prfSt' He is an Ibwan and was
graduated from the Iowa State uni
versity in 1912. He enlisted in the
28th infantry at Galveston, Tex., in
1913, and went to Vera Cruz, Mex
ico in 1914, 'where he served as in
telligence officer on General Fun
ston's staff. He returned to Gal
veston and was there at the time
of the flood.
In 1915 Maj. Van Nostrand went
to the border, where he was sta
tioned until 1917, when he was trans
ferred to Kelly field, San Antonio,
Tex., where he was made adjutant.
When he arrived there, there were
only seven buildings and half a
dozen airplanes. When he. left the
last of May the place had grown
until half of all the flying done in
the United States last year was
done on Kelly field. Th three
buildings had grown to almost 400,
and the half dozen airplanes had
been increased to hundreds. Offi
cers say that much of the progress
of Kelly field is due to the pep and
push of the major.
Maj. Van Nostrand came to Oma
ha last May and qualified as an
aerial observer and as a free balloon
private, and recently jyas appointed
executive officer.
Fielciub Improvers
Postpone Their Meeting
The first meeting of the Field
Club Improvement association,
which was scheduled for Thursday,
has been postponed to November
iy-on account ot tne new runng re
garding the holding of meetings
during the' Spanish influenza epi
demic. Mayor Smith will address
the club at this meeting. v
Moorhead and Morehead Get
Heads Together; Bohemian
Voters Overlooked on
Democratic Ticket; v
Harley G. Moorhead and John H.
Morehead got their heads togethet
Tuerday in secret confab. , Moor
head owes his appointment as elec
tion commissioner to Mehead and
while the office is supposed to be
nonpolitical, the ex-governor is not
hesitating to call on the election
commissioner to reciprocate favors
for the interest of his friend and
senatorial aspirant.
Frank A. Shotwell, brother of
Abel V. Shotwell, republican candi
date for county attorney, believes
he has hit upon a novel idea which
candidates may adopt in lieu of
meetings. He proposes that candi
dates distribute phonograph jecords
containing four-minute talks, and
have the records passed along" after
the manner of circulating libraries.
"A man might make a great rec
ord for himself in that way," F. A.
S. remarked.
Bohemian voters are taking cog
nizance of the fact that they have
been recognized by the republicans
and ignored by the democrats, as
may be- observed by scanning the
list of nominees to be submitted on
November 5. The republican ticket
includes Louis Berka for state rep
resentative, Charles II. Kilbat for
police judge, and Charles F. Kunct
for county commissioner. When the
democrats were given an eleventh
hour opportunity to make amends
by naming A. A. Tenopir for police
judge in the phce of R. J. Madden,
resigned to enter military service,
Ray J. Abbott was named.
Norman and Nelson Are
Held as Draft Evaders
Robbie Norman and Fred Nelson,
colored, giving their address as
Kansas City, were arrested Wednes
day afternoon, and are held for in
vestigation. They are alleged to be
draft evaders. Norman has his reg
istration, but no classification card;
Nelson has no evidence to show
that he has registered. (Federal
authorities have taken charge of the
I was badly raptured while lifting -a
trunk several years ago. Doctors said my
only hope of cure was an operation.
Trusses did me no good. Finally I got hold
of something that ouickly and complete
ly cured me. Years have passed and the
rupture has never returned, although I am
doing hard work as a carpenter. There
was no operation, no lost time, nq trouble.
I have nothing to sell, but will give full
information about how you may find a
complete cure without operation, if you
write to me, Eugene M. Pullen, Carpenter,
181-E Marceilus Avenue, Manasquan, N.
J. Better cut out this notice and show
it to any others who are ruptured you
may save a life or at least stop the mis
ery of rapture and the worry and danger
of an operation. Adv.
Everyone says: "If anybody can show me where I can save
money I'd be only too glad to save it." Nobody can show you but
yourself. A comparison of all our prices (not just a few) will con
vince you that we can prove what we say, "300 prices lowe on
quality groceries." A thirty days' trial will convince you.
"DO AS MOTHER DID Carry a Basket," or we will loan you
one of our easy hauling coasters. ,
quality, per lb 2 H &
Cabbage, good -solid heads, lb. 3
Basko Macaroni pr Spaghetti,
8-oz. package 8
Extra Standard Corn Cash
Habit brand, can 16
Polk's Peas, can.. 15
Tomatoes, can..l4 and 17
Soda, 1-lb. 10c I pkg 6
POTATOES, 14.1b. 38
Better Quality Than You Find in Most Shops.
Hubbard Squash, lb 2
Cranberries, Eatmor, 2 qts.25
Gooch's Victory Flour, mixture
of corn and wheat flour, 48-lb.,
$2.95? 24-lb. sack.. SI. 50
Basko Flour, all wheat, made ac
cording to government regula
tions, 48-lb. bag, $2.95;
24-lb. bag ... $1.50
Snider's Catsup, new goods, -16-oz.
bottle 31fi
Sugar-Cured California Hams,
per lb ...25
Pot-Eoasts,,per lb 20
Beef Tenderloin, lb. . . . .4 -32
Sirloin Steak, lb. .25 and 30
Selected Lamb, f orequarters,
per lb 20
Selected Lamb, hindquarters,
per lb. ..30
Compound Lard, per lb. . . .28
Mazola, pints, 33; quarts, 65
i gal.j-81.28j gal., $2.50
Armour's Nutola, lb 36
Colored or Natural Tip Oleo,
per lb 405
Cash Habit Oleomargarine,
per' lb ......35
Magnolia, 2-lb. rolls 64
Our Stores Close Every Day Between 1 and 2 P. M.
v' ' -. ''V---- - . .
United States Food Administration License No. G-28403.
These Prices Apply to Oman and Council Bluffs Stores Only.
Instant relief from nerve tor
ture and misery with old
"St. Jacobs Liniment."
"Gas Bag" New Paper
to Be Published at Fort
Omaha Balloon School
The "Gas Bag" will be the name
of the Fort Omaha Balloon school
newspaper, which will be published
weekly at the army post for soldiers
and theic friends. The first edition
will be issued Triday.
Lt. Joseph Spang is in charge and
he has obtained a capable staff. Wil
liam I. Shea, formerlv of the Knick
erbocker Press, Albany, N. Y., and
the Nevf York, Times, is the editoi;
Private Williams of the Des Moines
Register, and Corporal Donaldson
of The Architect, are staff members.
Private ' Steinlauf, Omaha adver
tiser, is advertising .manager, and
Private McGlvnn. who in civilian
life was advertising manager for big
firms, also is a member of the ad
vertising departmentr
Soldier artists will contribute
snannv cartoons and the Gas I3ae
promises to be a sheet of real merit.
Robert W. Patrick
Candidate for Judge of
Municipal Court.
Born in Omaha. Lived in Omaha all
his life. A flood lawyer. A just
judge. , He will see that the court
is the poor mans court, the purpose
for whic it was created.
One of the prominent truck manufacturers is
open for a distributor for the state of Nebraska
and western Iowa. Not interested in any man
of film without sufficient capital to take up the
work aggressively and give service. Very lib
eral discounts to 'the right party, he truck has
no superior on the market. Factory foreseeing
conditions secured materials in sufficient quan
tities to assure deliveries. Answer giving phone
number and address. Box Y 710, Omaha Bee.
Parties who answered this advertisement last
week, please reply agaui as answers were lost
before delivery to advertiser. '
Are you tormented by Neuralgia,
Lumbago, Sciatica or any of those
aches that require a counter-irritant?
Then let the soothing, warm
ing application of Sloan's Liniment
stop the pain by drawing the blood
away from the congested part.
It is the pressure on the nerves by
the blood rushing to the inflamed
muscle or joint that makes you ache.
So when SloVn's Liniment relieves
the swollen blood vessels by setting
up a counter-irritant on the sur
face, the circulation is equalized,
sympathetic nerves alNsoothed, and
soreness or lameness disappears.
Sloan's Liniment is probably the
counter-irritant most widely used
to overcome painful inflammation in
cases of neuralgia, sore muscles,
wrenched joints, 'strains, bruises,
gout. Rubbipg is not required. This
clear, clean liquid is easily applied
as it does not stain the skin.
Generous size bottles at your
Eub this soothing, penetrating
liniment right into the sore, in
flamed nerves, and like magic neu
ralgia disappears. "St. Jacobs Lini
ment" conquers pain. It is a harm
less "neuralgia relief" which doesn't
burn or discolor the skin.
Don't suffer! It's so needless. Get
a small trial bottle from any drug
store and gently rub the "aching
nerves" and in just a moment you
will be absolutely free frpm pain
and suffering. V
No difference whether your pain
or neuralgia is in the face, head or
tiny part of the body, you get instant
relief with this old-time, honest pain
destroyer it can not injure. Adv.
A few applications of Sage Tea and
Sulphur bring back its vigor,
color, gloss and youthfulnes.
Common garden sage brewed into
a heavy tea with sulphur added,
will turn gray, streaked and faded
hair beautifully dark and luxuri
ant. Just a few applications will
prove a revelation' if your hair is
fading, streaked or gray. Mixing the
Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at
home, though, is troublesome. An
easier way is to get a bottle of
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound at any drug store all ready
for use. This is the old-time recipe
improved by the addition of other
ingredients. ,
While wispy, gray, faded hair is
not sinful, we all desire to retain our
youthful appearance and attractive
ness. By darkening your hair with
Wyeih's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound; no one can tell, because it
does-it so naturally, so evenly. You
just dampen a sp6nge or soft brush
with it and draw this through your
hair, taking one small strand at a
time; by morning all gray hairs have
disappeared, and, after another ap
plication or two, your hair becomes
beautifully dark, glossy, soft and
. Thia preparation is-a delightful
toilet requisite and is not intend
ed for the cure, mitigation or pre
vention of disease. Adv. V
Simply the Same Old Grip That Has Swept Over the
World Time and Again. The Last Epidemic
in the United States Was in 1889-90.
INSTANTLY relieved with
Spanish Influenza, which appear
ed in Spain in May, has swept over
the world in numerous epidemics as
far ack as history runs. Hippo
crates refers to an epidemic in 412
B. C, which is regarded by many
to have been influenza. Every
century has had its attacks. Begin
ning with 1831, this country has had
Lfive epidemics, the last in 1889-90.
Grip, or influenza, is now
called, usually begins with a vchil!
followeiTby aching, f everishness and
sometimes nausea and dizziness,
and a general feeling of weakness
-d denression. The temperature
is from 100 to 104, and the fever
Lwsually lasts from three to five
days, the germs attack the muc
ous membrane, or lining of the air
passages nose, throat and bron
chial tubes there is usually a hard
cough, especially, bad at night, often
times a sore throat or tonsilitis,
and frequently all the appearances
of a severe head cold. h
Go to bed at the first symptoms
take a purgative, eat plenty of nour
ishing food, remain perfectly quiet
and don't worry. Nature herself is
the only "cure" for influenza and
will throw off the attack if only you
conserve your strength. A little
Quinine, Aspirin or Trover's Powder
may be given by the physician's di
rections to allay the aching. Al
ways, call a doctor, since the chief
danger of grip is in its weakening
effect on the system, which allows
complications to develop. These
are chiefly pneumonia and bronchi
tis, sometimes inflammation of the
middle ear, or heart affections. For
these reasons, it is very important
that the patient remain in bed until
his strength returns stay in bed at
least two days or more alter the
fever has left you, or if you are over
50 or not strong, stay in bed four
days or more, according to the se
verity of the attack.
In order to stimulate the lining of
the air passages to throw off the
grip germs, to aid in loosening the
phlegm and keeping the air passages
open, thus-making the breathing
easier, Vick's VapoRub will be
found effective. Hot, wet towels
should be applied over the throat,
chest and back between the Ehoul
der blades to open the pores. Then
VapoRub should be rubbed in over
the parts until the skin is red,
spread on thickly and covered with
two thicknesses of hot flannel
cloths. Leave the clothing loose
aroiwia the neck as the heat of the
! '
body liberates the ingredients in the
form of vapors. These vapors, In
haled with each breath, carry the
medication directly to the parts af
fected. At the same time, VapoRub
is absorbed througlf and stimulates
the skin, attracting4he blood to the -surface,
and thus aids in relieving v
the congestion within.
There is no occasion for panic
influenza or grip has a very low
percentage of fatalities not over
one death out of every four hundred
cases, according to the N. C. Board
of Health. The chief danger lies in
complications arising, attacking
principally patients in a run, down
condition those whp don't go to
bed soon enough, or those who get
up too early.
Evidence seems to prove that this
is a germ disease, spread princi
pally by human contact, chiefly
through coughing, sneezing or spit
ting. So avoid persons having colds
which means avoiding crowds
common drinking cups, roller tow
els, etc. Keen up your bodily
strength by plenty of exercise in
the open air, and good food.
Above all, avoid colds, as colds
Irritate the lining of the air pas-
sages and render them much better
breeding places for the germs.
Use Vick's VapoRub at the very
first sign of a cold. For a head
cold, melt a little VapoRub in a
spoon and inhale the vapors, or bet- ,
ter still,' use VanoRub in a benzoin:
steam kettle. If this is not avail-
able, use an ordinary teakettle. Fill
half-full of boiling water, put in
half a teaspoon of VapoRub from
time to time keep the kettle just
slowly boiling and inhale the steam
arising. y -
NOTE Vick's VapoRub is th
discovery of a North Carolina drug,
gist, who found how to combine, in
salve form, Menthol and Camphor
with such volatile oils as Eucalyp
tus, Thyme, Cubebs, etc., so that
when the salve is applied -to the
body heat, these ingredients are lib- .
erated in th form of vapors. Va
poRub canbe had in three sizes at V
all druggists. While comparatively
new in certain parts of the North,
it is the standard home remedy in
the South and West for all forms
of cold troubles over six million
jars were sold last year. VapoRub
is particularly recommended for ,
children's croup or colds, as it is
externally applied and can, there
fore, be used freely and often wit.
out the slightest harmful effettsVsja