' i. i ii m(m 1 1 ii in miii in .ii ... iMiiiiiwiijiiiPnii nnimiT-i miwiwi n i ayns-m n-i. llMlnimi ,,,, , WfT11 im9mi mmi. .111 1 .iiwnininii iwanii n miiminw 1 kiwi m m imi hhiiimwi .h .mr: ytm,i nm ihiwwiiimihiiiiI) Hiijuiiiiiiiiimih iiram iiirmi r 11 nrir 1 lirm n ra rniinnmii mi iimiinni 11 iwii ntrwrnwiiiijiriiitr itffmmr 1 m 11 u.jr j-nr mnn.in 1 nwn'mn 1 I .m 1 lm.ii. wiiiiwnnMTiMi ir lawinriin. ti, m - SISIIIISI' f - ". 1" I 1 . i I r, . - - - - . - . . m m AW T m W M WT rt W ft XXWO TILT C W C TfcT I B RIEF RIGHT REEZY BITS OF NEWS , ; i- v )I! Two Women Arrested For Picketing at Capitol v Washington, Oct. 23. Two mili tants of the National Woman's party were arrested today when they at tempted to picket the capitol in pro test against the defeat -of the suf frage amendment. They were de tained for an hour and then re leased. Later they again attempted to carry banners up the steps on the senate wing of the vapitol, but the banners were taken from them by the police. Belgium WilL Demand Complete Independence. Washington, Oct. 23. Efforts of German statesmen to create the im . pression in neutral countries, that I Belgium will revert to its former status as a "neutralised" nation after the war dre4tom the Belgian offi cial information Swvicjs here today , the statepient that Belgium will not consider a return to that state of guarded neutrality, which, violated by Germany, brought England and, " indirectly, the United States into the war and will be satisfied only with its complete independence. Huns Grant Amnesty To Imprisoned' Belgians Amsterdam, Oct. '-23. Baron Von Falkenhausen, the governor general of.Belgium, according to an official telegram fem Brussels, has par- doned all Belgians and neutral resi dents condemned by military trib unals or military commanders under his jurisdiction, except those con victed of common crime. The gov ernor general has also ordered the release of all Belgians and neutral citizens interned in Belgium or Ger many. -: A limited number of persons whose freedom would be undesirable while fighting continues will be re , leased, after the ..evacuation of,J3el gium. J - Venizelos to Visit U. S.' Gets Invitation From London New York,' Oct. 23. Premier Ven f izelos, of Greece, has sent a cable j message to the Hellenic Liberal as s sociation ,of this city that he may soon visit America, it was announced ' here today. The message was in "response to a recent invitation of' the association sent to him in Lon don. . ' PEACE MOVES ; ARE APPROVED BY HINDENBURG Field Marshal sand Crown Prince Refer to Negotia- tions for Armistice in Notes to Army. , ' With the Trench Army in France, Oct 23. Field Marshal von Hin denburg, in an order to German of ficers in the field, referring to nego tiations for an armistice, declares he approves the peace moves and is obliged to support the government. He asks that the confidence reposed ' in him in the days of success be con tinued. . . ? The German crown prince, in an , order to the group of armies under his command, reminds the officers of the responsibility they incur when they lose a position or modify the line in any way without orders. Copies of these documents have fall- en into the hinds of the French. "Political events of the past few days,"' says Von Hindenburg, "have produced the most profound impres sion upon the army, nqtably upon the officers. . It is my duty to sup port the government instituted by his majesty. "I approve the steps taken toward peace. The German army has a su periority over all others in that the troops and officers have never en gaged in politics. We desire to ad Tiere to that pYinciple. I expect thai the confidence that was accord ed me in the dayi of success will be all the stronger now." , The Ureter of the crown prince is shdrter and almost curt Is says: "The exchange of diplomatic notes gives m the occasion to recall my order according-to which each offi cer in command engages his re-j sponstbility when he loses a posi tion or modifies his lines of resist ance -without express orders." Another order which emanates from German high command says: "Diplomatic negotiations with a iew to terminating the war have be gun Their conclusion will be all the more favorable in proportion as we succeed in keeping the army well in hand, in holding the ground con quered arid in doing harm to the enemy. , These principles should guide the direction of the combat in the days that are to follow." AH these documents were taken from the Fifth Bavarian division, " JHE MERCHANT WHO SPEEDS UPVHIS ADVERTISING NOW MOVES HIS GOODS IN SEASON The Omasa Daily Bee VOL. 48 NO. 110. Entered it Mcond-cltM aitttr May 28. 1906 it Omtha P. 0. outer tot ( March 3. 1879 OMAHA; THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1918. By' mall (I yaar). Dally. M.50. Stindty. 12.50. Oally and Sun., $6: outildt Ntb. poitag axtra. TWO CENTS. THE WEATHER: For Nebrkt Partly cloudy Thursday and Friday; probably unsettled in aait portion Thurs day; not much change in tmpr aturo. a a. m.. 8 a. m.. 7 a. ra.. 8 a. m.. 9 a. nu. 10 a. m.. 11 a. m.. 13 m ..54 ..S3 ..M ..(13 ..53 ..65 ..61 ..60 1 p. m. I p. m. 5 p. ra. 4 p. ra. Bp. m. 6 p. m. 7 p. ra. 8 pt m. ......... ...J 68 .84 .88 .61 .61 U. S, BOYS SMASH THROUGH ENEMY'S LINES ON MEUSE Germans Fighting for Their Lives With Backs to Great t ' Series of Woods in Vain Attempt to Block Ad I vance of General Pershing's Array; Grandpre Region Cleared Up. 1 By Associated Press. With the American Army Northwest of Verdun, Oct. 23. The Americans tonight are fighting north pt Banthe ville, hill 297, hill 299 and hill 281, Bantheville has changed hands several times in the last few days. Brieulles also has been cleared of the enemy. Hill 281 has been the scene of severe fighting ,for four days, the Germans having numerous machine gun nests on its summit. The capture of this hill gives the Americans command of Clery-Le-Grand and the valley along the Lan- don river. With their backs to a great series of woods, the Bois De Bas and the Bois De Bourgogne included, the Germans are fighting for thejr fives. Prisoners assert that the woods are literally full of machine guns and guns of heavier caliber, and pris oners have expressed the opinion that the Americans can never cap ture Bourgogne and. the woods to the northwest . . . ; o Clean Up Grandpit Region. The American troops captured the Belle Joyeuse and Talma farms and the ridge between them after an all-day fight today. These posi tions are situated northwest of Grandpre. Early Wednesday the Americans launched an attack ith the deter mination of cleaning up Grandpre and that region. This was accom plished, but the Germans, counter attacking, drove back the Ameri cans at places. The Americans later regained their ground, and advanced despite desperate machine gun defense. The German losses in dead and wounded were heavy. Face Machine Guns. The American troops fought all Wednesday in the face of machine gun hre trom lalma tarm to hill iso. 220, northwest of Grandpre. Upon the slopes to the north of Grandpre, the German machine gun nests extended from hill No. U4 to Bellejoyeuse farm. North of Campigneulle several light "attacks by the Germans were repulsed. In one instance some Ger mans were wounded and two were captured. These men came forward calling "kamerad," then opened fire with rifles which had been strapped upon their backs. Light forces of in fantry attacked immediately after wards when the Americans refused to rush forward in response to the attack. Along the same part of the front the -Germans are using light rolling machine guns, moving from place to place, particularly at night, with the object of concealing the posi tions of their heavier guns. , ' Woods Drenched With Gas. The German heavy artillery shell ed Sommerance and other towns in that region and as far as the Meuse drenched the woods within the American linesNwith gas at inter vals. An early morning mist and smoke screen assisted the Americans, who advanced for a distance of about two-thirds of a mile at certain points and gained positions of ad vantage, including ridges on either side of grandpre. During the day the Americans took 200 prisoners, and others are now coming in. The Germans are using for the most part machine guns and light artillery with plenty of gas. The enemy machine gun nests were pounded all day by the artillery. FOE USES EVERY ART IN VAIN TO STOP RUSH Allies Making Progress in France and Belgium in Face of Nests of Machine Guns. TWO MILLION MEN EMBARKED FOR OVERSEAS Announcement Made by War Department Simultaneous With Publication of the Note to Germany. By Associated Press. Washington, Oct. 23. Embarka tion of 2,008,931 American soldiers to participate in the war overseas was disclosed by correspondence between Secretary aker and President Wilson given out at the White House tonight at the same time that the president's reply to the German note was made public by the State department. "I am sure that this will be a matter of deep gratification and assurance to the country," said the president replying to a letter from Secretary Baker reporting on the number of men w-ho had sailed from American ports to October 21. Secretary Baker said in part: 'Since July 1, , 1918, embarkations TW months, have been as follows: "July, 306.185; August, 290,818; September, 261,415; October 1 to 21, 131,398. Total, 989,816. "Embarked to July 1, 1918 1,019,115. "Grand total, 2,008,931. "In our overseas operations, I feel that we have good reason to be proud and thankful of the re sults obtained." Sister Tobia, Nurse In Influenza Ward at St. Joseph's, Is Dead jbister Tobia, in charge of the in fluenza section at St. Joseph's hos pital, was taken suddenly ill-with double pneumonia and died last night at 11:15a There have been 166 cases of the influenza at the hos pital within the last two weeks. Of these, 21 cases have resulted in deaths. Sixteen patients were near death when they arrived at the hos pital. , Massif of Bukovits Captured by Serbjans Paris, Oct. 23. After a violent engagement, Serbian troops have captured the massif of Bukovits, northeast of Alexinatz, according to official announcement here tonight. Balfour Opposes Return Of Colonies to Germany London, Oct 23. In no circum stance is it consistent with the safe ty, security and unity of the British empire that Germany's colonies should be returned to her, declared Aw J. Balfour, the British foreign secretary, in a speech at tlje lunch eon of the Australian anjd New Zea land club, today. Mr. Balfour said it was absolutely essential that the communications of the British empire -should remain saffe." He asked if the German col onies were returned what security .power was there that their original pos sessors would not use them as bases for piratical warfare. , The doctrine that ,the colonies should not be returne'd, Mr. Balfour claimed was not selfish and imper ialistic.! It was one in Mich the in terests of the world werealmost as much concerned as the interests of the empire itself. If the empire was to remain united it was absolutely necessary 'that communication be tween the yarious' parts should not be at the mercy of an unscrupulous nnwrr V v V -.If,-' - By Associated Press. Allied armies in France and Bel gium are still driving the Germans toward their border, but the pro cess is now comparatively "slow. On the sectors that are requisite to the stability of the entire Ger man line where a crash tlixbugh piobably would mean the immedi ate collapse of the whole of-the defensive- tystem theVnost stubborn resistance is being offered by the enemy, f.nd what gi'ins are bein made by the allies are virtually foot by foot in the face of the hornets of the battle line the machine guns. Particularly vicious fighting i3 ii." progress west-of the Meuse. river, where the Americans, ir? their en deavors to cverco;i,e the natural ob stacles barring the way northward' to Sedan, are faced ty picked troop with orders to hold them back at ail costs; in the region from Le Catea'i to the north of Va'cnciennes. whe e the British and some Americans gradually are tearing their way through the enemy's front and ic tween Tournai and Audenarde, where the British" also are hard aft er the enemy. Material Progress Made. "Notwithstanding the frantic en deavors of the enemy to maintain their positions on all three of these sectors, material progress has been made. Likewise, northeast of Laon the French on an eight-mile front have delivered a thrust that carried them forward from two to three miles. Into the handsof the British have fallen 2,000 rnore German pris oners, while the Americans, west of the Meuse, have also gathered num bers of the enemy and a consider able quantity of his machine guns. Veritable nests of machine guns are being encountered by the Amer icans as they attempt to press for ward along the front from the Meuse to the town of Grand Pre, situated north of the Argonne forest, but in spite of these obstacles they have taken further ground and at last accounts were steadily keeping up their pressure against the enemy. Extremely heavy counter-attacks have been successfully sus tained north of Grand Pre, and on this sector particularly strong con centrations of enemy artillery fire have gotfe almost for naught. On the western bank of the Meuse the town of Breuilles has been taken, the enemy having burned and evacuated it and retreated in the general direc tion of Dun. 'Wedge Driven By British. . Exactly what has been accom plished by the French in a drive (Continued on Pare Two, Column SeTen.) Five Dollars For Ten Words! You can have it as well as the next one by writing "The Best Slogan. To call attention of our out-of-town readers to Omaha's su p e r i o r at- s tractions as a city. To Ten Next Best MMBB OHBOMM MaBBaMMM MaBOHB Each a Good Book. The winning answer will be used as the banner line just above the heading of The Bee on this first page. It must contain not less than ten words and not less than 54 nor more than 60 letter!. COMPETITION FREE TO ALL- SUBMIT AS MANY ANSWERS AS YOU LIKE. . Responses must be in by Oct. SO, and winners will be announced in The Sun day Bee of Nov. 3. Address: Slogan Contest The Omaha Bee. SURRENDER IS FINAL WORD OF PRESIDENT r TO HUN-AUTOCRACY ALLIES AGREED ON TERMS FOR NEGOTIATIONS Naval Questions, Reuter's Learns, Will Be Held of First Importance In Ar , ranging Armjstice. London, Oct. 23. Reuter's limited learns that the allied governments as a result of continued communica tions are perfectly acquainted with and agreed upon the terms under which it will be possible to enter into negotiations for' an armistice. It should be observed that naval questions have never been dealt with in any negotiations between the United States and Germany and they are of first importance from the allies' viewpoint." . "The idea o the freedom of the seas as understood by Germany," says the Reuter dispatch, "is not a matter that any allied government can accept at all. It would appear that the conditions precedent to an armistice must include the question of sea power as well as of land powjer, but hitherto Germany has always limited its remarks to land power. "America, Great Britain, France and Italy oye so much to sea power in carrying on the war and in na tional development that they cannot omit consideration of sea power from the discussions concerning the armistice. "The president never assumed that his conditions would be limited tSHhe evacuation of occupied terri tories, as the Germans always ar gued. He put a number of questions to Germany after receiving the first note as a preliminary to placing the matter before the allies." Seventy Die in Explosion. Basel, Oct. 23. Seventy persons were killed "and 50 wounded in an exolosion'irraNactory in Dessau on the Elbe, 67 miles northwest of Berlin. . Again, Next Sunday THE BEE'S NEW ROTOGRAVURE -SECTION Will Be Filled With'Interesting Pic tures of People You Know. Wonderful Pictorial Scenes of The WaFZone. Pictures of WomeruWar Workers in i Omaha. DON'T MISS, GETTING IT ! Remember The, Entire Supply Last Sunday was SOLD OUT Before 10 - " a. m. So You Better hone Tyler 1000 Right Now and Become a Regular Subscriber to, THE BEE. 0 Text of President Wihon'$ Note, Washington, Oct. 23. The statement of President "Wilson in reply to the German peace note follows: Department of State, October 23, 1918 "Sir: i "I have, thevhonor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 22d, transmitting a communication un der date of the 20th, from the German government and to advise you that the president has instructed me to re ply thereto as follows: " 'Having received the solemn and explicit assur ' ance of the German government that it unreservedly ac cepts the terms of peace laid down in his address to the " congress of the United States on the 8th of January, 1918, and the principles of settlement enunciated in his subsequent addresses, particularly the address of, the 27th of September and that it desires to discuss the de tail of their application and that this wish and purpose emanated, not from those who have hitherto dictated German policy and conducted the present war on Ger many's behalf, but from ministers who speak for the majority of the Reichstag and for an overwhelming ma jority of the German peoples; and having received also the explicit promise of the present German government that the humane rules of civilized warfare will be ob served both on land and on sea by the German armed forces,' the president of the United States feels that he cannot decline to take up with the governments with which the government of the United States is associated, the question of ' an armistice. ' "He deems it his duty to say again, however, that the only armistice he Would feel justified in submitting for consideration would be one which should leave the United States and the powers associated with it in a position to enforce any arrangements that may be en tered into and to make a renewal of hostilities on the part of Germany impossible. , "The- president has, therefore, transmitted his cor respondence with the present German authorities to the governments with which the government of the United States is associated as a belligerent with the suggestion that if those governments are disposed to effect peace upon the terms and principles indicated, their military adviser and the military advisers of the United States be asked to submit to the governments associated against Germany the necessary terms of such an armistice as will fully protect the interests of the peoples involved, and insure to the associated governments the unre stricted power to safeguard and enforce the details' of the peace to which the German government has agreed, provided they deem such an armistice possible from the military point of view. Should such terms of armistice be suggested,' their acceptance by Germany will afford best concrete evidence of her unequivocal acceptance of the terms and principles of peace from which the whole action proceeds. v , "The President would deem himself Jacking in can dor did he not point out in the frankest possible terms the reason why extraordinary safeguards must be de manded. Significant and important as the constitutional changes seem to be which are spoken of by the German foreign secretary in his note of the 20jh of October, it does not appear that the principles of a government re sponsible to the German peop'e has yet been fully work ed but or that any guarantees either exist or are in con templation that the alterations of principle and of prac tice now partially agreed upon will be reached. More-, over, it does not appear that the heart of the present difficulty has been reached. It may fane that fu ture wars have been brought under the control of the German people, but the present war has not been, and it is with the present war that we are dealing. It is eyi dent that the German people have no means of com manding the acquiescence of the military authorities of the empire in the popular will; that the power of the king of Prussia to control the policy of thetempire is un impaired; that the determining initiative still remains with those who have hitherto been the masters of Ger many. v "Feeling that the whole peace of the world de pends now on plain speakingftnd straightforward ac-" tion, the president deems it his duty to say without any attempt to soften what may seem harsh words, that the nations of the world do not and cannot trust the word of those who have hitherto been the masters of Ger man policy, and to point out once more that in conclud ing peace and attempting to undo the infinite injuries and injustices of this war the government of the United States cannot deal with any but veritable representa tives of the German people who have been assured of a genuine constitutional standing as the real rulers of Germany. "If it must deal with the military masters and the monarchical autocrats of Germany now, or if it is likely to have to deal with them' later in regard to the interna tional obligations of the German empire;' it must de mand, not peace negotiatioas, but surrender. Nothing can be gained by leaving this essential thing unsaid. ' "Accept, shv the renewed assurance of my high consideration, , "ROBERT, LANSING." Can Be No Armistice Except Upon Terms That Would Make It impossible to Renew Hostilities. , . , SUBMITS PLEAJO ALLIES Tells German People in Plain'. Terms Why Extraordinary . Safeguards Must Be . N Required. Washington, Oct. 23. President Wilson has submit ted the German plea for an armistice. and peace Jo the allies, and at the same time has informed Berlin Jhat there can be no armistice ex cept . upon terms- that would make 4t Impossible for. Ger many to reneWTyJs'tifities ' While consenting toe deal .' further with present authori ties in Germany, the presi dent has given them this warning: "If it (the United States) must deal with the military masters ' and monarchical autocrats of Germany now, or if it is likely to have to deal with them later in re gard to international obliga tions of the German empire, f it must demand, not peace ' negotiations but surrender. Nothing can be gained- by leaving this essential thing unsaid." - i ' The president's reply to the last German note was handed to the charge of the Swiss legation tonight for transmission to the German government. It accedes to the re quest that he take uo with.' the-al-- lies the proposals of the new spokesman of the German people, but does it with notice that virtual surrender of the Teutonic armies in the field will be the price demanded for interruption of the beating now being administered. 1 i Commanders to Name Terms.,', -In transmitting the matter to th allies, the president . says he. has . suggested that if they are disposed to effect peace on his "terms and principles now accepted by thepres-, est German authorities, the Ameri can and allied Miiilitary advisers be asked, if they deem such an armis tice possible from a military point of view, to subrrtit such terms as will fully protect the interests of. the people involved and insure to the associated governments the tin restricted power to enforce peace on the conditions accepted. The president says"ie fee!rhe cannot decline to takupt the ques tion of an armistice, having received "Iem.n and exPlici assurances of ' the German government, that it ac cepts the terms of thepeace enun ciated by himrhe desire to discuss their application comes from min- ; isters speaking for art overwhelm- , ing majority of the German people " and that the German armed force ' will observe the humane rules of civil warfare on land and sea. He ignores entirely the German peace tests and denials in the response to his statement that an armistice could not be considered while the German army and navy continued their atrocities. , , Safeguards Demanded. As t6 the authority of the tlew spokesman of the German people he speaks, as the noteays, "with- . out any attempt to soften what may seem harsh words." and tells the ' men with whom he is dealing,.and uirougr. mem tne uerman people wny sucn extraordinary safegua must oe aemanaea before ties can cease. Significant and Important as the proposed constitutional . changes seem to be. he declares, it' does not appear that the principle of a gov en.ment responsible to the German people has vet ,beit i worked Out, and it is evident that the oeonle have no means of commanding th (Continued on Ftf Twt ColoM MKj ifus v : osnn- i V