Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Five Concerns Arraigned by
the Trade" Commission for
; Practices Tending to
( Create Monopoly.
Washington, Oct. 22. Five tobac
co corporations and a number of
their officers and directors were
charged in a formal complaint to
day by the federal trade commission
with price discrimination in the sale
of cigaretes and other tobacco prod
ucts, tending to create a monopoly,
unfair methods of competition,
under the maintenance of interlock
ing directorates, and illegal con
scription of control of producing
Those named are the Tobacco
Products Corporation of Richmond,
Va., the Melchranio Tobacco Trad
ing Company, New York; Schinasi
Bros. Inc., New York; the Pru
dential Tobacco Co., Inc., New
York; the Fdk Tobacco Company
of Virginia, and George L. Storm,
Reuben Miller, L. B. McKitterick
and Leon Schinasi.
,. The defendants were ordered to
appear before the commission in
Washington on December 7 to show
cause why the corporations should
not be required to dispose of stock
held in violation of the Clayton
? The Tobacco Products Corpora
tion, the complaint alleges, acquired
all of the stock and capital of the
four other concerns, and also con
trols the Khedival company of New
York) the Standard Tobacco com
pany, Inc., and Stephano Bros., Inc.,
both of Virginia; the Nestor Giandis
company of Maine, and the Sur
fcrug company of New Jersey. It is
charged that the corporation with
the intent of stifling competition in
the manufacture and sale of tobacco
products concealed its ownership
and control of these corporations.
Further charges include oavment
of commissions under rebates to
; dealers who advertised products of
these corporations. The corpora
V tion, it is charged, for. the last six
, J months has paid the Louis J. Liggett
company, owner of about 700 retail
" chain stores, monthly commissions
equaling 5 per cent of products pur
i chased, by it and has contracted to
.Pay this company further improper
Clute Says Coal Oil
O Best of All Remedies
i To Defeat Influenza
Fred M. Clute. 415 North Twenty
fifth street, foreman in the repair de
partment of the Union Pacific shops,
tells of a home remedy, used suc
cessfully against influenza among
men in railroad employ.
As soon as the men manifest
symptoms, they have quit work and
- taken a teaspoonful of kerosene as
recently from the refiner's as obtain-
' able, and have followed it with two
: five-grain tablets of aspirin and gone
. to bed. . t
Mr. Clute says he knows of at
t . hast 50 cases of quick complete re
covery, two of which were in ad
vanced stages. He tried the cure
himself he says, successfully.
German Government Seeks
I Another Huge War Credit
Amsterdam, Oct. 22. A new
war credit of 15.000,000,000 marks
vill be submitted to the German
': reichstag in November, according
to the Munich correspondent of the
Rhenish Westphalian Gazette of Es-
. sen. 4
Here Are a Few of the Shoeless Feet Waiting for the
Protection Against Wet and Cold Which The Bee's Free
Shoe Fund Will Give Them Photo .Taken Monday
rf & ' ,i( pall n v " (S . I .v JhUV . &J
If your little boy or girl had to go
to school through cold rains and
drifted snows with ragged shoes or
no shoes at all, like these little chil
dren, you would give the last dollar
you owned to buy them some decent
toot coverings.
That is what the Bee's Shoe fund
is for to enable the children whose
parents can not buy shoes for them
to go to school and do their school
work in comfort.
Many poor families have three to
eight children, and often more; it
takes many pairs of shoes to go
around, and shoes are high priced.
Whea school reopens, probably in
another weik, there should not be
one little one who has to stay out
for lack of proper shoes, nor should
there be one little toe sticking
thrmiffli a hrnlren nanfr snip Re
member that dry clad, comfortable?
children make the best progress in
their studies and keep strong and
The Bee's Shoe fund has now
nearly $10 ,eady to start the
youngsters of to school when it
opens. We will need $1,000 for the
season. The contributions have
come in sums of from $1 to $5.
Have you sent in yours?
Pipe's Cold Compound"
ends severe colds or grippe
in few hours.
Belief comes instantly.
A dosfl taken every two hours
until three doses are taken will end
grippe misery and break up a se
ver cold either in the head, chest,
body or limbs.
It promptly ' opens clogged-up
nostrils and air passages in the
head, stops nasty discharge or nose
running, relieves sick headache,
dullness, feverishness, sore throat,
sneezing, soreness and stiffness.
Don't stay stuf fed-up! Quit blow
ing and snuffling! Ease your throb
bing headl Nothing else in the world
gives sguch prompt relief as 'Tape's
Cold Compound,", which costs only
a few cents at any drug store. It
acts without assistance, tastes nice,
causes no inconvenience. Be sure
you get the genuine. Adv.
At Popular Prices,
Everything that is new in
Women's and Misses' Fine
Suits of the latest materials
and colorings, trimmed with
' fine fur. It will be to your in
terest to see this wonderful
1508-1510 Douglas St.
'.v;''v.'FonK :
(Continued From Pace One.)
more accurate rendering of the Ger
man. When the charge's work was done
Secretary Lansing had left his office
and an engagement was made for de
livery of the note at 10 o'clock to
morrow morning.
This incident in itself was pointed
to later as evidence that exchanges
between London, Paris and Wash
ington have been proceeding since
the arrival of the wireless version
and that pending word from the war
council of what the military situa
tion demands the president is in no
hurry to know the exact verbal dif
ference between the official and un
official texts.
There also were reports that any
action might awJt upon a diplo
matic conference about to convene
in one of the allied capitals, but
these found no official confirmation.
Cabinet Holds Long Session.
The usual Tuesday cabinet meet
ing was in session all afternoon and
it 'was assumed that the German
note occupied its attention. No
member of the official family would
discuss whether he was taken into
the president's confidence..
Those in official, diplomatic and
congressional circles, who do not
pretend to have heard anything from
the White House on the subject are
confidently asserting opinions that
the Germans will draw an answer
from the president or that they will
not. One group, recalling that the
president's reply to the request for
an armistice and peace negotiations
was characterized by him as a "de
cision," contend that this meant no
further discussion of the issues in
volved would be tolerated.
The other view, held very general
ly in official circles, is that a reply is
desirable from every standpoint, and
that it will be forthcoming after full
consideration; and that it will deal
chiefly with the immediate problems,
leaving aside for the future such
things as the German denials of
cruelties and , ruthless destruction
and doubts as to the genuineness of
the self-proclaimed democratic re
gime at Berlin.
Surrender Foreshadowed.
Whatever form any further
diplomatic exchanges may take, one
official pointed out tonighC after all
there is but one question, "Are the
Germans whipped?" If they are
whipped and ready to surrender
when attempts at bargaining have
failed, the surrender will come quick
ly enough, as quickly as the men
who say they have superseded the
kaiser and the war lords in power
dare to let the truth sink home upon
the German public.
Some diplomatic reports support
the theory that they are restrained
from revealing the real situation
abruptly and taking peace at any
price only from fear of more than a
political revolution.
Notes approaching gradually a
final capitulation serve to give the
German public the news in broken
doses and at the same time to take
every possible chance of finding a
loophole in American and allied har
mony with the hope of avoiding ul
timately throwing the German na
tion upon the mercy of its enemies.
Austria-Hungary and Turkey were
scarcely mentioned here in today's
discussions of the situation.though
it was noted that the present Ger
man communication says nothing
whatever about "in harmony with
our allies.' It seems that both the
allies and Germany regard the
lesser central powers as virtually out
of the war, though the forces work
ing within their borders have a lit
tle more to do before surrender
comes. ;
The belief that no trap will suc
ceed was reiterated everywhere. Al
most the one thing stated and re
peated on authority is that there will
be no relaxation of the'great forward
movement of the allied and Ameri
can armies, nor any abstention from
attack upon the "retreating foe ex
cept upon the terms of the allied
and American military leaders.
Terms of evacuation, it is pointed
out, necessarily would be virtually
the terms of an armistice, and in
the. opinion of military men would
include breaking of the German war
machine as an armed force and the
occupation by the Americans and the
allies of such strategic lines and
strongholds as General Foch might
deem necessary. J
(Continued From Face One,)
growers and dealers in the potato
growing area of Nebraska. These
letters come from Scottsbluff, Gor
don, Kimball, Chadron, Alliance and
numerous other places, and con
tained the statement that represen
tatives of Omaha commission
houses were offering 75 cents to
$1.25 a bushel for No. 1 potatoes.
No Way to Justify Acts.
The letters and their contents fur
nished Mr. Wattles the reason for
making the statement: "I don't want
to be an alarmist, but if the things
reported are true, I see no way in
which you gentlemen can justify the
prices that are charged for potatoes
sold to consumers here in Omaha."
One by one the commission men
pleaded not guilty to selling Ne
braska grown potatoes, insisting that
their customers did not want them,
preferring those grown in Colorado,
Wyoming, Idaho and elsewhere.
Several of them put .the blame on
the Nebraska spuds, contending
that they are afflicted with dry rot
that prevents their keeping after be
ing placed in storage.
Out on the Market. '
Mr. Wattles was armed with
proof that Omaha commission men
were in the market for the Ne
braska grown potatoes and produced
numerous letters telling of prices
that representatives of the houses
were offering to growers and deal
ers in the western part of the state.
In some localities these prices were
as low as 85 cents a 100 pounds.
Inspector Jones of the food de
partment, called to discuss the dry
rot problem, asserted that it ex
isted some years ago, but is not
apparent at this time. He pro
nounced the Nebraska potatoes ex
cellent, comparing most favorably
with those of Colorado and Wyom
ing. He stated that he could see
no reason why the potatoes of this
state should not be identical in qual
ity with those grown just over the
line in Colorado and Wyoming.
Bishop Brooke Dead.
Chicago, Oct. 22. Bishop Francis
K. Brooke of the Protestant Episco
pal church of Oklahoma, died at the
home of a daughter here today.
(Continued From Page 'One.)
is almost complete. , The German
right flank has been swung back like
a gate all the way from Solesmes,
south of Valencienqes, to the Dutch
border. South of the pivot, however,
there has been little change on the
front from the Oise to' the Meuse. It
has been noted that heavy concen
tration of forces was made by the
Germans on the Le Cateau-Oise-Serre
front and also against the
American pressure northwest of
Verdun. Without question the re
tention of these lines unbroken was
vital to the German plan of action.
Now that the withdrawal in the
north has progressed so fully, how
ever, it would cause no surprise here
if a retirement between the Oise and
the Serre were undertaken without
delay, to rectify the whole line.
To many officers it seems possible
that now events have so shaped the
lines that a great drive may soon be
undertaken, calculated to upset the
whole German plan of retirement.
Already the allied lines have been
shortened so that considerable forces
must be available for the work, par
ticularly British. The time cannot
be far away also when the Ameri
can second army, under Major Gen
eral Bullara will be put irilo play.
Time for New Stroke.
To some observers it seems possi
ble that a wide attack may be made
by the two American armies, both
east and west of the Meuse, the
thrust being aimed at the great rail
artery passing through Sedan and
Montmedyv A co-operating French
assault west of the Argonne would
naturally be a part of such a thrust.
To other officers, however, recent
French raiding operations in Al
sace seem to have significance. Ap
parently information is desired asv to
the German strength on that front
and as to the character and quality
of the troops there.- Such raids in
variably precede offensive opera
tions, although they rarely disclose
by their locality the exact place ofj
the proposed attack. ,
So far as the German peace over
tures are concerned, army officers
hold that manifestly now is the time
of times for a new and crushing
blow. With the hope of early peace
being dangled before the eyes of
the war-weary German troops their
morale will be at its lowest ebb, it
was said, while in the allied and
American ranks the roundabout
German submissions of defeat can
only have given new zest for the
Mexican General Dies.
Brownsville, Tex., Oct. 22. Gen
eral Gonzales, for the last three
years commander of military forces
in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas,
died yesterday in Matamoros of
Crown Prince Can't
Succeed Kaiser, Says
German Newspaper
Amsterdam, Oct. 22. (British
Wireless' Service) The Frankische
Tagespost of Nuremburg, the first
paper in Germany to demand openly
the abdication of the emperor, de
clares that the accession of the
crown pr.nce is entirely out of the
"The German people is searching
for the guilty," says the Volks Zei
tung, the organ of the Nuremburg
socialists., "The pan German and
junkers are silent today, but we do
not forget they are the great war
inciters in Germany, that they are a
menace to the future healthy devel
opment of the German empire.
"To the gallows with the guilty,
who ever they may be!
The socialist Arbeiter Zeitung of
Vienni urges the German socialists
to punish the chief culprits with
out mercy, adding: "When the Ger
man soldiers return home from the
trenches after four years of unpar
alleled suffering there will be a reck
oning for the people who have led
them to this catastrophe. The Ger
man people will sweep away the
junkers and take its own destiny
into its own hands."
French Forces Capture
Convoy on Danube River
Paris, Oct. 22. The official com
munication dealing with operations
in the eastern theater says:
"On October 21, French forces
leached, on the Danube, Lom-
Palanka (Bulgaria, 22 miles south
east of Vidin), which they occupied;
they captured a convoy of enemy
barges loaded with merchandise and
"North of Aleksinatz, Serbian
forces have progressed notwith
standing very strong resistance by
the enemy. Serbian cavalry have
reached the region east of Para
cin, capturing part of the headquar
ters of a German division, including
the archives and baggage of General
von Gallwitz, commander of the
"In the region of Ipek and Novi
pazar detachments of Serbian Co
mitadjs and Montenegrins, support
ed by French troops, captured, in
the course of engagements with Aus-tro-German
forces in retreat, more
than 1,600 prisoners and important
Navy Dirigible Balloon
Makes Successful. Flight
New York, Oct. 22. The new
navy twin motor dirigible balloon,
which started from Akron, O., early
today landed at the naval air train
ing station at Rockaway at 6:30
o'clock tonight.
Critical Tastes are bath
pleased and satisfied with the
aroma and flavor of Postum.
It goes without saying that its
healthful and nourishing quali
ties far outclass those of coffee
and tea.
Postum comes in two forms;
FWtum Cereal, which must be boiled,
and Instant Postum, made in the cup
in a moment. They are equally delicious
and the cost per cup is about the same
"There's a Reason 'for
"And It Must Be Complete,"
He Adds, in Address
to Interparliamen
tary Deputation.
London, Oct. 22. King Jeorge
received a laree denotation of inter
parliamentary delegates at Bucking
ham palace vesterdav. The denota
tion included 30 British representa
tives, 22 fsom France, eight from
Italy and one from Belgium.
"Victory is within our reach," said
King George, "and we are all agreed
that it must be a complete victory."
Cardinal Gibbons Accepts
Legion of Honor Distinction
Baltimore, Md.. Oct. 22. Cardinal
Gibbons today announced his ac
ceptance of the distinction con
ferred upon him by the French gov
ernment in making him a grand offi
cer of the legion of honor.
Ten Americans Named in
Canadian Casualty List
Ottawa, Oct. 22. Names of the
following Americans appear in the
Canadian casualty list issued today:
Died of wounds: B. V. Bclden,
Yelm, Wash.; H. P. Rawlins, Ani
mas, Colo. "
Died: C. B. Kirk, Lampo, Cal.
Killed in action: C. Hanson,
Helmer, Idaho; H. Main, Blackfoot,
Wounded: J. B. Wiggins, Bur
lington, la.; J. A. Magee, Seattle,
Wash.; W. G.'Reed, Seattle, Wash.;
L. Russell, Mondamin. Ia.; W.. A.
Chalmer, Edgewater, Colo.
McAdoo Signs Contracts
Fixing Railroad Rentals
Washington, Oct. 2-'. Director
General McAdoo today signed the
first contracts to be entered into
between the railroad administration
and railroads under government
control fixing the amount of annual
rental and other details.
The first contract executed was
with the - Chicago & Northwestern
and its subsidiary comoanies, call
ing for a total annual rental of
523,364.028. The second was with
the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
at a rental of $33,300,079. The one
with the Chicago, St. Paul, Minne
apolis & Omaha was for $4,934,789.
A recuperative fllet In ttifluensa
lick's Malted Milk, very digestible.
Every Family
Should own lot in a cemetery,
1. Lots may be purchased on par
tial payment at time of first burial on
the lot.
2. Where thera ia perpetual ear
of the lot frea and no annual assess
ments for that purpose and where
there are no neglected graves.
S. Where the service is courteous
and thoughtful and car line service
is direct to the cemetery.
West Lawn offers all these ad
vantages in addition to natural beauty
and seclusion.
In case of immediate need tele
phone Walnut 820 or Douglas 829
and our free automobile will call for
you so you can make your selection.
' 58th and Center Sts.
Office 15th and Harney Sts.
Thompson-Beldeii &Qx
Th e Fashion Genter or Women
Fashionable Tailored Suits
$45 -$55 and $65
Handsome new models that possess the
many niceties of cut and finish that are
possible only with the finest of hand tailor
ing. The most discriminating women will
find these suits all that could be desired.
No extra charge for alterations.
The Store for Blouses
A comprehensive display of really fine
Georgette Crepe Blouses, fashioned along
the most approved lines, of the very best
materials. Every model has been chosen
with particular care for its distinction.
You'll find the whole showing exceptional. ,
$15, $16.50, $22.50, $25, $29.50.
At Popular Prices.
Everything that is new in
Women's and Misses' Fine
Suits of the latest materials
and colorings; trimmed with
fine fur. It will be to your in
terest to see this wonderful
1508-1510 Douglas St. j
Style, Comfort,
all three are combined in
our line of fall and win-
for Men
made as they are from the best of materials, on
orthopedically correct lasts, they are fst becoming
the most popular and best liked Shoes for Men in the
city. -Nowhere
can one find Better Shoes at an equal price.
Mind your eye!
A BUG darts at your eye. Your eye
closes before you think. Reflex
action. Your eye telegraphs to your
brain "Bug coming!" Your brain flashes
back "Close up!" You aren't conscious
of the exchange of messages but your
eyelids close. Force of habit protects you..
Habit and reflex action save time and effort in
numberless ways, and keep your brain clear for
the real problem.
Habit, for example, sets the hour
when the delicate departments of
your digestion combine in a supreme
reflex action to move your bowels.
Nujol cultivates that habit If they
move regularly all you know is that
you feel well.
If they don't move regularly, you
know it the habit has failed.
The food waste stagnates in your
large intestine, decays, generates
poisons, which are absorbed into
your blood and carried all over your
body. Your next effort will be
more difficult and soon the bad
habit of constipation will be estab
lished. The good habit of regu
larity is replaced by the bad habit
of irregularity reflex action is par
alyzed, and the waste accumulates.
Don't exchange a good habit for
a bad one. Nujol builds such a
strong habit that it offers a maximum
of resistance to the clogging of the
intestines. Don't wait until you're
"sick" to start Nujol night and
morning will give you a reflex action
as "regular as clockwork." Be as
proud of your inside cleanliness as you
are of a clean face and clean teeth.
Pills, purgative mineral waters, salts,
castoroilandothercathartics, weaken
and cause strain. They increase con
stipation. Nujol acts easily, harm
lessly, naturally. Your druggist has it
Nujol Laboratories
50 Broadway, rW York
f 1 ! I ! ; 1 - J 1 U.i
rVdTfltflP ingthe Nujol Trade Mark. Insist on
" ""S Nujol. Youmay(fr from substitutes.
f ? ?X Clockwork" WJ t t.'l S -
Iliiiffliiiiiiv fOTio Hd.. -AfMSitiMM
ST 1 I -"'I
X 7 v