Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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lnduti Lady Describes Coc&itt,
Which She Saji Wu Dae To
. v Constipation and TeSt of
Relief Obtained Froc
Scottsburg, Ind. Mrs, Annie Johnson,
of this place, writes: "I well remembei
I suffered for a long time with constipa
tion, which would get me down. I took
1 doctors' medicines and any number of
Dureatives. They would leave me in a
worse condition than I was before taking, 1
and my stomach so upset ... I know
once I suffered . . . from constipation, I
' was so ill we had to have the doctor, jusl
. so nervous and feverish. The doctor
' said 1 would have to quit medicines, mj
1 . stomach was so bad ... ,
My husband was reading and found
something about Thedford's Black
Draught and brought me a package te
trv. i used it reeufarlv at first until! be
gan to feel better, than I used just a dost
occasionally. I was cured of this con'
' ttipation and am sure the Black-Draurir
t If your stomach Is out of order, yot
will suffer from such disagreeable syrup-
toms as headache, biliousness, inoiges-
- tion, etc., and unless something is done,
serious trouble may result
- Thedford's Black-Draught has beer
found a valuable remedy 'for thes
troubles. It is purely vegetable, and
acts in a prompt and natural way, help-
. lng to regulate the liver and to gleans
the bowels of impurities.
:f; Try Black-Draught EB-1!
Hair is by far the most conspic
uous thing about , us and is proba
bly the most easily damaged by bad
or careless treatment If we are
N very careful in hair washing, we
will have virtually no hair troubles.
An especially fine shampoo for this
weather, one that brings out all the
natural beauty of the hair; that dis-
solves and entirely amoves all dan
j rfruff, excess oil and dirt; can easily
s-. be used at trifling expense by sim
i ply dissolving a teaspoonful of
Canthrox (which you can get at any
? druggist's) in a cup of hot water.
. This makes a full cup of shampoo
i liquid enough so it is easy to apply
it to all the hair instead of just the
S top , of the head. This chemically
dissolves all impurities and creates
i a soothing, cooling lather. Rinsing
i leaves the scalp spotlessly clean,
soft and pliant, while the hair takes
t on the glossy richness of natural
color, abo a fluffiness which makes
V it seem much heavier than it is.
After Canthrox shampoo, arranging
1 thajiair is a pleasure. Adv.
'i t.
Increase Traffic Moved With
Smaller Number of ars
Than Last Year; Make
Financial Saving."
Hale Holden, regional director of
the lines of railroad operating in the
central zone, has compiled his re-,
port for September of this year and
has submitted the same to V. G.
McAdoo, director general. This re
port goes into detail as to the busi
ness of the several railroads during
the month and indicates that traffic
was better than normal and entirely
The "Sailing day" plan, adopted
for the purpose of expediting Jhe
movement of freight and at the same
I was cured of this C0BRmc conserving equipment, was re
ported a success. Mr. ttoiaen as
serts that there has been a saving
of 3,429 freight cars per weekwithm
the limits of the central rone. At
the same time there has been an in
creased loading in the regions
where coal, livey stock and grain is
produced. The increase in the live
stock loading is about 19 per cent.
The total freight cars loaded dur
ing September were 164,342, as com
pared with 142,299 for September of
last year, an increase of 22,043,
equivalent to a gain of 1S.5 per cent.
Of the total number, this year jj,05
cars were loaaea witn grain, as
as against 27,402 during the same
month of last year.
Up to the middle of September
there was a heavy movement of
grain and had there sbeen an avail
able outlet the probabilities are that
it would have been a record month.
As it was, about the middle of the
month the elevator capacitj of the
country was , exhausted and conse
quently "the movement of grain
ceased until cxportations and the
dem&iMM of Hue millers reduced the
surplus in storage.
. Mr. Holden finds that the car sup
ply is about adequate to meet the
requirements, witls the exception of
double-deckers for the sfeeial load
ing of some kinds of live stock. The
shortage in this class of equipment
has proved no handicap as stock has
been moved as rapidly as the stock
yards companies could handle it. In
some instances the railroads have
been forced 4o hold back stock ship
ments because the yard companies
could not handle them.
The South Omaha stock yards are
credited with having made a good
showing, during September. Dur
ing the month there were 14,040 in
bound cars of live stock, an increase
of 3,506. or 33.3 per cent. The out
bound business aggregated 7,243
cars, an increase of 1,243, or 20 per
cent. ' '
Oil traffic was an important item
with the roads in the central zone.
During the month the roads han
dled 516 oil trains, with 14,319 cars
In September of this year W.585
carloads of coal were handled, com
pared with 146,302 during the corre
sponding month a year go. The
increase was 18 per cent.
According to Mr. Holden coal has
been going forward at such a rapid
rate that the fuel administration
been pressed to provide markets for
the shipments. Railr6ac officials
and the fuel administration have co
operated and worked in such perfect
harmony that it is believed the fuel
situation is well in hand.
Mr. Holden is of the opinion that
the labor situation is improving and
the increase in the number of em
ployees in the mechanical depart
ments of the roads is encouraging.
curing aeptemoer ot this year the
roads of the central rone- in the
car and locomotive department
were giving employment to 88,940.
as against 79,21 during the corres
ponding month of last year.
Generally - the physical condition
Or the roarl i onnA K.t.r Utn
during the corresponding month of
a year ago, when all of the lines are
taken into consideration. The tie
situation is1 about the onlv thine?
that is unsatisfactory. There is a
shortage of several millions, but the
matter has been called to the atten
ion of the central purchasing com
mittee and immediate relief is anticipated.
By giving special attention to
routing, during the month 492,714
car-miles were eliminated.
The passenger traffic of the roads
of the central zone, shows an enorj
mous saving by the consolidation or
offices. He points out that uo to
September 1. this vear 21 consoli
dated ticket offices had been opened
in the centra zone and that it is
estimated that these consolidations
will result in an annual saving of
.$378,059.15 in rent and $188,919.37
in salaries and other expenses.
During the month, in the move
ment of troops, the roads moved 73
special trains, carrying 26,766 men.
All vains were operated on schedule
and without accident
Mr. Holden points with pride to
the result of the recent Liberty
loan campaign, saying that up to
the time of handing his report to
Mr. McAdoo,,.. October 14. 63 per
cent of the railroad employes of the
central .lone had subscribed to $18.-
0IW4U ot the KjDonqs. this was
equal to an -average of $89 pervper-
(AN '
v ' Nutated Iron Increases strength and
V endurance ot delicate, nervous, run
J down people in two weeks' time in
many instances. H has been used and
i endorsed by such men as, Hon. Leslie
" M. ShaW former Secretary of the
Treasury, and E-Governor of Iowa;
, ' former United States Senator and
Presidential Nomine Chas. A. Towns;
' General John R. Clem (Retired), the
- drummer boy of Shiloh, who was aer-
. ': scent in ths U. S. Army whe only 11
i years of aw; also United States Judge
J G. W. Atkinson of the Court of Claims
; of Washington, and others. Ask, your
, doctor or druggist about it. .
Take a glass of Salts before
breakfast if your Back hurts
or Bladder bothers you.
'. X ,
The American men and women
must guard constantly against Kid
ney trouble, Decause we eat too
much and all our food is rich. Our
blood is filled with uric acid which
the kidneys strive to filter out, they
weaken from overwork, become
sluggish; the eliminative tissues clog
and the result is kidney trouble,
bladder weakness- and a general de
cline in health.
When your kidneys feel like lumps
of lead ; your back hurts or the urine
M is cloudy, full of sediment or you
' are obliged to seek relief two or
" three times during the night; if you.
', suffer with sick headache or dizzy,
- nervous spells, acid stomach, or you
' have rheumatism when the weather
is bad, get from your pharmacist
about four ounces of J ad Salts; take
a tablesnoonful in a glass of water
before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine.
This famous salts is made from the
acid 5f grapes and lemon juice, com
bined with lithia, and has been used
for generations to flush and-stimu
late clogged kidneys; to the acids
in the urine so it no longer is a
souree of irritation, thus ending
tloyrr -rsers.
Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot
iniure. makes a delightful" effer
vescent lithia-water beverage, and.
belongs in every home, because no
body can make a mistaka by having
a good kidney Hushing any time,
frill VI
Sergt. Charles Metz, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Metz, has been com
missioned second lieutenant and or
dered to report to Camp Pike Ark.,
for duty. The young officer has
been stationed at the Omaha quar
termaster corps -for the last year. ' L
Francis "Pat" Boyle, who has
been stationed at the Great Lakes
naval training station is visiting his
mother, Mrs. Mary Boyle, 1228
South Eleventh street. He soon
will be transferred from the Great
Lakes station to Newport, R. I.
Capt. Adam Lepphart, property
officer of the Omaha quartermaster
corps for the last year, left Omaha
Shnday for Jloboken, NY., on his
way for extended field service.
Both Captr-Charles B. Ballard and
Mrs. Ballard are seriously ill with
influenza. Captain Ballard is re
clamation officer of the Omaha
quartermasters corps. V.
Henry Meyers of local exemption
board No. 3, says that many of his
registrants have explained why they
would not make good soldiers but
tlfat only onehas taken the trouble
to recommend himself for service.
Arthur Curtis, 34-year-old negro
registrant, wants to get into the
service and has forwarded recom
mendations to the board to show
When Wrilinj to Our Advertisers
Mention Seeing It in Ths Bet
Rail Commission Alleges
Butter Stock Sold High
The Nebraska Railway commis
sion has intervened in an action
pending in district court, between
Van Bv Lady and the Alfalfa Butter
company. In its petition the com
mission alleges that Lady and the
Alfalfa Butter company have sold
t. r- 1 rv tut ... ....
whereas the real value was $50 per
share. The commission asks that
the difference between the selling
price and real value shall be placed
in a trust fund for distribution
among those who bought the stock.
Postage Rate Eaised.
Melbourne, Oct. 20. Parliament
has passed a bill increasing the post
age on letters and newspaper pack
ages b7 a half penny. The time for
closing the war loan has been ex
pended tg October zs.
Best City Between New York
and 'Frisco, is Opinion of
Watertown (N.Y.) Man
Printed in Home Paper.
Charles R. Skinner of Watertown,
N. Y., recently grew restless and de
cided upon a vacation trip. In the
Daily Tvimes, of that city.e tells
of his travels and devotes a large
part of his story to his visit in Oma
ha. In part he said:
"What do I think of Omaha? It
is one of the finest cities between
New York and San Francisco. 1 here
is evidence of enterprise, prosperity
and public spirit They tell me that
every one in Nebraska is ncn or
expects to be wants to be. There
is an uto for every four people in
the state. Week-end trfps to Kan
sas City, 250' miles and Chicago,
500 miles, are said to be common.
All the great railroads of the west
center here. One trlley line ex
tends 14 , miles without a break.
Fine buildings abound, and there
are great stores both above and be
low the ground. They cling to 5
cent fare on the trolleys, and n
you want a 10 cent shave or a 15
cent haircut, you can have them
by taking a trip to Omaha.
"And the stock yards They are
a city by itself. They make an east
erner open his eyes. Hundreds or
miles of railroad tracks, thousands
of stock pens scattered over (hun
dreds of acres, with cattle, sheep
and hogs, make up this cityt Ele
vated walks give extended views of
the great place. You see long,
driveways leading to the shipping
house and slaughter pens, and they
are filled with endless droves. One
does not care to see the slaughter,
and strangers are forbidden since
the war. Porter-house steaks, lamb
chops ana" ham all around you, but
all on foot. You count until you
reach 6,000,000,000 (the loan limit)
and then you estimate the rest.
"One man was looking for six lost
sheep among 150.000! An attendant
bound for home was carrying some-
thine alive in a bag. It was a pig
which he had rescued from destruc-J
tion in one of the pens, where thou
sands of "porkers" crush the lives
out of "little families" which happen
to arrive, either on the way or in
the pens. , .
"There was a loan drive in prog
ress, with handsome girls selling
bonds a" big war tank , moving up
and down the street. They did not
need to fire guns to attract atten
tion. A colored war map 4U teet
square hung from one of the buijd
ines. You could almost distinguish'
your boy "over there." There was
enthusiasm for war only. I did not
hear politics mentioned. Offe little
poster told of some one wno warns
"California Syrup of Figs"
can't harm tender stomach
' or bowels.
A laxative today saves a sick
child tomorrow. Children simply will
not take the time from play to
empty their bowels, which become
clogged up .with waste,' liver gets
sluggish; stomach sour.
Look at the tongue.. mother! If
coated, or your child is listless,
cross, feverish, fcfeath bad, restless,
doesn't eat heartily, full of cold or
has sore throat or any other chil
dren's ailment, give a teasponful
of "California Syrup of Figs," then
don't worry, because it is perfectly
harmless, and in a few hours all this
constipation poison, sour bile and
fermenting waste will gently move
out of the bowels, and you have a
well.- playful child again. A thor
ouerh "inside cleansing" is ofttimes
all that is necessary. It shenld be
the first treatment given ,in any
sickness. " ' ,
v Beware of counterfeitfig syrups,
Ask your druggist for a bottle of
"Calif ornia Syrup of tlgs,"-whic&
has full directions, for babies, chilr
drett of all ages and for grown-ups
plainly printed on tne ooiue. look
carefully and see that it is made
by the "CalifornifFie Syrup Com-
that he will make 4 brave soldier.
Curtis sends his "application for a
position as a soldier" from Brewton,
Ala., and encloses two good rec
ommendations from prominent
First Lt. George "A. Keyser. for
merly of the law firm of Lovely
and keyser, has been in active serv
ice in Franceand, recently was in a
hospital at Paris for nine weeks re
covering from wounds he suffered
when a 77 Hun shell exploded near
him. As soon as he was out of the
hospital he celebrated by joining his
company in the trenches and going
"over the top" with them in the fa
mous St. Mihie! drive. The young
officer is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Keyser, 4425 Parker street.
Max Tenbaum, well in
amateur sport circles here, writes
from Fort Sill, Cjkl., where he is in
the infantry, thit out of his com
pany of 250 men all but five have
had the Spanish influenza. He also
savs that his company bought $36.
000 worth of Liberty bonds, al
though their quota was only $9.00Q.
John, Reagan, Charles Gore,
Micke Gibson and Police Officer
Bill Carney. Omaha pals of Ten
baum, have just sent the young sol
dier a nice warm sweater as a
practical evidence that he is not for
gotten. V
I -to
be county clerk or "something."
There was no peace talk except
unconditional surrender. Forgiving
was not in the creed."
Boy Scout's. First Aid '
Given Comrade, Saves
Life After Accident
The efficient training Phillip Betz
received as a Boy Scout probably
saved the life of his companion, Dan
iel Turner, Fifteenth and Camden
avenue, who was badly wounded
in the left thigh by the accidental
discharge of a shotgun Mondayi
The boys were hunting in a boat
on the Missouri river when the ac
cident occurred?" Young Betz suc
ceeded in rowing the boat to shore,
where he staunched, the flow of
blood, which, according to Police
Doctor Edstrom, would have been
fatal. So efficient was the scout in
his treatment, that it was unnec
essary to change the bandage until
the hospital was reached.
of age, died at the home of his
parents, 4136 California 6treet, Sun
day evening of Spanish influenza.
The funeral will be held Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock in Dodder's
chapel, with interment In Prospect
Hill cemetery, Mr. Goodrich is sur
vived by his parents, Mr. 'and Mrs.
Frank Goodrich.
JAMES PATTERSON, 11 years of
age, died at the home of his father,
7706 North Thirty-seventh street,
Sunday night of Spanish Influenza.
He is survived by his father, James
Patterson; two 'brothers, Robert,
who is with the American expedi
tionary forces In France, anc. Frank,
and three sisters, Edith, Nellie and
years of age, died Sunday at the
home of her parents, 1020 North
Twenty-ninth street The funeral,
which will "be private, will be held
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
residence, with interment In West
Lawn cemetery. The girl is survived
by her parents, Mr.and Mrs. J. N.
Hildlnsr. r
Man Ships Carload to Kansas
City and Gets Four Hundred
and Fifty Dollars More .
Than Best Bid Here.
Numerous reports of profiteering
in potatoes by the middle men or
commission firms of Omaha have
come -to the food administration re
cently and an investigation is now
under way. One instance is given
of a farmer from out in the state
who shipped a car load of potatoes
to the Omaha market. He received
a number of bids from the commis
sion men, but they were all so low
that he refused to accept any of
them.Jput reshipped his car to the
Kansas City market, where he re
ceived $45jL) more for the carload
than his best bid here.
Pay 60 to 80 Cents.
It is claimed that commission men
are stouring the potato growing sec
tions of the northern and western
part of the state, makingvcontracts
with the growers. In numerous in
stances they purchase the potatoes
at from 60 Cents to 80 cents a bushel
f. o. b. Omaha. Prices to retailers
here in the city are said to range
from $1.40 to $1.50, leaving the com
mission men 70 to 80 cents a bushel
The commission men contend that
in sejling the potatoes at the pres
ent prices asked, they are still un
der, the price set by the price fixing
committee, and are not violating
the rules of the food administra
tion. The officials of the food admin
istration say that the retail grocers
are' living iip to the rules in all in
stances. The best grades are re
tailing as low as 38 cents a peck
or $1.50 a bushel. This leaves the
large share of the profit for the
commission firms, and forces the
retailers to sell at a very small mar
gin. Officials of the food administra
tion maintain that the commission
men are entitled to only a rason-
lible profit, regardless of the prices
set by the administration, and if
the investigations now under way
show that the above statements are
correct, a way will be found to deal
with the profiteers.
Brie City News
Lighting Futures. Burgess-Oranden
BaTe Root Print It Beacon Press.
Dr. Frank Simon, sutta T13. Oma
ha National Bank Bldg.
Postpone Meeting The Allies'
auxiliary of the First Presbyterian
church have postponed their meeting
scheduled for Wednesday, dueto in
fluenza quarantine. After the ban is
lifted regular meetings will be held.
Negro Orator to Speak Here
Colonel Roscee Conklin Simmons,
the famous negro orator who spoke
at the Auditorium several months
ago, will speak at the Cavalry Bap
tist church, Twenty-fifth and Far
nam streets, on the evening of Oc
tober 29. v '
Injured In Auto Smash Mrs. Eva
Walker, 2646 Harney street, re
ceived a severe cut on the top of her
head and internal injuries, when the
auto in which she was riding col
lided with an auto driven by Frank
Buckley, 2206 Lake street, at Thir
tieth and' Newport avenue Sunday
afternoon. '
Visits In Rochester A. B. Warren
of ,the McCord-Brady Wholesale
Grocery company. Just returned
from Rochester, Minn., Monday
morning, where he has been spend
ing a few days with Mr. McCord,
president of the firm, who is under
the care of physicians at the Mayo
Fine fireplace good at Sunderland's.
Boegh Must' Explain
Why Didn't Take Burglar
Policeman Boegh, who is station
ed at Twenty-fourth and Cuming
street, will have to explain why he
failed to answer a burglar call Sun
day night, in a report to Chief Eber
stein Tuesday.
P. W. Gookley, 2806 Burt street,
states that he captured a burglar
who had entered the home of Mrs.
Alice Kuhl, a widow who was alone
with her two small children, Sunday
night. He called the police station
and told them to come -to Twenty
eighth and Cuming streets. He says
he waited fully half an hour for the
Kpojice, but finally the man escaped.
Desk Officer Trobee admits get
ting the call and says he called
Officer Boegh twice, telling him to
hurry the second time. Boegh
claims to have been busy with the
morals squad at the time.
Thomas H. Jackson Files
Answer in Divorce Case
Thomas H. Jackson, in his an
swer and cross-petition in a divorce
action started by his wife, Janet
Jackson alleges that Mrs. Jackson
became addicted to the use of chlor
oform, and that upon his refusal to
obtain the drug, for her she threw
his clothes out of their home
on several occasions and ordered
him to follow the clothes.
Stomach Acts Fine, No Indigestion! '
Eat without Fear of Upset Stomach
Foocl souring, gas, acidity !
If your meals hit back causing
belching, pain, flatuence, indiges-v
tion or heartburn here's instant
relief. No waiting I
Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its
speed in ending all stomach distress.
Never fails!
"Keep it handy. Tastes nice itid
jcosts so little at drug stores.
tmsET'? Pape's Diapepsin
Millions Are
and Ailing B
Of Acid-Sto
There are any number of people who for years
have been sick and ailing, weak, run down and in
a poor physical condition who will be surprised
even dumbfounded to learn that their trouble has
just been an acid-stomach, which is mereJy another
name for what doctors call superacidity. Yet it is
now positively known that acid-stomach is the
cause of a very large number of diseases. ,
Excess acid in the stomach pvents proper
digestion and assimilation, thus causing the blood
to bf come thin and impoverished, as a result of
which people become sallow-skinned, emaciated and
Excess acid causes irritation all along the intes
tinal tract irritation so severe and aggravating as
to frequently result in catarrh and even cancer of
the stomach. . s
Excess acid causes stomach and intestinal fer
mentation, producing poisons which, absorbed into
the blood and carried throughout the system, cause
auto-intoxication, insomnia, nervousness, irritabil
ity, mental depression, melancholia, dizziness, ver
tigo and. often times, valvular heart trouble and
heart failure.
Yes, many people will be gratly surprised tc
learn that such a long train of physical ailments can
be traced directly to an acid-stomach. Put there
is no need for surprise. Think what acid mouth
does to the teeth. The acid eats right through the
enamel the hardest substance in the human body.
And that is exactly what makes teeth rot and de
cayT No wonder, then, that excess acid in the
stomach plays such havoc; causes so much Ul
health and misery makes so many people weak
and ailing unfit foreither work or pleasure and
brings on premature old age.
So often you have heard the remark : "I've taken
all sorts of tonics and medicines and tried many
dtferent doctors but nothing seems to help me."
Njpe times out of ten the person making such a
remark has an acid-stomach And until the excess
acidtS removed, nothing WILL help. Remove that
excess acid and the results are truly wonderful.
Health and strength return almost like magic.
You can now rid your stomach of its excess acid.
A wonderful modern medicine called EATONIC
literally wipes it out. It does the work easily,
speedily and thoroughly. It makes the stomach pure,
sweet, cool and comfortable. It helps you get full
strength out of every mouthful of food you eat;
and unless DO get full strength from your
food you .cannot enjoy robust, vigorous healthy
EATONIC is in the form of tablets. They are
pleasant-tastiSg you eat them just like candy.
Try EATONIC and see how wonderfully dif
ferent you will feel. See how quickly EATONIC.
banishes the immediate effects of acid-stomach-
bloat, heartburn, belchiflg, food repeating, indi
gestion, etc. See, too, how quickly your general
' health improves how much more relish you take
in eating how much 'more easily your food
is digested how soundly you sleep how nervous
ness and irritability disaDnear. And all simply be
cause, by taking EATONIC, you get rid of a lot
of excess acid that has been holding you back and
making your life miserable.
This is the help you need. You need it to keep
your stomach in a strong, healthy condition so that,
in turn, your mind and body will be strong and
It is so easy to get this help and it costs so little.
So why suffer another hour when, sure, quick relief
is at hand? Ask your druggist about it. He knows
that tens of thousands of people all over the United
States haveused this wonderful modern remedy and
the results have been nothing short of marvelous.
Everywhere people who have used EATONIC tes
tify to its power to bring quick relief. The testi
monials of some of these people are so enthusiastic
and tell of such remarkable results as to be almost
If yon are ono-of those who have "tried every
thing," but in spite of it are still lacking in physical
strength and vigor, begin at once to take EATONIC.
Don't put it off. Get back your physical and
mental punch. Have the power and energy to work
with a vim. Enjoy the good things of life. Learn
what it means to fairly bubble over with health.
Like thousands of others, you will say that you
never dreamed it possible that such a wonderful
change for the heUer could be brought about so
quickly,. . 1
' So get a big trox of EATONIC from your druggist
today. We authorize him to guarantee EATONIC
to please you and you can trust your own druggist5
to make this guarantee good. If EATONIC fails
in any way, take it back he vnjt refund your
money. If your druggist does not Keep EATONIC
write to us direct and we will send you a big 50c
box. You can send us the 50c after you receive it.
Address H. L. Kramer, President, EATONIC
Remedy Co., Corner Wabash Avenue and 11th
Street, Chicago, HI. '
Two Women Face federal
Prostitution Charge and
Taxi Driver for Selling
Liquor to Soldier.
Idaakem'ght and Martitfa Sor
enson, 307 North Twenty-fifth
street,, charged with operating a
house of prostitution within the
10-milc zone, anJ Carl Kimball, taxi
driver, same address, charged with
selling liquor to a soldier in uniform,
were brought before Commissioner
Neeley this morning. The trio were
arrested by the military police
along with the proprietress of the
house at that number, whose name
is withheld pending investigation of
her part in the, affair.
It is rumored around the federal
building that -this is a hint (twards
a general shake-up by the military
police in Omaha of all prostitution
and selling of liquor to soldiers
comiatr under the recent order of
the War department increasing the I
zone covered Dy me military ;iuhlc
from five miles to 10 miles, under
this new 10-mile zone ruling the
entire city of QnTaha will come un
der the jurisdiction of the military
police. v
The order from the War depart
ment, signed by General Payton C.
March, states "it shall be unlawful
to engage in prostitution, or to aid
or abet, procure or solicit for pros
titution, or to set up a house of Jll
fame." The selling of liquor to sol
diers in uniform in ihe zone of the
military police will also become a
much more hazardous task than
Ida Wakenight, and Martin Sor
enson, appeared before Federal
Judge Woodrough Monday, and
pleaded guilty to a charge of prosti
tution and were sentenced to 90
days in the county jail. The soldiers
working on thccase cstificd that
they f ave the women marked money
which was later found in their pos
session by Department of Justice officials.
Druggist and Firm Are
Sued by Woman for
, Death of Husbam
Eva Thamann of Kalston, on bt
half of herself and three minor
rhildrpn. li.n Entered suit in dis
trict court against John, Joseph ;
Jessie and A. E. Merntt and ifter
man-McDonnell Drug company fo
$10,000 damages. -
The pejitioner alleges that ' thd
defendants, from December 24 t
30, 1917, sold to her late husband,
Tohn Thamann. ouantities of es
sence of winter green, wincn caused t
his death. It is alleged that th fi
winter green was not medicated and, j
therefore, was . within the provision f
of the state prohibitory law.
Belgian Flag Again Flies A V
On Frontier of Holland f
Amsterdam, Oct. 2Q, The Belgiafli
flag is flying over the-' town o! v
Houckc, just across the frontier
from the Dutch town of Sluis.
Absolutely Removesr
Indigestion. Druggist
refund money if it fails. 25q
Ringworm- I
Scalp Sores ;
If yoa want ipeedy help try V. D. IV ; '
Preicription. So eaiy to tpplr, o ( ; I
resy or mlay. It waihe into tl
tcalp and the relief li mutant Try it a -
today. It ii guaranteed. 5c,0 and
ti.oo. ' ' - --'; .;; f
Tie XriCtuiCL was!
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Go after it with Sloan's
. Liniment before it gets
Apply a little, don't rub, let it
penetrate, and good-by twinge 1
Same for external , aches, pains,
strains, stiffness of joints or mus
cles, lameness, bruises.
Instant relief 'Without mussiness
or soiled clothing.- Reliable the
biggest selling liniment year after
year. Economical by. reason of
ptirtrmniis snfpg. Kept) a hie bottle
ready at all times. Ask your drug
gist lor sioan b liimmey
Stop Itching Eczema
Never mind how often you have tried
and failed, you can stop burning, itching
eczema quickly by applying a litlte zemo
furniskedbyanydruKgistfor35c. Extra
large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins tha
moment zemo is applied. In a shore
time usually every trace of eczema,,
tetter, pimples, rash, blackheads and
similar skin diseases will be removed.
For clearing the skin and making it
vigorously healthy.alwaysuse zemo,th9
penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not a
greasy salve anditdoesnotstain. When
others fall it is the one dependabla
treatment fop skin troubles of all kinds.
The E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland. O.
MHaHM i m.m ci hbi wm mm ibh
Kidney dUeut ii no respecter ot per
sona. It attacks all classes, regardless of
age, sex or conditions. A majority of the
ills afflicting people today can ba traced
back to the. kidney trouble.
The kidnlys are the most important or
gans of the1 body. They are the filterers,
the purifiers, of your blood. If the poi
sons which are swept from the tissues by
the blood are not eliminated through the
kidneys, disease' of one form or another
will claim you as a victim.
Kidney disease is usually indicated -by
weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, de
spondency, backache, stomach trouble,
difficulty when urinating, pain in loins and
lower' abdomen, gall stones, gravel, rheu
matism, sciatica and lumbago.
All these derangements are nature's sig
nals to warn you that the kidneys need
help. You should use GOLD . MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules immediately. - Th
soothing, healing oil stimulates the kid
neys, relieves inflammation and destroys)
the germs which have caused it. IDot not
wait until tomorrow. Go to your dKuggUt
today and insist on his. supplying, you
with a box of ' GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil Capsules. , In twenty-four hours you .
should feel health and vigor returning and
will bless the day you first heard of GOLD
MEDAL Haarlem Oil.
After you feel that you have cured ,
yourself, continue to take one or twoap '
sules each day, so as to keep In first-Flats) ,
condition and ward off the danga. of othtf
attacks. - .
Ask for the original imported GOLD
MEDALrand. Three sizes. Money re
funded if they do not help yon. Adv.
fever has left you, or if'you ara
Simply the Old - Fashioned ver or not stronS. in j4
Z ' x. j. ,, four days or more, accolf ding to the
Grip Masquerading Un
der a New Name.
Rnanish Influenza, which aD-
peared in Spain in May, has all the
appearance of grip or la grippe,
which has swept over trie world in
numerous epidemics as far back as
history runs. Hippocrates refers
to an epidemic in 412 B. C, which
is regarded by many to have been
influenza. Every century has-14.
its attacks. Beginning with 18S7
this country has had five epidemics,
the last in 1889-90.
There is no occasion for panic
influenza or grip has a very low
percentage of fatalities not over
one death out of every four hun
dred case3, according to the N. C.
Board of Health. The chief dan
ger lies in complications arising,
attacking principally patients in a
run down condition those' who
don't go to bed soon enough, or
those who get up too early.
vru iu ueu au me iirat symptoms, J " .
not only for your own sake but tcr arising.
avoid spreading the disease to
others take a purgative, eat plenty
of nourishing food, remain perfect
ly quiet and don't worry. Nature
herself is the only "cure" for in
fluenza and will throw off the at
tack if only yob conserve your
strength. A little Quinine, Aspirin
or Dover's Powder may be given
bythe physician's directions to
allay the aching. Always call a
physician, since the chief danger of
erip is in its weakening effect on
the system, which allows complica
tions to develop. These are chiefly
pneumonia and bronchitis,' some
times inflammation of the -middle
ear, or heart affections. For theke
the patient remain in bed until
his strength returns stay inched
at; least two days pr more, after the
? J t 11
severuy oi me atiacK.
Evidence seems to prove that this
is a germ disease, spread principally '
by human, contact,' chiefly through v i
coughing, sneering or spitting. So ' I
avoid persons having colds which :!
means avoiding crowds common if
drinking cups, roller towels, etc. t
Keep up your bodily strength by '
plenty of exercise in the onenair. 1
anu goua ioou. . ,
Above all. avoid colds, a rnU
irritate the lining of the'air pas
sages ana render them much better
breeding places for the germs. - Uso
Vjck's .VapoRub at the very first
sign of a cold. For a head cold,
melt a little VapoRub in a spoon
and inhale the vapors, ors better
still, use VapoRub in a benzoin
steam kettle. If ,this is not avail
able, use an ordinary tea-kettle. X
Fill half -full of boiling water, put"
in half a teaspoon of VapoRub'from
time to time keep tbe kettle just
siowiy Douing andlnhac the steam
NdTE Vick's VanoRnh ia th
discovery of a North Carolina drug
gist, who found .how to combine, in
salve form, Menthol sand Tamphor
with such volatile oils as Eucalyp
tus, Thyme, Cubebs, etc., so that
when the salve is applied to tho
body heat, these ingredients aro
liberated in . tho form of vapors.
VapoRub can be had in three sizes
all druggists. While compare- -lively
new in certain parts of tho
North,, it is the standard homo
renedy in the South and West for
all forms of cold troubles over
six million jars wereyold last year.
VapoRob is particularly, recom
mended lor ctnidrens crouo oi
reasons, it is very important that colds, as it is externally applied vA
the patient remain in bed intil nn. thprfi
can. therefore, be uspd frpW A
often without the slightest harnnA
,ful effect : 1 ,. , v S