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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1918)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1918. BRUGES PEOPLE WILD WITH JOY AS LIBERATED Only American Woman There Did Not Know the Yankees Were Fighting on West Front. London,' Oct 21. Scenes of hap piness in Bruges eclipsed those at Lille after the liberation of the two cities, according to the correspon dent of the Daily Mail. During the occupation of Bruges by the Germans the people there were not allowed to receive' news from the outer world unless the news was handled by the German officers. The correspondent writes: "When the only American wo man left in Bruges was told of the deeds of Americans in France she cried with happiness: 'Oh, if I had only known that.'" Bruges was fined enormous sums on various occasions, the corre spondent says and everything made it metal taken away. Searched for Copper. The city was searched four times , for copper. The works at Bruges were robbed of every scrao of ma chinery. The town itself is intact. Most of the pictures remain in the gallery and Bruges seems to be as restful as in the old days except that al the bridges are gone. With the British Army in France, Oct. 20. (By Associated Press.) . -Roubaix and Turcoing today celebrated their deliverance from the enemy. The people of the two cities were vild with emotional jov. There , were kisses, hugs and handshakes for every British soldier. There was jood reason for Roubaix and Tur coinjar to celebrate. The swash buckling Germans had gone, leav ing in their wake as much ruin as they could do. Nearly every home In the city had been sacked and ; things that could not be carried ; sway were destroyed. Homes Are Wrecked. Piqued at being forced to leave " the towns the Germans went to ex ; treme lengths to defile, destroy and steal. Roubaix and Turcoing were systematically burglarized. In Rou baix the Germans cut fine leather j seats from chairs, ripped pictures 1 from their frames, and even took v the cloth coverings of mattresses. I Apparently they went through the fine old homes of the city with '' the idea of seeing how thoroughly. they could wreck the interiors. In many places they deliberately broke j everything they could lay their hands on. For miles around Roubaix and Turcoing the countryside has been singed and scorched by the red heat of war. Broken cannon, rusted rifles, pieces of shell, barbed ' ..wire and the bayonets nd . other equipment of soldiers are scattered , all about. There are miles of man gled fields where the shell craters are so thick that it is impossible to tell where one begins and the other leaves off. Here and there : arc old machine gun mounds of stone, concrete and dirt. The trees are leafless and many have been chewed to pieces by flying shells and bullets. Belgians' Partial Bill Against Huns Now $1,692,252,000 t. London. Oct. 21. Some of the items which figure on Germany's bill in Belgium are, given as follows from an official Belgian source: V Local. contributions and fines lev i ied by Germany on Belgium in 1914, , 8,000,000. ' War contributions from Novem ber, 1914, to October, 1916, 38, . 400,000. War contributions, seven months, : to May, 1917, 14,000,000. War contributions from May, . 1917, to May, 1918, 28,800,000. War contributions from June to October of the current year, 15, 000.000. Raw materials and machinery tak ' en by the Germans were reckoned by them in January, 1915, at 80, 000,000. The damage to December, 1914, estimated by the North Ger man Gazette amounted to 200, 000,000. -This makes a grand total of 384.200.000, or, in round num bers. $1,692,252,000. These items do not include ma . terial destruction and requisitions since January, 1915, which alone must be reckoned at several hun dred million pounds. During the winter of 1916 Belgian workingmen to the number of 1, 750,000 were deported to Germany. The future production of these men - was thus totally lost to their coun try. Turkish Newspapers Want Separate Peace With Allied Nations Amsterdam, Oct. 21. The cor respondent at Constantinople of the Weser Zeitung of Bremen, says that it must be admitted public opinion for some time past favored a separ ate oeact for Turkey. This view underwent a change as a result of Prince Maximilian s speech in the reichstag.Nvhich also strengthened the position of the party of union and progress. Proposals are now being dis cussed, the correspondent continues. . for a reformation in Turkey, accord ing to which Constantinople would . become a free port and the fortifi cations of the Dardanelles disman- tied, on condition that the powers guaranteed the continuance of Con stantinople as the capital of Tur key. It is further proposed to grant autonomy to Arabia, Syria, Armenia and the Jewish zone in Palestine. Influential Turkish newspapers continue to advocate a separate peace, with the entente. Y 1 . A Heopitlvs dter t'lnfmsa'V Hor ek' kUUUd MU, VsfJT Jtm, .::; CALL HUN REPLY AWKWARD MOVE ' (Continued From Faff Ow.) der they are prepared to give if pushed to the wall It is assumed also that they want to pKpare grad ually the German public for a re" alization of what has happened to their military machine and the war lords' dream of power so as to avoid a complete collapse of government. : Diplomatic observer. point out that the president is at liberty, with perfect consistency, to make no re sponse at this time but to await de velopments; to await the perform ance of the promises of the Ger mans not to torpedo passenger ships, their implied promise to work no more destruction during the re treat from Belgium and France than military necessity requires, and fi nally to await further development of the political leaven that evident ly is working toward the complete overthrow of military and autocraf ic power in the empire. Hostilities Not Over. No one believes that an immedi ate cessation of "hostilities is in sight The opinion most generally held is that if Mr. Wilson decides to make a reply.and if the entente governments agree, the only step nnsih1e at this time would be to sanction arrangements to be dicta ted by General Foch in tne neia tor withdrawal of the Germans without further fighting. ' Such arrange ments, of course, would be contin gent upon guaranties of continued supremacy of the victorious allied armiesrand consequently virtually would mean surrender tor tne Ger mans. . . The official view here so tar nas been that evacuation of invaded ter ritory must be completed before there can be an armistice. Should President Wilson, after consultation with the allies, adhere to the view, the work of driving the Germans to and across their own borders would proceed and the opportunity for fix ing details which the new note sug gests "be brought about" would come only through a request from the Gerlnan lines under a white flag from the battlefield.- Denials Unimportant. Little imoortance is attached to the protests and denials in the note regarding German brutality and ruthless destruction of property. The important thing is whether atrocities now stop. As to an in vestigation by a neutral commis sion, as suggested in the note, the president indicated long ago that such investigations come to noth ing except in connection with ar rangements for final peace. Regarding the Uerman aeniai oi unnecessary destruction of prop erty by the retiring armies, military experts say that undoubtedly sucn armies are authorized under inter national law to work terrible havoc in evacuated territory. But there is one prime condition to be met all of this must be done with the sole purpose of damaging and retarding the . pursuing .army; Bridges may be destroyed, stores ot food burned and. even, buildings which might shelter enemy troops. But it is not permitted to poison wells, to destroy fruit trees or to loo5t and destroy private property which would be of no . use, to either army, or, in fact, to commit any of the acts of wanton deviltry which are charged against the' German armies. ' ' Senate Would Stop Notes Senator Poindexter of Washing ton, republican, introduced a joint resolution today proposing that congress forbid further negotiations by the United States with Germany looking to the granting of an armis tice or peace until the German mili-1 tary forces have surrendered un conditionally. It was : referred to the foreign relations committee. The resolution further calls for the prosecution of the war with the utmost vigor and the occupation and control by the allies ' of such Ger man territory as can be obtained by our military forces until peace ne gotiations have been concluded. It would declare it unlawful for any of ficial of the American government to answer in any way, note, mes sage or representation from ' the uermaa government or the Uerman people or from any official repre senting or purporting to represent them on the subject of peace or an armistice until the German armed forces shall have surrendered. t Doesn't Look for Armistice. Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska, chairman of the senate foreign rela tions committee, said tonight that while the German government ap parently has accepted all the require ments laid down by President Wil son, he did not believe he reply would lead to an immediate arrmis tice. Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, the republican leader, and other sen ators, reserved comment until the official text of the reply is received. "The note appears," said Senator Hitchcock, "to be an acceptance of the president's stipulations. In my judgment, however, it will not lead to an armistice immediately. I think the military authorities will make conditions so hard that Germany will hesitate to accept them, and that this will lead to a delay in ne gotiations over an armistice. In the meanwhile the war will go on. "As far as the change in the Ger man constitution is concerned, the presidents demands have apparently been met, although Germany avoids stating that it was done, at the presi dent's request and seeks to give the impression that it was done upon the demands of the German peo ple." - . Held on Desertion Charge. Private Floyd Stratton felt the lure of the road, and didn't think he was doing the kaiser much harm by sttying at Fort Sill Ok!., anyway, so he came to Omaha, wheat he was picked up by military police Monday night He was lodged at the city jail. . Police believe after one night there, he will be glad to go back to Oklahoma. . Famous Lawyer Dies. Alameda, CaL, Oct 2L Wesley N. Hohfeld, the Charles S. South mayd professor of law at Yale uni versity, died here today oh influ FIGHTING HUNS GIVE GROUND ON BIG FRONT (Continued From Fac On.) great drive for the reoccupation by the allies of the Belgian coast. I he city of Ghent, an objective which the allies have always had in mind, is yet seven miles away. Probably it will be outflanked trom tne norm before it is taken. Allied troops al ready have made considerable prog ress With this end in view. Having cleared the Germans out of western Belgium, the allied forces are standing on a line trom tne Dutch frontier to the Oise canal that is virtually straight. A new movement has begun to the east of Courtrai, the object of which is to free the! northern section of Bel gium from the; enemy, rencn troops have reached the Danube river in the region of Vidin after offensive operations in the eastern theater of the war lasting more than a irrbnth. Manifesto Soon. The economic independence of Hungary is to be proclaimed at an early date in a manifesto which is reported will be issued by Emperor Charles. Hungary will be permitted to maintain her own army and her own diplomatic corps. British Headquarters in France, Oct. 21. (Reuter's.) It is the gen eral impression that the resistance of th enemv everywhere is stiffen ing. Apparently the rapidity of the British drive in Flanders and north' em France has caused the enemy to realize that the allied forces are ap proaching the fatherland at a rate that, if not checl.ed, might before kng, find the long range guns pitch ing shells across the Rhine. There fore, the enemy is pulling himself together with a view to delaying to the utmost the allied advance. Heavy Rain Falls. In heavv fighting, which proceeded throughout the night Aid continued today in a heavy rain, the Germans everywhere were driven still further eastward. In Belgium the allies are three miles from becloo, and in tne whole vast stretch between Courtrai and the Dutch border the British, French and Belgians are pushing the Germans before them, closing in to ward Ghent, from which they are now less than seven miles. In the center of the battle area the British are on the west bank of the Scheldt for more than 10 miles, north of Toutnai, in front, of which city the Germans are resisting stub bornly with machine guns. Frontally the British have reached positions less than four miles from Valen ciennes. Northwest of Valenciennes they have entered the great Vi-coigto-Raismet forest. In the re gion northwest of Lille, the British are pushing out in the general direc tion of LeQuesnoy, fighting every foot of the way. The Germans here and there in Belgium have held out strongly in enormous concrete forts, from which the juns had been removed. These forts were used by German machine gunners and in some cases it required shells from heavy guns to crack them. More prisoners have been cap tured, the third armv taking over 2,500 yesterday. Three German Planes Downed by American Flyer in Single Day With the American Army North west of Verdun, Oct. "21. Three German airplanes were brought down, on Friday by Lt. Cleveland McDermott of Syracuse, N. Y. This was disclosed by further details re ceived today of the exploit of this airman, who previously was reported to have bjrought down one Fokker on that day. This increases to 18 the number of German, machines destroyed- on Friday t by Lieutenant McDermott and the other American aviators, who were protecting the planes en gaged in the all-American bombing raid. After bringing down his first op ponent the lieutenant was attacked by five Fokkers. He maneuvered toward the American lines, fighting all the time and sending down one of the Germans. Just before his ma chine was downed near Bneulles he winged the third German. This places a total of four enemy ma- cnines to the credit ot the lieu tenant Denmark Asks Germany to Respect Two Treaties Amsterdam. Oct 21 Donmart- according to news agency telegrams to the Dutch oress ha spnt a nnfi. to Germfmy suggesting that certain terms ot the treaties executed be tween the two countries in the period from 1860 to 1870 should be carried out. The Vaderland points out that Article V of the treaty of 1864 which ceded the dukedomes of Schleswig Holstein and Laiienhnrc tn Pntccia provided for a plebiscite in Schles- wig to decide wnetner the inhabi tants would prefer allegiance to Ger many or to Denmark. This proviT sion, it is declared, never has been carried out. The Weather , Comparative Local Record. Highest yesterday 71 68 67 75 Lowest yesterday 52 . 11 26 47 Mean temperature. ... .SI it 41 61 Precipitation ........00 .00 .00 .00 Temperature and precipitation depart ures from the normal: Normal temperature ti Excess tor the day 10 Total excess since March 1 821 Normal precipitation 0.07 Inch Deficiency for the day., 0.07 Inch Total rainfall since March 1.. 11.31 Inches Deficiency since March .13. IS Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1917 6.75 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 'II 11.63 Inch ' ' sW ports From Stations at 1 P. M. Station and Stat Temp. High- Rain of Weather. i . 1p.m. eat. fall Cheyenne, raining...... 44 St .04 Davenport, clear .It CI '.00 Denver, part cloudy... 10 61 ' .01 Dodge City, cloudy..., -6S CS .21 Lander, clear .64 68 .0t North Platte, clear.... Ig 64 .03 Omaha, cloudy 44 71 . .40 Pueblo,-clear 64 70 .01 Rapid City, cloudy 63 " 68 ' .00 Santa Fe, part cloudy 44 It .(6 Rheridan, part cloudy.. 64 '. 7 .00 Sioux City, cloudy 14 7t .ot Valentine, part cloudy II 63 r- -.11 '"! I JL WELSH, Meteorologist. Press Comment On German Note Chicago-Tribune: From the Ger man response it is apparent that the ruling powers at Berlin now look complete defeat in the face. There is but one mind in America on this war, that it shall go on to victory, to the utter destruction of Prussian militarism and to the establishment of peace founded on its ashes. Des Moines Register: If the Ger man government were different than it is, and the purpose of Germany in the war had been different, the note would lead to an immediate cessa tion of hostillities. As it is, we may doubt whether the president will consent1 to continue the correspond ence. Baltimore American: There is nothing in this note actually to pro mote peace; the evident disposition of the German authorities is to give way step by step as they are forced so to do. The United States and its allies haVe yet before them to follow out the prescription of force and with&ut stint and limit. This will be followed until Germany has been brought to a full concession of ally and American demands. Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution: The latest German note to President Wilson is involved and ambiguous. Now, let us refer all further communications from Germany to General Foch for his attention. If we are to have peace it will come that way. New York Times: The terms of peace will be just to the rest of the world, however, harsh uertnany and the German people may deem them to be. It remains for them not to choose the terms, but to accept whatever terms may be imposed. The -armies of . Marshal Foch will give them no respite until they come to that conclusion. New York Tribune: They have maneuvered for an armistice which would save their precious father land from an invasion and lead to a peace conference based upon Mr. Wilson's conditions, which provide for Germany's restoration to free seas and free trade and omit to men tion moral punishment or repara tion. If that is what the American people have been fighting for, let them hold their peace, if not, then now is the time to speak. New York Sun: The great fact that stands forth in the last note of "the present German govern ment is the swift progress of that government in the direction of un conditional surrender The apparent intent is to bring the people to a state of mind which shall realize and ac cept the defeat now inevitable, with out turning upon the dynasty pri marily responsible for the national disaster. Philadelphia Public Ledger: The general feeling will be that he must be trusted to answer this last hu- mination from Berlin without any pressure of uninformed public opinion upon him, one way or the other. Washington Post: The communi cation is nothing else than an ef fort to obtain relief for the Ger man army by uttering a series of falsehoods and false promises to President Wilson. There should be only one answer hereafter to anything that Geranmy may say: 'Surrender to Foch.' New York Herald: Today as on the heels of the American note of October 8, the demand of the Am erican people will be no armistice, no negotiatnons, no discussions, no peace until there is open admission of defeat by whatever government Germany may have, and no thought of peace until the German armies have surrendered unconditionally. On with the war We have just begun to fight. New York German Herold: An examination of the wireless ver sion, seems to show that there is at least some endeavor on the port of Germany to 'fulfill the basic con ditions as enunciated by Mr. Wil son We trust the German rulers are, at last, inclined to let reason rule and see things as they are. Boston Globe: The ink and paper of the German reply to President Wilson are new; but it is the same old handwriting. Item by item, the note reveals its insincerity. New York World: Germany is not yet ready to admit its defeat and accept the terms which it begins to fear are to be imposed by its tri umphant adversaries. When it pres ently recognizes that it cannot win in the field and that all its strate- gems elsewhere do not involve its adversaries in jealousies and dis putes, it will yield, as many another nation as proud if not as powerful has had to yield. Chicago Herald-Examiner: Ger many's latest communication to President Wilson, as reported from London, is characteristically indefi nite. It is far from a surrender. If the London text is authentic, it would be a safe bet that the war is still on. Los Angeles Times: Two things have apparently been achieved; the U-boat atrocities have been stopped and kaiserism has been put out of business. Now let us submit armis tice questions to the supreme war council. St Louis Globe-Democrat: What ever the German note means, it is wholly unsatisfactorily and wholly hypocritical. It does not come to the point. It is a mere beating about the bush to gain time, to save the Germatj face. 1 Kansas City Times: Germany is beaten: fundamentally beaten. She might fight on for months. . But her doom Is written in the only lan guage she understands the lan guage of arms, xxx The only possi ble peace is the peace of uncondi tional surrender. The sooner Ger many is given to understand this the better. . Boston Herald: We hope the president will break off these ne gotiations by proclaiming at once the keynote of the situation. ' This keynote is unconditional surrender. AMERICAN NAVY WORKSWONDERS IN FOREIGN SEAS Details Given to Public by As sistant Secretary Roose velt; Mine Barrage One Accomplishment. By Associated Press. Washington, D. C, Oct. 21. Construction of the North sea mine barrage against submarines, agree ment to lay an oil pipe line across Scotland, establishment of naval aviation stations from the Spanish I border to the English channel, and other details of the work of the American navy in foreign waters were given to the public today by Assistant Secretary Roosevelt, who recently returned from a visit to Europe. "The American people seem to have very little idea of the extent of our naval activities abroad," said Secretary Roosevelt. "The tendency is to think merely of the convoying and patrol work our destroyers and other vessels are doing and the presence of our battleships with the British fleet. But important as this is it is only a part of our activities and there are dozens of other things of importance of which little has been said." "The building of the northern mine barrage was one of the biggest things ever accomplished in ord nance work," Mr. Roosevelt said. "In turning out material for it, a number of plants in this country were kept busy for months. Several American bases were established on the British coast to lay and handle the mines. "To save haulage of oil, the Am erican navy has undertaken to con struct a pipe line across Scotland. "All the way from the Spanish border clear around to the English channel," said Mr. Roosevelt, "we have established aviation stations so spaced that the entire coast line is covered by seaplanes and dirigibles. These stations were built almost en tirely by our sailors. At each sta tion there is an average of from 200 to 300 men. This aviation force and our patrol vessels have been doing such splendid work that for the past six months there have been prac tically no sinkings within 50 miles of the French coast. We hope to extend this patrol zone to a 100 miles." In northern France, in co-operation with the British and Belgians, Secretary Roosevelt said there had been established what is known as the northern bombing group, com posed of a number of aviation units which did much to prevent the Ger mans from against using Zeebrugge and Ostend as submarine bases. Navy in Italy. . An American naval force co-operating with the British at Gibraltar is patrolling the Atlantic in that vicinity and is acting as convoy to vessels going to and from Italy, Greece and Egypt. There is a fly ing school with several naval avia tion units on duty in Italy while in the Adriatic is a large group of sub marine chasers. Each naval base has its hospital, Secretary Roosevelt said, and in Scotland an entire watering place has been taken over by the Amer icans for use as a hospital. Conditions have vastly improved from what they were . last year," said the secretary, in referring to the submarine menace, "but we cannot afford to let uo in our activities for one single second. In regard to the respect which U-boats have shown for international law, you nave out to ask any officer or man in our own or in the British or French navies. They will tell you of, and prove to you, great numbers ot actual cases where the Hun has violated every rule and principle of humanity." Emperor to Proclaim the Independence of Hungary to People Amsterdam. Oct. 21. Emperor Charles will shortly issue a mani festo the Hungarian people an nouncing the independence of Hun gary, according to the Budapest cor respondent of the Khenish west- phalian Gazette. Hungary, the manifesto will say, is to have independence and will maintain its own army and its own diplomatic corps. ' When the morpinricup is unsatisfactory suppose you make a change from the old-time bevera $3 to the snappy cereal drink POSTUM You'll be surprised at its cheering, satis 'fying qualities and delightful flavor. It's all health no caffeine. Try a Tin Huns Hurl Reserves Against Americans in ' Fighting Near Verdun Washington, Oct. 21. Germany is drawing heavily upon other parts of the western front for reinforcements to check the Americans north of Verdun. General Pershing's com munique for Sunday says during the heavy fighting of the past week a constantly ' increasing number of German divisions have been brought up and are bitterly contesting every foot of ground. . Many Dainties Gathered - By Girls With Baby Buggy Little Janet Jefferies . and Lois Finck were the heroines of Hans scom park last Saturday. In re sponse to an appeal by Mrs. Frank Hamilton that the women of the neighborhood make contributions toward the relief of sufferers from in fluenza, these little girls went forth with a baby buggy to gather dainties for the sick, and so generously did the people respond that they were kept busy a good portion of the day. There were fruits, canned and fresh, tomatoes, jellies, jams, soups and puddings of all sorts among the gifts, and the little ones were happy in their work, to say nothing of those who gave and those who received. Soviets Punish Relatives Of Men Who Are Deserters Washington, Oct 21. Reports from Russia reaching the State de partment tell of a large number of desertions from the ranks of the bolshevik! and hint at reprisals to be taken by bolshevik leadera poi tb families of these men. Aa order. I sued by Trotzky warns ' command ders of the large numbeT of desefj tions and Instructed them to lend to headquarters lilts of. the name! of the deserters with any inform tion regarding their relative. General Edouard Jamont, French Veteran, Dies at 85 Paris, Oct 21. (Havas.) The death of Gen. Edouard Fernand Ja mont was announced Sunday. General Jamont was born in 1831, After graduation from the military college in 1852 he entered the ar tillery and fought in campaigns in the Crimea, in Italy, China and Mexico. In 1893 General Jamont was appointed a member of the su perior war council. He was retired in 1900. ASK FOR and GET IHorlicEt's The Original WaSted Milk For Infant and Invalids OTHERS arc IMITATIONS Hygienically Clean Rugs Do Not Invite "Flu" Germs. Better have us clean every rug you have and you'll breathe easier at least. We have always said that soiled, dirt-laden rugs carry disease germs and we be lieve it now more than ever. Phone Tyler 345. DRESNER BROTHERS Dyers Dry Cleaners. 2211-17 Farnam St., Omh. IKompsort-Belcleiv &(h The Fashion Qeziier &r Womai Trimmed Hats for $7.50 A Very Wonderful Sale Tuesday One hundred hats have been selected from our regular stock for this $7.50 sale. Every hat is new and can be worn throughout the entire winter. In fact, many have been in the depart ment but a few days. For real values, smart styles and for extensive variety these are exceptional. Latest materials in win ter shades, including the much favored beavers and silk velvets. Numer ous models from Fiske, Jane Marsh and Cecile. Values are self-evident. These have sold up to $25. Tuesday $7.50 LaGrecque Corsets The woman who wears La Grecque is, above all else, comfortable. She carries herself erect, her figure is correctly cor seted to set off properly every costume. Regard less of the price paid, every La Grecque model is satisfactory. From $1.75 a Pair Upwards. Bath Mats $2.75 Washable Turkish bath mats in richly contrasting colors of blue, jvhite . and tan. Tuesday $2.75. ' In the Linen Section Gifts for Men In the Service Khaki and Navy colored handkerchiefs of cotton, linen and silk. Money belts, cigar ette cases, mufflers, scarfs, handkerchief cases, regulation black four-in-hands, gloves both lined and unlined styles, in kid, cloth and silk, army stocks. A large stock of wool hose in various weights and qualities as well as heavy cot ton hose. The Men's Shop To the Left at You Enter Childrens' Hose Ribbed cotton, black or white, 29cj large sizes, 35c H Pony hose of lisle, cot ton, fibre, silk lisle. All qualities in white, black J and brown. If Junior hose In white or . black, 75c and $1. ; M B An Electric Sewing Machine No larger than a grip and as easy to carry about Sew the modern, easy way with an Electric Sewing Machine. Devote your time and attention to the stitches not to the weary push-push of the treadle. Portable Sewing Convenience is offered you at small cost in the possession of a Portable Electric Sewing Machine. You can sew in bedroom, library or kitchen wherever you wish by simply putting the plug in the Electric Light socket. The Portable model illustrated is priced at $39.00 on time payments. See Them in Our Electric Shop. a NEBRASKA PCT'ER CO. "Your Electric Service Co. 4 f 3C "0 e