Pi he i THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1918. v.1 - r-3 placet of the middle west and from an operat n I Jrance of any other plant in the United States. lcnfhave been ncorporated n the plant and the unc7 Experts to be the best they hav? ever seen. Pany forty acre tract just south and west of the hnt Vlavinsr three tracks for the Dlant. The best upVsy) laborers and mechanics are now on ths job 000 brick; over 30,000 barrels of cement; over ieel rods; over 25 carloads of cork, all of which materia has been purchased and 4a either on the road ofVm hand. The Company made an exceptionally fortunate purchase when they secured their forty acre tract. ThY ground was purchased at a real bargain price and is owned by the company at the exact price paid. The plant will be located on the northeast corner and the entire tract surrounded by a snow wh te fence and throughout the plant white tile will be used generously carrying out the idea in a substantial way of "Omaha's Daylight Snow White Independent Packing Plant." Special attention will be paid to the toilet and dressing rooms for employees on each floor. Separate dining rooms for men and women outside of the plant, and altogether the plant of the Skinner Packing Company will represent the most advanced steps in pack ng house construction for the reason that the ent re plant is practically under one roof, all departments . be ng connected by a central fireproof vestibule. rt Profits Made by Packing Companies as High as-180 Last Year Public statements of the Five Big Packers are published in the Economist, Chicago's leading financial paper, and show for the fiscal year 191 7, MORRIS & COMPANY made 180.3 per cent on capital stock; ARMOUR & COMPANY made 21.29 per cent and their European and South American business was not included. , SWIFT & tO 4PANY made 34.65 per ent on a great increase of capital during the year. CUDAHY PACKING COMPANY, after pre ferred dividends had been paid, showed 33.64 per cent and increased their capital stock from $5,499,500 to $11,449,400 during the year. WILSON & COMPANY showed a profit of 82 on Preferred and 29 on Common. The above are published statements of these firms. The Federal Trade Commission states even greater profits in addition to the above showing; they state profits run as high as 263 per cent, and this in view of stock dividends and watered stock. Price Advances to $125.00 Per Snare on November Twenty-Eighth m . Any stock in the treasury of the Company on or after November 28th will be sold a $125.00 per share. However, until that date we are still offering at par, $100.00 per share, the 8 Guaranteed Preferred Participating stock which participates in the full profits of the Company Never again at any price will this stock be offered after this issue has been sold This is an opportunity to purchase; stock that will grow in value and, in the management's opinion, will increase to many times its present par value. This has been the history of stock that participates in the profits of other packing companies. , . Your Opportunity to Purchase a Full Participating Stock The securities offered by this Company have been purchased by the best and most conservative business men, live stock shippers, bankers and farmers. We have made a great record in placing our securities. You can purchase now at par value, $100,00 per share, a limited amount of our 8 per cent Guaranteed Preferred Fully Par tlcipating stock. This is positively your last opportunity to purchase a par $100.06 per share. .1 U - A 1 KT 1 ), ir mere is any unsoia biock arter uovemoer 28th the price will be $125.00 per share , and ... ii. . - positively none win De soia at a less price. : The. great advantage in purchasing this stock !T is because it is an 8 per cent Guaranteed Full Participating stock and positively partici- : pates in the full and entire profits of the "j- Company. 4, - : "... - " II 1 it . . . . - n r g ( : n ' I 3 4 nil HmiM-: 1 .P $ h ,il " Jlr lilnll f!li,.f If & 1 l aim ti Ui, "3J 1 1 ,r:i 11 VP 5 Vt 2 a4 v-j Hi r t MTV'5 ii,,; It is a part of the Articles of Incorporation that this stock never can be changed by vote of the directors or stockholders from . Participating stock, and it will always participate in the full profits. This is a real opportunity for investors to secure stock which fully participates in the profits of the Com pany in addition to the' rate of interest paid on tbe stock OUR COST SYSTEM AND OPERATING END HAS BEEN ESTIMATED BY THE HIGHEST AND MOST EFFICIENT AUTHORITIES. THE NET PROFIT FROM THE OPERATION OF THIS PLANT, IS CONSERVATIVELY ESTIMATED AT $1,178,000 PER ANNUM OR MORE THAN 30 PER CENT ON OUR ENTIRE CAPITAL. ' "We give you a reference any bank or business man of Omaha or Council Bluffs, any Livestock Commission man or the President or Secretary of the Livestock Exchange, South Side. Skinner Packing Company "Omaha's Daylight Snow White Independent Packing Plant" OMAHA, U. S. A. PAUL F. SKINNER, Chairman of the Board , LLOYD M. SKINNER, PORTER D. ASKEW, Pres and Treas. V(ca Prat. CHARLESF. KAMRATH, ROBERT GILMORE, Vice Prei. Secretary . Books audited by Arthur Young & Company of Chicago. Pasted by the Capital 1 s u a Committee at ,not in compatible with the national interest, but with out approv at of legal ity, valid ity, worth or security. Opinion No. A-1819. is. r 1 ' J 5) S ft tt if r-2 DREAMLAND ADVENTURE By DADDY "The Liberty Spirit" (Billy Belgium end Peggy try to per tuada wealthy Jonathan Hardflat to buy Liberty Bonds. When be refueea, the Liberty Spirit aaya be must be ahown what freedom meant. Suddenly they find tbemaelvet In the midst of aattle.) CHAPTER II. The Secret Door. JONATHAN HARDFIST ws astounded when Billy Belgium shouted that they-were in the midst of a battle with the Germans. And so was Peggy. It didn't seem possible that the Huns could get a fighting force over to America. "It's just an explosion or some contractor blasting," cried Jonathan Hardfist, but nevertheless he fol lowed Billy Belgium up the ladder to the lookout. So did ?eggy. As far as the eye could reach, the broad, river valley was dotted with great puffs of smoke and dirt from exploding shells. The clamor of guns shook the air There could be no question about it a great bat tle was raging all about them But what most astonished Peggy was the fact that the whole country seemed changed. The town had vanished, and in, its place was a ruined village. Other strange vil lages were in sifcrit up and down the JONATHAN HAKDFIST'S EYES NEARLY BULGED OUT OF HIS HEAD. .valley. Jonathan Hardfists eyes nearly bulged out ot his neaa. "Why, this isn't America 1" he cried. "That earthquake has shift ed us to some other land." "We are in France I" exclafmed Billy Belgium. s "Francel Impossible!" gasped Jonathan Hardfist. "The Liberty Spirit said that you would have to see and to feel," cried Peggy. "This is her way of show ing you." "Nonsense! We are asleep and dreaming," muttered Jonathan Hardfist "Presently we will wake up and find ourselves safely back in America." "Whir-r-r-r-rnrn-n," whined a great shell over them. "Whoo-um-pp," roared an explosion so near that they were nearly shaken out of the tree. ( "My stables 1" shouted Jonathan Hardfist. "They are gone!" Where the huge stable buildings had stood was only . a cloud of smoke. . "They are firing on this place) Run for tire cellars!" warned Billy Belgium. The three scrambled down the ladder and ran toward the house. As they did so, falling shells tore great holes in the lawns and gar dens to the fight and left of them. At the outside cellar door, Jona than Hardfist turned to look at the shells tearing up his orchard. "Stop, stop, you brutes !" he shouted. "I've been twenty years developing that orchard and it will take twenty years more to repair the senseless damage you are do ing. . . , "Whoo-up-pp" answered a great shell, exploding amid a row of pear trees and sending a shower of pears flying directly at their owner. Jonathan Hardfist screamed as the pears struck him and tumbled into the cellar in a hurry, following Billy and Peggy, who had already taken refuge there. "Over here!" cried Bill, crouch ing against the wall nearest the side which the German fire was coming. His experience under bombardment in Belgium had taught him that this was the safest place. Peggy tried to be brave, but she was trembling violently. The roar of the guns was terrific, while the crashing of shells nearby was horri ble. At any moment one might come crashing through the house and right into the cellar. t Several times the whole building-shook. "My home is in ruinstMy home is in ruins!" wailed Jonathan Hard fist. "And my .money, Oh, my money!" With a'new cry of fear, he ran up the stairs into the house. Soon he came back dragging a heavy iron chest. J" - "Help me bury this," he urged. There was a spade in the cellar", and soon a hole was dug in a pile of coal. There the chest was buried. As they finished they heard guttural shouts and a loud tramping over head. y "The Huns are In' the hoflse" whispered Billy Belgium. There was the sound of smashing glass and splintered wood. "Tiliey are wrecking mv beautiful home. I'll not stand it. I'll make them stop it!" wailed Jonathan Hardfist, driven frantic by the no;se of the work of destruction. He turned toward the stairs, only to meet German soldiers cominar down. At that moment, Billy Belpium jerked Petjgy through a secret door he had discovered in a great chim ney that rose from the cellar throudi the house, up to the roof above. The secret door closed after them and for a moment, at least, the children were safe. (Tomorrow will be' toM what bfalls Jonathan Hardfist nt the hands of the Oormans. Two Hundred Lives Are Lost in Porto Ricov Earthquake San Tuan Portn R Oct. 17. Latest estimates on the' loss oi lire in the recent earthquake which Rhortif Porto Vu-n. nlo.. total at not more than 200, mostly at or near Aiayaguez. i he property damage is estimated at $5,000,000. The United States mast anH on. detic survey station at Viemi island off the east coast of Porto Rico reports the cause of the earth auake as nrohahlv A SECRETARY LANE STARTS BACK-TO-FARM MOVEMENT Will Try to Provide Places for Returned Soldiers Who WishtoGoOn Farms. Secretary of the Interior Lane is , already looking forward to the glad time when the soldjers and sailors will be coming home, and he is urg ing congress to immediately take tip the matter of providing farm oppor- : tunities for them, and for the hun- ' dreds of thousands of workers in . the munitions factories who will lose their jobs when the war ends. The Nebraska department of publicity r has been asked to give the widest "V possible publicity to the following statement from Secretary Lane: "The committee on public lands k of the senate has unanimously re-' ported in favor of a bill appropri ating $1,000,000 to make surveye of farms for returning soldiers. In its report the committee says the pro posed legislation is for the purpose of providing an opportunity to pro--, cure homes for those of our re turning soldiers and sailors who may wish them uppn their return , from tVi war. as well as eivinK a like opportunity to thousands of ; workers in munitions lactones enu other war industries, who, t the conclusion of the war, will be out of employment. Back to the Land. 'If ta intended to nromote. S . nothing else ever has been, the 'back to the land' spirit. It is recognized that one of the great evils of the times in our country is the over-.,., crowding and congestion of the people in the cities, many ofwhom are unfitted for city li(e and not adapted to the avocations- thereof. After the war this undesirable con dition will be greatly intensified. Further, there will be hundreds of thousands of young men who will have returned from service in our army and navy who will be out of employment and for whom there will be no positions. In addition, there will be thousands and thou- sands of men and women, now em- t ployed in munitions factories and other war industries which wilt have to close at the end of the war, who will be out of employment. "Many of the men will have some means which they have saved at their employment and with which they could locate upon and improve land and engage in agriculture, hor ticulture or live stock raising.- All of the above described classes of people will be needed on the land. The land will need them and they. will need the land. It should be the object of the government, and it is the object of this proposed legisla tion, to provide them with the op portunity of getting on the land. Furthermore, the undertaking which the proposed legislation contem- . plates, If embarked upon by the gov ernment, would afford employment : to thousands of men who will be out of employment at the close ol the war, when there will be a scar city of employment in this country. Economic Program. 'This bill is in line with legisla tion proposed by the secretary oi the interior, and the senate commit tee believes it is of great im portance. The committee further more believes that it should be at tended to in ample time. The war may end in another year and if this scheme is to be embarked upon at all no time should be lost in doing so. The committee believes the proposed legislation to be of great and vital importance to the country -and a great and valuable economic program." Italian Deserter and Hun Agent Sentenced in Switzerland, Plot Zurich, Oct. 21. (British Wire- f less Service.) Linot Androi, a de serter from the Italian army, and Rudolf Englemann, a German con sular agent, have been found guilty " in the Swiss courts of having in their possession bpmbs, infernal ma chines and revolutionary pamphlets for use in Italy. Englemann was sentenced to two and a half years ' imprisonment, to pay a fine of 5,000 ; francs, and expulsion from Switzer land for life Androi received 2(1 months in prison, a fine of 1,000 francs and expulsion. Revolution pamphlets found in the shop were printed at the office of La Paix, In Berlin. La Paix is a . pacifist organ directed by Herr Erz. berger, the German centrist leader ' and recently appointed minister ' without portfolio in the cabinet of Prince Maximilian. Rain During Last Week . Benefits Nebraska Crops , A supplemental crop report issued is by the Burlington Railroad com- 1 pany for the week ending last Satur- l day indicates that over Nebraska fall f plowing is about finished and that 'i by the end of this week farmers Will J be through with the sowing of win- " ter wheat. j Winter wheat that was put into rl the ground prior to the recent rains , IS UD and is makinir a raniH orowtli :H - o v ' ' and generally is well advanced fot this season of the year. The acre age is fully up to the normal and in some of the areas exceeds that of lormer years. Rains last week were heavy and well distributed. All through the ; southern part of the state the pre- cipitation was one to two inches. Pasturage is said to have beeu crt-A!. 1M I . improved oy recent .rams u is in gopq condition. Democrats Win Bin Vir.tr .'Carry a Branch Pisloff ice Political note: . '- The branch postoflfce at Twenty- ninth and Leavenworth streets has gone democratic. This is evidenced by the fact that a big democratic campaign placard adorns the front window of the office, imploring voters to give their sup-. (Sort to the democratic ticket. . Jhii Ji another, "victory,"-