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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1918)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1918. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Louisiana Land For salt: on "tkape in acres, whet haro youf F. II. S uloy. Council Bluff., Oregon Land. Irritation "In ID Heart of th. Rsnge" The Jordan Valley Project Mmibiur County, Oregon. An empire Id the making, land f 1.00 par acta piui tna coat of tha water Tcu ca III an era ilnf homestead entries nearby literature and particular! on request Next excursion November It. HARLET J HOOKER. First Kali. Bk. Bid. Omaha, Neb BRINGING UP FATHER Copyright. 1917 International wa Servics. Drawn for Tbe Bee by George McMahus South Dakota Lands. 16 ACRt:s of SouthDakota unimproved wheat land: part caah and time. Box 3, penlaon. la. Nebraska Lands. Thirty-two acres The Best Investment Near Omaha. Thirty-two seres, laya just waat of . Banaan, -H miles north of Dodge St. Belt of soil and ground laya fine. The Improvement! consist of food 4-room ,i house, barn, garage and cow itabla. Poultry house, machine ahed and crtb rally new and In beat of condition Fenced and cross-fenced. Part In al falfa. $5,000 cash will handle. Balance can ba carried In Tve leara first fort tratte. Price Slz.eOO. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Horney. HASTINUS A HETDEN, 1614 HARNEY BT. FARMS AND RANCHES We have several very attractive prop erties for sale In Dawea. Keya Paha and Brown counttea. Theae are places that w bava personally Inspected, and are recommended as being good buya. Send or Mat and photos stating as to vour wants Kloke lnv Co.. Omaha CHOICE 40-ecre farm for sale; well Im proved, rich soil. Ideal dairy farm, half mile from town; terms easy. Address H. H. Stevens, Western, Saline county. Box 102, Neb. WRITE ine for pictures and prices of my farms and ranches Id good old Dawes county, Arab u Hungerford, Crawford. Neb "ALFALFA whtat and corn Irrigated farms and ranches, 111 to 1170. Bead for list. Cover A Co., Coxed, Neb. UERRICK COUNTY, Improved corn and alfalfa farms at the right price. II. A. LARSON. Central City, Neb. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming tarma. M0 per a., Including paid up water rights. Henry Levi ACM Rylander. 1(4 Omaha Nan 5 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES. WANT RANCH Ha "a- soma new pressed brick Omaha bualriiss property, will sxchange for ranob or farm. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, 111 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. NICE 2 acrea and 3-roora oottage, chicken house and yards In Benson Acres. Excb. for cottage, north side, up to $1,500. Call Mr. Browne. INTER-STATE REALTY CO. 1CK City Nat'l. Doug. 1131. NICE i acres and l-room cottage, chicken house and yards In Benson Acres. Exch. for cottage, north side, up to 12,100. Call Mr. Browne. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., 1BH City Nat'l, Dg. 5236. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. North. 12-ACRES IMPROVED. NORTHWESTERN PART OF CITY. Has l-room house, barn, sheds, chicken house, 100 bearing apple, pear, plum and cherry trees; two acres In grapes, one aore alfalfa; 7 acres good level land, bal ance rolling pasture which has running water: all fenced hog tight; owner will sell at the very low price of $7,600, and take in trade two small houses up to 14,000, or the same amount In cash aa the first payment. Long time on balance. ' Possession san be given any time, HASTINOS A HEYDEN. 1614 HARNEY ST. PHONE TYLER 10. South. ACREAOB tracta. II down, II weekly. S. W. Field club: high and sightly; rich soil; 121$ and up; new add.: Introductory offer; no taxes; no Interest till Jan. 1, 1120. The Byron Reed Co. D. 197, 1111 Farnam. . Miscellaneous. I ACRE BARGAIN. 'Dandy cottage, electric lights, good well, barn, lots of chicken houses, small fruit, all fenced, eemsat posts and wire; posses , aion at once, an Ideal chicken ranch; a money maker. f..90 buys this, small pay ment down, balance on payments, P. X TEBBIN3 CO., Phone Doug. M3, 120 ACRES choice feeding and farming lot. Nllsson, 421 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATESUBURBAN. Dundee. FOR property In Dundee, Happy Hollow and Falracres. call OEOROE AND COM PANY. 102-11 City Nat. Bk. Doug. 761. GOOD Omaha Income property for clear western land or eastern Nebraska farm Mr. Pease, 111 Brandels Theater Bldg HIGHTKST caah price paid tor equities In residence property or acreage. White A Hoover. 464 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. ACREAGE. 60 ACRES. Dodge St Road, Highly Improved, $30,000. Lies beautifully, 120 rods on . paved roadway. Out 10 minutes by au tomobile. HARRISON & MORTON, REALTORS, 111 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. S14. . ' pff Check for$l6,034 is -Sent Secretary Baker from Base Ball Men: Cincinnati, 0 Oct. 21. A check... for $16,034.32 was forwarded to Sec retary of War Baker today by tht National Base Ball commission and with $2,315.27 already given by th players represent 10 per cent of the revenue received by all interest ed parties in the recent world leritei to be donated to war charities. HEALTH BOARD GIVES WARNING OF INFLUENZA DANGER AUTOMOBILES. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co., 2081 Farnam St D tali. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1110 Farnam. Harney 414 OAKLAND. Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 1300 Farnam 8t BARGAINS IN USED CARS All makes With and without starters 21 to pick from. Phone D. 1241 or call at 1111 Davenport. BOYLAN AUTO CO. BARGAINS In uaed cars. ORR MOTOR BALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney ill BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co., 15th and Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 1504 QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO 2401 LEAVENWORTH 8T. Tires and Supplies. SPECIAL SALE ON NEW AND USED TIRES Flsk, Goodrich, General, Carsprlng. riamond. Congress, National. Star. Mc Oraw, Portage, Kent. Lee, Keystone, Goodyear. Mention else and we will send prices. OMAHA RADIATOR A TIRE WORKS. 20(4 Farnam St 1811 Cuming St NEW TIKES AND TUBES ON SALE. Ford tubes... .12. IS32x3H 116.71 10x1 1951 11x4 12146 !0x3tt 113 951 14x4, non-skid. 124.76 Firestone, McGrau, Republic Congress. Lee Pullman, Fish. Send for circular. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 Cuming TIRES AT HALF-PRICE. Write us for particulars. Agents Wanted. 2-ln-l VULCANIZING CO., 1611 Davenport. Phone D, 1241. REAL bargains In slightly used tires; new tires at very low prices G. and G. Tire Co. 2411 Leavenworth St. Tyler 1261 -W. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and eliminate your tire troubpls. Powell Supply Co 2"S1 Farnam St. FOR SALE Ford car, in beat of condi tion, must be sold; can be seen at 2211 Capitol Ave. Call Tyler 1780. NEW tlrea and tubes, 30 per cent off list. Douglas 281". Omaha Cut Rate Tire Co. Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF 16o per mile, 16o per hour mlmlmum charge. Sundays and holidays. 60o per hour. FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglas 1621 1114 Howard 8t. Servise Stations. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; servlo station for Rayfleld carburetors and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. 2611 N. 19th Webster 1102 Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY-D A V 1 1) SON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines Victor H. Roos. the Motorcycle Man, I7tb and Leavenworth. HORSES, LIVE STOCK. For Sale. GOING TO WAR. II fine hogs, average weight 120 lbs., Duroo-Jersey. 71d and Plnkney. G. P. Madsen, Benson 111 W. MEDICAL. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write Dr Frank H Wray. lot Bee Bldg LIVE STOCK-VEHICLES. MEXICAN pony for sale cheap, Bey 141. Har- MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes as secur ity, 140. mo., H goods, total, 11.10. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 482 Security Bldg., 16th A Farnam Ty 666 LOANS ON DIJMOND8, JEWELRY AND 1 1 CJ LIBERTY BONDS. 0 177 A 72 1 W. C FLATAU. EST 1893. 10 ITH FLR SECURITY BLDG TIi S6 Loweat rates. Private loan booths. Harry Maleshock. 1614 Dodge D. 6619 Est 1891 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans & Mortgages. TPER. CENT mortgages, secured by Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE. INC., 638 Keeltne Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS Vt and I per cent; farm loans for March 1 closing 6H per cent. J. H. Dumont A Co., 418 Keeline Bldg. No Delay Closing Loans. W T GRAHAM. 104 Bes Bldg. Doug. 1611. OMAHA iioMES EAST. KEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat. Bk, Bldg. Doug. 1711. fToT to lid.OOO MADE promptly. I". D. Weed, Weed Bldaj UtB and Farnam. '. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY W. H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg Private Moneey, AUTOMOBILES. SAVE 40 PER CENT ON YOUR TIRES HAVE THEM REBUILT 3,000 MILES GUARANTEE Plain Non-Skid 10x1 101 liooo 103-4 10.00 12.10 13s 16.00 17.10 AGENTS WANTED TIRE AND TUBE REPAIRING. DOUGLAS TIRE A VULCANIZING CO. New Location. 2667 Farnam t RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large stock uaed radiators on hand. Mashed fenders and lamps repaired like new. New stock of Ford honeycomb radiators. OMAHA RAP1TOR AND T1RB WORKS 11 fuming "t Omaha. Neb I i'OR SALE OR TKADB 60-h. p. Mitchell chumm roadster, high speed and pow- . er. Will aocept Ford in At condition as part payment A bargain- B. E. Frank. Route I. 75A, Benson, Neb, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Hattle N, Osborne and husband to Magnus H. Nielsen et al. Fort St., 160 ft east of 27th St., south side, 60x120 , I Dundee Realty Co. to Irene N. Zlts mann et al, Nicholas St., 250 ft west of 61st St. south side, 60x135 1.000 Monongahela Valley Traction Company General Mortgage) 1 Gold BU Dates' Jsij t. 1911 Dm My U1I13 Recent rate advances indi cate a materially increased margin above all interest requirements. These bonds are unusually well secured and yield more than 7.75. ' Ask for circular OB-181 TheNationalCrty Company CirtsPonitnt Officts m 31 Citiet CbJcajo 137 So. La Salle St Jtswats-Storf Tarn ft'rfrr i rrref amiss USED CARS AND TRUCKS t AT BARGAIN PRICES. ; STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 201 Farnam 8t. Omsha, Neb.- BIG SIX !-pamenger Bulck. model D-BI. almost new tires. Hare driven car 1,600 - miles, excellent eonditlon. Phone Har- pey Mil,"-' - '- - ' GOOD USED CARS GUY L. SMITH lit and Fa; nam Sta, CeugLaa 1170, SKINNER PACKING COMPANY cyuLi iu , 0V Kit B1 EGGS TAAOt MAM 1116-1118 - Doudlas Sf: ' Tel-OoulaslSZI Market and Financial News of the Day OMAHA LIVE STOCK Cattle Open 15 Cents Higher Than Last Week; Hogs 10 Cents Lower; Feeding Sheep Higher. Receipts ware Monday estlmats . Same day week ago... II, 122 Same day 2 weeks ago. 15,063 Same day 1 weeks ago. II, 124 Same day year ago. ..14.361 Omaha, Oct. 21, 1111. Cattle Hogs Sheep .... 1,800 4,100 19,600 4,031 40,126 4,416 37,631 3,536 56,696 3.285 24,781 Cattle Receipts wers fair this morn ing, estimated at 375 cara of cattle or 9,800 head. Trade opened up in fairly active fashion, prices strong to 1526c higher than last week's close on the bulk of western steers. Butcher stock was rather alow to the packers but outsiders bought a considerable amount at prtcea anywhere from steady to 25o felgher. Stockers and feeders ruled atrong and 26060o higher. Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime beeves, 17(1018.25; good to choice beeves, 116. 25016. 60; fair to good beeves, 111.26018.00; common to fair beeves, 9.00tj12.75; good to choice yearlings, S1S.0017.60; fair to good yearlings. I12.001S.SO; .common to fair yearlings, 38.60ftll.00; choice to prime grass steers. I13.5nf H.50; fair to good grass beeves. 111.0013.00; common to fair grass beeves, 18.50910.50; Mexican beeves, 18.00 10.00: good to choice heifers, 18.50 11.00; good to choice cows, 18.0010.25; fair to good cows, 17.2508.00; common to fair cows, I5.60O7 00; prime feeders, H2.O0iOll.60; good to choice feeders. 39.7511.60; fair to good feeders, 18 600 9.50; common to fair feeders, I6.00 7.60; good to choice stockers, 19.00 10.50; stock heifers. I6.60O7.60; stock cows, 16.2597.60; stock calves. $6.50 1.50; veal calves, $6.00013.00; bulls, stags, etc., 7.60950. Hogs Receipts today amounted to 59 loads, estimated at 4,100 head. The mar ket opened at generally steady prices on the beat grades of hogs, working to 10c lower and possibly more on the common heavy packing grades. Trade waa very uneven and sales scattered over a wide range with probably aa many loads at $17.00 as there were at $16.50. Tops went to $17.15 with the long string at 116.70 and $16.80 and bulk of sales was $16.60017.00. The general market Is steady to 10c lower. Sheep There were 78 loads of sheep re ported In today estimated at 11.600 head. Quality of receipts was only fair and the market rather slow in getting under way, largely due to ths late yarding of re ceipts. Indications wers for probably steady market on fat lambs and steady to higher on feeders. Quotations on sheep: Lambs, good to choice, $14.76015.25; lambs, fair to good. $13.00014.76; lamb feeders, f 10.60(0112.50; yearlings, good to choice, $10.00 11.00.; yearlings, fair to good, J9.0010.OO; year ling feeders, I10.0010.60; wethers, fat, $8.009.50; wether feeders, $3. 009.00; ewes, good to oholce, $7.60 fj 8.00; ewes. fair to good, $7.0007.60; ews feeders, $6.0007.00. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Oct. 21. Cattle Receipts, 30,- 000 head; beef steers and better grades of butcher cattle steady to strong; common light kinds and canners slow to lower; feeders mostly 25o higher; calves steady; beef cattle, good, choice and prime, $14.50 011.40; common and medium, 19.00 14.50; butchers stock, cows and heifers, $4.25012.00; canners and cutters, $6.75 6.85; stockers and feeders, good, choice and fancy, $9.75012.60; Inferior, common and medium, $7.0009.75; veal calves, good and choice, $16.50016.00; . western range, beef steers, 113.50017.00; cows and heifers, $8.25 011.26. Hogs Receipts, 83,000 head; market closing fully 25o lower than Saturday's average: In-between kinds as much as 25c lower; butchers, $16,86017.76; light, $16.60 017.75; packing, 115.00016.65; rough, $14.60016.00; pigs, good to choice, $14.00 015.00. Sheep and Lambs Reoetpts, 10,000 head; lambs 25c to 50o higher; sheep strong to 25c higher; Iambs, choice and prime, $15.76016.00; medium and good. 114.00015.75: culls, 18.00012.50; ewes, choice and 'prime, 110.00010.25; medium and good, $8.50010.00; culls, $3.5007.00. St. Louis Live Stock. St. Louis, Oct. 21. Cattle Receipts, 8,600 head; market strong to 25c higher; native beef steers. $11.60018.25; yearling steers and heifers, $9.60016.60; cows, 17.60 012.60: stockers and feeders, $8.50012.00; fair to prime southern beef steers, $10.00 018.00: beet cows ana neirers, i7.&ra $15.00; native calves, 17.75017.25. Hogs Receipts, 10.200 head; market steady; lights, lll.7517.40; pigs. $14.25 016.00; mixed and butchers, $17,000 17.70; good heavy. $17s5017.70; bulk, $1T.OO017.65. Sheeo and Lambs Receipts, l,oo head; market steady; lambs, $16.60016.75; ewes, $11.00012.00; canners and choppera, $5.00 9.00. x Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Oct. 21. Cattle Receipts, 34,000 head. Including 300 southerns, steady; cows 10c to 25c lower; prime fed steers. $17.00019.00; dressed beef steers, $12.00 0 17.00; western steers, $9.00013.50; stockers and feedera, $6.60014.00; bulls. $6.6008.60; catves, 16.00012.60. Hogs Receipts, 14,oou neaa; market 10c to 16c lower; bulk, 116.60017.30; heavy, 616.50017.60; packers and butch ers, I16.7517.50; lights, sin. Z0W17.3U; pigs. $15.00016.60. Sheep and LamDS neceipis, ii.uuu head; market strong to 16c higher; lambs, $11.60 0 15.60; yearlings, $9.60010.50; wethers. $8.00011.60: ewes, SS.vuDI.eO; stockers and feeders, $6.00018.00. Sioux City TJt Stock. 8loux City, la., Oct 21. Cattle Re ceipts, 6.000 head; market higher; beef steers. 17 60 0 13 6 0: canners, $3 0096 76: stockers and feeders, $7.00013.50; feeding cows and heifers, 7.50l oo. Hogs Receipts, 5.500 bead; market 20 and 60 cents lower; light, 117.00017.25; mixed, $6.50017.00; heavy, $16 20016.50; bulk of sales. $16.25016 60 Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 3,000 head; market ateady. St. Paul Live Stocks. South St. Paul. Oct. 2V Cattle Re ceipts, 12.300 head; market sreak;-steers, $5.50G16.76; cows and "heifers. $6.5109.60; calves. $5.600 14.60. Hogs Receipts, 7,000 head; market lower; range, $15.00016.85: bulk, $11.65 011.15. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,500 head; market steady; lambs, $10.00014.60; wethers $7.00011.00; ewes. I3.0019.00. St. Joseph Live Stork. St ' Joseph. Oct 11. Cattle Receipts. 2.500; higher; steers. $1.00018. 00;cows snd heifers, $5.5007.00: calves, $6,000 12.50. Hogs Receipts, 4,000; - lower top, $17.65; bulk, $17.00017.40. Sheep Receipts. 1.100; steady lambs, I1O.6O01J.O9; ewes, 11.0009.60. , GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Corn Unchanged to 3 Cents Lower; First Car of New Corn Tops Market; Other Grains Unchanged. Omaha. October II, 1118. Arrivals of grain over Sunday were light. The total for two days' run were only 208 cars, of which were 66 cara of wheat, 64 cars of corn, 76 cars of oats, 5 cars of rye and 7 cars of barley. Out shipments were 11 cars of wheat, 73 cars of corn, 13 cars of oats, 3 cars of rye and 10 oars of bar ley. The first car of new corn arrived today. It graded No. 3 yellow, 16 per rent mois ture, 1 per cent damaged and brought $1.47, or 6 ce.nts over the top for old corn of this grade. The car waa of unusually good quality. It waa consigned to the Holmqulst Elevator company from O. I. Newton, Ponca, Neb., and was sold to Fisher-Rothschild Grain company. Corn prices were unchanged to 3 cents lower. No. 1 grades showed a decline while oth er offerings were about unchanged. The market was very quiet. . Oata were unchanged to Vs of a cent higher with the bulk unchanged. Rye was 1 cent off. Wheat and barley were firm. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Week Year Receipts Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat 56 63 60 Corn 64 180 32 Oats 76 114 62 Ry 6 6 5 Barley 7 44 7 Shipments Wheat 11 32 (61 Corn 73 163 19 Oats 33 64 29 Rye 8 1 0 Barley 10 9 4 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 6 239 200 Kansas City 27t 80 42 St. Louis '.36 62 47 Minneapolis ,',323 Puluth 621 Winnipeg . s 959 : 1 car, $1.43. No. S No. 4 white: 1 cars, 1 car. $1.21. No. 2 No. 1 yellow: 1 car Corn No. 1 whl.e white: 2 cars, ll.'tO. $1.28. No. 6 wtiite: yellow: 1 car, (1.42. (new), $1.47.' 1 car, $1.41; 2 cara, $1.40. No. 4 yellow : 4 cars, $1.30. No. 5 yellow: 1 cars, $1 25. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, $1.20. Sample yellow: 1 car, $1.18; 2 cars, $1.12; 1 car, $1.11; 2 cars, $1.10. Sample mixed: 1 car, $1.12; 1 car. $1.11: 6 cars, $1.10. Oats No. 2 white: 1 car, 66 He. Stand ard: 3 cars, 66 He. No. I white; 1 car, 664c; 27 cars, 66o. No. 4 white: 4 cars, 65ic. Rye No. 2: 1 car, $1.50. No. I: 1 cars, $1.49. No. 4: 1 car, $1.47. Barley No. I: 1 car, 95c. Sample; 1 car, 90o; 1 car, 88c. Wheat No. 1 hard! I oars, I2.15H; 1 cars, $2.15; 1 car (smutty)f $2 10. No. I hard: 1 car, $2.12; 1 ears (smutty), $2.07; 1 cars, $2.06; 6 cars (smutty),, $2.06; I cars (yellow), 12.06. No. 4 hard: I cars (smutty), $2.04. Mo. 1 northern spring: 1 car, $2.18. No. 1 spring: 1 car, 12.11. No. 2 mixed: 1 cars (smutty), $2.06. No. I mixed: 1 car (smutty), 12.02. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Corn Prices Break Sharply) Uncertainty of German Reply Rallied Market Chicago, Oct. 21. Corn prices broke sharply today under selling pressure due to bearish versions of the German reply to President Wilson's note. Uncertainty, however, aa to the real meaning of the Berlin answer rallied the market to. a considerable extent. The finish was un settled, Hs20 net lower, with Novem ber 120012014 and December 116HO 116H- Oats closed HOTto down snd provisions varying from 75o decline to 30o advance. Before news was received that the con tents of the statement from the German government was likely to become public this afternoon the corn market had a de cided upward swing, Influenced almost wholly by ths faot that delay to the an swer was construed on all sides as bullish. Nevertheless, support displayed at no time an aggressive character and had be come nearly exhausted when about one hour before the close a sudden Increase of selling denoted the effects of the sup posed bearish tenor of Germany's answer. Later Interpretations were more or less conflicting and shorts oovered somewhat freely at the last. Oats paralleled tha action of corn. Most of the trade was local. Provisions averaged higher, notwith standing weakness in the hog market. AH Improved shipping demand was ths rea son described. . Cfctcago closing prices, furnished The Bee. by Logan & Bryan, stock and grain brokkrs, 316 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Art. Open. High. Low. Close. Sat'y. Corn Nov. 1.24H 1.25H 1.11 15014 1.22H Dec. 1.19H 110K 115H 1.16 1HH Oatt. Nov. .67 .68 .I6H .66V4 ,I7H Dec. .67 .67 .65 .65 .68, Porn Oct 34.70 84.60 Nov. 14.60 .14.80 34.60 34.70 84.80 Dec. 37.00 37.00 36.70 36.50 17 10 Lard Oct 25.40 25.60 25.40 25.60 25.10 Nov. 24.82H 24.52 24.32'i 24 60 24.26 Dec. 21.10 23.10 23.05 21.20 21.12U Ribs. Oct 2115 21.00 Nov. 21.20 21.80 21.15 21.15 21 00 Dec. 20.06 20,17 20.00 20.07 20.00 Chicago Provisions. Chicago, III., Oct. 2L Butter Market unsettled; creamy, 6066e. ' Eggs Market higher; firsts, 4905Oc; ordinary firsts, 46048c; at mark, eases Included, 46049c. Potatoes Market higher; receipts, 111 cars; Minnesota and Dakota, bulk 11.760 2.00; Minnesota and Dakota, sacks, $1.90 02.00; Wisconsin, bulk. $1.7502.00; Wis consin, sacks. $2.0002.10. Poultry Alive, market unsettled; fowls, 24026c; springs, 26o. - ' Kansas Hy Markets. Kansas City, o.. Oct. 21. Cattle Re slpW.' JO.OOt head; ma.ket steady; ite-rs, 117.00019.15; stockers. $7.00013 00! calves. $6.0013.fl ' " Hogl Receipts. 14,000 head; ' market lower; heavy, . $16.25 17.60; butchers, $16.50017.50; rights, $11.00017.10; pigs. 114.50011.26. Sheep and Lambs Receipts,- ' 17,000 head; market steady; lambs, !1!.00 15.40; yearlings, 110.00011.00; wethers, $0.60010.60; ewes, $8.0009.50. V - ' Lead. New York. Oct II. Lead Market un changed; spot, 18.01. Spelter firm). Bast St. Louis deUvery, spot, $8 1001.10. At London, spot tin, ' 13.$; futures, 1114 found, . 1 ' . "- STOCKJARKET Market Confused Mixture of Gains and Losses; United States Steel Advances Two Points. New York, Oct 11, With the success ful launching of tha fourth Liberty loan, financial and speculative interests de voted themselves more earnestly to the stock market today, the net results, how ever, leaving a confusing mixture of gains and losses. The German note did not ar rive In time to be fully digested before the market's cloae. The aggregate of operations was again considerably over 1,000.000 shares, but of this total halt a dosen Issues such as United States Steel, Southern Pacific, Marine common and preferred, Mexican Petroleum and Baldwin Locomotive con tributed almost 60 per cont Southern Pacific's advance of 6 points was accompanied by a very large demand, the stock retaining all Its gain, making a total of 12 points from Its recent mini mum. Union Pacific suffered by contrast, forfeiting more than its 1 point gain, but soms of the eastern rails, notably New York Central, developed unusual activity and strength. Number of sales and quotations on lead ing stocks: Closing Sales. High. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar 69 American Can 4.000 46 46 46 Am. Car & F'dry 1,800 86 85 85 Am. Locomotive.. 2,900 68 67 67 Am. Smelt. & Ref 32,200 - 92 89 90 Am. Sugar Ref.... 800 112 11 111 , 106 1514 72 72 95 95 1066, 107 66 66 25 25 23 23 73 5.200 96 3,100 109 6,500 66 1,200 26 1,600 23 2,100 200 7,300 3,400 42 44 44 66 Am. T. & T. Am. 4 L. A 8 Anaconda Copper 18,800 Atchison AO&WISSL Bait. & Ohio B. A S. Copper.. Cal. Petroleum. . . Canadian Pacific. Central Leather.. Ches. & Ohio.... C, M. & S. P.... C. & N. W C, R I. & P. ctfs Chlno Copper.... Colo. Fuel & Iron Corn Prod. Ref.. Crulclble Steel... Cuba Cane Sugar. Distiller's Sec... Erie General Electric. General Motors . . Gt. Northern pfd, at. N. O. ctfs... Illinois Central.. Inspiration Cop... Int. M. M. pfd... Int Nickel Int. Paper K. C. Southern... Kennecott Copper Louisville et Nash Maxwell Motors.. 600 36 Mex. Petroleum... 41,600 186 Miami Copper... 600 28 Missouri Pacific. 11,800 27 1,800 172 169 170 1,100 67 67 67 5,200 60 69 59 3,500 61 50 50 600 102 102 102 6,700 28 27 28 48 17 6,500 4,700 600 157 9,500 140 12,200 94pi 14,800 34 200 100 6,300 66 17,100 122 118 120 8,200 33 . 32 32 36 34 20 19 37 37 41 44 43 65 46 16 156 130 63 32 100 65 41 44 44 65 32 47 17 157 130 94 83 100 66 7,100 3,000 4,900 86 170 28 26 85 20 37 118 36 172 28 26 Montana Power .. 76 Nevada Copper... 400 20 20 20 N. Y. Central.... 12,600 80 78 80 N. Y., N. H. H. 6,800 42 40 41 Norfolk A West 109 Northern Pacific 11,800 94 93 94 Paclflo Mail .... 400 36 33 11 Pennsylvania .... 6.000 47 46 47 Pittsburgh Coal 62 Ray Con. Copper 1,300 26 24 24 Reading 24,100 92 91 91 Rep. Iron & Steel 2,400 87 86 86 Shat'k Aril. Cop. 300 16 15 15 Southern Paclflc.128,700 105 101 106 Southern Railway 9,100 31 11 31 Studebaker Corp.. 12,800 68 66 65 Texas Co 6,400 197 192 193 Union Pacific... 12,600 136 134 136 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 8,400 108 108 105 U. S. Steel 136,300 112 110 110 V. S. Steel pfd.... 1,00 112 112 111 Utah Copper 2,300 91 88 90 Wabash pfd "B" 2,100 24 24 24 Western Union... 800 92 92 92 Westinghouse Elec 45 Beth. B 25,800 71 70 71 New York Bonds. III. Cen. ref. 4s 80 U. S. 2s, reg. Int. M. M. 6s. 102 K. C. 8. ref. 6s 81 L. & N. un. 4s 86 M. K. T. 1st. 4s 68 M. P. gen. 4s.. 6 Mont. Power 6s 88 N. Y. C. d. 6s 88 No. Pao. 4a... 94 do 8s 68 O. S. L. ref. 4s 86 Pac. T. & T. 6s 90 Penn. con. 4s 96 do gen. 4s 89 Reading gn. 4s 84 S.L. & S.F. a. 6s 72 S. P. cv. 5s... 104 So. Ry. 6s 14 Tex. & Pac 1st 84 Union Pac. 4s. 87 U. S. Rubber 6s 14 U. B. Steel 6s.. 98 Wabash 1st .. 96 Fnch Gvff 5s.l02 Bid. 98 98 83 83 do, coupon U. S. 3s, reg, do coupon. V. 8. Lib. 8s.99.86 U. 8. 4s, reg.. 106 do coupon.. 106 Am. For. Sc. 6s 98 Am. T.&T.C.5S 93 Anglo-Frnch 6s 95 Ar. & Co. 4s 89 Atchsn gen. 4s 86 B. & O. c. 4s 83 Beth. Stl r. 6s 93 Cen. Leath Es 95 Cen. Pac. 1st. .82 C. & O. ev. 6s 86 C. B. St Q. . 4s 93 C Ms SPc.4s 80 C.R.I. & P.r.4s 72 C. A S. r. 4s 77 D. A R. G. r. 6s 62 D. C. 6a (1931 95 Erfe gen. 4s., 68 Gen. Elec 6s. 96 St. No. 1st 4s 87 New York Money Market. New York, Oct. 21. Mercantile Paper 6 per cent. Sterling 60-day bills, $4.72; commercial 60-day bills on banks, $4.72; commercial 60-day bills, $4.72; demand, $4.75 7-16; cables, 4,7655. Francs Demand, $6.48; cables, $5.47. Llres Demand, $6.36; cables, $6.35. Guilders Demand, 42 c; cables, 42 c. Mexican Dollars 77 c. Tims Loans Strong; 60-days, 90 days BASE BALL STAR DIES LEADING MENINBATTLE Capt. Edward Grant, ex-Third Baseman of Giants, Killed in Fighting in the Argonne. .With the American Army North west of Verdun, Oct. 21. (By As sociated PressV Capt. Edward Grant, forfher third baseman of the New York National league club, and attached to the Three Hundred Sev enth infantry, was killed by a shell while leading a unit to the aid of the famous "lost battalion." The battalion was surrounded for five days in the Argonne forest and Cap tain Grant was killed during one of the attempts to reach it. Grant first earned base ball hon ors while at Harvard university, where he was one of the best all around players of his day. After graduation he played with independ ent teams and later with the Jersey City club of the International league. From 1907 to 1909 he played second base for the Philadelphia Nationals and the following year he was traded to Cincinnati. In 1913 he was purchased by the New York Nationals and played third and shortstop for the Giants until 1915 when he resigned to enter business. At the outbreak of the war he en tered an officers' training camp, where he was graduated later with high honors. Grant is the first of the many ma jor league base ball players in the service to give his life for his coun try. He was born in Franklin, Mass., in 1883. SPORT CALENDAR, Racing! Autumn meeting of Umpire City Racing association at Yonkers, N. Y. Autumn meeting of LatonJa Jockey club at Latonla, Ky. Billiards: War fun exhibition match be tween Willie Hoppe and George F. Sloe son at Boston. IF THE WORLD KNEW THIS Much Suffering Would Stop; Tells of Home -Mixed Medi. cine for Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Etc. The Blackburn Products Co. . Dear Sirs As I waa mixing some more of the Mentho-Laxene in syrup this morning I could not help but wonder if you really knew what a wonderful cold remedy it is, even if you do put it up. Last fall we were really worried about my husband, as he had tried so many remedies, and the doctor did not help him at all, when one day he happened to read an ad of your Mentho-Laxene and he said: "I will give it a trial, then give up, I guess, if it doesn't help me." But, can you believe it? He began to feel easier right away, and long be fore the first bottle was gone he was all over his terrible cough, and by taking a little when feeling hoarse, just a little, we both have warded off every bit of coids and coughs since, until Monday of this week he got his feet so wet and by night he coughed again quite badly, but this morning he was 0. k. again. This is 3 :00 p. m., so you see how quickly it worked. We have gotten ever so many others to use it by giving them a sample of ours. This is just a line to tell you how grateful we both are to you and your remedy. Yours truly, MRS. GEORGE E. GATIS. 334 N. Hickory street. Owosso, Mich. Adv. GERMOZONE The Ideal Flock Treatment for Poultry, preventive as well as remedial for Roup. Colds, Canker Swell ed or Sore Head, Diarrhoea. Bowel Troubles Lim ber Neck. etc. Tablet form per package, postpaid 75c (C O D If desired) Sold by moat dealers to both llquldand tablet form Book on diseases free. GEO. H. LEE CO., UlSBsraeySt. Omiht Ntk. A Lee Ponllry Library I books FREE wits ptckate el GERM OZONE, If requested. S. S. S. Greatest Blood Remedy Gives Results When Others Fail Nature's Remedy for Blood Troubles. The purifying and curative prop erties of Nature's 1 great remedy have made "S. S. S. for the Blood" a household saying. Thousands to day enjoying perfect health owe their recovery from blood or skin diseases to this universally used blood purifier, S. S. S. is made en tirely from roots, herbs and barks, which possess cleansing and healing ingredients. You cannot be well when your blood is impure; you lack strength and energy natural with health; your complexion becomes pale and sallow; your vitality is weakened, ,When waste or. refuse matter, which Nature intends shall be thrown off, is left in the system, it is absorbed into the blood and boils, pimples,-rashes, blotches and other eruptions of the skin appear. S. S. S. goes into the circulation and removes every particle of blood taint or poison of every character. All skin diseases and eruptions pass away, and the smooth clear skin glowing with health, shows that the body is being nourished by rich pure blood. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison all are deep-seated blood disorders, and for their treatment nothing equals S. S. S. Get S. S. S. at any drug store. If yours Is a peculiar case write Medical Adviser, 444 Swift Laboratory, Atlnta, Ga., Monmouth Parks Defeat Knights of Zion, 26 to 0 Thefootball game Sunday after noon between the1 Monmouth Park team and the Knights of Zion re sulted in an overwhelming defeat for the latter team, the score being 26 to 0 in favor of the Parks. The defeat of the Zions is more notable because of the fact that two weeks ago the Parks asked them for a game but were refused on the grounds that they were not in a class with the Zions. Line plilnge and end runs were the features of the Parks' playing throughout the game. They have not been scored against this, season, and are looking for more games, es pecially with an out of town high school, to be played on Thanks giving day. For information call Frank Miller, 2242 Larimore avenue, phone Colfax 2900. New "Flu" Order Prevents Foot Ball Game at Omaha Hi The latest "flu" order, closing the state until November 2, will pre vent the Des Moines high school from playing foot ball against the Omaha h'gh school here Friday as was scheduled. This was to have been a big game and the students are disappointed, but they are hoping nothing will prevent the game scheduled for No vember 2, when Omaha plays Sioux City High at Sioux City. , Moore and Ritchie Mill To Try for King's Trophy Chicago, III., Oct. 21. Pal Moore, Memphis bantamweight, and Ritchie Mill, Milwaukee lightweight, will make the trip to London as the Great Lakes naval training station representatives at the boxing bouts for the king's trophy, it was an nounced tonight. Ask People to Be Careful and Take Proper Treat ment Promptly. Many Pneumonia Cases Follow Influenza, What to Do. To bs preparsi for the serious out breaks of Influents and Pneumonia that ar now sweeping over the entire eountry and . that have seized on this community, Pub lio Health Boards, everywhere are issuing: cautions and instructions to the publio not to neglect treatment at the first symptoms of a oold and to co-operate with . tha board and physicians in stamping out the spread of the disease. No disease develops so quickly or spreads so rapidly. . The first symptom usually is a sharp rise in temperature to 108 or 104 degrees, headache, pain in the back, throat feeltni dry or sore. Unless promptly checked by proper treatment, the best plan is to . go to bed and stay there for at least a week, keeping warm to avoid pneumonia and let the minor ailment run its course and also prevent the spread of , the disease to others. Host of us, in these busy days, cannot afford, if it can be avoided, to lose week or more of work, so it is all the mora ' necessary that at the very first sign of grip or influenza a counter-acting .treat, ment should be taken. ' Probably no better or more effectiv treatment could be followed at such a ttms than to get from ths nearest drug stors complete Hyomel outfit consisting of a bottls of the pure Oil of Hyomei and a little vest pocket, hard rubber inhaling device into which a few drops of the oil are poured. . , This is sll you will need. Put tha tn haler in your mouth and breathe Its air deep Into the passages of your nose, throat and lungs. Every particle of air that enters your breathing organs win thus be chsrged with an antiseptic germ killing balsam that will absolutely destroy the germs of influenza that have found lodgment there. You can't do this too often. The Hr omei Inhaler is small and ean bo oonven iently csrried in a hand-bag or in youf vest pocket Every half hour or so through out the day take it out and draw a few breaths of Its pure healing air into rout nose and throat Belief comes almost in stantly. The Grip of Influenza symptoms subside. Congestion eeases, fever disap pears, throat conditions become normal and you soon are feeling fine. The out fit is not t all expensive for the rub bet inhaler will last a lifetime while the Oil of Hyomei can be obtained at little eost from any reliable druggist Lots of people already have, a Hyomei rtUw. Take it out, charge It and use It without delay. If you haven't one get It today. A few cents spent bow may easily pre vent serious Illness and says you many dollars and help stamp out the spread of the disease. Ask Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. Adr. SERVICE 100 Oar War Congressman He's All Right. Charles O. Lobeck, candidate for re election to Congress, writes his constitu ents from the House of Representatives, Washington, D. C, as follows: -. October 19, 1918. "Dear Sir and Friend: You are doubt less familiar with my record as your rep resentative in Congress, and know of the work which I have been doing for the people of my district. The duties of the office have had all of my time, thought and attention. "Congress is still in session, and I am here supporting President Wilson, the Commander-in-Chief, in putting into ef fect the war program. It is my duty to remain in Washington until the work is completed, so I may not have the pleas ure of seeing you or your fellow voters before election day. ' If you can assist me in my campaign for re-election, it will be sincerely appreciated. "Hoping I may be honored with your support on November 5th, I am, with best wishes, Yours very truly,"; C.O.LOBEG PRESIDENT WILSON WANTS HIM RE-ELECTED. ""ywwmmi1 wit'