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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1918)
'1 'V ' ' THE ' BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 22, 1918. POOR PROBE IN DODGE AFTER WILSOrrSTALK County Attorney Cook to Have Full Inquiry When , ; State Agent Said to Have Made Charge. i-'remont, Kcb., Oc. 21. (Special 1'elegram.) As a result of an al leged statement of State enator Wallace Wilson of Fremont, now state liquor agent, by appointment of Governor Neville, concerning the disposition of a three-gallon jug of whisky recofved in Fremont last J wee in a oarre 01 craiiDernes. . County Attorney T. C. Cook has .filed a petition asking that an in vestigation be v made, bounty Attorney vCook asks that MY. Wilson, Mayor W. C Wiley, Carlos Morehouse, Chief of Police . J A. Welton, Sheriff Condit .and three members of the police force be Subpoened as witnesses. 4 Senator Wilson is ciiargcd-with The Bee's Free Shoe Fund To Buy Shoes For Shoeless Children With the subsiding of, the epi demic which hs closed the schools of Omaha, hope is now being enter tained of an early lifting of the ban and the beginning of school This will means-the purchasing of the shoes for which so many have gen erously contributed Previously acknowledged $74.50 Marian M. Hinckley 2.00 Allie T. Merriam 5.00 A. K. Curtis 2.00 Flu About Conquered At Gimp Funston, Is Word From Col Hall From a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, Oct. 21 -(Special.) "The Spanish influenza has about run out in Camp Funston, but ft has left some sad hearts around the firesides at home," according to Col. P. L. Hall, jr., in a letter to a Lincoln friend. 1 The colonel says tlrat they have having made the statement that the i booze had been turned over by Sheriff Copdit with the knowledge ot Attorney Cook to the owner. Carlos Morehouse, who is associated regiments at present. in- the wholesale commission busi- uess with Mayor w. g. wiley. J Grand Island Man Killed ; The booze was slapped to rre-T rriont from Mohcrly, Mo., 10 days ago, an assumetl name being used for the consignee. When the bar rel broke open at the office of the been busy and expect to be more so 'when the new draft comes in. Colonel Half is in command of four In Argument Oyer Suitcase Grand Island. Neb.. Oct. 21. FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN FIGURES NOT COMPLETED Tabulation Progressing, but Definite Reports Not Ready; Twenty-two Million Sub scribers Certain. (Special-) White at the Burlington passenger station herb ejepress company, the top of the ug j hMjck Ga , a hack drivcr ?vas proimueii. n was men me auiinin- . - 1 tics discovered the -unlawful fire water. They kept watch for several days, but the owner failed to appear and claim H. It was then, under the direction of County Attorney Cook, turned over tc'iiieriff Condit. Mho still has the jugiiand contents in his posses sion. fin a statement accompanying the petition County Attorney Cook sets forth that Mr. Wilson, as a special investigator bv appointment of Gov ernor Nevillehas failed to prosecute bootleggers when the evidence has ' been submitted to him. i 'The statement ets forth that The Dodge county attorney secured "evi dence of the operations of a gang of bootleggers operating near Omaha and informed Mr. Wilson of his findings. County Attorney Cook says he is prepared to show that the governor's ngetft has repeatedly sidestepped his duty as official booze sleuth. The date of tha hear ing has not been fixed. ! Saunders County Selects Ready, but Call Canceled! shot and instantly killed by Harry Kay of Kansas City, Mo. Kay stated that he came here from Kansas City recently and hired Gal logly to take him to the St. James hotel. Rayhad two heavy grips and Gallogly advised him that the po lice were watching him. Ray left the hotel to find out if the statement were true, and on his return fround that both Gallogly and the grips had disappeared. .Ray spent several days endeavoring to get the grips back. It is thought by the authorities that the shooting is the end of a bootlecgingj affair in which both Ray and Gallogly were interested, al though Ray insists that, the grips contained nothing but clothes. Government Stops Work On Consolidated School Beatrice, Neb., Oct. 21. (Special) Word has been recently received irom government officials that the I towns of Filley and Virginia, in this county, will not 6e allowed to con struct consolidated school buildings until after the war, and similar ord ers will probably be received at Frefront. Neb.; Qct. 21. -(Special " me"lle, and barneston ine -Teegran..)-With all the home , bu''d,n.alr1? t0 cost about $bO.OOO guards companies of the county and ' rs-,U ,,,iam Pitt. died-recently hundreds of friends assembled to l he.r hom? n" 2e" f nflunza. strive them a rousing send-off, the , he Jmved by her husband and call tor entramment ot l.w launders , county selected men at Wahoo this morning was canceled. The draft board was instructed to send.the se lects back home until further no tice. , '""Ait army physician and a sergeant ;from Fort Riley came to Fremont ' to accompany a trainload of soldiers fronwthe northern counTtf9to Camp Kearny, Cal.. but the call was can celed. - Dodge county will send 78 rebistrants to Camp Kearny tomor row if the cafl is not canceled. An army physician will accompany the selects. . Bootlegger in Fremont Jail; Brother Is Held in Bluffs Fremont. Neb ..' Oct. 21. (Scial Telegram.)-. G Callahan, brother I of Ed. Callahan, rremonter arrest ed with his stepmother. Mrs. Cora Callahan, at "Council Bluffs aaveek ago on , an' alleged' bootlegging charge, is serving a 30-day sentence in the couuty jail .here on a simitar charge. S. C CalSahan was arrested as he steooedT from a Union Pacific train , at, 1:40 o'clock this morning, with 17 quarts ot "cneer nqui in -his possession. Callahan pleaded guilty. . . ? . i Dodge County Over, Top. Fremont,. Neb., Oct.' 21. (Special Telegram.) After receiving reports from, a few scattering precincts, County Chairman George C. Gage reported that Dodge county j had gone over the top in the Liberty loan drive. The county's quota was $1,670,000. Fremont's apportionment was $525,000. Fremont raised $550,000. Table Rock Men Victim Of Spanish, Influenza Table Rock, Neb., Oct. 21. (Special) The first death from in fluenza occurred here today when D. W. Main, night clerk of the new Lincoln hotel, died. He is survived by his wife, who is sick with the disease, and his father and mother who live in Spirit Lake- la. Rev. J. B. Cherry, of the Presby terian church at Hubbcll, has ac cepted a call to the Presbyterian church at this place and will take up his duties, today. Influenza Situation Improving at Fairbury Fairbury, Neb., Oct. 21. (Special) Two deaths of influenza occurred here yesterday, they being the one year old son of Mr.iand Mrs. Glenn Elsworth of California, and J. W. Murphy of this place. The epidemic is thought to be under control at this time, although there are a number of cases here, and several new ones were reported during the last few days. Military Funeral for Victim of Influenza Craig.' Neb., Oct. 21. (Special.) Leslie Eckerson, formerly of Craig, died October 17 in the base' hos pital at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., of pneumonia following influenza. The body was brought here, where a military funeral was held Sunday. The Craig home guards attended the funeral in a body. By Associated Press. Washington, Oct.21VAfter read, ipg a number of late reports on the outcome of the fourth Liberty loan campaign, which closed Saturday, treasury officials declared tonight there is little certainty at this time either of the total volume of sub scriptions or the number of sub scribers. They still felt no doubt that the "loan had been oversub scribed, but explained that many easier messages appeared too op timistic in the light of actual figures now being corhpited by every bank and local committee over the coun try. Some cities, .which at first re ported they were heavily oversub scribed, now discover that they barely went over their marks. There was good ground, however. for the estimate that 22,000,000 or more individuals had subscribed to the greatest war loan ever floated by any government. The fact that many of these represented lump subscriptions by corporations which later resell bonds to their employes led to the belief, that the number of actual bondholders would be con siderably higher. , Report Monday. Owing to the present uncertainty, the treasury expects to make no further announcement concerning, the results of the loan until definite and official figures are received from each federal reserve bank. Thjb first of these reports - is hardly looked for before next Monday, and the final compilations may be de layed for two weeks. The navy subscribed more than $40,000 000, said an announcement today by Rear Admiral Cowie, navy Liberty loan officer, and this figure will be raised by later reports. The army also made a fine record, but the figures are yet incomplete. Gen eral Pershing cabled that up to Oc tober 14 members of the American expeditionary force had subscribed $1,207,000 and that this probably would be run to $2,000000 or more. - Nebraska Nurse in East Is Victim of Influenza From a Staff Correspondent. - Lincoln, Oct. 21. (Special.) Miss Marian Sargent, Lincoln com poser, received a message last night that her sister, a Red Cross nurse at Fort Slocum, New York, had died of pneumonia, after a short illness. The deceased nurse was a gradu' ate of the David City high school and of the state university class of 1905 and was a daughter of the late Charles H. Sargent; well known in vjmana. Miss Sargent was born in Glou cester, Mass., and while residing in Lincoln had American " Casualty List Women's Wdrk ? -. Are women as yet really needed in all our industries? One of our experts in industrial management believes that before the war ends women will be.needed by the hundred thousands, and we ouht now to be - planning for their training and safe guarding. ' "Now is the time to pre pare and develop plans and policies. Every woman Bhould make herself fit for war's call at home or abroad. Health and strength are within the reach of every woman, and tfyere is no better time than now to try an herbal toniefwhich has had a half century of practical demonstration and successful results in most of the delicate derangements and weak nesses of women. ItistbVPrescrip lion",of Dr. Pierce, used by him In active practice many 'years, and now sold by almost every druggist In tablet or liquid form. If tja a headache, a backache, a leiaation of irritability or twitching and uncontrollable nervousness, something must be wrong with the head or back, a woman naturally says, but alUhe time the real trouble very often centers in the organs. In nine cases out of ten the seat of the difficulty is here, and a woman should take rational treatment for its cure. The disorder should be treated steadily and systematically with Or. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and the hygienic advice followed which Dr. Pierce gives free. For diseases from which women" suffer, "Favorite Prescription" is a powerful restorative. During the last fifty years it has banished from the lives of tens of thousands of women the pain, worry, misery and distress caused .by these diseases. Your neighbor could tell you. , 'Address Dr. Pierce, Pres. In valids' Hotels Buffalo,; N. Y., and get confidential medical advice en tirely free, or send 10c for trid package. .'TrescriDtion" tablets.. a claim in Wyoming on which she had lived, leaving it up Ked cross work and had just jw muku, j-j 'i " The following Nebraskans and Iowans are named in the casualty list given out by the government for Tuesday morning, October 22: KILLED IN ACTION. Privates r Edward H. Bitzer, next of kin, Mrs. Elizabeth E. Bitzer, Muscatine, la. Tru W. Myers, next of kin, Wm. W. Myers, Lamane, la. Perry W. Skinner, next of kin, Mrs. Susie Skinner, Creston, la. Sorensen Christoffersen, next of kin, Louis Schmidt, Treynor, la. Thos. C. Shipps, next of kin, Mrs. Louisa Shipps, Ottumwa, la. Charlie A. Wagner, next of kin, Will Wagner. Rudd. Ia. WOUNDED SEVERELY. Lt John W. Wingate next of kin, Earl J. Kintner, Waterloo, Ia. Sergt. Floyd J. Roberts, next of kin, F. B Roberts, Farragut, Ia. Privates Marius W. Fowler, next of kin, Lewis W. Fowler, Keosauqua, Ia. John F. Gannon, next of kin, Mar tin Gannon, Ulysses, Neb. James Hannon. next of kin Mrs. Pearl Hannon, Falls City, Neb. Carmelo Mangiameli, next of-kin, Trola Sebat'ano. 506 Woolworth street, Omaha, Neb. Calvin A. Young, next of kin, An thony Young, St. Edward, Neb. Andrew A. Campbell, next of kin, Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell, 205 North Fifteenth street, Omaha, Neb. Allie Polen, next of kin, Charles Polen, Independence, Ia. John Applebee, next of kin, Clyde N. Applebee, Courtland, Neb. Herman A. Fleegee. next of kin, Mrs. Frank Fleegee, Beloit, Ia. Joel M'ller, next of kin, Ernest Miller, Lesliem, Ia. DIED OF WOUNDS. .Corp. Dan Bryan Racobs, next of kin, William Wilson Racobs, Smith land, Ia. Lroy C. Noddersen, next of kin, John L. Noddersen, Des Moines, Ia. The following Nebraskans and Iowans are named in the casualty list given out by the government fot Monday afternoon, October 21: KILLED IN ACTION. Herman H. Fischer; next of kin. Mrs. Mary Fischer, Hardy, Neb. v Elmer J. Moss; next of kin, Mil burn A. Moss, Missouri Valley. Ia. DIED OF DISEASE. Hugh H. Galland; next of kin, Britton Galland, Salix, Ia. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY. N Sergt. Elmer Molinger; next of kin, James P. dinger, Herman, Neb. Corp. Homer C. Duzenberry; next of kin, J. Duzenberry, Lorimer. Ia. Leroy J. Grimes; next of kin, Mrs Anna Grimes, Dubuqne, Ia. Jesse Moore; next of kin, Mrs. Elizabeth Moore, Oskaloosa, Ia. Aleck Morrow; next of kin, Dick Perky, Harrison, Neb. '. William P. Nevin; next of kin, Mrs. Patrick Nevin, Exeter, Neb. Henry A. Sebade; next of kin. Miss Ella Sebade, Randolph, Neb. Bert G. Young; next of kin, Roy M. Young, Lamoni, i. WOUNDED SEVERELY. Joseph E. Claud; next of kin, MrH. George T. Dean, Mapleton. Ia. Utho W. Lntora, jr.; next oi ma. Corp. Donald X. Drescher, 6600 Vernon Ave., St. Loutm, Mo. Corp. Thos. P. Farley. 933 Cth Ave., New Kensington, Pa. Corp. Francla Wm. Oreen, JJ1 S. Benton St.. Kanses City, Mo. Corp. Stanley A. Matthewi, JO HySe Park, Rochester, N. V. Corp. Roy Ray, Vayna City. 111. Wagtner George Ephrlan Lynn, Aaher, Okl. Mechanic Clarence N. Coleman, Detroit, Tex, Mechanic Clarence O, Kepple, Artesla, N. M. Edward II. Bttifr, Muscatine. Ta, Arnold BotsforJ, Sassbrouck, X. J. Paul J. Cash, Oakwood, Tex. John T. Cox. Wlnterville, N. C. Dewey C. Cronlnger, Washburn, N. !., Bernard D. Cunningham, Hamilton, Tex. Herbert W. DeLoni, Belmont, N. T. Antolne J. DePerry. Cloquet, Minn. Ralph J. Dull, Lewlsburg, Pa. Leroy Evana, Forbur, Tex. Leon B. Oarten, Mooreland, Okl. Louis C Hagen, Eleerrlto. Cal. David Horwlta, Cincinnati. O. Robert E. House, "Aberdeen, Mlas. v Jerome Ben Jendrzey, Yorktown, Tex. John A. Lukkonen, Menaga. Minn. Robert O. McArthur. Brewton, Ala. James Genaro Millage, Pittsburgh, Pa. Tru W. Meyers, Lamane, Ia. Johan Nllsson, St. Paul, Minn. ' William S. Parker, Abbeville. Ala.' Charles L. Rleker, Poughkeepsle, X. T. Frank L. Riley, Jersey City. X. J. Perry W. Skinner, Creston, Ia. Ed J. Sullivan, Manchester, X. H. John Udych, Detroit, Mich. James H. Young, Walters. "Tex. Spauldlng I. Addlngton, Qulnlau, Tex. Gilbert E Arvln. Tlmewell. ill. Frank Bat, Cleveland, O. Thomas L. Blaclk, Bt Paul, Minn. Charlie R. Blye, Peoria, 111. Uoneke Bolsa. Brooklyn, X.JT. Henry Carina!!, 1'lttsfleld, Mass. Sorsen Christoffersen, Treynor, la. James W. Cooke. New York, X. T. Jack Cowan, Tul. Ok!. John XV. Criner, Fort Worth, Tex. John R. Foster. Gardiner, Me. Xlck Goicas. Canton, O. Clarence Groves. Bt. Mary's, W. Vs. Theo. Hartmann. .New York, X. Y. Vincent P. Hays, Ogden, 111. Cleiipha p. Hebert, Grand Lake, La. Nell G. Htghtower. Lyman. ash. . Samuel J HochfelJer, New York, X Alfred Housefleld, Madison, Ind. Robert 1. Hutchison. Winter Hill, Mass Louis Hyman. Xew York, X. Y. Walter M. Lloyd. Camden. 8. C Albert Mausner. Brooklyn. X. Y. Juhn L. Meadows. Red Fork, Okl. John W. Medlln, Jlarlonville, Mo. Chas. F. Miller. South Park. Ky. Urban J. Mondt, Ariston, III. John Xahor, fcKeesport, Pa. Fred John Xles, 8t Louis. Mo. Francis Xunn, Hartsell. Ala. John Olson, Lockport, III. Halbejt A. Owens, Waco, Tex. Goo. A. Perry. Richmond, Va. Wm. Pierce. Wellville, Cal. I sailor Pobstman, Cortland, 111. Wm. W. Poole, lialamaioo, Mich. Edward U. Proctor. Jefferson, Tex. Chas. E. Redd, Norton, Kan. Elmer M. Rnmalne, Maywood, N, J. Thomas C. Shipps, Ottumwa, Ia. Lee R. Stutler. Toulon. 111. Thos. F Sullivan, New Haven. Conn. Harry J. Thim. Baltimore, Md. Ernest L. Thomas. Suiter. O. Charles A. Wagner, Rudd. Ia. John E. Warner, Olympla, Wash. Bert B. AVhltson. Bloomberg. Tex. Henry M Williams. St. Louis, Mo. John Yarasunas, Scrantou. Pa. Herbert A. Zittinger, Baltimore, Md. Y. "King of tha Italians" Injured in Auto Smash Joseph Salerno, "king of the Ital ians," as he is commonly known in Oniata, was in an accident Sunday afternoon which may prove fatal. Hejeft his home, 723 Pierce street, intending to drive to Kansas City and had gone as far as the vicinity of Randolph, la., when his car up set, jinninc him beneath it, where he lay until found early Monday morning by a former. He was brought to Omaha for medical at tention. His chest was crushed and his head and face badly cut. Physi cians give but little hope for his recovery. Mrs. Martha Lund Loses Gold Watch and Diamond Mrs. Martha Lund, 610 North Twentx-third street, reported to polic the loss of-a lady's gold watch and chain and a small diamond chip ring, which she asserts has been missing for a week. Police believe sneak thieves have taken the jew A Wartime Recipe for Gray Hair Gray, streaked or faded hair can be immediately made black, brown or light brown, whichever shade you desire, by the use of the fol lowing remedy that you can make at home : Merely get a small box of Orlex powder at any drug store. It costs verv little and no extras to buy. Dis solve it in water and comb it through khe hair. Full directions for nhxing and use come in each box. You need not hesitate to use Or lex. as a $100.00 gold bond comes in each box guaranteeing the user that Orlex powder does not contain sil ver, lead, zinc, sulphur, mej-cury, an iline, coal-tar products or their de rivatives. It does not rub "off, is not sticky or gummy and leaves the hair fluffy. It will make' a grtaU haired person look twenty years- younger. Adr. Charles Carl DeClerccr, next of kin, Henry De Clercq, George, Ia. The following casualties are re ported by the Commanding General of the American Expeditionary Forces: Killed in action, 104; miss ing in action, 73; wounded severely, 355; died from wounds, 37. Total, 569. Killed In Action Capt.Leon E. Briggs, 218 W. Uh St., Joplln Mo. Capt. William V. Jones, 183 Johnson Ave., Newark, X. J. 1 Lieut. Fred W. Hummel, 583 R ISth St., X. Portland, Ore. Lieut. Chester H. Plimpton1, 62 E. Swan St., Buffalo, X. Y. Sergt. William Donaghy Bateman, 3021 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. Sergt. Frederick K. Bauer, 331 X. 19th St. Philadelphia, Pa. Sergt. Wm. K. Bowlln, 11 A. Mc pherson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Sergt. Wm. J. Francis, 393 Baltlo St, Brooklyn, X. Y. Sergt Henry L. Kersey, Samson. Ala. Sergt Llnward A. Mann. Dexter. Me. Sergt. Frank Gardella, Jr., 10 Roasevelt St New. York. X. Y. Sergt.' Geo. W. Meet, 1705 N. Dover St. Philadelphia, Pa. , Sergt. Herbert Reese, R. F. D. 1, Unity villa Pa. Sergt. John J. Boggeman 20 Dod worth St Brooklyn, X. Y. v Corp. Henry F. Moulin, Bo 77, Gar field, O. Corp. Frank J. Simon, 104 Terrace Ave. Masslllon, O. Corp. Joe Robinson, Hartshorn, Okl. Corp. Geo. R. Cherrle, 1718 W. 34th St., Chicago, 111. Gets Cornell's Goat; He Complains to the Police S6mebody has "got Cornell's goat." At least, this was the infor mation given to police Monday, by M. H. Cornell, 2715 Vane street who claims that such an animal was taken from the above address, yes terday. Cornell describes his goat as a small grey and white "billy," four months old. WITH FINGERS! CORNSUFT OUT Freezone is magic! Corns and calluses lift right off without pain. Health Bulletin Suggestions to Ward Off Grip and Pneumonia Danger. A few cents buys a tiny bottle of the magic Freezone at any drug store. Apply a few drops of Freez one upon a tender, aching corn or a callus. Instantly that troublesomel corn or callus stops hurting, then shortly you lift it out, root and all, without any pain, soreness or irri tation. These little bottles of Freez one contain just enough to riJ the feet ofevery hard corn, soft corn, corn between the oes and the cal luses on bottom of fedt. So easy! So simple. Why wait? No humbug! Adv. completed her work with the Park Avenue hospital division. Mrsjohn F. Carse Victim of Influenza at Grand Island Grand Island1, Neb., Oct. 2l-(SpeciaI.)-;Mrs. John F. Carse of Grand Island, daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carse, died Thursday of pneumonia. Relatives and friends from Omaha and Council Bluffs, in cluding Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ford, attended the funeral, which was held Sunday morning. Third Victim of Influenza Dies in Ravenna Saturday Ravenna, Neb., Oct. 21. (Special) Influenza took' its third victim from Ravenna today when Dr. W. S. Nichols, a well known veterinary surgeon, died. , Holding Own at Norfolk. Norfolk, Neb., Oct. 21. (Special Telegram.) The influenza epidemic is at a standstill in this county. In Norfolk seven new cases were re ported late Monday evening, bring ing the tl to 49. No new deaths are reported here. Dog Attacks Six People ' Before Officer Kills It A large dog. thought to be mad. terrorized the neighborhood around Fortieth and Hamilton streds, Sun day afternoon, and was finally killed by Officer Ole Knudson after a chase of several blocks. When L. E. Jankowski opened the door of the grocery store of JL E. Jankowski, 1420 Military av- ene, the dog jumped through the Screen biting Jankowski on the hand. It then ran across the street and attacked W. T. Gibbons, lacerating his chest. His next victims were two children of D. E. Shaw. 1418 Hamilton street and at Thirty eighth and Hamilton it attacked two negro boys. Patrolman Knud son trailed the dog to Thirty-fifth and Hamilton streets where he killed "it. The head will be sent to Chicago for examination. Soldier in France Wants Sheriff Clark Re-Elected If Sheriff Mike Clark, has any need for an extn voteto make his plurality an even 50.000 in his race for re-election on November 5, he can count on one at least from far away France. Here's the contents of av postal" card the sheriff received yesterday from f Corp. Homer ("Bum") Russell. Company fc, 341st machine gun battalion, A. E. F., for mer well known street .tar maiiof Omaha: "Dear Friend Mike: . Here isN a French postcard which might be of interest to Jtou. , -"Am sendfhg this along with my vote for you again. HoDe vou eet the iob aeain because Omaha needs . " w- !? 'e tiafetor results. I have devoted rorfre -" . .... v .' j t ". . j man zu years to the exclusive treatment of Rap. a good man on that job. Jure and Perfected the best treatment in existence toda, 1 do not inject peraf- Tell all tV boys, 'hello? CorpJ Cn,r. V K Ui. da.nerou- T) advantages of my treatment are; No tost of time. uvuiki iiuaacu. j o toying up QQ7Z't envy those with good mo heals unsightly eruptions A bad complexion need not cause discouragement, for Resinbi Soap and Rcsinol Ointment are proving daily tnat they heal sick skins, and preserve well ones. They have been used for years to relieve itching, remove pimples, and to overcome roughness and rashes. Help to rid yourself of skin trouble, and keep your complexion attractive hy using Resinol Ointment and Rcsinol Soap. For sala by all druufrta. - Rttiiut Sfavinf Stick thmt frt ioikit Uhtr. Tiyi.'! Established 1894 E1UPYIM I have successful treatment for Rupture with out resorting to a palntui and uncertain surgi cal operation. 1 am the onlyreputable physi cian who will take such eases upon a guarantee Keep away from people who sneeze or cough. Keep in the open air as much as possible. Avoid crowds. Don't let yourself get run-down. People who are weak and whose vi tality is low are the earliest victims. Keep your resisting power at its best by taking a pure food body builder such as Father John's Medi cine, which is a safe preventive of pneumonia. A simple cold is a danger signal. Treat it promptly with Father John's Medicine which has had more than sixty years of success for coughs and colds. v Remember that the genrle laxa tive effect of Father John's Medi cine drives out impurities at the same time its food elements build strength to ward off disease. Guaranteed free from alcohol or dangerous drugs Father John's Medicine is a doctor's prescription. Begin taking it today. N DAVID CASIDY HAS GAINED 26 POUNDS DY TAKING TANLAC Omaha Contractor Invite Those in Doubt to Call Him ; Over the Phone. "My suffering has not only been relieved by Tanlac, but ithas put me in shape to where I have actual ly gained twenty-six pounds," said David Casiday of 1301 Gust street, Omaha, while in the Sherman & Mc Connell drug store recently. Mr. Casiday has been a contracting brick mason in Omaha for the ''past eighteen years and is one of the most widely known men in the city. "My appetite has been poor for a year," he continued, "and I have suffered dreadfully with something like pleurisy in my side and a hurt ing in my back like lumbago. 'My liver and kidneys were also in bad shape and the pains in my back were almost unbearable. I had ter rible headaches and was so dizzy that I could hardly bend over to tie my shoes. I was often in so much misery 'that I could not lift my arms. Many a Wght I sat up, dread ing tq lay down for fear of those awful pains, which were so much worse at night. I managed some how to keep going and superintend my work, but was unable for several weeks to do any work myself. .It was difficult for me- to get around at all. "While in Sherman & McConnell's one day I inquired about Tanlac. I had already lost fifteen pounds in weight and my condition seemed to be gradually getting worse. So I got me some Tanlac with the re sult that my troubles are 11 gone and as I said I have gained twenty six pounds, making me eleven pounds heavier than I was before my health began to fail. Afte taking Tanlac a few days my appe tite picked up, then it wasn't long until I began to feel better and re gain my lost weight and strength. My liver and kidneys are working as well as they ever did now, my stomach is also in good shape and I just feel fine all the time. 1 eat hearty every meal, sleep likea log every night and work hard every day; and never have an ache or a pain. Tanlac is the one medicine I can recommend to everybody be cause I believe it will help them. My phone is Colfax 3177 and I will be glad to tell anyone personally how Tanlac has helped jne." -' ' Tanlac fti sold in Omaha by all Sherman & McConnell Drug Com pany's stores. Harvard Pharmacy and West End Pharmacy under the personal direction of a special Tan lac representative. Also Forrest and Meany Drug Company in South umana ana the leading druggist in . .- .- ............. . c .....uiano oi my BwniCTi are; wo loss or time. .u . . ," . , ., from business; No danger from chloroform, shock and blood poison, and , each Clty a"d town tvUghOUt the . ta hosDjtai. Can or writ . ww. sos e Bid, Omaha. j state oi Nebraska Adv.- . v biMleis Stores Have You Started Your: arktmas Shopping? A very pertinent question, because if you are a good patriot, you will have started it long ere this. Your Government has requested that you get the big bulk of your shopping out of the way before the first of December and You Have Exactly 35 Shopping DysTODo It Iri Don't interrupt the 'Carrying of sup plies and munitiqhs of all kinds to the soldiers the war must be won vand you will help if you do your Christmas Shopping Early. Send Gifts to Soldier Boys Through Our o eas Booth We ha,ve established on the Main Floor, an Over seas Booth, where you may come and place an order for anything you desire fo" send to the soldier boy. I And Our Paris Office Will Buy These Things sending -them direct to theamp where , the boy is, and asking for a receipt, which will come back to you through this store. We have a printed listof appro priate gifts', which may be had forihe , asking. WE RENDER tHIS SERVICE WITHOUT ANY PROFIT WHATSO EVER TO-THIS STORE. Heif;e Are Domestics At Very Low Prices Ve are proving day after day and week in and week out -that we are able to provide you with the best of everything in Domestics, at moderate-ffrices, because we have by far the largest stock and therefore areable to buy them in greater quantities. " Genuine Everett Classic, Red Seal and Amos keag, A. F. C. Dress Gingham; in plaids, , checks, stripe and plain coltrs, 2 to 10-yard lengths, on large bargain square,- OlX ' 'a yard T1C. 36-Inch Percale; light and dark colors; dress, wrapper and shirting styles, plenty of the ' much wanted blue grounds, spe- 9Q cial, yard 36-Inch Bleached Outing Flannel, heavy, warm, fleecy nap ; regular 39c, spe- 70 cial, a yard ... I'C s. 36-Inch Unbleached Sheeting, fine, closely woven, round thread quality, for making sheets and pillow cases, - iqi. special lo?C 36-Inch Cotton Challie, pretty Persian, floral " and conventional designs for comforter coverings, dressing sacques, 22C Mill Remnants, Dress Calico, genuine Simp son's and American brands; light colors, with neat printings, special, a 1 ' ' yard 1&ZC y. Fancy Printed Kimono Flannels, in a big va riety of new patterns' and color combi- 9Qr . " nations, for kimonos, house dresses, etc. C t Basement. Surprising Shoe Sale Fof Men, Women and Children Surprising in its little prices, and so exceptional that we say that these prices will only hold for Tuesday. J1 $1.95 300 Pairs Boys' Shoes, Gun Metal Calf, Blucher cut, half double sole. Sizes Irom 2i2 to 512, an unusual value at this price of 400 Pairs of Youths' Shoes, Gun Metal and Box Calf, extra heavy sole, Button and Blucher cut; made up to give good wear, sizes from di ne 9 to 2 .' v 1.470 300 Pairs Misses Shoes, dull leather, lace or button, leather top or cloth top? plain toe or tip, extra good ttl QC wearing sole, sizes 8 to 2, at 850 Pairs of Boys' and Girls' Felt Slip pers, felt sole;, good fitting slippers; black, tan and brown; all sizes from children's size of 5 up to misses" IQ 3ize of 2, Tuesday only, pair Men and Women's House Slippers, come in velvet and straw, any size from 4 up to size 12. Only 600 pairs of these OQ splendid values, per pair T n Basement. ' ( 'si lr.l I.? 1 1 1 1